The Exorcist: Believer (2023) Poster

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Stop letting David Gordon Green make horror films.
benjaminskylerhill6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
He can't do it. He's now had four chances, and none of them have worked. Stop him, please.

I'd say for the first 40 minutes of so of Believer, I was on board. Green's direction was shockingly restrained; the plot, while nothing spectacular, was methodically introduced; and the editing was quite effectively unnerving.

Then the film takes a nose dive into generic bilge and doesn't stop spiralling downward for the remaining hour. The only good thing I can say about this latter half is that the performances remained earnest throughout.

Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil is brought back 50 years later only to have her character eviscerated, forgetting every lesson she learned in the original film. Then she gets pushed aside halfway through the movie and has zero bearing on the plot. She's only present for an insultingly inane attempt at fan service.

None of the characters have the complex compassion, flawed priorities, or stunning courage that was present among the cast of the 1973 classic. This film is full of nothing characters and it becomes more apparent as the story progresses and the writers had no idea what to do with any of the people populating their script.

The generic plot builds up to a climax that's incoherent in every conceivable way: thematically, tonally, and narratively, it's all over the place, earning none of the feeling that it attempts to evoke with its heavy-handed musical cues.

Given the solid first act, this movie's nowhere near as bad as Exorcist II or Exorcist: The Beginning. But I'm still appalled.

I'm appalled that the same filmmaker has now made four movies stemming from classic horror cinema, and all of them have been haphazardly thrown together with no thought given to coherent storytelling.

David Gordon Green, I'm begging you: stop.
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What an insult to the original Exorcist from 1973
imseeg11 October 2023
I tried to like it, but after some 10 minutes into the movie I began to fear that this was a complete and utter dud. And it turned out I was right.

The bad: it is suppose to be horror, but it isnt horrifying for one minute. A bit freaky and strange, but definitely not scary. And I wanna get scared watching such a movie. That is the whole point of making horror movies.

More bad: besides a wonderful performance by the ever great Ellen Burstyn, none of the other actors impressed me. The 2 kids, who were possessed were okay, but not terrific either. But the other actors were plain average or even below average.

Defnitely an insult to the classic original from 1973, which was an absolute shocker of a classic!
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More like Exorcist Disbeliever.
tomasctinoco7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Exorcist Believer, director David Gordon Green seems to be stuck in a deja vu loop, recycling the same formula that worked for him in "Halloween." Unfortunately, this deja vu doesn't bring nostalgic chills, but rather a sense of disappointment. While Chris, a character from the original Exorcist, is dragged into this lackluster sequel, the rest of the plot veers into its own abyss of a weak and disconnected narrative. This movie really has zero connection to the original Exorcist. Green takes a strong character like Chris and, instead of adding depth, blindsides her with a disrespectful twist that feels like a disservice to the original film. The writing is terrible, leaving the story merely okay, but its blatant lack of connection to the iconic Exorcist makes it feel like a missed opportunity. The movie is not suspenseful, it's not scary, it's not shocking, it's nothing that the original Exorcist is and doesn't even come close. Perhaps, it would have been better marketed as a standalone movie with a fresh title, sparing itself comparison to one of cinema's horror gems. David Gordon Green NEEDS to stay away from making horror movies.
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Well this sucks
kmkevinn-647336 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Which is the obvious conclusion to trying to make a waaay past its due date sequel to one of the greatest horror movies of all time; and still the best one based on exorcism and possession. My favorite part was literally the last 15 seconds into the credits and (finally) original sounding Tubular Bells. The writing was thin. The acting was flat. The storyline left nothing to unfold and, like other reviews said, rushed from two girls acting weird after getting lost in the woods to two girls being exorcised by a hodge podge of underdeveloped family members and random undeveloped religious healers in a ceremony that was based on various not fully fleshed out religious beliefs, which are still unclear to me. Why were any of those people really there? Wow. Getting Ellen Burstin to say those shoddy lines, probably playing that character for the last time in our lives, they didn't even put her in the actual exorcism scene. I'm glad she got the funds for her non profit which was why she said she did it in the first place. Cuz there's no way she read that script and was like "I'm in!" Anyway go see it for fun but after the first 45 minutes you'll wish you had a fast forward button to skip to the last five minutes. You will leave wondering why everyone at the scene of this exorcism wasn't immediately arrested for child neglect considering there were next to no scenes in this film that helped us understand how we got from scared in the woods acting weird to strapped to chairs in a dining room. It was just like... they are acting weird, they must be possessed! Go get Regan's mom and let's cast out these demons. Mike Flanagan would be a considering choice for this demon possession remake but not David Green not him.
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David Gordon Green proves that he can make good indie movies but absolute terrible big budget movies
chenp-547086 October 2023
Wow, this was really bad.

The original "The Exorcist" was a great horror movie with many intense and horrific moments and great memorable characters. I haven't personally seen the sequels and other installments so I really can't talk too much about them. The Exorcist: Believer is considered a direct sequel to the first Exorcist, I kind of expected this one wasn't going to be great but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

The production and the costumes were pretty standard which made it feel, at times, a television movie setting and the camerawork was mostly generic despite having a few shot compositions that looked pretty good. Even with some good camerawork, the messy narrative and direction and the use of horror cliches and annoying jump scares just drags the movie down and ends up making things eye-rolling. Director and Writer David Gordon Green has made a few movies I liked like "George Washington (2000), Snow Angels, and Joe" and Green tries to create something different for the installment. Unfortunately his writing and directing doesn't really offer much because the writing is all over the place with moments that are quite laughable alongside the bland direction.

Honestly, the performances from the cast members are not really good as the performances felt poor, dry, and not very convincing. Leslie Odom Jr. And Ann Dowd are actors I like and they seem to be trying their best but unfortunately they aren't able to keep hold on their roles. Ellen Burstyn is absolutely wasted in this movie. As mentioned, the narrative tries to explore some new characters and territories but the narrative isn't good and none of the characters were interesting to the point that it was really boring at certain points of the movie.

The soundtrack was pretty generic. The dialogue is really bad with certain monologue moments being poor and sometimes laughable. Certain lighting moments were bad, the make-up and costumes looked alright but there were certain moments that made them look cheap. Also, the movie has some of the worst editing I have seen in awhile which makes Bohemian Rhapsody's editing look like a masterpiece.

Overall, I don't understand why it's necessary to have a new installment of the Exorcist. At this point, as much as I like some of Green's early work, I'm convinced his future works aren't going to be really good anymore.
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A soulless sequel.
jp_916 October 2023
"The Exorcist: Believer" is a film whose trailer was better and which promised an old school style story but adding new elements, the result was not terrible but it was bad. The script starts without much interest, the scenes of the first symptoms of demonic possession were quite simple and did not create tension, the exorcism scenes fail to stand out and feel illogical, during this part of the film it manages to have a couple of good scenes. Using characters from the original film makes no sense, their participation is almost irrelevant but it is nice to see them again. Within the aforementioned script, an attempt was made to give it a new perspective with the theme of religions and a union with a common good, but it completely fails to innovate and they treat it in a simple way. The performances are average, the two possessed girls do not achieve the masterful performance that Linda Blair achieved in 1973. David Gordon Green fails miserably in his work as a director, the cinematography is decent, on the soundtrack it is appreciated to hear the legendary "Tubular Bells" although with certain changes that are not poorly achieved and the makeup effects look gloomy. The positive points are few and the negative ones are more, a soulless sequel.
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Makes The Pope's Exorcist look like The Exorcist.
Zed-Runner6 October 2023
John Boorman can sleep a little easier tonight; he is no longer responsible for directing the worst film in The Exorcist franchise. Why, in the name of God, does DGG bring back Ellen Burstyn just to treat the character of Chris McNeil with such contempt? Watching this movie I started to wonder if DGG hates William Friedkin. That's the level of disrespect on display. This is the worst film I've seen in some time, and in this day and age, that's saying something. It's one of those movies in which a character, or in this case 3 or 4 characters, stop to tell the audience exactly... What. Is. Happening. On. Screen. More than a bad film, it's an enraging one. The option should exist to award zero stars. It's existence is a blasphemy.
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A Desecration Of 'The Exorcist' Legacy
CinemaClown26 October 2023
After defiling the Halloween saga with his insipid sequel trilogy, David Gordon Green brings his desecrating vision to yet another beloved horror classic and leaves no stone unturned to insult its unparalleled legacy. Nothing less than an eyesore, The Exorcist: Believer is one of the worst films to surface this year and makes for a wretched, unholy & sacrilegious mess that itself is in desperate need of an exorcism.

Also co-written by Gordon Green (Halloween Kills & Halloween Ends), the story never is able to create any sense of intrigue throughout its runtime and only gets worse as it progresses. There is no emotional weight to its setup, it is severely lacking in atmosphere, is downright ineffective in the scary department with its tired tropes & clichéd attempts. And characters remain distant as well. There isn't one aspect that's executed well.

Where the original was pioneering in its use of horror set pieces, practical effects, sound design & storytelling, this follow-up chapter has got nothing to capture our attention. Everything it tries fails to work out, its attempts to scare the viewers only ends up being hilarious and what it does with Chris MacNeil is not only facepalm-inducing but also mind-numbingly moronic. Acting from all is forgettable and the finale is a neutered, dumbed-down version.

Overall, The Exorcist: Believer is an incompetently directed, shoddily scripted and awfully acted sequel that has no understanding of what makes The Exorcist such an enduring masterpiece of its genre. Much worse than what the negative reception will have you thinking, the film has zero redeemable qualities, offers more laughs than scares by playing out like a parody than a proper sequel and is horror filmmaking at its most bland & uninteresting. In a word, cringeworthy.
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Total waste of time
callawhite9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, I didn't expect much from this movie, but I just went as a big time Horror fan and even then I was disappointed.

  • The plot is messy. It makes no sense at all.

  • there was no reference to the original demon itself or its name Pazuzu (except it mentioning it's the same one to Chris McNeil)
  • Chris McNeil's part in the movie is a forgettable cameo which made no sense and added nothing to the story or movie. Not her fault and she didn't even want to do it but this is on the directors.

  • the whole exorcism was also underwhelming and lame with nothing to offer.

  • the worst part was the ending. 2 people are dead and law enforcement is walking around as if nothing happened. No questions to the parents and also not much shown about the dead girl's parents afterwards. It was just stupid.

What a waste of time and such an insult to the original 1973 film.
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A Major Disappointment
john-brocato7 October 2023
I saw The Exorcist: Believer the day it opened, and, as a longtime devotee of the original, I worried it would be disappointing but still hung onto some hope that it would be OK. Sadly, I was thoroughly disappointed. This movie felt like someone arguing frantically for two hours that "movies are supposed to be entertainment" as a way of drowning out their conscience telling them (accurately) that they have, in fact, made a crap movie. Obvious and pointless jump-scares, amateurishly written soliloquies about good v. Evil, uninspired and thus desperate-feeling callbacks to the original, attempts at pulling your heartstrings by hands that evidently don't know where the human heart is located in the body - yes, this film has it all, and it's all dumb.

I do applaud David Gordon Green's decision to make a direct sequel instead of attempting a reboot (or, far worse, a "reimagining"), but in so doing he made a big mistake: he pandered. Movies like this feel for all the world as if the filmmakers - instead of you know, doing some actual writing and working hard on the story and script - gather everything they think you love about the original and modern horror in general and cram it all in at twice the volume and one-tenth the quality. That's pandering. It's like a barter-system version of someone pleading with you to please love them.

My suggestion: skip the overpriced cinema ticket and just re-watch the original Exorcist, which is still terrifying 50+ years on, followed immediately by Exorcist III, which has somehow gotten worthier over the years.
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If it weren't called The Exorcist, you'd like it more.
legomikejr2 March 2024
If you're gonna compare this to the original than you're not looking at it the right way. This film actually tried to make to take the story and place it in a plausible future that gives way to multiple possibilities. There's elements of the original that are noticeable like hints of the cinematography, the musical tones and callback lines but this movie is a story about the father facing his past and coming to terms with the decisions he's made. I get how it's not super scary but realistically in this day and age, horror has a hard time delivering shock to its audiences. This isn't the 70's. People aren't going to have the same kind of reaction as they did back then. Everyone was expecting this to be as reactionary as the first and were given another film that's about demonic possession which are a dime a dozen now but I think people over time will realize this film isn't as bad as they thought. If it were called anything other than Exorcist it may have had a better chance and people would have enjoyed it more and seen as pretty solid film rather than a poor shot at revitalizing a classic film. I urge anyone who sees it don't be thinking that the original did this scene better or this was more scary. Try to see if the story on its own has some worth and maybe the sprinklings of the original tonalities will make it seem like a good nod to a once great horror instead of a failure towards one.
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Held off on watching this due to bad reviews, but I was entertained with this film and wish I had watched it sooner.
katiebugg-4997126 November 2023
Horror movies just aren't made like they used to be. How these "horror" movies like Five Nights at Freddy's, Scream 2023, Megan, There's Something Wrong with the Children, and soooo many more like this receive an IMDb rating of 7 stars, yet this movie is rated in the 4's is mind boggling to me.

Exorcist: The Believer is not a new concept. It's not a unique storyline that's never been done before, but it is a good movie. It's a possession film with plenty of jump scares, moments that creep you out, and moments that make you want to turn the lights on. To me, THAT'S what makes a good scary movie! The acting was great, the storyline (although done before) was a good one that kept you on your toes and entertained. Trust me, in comparison to the "horror movies" being advertised today, this one is worth the watch.
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Terrible sequel
tarynabryant7 October 2023
It's so obvious that the 10 star reviews on here are fake/paid for, considering they all have very similar wording. I'm a huge horror fan and try to watch every new horror movie that releases, so believe me when I tell you this movie sucks. David Gordon Green destroys yet another beloved horror franchise, but i'm sure we all saw that coming after what he did to Halloween. Don't waste your money going to see this movie in the theater, maybe then David Gordon Green will get the message that no one wants to endure his garbage storylines anymore. No one expected this to be anywhere near as good as the original, but it still managed to be a massive let down.
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Your mother sucks lollipops in hell.
BA_Harrison6 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The original The Exorcist was awarded an 'X' certificate in 1973 on account of its shocking content and graphic imagery, which had audiences reeling in horror. David Gordon Green's The Exorcist: Believer is a 15 certificate on account of its tepid scares which will have viewers questioning their life choices.

Having given us three of the worst Halloween movies, Green now takes a dump on another much-loved horror franchise, proving once and for all that he has zero understanding of the genre. The first half of Believer will have you thinking that you've somehow seated yourself in front of the wrong cinema screen: it feels nothing like a horror film, focusing on the hunt for two teenage girls who go missing while walking through some woods.

The second half is where the possession stuff starts to happen and is so bad that it will have you wishing that you HAD seated yourself in front of the wrong cinema screen. All the expected tropes are present, but executed in a predictable, lifeless and inoffensive fashion. Ellen Burstyn's supposedly poignant monologue about joining forces to beat the devil, delivered shortly after her character has had both eyes poked out, is particularly cringe-worthy.

Green saves the worst for last, the long awaited exorcism ritual carried out by the local Neighbourhood Possession Watch, the only real priest on hand being no help whatsoever. In the end, the devil gives those present the chance to choose which girl lives and which girl dies-and I still can't believe that they took the route they did...

2/10. Not as execrable as Halloween Kills or Halloween Ends, but it's close.
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DGG just stop
acowan08866 October 2023
Sometimes it's ok to just let these classic movies live on as their own thing. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to give the director a shot at this franchise because... those 3 new Halloween movies are atrocious. Not funny, not scary, did not need to be made.

I was bored to tears with this film and kept looking at my watch to see how close it was to being over. The characters were forgettable, the story is nothing new, and I had to stop myself from laughing out loud at the acting quite a number of times.

Just watch the original and then if you want a follow up, watch the director's cut that has some extra scenes.
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The Power of Christ Couldn't Save This Movie
StrangeSleep7 October 2023
Watching this movie is like undergoing a two-hour exorcism through boredom. What started out as mildly intriguing albeit unimaginative premise devolves into a silly, hollow variation on the original. Throw in a generous serving of detritus and effluvia, a touch of CGI, and a disorganized multi-faith ritual, and you're done! I started looking at my watch after about thirty minutes to calculate how much more tedium remained.

Even the demon Pazuzu was nowhere nearly as entertaining as the original. Yes, there is the requisite foul language, but Pazuzu was also snide and sarcastic... there's nothing like "Your mother's in here with us, Karras. Would you like to leave a message? I'll see that she gets it." I was patiently waiting for some equally as clever and rude demonic quips, but there were none to be had.

The Exorcist is a masterpiece of cinema, horror or otherwise. It's been done. Move on.
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Terrible! Worse film I've seen
dsrrespiteathome10 October 2023
I'm not giving it any stars.

Honestly must be the worse film I watched. No storyline and as for a "horror" I get more scared looking in the mirror and seeing myself. I paid £15 to watch it odeon Lux and it was a shambles.

I understand that it's nothing like the original but you don't see how these kids get possessed they just turn up from the forest they get lost in. I honestly have nothing else to say other than do not waste your money or time in going out of your way to see this.

I am honestly gutted was really looking forward to it!!

Please do not watch this film. It's honestly god dam terrible. The film is so bad I've gone out of my way to write this review.
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Don't try and compare this to the original, you'll be disappointed!
Ratingzzz5 October 2023
The Exorcist: Believer follows the iconic horror film that has stood the test of time. Released in 1973. The sequel tells the chilling story of a 2 young girls possessed by a demonic entity. The movie is as it predecessor known for its intense and terrifying scenes, as well as its exploration of faith and the battle between good and evil.

The performances in The Exorcist are outstanding, particularly of the 2 possessed girls. The portrayal of the demonic possessions are both disturbing and captivating. The makeup and special effects used to bring the possessed to life are impressive.

The Exorcist is not for the faint of heart. It's filled with shocking and unsettling moments that will leave you with goosebumps. The jump scares are a bit to predictable yet a few had me skip a heartbeat for a minute.

If you enjoy supernatural horror and don't mind being scared out of your wits, The Exorcist is your type of movie. Just make sure you set the vibe right and dare to see it on the big screen.
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A Whole Lotta Meh
brettkins6 October 2023
PROS: Strong performances from most of the cast. A solid set up in the first block of the film that makes us empathize with the characters.

CONS: After the set up and possessions, the film flatlines. There seem to be too many ideas floating around that never get handled properly. The creepy factor was null and void. A couple of jump scares are thrown in. Perhaps the film's biggest mistake is having the legacy character, Chris (Ellen Burstyn), wasted here as the studio's cliche cash grab for nostalgic fans. An overall weak script, cringe dialogue, and plenty of corny group exorcism moments to go around. The film really treats its audience like they're stupid. Skip this and watch the original instead.
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They don't make them like they used to do....
theromanempire-19 October 2023
I was a huge fan of the original and best 1973 film of the exorcist.

That was really a scarry horror film which made a huge impact 50 years ago.

The original sequel part 2 the heretic was a welcomed addition and then we got a different story for part 3.

Part 3 was weird entry. Others liked it others didn't but it tried to be something different.

Then the prequels arrived around 2005 but they were average at best.

I preffered the begining over dominion.

And we are here at 2023 with a brand new exorcist sequel which use the halloween 2018 and the saw X formula.

Problem is....the 1973 magic is gone.

We will never get those magic days back.

Sadly the film is too predictable and uses the same formula over and over again.

Maybe we got too much similar films all those years and we got tired but anyhow this new entry is nowhere near the 1973 film.

There are a few good things like the return of a few original 1973 cast members and the exorcisms were done right but at some point u may get bored.

Anyhow this is better than nothing and u can check it out but don't expect to witness what u witnessed back in 1973. That's 4 sure.

Grade B-
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Why are studios still letting David Gordon Green direct horror films?
BatPopsicle10 October 2023
This guy needs to get into a different genre of film. He butchers every horror franchise that he touches. Utterly useless. I usually don't have high expectations for reboots but I at least go into it expecting something watchable. There are some really good moments but not enough to watch the whole film without feeling anger and regret when it's over. The film lacks intelligent writing and character development. Just like the other sequels, this one fails also. DGG horror films are cringeworthy and hard to take seriously. I really hope someone comes to their senses and stops this guy from making anymore films in this genre.
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Not what I expected
bcjmky4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The opening sequence completely mesmerized me, the camera work, the editing, the directing, it definitely had a certain quality to it (in a good way!). It seemed to me to have an old-school or throw-back feel to it, if that makes sense. I very much enjoyed the solemn tone and sort of slower build up to the possessions. I thought the main actor (single father of one girl) did an excellent job - he reminds me of Kid Cudi. The actual excorcism and some of the additional characters (the white pastor guy) I found a bit corny - and I kept waiting for a truly SHOCKING scene that never really came. Those are my only isssues, and overall I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the filmmaking.
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It may not be anything new, but it's a solid sequel to a beloved Horror classic, and I'm a bit shocked to hear some of the harsh reactions after my advanced screening.
elijahbutler-401194 October 2023
So, first off, I must say that I'm an enormous fan of The Exorcist (1973). It's in my Top 3 Horror films of all time. Quite literally one of the quintessential titles in tbe genre, so, I was honestly very terrified about this new movie coming out, especially after David Gordon Green's downfall with Halloween Ends. Having seen the movie now, I'm not sure how the general public will feel about this film, and responses I've been seeing have been pretty divisive. With that being said, I thought this movie was very good and was not at all offensive to the original 1973 classic. Specifically, the final 10 minutes of the film were filled with so much adrenaline, and they so something very ballsy in the end!! The movie obviously isn't as good as the original Exorcist, and it was never going to be, but for what the film is, I was genuinely surprised by it. If you have time later this weekend, check out the movie and decide for yourself on what you thought.
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Believe me this sucks
moviemanmo9736 October 2023
Another possession movie that does the same thing every other possession movie has done since the original Exorcist. The fact that the exorcist title was used for this movie is a shame.

There wasn't anything frightening about this at all. The build up felt like it took too long and the ending felt rushed. Everything else in between was boring. There were moments I laughed at the dialogue, I'm sure it wasn't intentional humor. There isn't any creativity as to the demon that possessed the girls, the film basically wants you to believe it's the same evil from the original. It's the same recycled idea of someone trying to get in contact with a dead relative and summons an evil spirit.

The whole idea of two girls being possessed at the same time didn't add anything to the film.

There are many more things about this film that didn't work, just think of a cliche possession movie and add the exorcist title and you have this film. Do not waste your time.
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It's just.....meh
jydtfhbv11 October 2023
I knew this was never going to surpass the original, but the trailers looked decent, so what the heck, right? The first red flag was the director. He did a pretty good job on the 2018 Halloween. Then the other two came out and oh my, talk about how to ruin a good thing. Now he decides to take the driver seat to one of the most iconic horror movies ever made. The two child actors do a good job, they do have some creepy scenes and the movie has some decent parts to it, but overall, I left the theater just feeling like things could have been executed better. Now I hear that this will be a trilogy now too? Yeah, no thanks.
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