Run Hide Fight (2020) Poster

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thethomasfamily-7954515 January 2021
A decent Thriller which focuses on the intrinsic value of heroism and selflessness rather than glamorizing and glorifying violence. It does not set out to prove or relay an agenda. This movie is a story of courage in the face of psychological trauma. It's not Citizen Kane, but it's a solid watch with good editing, good acting and a solid art direction. The trailer gave off heavy Die Hard vibes but the movie itself is nothing like it.

Critics won't like it because it provides virtually no political commentary and places all of its value on the importance of courage and doesn't focus on the broader issues at play besides the ubiquitous issue of self-obsession and social media infamy. Conservatives would like it more if they had touched on the issue of nihilism, but again, this movie isn't for the right or the left, it's for everyone.

In recent years, professional critics are most often concerned with the message they want to see, often using phrases such as "this movie provides social commentary which will undoubtedly make the audience think" rather than immersing themselves in the story the movie wants to tell. Comparable to the "problem" with "Hillbilly Elegy", which sets out to tell a story and does it well. Critics don't like it because they don't like the overall message.

Anyway, 7/10, great movie for a night-in with the wife if you're in the mood for a Thriller
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andrewchristianjr21 October 2021
Entertaining action flick with very likable lead actress and a solid supporting cast. The motivation is a little cliched and the emotional background is a little maudlin, but for a movie with a budget of $1.5 million, the production values are first-rate and the execution is solid.
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Not too bad actually, worth a watch
spaulagain15 January 2021
Went in with low expectations, came out pleasantly surprised. Main performances were good, and surprisingly I actually cared about the main characters through the end of the film. The cinematography was pretty decent too. As far as story I give it a B for effort. It had some plot holes here and there, although no more than many of the films that come out of Hollywood. They paint the police as completely useless through the end, which was the biggest plot hole and did bother me throughout the film. But there's tons of Hollywood films that conveniently make the help impossible to reach as well.

Honestly the biggest issue to me was the streaming quality. The frames would skip periodically and the audio quality was horrible. This was probably more to do with YouTube than the film itself.

Other than that, the main villain is a little over the top and checks off all the "conservative" points throughout the film. That was a bit much and should have been more nuanced.

Overall I enjoyed it though.
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Good Enough
matthearnisacatholic15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know the Daily Wire has really been hyping up this movie, and overall the movie isn't bad. Its the kind of movie that I would take a date to and not be embarrassed, and feel like it would lead to conversation. I think there lacked some character development. The final scene of the movie (will try to avoid spoilers) really questions the ethics of the protagonist. Unlike most reviews I think this is a good thing. After watching the movie I just asked if I felt that what Zoe did was right. The movie accomplishes what the DW tried to do- compete with big Hollywood. Its not an amazing movie by means of CGI effect, big name actors, ect but it was the telling of the story. I think its a good first movie for the DW to be involved in, and I look forward to what they get behind in the future.
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A school full of cowards
chinandchin13 July 2021
If I were a student in this school, I just cant leave the limping girl to fight alone.

It's sad that this film lost in balance between comerical and realistic, cos afterall it's actually Die Hard the youth version, so it could go more comerical, then Zoe fight all the way alone with no plice advice at all and the last hunting Kristen act could make more sense, but overall it's quite new.
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Subject Matter Is Still A Painful Memory For Many But It Was A Good Film.
silicontourist4 August 2021
I think its quite a callous and blatantly uncaring, of directors and studios, that the film industry keeps making these school massacre films. There are still too many distraught parents who have lost children murderous wimps.

To date the worst film, for me, has been "As the Gods Will (2014)", from a Japanese director, Takashi Miike, whose work I always love; but this was so close to a real event and was just tasteless stupidity.

This film is nowhere near as violent but still has its own shocking moments. I have to admit that that it was in fact a very good drama; solely due to to its leading character Zoe Hull, played by Isabel May. She totally owns this film from start to finish, which more than makes up for some of the stagnant voids scattered throughout. Its one of the good films of this year, 2021, and is well worth checking out.
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Very confused and suspicious by these rave reviews!
DrGlassman16 January 2021
I feel compelled to review this movie because of this suspicious 8.0+ rating with over 1000+ votes. I'm a big fan of Thomas Jane (even though he unfortunately has very little screen time in this movie, which sucked). After watching this I'm very confused. It was really just an average one-time watch school shooting action/movie. You never really care for any of the characters. There is nothing spectacular or extraordinary about it. Pretty dumb if anything. Could have been shortened by 15 or so minutes. Some parts felt a little tedious and repetitive.

What am I missing?
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Truly amazing movie
raffifeld6 January 2021
Honestly I'm shocked, it was surprisingly good, it was the kind of intense movie that had you sitting on the edge of your seat the whole time, I thought the message was something that really needs to be heard, why the hell was the rotten tomatoes score so bad, honestly critics just care about the agenda and not about the actual story, because it was written well and acted amazing, trust me you'll love it
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Decent film, but not great
jgeoffstoneking15 January 2021
It seems as with most things these days, politics is affecting reviews.

I like to watch stuff objectively and not try to impose politics on the review. And any issues with the production of the movie or the production company (I am completely aware of the issues with Cinestate. But I don't believe that means this movie should be shunned and buried.)

The acting is pretty good. The production is very well made.

What bothered me most were the convoluted plot points to keep the police away from the school during the shooting/siege. (not really spoilers, these happen in like the first 10-15 minutes of the movie) A field fire? A shed fire? Are those really going to get all the police and emergency response teams in the county to respond to those? And block roads because on lookers want to see what's going on?

I've lived in rural places before. A field fire isn't going to get that many people to block roads to watch it. And we know early on one of the student's mothers called the police. But they couldn't tear themselves away from a field fire or a shed fire to respond to a school shooting.

Weak plot points like this really ruin movies like this for me. If the kid had planted bombs at the court house or other important buildings in town, then we may have had a more believable plot point. But I am fairly confident they'd just let the shed burn to the ground if student lives were at risk, and a single engine fire response could have taken care of the field fire.

Still, a pretty decent movie. But certainly not the strongest from Cinestate. And certainly not going to put Daily Wire on the streaming map, but it's a decent first step for them, I suppose.
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Honest Observations: It's a Bad Movie.
ReaLMoisan18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A list of nitpicks, plot contrivances, and plot holes in order of appearance, not severity. This movie has one glaring plot hole too.

-Zoe shoots, but doesn't kill the deer. Todd does a monologue instead of shooting the deer. Also, using a stone to finish off the deer is illegal in North America. Its alarming Todd only raises an eyebrow at this.

-When the van drove through the window, no one was run over. Scene cuts back, two people were hit by the van. Later, we find out a third person was also hit by the van.

-Nobody hears multiple gun shots from a shotgun and other firearms outside the cafeteria. A 12-gauge is insanely loud at 150-165dB. With a perceived volume about sixteen times louder than the front row of a rock concert.

-It's a trope, but even if air ducting could hold someone's weight, it would be insanely loud when Zoe crawls across it. At least Zoe fell through the drop ceiling, some movies have people crawling on drop ceiling.

-Tristan lets the students call or text anyone. No one calls the police. None of the people the students called or texted contacted the police either.

-Everyone in that school would know what's happening right away once those first calls and texts went out. Once one person in a classroom knows, the whole classroom knows.

-The administration knows where and what is happening after Tristan talks to the office on the phone, so every teacher would know right after. All faculty in North American schools have a mobile group contact method just for such situations.

-There would be a lock-down announcement over the PA, or an alarm triggered to let all the other students and faculty know. The office woman would have contacted the police herself. Land lines may be cut, but obviously cells phones work.

-At the utility panel, Anna cuts the internet and network lines, not the phone lines. The BIX block with the phone lines was to the left of the network panel, which was the wires she cut.

-Everyone starts streaming, and again, the police aren't contacted and then respond in minutes. Also, Lewis is filming vertically. This is the movies biggest crime (yes, that's a joke).

-A security guard runs into the cafeteria armed with a nightstick, knowing armed assailants are inside. Also, he acts surprised for some reason, even though he's escorting the principle who's aware of the situation.

-Zoe finally pulls the fire alarm, which should have been the first thing someone did. Also, cutting the fire alarm after it's already triggered doesn't stop the fire department from responding.

-The amount of time that's passed before the police is contacted is over twenty minutes. Not that it matters, the police and S. W. A. T. only stand around in the parking lot anyway. It's a major issue throughout the movie.

-It also takes over twenty minutes for the school to do a lock-down announcement after knowing about the situation too. They say it's because the police have to be contacted before they can announce a lock-down, yet the office didn't call the police themselves.

-Kip places a backpack with a bomb in front of the administration office desk of a huge high school, and no one notices for hours. High school offices are high traffic locations, and that bag wasn't concealed at all. Also, on prank day, you'd think people would be more watchful of such irregularities.

-There's a live stream that started with over a thousand viewers, and it's now been live another fifteen minutes, and the police are still unaware of the stream. That's insanely valuable logistical information about the perpetrators numbers and locations, and their weapons, yet no one tells the cops, or even sends them a link.

-Zoe takes cover behind a locker door to stop bullets. The movie trope of anything providing cover from firearms continues. It shows the first and forth shot missing, but the second shot is blocked by the door, and they don't show where the third shot hits.

-After the first cop on the scene Tommy arrives, it takes another fifteen minutes before more police arrive. Even though Sheriff Tarsy told Tommy on the phone to wait, he was "only two minutes away". So, it took the police thirty five minutes to officially respond to a school shooting. This is ridiculous.

-Todd takes a whole deer carcass home, and doesn't start gutting the deer for hours. They shot the deer and were home before 8 a.m., and it's now the afternoon. We also know its summer too. No hunter would wait this long to start field dressing an animal, especially in those temperatures.

-They show the cops outside looking over blueprints when Zoe calls them. None of them are watching the stream, or the newscast showing the stream. Again, this is highly valuable logistical information, and it's an issue throughout the movie.

-Lewis filmed the van bombs on his stream, yet the police are still unaware. No one tells the police, also, the police would have combed through the live stream for all possible logistical information already, same with S. W. A. T. on the drive over.

-After fifteen minutes of a heavy police force being present, and them knowing the location of all the perpetrators via the live stream (two shooters, both in cafeteria, other two dead or handcuffed), they do nothing. They don't contact teachers with an exit strategy, and they don't go in to extract either.

-After Tristan gave Zoe the ultimatum, the police would have contacted Zoe immediately after. They would never let her go into the cafeteria under those circumstances. Also, I guess hostage negotiators aren't a thing either. This is another issue with the movie.

-After Tristan talks with Zoe, he shoots another person, while S. W. A. T. have arrived, and they do nothing. There's only two shooters left and they're on a live stream, in close proximity to each other, in a huge room with multiple access points, with multiple shooting lines. With such a high body count, plus the presence of that much explosives with no dead man switch. S. W. A. T. Would have acted immediately.

-Zoe and Lewis get away from Chris, when Zoe is limping like she has a peg leg, and Tristan is badly wounded. They get just over a ten second head start, then lay in the hallway for thirty five seconds, while only being one corner away from where Chris exited the cafeteria after them.

-Then Zoe and Tristan drag themselves into a classroom, and don't close the door behind them. Even though Chris should be right on their heels.

-After Tristan tells Zoe the van is rigged to explode, Zoe doesn't give one of the two phones she had in her possession to Tristan, so he can tell the police. They show Zoe having two cell phones in the gymnasium scene earlier too.

-Todd shoots Chris from a lower position, through glass, and closed vinyl blinds. Todd is also outside, on a bright summer day, using a scope, while Chris is standing in the middle of a large, unlit room.

-After Todd shoots Chris, S. W. A. T. know there is only one shooter left. They should also know there are a lot of explosives in the van too, and already be in position to take out any shooter in the cafeteria. They would end the situation immediately.

-A teacher is running around, still getting students out, one class at a time. So the police and S. W. A. T. are just letting a teacher run around getting students out one class at a time. Again, they don't contact the teachers and tell them where and how to exit, and they don't go in to extract them either.

-After the van explodes, we see a heavily armoured and armed S. W. A. T. team run towards the school. I guess they didn't acquire tactical positions yet. They've been there twenty five minutes at least, yet they're standing around with an entire parking lot full of vehicles between them and the school.

-So Zoe sees S. W. A. T. entering the school, but a limping, and unarmed Zoe is going to save the day. Yes, because people specifically trained for this situation with tactical equipment, body armour, and assault riffles would be useless against a high school student with a revolver. I know, Zoe wears her fathers military jacket, but I think she'd let the experts take over.

-Of course, Tristan just walks out of the already evacuated school, after having his face on every screen all day. I guess the police, students, teachers, parents, news agencies, S. W. A. T, and at least one helicopter we can hear must have missed him.

-Zoe doesn't tell anyone that Tristan left with another student before the van exploded, and the body they found burned wasn't Tristan. She's literally at a police cruiser, with police all around her, but she walks away to get the rifle the police didn't bother collecting. Again, don't tell the police, and let the experts in tactical equipment, body armour, and assault rifles take care of the situation.

-Yet again, Zoe goes after Tristan. All those people don't notice Zoe, someone who should be really popular right about now, go and pick up a huge rifle, and go limping off in broad daylight.

-Zoe picks up the rifle that Todd used to shoot Chris earlier. As Todd says "it should be right where I left it." You mean where four S. W. A. T. officers had arrested Todd earlier after he shot and killed Chris. Oh, that spot. I guess police just ignore a loaded high power rifle recently used to kill someone when they arrest the shooter. This is beyond stupid. This is one of the biggest plot holes I've seen in any film. It's insane how ridiculous this is.

-Then Zoe shoots Tristan, who's not even holding his revolver at the time. This is murder. I know Tristan is a scum bag, and Zoe would want revenge, but its still murder. All of this occurs so close to the school, we can see police cruisers in the background.

-Despite being within rock throwing distance of the school and hundreds of people, no one reacts to the rifle shot. No one shows up for the one minute and forty seconds that transpire between the time Zoe pulls the trigger and when she walks away while Tristan dies.
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Truly a fun watch, 9/10
ankitagrawal-2207215 January 2021
Originally I watched just because I was curious what a 'conservative sponsored' film would look like. I expected a bunch of religious propaganda and cultural satire, but it isn't that whatsoever. Its truly a normal film, that too one that I would say is a real nail-biter, and will keep you watching till the end. Be prepared, you wont want to miss anything, even for a bathroom break.
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Delightfully politically incorrect
A_Different_Drummer25 January 2021
Harks back to a time when the word "liberal" meant what it said and heralded more experimental movies, more freedom to script. Entertaining and polished. Which is more than can be said about most cookie cutter movies these days.
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What kind of nonsense is that!
solminafya18 January 2021
No real spoiler here. It's either in the trailer or spoils nothing

Shotgun rifle shots inside a school that absolutely nobody hears?? Students run away from the cafeteria window long before the van hits it, as if it's pretty expected?? One shot the path is clear in front of the van, the second a girl is under its wheels?? Live streaming the shooting while cutting telephone cables so nobody calls the police?? School security guard doesn't have a cellphone and try to reach a landline to call the police?? A girl with a shot in her leg and sprints?? Gun rounds don't penetrate locker door?? The girl shoots a rifle 30 yards from police car and nobody responds?? The list goes on and on! Come on!

The movie is full of discrepancies, no story development, and mostly bad acting. The movie ends without the slightest hint for the shooter's motives, why he chose to go live, what's his message to the world, pure mindless inconsistent series of event with no tying thread. Shame, wasted a lot of potential!
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Pretty good
Sergiodave26 January 2021
Think of Die Hard in a school, but a female student instead of a cop. I thought this was fun, a good cast, well written dialogue, and it moved along at a good pace. I am sure there will be many people who think the subject is too close to home, but I enjoyed it.
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Not too bad
knedb8 April 2021
This movie is not bad in comparison to a lot of movies produced today. It kills me that some of the reviewers criticize the crap out it without reasoning. Don't criticize if you have nothing to back it up with. It makes your review have no credibility and you look ignorant.
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Not bad...not bad at all... better than expected
afterdarkpak25 January 2021
I thought it would be some low budget cheap tv action movie.. and yeah it seems but its well directed , well performed. and its very exciting. movie is a bit long but still overall its great.
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Mediocre Die Hard clone.
jmy-3432018 January 2021
I'm not sure why conservatives are rallying around this movie like it's some incredible movie about the 2nd Amendment. It has absolutely nothing to do with it. This movie is literally Die Hard in a school. It's somewhat entertaining as long as you're not expecting anything great, because it isn't great. Critics have panned this movie because they pan every mediocre action movie, which is exactly what this is.

If you're in the mood for a mediocre action movie about a hostage situation, you'll probably enjoy this, but nobody will be talking about it in a month and it certainly won't be nominated for any awards.
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Better than expected
bsimonjr24 May 2023
I really was expecting some combination of Fox News & Hallmark with the quality of a 90s tv movie, and I was wrong. The overall product was slightly better than a tv movie or an ok big screen film. The story was a little cheesy, but good and they do a decent job of bringing things full circle. Diversity advocates ought to be thrilled with the cast...wonder why they're silent. The acting was pretty good. If you are going for a cinematic expose on school shootings, this isn't going to be it. It "teaches" nothing on the matter. If you are looking for a decent action movie give it a shot on your next movie night.
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An HONEST Review
david699517 January 2021
Okay... So right off the bat, I know why there have been so many positive reviews made. The answer is obvious, and I'm not even going to go there. I'm just going to give my honest opinion regarding the actual film itself. As an action movie, it was okay. It was, at best, mediocre. It brings nothing new to the table. The only real critique I have (other than the blatant propoganda) is the horrible script. It was amateurish at best. The students' dialogues were a bit stilted and unnatural, but again, due to the genre of the film, it didn't really detract that much away from it. This is an action flick, after all. The other issue I had was with some of the plot elements. The ending was laughably unrealistic, implausible, and honestly seemed to have been shoehorned in as an after-thought. Now the elephant in the room. Yes, this is a propoganda film, and what lessons does it teach you? 1: The only way to stop a school massacre is to arm the school security guard. 2: School shooters are either mentally ill, victims of bullyling, or starving for noteriety. 3: The only solution to gun violence and mass shootings is to ensure that the 'good guys' have unfettered access to guns.

All in all, it was more 'meh' for me. Yes, it's watcheable, the production quality was decent. The lead actress did a decent job (wish I could say the same for the rest)... but that's about it. I know this was a work of propoganda, and despite the fact that I think it's sending out a very dangerous message, I rated this solely on the quality of the film. If I had to give it a rating based on the message it's trying to convey, I'd have given it a 1.
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This movie looks amazing!
ethanmparmet10 January 2021
The way that this movie addresses school shootings, but in a way that can take you through the experience not just by showing you, but through the eyes of another characters shows a level of empathy in the writers that is very challenging to convey through the words of another person.
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Despite the colossal amount of fake 10/10 votes on here, it's still a fine movie
0w017 January 2021
This imdb entry for some reason has over 1500+ fake 10/10 votes. Maybe the PR company for this movie bought the votes from a click farm, or what, but it's the worst case of vote tampering I've EVER seen, and I've been on imdb for a while. The fact that this movie is 1.4/10 should be AMPLE proof that this movie isn't really a 7.5/10 rated movie as imdb shows.

Anyways.... the movie is OK... there's several things that could have been done to make it a 7.5/10 or 8/10 movie instead of just 6.5/10, but you can see that this movie was done on a very small budget and the actor choices reflect the small budget. Despite all the actors being C-list and B-list actors, the acting in the movie is fine and I've got no real serious complaints about the acting except for some pretty 'meh' acting from some of the children, but I mean, they're children so 'meh' acting is to be expected from them.

The ending was so predictable, I saw the 'plot twist' coming 5 miles away. There's also a few plot holes here and there but they are relatively minor and wouldn't really have changed the outcome of the movie all that much.

Overall it's an OK movie... it's not 'good' but it just barely does enough to be 'fine'. If you've got literally nothing else to watch and you just want to spend 1hr40mins staring at a screen, then this movie will do just fine. 6.5/10 is my score and unfortunately if you eliminate the over 1500 fake 10/10 votes here on imdb then this movie's imdb score will be WAY lower than the 6.5/10 score that I've given this movie.
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Cool Cat can't save this one.
ryansalamence18 January 2021
I live in Parkland, FL. My community was directly affected by the worst school shooting since columbine which happened just up the road from me. That being said, I love dark, edgy and provocative films that push boundaries, test morality, etc. I think a thriller set during a school shooting can totally be a fantastic and nail biting experience if done well. But this is garbage. Any and all politics and/or beliefs aside, it's just a genuinely awful movie. From nobody outside the cafeteria hearing a van plummet through a wall with gunfire, to absolutely atrocious writing and dialogue, to the dull and obnoxious shooters, to an hour long police response time, I just couldn't take a single moment seriously. Not a single redeemable aspect. The worst film I'm going to see all year and it's only January.
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Good Movie
martinct-8797015 January 2021
Good movie. Acting is good but inconsistent and some lines feel forced, but the great story, screenplay, and pacing make up for this. Pleasantly surprised.
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Movie definitely is about 7.9-8.1/10 score.
itxawjteeb15 January 2021
Never in this film was there any awkward moments like or awkward pacing. Acting was from all parts were just right and carried the story well. Every actor and actress carried their impact to the story. The big thing about this movie is that you can feel the intensity of the fear of students and teachers in an active shooting situation. Each reaction of explosions and gun shots in this movie were authentic reactions. It's interesting that this movie does not have a lot of profanity in situations where profanity may be expected, and it doesn't feel awkward when profanity is presented. Profanity was presented as a real reaction and does not feel inauthentic. Bookending resolution was satisfying. Special effects, gunshots, and pyrotechnics were superb in this movie. Antagonist was someone that you do feel like you can hate pretty well by his actions. Though he is no Joker, if the Antagonist had a deeper more complex philosophy, it can make the movie much more interesting.

Read the critic's reviews, and it just felt like they were detached from reality and detached from the people actually affected by issues like these.
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Honestly...pretty great!
thesilentloudspeaker15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was not overtly political, which I truly appreciated. That was their goal.

As for the movie itself, the acting of some parts is kind of mediocre, but the protagonist and the relationship between the parents and their child is truly spectacular.

As for the shooters, I loved the redemption. It shows her ability to talk and connect with this guy for a moment. As for the other shooters, especially the main antagonist, was very compelling. It really does show a motivation. So yeah, a really solid movie!
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