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Not quite flawless, but quite a little gem
Simon_Says_Movies8 January 2009
Flawless? Not Quite, but it is certainly a little heist gem. This year, with so far a fairly disappointing turnout of high calibre movies, a very narrow niche has been reinvigorated. That little slice of the celluloid pie (mmmm, sounds good) belongs to the British heist flick. With The Bank Job, and now with Flawless, this could mark the beginning of a revamp of all capper films to follow. Or at least we can hope.

Directed by Michael Radford, who has had little mainstream acknowledgment, (save perhaps the star studded Merchant of Venice) makes his shove into the limelight with a film although never destined to make the big bucks, hopefully at least will be sought out by some. Similarly to The Bank Job, Flawless concentrates more on atmosphere and character development then flashy drawn out robbery sequences, although that can most defiantly be rewarding, as seen in The Italian Job. The opening sequence is a hybrid of Blood Diamond and Lord of War, showing the journey of a diamond from a muddy African field to a throne atop a ladies dainty finger. This film has similar political views to that of Blood Diamond, and such morals are imbedded into multiple facets of the story. It also has elements of Pay it Forward, numerous cat and mouse thrillers, even a scene reminiscent of the opening monologue of Titanic. But as such, Flawless never rips of any of these films, and instead, combines a number of classic elements to create a riveting and original picture.

Most heist films either follow a straightforward narrative, where we follow key characters as they assemble their teams, and carry out the theft or, the other broad characterization is to opt for a scattered chronology, beginning with the hero in prison, where their fate is (sometimes) certain. Flawless manages to incorporate wisps' of both these narrative flows, and is better off because of it. Set in 60's London, we meet Michael Caine, who plays janitor "Mr Hobbs", a 15-year veteran employee of the largest supplier of diamonds at the time, The London Diamond Corporation. Still coping with the loss of his wife, he recruits the help of American Laura Quinn (Demi Moore), who is a sour senior administrator; sour because she has been passed up for promotion one too many times. (In addition to the fact that she learns she will be terminated shortly) Using their opposite shift work and positions to their advantage, they plan to steal enough diamonds to live their lives out in comfort.

Demi Moore has never been much of an actress, but despite her slipping English accent, she gives probably her best performance to date, fading into her role, and for once, playing a character that looks their age. The problem with her character is not with Moore's performance but with how she is presented; unsympathetic and shrill. She always seems unwilling and bitchy, which could be partly due to the stark contrast between Moore and her male counterpart's composure and cool. That "male" of course being Michael Caine, who is solid as always and makes for a very atypical criminal which is part of the films charm. He is sweet, old and can barely walk, but his history (which does not include training for a career in janitorial work) makes him a formidable foe. We get nice supporting work from the always devilish Lambert Wilson, who we all remember as The Merovingian from The Matrix Reloaded, as the internal investigator and from Joss Ackland as one of London Diamond's heads and who is a powerfully menacing figure. (He played Arjen Rudd, the evil African diplomat in Lethal Weapon II)

Flawless has a good feel for the times, in reference to the setting, clothing, dialogue, etc. The inevitable twist that is associated with almost all heist films stands alone in its uniqueness, which you will have to see to truly understand why it is different. Director Radford gives us some powerful sequences; one which perfectly captures the political intentions of the film involves Michael Caine's character tossing one of the largest cut diamonds in the world into a bin of tiny uncut stones, which the executives wouldn't floss their teeth with. It is a vivid reminder of what diamonds really are, and what we are willing to give and do for such.

Destined to be a ghost in the theatres, this is definitely a film to scrounge for on DVD shelves. Presenting emotionally charged and involving performances and extracting a blind-siding twist from a source which I though must have been drained years ago, Flawless is a solid and intellectually stimulating movie experience.

View all my reviews at Simon Says Movie Reviews: www.simonsaysmovies.blogspot.com
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Well, that's one creative way of dealing with the old glass ceiling!
planktonrules17 December 2020
"Flawless" is a very unusual heist film. While this is generally a wonderful genre with MANY great caper pictures (such as "Rififi", "Oceans Eleven", "Grand Slam" and "Bob le Flambeur"), it's also a genre that seems to have little in the way of twists to make newer heist films worth seeing. With "Flawless" they managed to come up with a dandy twist...making it yet another lovely heist film worth your time.

When the story begins, Laura (Demi Moore) is an elderly woman in the present day being interviewed by a reporter about her extraordinary career. It seems that back in the 1950s, Laura was a real groundbreaker...an executive in the diamond industry in London when other women only became secretaries. But the interview goes in a way the reporter didn't suspect when Laura admits that long, long ago she was involved in a huge diamond robbery...one for which she managed never to be caught. Now, with the statute of limitations behind her, she's about to tell her story.

It seems that in the 1950s, Laura is a very talented and capable executive with London Di, a huge diamond firm. But again and again and again, men are being advanced to upper management and she has come to realize she has hit the so-called 'glass ceiling' and because she was a woman, she'd never go any further. This is rough....but imagine how frustrated she becomes when the company janitor, Hobbs (Michael Caine), tells her that he read a letter in the CEO's office...and it said that they were going to fire her and blackball her in the industry!

Why would Hobbs tell Laura this? Well, after showing her a copy of the letter, he lets her in on his plan...to rob the vault of many millions of pounds worth of gems. And, with her being angry and hurt, she reluctantly agreed to help. What's next? See the film.

There were some very good performances in this movie. Joss Acklund is wonderful as the soulless CEO....a vicious and imposing figure that few other living actors would be able to play well. Moore is also very good....and gave a much better performance than usual because she was given excellent material. And, well, Michael Caine is Michael Caine! Fine acting all around in this one.

So is the film worth seeing? Absolutely. But I must warn you....folks with short attention spans, teenagers and children or folks who need explosions and boobs instead of plot might not enjoy this picture. But I thought it was terrific...and I do like how it managed to make you feel no sorry for the victims (after all, the whole blood diamond angle is alluded to in the film) and breathe new life into the genre. My only quibble, and it's a minor one, is that Moore's character seems a bit wishy-washy about the robbery late in the movie...something I would have preferred hadn't been in the story.

I cannot, however, for the life of me understand why the film only has a paltry 6.8 average currently on IMDB...it's much better than that.
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Nice Retro Caper movie
intelearts28 April 2008
Flawless is a charming, tense, and nicely executed caper movie.

I had absolutely no idea how the robbery was done until the revelation: and, like most of us, I have watched enough heist movies to quickly go "Yup, got it!", more often than not, but not here.

Excellent understated performances from Demi Moore and Michael Caine, especially in the small facial gestures when stressed and so on. The settings etc; all add to a nice retro feel. You really get a sense that they tried hard to build the 1960s into this - very buttoned-down, very regimented, a very male world.

One of the major attractions for us was that the sense of pace builds slowly - and compared to the Bank Job I have to say this is the better movie.

All in all a clever, entertaining film, with a good script and very nice central performances, and even a human message.

Definitely recommended
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Michael Caine Stars In Excellent Crime Drama
lambypie20 March 2008
I recall some woefully erroneous movie critic writing about Michael Caine in the late 1960s that Caine was the sort of actor whose career would have three brief stages: 1. Get me Michael Caine; 2. Get me a Michael Caine type; 3. Who is Michael Caine? Needless to say, that movie critic is now long gone and forgotten, while Michael Caine has simply gotten better and better, aging like fine wine. This is not a big "message" movie, or a huge budget extravaganza, but rather it is an extremely well-made and entertaining and suspenseful crime film with very human characters you can really care about. It is set in 1960 England, in which Caine, a janitor, attempts a spectacular robbery of precious jewels. With the able support of Demi Moore, in one of her best performances, and the fine direction of Michael Radford, and a wonderful attention to the little details that make a film so much better, FLAWLESS is very much worth the price of admission. And Mr. Caine, with his finely nuanced performance, a man who can make a glance or a subtle movement speak more than a ton of histrionics by lesser actors, is topping the bill. Need I say more?
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Caine once Again shows his Talent
martinkigutaq19 January 2008
This is a well done film with Michael Caine and the not so young Demi Moore. Regardless of their ages, the depth of the characters puts together a timid plot to make an enjoyable film, with a feel good film/ story. Okay for a night to replace boredom with small laughing outbursts on the quirkiness of subtle underlying jokes. It is a slow movie to begin, and is so through out the rest of it, but it does it in such a way to continue the growing curiosity and find out the sum of the show from the small twists and plays of the storyline. It is mostly the lovable character (Caine) that keeps the viewer involved so deeply in the story, also his lost but not forgotten past. It leads to a cliché ending but still very acceptable in my view. And the actor whom plays Mr.Finch also plays the Merovingian from The Matrix. A small plus to see his acting career develop and hopefully become more mainstream.
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Just a little too hard to swallow
ten-thousand-marbles25 January 2022
It's a charming and entertaining story. I would have rated it higher but I just can't get past the heist itself. The details, though interesting, are just too far fetched to be believable. The very foundation of the storyline is the film's one glaring flaw.
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Brilliant story
msia_male16 March 2009
2 things that i want to comments here. 1st : Brilliant story. 2nd : No sex scenes. (Great to have this movie). Opening of this movie was attracted me very good with 50's background music playing along, so curious. All actors & actress role acting very solid. Me just keep on thinking how a lot of diamond can be disappear a few hours. But only one things that look not so natural was during Laura Quinn old. Her eyes look so fresh!!!..... Anyway it was a really really great story. I suggest you people out there recommend this movie very much. You will know how much your money can by. I would like to give seven out of ten for this brilliant story.
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Michael Caine great and Demi Moore isn't bad either
SnoopyStyle29 May 2014
A reporter comes to interview Laura Quinn (Demi Moore) as a woman manager in a man's world from the old days. Laura pulls out a giant diamond and retells the story of when she stole it back in 1960 London. Laura is frustrated as the lone female executive at London Diamond Corporation having been passed over yet again. Hobbs the janitor (Michael Caine) approaches her with a plan to steal some diamonds from the vault. When Hobbs takes the plan to an unexpected way, insurance investigator Finch (Lambert Wilson) is suspicious and Laura is trapped.

Demi Moore always speaks deliberately with a smoky voice and I don't mind her British accent. Director Michael Radford has created a good sense of an era but the caper lacks a certain energy or power. It's a slow moving film where Michael Caine shows his brilliance. He is very convincing in every word he speaks. It's a little film that is well made enough. The caper is simplistic and has the feel of the truth.
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Nicely filmed and easy to root for
HotToastyRag29 November 2017
In full, adorable Cockney glory, Michael Caine plays a janitor in Flawless. He works in for London Diamonds, and he's a reliable staple in the building—no one would ever suspect he'd do anything wrong. One day, he approaches Demi Moore—whose British accent isn't nearly as adorable or believable—and asks if she wants to be a part of a robbery he's planning. She's the only female executive and doesn't get the credit she's due, so he figures she's angry enough to take what she's earned.

Let's face it, without Michael Caine, this would be a mediocre heist movie. You might not even be rooting for the leads. But Michael Caine is in the movie, so you've got someone completely likable and charming to root for. While most heist movies are filmed in a lightweight style, with flashy cuts, upbeat music, and bright colors, this one is on the darker side. It's set in the sixties, so director Michael Radford filmed in deep, saturated colors and reflected the gloomy weather of London by using lots of darks and grays. It's a new and welcome change to the heist genre, and it makes all the difference in turning Flawless into a classy film.
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flawless indeed
pilotpilot18 January 2008
Everything works in this movie : The direction, the acting, the shooting, the story and the script - one commentators claimed that it was limited and one dimensional but it is quite on the contrary : the script was written very elegantly with quite a lot of subtelties and these would probably be missed by those who are used the usual wham bahm great Hollywood films.

The only (small) flaw in the film was its so called "feministic" flavour, it was completely unnecessary - any, if all, "politically correct messages", would have been understood from the story itself - there was no need to shove it in the audience face.

All in all this movie is intelligent, interesting and exciting. I highly recommend it.
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Nearly flawless, but still very enjoyable!
EyeoftheBeholder118 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A very intelligent, heist thriller, OVERALL. Moore has aged well but is still charming as ever. Caine was terrific as usual. However, some major stereotypes occur, like the clumsy guard for instance. And some thing's don't match up, like Hobbs being the official culprit, how would they know? And why wasn't Moore's character allowed in London for 40 years if she didn't go to jail? Despite the two things mentioned above, this is a lovely film. And I mean that literally. The cinematography is beautiful. I'm so glad I caught this on Blu Ray. The production designer did a fantastic job re creating the 50's it truly had that authentic look.

I hope more people view this rarely seen gem, even though it isn't completely flawless.....
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A Terrific Little Heist Movie
john9073 October 2007
I just watch this movie last night and let me say that I thought the movie was terrific. Since the movie hasn't even premiered in the US or Europe, I was hesitated because there were no reviews at all out there. But I'm glad to say that I enjoyed every minute of it.

The story is set in the 1960s, so don't expect the heist to be high-tech or complicated like the Ocean's series, Entrapment or The Italian Job. The real gem in the movie is the way it explains itself, all in good timing - it's nice to see a movie that still makes its viewers guessing.

Demi Moore and Michael Caine did a good job, and so is the supporting characters, played by Lambert Wilson and Joss Ackland. I am surprised however that Demi Moore can carried the whole movie, she was practically almost in every scene, and she proved that given the right material, she can make the viewers empathize with her. I certainly felt cheated, nervous and uneasy during the last half of the film, just like her character did.

If you appreciate a smart, subtle and entertaining movie, this is the movie for you. I highly recommend it!
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Diamond Geezers
writers_reign28 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's a miserable day here in London and among the week's new releases only two are even worth considering, Clint Eastwood's Changeling and Michael Radford's Flawless. In the end the weather tips it; Changeling is a long haul and 'serious' I'll catch it later; Flawless is lighter, Radford directed Il Postino and the excellent French actor Lambert Wilson has a supporting role. For a miserable London day it's definitely out of the right bottle; a 'heist' entry with an improbable pairing in Demi Moore and Michael Caine. There's also an element of 'locked door' mystery about it as we try to figure out how a lone and aged janitor (Caine)managed to steal literally millions of pounds worth of diamonds virtually undetected. For one thing the logistics are awesome, it would need a fleet of trucks just to handle the bulk. All is revealed of course and for good measure Moore hits on the solution by chance. Everyone manages to get out their lines without bumping into the furniture which is more or less all that is required of them and it's all as polished as one of its diamonds.
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Annoying anachronisms abound
dapplez5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Caine plays a working class stiff with more brains than money in the humiliating role of janitor amidst some of the most privileged upper class -- a diamond wholesaler similar to De Beers with a virtual monopoly on diamonds.

Movie buffs might want to compare this to "Gambit," one of Caine's earliest movies, which co-starred Shirley MacLaine. To tell you the precise connection would be to give away the endings of both movies. In Gambit, Caine uses Shirley MacLaine; in Flawless, Caine uses Demi Moore. I wonder if Edward Anderson, the writer on "Flawless," was familiar with "Gambit."

This sort of crime caper was hot in the early 1960s, with Charade being the best of the genre. They were an offshoot of Alfred Hitchcock's wry, thriller-mystery style, especially North by Northwest. However, Flawless is devoid of the light humor that made these movies so classy and cool. Instead, it is heavy and dark, like Double Indemnity. And it lacks precision in fitting the pieces together. Instead, the plot relies too much on luck and impulse, rather than logic.

This is a period piece, which it establishes with women's dress styles, and a few cars in the street. It would have been better to place it in 1965-1970; there are some jarring anachronisms for 1960.

This business of blood diamond protests is off by 30 years; black miners protesting in South Africa in 1960? You must be kidding! They'd be thrown in jail. And there simply weren't sign waving street protesters for any issue in 1960; that began in the second half of the 1960s. Even the press were polite in 1960, unlike the pack of jackals portrayed in the movie.

Basic anachronisms annoy me because it suggests kids at work who don't know or care about history -- much like the dippy newspaper editor in the movie. The LP was introduced in 1948 and runs at 33 rpm, singles were released on 45s; the record Demi Moore is listening to in her apartment is playing at 78 rpm. Couldn't she afford a new phonograph? I guess they didn't want viewers reading the Brenda Lee "I'm Sorry" label, which didn't match the cool jazz actually playing, also anachronistic by at least five or 10 years. However, Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" was first recorded in 1959, so it fits.

I'm skeptical they had television cameras as small as the ones used for surveillance in 1960. Professional studio TV cameras were huge back then and used tubes (valves), but compact transistor cameras would have begun showing up around 1965. They didn't have automatic timed switching between surveillance cameras till later.

In the press mob scene the photographer is waving a Speed Graphic that uses 4x5" sheet film and flash bulbs, which belongs in the 1930s. By the 1950s, press photographers had switched to 2 1/4" roll film, probably a Rolleiflex, if not a 35mm Leica or the Nikon rangefinder, which swept the press corps in the 1950s, or the Nikon F SLR (1959). Plus, they had electronic flash strobes by then, with the Honeywell Strobonar "potato masher" the most popular with the press.

The device used to record the interrogation was a Dictaphone Dictabelt, which recorded a groove with a needle, and which was still in use in 1960. But a real investigator might have used a Uher battery operated 5 inch reel to reel, or maybe a Nagra Kudelski.

Sure, this may be quibbling, but it all gets in the way of the viewer becoming immersed in the movie's reality. Plenty of movies get historical details right; Quantum Leap nailed it every week.

It would have been simpler to place this around 1965; there were still limits on women, but this was about the time they began to challenge the glass ceiling, like Demi.

I guess youngsters seem to think the "Sixties" began suddenly in 1960. You see the same in Chocolat, where long-haired hippies sail into town in 1959. Yet in reality, long hair on guys didn't happen until 1966 and on. If you are going to make period movies, get some old Look and Life magazines and thumb through the pictures and articles. Or use Google images.

Both Demi Moore and Michail Caine's performances were very good. I wouldn't have known it was Demi Moore without the credits, she so disappears into the role.

One other note: I'm a bit skeptical that the skimpy amount of diamonds in the safe could have been worth a $100 million ransom, especially in 1960, and would not keep such a large enterprise in business for long. De Beers has whole storerooms filled from floor to ceiling with diamonds. But I guess the reality would have been hard to believe, among other logistical problems.

Spoiler alert:

But the biggest deal breaker is the ending. Demi writing checks soon after the crime for millions of dollars all over the world? Interpol would have been on to her like flies to honey. And what happens to Hobbs? "I never heard from him again," Moore says. That's all? That's writing?

If Flawless had been released in the early 1960s, amid movies like North By Northwest, Charade, Mirage, Goldfinger, The Ipcress File and Gambit, it would have fallen flat.

A caper movie needs a kicker ending. Flawless gets trapped by its flashback format, which results in a dull, fade to black ending. It would have been better for Moore to tell the reporter: "Yes, it's been 40 years, and I've kept quiet. But now the statute of limitations is over." And then we see her writing checks to give the money away. And then we see the flower covered grave site.
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admirable thriller
Kirpianuscus11 August 2018
A story of revenge. At the first sigh. In fact, a story of vulnerabilities. Simple. Convincing. Well made. Having the best cast and the best script. So, thriller. An admirable one. For the old fahion flavor. And for happy Demi Moore -Michael Caine meet.
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Mostly Costume Jewelry, but totally fun.
secondtake22 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Flawless (2007)

Another jewel heist film, where Michael Caine as a lovable old janitor masterminds a two- person plan. His partner in crime? Demi Moore, playing a woman who has hit the glass ceiling in the 1960 London business world. The two are working at Britain's biggest diamond merchant, a dirty, white male company with a vault the size of God (though easier to understand).

Of course, the plan is clever, close calls abound, doubts and double-crossings are timely, and glitter is everywhere. It's a fun period piece and completely enjoyable. You might say the movie is flawless if you remember its ambitions are low--it's a perfect average film, or something like that. Caine is spot on, but isn't he always a terrific Michael Caine? You can't go wrong there. And Moore is steady and consistent, the way Moore is, I guess. Nothing to write home about.

Twists? Yeah, one or two you half expect. Caine and Moore don't have sex, which is a twist of its own. Let's see. Oh, yes, Caine pulls a trick or two on Moore, who is really the dupe through it all. Come to think of it, she doesn't show too many facets as a brilliant young woman, does she? So much for feminism.

And the film does have one big flaw, after all, in the setting, not the stone. It begins and ends with a very 21st Century cocky young woman rudely interviewing an elderly Moore character, and the feminist patter is like water on a small fire. The first time, we cut to Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" and the movie is off and running with a lot of style and confidence. The second time we moan as it gets improbable and silly. Between these parentheses, director Michael Radford pulls off some lighthearted fun. Which last night was all I needed.
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It's not flawless but it tries to be with some success
thomvic19 October 2010
It is good to see Demi Moore in a role that seems a bit more interesting and also takes her more seriously as an actress. She plays Lara Quinn who is a female manager at the London Diamond Bank set in 1960 London. Under-appreciated and disgruntled, she is being passed over and over again for promotion for male colleagues less talented than her. When she gets advice from the night time cleaner Mr Hobbs (Michael Caine) who knows a lot more than he lets on to everyone, he offers her a deal: to steal all the diamonds in the safe and share the benefits between them. So as the tagline says 'he had a scheme, she had a motive'.

First of all, Demi's British accent is well...passable, but then she is playing an American who lived in London. I accepted that, but then you can't help but wonder if they added that line in just to cover that up. But she is a sympathetic character that you feel sorry for. Michael Caine gives a solid performance though I have to admit I had a bit of trouble hearing some of his lines - his accent is a bit heavy in this and there were no subtitles on the DVD. But it is funny to see two unlike characters team up to do this deed, but it makes it more fun since it is two people the whole company would least likely suspect.

There is also a political aspect to the film, and it's through the last third of the film you start to feel the tension for the characters. What I should mention is that this feels more like a movie played on a quiet Sunday, so don't expect big action scenes or over the top thrilling mystery music that occurs in a lot of these films. It is simply a clever story told with subtlety that actually adds a lot to the tension halfway.

I felt myself caring for Demi's character and she is playing someone who is her own age, which is good. I almost forgot this was Demi Moore, being used to seeing her in more modern films such as Ghost or horrible movies such as Striptease, to the excellent Mr Brooks. And she does her best. I actually think her being an American who immigrated to London gives her character some weight and she is very classy in this.

It is fun and with two charismatic leads, you really root for them in this story. If you never liked Demi Moore, well this might change your mind about her as an actress.
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Well-done heist movie.
Panterken28 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
'Flawless' is a relatively conventional heist movie that offers a little extra to the genre. Some nice little themes and motives are worked into the movie and the story doesn't flow according to the conventional heist movie-scheme (planning, executing, exiting and rejoicing or being caught in the end). The heist happens early on in the movie, which gives the director a lot of time to explore the motives behind the robbery. What bugged me was that a lot of time was spent on explaining the plot, which is quite a common feature in these kinds of crime movies. I feel those parts dragged a bit and should've been cut shorter.

Otherwise, the movie was quite good, Caine entertaining as always and Demi Moore in her only good post-comeback role so far (well, I liked Mr. Brooks but she was wrong for the part).

In the end, 'Flawless' entertains and leaves the viewer feeling satisfied since it offers everything a heist movie is required to offer and more. Certainly worth a look...

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A good Old style - old fashion thriller
kewos21 January 2009
At last a decent thriller this year. Flawless it's been a good surprise from beginning to end. Is a thriller with all substance and no flash. There's no tricks, characters and their relationship are really good developed. You understand them, their motives to rob and also their doubts and the most important, you understand how they do it. No tricks, no James Bond gadgets which solve every issue.

The story is truly believable. Also are the characters. Michael Cain (janitor)as usual fills the scene just with his presence. Demi Moore is in one of her best, probably her best, role and performance (and I'm not a big fan at all of her). The screenplay and dialogues are brilliant. The plot is very well knitted and the final twist is different, refreshing.

Is like to be watching a good movie from the 60's. No doubt, I recommend this movie to those who like real thrillers.

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Not quite flawless, but still pretty good.
ajs-1018 July 2010
I like a good heist movie, but this is a heist movie with a difference. For one, it's set in 1960's, and for another, only two people are involved in stealing one hundred million pounds worth of uncut diamonds.

It all begins quite formulaically with a reporter interviewing an older woman for a piece about women who had power in business in the 1960's. We then go into flashback as the woman, Laura Quinn, tells her story. She had fought her way up to the position of manager at the worlds leading diamond supplier, the London Diamond Corporation. This was no mean achievement in the male dominated world of business at the time. However, she now finds it harder and harder to progress her career and, having been passed over for promotion several times is getting disheartened with it all. She is then approached by the cleaner, Mr Hobbs, who tells her he knows a way of stealing some of the diamonds. He needs her help to get the combination to the safe before he can go ahead with the plan. She eventually agrees to help him, but things don't exactly go according to plan. I'll leave my short summary there, don't want to give away too much now.

This is a very well made film although in a subtle and rather reserved style. There is no booming soundtrack to distract you from the dialogue, which is nice for a change. Very good performances from all of the leading cast, in particular, Demi Moore as Laura Quinn, Michael Caine as Mr. Hobbs, Lambert Wilson as Finch and Nathaniel Parker as Oliver 'Ollie' Ashtoncroft. Also nice to see Joss Ackland as Sir Milton Kendrick Ashtoncroft.

I quite enjoyed this film, it took a while to get going, but once it did I found it quite enthralling. It's quite a straight-forward plot, but there are subtleties to it that can easily be missed. Nicely shot in that 60's style that seems popular these days, and some very good performances, particularly from Demi Moore and Michael Caine. Over all, recommended.

My score: 6.7/10
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gem of a heist movie
eagleroost31 August 2008
If you are looking for car chases, kidnappings, and violence- you won't like this little gem (can't resist the pun) of a heist movie. Instead you have a clever plot that unwinds in small and subtle bits, like a trail of bread crumbs. Just when you think you have it figured out, another quiet twist sets your theories spinning again.

It keeps you on the edge of your seat, not because you are afraid of the next gun fight or bomb blast (there are none) but because you care about the characters and what happens to them. The casting is perfect, with Moore as the smart, strong, but emotionally stoic diamond manager; and Caine as the simple janitor with a brilliant plan. It was refreshing to have the "relationship" between the male and female lead not be a romantic one- there are so many more dimensions to human interactions.

While this movie is appropriate for the whole family, it may be too subtle to hold the interest of younger audiences. Also its themes- a woman in a man's world, career disappointment, mourning a lost love- are not themes that children relate to. A movie my boyfriend and I both enjoyed.
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Michael Caine Lends to Making Flawless Better
pc9527 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's safe to say Michael Caine is a great actor, whether comedy, drama, thriller, you name it - he can carry a movie himself or lend needed support. And he certainly does so in "Flawless". An average movie turned above average thanks to Caine. Along for the ride is Demi Moore who manages to not get in the way of things, and quietly turns in a good performance compared to other outings. Her character was said to be American, but yet she moves in and out of British accents confusingly. The story is acceptable and holds your interest mostly. Pacing during the middle third slows a bit, but gets retrieved again. -spoiler- Moore's character is supposed to be in her 70s or so narrating however she botches this part of the performance about as badly as her make-up artists who blew it. Nevertheless, the movie deserves a satisfactory rating.
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Story, Acting, & Atmosphere combine...Flawlessly!
AudioFileZ8 June 2008
Start with two of the most reviled yet tolerated institutions: diamond broking and large insurance underwriting. Spin a story around these heartless institutions getting their "just comeuppance". Justice is served by two very different individuals who quite remarkably find themselves in this extraordinary situation. Singularly they wield no power over such old established hallmarks, yet together they bring these "takers" to their knees.

Speaking of together, Michael Caine continues his low key return to excellent work ever since Ciderhouse Rules. He's great here and surprise...Demi Moore is spot-on in her portrayal as the brilliant, yet stepped-on lone female executive who sacrificed too much before she realized too late it was for naught. These two elevate the all ready good story to great heights.

Special mention is due to the set design. It really nails the 60's-some of which I recall and all of which looks totally appropriate. The directing is most excellent too as it builds the story slowly, never revealing too much, and allows the tension to slowly mount. The movie has a quite satisfying ending that you really couldn't figure out exactly until it too was revealed. Really a great movie, highly recommended.
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It's not about the rocks
Chris Knipp20 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just weeks following the US release of Donaldson's Seventies-period 'Bank Job' (March 2008), here comes yet another creditable if not altogether earth-shaking period heist flick from England, this time one set in the Sixties. It features an unconventional burglary duo: an ambitious American-born Oxford-educated woman executive, Laura Quinn (Demi Moore) and a mild-mannered old janitor near retirement called Hobbs (Michael Caine). Together they conspire to bring the largest diamond firm in the world to its knees by plundering its vast stock from an ultra-secure vault at the firm's London headquarters, at which both happen to work. As the real mastermind of this inside job, Hobbs is is a man who wants more than just gems or money (though we find out what only later). He's spent fifteen years planning the caper, ever since his wife died prematurely of cancer. Laura Quinn is a lone female executive passed over time and time again for a promotion, and now, as she learns from Hobb's snooping, likely to be sacked. She does however still have access to secrets of the security system Hobbs hasn't been able to get his hands on, and this leads him to seek her collaboration.

With her long ebony hair swept back and her pale face immaculately made up, the handsomely aging Moore shows off her thin shapely form in a succession of elegant fitted suit dresses of the period, for the office; a posh blue gown for evening wear; and, for clandestine meetings, a smart hat. Moore's dashing look blends seamlessly with the film's generally suave and classy mise-en-scène. Rather less successfully, she also appears in a framing device heavily made up as an old lady being interviewed by a female journalist of today collecting material on women from back then who "paved the way." Caine's wardrobe is hardly worthy of mention, nor is the raft of truisms his character brings out in every scene to express the wisdom of age. But as the man who wrote the book on laid back screen acting, he wears his role as comfortably as an old shoe, and his ease makes a nice foil to Moore's edge.

Unlike the action-packed and sometimes violent 'Bank Job' this is a mild-mannered tale whose one on-screen weapon isn't even loaded, but to keep things from being sleep-inducing the story line has a well-paced robbery sequence and several neat surprise plot twists in store. Most notably, as in Spike Lee's 'Inside Man,' after getting only a glimpse of the robbery we're left with the big riddle of how the loot was removed and where it's been stashed. But while Lee seemed to have cheapened himself a bit in that genre excursion, the thought of its complex Mamet-like convolutions and big colorful cast may make 'Flawless' seem, by comparison, a gem of decidedly lesser luster. Its plot surprises probably won't raise your blood pressure. There are references to South Africa's "virtual slave labor," a crucial Russian contract, and the clout of diamonds in the world economy, as well as a glimpse of "blood diamond" street picketers, to widen the outlook, but the piece stands or falls on the way it spotlights the contrasting protagonists, the elegant lady and the rough-hewn old bloke, she tense and uncertain, he (sententiously) philosophical and calmly calculating. The two work well together and Moore manages her side very creditably, though it's still the contrast that carries the day rather than any depth of character development on either side. As the Variety reviewer Jonathan Holland puts it, Hobbs plays Quinn "Like a Cockney Iago," teasing out all her weaknesses and anger to make her help him in this extremely risky venture.

Unfortunately, most of the subsidiary characters are just noisy cardboard cutouts representing such necessary elements as the ruthless and apoplectic boss of the company, Sir Milton Ashtoncroft (Joss Ackland), his various toadies, and his chief enemy, the head of the insurance company which wants anything but to pay up the value of the vast stolen cache. They're a loud and frenetic but ultimately stereotypical lot. What happened to the depth and subtlety of Fifties and Sixties English film casts? And where is the old Ealing spirit of fun? Luckily there is the Franco-Irish Lambert Wilson as the head investigator, Detective Finch, a man with a military edge to his chin, a zealous manner, and an ambivalent attraction to Ms. Moore's character: he seems quite unsure whether to bed her or book her. Wilson is like Pascal Greggory, whom he resembles, without the put-upon, neurotic air. The presence of Finch adds a tiny bat-squeak of desire that's direly needed.

Unlike the visually ordinary 'Bank Job,' 'Flawless' as befits its name and its bling-bling topic does look really good: it's stylishly designed and photographed throughout. Moore seems dressy even when roaming a sewer, and the company entrance hall and much else has a gloss and visual sweep that give pleasure. Too bad about the goody-goody ending, which makes things feel pedestrian again, just when the suspenseful robbery and detective sequences had livened things up. A smooth and watchable but not very exciting effort.
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I just love watching women do stupid stuff
kristinbauer13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's lame. I normally enjoy Demi but she's not good in this. It's also frustrating to watch her do one dumb thing after another: Leaves her prints in the office Accosts michael Cain in the office lobby "what have you done!" IN FRONT of the investigator.

Then forces a meet up right after the crime.

Demands to be privy to the investigation

It's endlessly dumb

Also at the beginning the interviewer says, "you've been in prison"

But she didn't go to prison in the end??

And why Did he leave her all the money?? There's no indication she'll be the most philanthropic person. "Are you a giver or a taker?" Deep man.

A silly point but she hands the women her life story, for some odd reason, and the Woman reads it but then runs out the door to find Demi and shes Vanished! So how fast does this woman read? And why Run after her once she's read that last oh so moving line.

Nothing holds water in this film. I rolled my eyes a lot.

And Demi Also has a really bad accent and plays her with no intelligence or depth

Don't be thrown by other reviewers saying the ending was a real twist. It's patent.

Very lame

I'm not sure why I even gave it 4 stars.
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