How I Met Your Father (TV Series 2022–2023) Poster


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tunakcicek31 January 2022
Could be watched as a pass-time show but other than that, the whole thing feels forced. Jokes are too flat and it's like they're forcing the audience to like the characters. When in fact, a character doesn't have to be likable in order to be funny. It felt really fake and overplayed to watch their optimism and "millennial" humor.
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I love Hilary Duff but she is not funny
chinandchin10 March 2022
So far away from how I met your mother, those characters just not funny at all, a comedy with no comedian, not hard to understand why so many bad reviews.

They are laughing but the audience aren't.
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This show might get cancelled before we find out who the father is
Laqshayaroraofficial19 January 2022
Although the 1st episode was good, 2nd ep wasn't. But in comparison to how I met your mother, this show is disappointing. Yes, I will be Watching the upcoming episodes because of Hilary. I liked that they used the same theme song of HIMYM in the starting. I really want to like this show and hope they improve it!
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I don't know...
srimanbabu20 January 2022
It's not "How I met your mother". It'll never even be close to it. So don't compare it because you'll be let down immediately.. It kicks off with the bad and definitely slow start... None of the characters looks promising except Charlie. I willing to give it the benefit of the doubt but the first episode is definitely not good....
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Give it a shot
ChRiS-80321 January 2022
The pilot isn't that great but a lot of pilots have been awful - even the Seinfeld and Friends first episodes ain't that great. Remove the connections to its predecessor and give it a shot. It gets its groove better in the second episode. The cast gel well too. The negative reviews are based on having too high of a benchmark.
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Coming up next: How I Met Your Brother?
Narce11 July 2022
Took a title and "inspiration" from a good show and pounded it until it begged for mercy.

Sorry, but one of the things I look for in a comedy is laughs - and I don't mean the "audience" reactions from the canned viewers. This show just doesn't seem funny. It almost seems that casting was done on the basis of diversity and/or name recognition rather than comedic acting ability or experience. They just don't seem to click, individually or ensemble.

There are so many characters with so much baggage that I have problems remembering who is who and does what.
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Enjoyable on its own merits
katharath27 January 2022
It's not as good as HIMYM, but it's certainly not bad. And frankly Hilary Duff's Sophie is FAR more likeable than Ted ever was; it was always the supporting cast that I *really* loved about HIMYM. The 3rd episode was the best so far, so I do have hope that it will continue to improve -but even if it doesn't, it's a pleasant and easy to enjoy show, and I'd like to see where it goes.
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Bland remake that lacks the charm of the original
aprilsfriendorin21 January 2022
I'll start by saying that I think the original HIMYM definitely had its flaws - while I enjoyed it, I think a lot of people here idolized it (which means no remake can meet their standards). I don't think HIMYM was perfect, so I came into this show with an open mind. In fact, there are a couple parts of this remake that I really appreciated (for instance, having more diversity than just a cab driver with an accent). But ultimately, I think it fell flat. Here are my main criticisms:

1) Too many characters: The core group here has like 6-7 characters. Which would be manageable, expect that they're pretty segmented. Instead of having one group with a couple of outsiders joining in (like Friends or HIMYM), there are like 2-3 separate groups merging. It's hard to keep track of and it's not as interesting because they all already have pre-established connections - part of the fun is seeing someone entirely new come in and form those connections.

2) Boring dynamics: What made the original HIMYM compelling was the dynamics between the characters. You had the main couple (Marshall and Lily) and the weird outlier (Barney). In this show, the main couple is barely shown together and there's no good equivalent for Barney. I think you need that sort of off-color, problematic character to laugh at. This series is too focused on making the entire main cast likable, which backfires because none of them really are.

3) Modern stuff: This show tries way too hard to insert modern references. It opens with a video chat instead of face-to-face convo (like the original), it makes too many Tinder/online dating references, the main character is obsessed with being P. C. (which is like the most stereotypical and boring portrayal of a liberal ever)... There's even a bartender who only speaks in slang.

4) Not funny: Most of the jokes fell flat. It felt like this weird combination of "Disney meets adult humor." It's like 40% kids jokes, 40% forced sexual humor, and then maybe 20% actual funny.

Even if you don't compare it to the original, it's not that good. I think it could work as a one season thing, but I don't see potential for anything more.

EDIT: I also want to add that a lot of the "diversity" complaints are really disappointing. It's one thing to complain about a show being too "woke," it's another thing to act like simply showcasing diversity is being "woke." News flash- POC exist. Showing a black person onscreen isn't a crazy leftist agenda. It's also disappointing to see people assume that these actors only got the job because of their skin color? Like, I didn't know only white people could be actors... Anyways, there's plenty of fair things to criticize this show about (like the unfunny jokes). The fact that (gasp!) a couple of brown people are there really shouldn't be a criticism.
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Worth a chance
bencurrey19 January 2022
This stellar cast is full of people, aside from Hilary Duff, who you'll look at and go "where do I know them from..." Valentina (Francia Raisa) was in "Grownish" Sid (Suraj Sharma) was in "Life of Pi," and Jesse (Chris Lowell) was in cult-classic "Veronica Mars."

In the old days a show was given a few episodes to find itself. People are writing this off after the pilot as a doomed enterprise. Some are saying it suffers for being too "woke" (or maybe just too representative?) But the first episode pulls off a Herculean feat--bringing Sophie (Duff), Valentina and her new British beau Charlie (Tom Ainsley) into swift contact with Sid, Jesse and his sister Ellen (Tien Tran) and thus establishing the core friend group of the show.

By episode two the dynamic is already starting to coalesce, Charlie plays well as the posh aristocrat trying to "rough it" with "regular American guys," the sentiment of Sophie's quest for love is endearing (if a tad cheesy), and Ellen is hilarious as an offbeat divorcee from smalltown, USA. In short, if for nothing else than the show that inspired it, and the talent its new faces bring, it's worth giving a chance.

P. S. Kim Cattrall is the "mother" in this spin-off, and I for one am very grateful she ditched "And Just Like That" and is instead lending her talents to this much more promising refresh.
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Give it a Chance
alltvlover19 January 2022
It's brand new. It has to find it's footing. Yes it's a spin-off/reboot but it also has to stand on it's on. Let them find themselves and they are two different generations. Try to relate.
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Time to retire the laugh track
Harkonnen218 January 2022
Now to be fair it is only 2 episodes in but so far its completely inferior to HIMYM, I rewatched the 1st episode of that and it was alot funny and more well put together.

I really hated the laugh track because 70% of the time the "jokes" didnt land and so it felt like the show was telling you "this is a funny line, you should be laughing" even as you dont even crack a smile (20% of the time it got a half smile).

The Kim Cattrall parts and voice over are extremely cringe

The show might improve and be fun to watch but so far its not starting off strong, its the character that made HIMYM so that will be a huge deciding factor going forward (no point even trying to replace Neil Patrick Harris's Barny as it just cant be done).

Ps I see alot of reviews that give it a 7-8* with comments like has potential or, no HIMYM but might get there etc......which makes me question what rating they gave that show and how they rate this one so high currently on the possibility it improves.
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It's okay.
benji-UCLA18 January 2022
People are hating on this and rating it a 0 before even giving it a fair chance. Sitcoms usually take a bit to find their footing. Was it great? No. But the pilot for HIMYM was awkward and stiff, and not well received at all when it first premiered. The cast of this show has potential. As of now it is a solid 5 or 6. These sites are so unreliable anymore because people are so petty 🤣
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Second chance
shalimarsubagja19 January 2022
First eps, meh. Feels like a Disney reboot.

Second eps, kinda promising. I feel like this has different vibe than the original series. This one is more rom-commy and the fact itself comforts me.

So give it a chance, people~ Their friendship is also start showing 💕
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I really tried to like it but it's just bad, so bad.
animation-anim119 January 2022
I am not comparing it to HIMYM, my thoughts are purely based of what this show has to offer.

Terrible lines such as, "This city is magic and so am I", this gave me second hand embarrassment.

Bad setup and background actors.

Trying to fit all the minorities as a representation of today's culture is a nice touch but it just seems they included them because it was needed by the studio not by the story.
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Can't tolerate the laugh track!
donrule17 September 2022
The laugh track is so obvious and poorly done that it detracts from the story. I gave up after two episodes because I found the laugh track so annoying. If they would re-release this laugh track free I would give it another chance.

The acting is OK though I don't think any of the characters are even close to what How I met Your Mother characters. Some of the characters are just over the top stupid. Perhaps they are better developed in later episodes, but unfortunately I will never know because the annoying laugh track is intolerable. I read somewhere that Hillary Duff was initially against the laugh track. She should have stuck to her instincts.
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It is not supposed to be HIMYM
DavCastaneda19 January 2022
I remember when I watched the HIMYM pilot, and I didn't like it so much, and it eventually becomes one of my favorites shows of all time This shows takes a lot from HIMYM (you can see that even in the intro), but it is supposed to find its own voice and, I think it will, and it starts pretty good

If you want to see HIMYM again, you can always go watch it, but remember what Barney used to say:

New is always better.
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Cheesy Disney politically correct trash
leerevell-6954926 May 2022
Its cheesy trash. Politically correct line up trying to mirror how I met your mother but it couldn't be further from that Not funny, bad acting, bad storyline and just BAD!!
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Stand alone sitcom living off of the legacy of the original
nikhil_kamra26 January 2022
12 years later and I'm still here!

Obviously I'm a sucker for romcoms and sitcoms. Even the bad ones.

I still remember the first time I caught an episode of the original HIMYM on TV when I was in high school. Gosh, it was so good. Especially the earlier seasons. But we're not here for that, right?

I remember being excited for it's spin off when it was announced in 2012-2013. But it never came.

Finally we have it, How I Met Your Father. Starring none other than our childhood Disney Channel crush, Lizzie McGuire, no wait.. Hillary Duff. I don't know why I keep doing that!

Anyway, I just watched the first two episodes, and it's nothing to hit home about.

It's not funny (much), it's not original, it's not good.

It's just.. a bland sitcom, living off of the legacy of the original one.

But it's still cute, sometimes charming, and something to keep you busy with for 22 odd minutes. It's nowhere near the original series but as a stand alone, it's.. a fair watch.. Not bad, but not good.

Like the extremist haters, I would say that it is ruining the legacy of HIMYM, but who are we kidding? HIMYM did that to itself with it's pathetic last season and the miserable finale (I'm still bitter over it)

So, granted it is literally on TV solely because of it's relation with the original hit series, and wouldn't stand a chance to be aired post it's pilot otherwise. As a stand alone.. I'd still say give it a chance.

Not because it's good. Or even deserves it. But because let's face it, it's not the worst of the lot. And I think I've already watched all the good ones anyway.

*hums drops of jupiter by the train while posting this review for obvious reason*

My rating: 6.5/10 (subject to increasing or decreasing as per the quality of the rest of the episodes)
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Like an old friend you've lost common interest in
ddio-2609219 January 2022
Something about this show doesn't click. The first seasons of the original; the cast seemed effortless. This cast seems like they are struggling. The premise is almost too dated. The ideas too forced. Again another reboot to ask the question "was this really needed?"
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A show that gets better with every episode!
klavelle1239 March 2023
Currently a third of the way through season 2 and have to give this show a 10/10 rating, they just don't make sitcoms like this anymore! Great, modern humor that isn't cheesy like most reboots with a storyline that has me hooked. It's a great standalone show but I really enjoy the references to the original show as well references to Hilary Duff's past. Also, the weekly format for a 20+ episode season is so rare these days and very appreciated and keeps me interested week to week, I'm hoping they keep this format in future seasons. Really hoping this show gets picked up for as many seasons as it's predecessor!
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pedrogeraldo25 May 2022
Bad acting, bad jokes. It's nothing to do with the original How I Met Your Mother which is still a great TV show. The characters are plain like a surfboard. That's all I have to say.
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Aren't sitcoms supposed to be funny?
goof-5419126 January 2023
I've been pushing through this first season. I have not laughed one moment watching this at all. How I Met Your Father feels like a Disney show for adults, with a few more emotional moments. My favorite part of how I met your mother was the dumb witty humor. This remake just feels like they take every low hanging fruit they created for themselves. The writing is basic and even though I'll push through the rest, I do not recommend this show. There's nothing unique or original about it. The cast is pretty attractive, but it all feels fake. The acting is just not there either. Their stories don't really add character, it seems like the characters say things for the sake of saying them. I don't know if that makes sense, but yea it's a Disney show for adults.
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Not as bad as the "prolific" reviewers say.
marine_delacruise21 January 2022
Not as bad as the reviewers are saying on here. Sweet callbacks to the original show which is a big nod to the original and its fans. It's cute and better than half of what's being put on these days. Give it a go.

Edited: gave it two extra stars for the last episode which had an amazing callback and a nice appearance by a HIMYM original.
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This show has really grown on me so give it a chance
tribal_trudy_0426 February 2023
Yes, I thought the pilot episode was really cheesy, like incredibly cheesy, but as it's H Duff, and a few other people I remember from other things. But the cheese in the first couple of epsisodes and how they all got thrown together was too cheesy. That being said, I made it pass the first few episodes and started to really enjoy this. I never watched or got into how I met your mother, and I think that helps because I was able to give this a fresh start.

Even though HIMYM was not my show, I knew who Robin was when she appeared in the last episode of season 1, and I thought that was a special moment. I still think it's cheesy, but it's good cheesy and easy watching and the fact that I'm in my 30s, it's always helpful to witness other people going though similar choices and having to make life decisions.
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carlcasso20 January 2022
Oh No.

This is just a mess.

Not Funny. Not Funny at all.

There was a totally unnecessary reboot.

Even the opening scene with The Fabulous Kim Cantrell felt like a sketch from Saturday Night Live.

This is really bad.

I feel sorry for all the actors who obviously thought they were making the next best thing.

Sorry Guys.

This won't be a hit!
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