"Lost" What They Died For (TV Episode 2010) Poster

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All season 6 hyper creative elements in one cookie jar
igoatabase19 May 2010
Let's pretend Across the Sea never happened. It's what I told myself before watching this installment even if I have tremendous respect for its writers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof. The only thing I wanted was a direct sequel to The Candidate and it's exactly What They Died For was.

First all mind blowing elements from past episodes were back, from the synchronized editing to the dual connections. Second all characters were featured and the format was as heavy as in The Last Recruit. Following Desmond whereabouts was just fascinating and Henry Ian Cusick's performance was excellent. I wished for no more featured character and they delivered, again. As for the story it was intense and unpredictable. As expected, because of the upcoming finale, all arcs collided to unveil what The End will be about. An other thing I enjoyed was the well balanced pace because for once it wasn't too short and in fact it nearly felt like a longer episode when it wasn't. I suppose so many events happened that there was just the perfect amount of creativity to appeal the audience.

Last but not least The Candidate's destiny was linked to the Across the Sea story so it should make more sense for the people who hated it. I did and it didn't change my mind about it but if I had to rated it again I would probably change my 3 out of 10 to a 4, or a 2. Viewers are wicked ! But even if Lindelof and Cuse didn't write the best season 6 episodes let's not forget that they always succeeded to deliver captivating finales. And considering their The Constant is my all time favorite episode I have no doubt that The End will be the finale Lost deserves. Heaven or hell ? Stay tuned
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Jack finds long-term employment!
gridoon202419 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of stuff happens in "What They Died For", and it certainly moves the stories forward, and it was nice to see Mira Furlan (Danielle) back and more charming than ever, but in the long run I think this episode is destined to be remembered as a solid set-up for the finale (much like "Cabin Fever" or "Follow The Leader"), rather than as a landmark episode that can stand on its own (like "Greatest Hits"). The problem with introducing such complex mythology as "Lost" has done throughout the years is that it often leads the writers to tight spots, so they re-write "the rules" to allow them to get out of those spots: (spoilers follow) it was stated in "The Shape of Things to Come" that Ben cannot kill Widmore - here he does it with no problems; Hurley had the special gift to be able to see and hear Jacob - here Jack, Kate and Sawyer can do all that, too; and so on. Also, when we last saw Hurley in the alternate timeline, he just barely got a glimpse of the original timeline after kissing Libby, and now he's a full-on partner to Desmond in their mission to....I'm not sure, make them all conscious of the other universe? Speaking of Desmond, he is probably the best part of this episode, as Henry Ian Cusick embraces his new, more twisted role with a smirk and gives us a fresh take on the character. Of course the most iconic part of the episode is the encounter between Jacob and the four remaining candidates, completing Jack's transformation into a "man of faith", as he accepts an assignment that he knows virtually nothing about, solely on the word of the person who, let's not forget, is indirectly responsible for countless deaths, including those of his closest friends. "I didn't pluck any of you out of a happy existence", is Jacob's excuse for messing with their lives. I guess he never thought, or cared, that some people prefer being unhappy to being dead. Anyway, "Lost" really needs a spectacular finale now, because season 6 has only had one classic episode so far, and that's "Ab Aeterno". *** out of 4.
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Why they died for ?
ladagol21 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well I did not comment on across the sea episode but I felt that all the criticism given to that episode was exaggerated. Yes, its not energetic, but provides the necessary link for the history to continue. Additionaly provides important clarifications regarding Jacob/MIB story that are now out of the way and provided a good back up for this week's episode.

Regarding this episode... personally I liked the coming together outside the island but the action in the island seemed a bit dry. Yes Ben kills Widmore and you are not sure if he is stopping him from telling Flocke about Desmond, or applying vengeance, but it is not one of the best Ben moments and the conversation between Jacob and the candidates disclosed very little, when you would expect them to be very curious about a lot of things. Maybe with the pace of the action I may have missed something but the hole Jacob/candidates scene appear to lack energy and you are not able to perceive the emotional state of Jack when accepting a task which has so strong repercussions in his life.

I hope they choose to disclose much more in the final double episode, and in the past they have shown us that they can deliver in these circumstances, but they could have used this episode to clarify much more of the significance of the island than they did and use the final episode for other stuff.

Overall still a good episode ... and who do you think Jack's ex-wife is?
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At last a good episode
kastri_gr23 May 2010
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Despite last disappointing episode this one is really fabulous.There are no more questions and some were answered.Well as we all have imagined Jack will be the new Jacob and take the job to protect the light(heart) of the island and stop the smoke monster from leaving the island.Although we do not know the name of Smoke monster we suppose that because it is evil then maybe there are many names to be given.I cannot wait till the series finale on Sunday as we hope it will be excellent.I do not expect answers but i wish they could explain the alternative universe and how it connects with the present of the island.I hope we can see old faces like Ana Lucia as a cop but different like Walt,Shannon,Boone,Daniel and many others.
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Great episode....only a few things I don't understand?
eyeisnoobfest19 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode which redeemed itself after the trauma of "Across the Sea". Excellent alter universe storyline coming together and great Jacob and losties interaction. The final scene with jacob and jack is brilliant. The one problem for me though is what does the MIB want (do the writers even know???) Does he want the light at the centre of the island or does he want to leave? If he wants the light then yes I understand that Jacob needs a replacement to stand in his stead. But I thought, and correct me if i'm mistaken, the people were brought to the island as a test of humanity, corruption and human nature to sin; not to find a replacement for Jacob. So is he doing it to prove MIB wrong or to find a replacement. I think the writers have lost there way somewhat with the story despite claiming they knew where they were going from the start. I would love to think lost is a carefully crafted masterplan from start to finish but really its bumbling from week to week with writers that have very little vision.
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The beginning of the end
TheLittleSongbird1 November 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

Not that Season 6 was a bad season. It did boast excellent episodes such as "Sundown", "Dr Linus", "Happily Ever After", "The Last Recruit", "The Candidate" and the season's high point "Ab Aeterno" too. Most episodes were actually solid to very good. Just not quite classic 'Lost' standard with the previous five seasons were a little more consistent in the high quality stakes and a higher number of great and more episodes. The season did have the largest number of disappointing episodes compared to the previous five seasons, "The Package", "Lighthouse" and "What Kate Does" could have been better than they were though they weren't misfires. That all changed with the previous episode "Across the Sea", one of my bottom 3 'Lost' episodes along with "Stranger in a Strange Land" and "Fire + Water", was mixed too on "Expose".

It was such a big relief that "What They Died For" was a big improvement on every level. Not one of the very best episodes of Season 6, though in the better half, and not amazing. It is very good though and works well as a set up for the finale.

Do think that the alternate universe storyline is a little more compelling than the island events. The island events still gripped, but there are more questions raised than answers.

Along with a few inconsistencies like the with Ben and Widmore mentioned elsewhere and parts resolved a bit too easily and generically, Widmore's defeat should have been much bigger and more tense than it was considering how interesting and repellent a character he was.

However, "What They Died For" boasts some typically beautifully stylish and atmospheric visuals with much better editing than in "Across the Sea". The music is chilling and understated, while the writing is a return to the taut and smart writing of 'Lost' on form. The same can be said for the direction, which never misses a beat and allows breathing space than needed. There is forward momentum and story progression and character development has certainly not gone backwards.

Loved the alternate storyline and Desmond plays a fascinating role, have always liked the character and his material here is some of his meatiest. All the performances are top-notch, with Henry Ian Cusick is particularly excellent. "What They Died For" has a great mix of funny moments, poignant moments, shocking moments and suspenseful moments, the tonal shifts never jarring for an episode that kept changing in tone as it progressed, while although things are still vague there is a sense that things are starting to come together.

Summarising, very good. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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great set-up for the series finale!
lorddnarbsy19 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping that this episode would redeem for the somewhat disappointing episode "Across the Sea". And fortunately it did!! I thought that this episode was a logical follow-up because we see jack undergo the same ritual as Jacob did all those years ago. I think my favorite part was seeing the alternate universe coming together piece by piece. Henry Ian Cusick gave as usual a great performance as Desmond Hume. It's also notable that Lost has made a habit out of killing off major characters in the past episodes and this episode is no different. This time it was Widmore's turn to go and I thought it was somewhat disappointing the way he died.(In Lost they almost always die the same way: with a gun, blowing up, drowning in sea) I still hope the writers will solve the unresolved questions around him (for example why he sent the ship of mercenary's to the island to kill everybody in season 4) It makes me curious how the writers will end the story of Ben Linus though. Personally I don't think he will obey the orders of MIB and only did it in this episode so he could avenge his daughter Alex. Anyway make sure you don't miss this episode. The last minute of the episode alone makes it all worthwhile. It's a great set-up for the series finale! Can't wait to see it!!
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What They Died For
maverick_2319 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, I would like to say I am as die-hard a fan of the series you'll come across, but the way the writers are building up for the series finale...leaves a lot to wish for. This particular episode, like the last couple of ones are oh so interesting only because of the alternate time-line and very disappointingly, the story on the island itself is very VERY flat. Finally, the remaining candidates come face to face with Jacob and not an iota of surprise is reflected on their faces. Agreed, Jacob 'touched' Sawyer and Kate when they were only kids, but Jack? and a moment which probably all Lost fans were waiting (and if not, at least expecting) for..Jack gets up like he always does and makes a bald statement "I'll do it.". I mean, thats it?and then Jacob asks him to drink the water while chanting something and then smirks and says "You're like me now."? WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??

apart from this, the way Richard was handled...and Whidmore...its a crying shame because all of this points out to the little warning signals that the writers are at a loss as to how they want to finish the show up.

Leaving all this aside, i still have faith in the writers. I will continue to have it till the last second of THE final episode and I pray to god that the show doesn't end as a mockery for all that it stood for - An intelligent drama which tested its viewers and posed all the questions and expected its viewers to keep faith and kept the faith in the viewers too..as to their intelligence. but now the time has come to repay the faith and they have to do it in the final episode.

for me, it'll be an end to one of the most legendary shows of all time..but they NEED to finish it right. IMO, all the questions and all the mysteries will never be solved but the writers NEED to answer the following questions:

Q. What is the wheel and how does it work? Q. What was Charles Whidmore plans for the island..while he was on it and after he left - what is his connection to the place? Q. Why cant women give birth to the island? Q. What was the Dharma Initiative and consequently, what did they do? Q. What does Jacob mean when he says 'You're like me now'?Is jack now immortal?will he not age?will he be like son of god - capable of almost everything except messing around with free will? Q. What is the meaning of the whole time and space relativity on the island? Q. What is the light in the heart of the island and its connection to the rest of the world and the MIB?

These questions..are REAL questions as to the whole existence of the show since the last three seasons and the viewers deserve them to be answered. i suspect that the Dharma initiative question will be answered by explaining the phenomenon of the electromagnetic radiations, but i don't want the writers to slap answers on the viewers faces..but expect them to unfold them with magic...how they have been handling the show until the middle of the current season...and now it seems that the writers themselves are....Lost.

Inspite of my fears and reservations..i do have faith in the show and really do hope that the faith is repaid, but i also must say that after watching the last two episodes..i am really bracing myself.

All in all..this is my first review for any episode of Lost...and its a testimony to the fact that i love the show and the creators and even if the series finale turns out to be a damp squib (which i don't expect it to be),even then i'll take my hat off to the guys behind and in the show and i will say 'Take a bow'. I just hope that i don't say it with a sense of despair.
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Inconsistent Story lines makes some episodes seem forced.
neilkale19 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me comment on the episode itself before I talk about this season. For such an important episode it failed to deliver on many levels. The moment that the candidates finally meet Jacob was something I have been looking forward to. Unfortunately, this was perhaps one of the worst scenes in the history of the show. The candidates looked like they didn't really care about Jacob or about anything. I don't know if this was just bad acting/ bad script or maybe a little of both. None of them looked excited or surprised or even had any questions worth while. Overall this scene was far too short and meaningless.

The scenes with Widmores, Miles, Richard, Ben and the others meeting at Ben's old house seemed forced as well. It was almost like they were thinking "let's get all the side characters into one place and kill them off we don't need them anymore." This is obviously something they have been doing since the show started, but at least they were more creative about it before.

The only bright spot of this episode, and the entire season has been the "alternate universe" that Desmond is in. I am very interested in seeing how this is explained and relates to the "current time/place" on the island.
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Is It Possible to Explain Everything in the Last Episode?
claudio_carvalho23 April 2013
In the island, Ben brings Miles and Richard to his secret room to get the C4 explosives to blow up the plane; however they stumble with Zoe and Widmore in his house. Widmore tells that Jacob visited him and Zoe tells that Locke is coming. Hugo sees Hurley and asks him to bring his friends. Meanwhile Richard decides to talk to Locke but the smoke monster attacks him. Ben tells Locke where Widmore and Zoe are and Locke kills Zoe; Widmore whispers to Locke why he brought Desmond to the island and Ben kills him. Jacob tells Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley that one of them should replace him to protect the island and Jack accepts the assignment. Meanwhile Locke tells to Ben that he will destroy the island.

In the parallel reality, Dr. Linus sees Desmond in the parking lot and he tells that he does not want to hurt Locke. Desmond goes to LAPD and tells that he is the suspect of the hit and run, and he goes to jail where Sayid and Kate are. Alex and her mother Danielle invite Dr. Linus to have dinner with them.

"What They Died for" is the next to last episode of "Lost" and my question is whether it would be possible to explain all the mysteries of the six season in the last episode. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "What They Died for"
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