The Breach (2022) Poster

(I) (2022)

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Natalie Brown shines in a film that is dull
kregmurraymac-845267 August 2023
The breach had all the makings of an excellent cult horror feature, but likely will not reach those heights.

A trio of small towners go to explore a house on the other side of a river to get insights into the grisly death of a scientist. What they find gets progressively worse until things all come to a head.

Unfortunately for the film nobody can act, save for Natalie Brown who does the best she can in the thankless role of the scientists estranged wife looking for both her missing husband and their daughter.

I was about to turn the film off until she stepped into it and elevated the film while she was on screen.

The special effects are decent, but they don't save the film from feeling unbearably hokey and melodramatic versus tense and scary.

The writing itself leaves a lot to be desired, I wanted to like this movie, some of the plot was interesting. Occult underlinings, physics, dimensional travel, I feel maybe reading the book would have been a better experience.

The music, is not great to put it kindly, it feels very out of place and far too melodramatic at times, detracting from the film instead of adding to it.

Perhaps Rue Morgues second attempt at a film will be better. Sorry guys, this one's a miss.

5 stars for Natalie Brown and the effects.
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Feels like it was made by two directors who hated each other
highwingremnants25 September 2023
If you watch a lot of movies influenced by the stories of William Hope Hodgson, H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth, you might rate this a point or two higher because on some weird level you enjoy having your hopes dashed. For anyone else, this score might even be too generous.

It's a real shame, because the early setup of the film is great. It makes you think you're actually going to get a good Lovecraft-esque film (there's the ol' masochism again!). The opening titles are stylish. The actor who plays Connie has immediate charisma (sadly, she is underused). There's an intriguing early discovery which legitimately leads on to the next stage of the story. Sure, it's a tiny bit shaky, a little bit goofy, but that's par for the course in indie movies of the type; overall it looks like it's shaping up to be one of the good ones in the cosmic horror genre. You'll even see an actor who might recognise if you're a glutton for punishment: her from The Strain, yes (along with Connie's actor, the best performances here).

But there's a point where the wobbles suddenly escalate and soon after that the project completely falls on its arse. Any enthusiasm I had for the film ebbed away to nothing. It's as if an evil film crew came through the veil and replaced the original crew, wickedly sabotaging and unpicking all the good work that went before. Even Slash's soundtrack, which is never good, gets noticeably worse throughout.
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From Beyond...again
rstef114 October 2023
Pretty good reworking of the Lovecraft tale that was used as the basis for the far better film From Beyond made in 1986. I've read a novel by Nick Cutter, who was the writer/adapter of this screenplay, and enjoyed it enough to give this film a chance.

The acting from the entire cast is decent, and it is nice to see a lot of practical effects used in lieu of CGI. While the final third is exciting, it leaves too many unanswered questions, although it does have a nasty final sting for the viewer.

I'd say it's worth 90 minutes of your time if you don't mind a slow buildup to the third act. I was never bored with it.
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wormsoftheerth23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste. There should definitely have been enough material here to produce an interesting mixture of body and cosmic horror, even at the budget they were working with. However, the writing is terrible and immensely lacking; as such, it fails to deliver on any level.

Nothing, and I mean literally NOTHING, in the movie is explained. No reason or purpose is given for anything that the characters see, experience, or witness. That combined with the incredibly slow, plodding pace makes it extremely difficult to care about anything that happens. Various potentially interesting things and ideas are introduced, but nothing is done with them.

The viewer is left with a never-ending litany of questions, such as: What was the goal of the physicist? What was his machine supposed to do? What was happening to the "infected(?)"people and why was it happening? Why/how did a "particle accelerator" cause these things to happen? What was the point of the wasp? How did the wasp get affected by, uh, whatever was happening, and why did things happen to the guy who got stung? Why did the scientist guy wear a cultist robe in the one video and what was he even doing? Where did all the creatures come from and why? Why did the house "look older" as the woman pointed out? What was the thing on the wall and why was it there? Why did none of the characters ask any pertinent questions about anything that happened? The list goes on and on.

The dialogue is horrendously lacking. All manner of crazy stuff is going on, yet inexplicably no one bothers to talk about it. The characters are all absurdly, unrealistically stiff and stoic. The dialogue comes in two flavors: utterly pointless or frustratingly limited and vague. Examples:

*silence* "how are you doing" "fine" *silence*


"do you know what a particle accelerator does?" "what?" "it accelerates particles" *silence*

Apparently this was based on a book; did they just get a 1 page executive summary of the book? There had to be an enormous amount of stuff that was left out. I'm sure there were some kind of explanations for things given in the book, why did none of it make it into the movie?

Overall, The Breach is terrible and instantly forgettable. Other than some cool visuals it had next to nothing going for it. Without any kind of explanation(s) than nothing holds any meaning and it's impossible to get invested or care. It's not worth your time, which is a shame because it definitely could have been decent if they provided some exposition about...anything...that happened.
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His books rock
shelliiaae21 February 2024
So yeah... this is based on the book by Nick Cutter. He also wrote one of the craziest horror books called, THE TROOP. He also wrote one of my favorites called, THE DEEP.

His writing style is very aggressive. He really gets dirty & brutal, some really wicked stuff... not for everyone lol.

HOWEVER! I then see this on Amazon... I had semi hopes of it being good.

What I got was... well... sorta bland & nothing special...the monster was neat when first shown (bedroom) and how it moved in that scene was great... then... you start seeing a bunch of them lol and well... let's just say some of them are painfully obvious a rubber body suit...

The story was fine ish... but Cutters books are SO SO SO in depth, & fleshed out that you just can't really properly explain a doorway built to other dimensions in a 90 minute film lol.

Actually would've probably been a very decent 4 part mini series or something!

The ending I saw coming a mile away... I'll just say... Cutter doesn't do "happy endings" in his novels.

This had a lot of potential to be a 7+ rating movie imo.

If you're just killing time? It'll do. If you're looking for some wicked good horror from outer dimensions? Just go with THE VOID.
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Not good, but had a couple of moments
mesaxi20 October 2023
I'll start by admitting that I watched this because I saw Alex Lifeson in the cast and did a double-take. Unfortunately his scenes seemed to be shot from his own webcam in his studio with his amplifiers in the background lol. But hey, he got me to watch it!

The movie is a sci-fi/horror mystery that doesn't really explain anything and ends up being more confusing than interesting. Even though you can predict where things are going, you have no idea why. The story felt largely inspired by "From Beyond", but this movie fell short in every way. The overall production was about on the level of a moderately budgeted SyFy original movie from 2005. None of the actors stood out as being particularly effective in their roles. I saw that Slash did the music and was listed as an executive producer, and then there was a scene at the end with "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" style music that made me laugh out loud.

The biggest positives I can give are to the editing, some of the prop design, and there was some effective cinematography. And even though I wasn't enjoying the movie, the director knew how to keep me engaged and the movie was decently paced.

4/10 - I'd recommend this to someone who has fun watching bad movies, it's not painful to get through.
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I was hoping for a lot more...
ultimatehorrorlover16 January 2024
There are some kind of cool practical effects but they're shown in bright light and the digital enhancement is not good. It reminded me very much of From Beyond but with a drastically lower budget.

Some monsters near the end just kind of seem like zombies stumbling around outside, which is disappointing. The idea isn't bad but as a horror fan, I really want a lot more practical effects and the lighting is rather flat.

You can see elements of The Fly in there too but it's not really unique enough on its own. The pacing is a tad slow too although I was entertained enough. The ending was great. I probably wouldn't watch it again though.
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A mixed bag that comes up a bit short
ra-hawthorne3 August 2023
There are some interesting ideas here, to be sure. Unfortunately, it feels like it borrows heavily from numerous different sources, fails to deliver a coherent storyline, well defined characters, good pacing, or a satisfying conclusion. Apparently, this is the directorial debut of one of the head honchos at Rue Morgue magazine. I can cut a little slack for lack of technical experience; not so much for failures of execution in areas that really shouldn't have been that hard to fine tune. It does feature some excellent creature effects toward the end; it just doesn't really explain why the creatures are there or why they appear when they do. All in all, not horrible, but not really worth watching either, IMO. Maybe this direcor will do better next time.
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I wanted to like it but those special effects were ROUGH.
manuelasaez22 October 2023
Nick Cutter is one of my favorite Horror novelists, and when I heard that they had adapted his Audible title into a film, I immediately jumped to watch, and while appreciated the ride for it for what it was, it was a rough, bumpy road getting there.

Let's talk about the positives; the cast is talented and made you sympathize with what they were going through. Even the less likeable characters played their roles well, and it made for a movie with obvious chemistry with all of the major players, which really elevated the viewing experience. That's about the best thing I can say about this film.

The story itself was serviceable, although I believe we've seen this premise before. Although everything looked familiar, it was told it a decent pace, with very little filler to make up the gaps.

Unfortunately, this is where the positives end. Now, we come to the negatives, and there are PLENTY.

Directing- I don't know if this was the directors first film or what, but his directing left a lot to be desired. Relying on still shots that had no artistic composition made it feel like an episode of Law & Order for most of the movie. Then, when the action did happen, he used some action movie techniques that really felt of out place in a movie that's supposed to be horror. (I mean, who needs a "blown away from an explosion" scene in a horror movie? ). Add to that some of the worst and most basic cinematography I've seen on a movie all year, it made this movie really displeasing to the eye. It looked more like made for TV film (Lifetime, is this you?) and i disliked watching it because of this. Never underestimate just how important it is to make your film look pretty, people. Don't EVER skimp out on your cinematographer.

Special Effects- the single worst part about this film was the SFX. I haven't seen such amateurish CGI in years, and I visibly cringed when any of it was utilized in any capacity. When Youtube has teenagers in their bedrooms producing better CGI, you know you messed up. Truly an embarrassment for those responsible.

The practical effects were a bit better, but again, they fall in the trap of "obvious person in a costume" territory. They spent most of the budget on the face prosthetics and totally skimped on the rest of the body, making the "monsters" look like they were heading to a Halloween party after raiding a Party City. It really was sad to see a film devolve solely on this, and it completely removed any immersion I felt up to that point. I actually considered turning the film off when the monsters appeared, that's how poorly they looked.

Lastly, the soundtrack. Slash, what the hell were you thinking? A lot of the music was way out of place, and completely removed you from what was transpiring in the movie. I just didn't understand how anyone could drop the ball so easily when music is what you are supposed to be able to do best. A truly shameful moment for him.

Overall, this movie was a huge disappointment and reminded me of why so many film adaptations of books always seem to fail. The atmosphere and tone really don't do the source material justice, and it seems like instead of making a purely horror film, the team decided that making a more "action/horror" hybrid would suit it better when it just made it so much worse.

Even if you are a fan of the audiobook, avoid this. The redeemable qualities are far outweighed by everything that made it NOT work, and I urge you to not waste you precious time like I did.
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Likeable "meh"
isaacthe4 November 2023
Clearly didn't have a huge budget.

So what. At least they got some money and made a film. I love this genre, and I think they made a film that overall works.

Cinematography and lighting was great.

Some of the exterior day wide shots looked a little amateur. But then all the night scenes and interior were right on par with big budget films of the same genre.

Writing. I was surprised the writer and director weren't the same person, because there were a lot of lines that I'm sure looked good on paper that should have been thrown out on the day or in the final cut. Luke warm comedy or not so witty attempts at saying something clever.

Acting. Not bad. Just bland. I'm sure they'd all do great on Television like NCIS or something. But none of their performances go beyond what was written on the page. None of their personalities show through enough for you to really care about any of the characters.

Directing. All of the acting notes and writing notes could have been greatly improved by a good director. The Actors could clearly make words believable, a good director could have pushed them out of their comfort a little more.

The script had good structure. A good director could have tossed some of the obvious exposition and silly side lines.

So, I'm gonna blame whatever is lacking about this film on budget and directing. Because all the other bad parts could have been helped there first.

Still enjoyed it. Probably would enjoy it a lot if you were stoned or on some other substance that lowers your expectations.

Don't do drugs. Lol.
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What a stupid movie!
blackwell422 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And it currently is rated 4.9?

That's wayyy too high.

So, here's the story; campers discover a canoe with very grissley remains. Cop shows up and determines only one guy has been up river and works with the outfitter/ guide/ blind bombshell who escorted the guy to a house way up river. A very remote location that is difficult to locate.

Upon arrival at the house they discover a mcGiver version of a particle physics laboratory ala CERN in the attic. Really.

Then somehow the missing guy's wife manages to find her way to this same remote house and she just says she's there to find her missing daughter.

Meanwhile the weird missing guy shows up at this house.

Ok, who was in the canoe?

They tell us that DNA says it was him.


Anyway, the wife hacks the guts computer watches some videos and goes wack.

She then follows her missing daughter into the portion of the attic that has the particle collider in it.

And becomes drippy goey human along with a dozen others.

The cop set the place on fire and does not get on on time.

The blond bombshell apparently gets eaten by other bloody goey humans but then shows up at her home pregnant and ok.

Did you find this hard to follow?

Yup, that's this movie.
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A fun indie genre effort that has a lot to like
kannibalcorpsegrinder2 August 2022
Following the discovery of a dead body, a sheriff and his team head into the wilderness to find clues to help them investigate what happened, but when they discover the cause is a dangerous supernatural evil spawned into this universe and must try to stop it from spreading.

There was quite a lot to like with this one. One of the strongest features here is a rather fun and intriguing setup in place that puts everything in motion. The early setup at play here with the life of the small-town here, featuring the cliche relationship with the retiring detective about to leave the job for a more high-end job in the big city to leave the lifestyle behind him which also would include the relationship with his ex-girlfriend, gives this a great time here. None of this is all too inventive or creative but still manages to give this one a solid enough start that gives this a nice touch to discover the body and what it means going forward with their trek through the woods out to the cabin where he worked. Once at the cabin, this one turns into a rather fun series of creature attacks and general weirdness as the arrival there unearths a series of impressive genre elements. The overall look of the desolate cabin, featuring the occult paraphernalia and various scrawlings along the walls of the cabin and the series of scientific equipment strung up throughout the lab setup, gives this one a generally uneasy vibe which offers this a great start to what's going on in the final half of this one where the exploits of the experiment come into focus and there's a rather fun turn into a demented form of creature feature chasing them around which has quite a few impressive features involving the practical effects work which all combine to give this one quite a lot to like about it. There isn't much here that holds this one down. Most of those factors are based generally on the stagnant pacing in the first half where it takes so long to get going that it's somewhat hard to get into this one. The setup involving the trip out to the cabin and rehashing a lot of the interpersonal relationships on display causes this to stumble at times where it takes a bit to get the main point of this one out which takes a bit of the wind out of this one. As well, there's also the fact that this one tends to come off with a rather familiar air here where it's concerned in the second half as it tends to be quite obvious with what it puts out in terms of the action featured in which does tend to undo a lot of the surprise featured. These here are what hold this one down despite not being that detrimental.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Slow start but worth the wait
aronharde8 March 2024
This movie starts off with a pretty simple premise, a mangled body washes up on a river and from there on chief Hawkins starts to investigate. The cover for the movie already hints that there are higher powers involved then just an accident or a simple murder which got me intrigued.

Now the problem is that this investigation takes a long time and for almost an hour pretty much nothing happens and the movie is slow and doesn't provide anything worth watching for the viewer. However once the action starts the movie grew on me and the great practical work was a pleasure to see. Sometimes it looked a little goofy and you could tell that there was a limited budget but other times the effects looked pretty convincing. Overall the movie looked pretty good and the acting was fine too. There are quite a few unanswered questions that the movie never reveals and the movie was definitely not flawless but I enjoyed watching it and you should certainly give it a try. [6,2/10]
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Entertained to the end
cjstanford-6509720 December 2023
Entertained to the end is kind of my requirement for a 5. The first 1/2 was good sci-fi mystery. Hard to do something "new" under this sun. It's somewhat novel , would be a page turner if a novel to about 1/2 ways. As the plot develops it does a pretty good job not over foreshadowing the end. Recommend. Last half has some missing pieces and stupid characters decisions to keep it going. Ends more like a horror movie with than a sci-fi, and it lacks "the inquisitive" science person helping the police with the sci finpart of it , which in always enjoy. You won't be thinking about it 10 minutes after it's over but you won't t feel your time was wasted. Kind of has that 50s sci-fi feel to it. Smonet country sheriff runs into super advanced, advanced but obsessive deranged physicist.
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Feels like highschool
drryanpotter31 October 2023
Feels like it was written by highschoolers and acted out by the drama team. There is litteraly a whose line is it anyway sketch where everything has to be a question. The framing and camera angles are terrible through most of this film and it was quite possibly shot entirely with cell phones. Also the line delivery throughout the movie. Did they shoot this line by line... what is with all the pauses.

Towards the end of the movie one actress kind of shines. There is finally some suspense and a little bit of excitement but the audio and sound overlay really takes away from the action. And the way the movie cuts. There is just so much bad to say.
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Dull, slow and boring
orionhi13 November 2023
This is a bad made-for-tv movie. It's slow as hell. There are many moments when you think something is about to happen but alas, absolutely nothing does. I am not exaggerating. Three quarters through the movie and nothing. You don't know any more than you did five minutes in the movie. Is it about ghosts, monsters or voodoo? No idea. I can't believe the studio and movie executives watched this and said "great movie, let's release it". I noticed Slash is in the credits prominently. That alone should tell you this movie is crap. His contributions are worthless. Take my advice, don't waste your time. Don't even bother watching the preview. Skip this movie altogether. You won't regret it.
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Wasted potential...
paul_haakonsen7 March 2024
I had never heard about this 2022 movie titled "The Breach" from writers Nick Cutter and Ian Weir prior to sitting down to watch it. But I have to admit that I was initially drawn in by the movie's cover right away when I stumbled upon it by random chance here in 2024. Suffice it to say, that with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen and an interesting cover, of course I opted to sit down and watch what director Rodrigo Gudiño had to offer.

The storyline in "The Breach" had potential, I will say that much. However, writers Nick Cutter and Ian Weir just never really tapped fully into the potential readily available within the concept of the story. A shame really, because "The Breach" could have been so much more than what director Rodrigo Gudiño managed to deliver.

I was not familiar with any of the cast members in the movie. And that is something that I actually do enjoy when I sit down to watch a movie. And I will say that the cast ensemble in "The Breach" were good, and the actors and actresses put on good performances throughout the course of the movie.

Now, something that I really enjoyed about "The Breach" were the special effects. There were some nice special effects in the movie, and that definitely helped to make up for an otherwise bland script and storyline.

While I did manage to sit through the entire movie, I can honestly say that it is not a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time. It just simply was a bit too mundane, bland and without much of anything thrilling or scary for the audience to enjoy.

My rating of "The Breach" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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Solid Enough
youngerc-888207 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a few things going for it and overall I found it to be enjoyable. It's far from perfect though.

The creature design was absolutely fantastic, it's been a while since I've been so impressed. Shame they weren't used more often and earlier.

The concept, while being a blatant rip off of H. P. Lovecraft, is enticing and creepy. Shame they didn't really go into any depth with it. You end the film not knowing much about the breach at all.

The pacing, of the main storyline, is poor. We get so much unneeded back story about the characters it leaves not much time for the scary. These characters are not interesting, the strange goings on are and good horror filmmakers recognise this.

The acting is of a poor standard. Not outrageously poor but it is a little distracting. Some of the dialogue is not really helping the actors though, it isn't all their fault.

All in all worth a watch if you are a horror fan, a solid effort.
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Close But No Cigar
hhstull2 December 2023
This movie presents as a disjointed cluster of scenes with too many side stories thrown into the mix. The depth of character in the actors is sadly lacking cohesion. There is very little connectivity as the movie lunges from scene to scene. The fright scenes are blatantly juvenile and lack conviction. The special effects are bordering on goofy. It appears that filming began prematurely to production conceivability and full maturation of dialogue and script. Overall efforts felt inexperienced and sophomoric. I feel the basic concept was justified and the entire production needed a fairly large amount of fine tuning.
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Perfectly Adequate Horror Film
petertdoheny-256616 January 2024
Couple of effects reminiscent of "The Fly", which I liked very much back in the day. Ignore all the haters who can't watch anything without chi, the effects were good enough. Set decorations were excellent, that must have taken real time and effort..acting was more than adequate, scenery was pretty...

Premise behind the tech was completely ignored though, which should have been better fleshed out (pun intended).

The whole CERN opening the doorway shtick could also have been bettered explained for the average non-physicists.

Watch this!!!!

The similarities of one special guest to my ex-wife were truly shocking (joke).
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Watch this if you have nothing to do
ariffyasmin16 November 2023
The only 'real' acting is when the main lead kiss his co star near the end of this movie. There's no other highlight or memorable scene in it because of mostly the bad acting, plot is full with hole and no explanation to viewer as why or what the main villain's motive and wonky or bad camera shot.

The special effect or makeup for the creature is the only good thing in this movie. Unique in its own way. But the scene is quite funny when they walk lumbering toward the co star like a zombie but with many hole in their head.

Overall, watching this movie should be the last thing to do if you really didn't know what else to do with your time.
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Unfulfilled potential
unzki2 May 2024
By the blurb, this one sounded interesting and I'll definitely have to check out the original book. This adaptation however is quite lackluster, coming off as rather amateurish which is odd as the director HAS made better-reviewed films and should know what he's doing. Perhaps the production team he was working with just didn't deliver, or maybe he's getting too old?

Nevertheless, as others have said, the overall quality of the movie screams "barely adequate TV mystery-drama" for the most part: Flat and bright lighting in places, overtly sharp image (a common issue with modern stuff, almost everything looking like a TV production instead of an actual movie), reasonably capable actors who could've used a bit more direction, a script that wasn't quite finished, and overall leaving me with a constant feel that things were just somehow lacking. It never really grabbed me the way that From Beyond (1986) or The Void (2016) did. I found the plot reasonable easy to follow and liked that it didn't spell things out too much, but I have seen and read quite a lot of similar stories so YMMV.

What I personally found most annoying besides the nagging feeling of the movie just lacking a bit more tune and polish was the soundtrack: There were a couple of functionally creepy tunes, but as others have once again said, mostly it just detracted from the movie. Slash might now his rock'n'roll, but a horror movie composer he is NOT.

Check it out on streaming, maybe even rent for cheap... Me? I spent 15 euros on the DVD that I feel should've been 5.
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A Mixed Experience
kerrd21 July 2023
I'd heard of The Breach back in 2022 and certainly found the basic premise to be intriguing. A small town police chief (played by Alan Hawco) is investigating the apparent death of a former CERN physicist after a corpse is discovered upon a drifting boat. As he explores the man's remote home, he makes horrific discoveries about his experiments...

Written by Nick Cutter of The Troop fame, with clear Lovecraftian influences, the story is solid and sets up a nice mystery. The effects are mostly well executed (though, please, can horror films reduce their use of smoke machines?), the creature designs are suitably detailed and revolting, Hawco is cleary charming in the lead and the film is brave enough not to bombard the viewer with gore from the start. It is, however, not without its problems, some minor, others not so minor. The film would have benefitted from more focus on the central mystery and trying to build more intrigue around it. Whilst the pacing is reliable throughout, it doesn't create the energy and haste needed during its finale. And, probably my biggest complaint is the ending: it's too predictable and left me feeling dissatisfied. I think they could have been braver without some of their choices in final act.

I do feel it is necessary, however, to point out that it maintained my interest for 90 minutes, didn't decide to draw itself out for a wholly unnecessary 2-plus hours and, for an indie production, it looks excellent. Worthy of a rental for horror fans.
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Fun and gripping
killerreviewsldn27 August 2022
This film is apparently based on a novel by Nick Cutter. It's about a police chief in a small town days before his retirement having to solve a murder when a corpse is discovered with strange wounds. The film unfortunately comes across as one of those made for tv films in its quality but some of the special effects in this film are stand out and top notch. The story is the strongest point of this film and I have to say that getting the original writer of the source material to come and help write the screenplay for the film was a very smart decision as you can't help but be glued to the big screen watching this film waiting to discover what has happened. I give this film a 7 out of 10 as the story is so solid and well written, the special effects being really good especially on the corpse and the casting choices being all round good choices for the film.
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Extremely atmospheric, very well directed Lovecraftian Horror. Yes, vague & disjointed, but WOW what a mood, and a frigg'n KILLER soundtrack by Slash!
lathe-of-heaven8 December 2023
Okay, many here did not rate this film very highly. I can understand, since, yes, the story is disjointed and there is not a very clear 'throughline' to what is exactly happening.

BUT... People, this thing still frigg'n ROX! Seriously... Yeah, I would've really liked to know a lot better what was going on, but for me personally, if a Horror film has this much mood and atmosphere, not to mention a killer soundtrack, AND clearly a good director, and some really good WTF creepouts, then that is just fine with me 😁

Basically, think 'FROM BEYOND' but not as high budget and not with iconic actors (actually a few here I felt were rather poor) But, what I really liked was that the damn atmosphere just grabbed you by the nutZ and just would NOT let go!

Actually, Slash (from Guns 'n Roses) produced the movie and helped compose the soundtrack, which is indeed quite excellent. I do not mind movies that are this vague and maybe don't really give you much of an idea as to exactly what is going on, as long as I find it as gripping and intriguing as this one is.

The acting is rather a mixed bag (as Leo from Geek Legion of Doom would say) Not to be chauvinistic at all, but honestly it just so happens that the 3 women actors in this movie I don't feel did that great of a job. The guys were fine (sorry ladies, no disrespect intended!)

I know many are not going to like this film because it leaves SO much unexplained, but by the end, you know DAMN well how things sit. It's just that I don't find very many Horror movies this well crafted in creating such mood and suspense. For me, that is more important than just an easy to understand story that might be run of the mill.

I would say that if you really like creepy, otherworldly, Lovecraftian type Horror, and you don't mind the story being on the vague side, then you may just find this one as entertaining as I did. I mean the title alone 'THE BREACH' is as Mysterious as hell! 😁
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