Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023) Poster

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Pet Sematary Bloodlines: Screams made for TV
Platypuschow18 December 2023

In 1969 a young Jud Crandall and his childhood friends band together to confront an ancient evil that has gripped their hometown of Ludlow.


Mostly mediocre, we do however get Henry "ET" Thomas, David Duchovny, Samantha Mathis (Who is used so little she may as well not be there), Pam Grier and Natalie Alyn Lind who keeps popping up in everything I watch and she's always a joy to watch.


Bloodlines tells the story that Jud Crandall told in the original Pet Semetary, so you already know how it ends. Not sure it's a tale that needed putting to screen but they make the most of it.

Though loaded with veterans most of the younger cast are really quite poor, combine that with very bland writing and it makes for a very underwhelming watch!

Pet Semetary hasn't exactly been the best series, sure the original was amazing but with a forgettable sequel and an awful remake I wasn't exactly excited to see this pop up. However I'll give it this, it's better than the trailer makes it out to be.

It's a middle of the road movie with enough going for it to keep you drowning in its glaring flaws.


Now we've seen Jud's story sadly it makes his likelihood to show someone the semetary even less likely. Why would he do it? What motivation would he have being that he lived through these horrors and ultimately as per the original movie caused his ultimately demise.


Solid veteran cast Natalie Alyn Lind is great Just about enough King charm Mostly poor young cast You know what's going to happen Rather bland in places.
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Yelling at the TV doesn't help.
erollence7 October 2023
Great cast, I just wish Samantha Mathis had more of a role. A few good, creepy moments. Unfortunately, by the third act of the movie, some of the scenes/scenarios became completely absurd. There were the typical tropes of people doing incredibly stupid things-but it's a horror movie, so that's expected. Yelling at the TV doesn't help. I tried. The idiots died anyway. I found myself rolling my eyes more than anything else. The undead could seemingly teleport and do superman type of stuff. Sometimes people say a movie might have been better had they edited out 20-30 minutes. Not this movie. This was very tightly edited and could have used a bit more exposition. Just being familiar with the Pet Sematary story helped fill-in some of the blanks. Really wanted to like this. Given the caliber of the cast, I think a lot of people were rooting for this movie. Glad I saw it, just wouldn't watch it again.
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Pam Grier and David D not used enough
katalist42011 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off this was not scary at all, no tension or good atmosphere or anything at all that made the original film so loved.

They had a few cool ideas, I really liked when it went back in time to the 1600's but they only did it for one scene?? Are you kidding me? That time period was done much better.

Also why do you have David D and Pam Grier in the movie if you BARELY USE THEM? They are wonderful actors who should have had WAY more screen time.

The main problem I think starts with the directing, its just not confident enough to know what works and what doesn't in this type of movie.

A few decent ideas are wasted by poor writing, terrible directing and just a amateur feel to the movie overall.

I was hoping this would be decent but its not even decent, its pretty poor overall. Go watch the original again!
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Worst Pet Semetary yet, wasted cast.
joriethomas8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it 3 because the cast was great and had they had a good script, this movie would have been amazing, even though Samantha Mathis never spoke.

I loathed the remake but even this tops it... The plot holes for one are as big as the pet semetary. Jud told Louis he had buried his dog in the pet semetary when he was a boy, so he would've known about it. I'm also highly doubting that Manny and Donna wouldn't know the legend since their tribe is native to there. The eye thing was never a thing either.

The characters were dumb, even dumber than most horror movie characters. The descendants knew and were prepared but were taken out easily.

I'm doubting in all that time, only one other corpse made it in the ground?!

I would've given this movie an extra star if the girlfriend would've been killed and came back. Why would she be left alive 😕 makes no sense except to give it a happy ending which doesn't fit pet semetary at all. 👎
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Sometimes dead is better...Please kill the franchise!
paulclaassen10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't often say this about a movie and I apologize in advance to those I'm going to offend by saying this, but 'Pet Sematary: Bloodlines' is a complete mess.

Honestly, this movie never know what it wants to be. Is it a slasher movie? Is it a zombie movie? Is it a possession movie? Whatever it is, it certainly has very little to no connection to Stephen King's original idea. This is nothing more than a B-movie slasher hoping to cash in on a famous title.

There is just so much wrong with this movie that I can't even go into detail with all the issues that bothered me. I enjoyed 2019's 'Pet Sematary' more than expected, and was looking forward to this installment. Set in 1969, this acts as a prequel. The families of the small town of Ludlow is keeping a secret from their children. All is about to change when Bill Baterman (David Duchovny) buries his son Timmy in the cemetery, and he returns as a living dead.

Timmy's long-time friends are Judson and Manny. Judson and his girlfriend Norma is about to leave town when they encounter a very sick looking dog looking in the middle of the road. Recognizing the dog as Timmy's, they take the dog back to his place, where Norma is viciously attacked by the creepy dog, leaving her hospitalized.

Timmy's strange behaviour made Judson suspicious, and now he wants to find out what is going on. The characters jumped to conclusions so quickly that I thought I missed some information along the line. The film is over-dramatized so prematurely that the second act already felt like the third act. Researching the town's history, Judson realize there are family secrets going back generations - and his life is about to become a living nightmare.

Very little of Stephen King's story remains here. The film relies heavily on jump scares and gore to keep the viewer engaged. Nothing in this movie is well explained and I was never convinced it was actually the cemetery that brought the victims back to life.

And speaking of which - and here are spoilers - soon after Timmy attacks Manny's sister, Donna, she suddenly behaves like the living dead. But, when did Timmy bury her and why was this not shown? Must we simply assume he buried her? Or did she simply turn into the living dead because he - being living dead himself - attacked her? So, it's like a zombie movie now? And then she goes straight to Norma to kill her. Why? And why was Norma abducted? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

The film felt like a bunch of ideas blended together without any of them mixing very well. I also didn't really care about any of the characters - not even Judson as the film's protagonist. 'Pet Sematary: Bloodlines' was a huge disappointment, and utterly forgettable. Give this one a skip.
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Plot literally makes no sense and there's no point.
zack_gideon9 October 2023
This film is just bad. Pretty much in every way. They must have either ran out of budget or had to cut run time because this movie is utter nonsense. I kind of, maybe get what they were trying to do, but it's so poorly crafted and executed it's not worth watching.

Here are things that suck:

1. The plot doesn't make sense and really has nothing to do with the original Pet Sematery.

2. There's no one to root for and no one to care about. Live or die, I literally do not care what happens to any characters.

3. There's no point and the core premise is so confusing I really don't know why this was made.

4. The final act they just gave up. I don't know why characters are doing what they're doing. Nor do I care.

Bad filmmaking 101 - 2.2/10.
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Very Poor Prequel
johnnyhbtvs276 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines is a weak prequel with nothing to recommend it. The first 20 minutes move along nicely but once it's established who has risen it quickly goes downhill.

For a movie of this caliber it has some famous names involved. Why David Duchovny, Samantha Mathis, Henry Thomas & Pam Grier signed up for this is anyone's guess. None are given much to do, especially Mathis who i had to go back and look to remember which role she played.

The movie's only bright spot is the sibling relationship between Isabella LaBlanc & Forrest Goodluck. They have good chemistry together and when tragedy befalls one of them, it is a genuine shame to see.

Another forgettable October horror release, Pet Sematary: Bloodlines will be gone from the memory bank by the time the credits roll.
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Even worse than the remake
horrorules8 October 2023
As far as I'm concerned, there are only two films in this franchise and they are the first two chapters, STOP!!! Now Hollywood is finished, it has no more ideas and does nothing but carry on with sequels, requels, remakes, prequels ruining great sagas born in the glorious 80s, today it only produces rubbish, in fact I hope that the actors' strike continues and that this situation destroy all of Hollywood and perhaps make it reborn in a serious way, producing fewer films, but more high-quality ones, and fewer sequels, reboots and the like because today we are faced with one of the worst periods, from a qualitative point of view.

Having made this necessary premise, let's get to this "Bloodlines".

The film is a total disaster in every respect, boring, useless, badly acted and shot, the gore is absent, there isn't a murder that sticks out, I still remember the magnificent murders of Judd in the first Pet Semetary or of the bully in Pet Sematary 2, bloody and imaginative murders, in this prequel they are truly forgettable.

But the worst thing is that, as already happened in the terrible remake of 2019, this film lacks pathos, pain, the mourning process, everything is told in a superficial way, in the first film you could see the heartbreak of the family for having lost their child, as in the second film we saw the boy's pain for the loss of his mother, in this prequel there is none of this.

I hope that producers realize that for a few years they have done nothing but ruin great classics, and I hope that the failure of this rubbish and other rubbish makes them understand that perhaps it is time to change the trend.
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Wasn't exactly what I hoped for but still a good horror film
thomaswilley10 October 2023
Pet Sematary is and probably always will be my favorite Stephen King book so I am quite pleased that the chapter going further into Jud Crandall's past was finally given a more in depth film adaptation. Yes there were many changes made here like most book to film adaptations usually always do but I still found myself pleased to see many of the characters given more screentime compared to the original film and the remake. I really enjoyed the casting of the actor playing Timmy Baterman. Although they took a ton of liberties, he definitely embodies that character and makes the movie excellent. Just like described in the book, it's almost like everything he says and does is like a "radio signal". I am very pleased they were able to capture that here. They did a great job.
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It Felt Like Watching a Bunch of Pet Sematary Fans Trying to Make Their Own Prequel
Zac_La_Porte19 October 2023
If it means watching Pet Sematary: Bloodlines again, you probably won't wanna be buried in a pet sematary. Why not treat yourself this year for Halloween by avoiding this mess and taking the time to pick something else? This is one of those movies that you hear about, see the poster for and immediately ask: what were they thinking? Is this really necessary? Who in their right minds came up with the idea of this? Bloodlines centres on a young Jud Crandall, and tells the story of... well... a whole bunch of crazy stuff happening around him during the time period.

Coming from an unpopular opinion with no real hatred towards remakes, reboots, sequels, prequels or spin-offs, it's undeniable that this is a completely catastrophe of a movie, founded by an average idea. It's filled with so many ridiculous plot holes and dumb circumstances, that it becomes difficult to watch without wondering why the project was even taken up in the first place. For where credit's due though, the film actually has a pretty interesting first act that moves smoothly, and it's competently made in terms of how the shots look, how the camera works and the fact that the actors actually do somewhat of a decent job, but that's pretty much all that's good about it.

Everything wrong with Pet Sematary: Bloodlines can pretty much be summed down to most of the writing and whoever the hell came up with the idea. It feels very much like the writers had a bunch of "cool" horror movie ideas that they wanted to just put out there, but a bunch of stupid clichés crammed into one is how it turned out to be. There's also a few scenes where you can tell they're sort of trying to add some emotions with the characters, but those deeper feelings are never explored further, so all of the emotional crap feels very forced and unnecessary.

Remember how the original adaptation in 1989 and the 2019 remake both offer brief, yet multiple references to the events that occurred in the past of supporting character Jud Crandall? Well you can toss all of that aside; nearly none of it applies here or is given second thought, providing the film with even more logical issues and missed opportunities than it already had. This is a movie that's so bad, you can barely even have fun with it because it takes its stupidity staggeringly seriously. The characters are unlikable, there's nobody to care about, and overall, it's another classic example of Pet Sematary's quote of why "sometimes dead is better".

If you liked this review, check out the full review and other reviews at aussieboyreviews.
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Maybe not original, but still a fine and entertaining horror flick
johannes2000-15 November 2023
It's more or less the first Pet Sematary all over again: the same setting (the small town of Ludlow), the exact same circular appearance of the animal burial ground, even some of the first and family names are the same (Judd, Crandall). It's only the story that is slightly different, as if the makers thought that it was all so familiar, that they could skip the preliminary introduction and jump immediately into the horrifying action. So if you stand on originality, you should maybe leave this one be.

But then you'd miss out on a pretty decent movie. The atmosphere is pleasantly creepy, the pace is high, there are numerous well dosed and effective scares, there's some serious gore, and the acting by all major characters is fine. I was especially impressed by Jackson White, who has a great screen presence.

In short: in a pleasantly familiar way a well made and entertaining horrorflick.
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Better Than Some Would Have You Believe
fatfil-414-45179721 October 2023
I approached this movie with some trepidation. Being a life long Stephen King fan, his movies had suffered badly from appalling, cash in sequels. A Return To Salem's Lot is a classic example.

But taken on it's own merits, I actually enjoyed this. It was generally well acted, the story was interesting, if not original. I disagree that the characters were unlikeable, I found my self really rooting for the people. I liked the pace that the story unfolded, revealing the history and background in satisfying doses. Also, it did not focus on the "Semetary" too much. Although building on the Pet Sematary mythos, it does stand as separate to the main franchise. SO if you view it with this in mind, I think you will enjoy.
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Not very scary and no likeable characters
jtindahouse6 October 2023
Quick review: I had really hoped I was going to enjoy 'Pet Sematary: Bloodlines', however very early on in the film I knew I was going to struggle with it. The reason? I could not find a single character who was likeable or charismatic enough to care about. Without that being there it is so hard to stay invested and care about the outcome of the film.

There are a lot of cheap jump-scares in this film. People and trucks just appear out of nowhere and we get a loud jolt of music with them. Otherwise though, the film really doesn't have a way to scare you. I was a bit let down by this one. I didn't expect a masterpiece, but I expected more than we got. 4/10.
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Couldn't watch it to the end
no_vampires_here6 October 2023
This is the weirdest directing I've ever seen in a movie, special mention to the editing part that made everything even more confusing and boring.

Basic TV movies are more entertaining than this and... based on Stephen King's amazing novel? How can someone ruin a beautiful horror story like this?

There were about 20 minutes left and all I could think was "what in the H am I watching?!".

This to be avoided, just know there is no "horror" in this movie and no direction whatsoever. Feels like someone had the money to play "let's direct a movie and then go eat pizza because I don't even care..."
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Convincing as a glass tire
HorrorFilmHellion8 October 2023
This film attempts to tell the historical excerpt story from King's Pet Sematary novel, and hits across the face with it like a wet fish. For starters, it was so completely unconvincing of the timeline, I refused to believe this was telling the story it thinks it is. It also fails to bring a single bit of atmosphere or eerie King style nuance from the story itself. The characters were all flat, wooden, boring, or caricturally miscast and some were all of the above. Haven't really seen anything interesting from Dave D since Californication come to think of it, so not sure this was all the director's fault.. but still. It did tell the story at least, but I was dragged with it and never really got on board.
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Skip it
room1026 October 2023
Pet Sematary: Bloodlines (2023)

Henry Thomas, David Duchovny, Samantha Mathis, Pam Grier... What a waste of a good cast. Jackson White was also good as a young Jud, kind of reminded me of a young Matt Dillon.

But none of them can save this prequel. It adds almost nothing to the original story and it just drags slowly and aimlessly. It tells the story of Timmy, who came back from the war - the story Jud tells briefly in the original movie - but everything seems to be a bit off and it's pretty pointless.

Better watch the original classic or even the remake which actually wasn't bad.

4/10 Skip it.
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Did a monkey with a camera strapped to it's head direct this?
Zed-Runner6 October 2023
What an amateurish slog of a film. Why on earth would any studio hand the reigns of a franchise film to Lindsey Anderson Beer? She was a writer on a handful of really, really, terrible films and tv shows. That's all she's done. How is someone with zero experience behind the camera and a resume that's chock full 'o nothing but vacuous garbage expected to craft a frightening, nuanced film? The part of the novel when Jud tells the story of Timmy and Bill Baterman is absolutely chilling, expanding it to feature film length could have been something in the hands of even the most modestly skilled director, but instead we get jump-scare trash made by someone that may as well been picked off the street. What a wasted opportunity.
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Absolute trash as both a standalone or prequel.
archaicwolf6 October 2023
No matter how much of a fan you're of the original, sequel or remake. Save your time and sanity by avoiding this pile of rubbish. How did this get the go ahead let alone funding? Honestly, I'd watch any old rubbish to kick back and relax but this was even below my low bar. The movie was completely nonsensical and sometimes that's alright but in this case not. It's not even a movie so bad that it's good. It's just absolute garbage. I'll be making a note of both the writers and directors thanks to this movie to avoid anymore wasted time and I suggest you do the same too. It is a shame though as I enjoyed the original and still found entertainment in the remake.
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Welcome Back
yusufpiskin7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
2023 paramount+ movie.

To understand this story, you need to know the character Jud Crandall. If you are unaware of this character, do not watch the movie.

Jud Crandall was one of the characters in the 1983 novel Pet Sematary, the 1989 film adaptation, the 2019 film remake, and is the main character of the Pet Sematary: Bloodlines prequel.

In the first movie/book, Gage was killed by Creed by biting his throat.

In the 2019 Remake, the recast Ellie Creed stabs Jud to death in front of the camera.

In the prequel to 2023's Pet Sematary: Bloodlines, we watch Jud as a young man searching for his purpose in life.

In the first movie/book, Jud Crandall is Dr. Louis tells 3 stories to Creed.

A) How the Micmac cemetery was formed b) Veteran returning from Vietnam c) The dog that went crazy in the town years ago.

In this movie we see the first two stories. The third story is already a Cujo reference.

In Stephen King's universe, everything is interconnected.

The film is Lindsey Anderson Beer's directorial debut and she did as clean a job as she could.

Beer and Jeff Buhler also co-wrote the film.

Even though Stephen King's name is mentioned in the credits, this is only because he owns the character and the story.

But if Stephen King had written a prequel to this story, it wouldn't be much different from this scenario.

He also liked the movie.

It was nice to see Henry Thomas and David Duchovny in the Stephen King universe, even if indirectly.

After the commercial success of this movie, the 2019 production, which I did not like very much, the studio wanted to make another movie.

Personally, I don't like that movie and the second movie very much.

The film opened at Fantastic Fest on September 23, 2023, and was released on Paramount + on October 6.

The comments made about the movie are a bit harsh, after all, we have a script developed based on the stories told in the first movie/book and what can be done is limited to that.

Moreover, the return to 50 years ago was achieved quite successfully.

Long story short, this is a horror movie, but it is not a solo movie and it is a production that appeals to those who love its own universe.

If you watch the movie from this perspective, you will love it.
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Doesn't quite live up to our expectations for a revitalized Pet Sematary universe
kevin_robbins8 October 2023
My wife and I watched Pet Sematary: Bloodline (2023) on Paramount+ last night. The plot unfolds in Ludlow, Maine, during the 1960s, as a young man returns home from the war, triggering a series of killings. Some teenagers are eager to leave town, but their every attempt is mysteriously thwarted. Could the murders and the inability to escape be connected?

This movie is both written and directed by Lindsey Anderson Beer, marking her directorial debut, and features a cast including Henry Thomas (E. T.), David Duchovny (The X-Files), Pam Grier (Coffy), Natalie Alyn Lind (Gotham), Jackson White (Tell Me Lies) and Forrest Goodluck (The Revenant).

The promising cast and well-selected settings initially raised my expectations for this film. However, while the cinematography is impressive, it leans a bit too clean and could have been grittier and darker. The kills are the best part of the film, offering a satisfying blend of creativity and gruesome moments, with the "I think I'm too high" scene being a particular favorite. However, the acting and writing in the movie are disappointingly inconsistent. I found it challenging to connect with the main characters and felt the story might have been better told from the perspective of David Duchovny and his son. Additionally, the flashback scenes were awful.

In conclusion, Pet Sematary: Bloodline doesn't quite live up to our expectations for a revitalized Pet Sematary universe. I would give it a 4/10 and recommend skipping it.
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You'll enjoy this if you read the book
sarah-a-sturm10 October 2023
Anyone hating on this movie saying it makes no sense clearly hasn't read the book. This movie was a really great addition to the franchise, focusing on Jud Crandall's monologue/cautionary tale in the novel. Some of the narration was directly from the novel as well. Was it Oscar worthy? No. But was it a thrilling horror movie with a good story? Yes. They took some creative liberties from the story in the book too, but overall I really enjoyed seeing that portion of the story expanded into a movie of its own. They connected it really well with the 2019 version of the movie, especially timeline wise, but it could just as well be placed before the original if you suspend your belief in the timeline.
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Creepy Captivation
JoshuaMercott11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the summer of '69, "Bloodlines" wove a new creative twist into how this iconic horror story has been told over the years.

The original book by Stephen King is still gold. And the 1989 "Pet Sematary" movie that first adapted it is unmatched. I also liked what they did in the 2019 version, which took creative liberties as well.

In "Pet Sematary: Bloodlines" (a prequel, fyi), it was intriguing to see them cover the Vietnam War (indirectly, that is) and establish family connections in ways that foreshadowed what was to come.

The town of Ludlow, in Maine - where many of Stephen King's terrifying tales have been based - was in full focus. That eerie graveyard in the woods from which the buried don't return as themselves continued to captivate.

Three big artists were part of the cast, namely David Duchovny (as Bill Baterman), Pam Grier (as Marjorie Washburn), and Henry Thomas (as Dan Crandall). All three gave 'fresh' performances that made them stand out.

That said, the 'young blood' enriched the story in great ways. Jackson White (as Judson Crandall), Natalie Alyn Lind (as Norma), Jack Mulhern (as Timmy Baterman), Forrest Goodluck (as Manny Rivers), Isabella LaBlanc (as Donna Rivers) all did remarkable work making "Pet Sematary: Bloodlines" feel dark and ominous.

In this prequel, Timmy Baterman died overseas and his body was returned to his father who then did the unthinkable. Bill Baterman brought his son back from the dead using that dratted burial site.

The young man's friends started to see something was wrong, but could do nothing about it. The supernatural burial site apparently twisted Timmy's soul into a murderous shape, and he was out for blood.

Around this time, Dan Crandall was quietly doing all he could to get his son Judson safely out of Ludlow, after doctoring the young man's medical tests so he wouldn't be able to enlist in the war.

One thing led to another and dark facts came to light, dragging everyone into a truth that was best left buried, and better dead.

I was especially thankful they didn't cover any cheesy 'teen romance' angles. In a genre like this, that has been done to death. Instead, the team diligently set their sights on telling the story slowly but properly.

What I most appreciated was the attention to detail. This was a tumultuous time in American history and many were divided about the war in Vietnam. Between the old-school soundtracks and slow-burn storytelling, "Bloodlines" managed to subtly highlight the cross-era creep factor in ways I genuinely enjoyed.

They also dramatized a fictional historical event going back to 1674 featuring the town's founder, Ludlow (played by Noah Labranche). These sequences were fascinating. They contained an 'origin story' for the Native-American burial ground present at the heart of this tale. This location later became known as the 'pet sematary'. It was originally used to bury animals which the Native-Americans considered sacred.

One generation after the next - the Crandalls, Washburns, Batermans, Bensons, and Andersons - kept a record of evil events, passed down through written journals or other means. In this movie, the latest in the Ludlow families lineup were getting acquainted with the deadly truth their parents, and their ancestors, feared.

In some of the key scenes, the team used an actual trained animal - Hendrix, the canine - and a practical puppet instead of resorting to CGI. Some blood-curdling "Cujo" style moments occurred with this dog. The non-CG approach was a good decision that made "Pet Sematary: Bloodlines" feel like a movie shot back in the day.

"Bloodlines" was definitely far from original. This story has made more than a few rounds among fandoms and pop culture itself. But it was nevertheless interesting to watch the way in which they took this latest remake of one of the creepiest classics ever written.

They gave each character sufficient attention and gradually built up the horror, finishing on a remarkable note with connections to the family showcased in the 1989 movie.

Some of the characters' motives could've been explored in more detail, including the element of accountability, but that omission took little away from the overall plot.

The way the writers took King's original concept and made the 'returnees' feel as though they were possessed by an unknown entity that enjoyed playing with its 'food' and knew things about its targets that it couldn't possibly have known... It enriched "Pet Sematary: Bloodlines" with unnerving campfire-horror-story finesse.

Before long, there was more than one 'walking dead'. One might even go so far as to say the sematary was learning to feed itself. "Aim for the eyes."

I, for one, couldn't help but be dragged into the plot. The story felt familiar yet different, and that only made me anticipate the scares even more.

"Sometimes, dead is better."
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Seriously, Paramount, what is it?!
stekanton9 October 2023
When I saw this movie I was delighted, and immediately remembered the first part from the late eighties and my childhood. Ok, I also liked the part from 2019, the so-called remake, and I approached this film full of optimism. Actually, I made one of the biggest mistakes of not stopping the movie at 40 minutes. In fact, this is a textbook example of how to destroy a wonderful franchise. This is actually a TV movie, nothing more. I would understand that it's some other movie company, but it's Paramount, folks. Honestly, I'm sorry that there is no zero star rating for movies on imbd, because one star for this movie is a reward for it. Shame on you Paramount for destroying my childhood memories for this movie!
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Erase this film from my memory!
FunnyCritic8 October 2023
What did I just watch?! This film was absolutely awful. There was nothing in this film I want to remember in fact I want someone to get one of those mind eraser things from "MEN IN BLACK" and erase my memory of this hour and a half of this horrendous film. I had high hopes for the cast as it included David Duchovny and Henry Thomas, but even their efforts in the film were like the efforts of these SAG Writers using CHAT GPT. I think roughly around forty-five minutes into the film I needed my wife to stick me with a rapid release shot of Epinephrine to keep my a** awake. There are absolutely no spoilers to add in. This film is like solving a simple math equation in your head. I have nothing else to add other than don't waste your time, watch a series you've already binged thirty times again or eat paint chips before gazing upon this lesser entity of a film.
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The franchise is fine with just 2 films
awwatkin24 April 2024
I wasn't sure why this needed to be a prequel rather than a sequel. The plot is basically the same as the others - you bury something in that sour ground, and it comes back evil - there's nothing new there. This is just another movie that really didn't need to be made. It would have been nice if there was some kind of twist to the original plot, but honestly, it's just more of the same.

Unfortunately, there's really not much else to say about this movie. It's been over 30 years since part 2 came out, and they just didn't need this one. I guess eventually all of the movie franchises that were good will be tainted by yet another installment because Hollywood seems to have run out of original ideas. :(
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