The Lair (2022) Poster


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Soldiers vs guys in rubber suits...
paul_haakonsen10 November 2022
I was initially lured in by this 2022 action horror movie's cover/poster. Yeah, I am a sucker for creature features, so of course this movie caught my attention.

Sure, I hadn't heard about "The Lair" prior to getting to sit down and watch it, so I virtually had no idea what I was in for here, aside the creature's face showing on the cover/poster. But that was essentially also enough to get me interested.

Writers Charlotte Kirk and Neil Marshall put together a fairly okay movie here. I mean, it felt like a typical creature feature from the 1980s and 1990s, so if you enjoyed those kind of movies back in the day, then "The Lair" will prove entertaining for you. I enjoyed it actually for what it was, and it was like a trip down a nostalgic path. Sure, writers Charlotte Kirk and Neil Marshall weren't revolutionizing the horror genre with "The Lair", but they came up with an adequately enough movie that proved watchable and enjoyable for what it was.

The acting performances in the movie was good. I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list, but I will say that they actually put on good enough performances to carry the movie and make "The Lair" enjoyable.

Visually then "The Lair" was okay. The creature design was a bit too simplistic for my liking. And the fact that it was so painstakingly obvious just guys in rubber suits wasn't helping the movie. Sure, it felt like something from 1980s, but for a movie made it 2022, it was a bit too simplistic. Better effects would have lifted the movie up from the mediocre lane.

Watchable for what it was, "The Lair" proves enjoyable enough for a single viewing. And I do mean a single viewing, because there simply isn't enough meat on the bone here, pardon my French, to support more than a single viewing.

My rating of director Neil Marshall's 2022 action horror movie "The Lair" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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war is hell
cdcrb3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From the very start, we all know how this is going to end. We just don't know who exactly will make it to the end credits. The plot-in 1979 a ufo lands in afghanistan and the ruskkies are so anxious to claim it, they invade and start a war. They withdraw eventually, declaring victory. Lol. What they didn't tell us was that they crossed alien dna with ours and voila, we get a shark that walks. The rest as they say is what we get to watch. Absolutely nothing new, except that the protagonist is a woman. And she's a very good shot. One moret hing. Tell the film makers that we've all seen alien. 1,2,3,4.
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Worst. Accents. Ever.
psmith-9339727 January 2023
Those were some of the worst accents I've ever heard across the board and they were so distracting that I have no idea if the movie was any good.

The script seemed choppy and unconvincing but I'm not entirely sure if it was actually bad or if I just couldn't get past the atrocious accents.

The story was slow and dragged it'd feet, the monsters felt repetitive, the entire premise felt forced and had no natural flow to it.

But seriously, in case I haven't hit this point enough, couldn't they cast people with authentic accents if they were unable to find anyone able to convincingly deliver on them?
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Painfully bad on every level
aslowfade29 October 2022
Once again as in the Reckoning Neil Marshall's girlfriend takes the lead in a film that really needs someone who can act, just even a little bit. Marshall seems reluctant to give her any direction which leads to some truly embarrassing scenes. She, as in the Reckoning, isn't allowed to appear on screen unless looking her utter best. Crawling throught a muddy drainage ditch covered in mud she pops up the other end perfect. Eject from a fighter plane, not a hair out of place.

The dialogue is truly the worse I have heard in years, it may have been written by a A. I program that has collected all the clichés from war films, as has the casting. Hard bitten Major is given a eye patch of course. Black female soldier, has an attitude and is 'street ' A bizarre Welsh/Cockney soldier for no reason.

The interesting side of the story is glossed over and left sadly as the idea is a good one. Could have been a much better film in someone else's hands I don't know what is going on with Marshall but a keen YouTuber would have made a better film than this sadly.
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Average B Movie
Luv2Spooge28 October 2022
The trailer was really misleading b/c a lot of the scenes went by too quickly. But when you actually watch this film, you realize it is really a low budget film. And that is a shame because it could've been a great blockbuster.

The story is pretty average and predictable, but that's alright as these type of films we're looking for action and scare. The lack of budget made it look a bit cheese feel which really ruined it right from the start. However, again if they could do it well in the trailer, I still think much of this is through the camera work.

What am I talking about? In some scenes of the monster close up, you can tell they spent a lot of money on the CGI and effects to make it look real, these are in the trailer. However, many scenes of the monster from afar, which are mostly action scenes, you can totally tell it is some guy in a cheap rubber suit. Yeah... it's that bad.

A lot of the explosion effects were really good, which again makes me wonder perhaps they spent the money in the wrong area of the film. Overall a good one time watch with friends but treat it like any other cheesy low budget B movie and you'll get a night of fun with your friends. Keep your expectations low.

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rosslewis-3500528 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that Neil Marshall directed the likes of Dog Soldiers and The Descent and can then produce this.

The acting and script were sub par and all the affected accents were unconvincing at best, the special effects weren't fact, the only stand out thing about this film were Charlotte Kirk's implants.

The monster costumes weren't great either and what with the secondary 'tongues'? The way it was introduced It seemed to be an important thing but after the initial hacking off on the tongues it was never really touched upon again.

Why was everyone so gung ho to blow themselves up in order to be the hero when there were much easier ways of taking down the monsters?

Very forgettable and not worth ninety minutes of your precious time.
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Flat, Tired, Disappointing, Sadly the worst of Neil Marshall
TwistedContent29 October 2022
Unfortunately, the saddening downhill slope of Neil Marshall, author of such cool flicks as The Descent, Dog Soldiers and Centurion, continues, with the last three being lackluster Hellboy remake (5/10), disappointing historical horror The Reckoning (5/10) and now this, a flat, murky B creature feature with more cliché's than one can count.

. The set-up, story and conclusion, or pretty much everything, is by-the-numbers, run-down-the-mill B actioneer that also can't decide if it wants to be a horror movie or action comedy. We have an army base, a secret soviet (not nazi?!) bunker, cardboard soldiers throwing an overwhelming amount of weak one-liners, and a depthless, tired protagonist, and, of course, some monsters craving a fight with humans. About the only really decent factor of "The Lair" are the special effects, although used in abundance and leaving a taste for more. Acting wise I can only commend Hadi Khanjanpour, the Afghan prisoner on the road to being a badass, and having the only character with any sort of arc. Rest of the cast are having a lazy sunday stroll. There's a grain of an interesting horror movie idea in "The Lair", but it's all lost in a weak script and flat direction. "The Lair" gets dull and mindless already 10 minutes into it, and struggles to build any tension during the next 80, and whatever tension there might've been, is destroyed by frequent tiresome comedy.

. There really isn't much to say about this forgettable suBpar action horror film, the most fun you'll have is if you crack t least a couple beers and have some company, other than that, pass on this one, even if you love creature features. My rating: 4/10.
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Full of Evil Residents...
Xstal28 October 2022
There's a bunker from the past that Sinclair's found, a kind of Russian mutant store or beast compound, they're quite keen to open up, from your head down to your gut, make their residence above, not underground. The army has a post that's close at hand, Sinclair escapes and tells the man who's in command, about the place where evil thrives, you could say it's like a hive, but there's resistance to her claims and her demands.

Reminiscent of several films on a similar theme you will have encountered before but nothing like as good. Some of the special effects are decent enough but the performances are a bit ordinary and the end can't come soon enough.
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I liked it
alexkzapf28 January 2023
It is exactly what I expected. You know that a lot of the soldiers are fodder. And. That is okay. Good action sequences. Great creature effects. Not sure why there are so many negative reviews. It's a great time killer. And. As long as you know what your in for. You'll like it. Paced nicely. Good character development. If you like monster movies with practical effects. You'll enjoy this. Turn your brain off, to some extent. Has a few jump moments. Nothing major. The actors did a good job with the material they were given. Would love to see the material expanded upon. A sequel or prequel would be nice.
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Okay action movie
continuumx14 April 2023
The movie opens with RAF pilot Kate Sinclair and her nameless WSO being shot down over Afghanistan somewhere. They are attacked by the Taliban (maybe). Her WSO is killed and she is forced to take refuge in a Soviet bunker that looks a lot like a buried cargo container. Once inside, she finds the plot of the movie.

This is a solidly middle of the road action horror movie. The creature costumes are pretty good for a low budget movie but the CGI blood is pretty bad. I will have to say that Jaimie Barber did a good job since I didn't even recognize him until about an hour into the movie. The rest is the cast is mostly pretty decent. The main exception is the female lead. She's very pretty but not much of an actor. I didn't believe for a second that she was an RAF pilot or even British for that matter. The action scenes are pretty well done and entertaining. The plot is mostly a pile of various tropes cliches but it's serviceable.

If you want an action horror movie where the characters fight monsters, this one is perfectly okay. It's not great but I have seen far worse.
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Really good B movie....
bboymambo15 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These people review bombing this film are bugging out... I literally went into this film expecting the worse and instead was pleasantly surprised decent graphics cgi to a minimum I love the old school prosthetics... Definitely felt a call of duty/resident evil video game vibes... A ragtag group vs the creatures who look like B. O. W.s from resident evil... even the premise about the Russians invasion of Afghanistan was a smoke screen... This movie is on par with Dog Soldiers and Blood Vessel... Which are also on Amazon prime, now mind you as the movie went on you know it being this type of film everybody has to get a catchphrase or like their last final word which made it a little eyerolling at times but overall you felt for the characters the acting was good for the most part felt like early 90s sci-fi channel goodness... The film is entertaining to say the least give it a chance go in with low expectations and you'll be pleasantly surprised that I've seen far worse films with a price tag for a movie that I didn't spend a dime on I was entertained... I will be purchasing just to support the creator... As they did this movie on a low budget I was impressed too many of these bee movies try to do so much CGI and extravagant scenes that it makes the film look far worse than it can actually is this movie use good stock footage and the scenery was believable... The deaths are memorable very good Gore Factor... And another good thing is they don't try to squeeze any romance out of the main actress like no unnecessary dialogue or subplots... I was even a bit surprised at the end when the Arab man makes a shocking discovery about the creatures.... Very good flash back sequences... I would like to see a sequel.
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Creatures of the Night
unbrokenmetal18 July 2023
Soldiers fighting genetically engineered slimy creatures - it's a kind of mix between John Rambo's mission in Afghanistan with the second Alien movie. From the director of "Dog Soldiers" and "Doomsday", another monster flick which is decently entertaining. Funny enough, for Neil Marshall's previous "The Reckoning", I had high expectations and was a little disappointed. For "The Lair", exactly the opposite: I didn't expect much, but was actually pleased.

The movie is obviously influenced by the mercenary and sci-fi flicks of the 80s and 90s, and well constructed in three acts at 30 mins each. Act 1, the bunker is discovered. Will the army take heed of the warning of an unknown enemy? Act 2, battle at night with the creatures, then more information is gathered, from obduction of a creature's body to unexpected help from a local guy. Act 3, trying to stop the invasion from below. Because also Taliban forces attack, really an action-packed situation. The movie has a few weaknesses, some characters remain shallow as cardboard, some scenes are "we've seen it all before", but it was fun.
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Well, Neil Marshall tried his best.
Vivekmaru4517 November 2022
But by his high standards, I think he would want to forget he directed this film. Having seen his The Descent(2005) and the rave reviews it got, I was excited to see this new offering. But Neil Marshall himself payed homage to movies like Alien, Aliens and Resident Evil in this one. The music is also derived from these. I was chuckling as I heard those familiar tunes from movies seen ages ago...

This movie is about a crash landed Royal Air Force pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair(Charlotte Kirk), who steps into an underground facility when she is ambushed by rebels defending the area. Inside the underground facility she discovers the terrifying truth about a secret government experiment gone wrong. Afterward when she is rescued by an American task force she warns them about what she had seen but by then it is too late... Watch the film to see what happens next.

Only fans of Neil Marshall movies should see this. Other than that there is nothing worth mentioning about this one. Charlotte Kirk produced this film as well so I'm mystified as to how much was invested into the special-effects department. Obviously nothing went right for Neil. On top of this some lousy acting to boot from all involved. I won't be surprised if this movie ends up in public domain, free for all to watch. It's that bad.

Thanks for taking the time to read this review.
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Very mediocre mindless action movie.
lord-blade28 October 2022
Basic premise is something we've seen countless times. Secret military base with monsters. Bunch of soldiers fighting for their lives. Same old, same old.

Nothing really new here. Pretty much by the numbers.

The special effects are just as average as everything else. Nothing too special. Not terrible, just your usual rubber suits and squibs.

The acting is... alright. The characters are all very one note. Everyone has their role, the muscle, the ass, the doc, the heart, etc... again, all as expected. The acting is serviceable.

The writing... meh. Tons of stupid decisions being made. Lots of nonsensical stuff and contradictions. The monsters are both nigh invulnerable and able to be knocked out by a punch. They can take countless rounds from high powered rifles, but a hammer to the head takes them out.

There's also a lot of magically teleporting moments. Like when a monster is there to grab someone when they weren't there a second ago. Or how there's a ton of them everywhere, then suddenly the place is empty, then it's full again when they need more action. Just very badly directed.

If you turn your brain off, it makes an adequate action flick to waste time with. But not really worth bothering with if you're looking for something beyond made for TV trash.
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Omg cringe what was the director thinking!
awen-371421 February 2023
Shame could have been a good film! It had a good story!

Horrendous acting, corny on every level! Terrible! Main girl can not act! Terrible acting from all of them! Worst film I've ever watched! And what's with the slow motion bits? We just started laughing! It's so comical What a load of rubbish! Waste of time! The monsters in suits weren't realistic either! Catapulted into the sky Honestly worst I've ever seen! Oh I forgot to mention the dramatic sound effects and screeching! Head's blowing up and umbilical cords around necks looked so unrealistic! Pointy floppy rubber fingers ! Dear me do want me to go on.......
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Neil Marshall must be Desperate
dj-andygibbens28 January 2023
This is truly awful. Predictable story, terrible one liners and some of the worst acting I've ever seen. The script felt like they made it up as they went along, and the actors were asked 'What would you like to Say next?' It was like they were trying to make each other laugh.

Neil Marshall has made some cracking movies in the past, some years ago I have to admit but this was clearly just to pay the bills.

The whole super soldier, experiment gone wrong plot has been done a hundred times before and this has nothing original. It's only saving grace was some of the guts and gore, apart from that. Plop!!
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Not good, but not PAINFUL to watch.
showua128 October 2022
If you're a fan of good old-fashioned splatter horror, there's a reasonable amount of that in this movie.

Also, you know how so very often the principal protagonist discovers the monsters, and then tries to persuade other people that the monsters exist, and those other people go all Obviously-Doomed-Disbelieving-Villagers on them? That doesn't happen in The Lair, so I'll give it a point for that.

Apart from that, though, The Lair is only inventive when things happen that definitely could not actually happen. And the dialogue's SO corny. And the special effects, for most stuff except for the abovementioned splatter, are often unconvincing. And as usual you're in for a wild ride whenever someone mentions DNA in a horror or sci-fi movie.

I'm not sorry I watched it, but my time could have been much better spent.
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A fun watchable B-film.
Top_Dawg_Critic15 November 2022
As far as action-horror films go, the writing wasn't anything revolutionary, but was certainly an entertaining one-time watch. I give this film bonus points for its well utilized and perfectly paced 96 min runtime, and a surprisingly decent and fitting score - a rarity for B films. Even the cinematography, visual effects and gore were all on point. Had the writing been tighter with less plot holes, and more of the landed humor with less cheesy dialogue, this could've easily been much better. All casting and performances were decent, as were the sets and landscapes. Worth the watch in my opinion, and deserving of a 7/10 from me.
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Illogical writing
chandanrj-4490527 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert!!! The main character of the movie, the lady, wants to save a freaking character at the end and enters the bunker but then loses almost all characters. What got into my nerves is that she has guts to enter the bunker to save her fav character, but she leaves a single character behind to hold a door so that she along with her fav. Character could escape.

I was like WTF!!!!! She is freaking selfish. Just because of her and her illogical will, every character lost their lives. Thank God! She wasn't awarded with the gantry award. I would have lost completely.

Overall, freaking illogical writing, illogical direction and not so happening make overs for the species. Some scenes the nails of the species can be seen as leather made.

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Stock up on Ammo!
bear_adam29 October 2022
Solid monster movie by Neil Marshall. So happy to see he is returning to his roots since Dog Soldiers is my favorite werewolf film! I'd give it a 7.5. Story was cliché. The acting was ehh. Solid action scenes, but the gun effects were exaggerated. The creatures and kills/gore was perfection! I did almost shut it off after the first few minutes of how cheesy the "gun effects" were, but happy I stuck with it. Please note that most people don't care that it seems to be a Resident Evil clone. Everything takes inspiration from something else just like RE did in the past. Enjoy it for what it is friends.
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Fun horror from Neil Marshall
Gothamite125 August 2022
Saw this at the FrightFest premier in London.

A descent and gory horror movie with British and American troops in Afghanistan fending off monsters created from Russian experiments left over from their tine in Afghanistan.
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Oh dear ...
bishysbus5 February 2023
So you have a man called TAFF who at first sounds Scottish. An American Major trying his hardest to put on an American accent. An RAF pilot who doesn't know how to hold a rifle and doesn't know the law of engagement of once you fire, move position.

Well the dialogue is awful. The casting is awful.

It's like a poor man's 'Descent', a film that was actually original and scary. The lair is laughable. It's so bad that it's one of those films that you have to keep on watching just to se what happens next that is going to be bad. For example, they get away from the creatures by hiding in a bunker, but there is no lock on the door. But still the creatures can't get in. And they stop trying.

Don't waste your time. 😂
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Those Accents!
bhgjwnf31 July 2023
Apart from everything else that's amiss in this film (which is A LOT) it is ,quite possibly, the largest collection of truly awful accents featured in a single film. One of the "American" characters refers to "Christmas crackers"! Were there no Americans hanging around in Budapest to proofread a script that features so many US characters? Keeping track of what was being said was difficult as I was so distracted by the dodgy accents and cliched writing. Akin to watching "Downton Abbey" as if it were performed by the Kardashians!

I can't recommend it, even as camp. Hard to believe this is the same person who directed "The Descent".
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Blah.. Expected more from Marshall
HorrorFilmHellion29 October 2022
Very by-the-numbers gun squad vs men-in-monster suits movie. It's got its moments, but most of the ride is quite generic and cheesy for a Neil Marshall flick. Marshall has done some pretty creative things previously, but this feels like pieces and parts leftovers mixed with a very B movie script, and chalk full of gimmicky camera work. The gunfire is really tiresome with constantly repeated screen flashes and sound dubs. The monsters look like modern day versions of CHUDs. There are some good scenes from time to time but the neck breaking camera work prevents any scene glory. Its not bad for B grade, but I guess I was hoping for more.
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Terrible! No weapons training at all.
jcrinvestors12 November 2022
Well the first 10 min the terrible actor with the big "balloons" is just atrocious and can't... act at all. She doesn't even shoulder her rifle shooting from the hip and killing a whole army by herself. At least learn how to hold a rifle if you are gonna play a freakin soldier let alone a female RAMBO. She had perfect hair in every scene and looks untouched even after climbing through a nasty drain and on and on.... She is such a bad actor that I couldn't even focus on the movie. I'm convinced that I might as well be in movies, why not? Seems like they will give anyone a roll. The fight scenes are hilariously bad but not enough to be "horribly funny". It's just a mess. And the accents... geez just terrible. Save yourself the pain of watching this botched up seizure inducing film. Just terrible man. Terrible. ...............
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