Yo Gabba Gabba! (TV Series 2007–2020) Poster


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Loud? What child isn't ?
tkraus7114 May 2008
I am a mother of a 2 year old boy. He loves absolutely loves Yo Gabba Gabba. It is one of the only shows that he will sit and watch and actually understand the concepts in the show. I have yet to meet a child that is not loud so the show allows my son to play and dance and sing along and get out that extra energy in the morning. Parents need to understand that their child understands at different levels so what may seem boring and lame to them may not be for their child. This show is perfect for children 3 and under. I love this show and recommend the Bed time show for the parents who prefer more quieter shows. It settles my son down for nap time and bedtime. Works like a charm =)If you want a show that entertains your child and supports lessons you teach them about strangers, road danger, caring etc, then this is perfect and it will get your child involved and 'get the wiggles out.'
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Really cute, fun, entertaining, and educational show
Catherine_Grace_Zeh4 September 2007
Wow! This is a really cute, fun, entertaining, and educational show. I said that because I watch this on Nickelodeon and the Noggin network with my 2½-year-old nephew from time to time. It's hard to say which show on Nickelodeon and the Noggin network is the best. If I had to pick, this would definitely be one of the cutest. Still it's really cute, fun, entertaining, and educational. My favorite episode would have to be the one with the magic shop mishaps, though. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say that the people at Nickelodeon and the Noggin network really know how to reach a toddler's developing mind. Now, in conclusion, if you have children, nieces, or nephews, I strongly recommend this really cute, fun, entertaining, and educational show. I guarantee you that they will enjoy it.
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Better Than The Rest Of The Noggin Lineup
czmemf24 May 2009
I'm subjected to a lot of children's programming and this is one of the few tolerable shows on Noggin. I'm not quite sure why some people think the music is bad, I find it quite catchy and well written. It sure beats that purple dinosaur's songs and even my hometown hero Mr. Roger's music.

I refused to watch it at first and brushed it off as just another excruciatingly bad kid show but the infectious songs and good lessons rubbed off on me. Beats Little Bill, Oswald and most of the other Noggin lineup. This is the kind of show that would get canceled just because people don't tend to like things that are different. Here's to hoping it stays for a while. At least until my kids get a little older.
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Unbelievably appealing to very small children....
pkhall15 January 2008
"Hello!" "Lets break it down!!!!!!!!" I am a physician and I usually base my opinions on at least some scientific reasoning rather than completely subjective analysis..... I have to say that this show will appeal to very small children more than any other I have seen recently. This is an opinion, of course, but I have never seen any show capture the attention of a small child like this one. My son was born in July, and in September we were channel surfing and he caught a glimpse of Christian Jacobs' (Aquabats fame) and Scott Schultz' TV show, and he was transfixed instantly. We wondered if we were imagining things, so we would Tivo the shows and would turn them on during random points throughout the day and, honestly, he would stop his babbling, crying, cooing or whatever and watch, and I mean WATCH this show with intensity. He absolutely loves Lance Robertson and the PLEX and BROBEE characters. Here was a two and one half month old baby giggling and smiling while seeing these characters. Now that he is 5 months old I have to tell you that it is a favorite in our home, and NO OTHER TV SHOW anywhere on Nick or Noggin or any other cartoon anywhere else does this for him. I believe (opinion only here...) that it is the catchy beat of the show...very techno, awesome musicianship..., the smiling face of DJ Lance, the colorful characters PLEX, MUNO, FOOFA, BROBEE, and TOODIE, the funny drawings of Mark Mothersbaugh (former lead singer of Devo!) and the kind actions of the characters that our child is tuned in to. I can't wait until he understands what is actually going on, because the life lessons being taught here are better than in any other kids show I have ever seen. I have followed all of the kids shows over the years as I have several other older children, and I myself, would quickly get sick of all of the other shows due to the sickening songs being sung, the stupid babbling of the characters, the ridiculous costumes etc... This show is hip, sometimes retro, usually progressive, and is a fun quirky show and I have become a fan myself. I can't believe I just typed that! So give it a try if you have young children. You will not be disappointed. Thanks Christian and Scott for the best educational, fun, 'pacifier' I have ever seen!!!!!!!!
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What an awesome show
Alexmmmmm4 October 2009
I started watching kids' shows recently since my son turned 1 this summer. I LOVE Yo Gabba Gabba! It's happy, interesting, brightly-colored, hip, and teaches good lessons. So far it's the only kids' show I love -- Berenstain Bears bores me, Ni-Hao Kai-Lan is a little too precious, and The Wiggles drive me to a frantic search for the remote. (I actually got into a verbal altercation recently with a 2 1/2 year-old who objected to my strong dislike of The Wiggles.) Though Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends is okay, Spiderus's jerkiness notwithstanding, nothing holds a candle to Yo Gabba Gabba. I wish it was on right now.
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Yo Gabba Gabba is strange to adults, but fun and fresh for children
air-water-music7 January 2010
I've watched Yo Gabba Gabba! on Nick Jr. with my 5-year-old son. At first, I thought the show was strange and I wasn't entirely sure if I wanted my son to watch it. However, now that I've seen it a few times, I feel that it's completely appropriate for him and it's message is simply not delivered traditionally. However, there's nothing wrong with thinking outside of the box and I like that it's different from other shows.

The show teaches simple life lessons like saying "please" and "thank you" and trying new foods "try it -- you'll like it" to children in a colorful, happy, musical format. It is an imaginative program and focuses on characters who are excited and behave as though they are learning along at a preschoolers' level. It's fun to watch for kids and adults.

Another amazing thing about the show is that it features adults and children of many different races and ethnicities playing together happily. This is important especially for young children who may not frequently see people of different skin tones or prominent features to understand that people are different in many ways, but that doesn't mean that we can't all be friends.

Yo Gabba Gabba -- along with the more recent addition to Nick Jr, "The Fresh Beat Band" -- also introduces children to different types of music, including hip-hop. Strong beats can be fun for children to learn rhythm and counting.
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This show is truly bizarre.
martinmcdonough31 July 2008
I'm never quite sure what to make of shows that try to re-create the schmaltz of the late '60's and early '70's kids shows like the Banana Splits and any thing by Syd & Marty Kroft. But this show just doesn't make any sense and every time I see it, I always come away thinking two things - (1) what the heck was that? and (2) there's a 1/2 hour of my life I'll never get back. I don't let my 2 1/2 year old twins watch this because it is just plain out there. And I also noticed that this show was nominated for outstanding costume design. How in the world does that happen? A dude in an orange jumpsuit and shag orange wig orchestrating the actions of four (and sometimes more) characters in bad high-school play caliber costumes is considered outstanding? You have GOT to be kidding me. Do yourself - and more importantly your kids - a favor and skip this show if it's on. Put on re-runs of Little House on the Prairie or something else.
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Yo Gabba Gabba = Bottled Sunshine for Baby
lady-bast17 April 2008
I have a very fussy baby girl. She is extremely clingy and demanding, and is quite vocal when something is bothering her. It was difficult for me to find time to myself to do laundry, dishes, type an email or what have you. One day in early September 2007, my sweet 3-month-0ld girl was having one of her tantrums, and I was desperately trying to sooth her. In desperation, I turned on the TV and zoomed in on the kid-show channels. I tried a few common, standard kid shows to see if any would appease my wailing child, but no. But then, something magical happened... I stumbled on a new show I'd never seen before called "Yo Gabba Gabba" and the crying came to a STOP! Wow.

The next time we saw Yo Gabba Gabba we caught the show in it's entirety. Whenever any of the main characters were on, my daughter was completely transfixed (she wasn't a big fan of the cartoon segments though). Now my baby girl is 10 months old. We have all the episodes (except for the Halloween one we missed)on Tito for her. Most of the time, as soon as she sees DJ Lance Rock walk onto the set in the opening segment, she starts to laugh, or at least smile. She's even taken a liking to the cartoon segments now! No other Cartoon or kid's show will hold her interest for long, but she'll watch an entire episode of Yo Gabba most of the time, and will even bop around and hum to some of the music. She's still a pretty demanding baby, but has mellowed a bit. Now when she starts to fuss or just needs a pick me up or mama needs a few minutes, Yo Gabba Gabba is there for us. And my husband, 6-year-old son and I have all found ourselves singing various songs we've heard on Yo Gabba Gabba from time to time. They're contagious! We ALL love Yo Gabba Gabba and can't wait for the new 2008 second season episodes to come out and for the first season episodes to be released on DVD! Oh, and our daughter would just adore some cuddly Yo Gabba Gabba dolls (*hint*hint*)!

To all involved, THANK YOU from our whole family (but especially from little Vee-Vee)!!!
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It's hard to make anything of this.
TOMNEL16 October 2008
This is a show made for infants, and it delivers enough stupid randomness and flashy colors to appeal to them. At the same time, the parents who watch this with their kids need to have some sort of entertainment, and this is pretty entertaining. It's certainly not good, and if meant for anyone over four years of age, this would be an insult to their intelligence, but it's bizarre randomness that appeals to the babies, seemed to work to sort of win this one over for me.

DJ Lance Rock has a nifty toy collection and a play set where they all have strange adventures. Brobee, Muno, Plex, Foofo and Toodee are different types of creatures who have fun learning about manners and how to be active. Meanwhile, other little skits involving kids pop up and sometimes animated songs are shown.

I can see what kid's like about this show. It's imaginative and loud and colorful. Those three aspects of the show would normally be very irritating, but it adds to it's humor. I get a kick out of how stupid this show truly is. It teaches well, and pushes little things kids should know in their faces through song, dance and weird sketches featuring these weird costumed characters.

DJ Lance Rock is the happiest character to ever appear on the TV. I can't imagine someone being this peppy, happy, and flamboyant all the time, but Lance manages to do it. People who enjoy bad acting will really get a kick out of his over the top performance. It's funny. This whole show is unintentionally funny.

Yo Gabba Gabba has enough etiquette to teach children and it will appeal to them. Adults may or may not enjoy the craziness of this, but I do!

My rating: *** out of ****. 30 mins. TVY
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woodway779 April 2008
Sorry to be the wet blanket covering up the previous positive comments, but this show absolutely makes me psychotic. It is far too loud, too in-your-face, too garish, too ridiculously stupid to be believed. Disclosure: I tend to a bit of grumpiness concerning vapid children's shows, so to validate my response I had several parent friends watch some episodes and let me know their thoughts. Unanimous opinion was that it is not worth the videotape it's made on. One friend commented that to both him and his wife the show looked like "the winner of a film-school or college pretend-contest to create the most bizarre, ridiculous children's show ever attempted." Our kids don't like it either, quickly losing interest or requesting other things. Sorry again to be the drudge but Nick really laid an egg with this one.
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This show rocks!
kaoko7 September 2009
My 1 yr old son loves this show! I like that it teaches him something in a light hearted way every episode. I also like how it plays up creativity and individuality. What I LOVE about it is how it falls outside of the mainstream for kids shows. Most are just too cutesy and generic for me to enjoy watching over and over. This one definitely falls outside of the box. The guests are usually alternative music groups or independent film artists. One of the strangest and funniest episodes centered entirely around Jack Black, who seems to be a friend of the show. It's true that the costumes and effects are very low tech, but I can find that anywhere if it were important to me. The bold colors, fun music, and good messages more than make up for what it is missing. And I just love the weirdness :)
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rob_dierenvriend22 October 2016
You've got a cat, a turnip, a robot, a dinosaur/bass and a red pickle with spikes who's also a cyclops. They all hop around some split landscape. And we've got a black man who's apparently their God or something who looks like a carrot, and he apparently controls their world. They also share the world with giant worms that look like socks according to one episode and their freaking food is ALIVE. They just look uncanny and not alive. And you've gotta ask.. are we the Yo Gabba Gabbas? Are we being controlled? Is God just a black guy that looks like a carrot and has a orange grass hat? And they just tell all things everybody knows, except like really small children don't know. But they tell us that we were all once babies! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT IN A SHOW THAT IS MOSTLY WATCHED BY BABIES?!?
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A very odd show (and not in a good way)
sinisterdrecc8828 March 2009
Yo Gabba Gabba is without a doubt the strangest show ever made for preschoolers. Flamboyant host DJ Lance helps toddlers improve their kinesthetic skills, but this show is extremely weird, and not at all in a good way.

First off, the characters. A blue cat-like thing, a pink flower creature, a red thing what I don't know (and don't want to know) what it's supposed to be, a green furry thing, and a robot with one of the most annoying voices ever.

Second, the songs. The songs are very rarely soothing and likable, which is a shame, because they easily could be. "Party In My Tummy" is a great example of how weird and slightly disturbing the songs in this show can get.

And that's pretty much it. Therefore, I do not recommend this show to any parent. Have your child watch Blues Clues or something else decent for preschoolers.

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My Son absolutely LOVES this show!
johnson476728 March 2008
My son who just turned 2 Loves this show! He is completely mesmerized by it and will stop what ever he is doing and stare at the TV the entire duration of the show. He dances around and sings "Yo Gabba Gabba"! However, I was a little disappointed that there was no merchandise available to buy for his birthday. I understand that this is a relatively new show and I am hoping to see some merchandise soon. I know he would love to play with/wear merchandise from his favorite show. We hope to see many more seasons of this show. My son also enjoys Spongebob, Go Diego Go! and The Backyardigans which are all more popular and the stores are flooded with their merchandise, but Yo Gabba Gabba is by far his favorite.
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Better than Sesame Street
yggfan3 February 2020
This show is a massive phenomenon which makes sense because it puts Barney and Sesame Street to shame. As far as educational programmes go, this is for me one of the better ones, not as good as Zoom 1999, The Good Night Show or The Sunny Side Up Show, but in my opinion it is better than Playschool and Sesame Street.

The story lines can get a bit predictable, with some moments of cheesy but mostly amusing interstitial segments, but what I do like were the bight colors and quirky characters, the catchy theme tune and the educational value that is almost certainly there(ie. what colour goes with what to make what). The songs are catchy and funky but surprisingly memorable, and do one thing right that Sesame Street did not, they weren't annoying. And I liked the characters, Toodee is bossy a lot of the time, but she has a heart as well, Muno is quite cool as is Brobee and Foofa is someone who my siblings and I looked up to. I also liked DJ Lance, he is feisty, fearless, and kind , but my personal favorite is Plex the Robot, he is funny and wise. I also like the musical guests, and in terms of episodes both Christmas episodes and the Play Safe episodes are definite standouts. Overall, this is not a bad show, kids will love it and I think adults may as well. I have friends who prefer Yo Gabba Gabba over Playschool, Curious George, and Shaun the Sheep, so that is something. 10/10, Madeline Jane Fretz.
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The show is for Children
mrs-jcomer26 June 2008
I have a six month old, a two year old and watch two other kids who are two and four. They absolutely enjoy Yo Gabba Gabba. The show is not for adults to like, its for children to learn and for their imaginations to be stimulated. Would I want to watch the show for my own entertainment? No. Nor would I want to watch Dora the Explorer, Diego, Wonder Pets, the Mighty B , Sesame Street and etc...

But these programs are not for adults. However, we are supposed to recognize if the shows are helpful in our children's growth, and with each show I have mentioned ,I have noticed that each child picks up something positive. They are also learning and able to interact with Yo Gabba Gabba just like they do with the other shows. So as wild and goofy as it may be, it is doing its' job.
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Way , way out there.
johnsubs118 November 2009
Where to start? Man, whoever came up with this "flashback to the 70's Elton John for little kid's", has to be sick or maybe an unrecovered Psychedelic user. Yo Gabba Gabba as a role model for little children? come on. Jack Black as a role model? please. I try to rate these show's with the hypothetical thought, would I want my kid alone with this person, even for a micro-second? The answer is way more than no.

In my opinion the bizarre message ( visual and acted) of this show and its host makes me wonder why any network would want to social engineer something like this into any tots or parents life. There are so many more educational programs out there without this ones bizarre nature and message. If weird and strange are preferred then this one will meet if not exceed you wildest expectations. I would encourage one to watch this and come up with your own conclusions before exposing your young one to this material. It's just way too far out there for me. I prefer Mr.Chuck or Lavar Burton as a role model for my little one.
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Better than some of the other stuff....
bonelessmonkey4 September 2009
My daughter is 8 months old, so I am just now starting to introduce her to TV. I am gradually going through all the popular Noggin and PBS shows trying to find what works and what doesn't. YGG is very entertaining and so far I haven't seen anything on the show that made me wince. In my opinion, for her to learn "not to bite her friends" is more relevant/important than "learning to recycle". So many of these other show are focusing on being politically correct and I would rather see them learning their basic life skills. YGG appears very innocent and clear to understand. And my daughter loves DJ Lance Rock. It's fun to watch her so excited and I'm glad I don't have to worry about its content.
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There's a Party in My Tummy!
Jace_the_Peanuts_Fan1 November 2023
Yo Gabba Gabba isn't one of my favorites out of the Nick Jr bunch or preschool shows in general, but I still like it regardless. I loved this show when I was a kid, and I still have a soft spot for it to this day! It is a hip, fun, quirky, educational, and "retro" show (more about that later)! When I was little, DJ Lance Rock and Toodee were the only main characters I called by their actual names. I called Plex "Flex" because I thought that was his actual name, and I've always heard his name incorrectly at the time, but I was close. "Bluto" is what I called Muno at the time, for the same reason I used to call Plex "Flex." Yes, I actually thought the former was named after Bluto from Popeye. I called Brobee "Billy" because that's what my grandma told me his name was. And finally, Foofa was "Gabba Gabba." I didn't know her name during the first three or so times I watched the show, and I assumed one of the characters had to be named Gabba Gabba because of the show's title, Gabbaland was the main setting, and I already "knew" the rest of the characters' names. Also, I had no idea what the characters were saying whenever they said "Foofa." Now I know that Yo Gabba Gabba (also known as the Gabba Gang) is the name of the band the main characters are in.

The series has received a lot of positive reception, partly because of its famous guest stars who appear in little to no other kid's shows (Weezer, Weird Al, etc.) I'd have to agree, they make it worth watching! Many of these guests do a "dancey dance" and sometimes appear on the segment, The Super Music Friends Show. My favorite episode is the one where the main characters meet Jack Black. There's a segment called "Biz's Beat of the Day," starring Biz Markie (RIP), and he beatboxes a new beat in every segment. It's what taught me how to beatbox and introduced me to the concept of beatboxing in general. There is also a segment called "Mark's Magic Pictures," starring Mark Mothersbaugh. He shows his audience how to draw, and his drawings often come to life at the end of the segment. How can one go wrong with a segment like that? There's also a segment about Brobee coloring pictures. This is one of the only shows I've seen that shows how to draw or color, and I've enjoyed doing both of those things for all my life.

The songs are catchy, funky, and memorable! The music sounds like music from old video games, and that's one of the best things about YGG! In case it isn't obvious, I am a video game lover! My favorite YGG song is Brobee's song, Party in My Tummy. The dance songs encourage movement and body language, making them expressive, like many of the songs and dances from The Wiggles. There are segments with no singing where DJ Lance shows and tells the audience how to do certain dances. Many of the songs and episodes' plots teach important life lessons. For example, the song Don't Bite Your Friends teaches not to bite your friends, hence the title. There's also a song about not taking things that don't belong to you, and one about how to fight germs. This is one of many musical preschool shows I've seen, but it's a literal MUSIC show, and the characters don't sing to say their daily routine, unlike most of the others.

I've come across a number of shows and movies that combine live action and animation together, but none quite like Yo Gabba Gabba. Some of the objects around the main characters are seen coming to life. They're animated characters, and they have cartoony designs. They are even animated segments and dream sequences with the Gabba Gang as cartoon characters! I don't know how else to describe the way the show combines live action and animation. The art style in one of the main animated segments resembles old video games. In the segment, the characters jump on bricks that resemble bricks in a video game, and there is a video game-like sky too. These segments make me like the show even more, and they're another one of the best things about it! The Gabba Gang's homes are live action and have cartoony designs, and they each represent a different season (e.g., Muno Land represents summer, Brobee Land represents fall/autumn, Foofa Land represents spring, and Toodee Land represents winter). The Gabba Gang have cartoony designs as well. I always liked their toy forms because 1. Most of them are action figures with fur, which is original and unusual, and 2. They don't look much different than their living forms. I've never seen action figures like them before. The sets and animation are bright, colorful, and have a lot of detail. Brobee is very expressive, even though he's a costume based character with an inanimate face. For example, somehow Brobee's face can change from smiling to frowning or the other way around, unlike most mascot/walkaround characters with inanimate faces. The entire format somewhat reminds me of Sesame Street's format because both shows are sketch comedy shows for kids, provide brief animated segments (mostly ones about early childhood education concepts like the alphabet, numbers, etc.), start with a main plot about puppets (mostly monsters), show the segments/sketches during a break from the main plot, and later go back to the main plot.

I recommend Yo Gabba Gabba. It's not the most entertaining Nick Jr show, but not the most annoying either, though it's good for the most part. Older audiences are more likely to be fans of YGG than Dora and Diego.
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arielsiere21 May 2022
Worst show ever, this is the worst puppet show ever along with Wonder Showzen, the most annoying, creepy and horrible show from 2007-2015 i would rather watch Sea Princesses, Sesame Street and The Amazing World Of Gumball better than this awful and grotesque cashgrab from Nick Jr show.
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YGG is my favorite show
m-2351614 February 2019
Yo Gabba Gabba is a show about 5 friendly monsters who entertain viewers like me. They often play with a black human DJ who helps them to teach basic lessons to viewers, often adding musical numbers and playing games while they do it. It airs at 7:00 and 1:00 on CBeebies.

I, Maddie, is arguably Yo Gabba Gabba's biggest fan, the show being my favorite. I never miss it and if I do will freak out in front of everyone. I own all of its merchandise and even has some of Yo Gabba Gabba's videos.

Yo Gabba Gabba was cancelled in 2015, during which its final episode aired. I became severely depressed by this and after seeing how a petition works on T.V., sent in my own petition to get the show back on, with my family signing it.

Yo Gabba Gabba did eventually return to T.V., but ended up getting Steven Universe cancelled in the process, much to my sisters' annoyance. However, both shows appear to be on the air once again with no noticeable problem. I still watch the show and its characters obsessively.

Sila Patterson found and gave me a Yo Gabba Gabba CD.

In an alenarte future, i stated Yo Gabba Gabba was a baby show but had a lot of adult references in it such as guest stars and 8-bit video games.

Whose known to watch it: Maddie (me) Diana Rebecca Rachel Maddie Jeff James Jonas Eli (my Baby cousin) Uncle Jim

Trivia: the title is a parody of Gabba Gabba Hey from Ramones, with the setting being a parody of Sesame Street.
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A Line show
ThunderKing620 March 2021
YGG is one of those shows you see in a cartoons of creepy, weird mascots that brainwash children. Reality check. Its in reality too. sort of.

YGG is a children show about dancing, and singing monsters with a DJ.

Its bizarre looking. When you watch it you feel like you are being brainwashed from the music and dance rituals. Its not a bad show if you know what to look for, its just kind of weird. It looks like a low budget Youtube show.

what can be learned? The Host was cool. Good to see a brotha leading the way.

Verdict: I would be cautious of this show.
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This show rocks
JamesD26 February 2011
The songs are very good. I have about 6 DVDs (or my daughter does to be slightly more accurate) and there are about 12 songs that are very, very good. Like good enough that I would listen to on my own. Very catch stuff and some are pretty sophisticated musically.

Now not every song is the children's equivalent of "Freebird". But about every other episode there is a really good song.

They have lots of original songs but I was blown away by their choice of cover songs. They covered not one, but at least two songs by an obscure group called The Free Design. I have always believed their songs would be perfect in a children's show setting and it came as quite a shock to find somebody else had the same vision as I.

Many of the original songs are good. To be frank, you have a better chance of finding a good song in this show than on the radio these days. Some of the better songs are "Listen", "Different Shapes" "Riding my Bicycle"
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Yo Gabba Gabba is awesome =)
mamaluigi9429 December 2008
I'm 14 and am in love with Yo Gabba Gabba. They introduce kids to amazing music like Jimmy Eat World and my little cousin loves the show. I seriously watch this in my free time and am proud to say I bought a Yo Gabba Gabba T-Shirt at Hot Topic. This show is amazing, and ANYONE can enjoy it. I found out about this show because one of the kids on the show, Seth, was featured on The Soup, and it hasn't let me down yet. Brobee is beastly and the show contains amazingly comical yet educational songs like "There's a party in my tummy" and "Don't bite your friends" Trust Me. Watch Yo Gabba Gabba, it is pure awesome. ~*Hayley*~ \m/ Rock on <3
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Actually a good show for kids
teenangelbaw5 March 2009
My 16 month old daughter loves this show! I was switching back and forth from Disney to Nickelodeon in the morning a few months ago and this was on. My daughter sat in front of the TV the whole time the show was on (which was rare at the time). I at first thought the show was stupid, but it's not about what I want to watch, it's about what my daughter is interested in. Yes, their songs are repetitive, and it's very colorful, and the characters are odd, but for most young children, that's what appeals to them. Every episode deals with an issue that young kids deal with like eating their vegetables and brushing their teeth and being scared of the dark. They just choose to do it in a different way then most kids shows address these issues. Personally, I'd rather have my daughter watch this show over most other shows out there nowadays geared towards young kids such as Sponge Bob and Total Drama Island. Sponge Bob teaches violence and I've seen on Total Drama Island two female characters talking about showing boys their breasts. I can't stand when 2pm rolls around and these type of shows are all that's on. We're trying to clean up our youth, but our youth gets corrupted by all these cartoons. At least Yo Gabba Gabba is a clean show that teaches children something other than violence and how to be sexual.
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