"Doctor Who" The Runaway Bride (TV Episode 2006) Poster

(TV Series)


David Tennant: The Doctor



  • The Doctor : Haven't you got a mobile?

    Donna : I'm in my wedding dress; it doesn't have pockets. Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets? When I went to my fitting at Chez Alison, the one thing I forgot to say was "Give me pockets"!

  • Donna : I can't do it!

    The Doctor : Trust me.

    Donna : Is that what you said to her? Your friend? The one you lost? Did she trust you?

    The Doctor : Yes, she did. And she is not dead. She is *so* alive. Now jump!

  • Donna : [being told to jump from the taxi into the Tardis]  I'm in my wedding dress!

    The Doctor : Yes! You look lovely! Come on!

  • Donna : Promise me one thing though, Doctor.

    The Doctor : What's that?

    Donna : That you'll find somebody.

    The Doctor : I don't need anybody.

    Donna : Yes you do. Because I think sometimes you need somebody to stop you.

  • [after Donna's appearance in the TARDIS] 

    Donna : Where am I? I demand that you tell me right now, where am I?

    The Doctor : Inside the TARDIS.

    Donna : The what?

    The Doctor : The TARDIS!

    Donna : The what?

    The Doctor : THE TARDIS!

    Donna : The what?

    The Doctor : It's called the TARDIS!

    Donna : That's not even a proper word! You're just saying things!

  • Donna : Who are you?

    The Doctor : I'm the Doctor. You?

    Donna : Donna.

    The Doctor : Human?

    Donna : Yeah. Is that optional?

    The Doctor : Well, it is for me.

  • Donna : What did you do?

    The Doctor : Guess what I've got Donna.

    [Pulls out a large remote device from his overcoat] 

    The Doctor : Pockets.

    Donna : How did they fit in there?

    The Doctor : They're bigger on the inside.

  • [last lines] 

    Donna : Doctor.

    The Doctor : [opening the TARDIS door]  Oh, what is it now?

    Donna : That friend of yours, what was her name?

    The Doctor : [almost broken tone of voice]  Her name was Rose.

    [the Doctor closes the TARDIS door, the TARDIS starts to dematerialize, then it launches into the sky like a rocket] 

  • Empress : Robo-forms are not necessary. My children may feast on Martian flesh.

    The Doctor : Oh, but I'm not from Mars.

    Empress : Then where?

    The Doctor : My home planet is far away and long since gone. But its name lives on.

    [a pause, then sad and strong and proud] 

    The Doctor : Gallifrey.

  • The Doctor : Why aren't they stopping?

    Donna : They think I'm in a fancy dress.

    [a cab drives by and the driver says, 'Get off the sauce, darling!'] 

    Donna : They think I'm drunk.

    [a car drives by in the other way and both occupants yell, 'You're fooling no one, mate!'] 

    Donna : They think I'm in drag!

    The Doctor : Hold on, hold on.

    [He whistles and successfully hails a cab] 

  • [the Doctor is preparing to take a lift down to a secret alien base] 

    The Doctor : Right then, thanks, you two, I can handle this, see you later.

    Donna : [enters lift]  No chance, Martian. You're the man who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight.

    The Doctor : Going down.

    Donna : Lance!

    Lance Bennett : Maybe I should go to the police.

    Donna : Inside!

    [Lance gives up and enters the lift] 

    The Doctor : To honour and obey?

    Lance Bennett : Tell me about it, mate.

    Donna : Oi!

  • Empress : [sees a cloaked android walking up the steps, Donna wears a look of horror]  My children climb towards me, and none shall stop them! So you might as well unmask, my clever little Doctorman!

    The Doctor : [pulls off the cloak]  Oh well, nice try!

    [pulls out sonic screwdriver and points it to the web] 

    The Doctor : I've got you Donna!

    Donna : I'm gonna fall!

    The Doctor : No you're not, you're gonna swing! I've got ya!

    [she swings in a whole level under his stairs and falls; silence as pipes clatter to the ground] 

    The Doctor : Oh! Sorry...

    Donna : [pan to Donna flat on the ground]  *Thanks* for *nothing!*

    Empress : The Doctorman amuses me!

    The Doctor : Empress of the Racnoss, I give you one last chance. I can find you a planet, I can find you and your children a place in the universe to coexist. Take that offer and end this *now*.

    Empress : [hisses]  These men are so funny!

    The Doctor : What's your answer?

    Empress : [scoffs]  I'm afraid I'll have to decline!


    The Doctor : Then what happens next is your own doing.

    Empress : I'll show you what happens next!

    [hisses, then calls to her Roboforms] 

    Empress : At arms!

    [They raise their weapons] 

    Empress : Take aim!

    [They aim at the Doctor] 

    Empress : And...

    The Doctor : Relax.

    [They suddenly deactivate and power down] 

  • [part of the TARDIS console explodes] 

    The Doctor : [hitting the console with a hammer]  Behave!

  • [the Doctor uses a 4H pencil and a mug to explain how Donna was transported into the Tardis] 

    Donna : I'm a pencil inside a mug?

    The Doctor : Yep! 4H, suits you, actually!

  • The Doctor : With this ring, I thee bio-damp.

  • The Doctor : Question is, what did camouflaged robot mercenaries want with you? And how did you get inside the TARDIS? I don't know... what's your job?

    Donna : I'm a secretary.

    The Doctor : [scanning Donna with his sonic screwdriver]  Weird. I mean, you're not special. You're not powerful. You're not connected. You're not clever. You're not important.

    Donna : This friend of yours, just before she left, did she punch you in the face?

    [slapping the sonic screwdriver out of the way] 

    Donna : Stop bleeping me!

  • The Doctor : Oi, Santa, Word of advice if you are attacking a man with a sonic screw driver

    [picks up a microphone] 

    The Doctor : Don't let him near the sound system

  • Donna Noble : [notices Rose Tyler's clothing and picks it up]  I knew it. Acting all innocent. I'm not the first, am I? How many women have you abducted?

    The Doctor : [after a long pause]  That's my friend's.

    Donna Noble : Where is she? Hopped out for a spacewalk?

    The Doctor : She's gone.

    Donna Noble : Gone where?

    The Doctor : I lost her.

  • The Doctor : [as Donna appears in the TARDIS]  What? What? What?

  • Donna : Who was it? Who's paying you? Was it Nerys? Oh my God, she's finally got me back! This has got Nerys written all over it!

    The Doctor : Who the hell is Nerys?

    Donna : Your best friend!

    The Doctor : Hold on, what are you dressed like that for?

    Donna : [sarcastically]  I'm going tenpin bowling. WHY DO YOU THINK, DUMBO? I was halfway up the aisle! I've waited my whole life for this, it's seconds away, and then you, I don't know, drugged me or something!

  • The Doctor : [to Donna]  Good Luck and just be magnificent.

  • The Doctor : [examining Donna at hyper-speed with various medical items]  There is no way a human being can lock itself onto the TARDIS and transport itself inside! It must be some atomic connection, disruption? Something in the temporal field? Something pulling you into the chronon shell! Maybe something macro-binding your DNA with the interior matrix! Maybe a genetic...

    Donna : [slaps him hard upside the face] 

    The Doctor : [picks himself up, completely shocked]  What was that for?

  • The Doctor : [in a frenzied 'light-bulb' moment]  Ahh! The wedding! That's right, you're getting married! That's it! Best day of your life, walking down the aisle... Oh, you're body's a battleground, there's a chemical war inside! Adrenaline, acetocholine, WHAM go the endorphins! You're *cooking*! Yeah! You're like a walking oven, a press cooker, a microwave, all churning away; the buttons reach boiling point and SHAZZAM...

    Donna : [slaps him hard upside the face] 

    The Doctor : [disbelief]  What did I do this time?

  • The Doctor : [referring to Donna's earlier question about time machines, to which he answered that they were impossible]  You know what I said before, about a time machine? Well... I lied. And now we're going to use it.

  • Donna : But I still don't understand, I'm full of particles, but what for?

    The Doctor : There was a Racnoss web at the center of the Earth, but my people unraveled their power source. Because Huon particles ceased to exist and the Racnoss were stuck, so they just stayed in hibernation for BILLIONS of years, frozen, dead, caput! So you're the new key, brand new particles, living particles, and they need you to open it. And you have never *been* so quiet!


    Donna : [is gone] 

    The Doctor : [upset]  OH!

  • The Doctor : Blimey, you can shout!

See also

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