Illegal Tender (2007) Poster

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The man is wrong
rollstuhlwolf6 February 2008
This is not a John Singleton movie as the person above me stated. And the reason it was given so little attention is because even though the cast of what most would consider unknowns is strong, it is just a generic John Singleton style movie replacing African Americans with Hispanics. If this film had been made 15 years ago it might garner more attention, but with so many generic life in the hood films made over the last two decades it is easy for something like this to slip under the radar. Good acting is not enough to carry a movie, there has to be a strong plot and character development. In fact, I'm surprised more Latinos were not upset by what seemed to me a very stereotypical look at life in a ethnocentric neighborhood. Personally, I feel a move like "Wassup Rockers" did a better and more entertaining job of looking at diversity issues, crime, bigotry, and even inter-cultural separation. Yes, its nice to see more Hispanic and Latinos in films. But if this is the roles they are getting no progress has been made and they got a long way to go.
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What would the Flying Spaghetti Monster do?
freakfire-126 March 2008
I was actually surprised that this was fairly good. It wasn't "good" or "excellent", but it is OK enough to enjoy at some points. Not only that, but it has a storyline that has a nice touch near the end.

The film begins in mid 80s New York, with Wilson and several drug gangsters. He has a knocked up woman and money set aside. But then things get tricky and he winds up dead. The viewer is left wondering "why?".

Thats when it goes to 2007. The child being carried is grown up, has his own woman, but he doesn't know who his father was. Events turn the college student into a man chasing down the past. Eventually things get settled in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. There young Wilson Jr. discovers his father's secret past and why things are they way they are.

Without ruining why, the plot twist at the end explains one scene that didn't make sense at the beginning. So that was well done. However, some of the characters didn't exactly fit the bill, especially in the scenes outside New York and Connecticut. Plus, the music was all wrong for much of the film.

Some people question "Ana"(Daina Ramirez), the girlfriend of Wilson Jr. She stays with him through the film, but she is seemingly the stereotypical 'damsel'. However, there are many women like that who are soft hearted so I don't have doubts about the character.

With everything said, I think the film is moderately good. So have a look and try it out. Its nothing special, but its good enough to draw your attention. "B-"
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Bad acting, poor script
worddiva30 October 2019
This had great potential, but the mom's acting made me cringe and the girlfriend got on my nerves with her incessant questions around the basement scene. The script was also annoying--what was up with the constant running? What good is an artillery if you're too scared to stand your ground and use it. Some gangsta film. This was lame.
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Not worth the $10.
kkheggs3 September 2007
This movie was entertaining, but the acting was horrible. I expected way better work from John Singleton and from actors like Wanda DeJesus, Dania Ramirez and Rick Gonzalez. There were so many holes in the plot that dramatic scenes were turned into slapstick comedy. There were also many anachronisms (a bodega scene in 1985 featured candy and snacks with 2007 packaging) and continuity errors (Wilson's little brother bruised his face after falling off his bike; the bruise was healed later that day. Wilson grew up speaking English, but managed to speak fluent Spanish once he arrived in Puerto Rico). I did like the music in the film, though, and I'll probably buy the soundtrack. I think I understand the vision that John Singleton may have had in making this film, but unfortunately he used a formula that was successful in the '90s and it doesn't work for Illegal Tender.
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Good little thriller that doesn't require much except a desire to go along for the ride
dbborroughs14 October 2007
21 years after her husband, a drug dealer looking to get out, is gunned down, a woman finds that her husband's cronies are still looking to kill her and her family. Her son at first doesn't believe her, but when he's forced to defend the family home against attackers plan are made to turn the tables on the attackers.

Good little action thriller from John Singleton. I don't know what else to say but this is an old school style crime thriller that has characters you care about and real tension that comes from the characters and situations. Definitely worth a look at some point.

6.5 out of 10
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regards to This movie is an embarrassment and a disgrace to people of Mexican heritage
GypsyKatt20 February 2008
I think you need to see the movie again because it is not about Mexicans (you wish) the movie is about Puerto Ricans, I enjoyed watching the movie it showed how true family power can overcome anything, how a mother is willing to do anything die or kill for her family safety. It's about pride,honor and values. Wilson De Leon, Jr. is an exceptional college student with an adoring girlfriend, doting mother and a future full of promise. He has never wanted for anything, and he has never been forced to stand his ground. But when ghosts from his mother's past come back to haunt his present, he must defend his family and quickly turn into the strong man his father prayed he'd become.
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adrianmanzano-35-72950817 January 2012
Whats to say about Latino Scorcese reshuffle, lack of originality Cliché after cliché, Over acting, Ridiculous motivations.

Decent use of music.

Is this the best we can do?

how about a filmmaker with the balls. Is there anyone out there? someone who's not gonna cut to the gun.

"but without violence they won't come" maybe. Or at least the gangbangers wont.

But you can try something else that may show a different side life. Something deeper. and Who knows maybe you'll find a voice.
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Pretty good most of the time
vivatexas21 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie, it is pretty good most of the time. It is a nice surprise because you don't find many movies about the Puerto Rican gangs and the roles are done by Hispanic actors.

Stereotypical sometimes, but you have nice acting, specially when Wilson Jr. has to shoot for the first time. He is trembling and scared what everybody should be after some bad experience.

The mom does a good acting trying to be protective and hard at the same time.

It is a good movie, a bit different from the rest of the movies you usually watch about the mafia.
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SPOILER: Too much of a canned plot
refdan6 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I applaud this film for portraying the Puerto Rican heritage and culture with respect. The producer is trying to bring it into more prominence in the film industry. The family values portrayed by the actors are not typical, but they are commendable nevertheless.

The actors are credible in their roles as mother, son, and girlfriend. The supporting cast is not quite so good. Dialog is stilted and delivered like a stage production.

It moves along pretty well and the back story is well done, although it is not clear why the money is such an issue until very late in the film, and then it's clear that the money is NOT the issue.

The problem I have with the film is the incredible plot leaps of faith where a hostile faction (MOM) is able to penetrate a heavily guarded establishment without being discovered and then ice the villain and escape easily.

Mothers skill with the pistols is absolutely over the top and not credible.

The 'assassins' are totally incompetent and couldn't hit the broadside of a barn when standing next to it.

Those things bothered me, but not enough to miss the true point of this film: a mother's love is the fiercest love of all. She will do anything to protect her children.
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A comment as good as I can write
vampyrecowboy14 February 2009
I liked the movie, I think it was well written, well performed and overall well done...I liked it, but there are issues to be dealt with.

Maybe I have the issues, maybe it's just me...


in New York, when the shootings are taking place, nobody calls the cops while the two girls are being killed in the hallway.

in New York - at a vacant lot (I assume where every other gangster has to be killed when they get killed) the guy gets shot up in front of a car yet every bullet hits the person and nobody misses a single shot and hits the car.

in New Jersey OR Conneticut - wherever the family lives now, teen son has to pump out the rap music like every other gangster movie's not bad enough that he drives a bad ass car and dresses like every other O.G. who lives, no he has to blast the car radio with rap, then when he leaves his car, he has to hit another bunch of rap tunes in his headphones...the guy just can't get that crap out of his ears.

Move to the New Jersey house when they woman and man are scoping out the house looking to kill anybody inside...the girlfriend has to scream as they are hiding under the stairwell.

I would only assume if somebody is coming at you with an arsenal of weaponry, that you would shut your mouth and keep a low profile as possible, but her logic is to scream and draw attention...OK...I guess. She's not the brightest bulb in the box, but hey...

Then...when the two hit men come back to the house...the entire living room is shot to hell and the floor upstairs as well...however there is no intense police work or search or interrogation or investigative work done.

Wow...and the hit men have no skills either.

Now, I no longer live in the USA, but I can only assume that if you live in the States, own a gun or two and your job is to kill people that you would have some sort of skill and ability to actually do it. Not only that, but they have to draw so much attention while doing there job...secrecy is key guys.

You wanna off somebody? You do it quietly, avoid the public as much as possible and in a fashion where you don't get remembered for any reason, so that you can walk away with little worry.

Not only that, but they must have magic bullets - because when they are shooting upwards into a second floor, the bullets magically bunch off the broken window and head back down into a closet doorway instead of embedding themselves into the ceiling or upper wall...

I guess the hit men do have special skills after all.

Ah, the ending...what could be said....

I won't comment any further, I might give away a few flaws.
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stupid people
robbieturner-331 July 2009
I watched the gun fight scene and wanted so badly to shoot myself. Unless this drug king pin hires the most retarded and inept hired guns in the world what kind of retards shoot randomly into a house. Even dumber than that is the main character's family, first the little brother crying "mommy, mommy" in the middle of a gun fight, someone should have knocked that kid out for his own good. The main character missing an open shot on two man sized targets at 20 ft, I thought you had to try to shoot that poorly. Then the mom, "Rawr" raging mother kills two career criminals in a fit of rage. I've never seen a less believable and horribly shot gun fight in my life.
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A very entertaining film
vilj-11 January 2008
What a little jewel of a film, and to think that I almost missed it because of negative comments by some viewers and critics. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. You have to take it for what it is and just enjoy the ride. It is an action-packed thriller, well acted and never boring. Although John Singleton was only a producer of this film (it was directed by Franc Reyes). If you enjoy Mr. Singleton's type of films, you will certainly enjoy this one. I highly recommend it for EVERYONE, but especially for those that understand Spanish. Reggaeton star Tego Calderon, acting on his first film, was fantastic, as well as the performances of Rick Gonzalez, Dania Ramirez and the wonderful Wanda De Jesus. It was a hard-hitting film, with gripping action and suspense, with a great music soundtrack. Do yourself a favor, rent the DVD and see for yourself. You won't regret it.
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Great movie to see
damfig3 January 2008
Overall, this is a great movie to see. The actors are ones that I enjoy and hope to see have successful careers. The plot was OK, but had moments where it almost brought tears to my eyes as I remembered growing up in a rough Latin culture. This movie did a good job showcasing the black Latin culture and the new Puerto Rico.

This movie was a stepping stone in the right direction for Puerto Ricans everywhere. The movie depicted the Puerto Ricans not typically seen in movies. By this comment I mean it showed the Puerto Ricans of many different skin complexions, hair types, language (notice the different Spanish (slangs)), etc. Not only did it show a variety of individuals, the movie somewhat depicted a little bit of the values that make the culture very unity. I loved the nostalgic moments (can't specify...will ruin surprise).

Although it was a great movie, there are a few things that I did not like about it. Personally, I am a little tired of the good guy bad guy plot and would like to see maybe a romantic or comedy movie representing more of the Puerto Rican folks and how we live everyday.

Overall great movie. Enough action and drama to keep you entertained.
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Average to low gangsta
drklabs23 July 2010
This is an average to low film easy watchable when eating or drinking something but not to concentrate to the plot or the action or the acting , the plot sucks deeply also the acting hmmm , but nothing more also the gangster part was awful , nice chicks and club and beaches scenes also nice music , i have nothing more to comment i think this movie belongs to films category that doesn't worth to pay for them. But a really nice effort if it was filmed as i read somewhere in 28 days.Also it doesn't produces any feelings at all i mean you're life will remain the same if you watch it or not.You will not miss anything important.
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Not bad for the money
programmerjj29 January 2010
The movie while having a few actors that I've never heard of before, had a decent plot line and a halfway decent acting cast. Like any other gangster/drama/revenge movies, it is centered around the typical genera of any other movie. Money,payback and settling old scores.

I was not expecting a whole lot from the movie, but I was rather impressed with the acting skills of the female actress and the commanding presence for a female actress in a lead role.

Definitely a shocker, worth renting with a decent plot line and cast and crew. Starts off kind of slow, but it leaves you anticipating whats going to happen next.

I won't go into detail, why spoil it, rent it and see what you think for yourself.
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Illegal Tender OK movie
cuevasf719 March 2009
Illegal Tender was OK. Simple story about a young woman who loses her drug dealing husband. Franc. Reyes is one of my favorite gangster movie people out there doing it. This story tried way to hard to throw off people on what was happening. Wanda De Jesus was amazing. She was best part of this movie. Her role as a killer mom was deep. She commanded respect. Manny Perez has a small part in Illegal Tender. Like Wanda De Jesus he was good. Enuff violence to keep action fans hooked.

Would have been a better movie with more Manny Perez in it. The main character was not worth a penny. Never could get in to what he had going on. The mom was who shot every body when it was needed.
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Kick back and relax with Illegal Tender
ja-191-2804651 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Twenty one years ago (1985), Millie, married to Wilson Deleon a drug dealer and pregnant with her first child seems to be living a pretty stable life in the Bronx. Well one night, things take a deadly turn when Wilson is gunned down in the company of top boss man Javier Cordero. Millie soon finds out the tragic news on the same night of giving birth and is eventually warned about her future date with death with the same thugs who killed her husband.

Twenty one years later, Millie and Wilson are living a quiet life in Connecticut. Pretty soon, the bad guys catch up to them once again and Millie and Wilson begin to fear for their lives. After learning the truth about his father, Wilson goes to Puerto Rico to meet with and settle the score with Javier Cordero. Cliché as it may seem, the movie is good for what it is. Its not Oscar material but its still easy to watch. Wanda DeJesus and Rick Gonzalez make a dynamic duo as mother and son. DeJesus is sexy in her role and gives a kick ass performance. Rick Gonzalez is fairly decent as the son who wants to be nothing like his father, all while delivering a bold and solid performance in his fight to end the feud with Cordero. The beautiful Dania Ramirez is a great addition as the scared, but sympathetic and loving girlfriend to Wilson. Over all, good film, simple dialogue, cool action. This is definitely a good film to watch on a rainy day.
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Illegal Tender was worth the rental
golardohead5 March 2008
Director Franc. Reyes gives crime movie junkies the powerful drama Illegal Tender. It didn't exactly grab me getting sluggish at times with nothing happening on screen except talking heads. After the gangsters who killed his father come to settle a score, a teenage boy and his mother turn the tables on the killers - one Latino family's quest for honor and revenge as the hunted become the hunters. Wilson DeLeon, Jr. is an exceptional college student with an adoring girlfriend, doting mother and a future full of promise. He has never wanted for anything, and he has never been forced to stand his ground. But when ghosts from his mother's past come back to haunt his present, he must defend his family ... and quickly turn into the strong man his father prayed he'd become.

Nothing could stop Wilson's mother, Millie, from protecting her two boys. Forced to flee her home after gangsters killed her husband, she made an oath to give her children only the best. But all that changes when an enemy from the past catches up with them. It's finally time to take action - and now, they're done running. Weapons at the ready, Wilson, Jr. and Millie prepare for a final showdown with the murderer who robbed him of a father and her of a husband. Now, in a battle fueled by family ties and blood feuds, it will become very clear what happens when anyone tries to come between this son and his mother.

I was moved by the connection between the mother and sons. Different relationship than the standard father son bond. I would recommend this DVD to rent or buy.
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Puerto Rico, Stand Up!
maroontimes812 September 2007
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Puerto Rico, Stand Up!, September 2, 2007

I have to give John Singleton major respect for giving Puerto Rican actors their time to shine. I was going to see this movie regardless because I think Rick Gonzalez is gorgeous. (It's a weakness, but if an attractive man plays a lead role, chances are it's going to catch my eye.) However, I read in JET magazine that the cast was many shades of Puerto Rican people, and I really respected that. African American actors get shunned plenty of times for trying to go against stereotypical roles, and Latino actors absolutely get treated the same if not worse, so for Singleton to put out a movie with a dominant PR cast was something I really respected.

Now on to the movie. Not only did I respect the cast variation, but I also liked how Singleton took this movie against the grain. Instead of having Latinos in a poverty-stricken neighborhood looking mean as hell, he went against the stereotype and made the main characters upper class in an extremely nice neighborhood. Whatever car Wilson (Gonzalez's character) was driving was FILTHY GORGEOUS! Wilson grew up with the spoiled, rich kid lifestyle thanks to his mother fleeing his parents' past. But the witness protection program is a joke, and his mother has involuntarily made herself a subtle, a woman protecting her children who just happens to know how to shoot. When Wilson finally finds out that his rich kid life has to stop cold after a visitor arrives, all hell breaks loose, and he's on a mission to save his mother.

Pros: The dialogue, the scenery, Wilson and his mother, and the plot of the story were intriguing enough to not want the movie to end. I grinned, frowned, and laughed, and I never got bored. Sadly, Wilson's gullible character fit the description of one of those rich kids who thinks they can solve everything without having an ounce of street smarts but being book smart. I thought his reactions were accurate, from his shaking hands to his travels. The handshake between him and his little brother was entertaining though. I'd never seen Tego Calderon much besides in a couple songs, so it was interesting to see him act. He did a pretty good job too! I don't know if Wanda De Jesus (who plays Millie the mother) used to model, but she is beautiful. Striking complexion and one pretty woman. In the cab scene, I was thinking those two would be a great-looking couple although she's a bit older than him.

Cons: Wilson's girlfriend was too goofy for me. I guess he needed someone to add more depth to his role, and it made Wilson's character even more attractive, but I wanted his girlfriend to be less vulnerable. She was way too damsel in distress for my taste, and I don't think in real life the movie would have ended with the same results those two had. However, whenever I saw Rick kissing her, you could see all my teeth. Man, he's one good-looking cat.

Overall, it was a great movie, and I'd recommend it.
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Excellent Thriller with Suspense
hypestyle8 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Franc. Reyes writes & directs, produced by John Singleton.

The two men craft an excellent "urban thriller" focusing on Latino protagonists.

The film starts off with a flashback prologue, where a pregnant young woman is ready to tell her husband about the legal investments she's made with the money he has made from working for a drug dealer. That same night, her husband is called away to meet his boss to make a 'final payment' and announce his retirement-- however, his boss has other plans-- and he is brutally murdered-- the hit squad also comes after the young woman, but she escapes with help from friends.

20 years later, Rick Gonzalez ("Biker Boyz", "Coach Carter") plays Wilson De Leon Jr., a college student who is a whiz at mathematics. Wanda De Jesus is Millie, Wilson's mother, who is somewhat estranged from Wilson as of late; Wilson dearly loves his mom, and his 10 year old half-brother. But he's extremely skeptical about his mom's dating life, and it's driving a wedge between them. Besides his little bro, the other comfort in Wilson's life is his girlfriend Ana (Dania Ramirez).

Apparently, even the Witness Protection Program turned Ana down, and she was forced to move from place to place throughout Wilson Jr.'s youth; the money from the investments have provided them with financial comfort, but Ana is always looking over her shoulder-- the reason why comes to a head when a chance encounter with an old neighborhood acquaintance marks her, and a new team of assassins are sent to kill her-- and whoever else is in her family.

Wilson Jr. clumsily fends them off, and then confronts his mother, who grudgingly tells him the truth about their circumstances. This sets into motion a chain of events where Wilson begins to abandon his life of privilege and try to survive in the ghettos of Puerto Rico, where the Mob boss now lives. Wilson's intention is to broker a truce, but this just makes things worse, leading to several violent further confrontations. There is a surprise twist as to the motivations of the gangster, which makes the climax more stunning.

Reggaeton performer Tego Calderón plays Choco, an enforcer for the gangster that is looking for Wilson's family.

This is an excellent film for those who appreciate crime drama and urban films with an ethnic cast. The filming of Puerto Rico looks wonderful, showcasing the night life there.
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I Love this movie!
Strongpoeticmind27 August 2007
This is another brilliant John Singleton movie and I'm disappointed at how little it was being represented on television and movie trailers. Its worth seeing again. The entire cast is brilliant its good to see someone have a movie representing Latino's which has been very small over the course of five years. I just wish viewers could see what i saw and stand by the movie. Its worth it!. I guess the movie should have came out earlier as oppose to having it out with other notable movies which people would trust and go see. Definitely give this movie a chance i don't want to tell the whole story because John's work is worth supporting.
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WOW... Well worth the wait!!
datdudesketch22 December 2007
I wanted to watch this film ever since I seen the trailer. I sometimes wait a while to catch the movies I want to see so I'll have some entertainment for the home screen and I gotta say that it was definitely worth the wait. Wanda De Jesus is just so damn sexy with a gun in each hand! Why anyone thought the acting was bad is completely beyond me. Wanda and the rest of the cast delivered really good dialog and realistic emotions as far as I am concerned. Rick Gonzalez has always been one of my favorite young actors, his character was so entertaining. Dania Ramirez... kudos! I wasn't happy with her past films, especially X-Men: The Last Stand, yet she does the damsel in distress role pretty good. Not all the characters can be tough as nails, come on! The story had me a little peeved due to the lack of info exchanged to between characters, but by the end it all comes together and makes sense. I say to put the red ink away and just be entertained by this one... you'll won't be disappointed.
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Awesome Movie
cakemakerrick25 December 2007
I watched this movie on Christmas night, it was awesome. Everyone always told me about it, but i never took the time to watch it. i am so glad that i watch it, i was so shocked by the suspense. The actors & actresses were great, thank "John Singleton" for having the perfect cast. We have a coffeehouse in Leimert Park. Located in Los Angeles, Ca, and John you frequent at times. Man, when i see you again, i will give you your props, for creating another great film on the scale of Boyz N The Hood. Love the film...Hopefully, there will be many other films of the caliber, by you........... I'll have to watch this one again & again.... I'll let everyone in the Leimert park Village, know about this one... Again, thanks for a great film..........

"5th Street Dick's Coffeehouse" Rick
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Great Movie
Chrisz184 February 2009
I enjoyed the movie. It's clear that some people did not seem to enjoy the movie, and not only that, but I would guess that they did not even truly watch the movie before making a comment (In reference to the comment above by X_X) because for one the whole movie involved PUERTO RICANS so I have no clue where Mexicans or Mexico came to mind...ooh ignorance at its best. I don't even think any of the actors have Mexican in them?

Here's a professional review: Illegal Tender movie review

Universal Pictures/New Deal Entertainment

Appearing inn theaters 8/24/07 - Reviewed 8/25/07 -

From producer John Singleton (Hustle & Flow, Boyz N The Hood) and writer/director Franc Reyes (Empire) comes a story of one family's fight for survival against the backdrop of the East Coast and Puerto Rico. Wilson Deleon Jr. (Rick Gonzalez) is the son of a slain drug dealer, whose killers still have the intention of wiping out the rest of the Deleon family 20 years later. After his family's location is discovered, Wilson is thrust into a situation in which he must either leave his home and love interest, or confront his assailants while learning more about the father he never knew.

Few movies that made it to the big screen in recent years have focused on Latino characters, let alone with a complete leading cast of Latin-American actors and actresses. Illegal Tender proves that it's far from the typical straight-to-DVD fare that fans of Latino-related films are accustomed to, but it still comes off as something of a novelty that caters itself to Latin film-goers.

The film begins with a basic introduction into the life of Wilson Deleon Sr. (Manny Perez), a Bronx drug dealer and mid-level boss with enough heart to portray him as something other than a one-dimensional thug. Perez doesn't disappoint, though the "look how Puerto Rican we are" references go from valid during a bodega visit to slightly overdone by the time the family enjoys flan over discussions of "Iris Chacon" jeans. This also rings true of the gratuitous cleavage shots of Latinas counting drug money; while I can't complain about the eye candy, it comes off more as a throwback to an Univision sitcom than a featured film....

(You can find the rest of the review on:
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Great Movie!
tiarati-5795816 July 2020
I really loved watching this movie. Wish they would of came out with a sequel.
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