I Know What You Did Last Summer (TV Series 2021) Poster

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Waste of my (and your) precious time.
zaltman_bleros13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Started out well. I liked the twin sister plot twist but halfway it goes downhill. The characters are annoying, I mean every single character is a douchebag. In the end I just wanted all of them to die. Watch the movies instead.
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Worst driver ever
seb-3284119 October 2021
That woman should not be behind a wheel, she crashes or almost crashes in literally every episode and yet keep looking at her phone while driving.

The show is just meh so far, will still finish to know the plot.
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Very disappointing
leon_staples15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the original movie, don't ask me why, maybe it's because I watched it in the theatre as a teenager and I grew up watching the likes of Sarah Michelle Geller and Jennifer Love Hewitt etc but it is always a movie I can return to, especially during the Halloween period. This series simply sucks in comparison.

I don't understand why they would complicate such a simple premise but somehow they manage to. The twin sister angle is just pointless and adds nothing to the story except complexity. They are twins, regardless of their differences or anger towards each other, you would think losing a twin would be the most devastating thing ever and yet she does not seem too affected by that or at least not to the extent you would expect someone to be.

There is no build up to the kill scenes (isn't this the reason why we watch slasher slows and flicks?). It just happens, with no real atmosphere. You barely catch glimpses of the killer. Why not show the killer more with the black slicker like in the movie? You would see the silhouette without seeing the face In the movie, in this one you don't see anything.

Why even call this show after the movie? This could quite honestly be a completely different name because it does not remind me of the movie one bit. It's just another teen drama with a death here and there. You don't really care for the main character for obvious reasons and the rest of the characters you don't really get to know so you don't care when they die. They should have mimicked the movie in that respect because you very quickly understand the characters and do care when they die, there's simply no shock factor in this show.

I would say completely miss this show if you are a fan of the original movie because it's nothing like the original, or even the second one at that. This is just a plain old waste of time. I gave four stars because the production quality is good, it's just a shame that the characters are lame and there is no real suspense as to what is going to happen next.
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Aimed at the wrong generation
abbiejarrett15 October 2021
Considering this is based on a horror film that came out in 1997 most of its fan base are in their 30s atleast, yet it's aimed at teenagers. I was super excited to watch this having been a huge fan of the movies as a teen but it was a huge let down the shallow characters and their teenage dramas were not appealing to me at all and that's the parts I could actually see as the screen was so dark 90% of the time it was hard to make out what was going on.
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I'm so confused
www-cladyclad1821 October 2021
I'm on episode 1 but I was legit befuddle. I'm watching this like ain't they sisters? Nobody seems to care at all. These kids need to meet Michael Meyers because they are evil.
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Unlikable characters/actors
knedb21 October 2021
The writers should know if you wanna get someone hooked on the show, then make at least one of characters likeable... especially in a show like this. Don't you want to keep your audience engaged? It's to the point in the third episode where I don't care if all the main characters get killed off. They're all so obnoxious... probably because they all suck at acting. I know I won't be watching the remaining episodes because I just don't see the point.
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james_langan415 October 2021
Just watched the first 4 episodes so far the show is very average at best, very unlikeable characters so rooting for the killer, a huge problem for me is that every kill is done off screen besides one scene so far which was pretty cool. I dont understand why either because theres loads of nudity, drug use and some swearing so dont think its for the rating. Going to finish the season just to find out who done it buts its not been great so far. Watch if bored and want something dumb and mindless otherwise skip.
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If Euphoria was a thriller
MovieMutt29 October 2021
This series is very different than the movies. Like night and day. Only similarity is the general idea of the past coming back to haunt you. I applaud them in trying to make it their own. So far it's better than I thought it was going to be but still not great. It's very slow-paced and seems more like a drama at times. It's definitely heavily influenced by Euphoria's aesthetic, but not as authentic. It's watchable and keeps my attention so I'd recommend giving it a try. Just keep your expectations to a minimum.
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mandcsharma20 October 2021
This is nonsensical imagery that's it! Pretty flashy things to look at, no substance. This could of been written in a day if it was original, which it certainly isn't. People upvoting this do so to fool you to spend a series looking at flashy silly images. Save yourself the time and maybe spend 20 minutes staring at flashing led lights instead, it will probably have more of a cohesive storyline, better acting and give you your flashy lights fix, for the normal people who don't need this nonsense give this a hard pass.
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A few things
meghanndotta15 October 2021
So first, I was in college when the original came out. I really liked it. I had also loved the book. And yes, I'm old. Lol. What I don't understand is complaints about reboots that aren't like the original. Why? That movie has already been made. You can't duplicate it, so might as well go in a different direction. Side note, the original had one of the best horror chase scenes, in my opinion, so it's worth a rewatch every Halloween, or any other day of the week. I do like this lead actress (she'll always be Bethany) ...though she does seem a bit old for the role she's playing, as well as a couple others, but that's fine. I understand them not wanting a 17/18 yr old doing these kinds of scenes. Okay, so the drugs, sex and wokeness....those seem to be a theme and area of disdain in these reviews. Teenagers have sex and do drugs. My mom grew up in the 60s and her and her friends definitely did. It's not a new generation thing by any means. It's also the 21st century. Kids are a great deal more aware and woke, if that's what you want to call it. They may go a bit over the top but this is the horror genre. Horror has always done that and has very often played upon these themes. I'm a big horror fan so it didn't feel out of place to me. Or like it was trying too hard. Just typical. And finally, I've also seen this trend of bashing shows after viewing only one episode. Maybe give it at least 3 episodes? Sometimes you just want a fluffy horror that doesn't make you think too much. It's not an 8, but it could hover around a 6 (maybe even 7) if you're not expecting too much.
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Worst parenting ever
takato052416 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The question I kept asking as I watched was: who is this for? Who is the target audience? I'm 37. I read the book, I saw the original, and the sequel, and the third installment which we won't talk about. IKWYDLS is my favorite horror movie of all time, mostly because of my love for SMG. This series should've been called something else. My review won't compare this to the movies or book as it is as different as apples and onions.

I'll start by saying I agree with a lot of the other reviews. The main chicks face looks like it's in its late 30s. Like she's had a seriously rough life. The others look older also. Imo I would've just said these are college kids as the vibe is not of high school seniors. But I'll get to that in a moment. The characters themselves are forgettable. I didn't care for them, but I didn't have any malice towards them either, except the social media girl and our main character. As it goes with most horror related things, there are no blacks, so I can't even relate to anyone, and for this being Hawaii, there sure is a lack of Hawaiians. And why does the dad have a southern draw?

Anyways, let's talk about the parents as my title states. What parents are throwing these wild parties full of drugs drinking, and sex? Especially for their underage kids? A number of reviews were stating kids do drugs these days, it's not a big deal. Clearly those reviewers aren't parents. Yes when we were that age we may have smoked, or snuck alcohol to drink with our friends. But coke? L party" drugs? Are these high school students or late college students? The entire atmosphere was jumbled and wrong. And the parents were in the next room! That's just disrespectful and shameful. Oh and the cops showed up and didn't stop all this underage drinking? This is still set in America, where we have laws. I also didn't understand the point of showing us the guy peeing. Yea it's "edgy" to show a penis in movies now since across the pond they've been doing it forever, but it didn't add anything. I see a penis everyday. I'm a boy lol.

Back to the story. Kids are they shallow yes, and today's kids are rubber obsessed with popularity and social media. But the whole trying to pressure her sister into sex thing was annoying. I get kids are sexually active these days, but that was a bit much. I'm here to watch a horror thing, not the sexcapades of teens. And that's another thing. I'm a twin. An identical twin. I would never say those things to my brother. And I definitely would have more of a reaction to his death than that.

This whole show is just dumb. It's too grown for kids, but too young for adults. I won't be watching anymore of it.
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Give it a chance.
RJBrez17 October 2021
I was a teenager when the original came out. Same for Scream and the rest of that era. So whenever I see a remake I tend to roll my eyes.

I decided to give this remake a try because I had some free time yesterday and It was actually pretty good. I liked the changes to the story, the location, the cast, all of it. I was able to guess the big twist in the first episode but that's only because it was a lucky guess.

I've enjoyed this show so far. Ignore the haters and give it a honest chance.
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Stick it out
AussieCub8020 October 2021
I watched the first episode and went "meh". There were some new twists but nothing exciting. I didn't care about the characters enough by the end of episode one to be shocked by the big reveal. But I have OCD and can't leave just one episode watched so eventually watched the rest. And it does get better. I believe the father wasn't cast well (good actor just not convincing as the father). It feels like it's trying to build tension but it's trying to in the same way you would in a movie. Which doesn't work when you have to wait a week for the next episode. I like it, the concept is good. But it feels rushed. TV horror works because you have the time to make people care about the characters. But that isn't happening. I am enjoying it more as it goes on but this could have been so much more.
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Dull & Slow - Don't Get Sucked In.
Nomad00718 October 2021
The show just drags on. And I don't mean in a building dramatic tension.

The acting sucks, even though I've see many of the actors in other projects where I did enjoy them.

There's very little action.

There's no very emotion. No excitement. No feelings for the characters, one way or another.

Don't waste your time thinking it'll go somewhere or get better when you become more invested. It won't.
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Legit garbage
orcanimal16 October 2021
I didn't expect it to be good. But I certainly didn't expect it to be THIS BAD.

Some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard/seen, and the characters are all, without exception, infuriatingly stupid. You don't need to suspend your disbelief to watch this. You need to hang it off the tallest lamp post you can find and leave it there over the weekend. It's clear Amazon wants its own Riverdale/Euphoria to rival its competitors, but surely there's another show not half as bad as this. Wow.
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A new take on the old subject.
TxMike15 October 2021
It is unfortunate but, every time a new series comes out the IMDb is quickly flooded with negative reviews and "1" ratings. I say ignore those fools who get their kicks by trying to trash things.

This is an updated series with the old title and all new, attractive actors. There is no good reason to try to make any direct comparisons, it is just intended to be a fun show to pass the time. Nothing to be taken too seriously.

I say give it a try, it is free for all who already own the online subscription. If you enjoy it, fine. If you don't then quit watching. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The first episode begins looking out over the Pacific Coast in Hawaii, the young adult girl gone for a year now coming home. But you don't have to watch very far to see the general theme of young adults behaving badly. For example, at an evening pool party one guy is full frontal naked and urinating into the swimming pool. This is not likely a show I'll continue to watch but I will give it a chance. The production values are sufficiently good and the actors are attractive.

There is no benefit to anyone writing a bad review with a "1" rating and saying "don't watch." Who do they think they are, my personal censor?

It is a TV show, not a solution to world hunger. It will entertain many.
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Had potential, but the ending ruins it.
ElectricWarlock19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the first episode, I thought the show felt fresh and exciting. I didn't see the twist of Alison taking her dead sister's place coming. I thought it would be very interesting to watch her have to live in fear, always worrying that she'll say or do something to give away her "secret." And it was. I really enjoyed that part of the show. But there is a weird cult subplot that I wasn't sure really suited it. It just seemed kind of shoehorned in and never totally fit. I never really cared about the cult. I was more interested in the main storyline of the teens and the secret they shared together, so that's why I continued to watch.

What I couldn't excuse was that last episode, though. I didn't mind Margot being the killer, it was the way Alison framed Dylan that I thought was silly. She spent the entire season talking abut how she was in love with Dylan her entire life only to get him to put away forever so she could run away with a maniac serial killer who almost murdered her instead? It didn't make any sense to me and didn't come across as realistic. It came across as though it were forced just to be "different" than the typical "couple defeats the villain and lives happily ever after together" ending. But just because something is different doesn't make it good. It seemed very random and not like something I felt the character, or anyone else for that matter, would really do.

The ending left me feeling cold and like I had wasted my time. It felt tacked on and very unsatisfying. Maybe if there was a season 2, they could've fixed their mistakes and given us a better ending to the story. But since the show was cancelled and there will be no season 2, the lousy ending will always stand. But overall I did like the show for the most part despite the odd idea of the cult and the terrible conclusion. It had potential to be something really special but I don't think it quite lived up to it.
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A show where nothing happens
SJinSeaTac10 November 2021
Privileged and vapid twenty somethings talk a lot and whine about their poor privileged lives in Hawaii. Some people die, with not enough character development to even care about anyone at any point. Paper-thin characters with a paper-thin plot. Not even a fun waste of time. This truly is the bottom of the barrel for "remakes."
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I don't understand negative comments. It is nice.
erhanipekciler16 October 2021
First of all, I love movie version, also I think this is one of the best movie name in movie history. So catchy, so suitable for hashtag. In my opinion series is also good. When I saw first scene of twins I understood what will happen but it is captivating. Flashbacks are a little boring for me, actually it looks like I watched same flashbacks many times.. For me it is a good remake.

Update : final episode is so stupid.
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Embarrassingly Bad
ReluctantPuppet24 October 2021
Characters aren't remotely likeable, consequently you don't care if they live or die. There's no emotional investment on the part of the viewer. That aside there's no tension or horror. The original was weak but had a great premise, leaving so much potential for a remake. But this fails on every level.
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Why all the hate????
tclegg-6095922 October 2021
Whilst this is far from a master piece it's clearly not a 1 star program so you can ignore those haters straight away. The production is good, the acting is fine(not Oscar worthy but who would expect that in an Amazon original) and the story line is a good spin on the original movie.

Yes the kills are a bit muted but this feels like an artistic choice to add to the sense of disconnect - we see the kills more through the eye of the main protagonist rather than the victims or killer.

The story is being told at a more realistic pace that feels natural and doesn't rush the kills and scares. This does hold the program back slightly as there's very little in the way of actual suspense but the slowness does allow us to connect more with the story.

Simply put, this is not a slasher movie/program so if that's what your expecting then you may be disappointed (to be fair the first movie was hardly a slasher anyway) but so far it's a decent watch and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends.
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thaliamcvee18 October 2021
After watching two episodes, I decided it was appropriate to create an IMDB to write a review of this joke of a show.

By far, the worst TV series I've ever watched in my entire life. So much show, that I am PISSED that I even invested my time to watch two episodes of this BS. Just under two hours of content watched that went absolutely NO WHERE. Unnecessary flashbacks, going back and forth constantly with every scene, flashbacks to the party. Which have no relevance in terms of context, just dancing. Come on! This unbearable to watch. Not to mention the dialogue, or lack there of. This is better to watch in MUTE, with no subtitles so viewers can structure better dialogue themselves. Absolutely horrendous.
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A Different Perspective
2WheelsGood13 May 2022
This is the first review I've ever written on IMDB, but these negative reviews are just so bizarre that I feel I need to share a different perspective.

Sure, I was drawn into watching this because I was part of the generation that grew up on--let's admit it to ourselves--cheesy, predictable horror movies such as the original. Truly brilliant horror movies/shows like Hereditary, Midsommar, Hill House, Bly Manor, etc. Didn't exist back in our day.

Based on that, my expectations were fairly low going in, but I was pleasantly surprised enough that I watched this whole series twice (once alone, then once with my wife).

I won't get into the acting, characters, and dialog that so many have complained about. I'll just comment about the story.

The original was so ridiculously simplistic that you could literally do your taxes while watching and not miss a beat. This series has a really well-done, intricate plot full of twists and turns, and an ending that would be impossible to predict.

So, I don't get it. Is it a sign of the times that people are just so negative? I really can't say, but if you, like me, watched the original and enjoyed it for what it was without expecting Shakespearesque dialog, there is no way you'll be disappointed with the series.
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Decent show
Dasmoosen30325 October 2021
For what it is it is a decent show kept me interested. Madison Iseman Did a good job. Show started out slow and almost gave up about 3 episodes in is where it became more interesting, and it got better from there. I would say give it a chance, won't hurt to watch.
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Positively ghastly
bangel332217 January 2022
I persevered through this ghastly show because I love a whodunit so I struggled through it; it took be about 2 months to get through it because it wasn't gripping at all. Glad it was cancelled because to be honest, even if it had been commissioned for a season 2 I wouldn't have bothered. The show is incredibly slow which makes it often painful to watch. It's a horror show that seems to be light on the horror and heavy on the sex scenes. Should have just released it as an erotic thriller, it may have done better. The writing is bad, and the acting wasn't much better. The lead actress unfortunately could not pull off the dual roles as twins, she did a terrible job. There is just nothing about this I liked, and I honestly can't believe I wasted my time watching it. Awful, awful, awful. Go watch Scream the TV series or Slasher. Much better.
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