Dirty Sanchez: The Movie (2006) Poster

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Makes Jackass look like child's play...
thomas-hardcastle-219 April 2008
I don't like any of the four blokes in this film. They are all knobheads, and I would rather eat my own fecals than spend any time with them. They're sick, and have no talent, so think that the only way they can make it in life is to do things that no one else would dare, through fear of loss of dignity, or extreme vomiting. Dignity is not an issue with these guys, though, so the sky's the limit as far as crude stunts and lunatic behaviour go.

Having said all this, however, this film is very entertaining. It's the kind of film you won't want to watch with your parents, and you won't want to watch whilst eating anything. You'd watch this film with your mates (or anyone else you aren't trying to impress).

Some of the things these men do push the boundaries of taste and decency. There must be something seriously wrong with them.

It's not a wonderful advert for the Welsh, but it's a solid couple of hours of shameful fun. Watching these idiots behaving like animals is good for one's self-esteem. I mean, it doesn't matter what you might think of yourself - at least you're not as bad as these guys. A guilty pleasure if ever there was one.
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Pretty nasty. (Spoilers!!!!)
tastethevapour26 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a big fan of the TV show Dirty Sanchez and didn't really have much interest in seeing this movie. I always just thought it was a Jackass rip off with less originality in the stunts and just aiming for sheer brutality.

Well I got wound into going to see the movie and for the most part I enjoyed it and laughed at most of the stunts that I saw like the paintball gun and the Tai kick boxing scenes. However, there were some parts that were just too nasty. Now I'm not squeamish at all and I love some of the most violent films known to man, but the finger cutting scene was just too much. This just proves my point about the show in the first place that these guys will just do anything to upstage Jackass or the other shows of this nature. I don't really find a guy chopping his own finger off amusing or entertaining.

If you like the show then you will like this movie, but avoid if your the sensitive type.
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Gross Disgusting Often Funny
dbborroughs30 December 2007
The Brits have a go at Jackass style humor and self inflicted wounds.The follow up to an MTV Europe show this film is framed by the foursome of "stars" dying and being told by Satan they must return to earth and commit the seven deadly sins. The group is then off on an around the world trip where they do some real terrible things to themselves and each other.

Going farther than Jackass seemed to this is a lower brow (if thats possible) version of the routine. Weird animals are eaten, liposuction performed and things are inserted and tattooed in places that are unmentionable. Much of it is funny in a cruel sort of way while at the same time its squirm inducing. Did I like it? I'm not sure. I did laugh, but I don't know if I need to see it again, well most of it again. Its an amusing rental if you like this sort of thing(Including full frontal male nudity).
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The audience has never been so well connected
solid_simon20 September 2006
I have just had the privilege of watching the advanced screening of Dirty Sanchez The Movie. The sustained fear for the Dirty Sanchez boys' safety yet amazement of the pure insanity of these boys on all the peoples faces in the cinema says it all.

I am not a squeamish type. Like most people, I love watching a gruesome scary movie with the comfort of knowing it is not real in the back of my mind. However the stunts on this are not far from the horror in "Hostel", but without that comfort.

What I meant when I said "connected" is that you will find when watching this movie on the silver screen, everyone not only has the same reactions (covering their eyes with their hands), but also the freedom to scream, shout "oh my god" out loud and laugh like a hyena on happy gas without anyone caring. Because they are doing the same thing!

If I was to summarise this movie in one sentence. It would be: It is an amazing experience!

Thank you for reading.
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Disappointed watered down film based on the British TV series.
poolandrews1 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Dirty Sanchez: The Movie starts as the Welsh lads Pritchard, Dainton, Locke & Joyce manage to kill themselves in one of their stunts. In hell they are told by Satan (Keith Richards) that they can have their lives back if they enact the seven deadly sins in their own unique way...

Directed by Jim Hickey this was based on the British TV series Dirty Sanchez (2002) which is a sexual term so as such in America the show is called Team Sanchez! This is basically a film based on a TV series which itself was based on the Jackass (2000) TV series which was also made into a spin-off feature length film called Jackass: The Movie (2002). I have to admit that I find all these dangerous stunt type show's very funny & both Jackass & Dirty Sanchez are fine examples of this unique genre, unfortunately I was disappointed by Dirty Sanchez: The Movie as it's nowhere near as extreme as I had hoped for. Most of what happens in this is more of the cruel practical joke variety like shaving your sleeping mates hair off, the mildly distasteful like kissing transsexuals & eating cockroaches in Thailand to making yourself look silly like dressing up in a purple jumpsuit & singing karaoke in a Japanese street. The really extreme stuff just isn't here, the part when the guy is lit up by paint-balls would really hurt but leave nothing more than minor scratches & bruising (I know from personal experience) & the part when that guy is supposed to have his finger cut off, why did they even bother to include this scene when it's clear he didn't go through with it. I'd say the most extreme part of Dirty Sanchez: The Movie is the fish hook through the guy's foreskin mainly because us guy's know how sensitive our genitals & testicles are so anything that potentially would hurt down there makes our eyes water more than other areas of our anatomy. The bit when that guy has a nail hammered through the web of skin between his finger & thumb might also make you feel a bit queasy. I was very disappointed & a lot of it is just these four guy's swearing at each other & behaving like rowdy tourists rather than the extreme pain merchants they are on their series.

Besides being pretty tame for this type of thing it's a bit of a chore to sit through, the constant mind numbingly quick editing is awful & just irritated me no end. Call me a traditionalist or old fashioned but I really do like to be able to see whats happening on screen when I watch a film. The Satan wraparound segments also make the film feel very scripted & not natural like these sorts of things should be. There isn't much blood here although there's a fair few male cock's on show.

Dirty Sanchez: The Movie has a few bright moments, some of the banter between the boy's is funny & one or two of the stunts are suitably extreme but for the majority of it this is far too tame & that music video style editing really annoys. A lot.
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A reasonable way to spend 2 hours of a lazy Sunday afternoon
rox-3324 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can i say, the movie was a roller-coaster of pain, stupidity, nudity, and pure craziness. If you like the series, you'll like the movie. Very eye watering stunts such as punching a staple through a tongue, hanging a kettle from a penis ring, eating fat removed from a stomach, being hit by 103 paint balls at close range with no protective clothing, super gluing nostrils together, kissing lady boys (not knowing), chopping off a finger tip, being beaten up by sadistic Japanese wrestlers, etc and oh yeah....lots of eating disgusting things and throwing up. If you still sound interested then you'll probably love it. My view is some of the stunts were slightly over the top (but i guess thats what they're famous for), however I quite enjoyed the bulk of it, and found it quite funny at times. I was caught between give 6/10 and 7/10 but I think 7/10 makes it sound a quality movie, and it wasn't quite that.
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way extremer then jackass (spoilers)
michaelhill22 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this movie is not for people with a weak stomach or hart. Expect blood and the most disgusting things that would never pop up in sane people's minds.

If you though that jackass was shocking, then this movie will shock you for sure. They go way beyond what the guys from jackass do.

Some things in this movie are absolutely sick and disturbing, some guy that volunteers to have a piece of his finger chopped off,absolutely nuts, i suppose he had a big paycheck for doing this, otherwise its just plain self mutilation for no specific purpose other then shocking people. I wonder will he regret it later on? Well i did enjoy watching it and it has its funny moments, but also a lot of blood and nudity.

Definitely don't let you children see this, or sensitive people, you might have some crazy nightmares.

I just wonder if they went this far, to compete with jackass or that these guys are just simply sick in the head.

So if you want to see horror (real horror not cgi computer graphics) this is your thing.

Be prepared to be shocked/entertained! and don't try this at home ;) My score 7/10
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An unpleasant and unfunny experience all round
wellthatswhatithinkanyway27 September 2007
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

The 'Dirty Sanchez' team are summoned to Hell where Satan (Keith Richards) orders them to commit the seven deadly sins in various places around the world in order to secure themselves a place there.

I must confess to never seeing the actual show this movie is based on, but it doesn't look like I've been missing much. For the film is just a bunch of annoying Welsh Jackass wannabes pushing the boundaries of taste and decency as far as their rather warped imaginations will let them. Most of the stunts in Jackass were pretty gross and outrageous, but there was an element of good-hearted humour and fun there. This projects a really rather unsettling and unpleasant tone to it, which the makers probably weren't even aware of. And I think that really says it all. *
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The Biggest Gross-Out Movie I Have Ever Seen
kylehaines9619 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What this film does is push the envelope on what they can show in a motion picture. I will have to admit this film had some moments that were even hard for me to watch.

The film is about the group being sent to Hell and in order to be sent back to earth they have to complete the 7 deadly sins.

Like I said This is a very gross film. People drink liposuction and there is vomiting everywhere. But there are funny stunts and is worth a watch. This review is very short because there is not a lot you can say about a movie like this.

Rated R For Extremely Crude And Dangerous Stunts Throughout, Sexual Content, Nudity And Pervasive Language.

1hr 34min/94min.

460 uses of the F-word.

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Dirty Sanchez-----Dirty movie
Joeyistheman11 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I used to really like this movie when it was first released a few years ago,but after watching it a few days ago i realised how disgusting,strange and immature it was.basically 4 fully grown men run around acting like 14 year old's playing with guns,booze and their genitals.some of their stunts are hilarious (in the TV series) but i just felt very uncomfortable about watching these welsh idiots kissing lady-boys and having lipo-suction(for no reason whatsoever)and then proceeding to eat their own fat. yes it is very,very VULGAR. i thought jackass was bad but no this is far worse. seriously is this what great Britain has come to!!! Only immature people will like this movie.
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TV show writ large
reedy_373 October 2006
Disgraceful. Yet somehow compelling. The very fact that it is not you on screen hurling yourself over, into and through things that were not designed for such a purpose makes you appreciate those that are doing so even more.

Anyone who has seen the TV series should know what to expect. Like Jackass before them however, they have been allowed to go even further, and at times you wonder if they have not perhaps gone too far, never more so than during Pritchard's quest to win back his honour. Of course, a certain part of you will always be yelling for these fools to hurt themselves in ever more ingenious ways, and it is this part that will make you want to queue again.
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Dirty Sanchez: The Movie
jboothmillard28 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Following the success of the show on TV, it was impossible to escape making a movie. The film starts with the three Welsh guys, and one British guy, killing themselves in one of their stunts, and they go to Hell. The Devil (Howard Marks) tells them they can have their lives back if they travel the world and perform the seven deadly sins with their dare-devil stunts, pranks and bad behaviour, or be damned to Hell forever. Through the film they go to the UK for Sloth, Moscow, Russia for Anger (Wrath), Bangkok, Thailand for Lust, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand for Envy, Tokyo, Japan for Pride, Mexico for Gluttony and the Dominican Republic for Greed. Starring Matthew Pritchard, Lee Dainton, Dan Joyce (the British one) and Pancho (Mike Locke). It is a really over the top film, but it is not really as good as the normal show. Okay!
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Honestly, I expected something far worse.
LLAAA483721 May 2008
From reading reviews and word-of-mouth, I heard that this was one of the most disgusting films ever made. Hell, the DVD comes with a free vomit bag! Upon watching this, there were a couple parts that were rather sick. The most infamous scene in the film in which they drink discarded fat was quite nerve racking and the scene in which one of the guys slices off the tip of their finger. Aside from that, the stunts and shocking behavior they pull is all stuff I've seen on other sketch comedy shows and in film. The gags range from pulling pranks on each other while they are sleeping, tricking each other into doing outrageous stuff for nothing, and nearly mutilating each other. Sure, they engage in homo-erotic behavior, but so does JACKASS! Their reactions to the pranks are so over-the-top and goofy that the humor is a little more accessible than usual. I will say that in one scene they murder an animal, but they end up feeling really terrible about it instead of taking sadistic glee in the act, which I'm thankful for. So overall, this really isn't that bad in my opinion.

So does this offer anything that JACKASS doesn't? Well, these British guys seem to be a lot more comfortable with their friendship and each other's sexuality that a lot of people on American television, which may seem strange to some audiences. The guys in this film seem to be more aware that the stuff they do is completely stupid and won't benefit them in any way. the film tries for more of a plot than JACKASS, which is interesting. There's some semi-shocking stuff here, but nothing in it really competes with PINK FLAMINGOS in terms of sheer depravity. I guess I was expecting something more along the lines of that. Instead I watched an average screwball documentary in which guys mess around with each other's penises. If you liked JACKASS, this is pretty much in the same league. Go figure.
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Mix of violent and disgusting footage
Leofwine_draca25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Following in the footsteps of JACKASS comes DIRTY SANCHEZ, the Welsh television series heavily inspired by the US hit. It was inevitable that a film of the latter would be released eventually, especially after two JACKASS films had already been made with much success. Having never really watched the television episodes, I had some idea of what to expect when I sat down to this, although not a lot. What I saw was a frenetic documentary that crosses the barrier of good taste time and time again to offer some of the most loathsome viewing you'll ever watch.

The 'fun' begins with typical stunts involving fighting, people being shot with paint balls and the like – familiar stuff. Then it moves into ever-more extreme territory, with one guy undergoing liposuction and another guy drinking the fat – it makes me heave just to write it. The film gets crazier, with insane Japanese wrestlers carving broken fluorescent tubes into the heads of their victims and one member of the gang cutting off the tip of his little finger with a cigar cutter. Essentially you can divide the segments into two – the violent ones and the disgusting ones. I'm not too bothered by the former, and some of the latter don't really seem that much in the day of I'M A CELEBRITY... and the like. But nevertheless, some segments are stomach-heaving, making the film NOT one for the faint hearted. I can't say I enjoyed watching this, but I can understand the appeal. Let's hope nobody tries to top it.
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my sides are still hurting
jonathanbrickell-122 September 2006
even as a big fan of the series i found this hilarious. it was a no holds barred roller-coaster of sickness, depravity and listening to the audience gasp out aloud oh my god. i loved this film but it is really extreme and only for certain depraved people like myself. i wouldn't want to ruin it for those of you who have yet to see it but be prepared to be extremely shocked and rocked to the core. this makes jackass look like nothing. Dainton, pancho, pritchard and joycey have really revelled in this film and you can see it.i would recommend this film to anyone with a strong stomach and a very open mind.go see it, enjoy it, laugh out loud and try to stop yourself from being sick due a mixture of hard laughing and watching the amazing spectacle unfold in front of you. i just don't know where the get their ideas from
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Only For Those Who Really Enjoy Dirty Sanchez!
lukaz104 November 2006
It's hard to write a good review of this movie without mentioning anything they get up to, but I'll do my best, I've loved Dirty Sanchez throughout every series, and this Definitely doesn't fail to impress. You may cringe, you will laugh, and be entertained! But to be honest I'd say its for those that really like the show to really appreciate the movie. For me none of the movie bored me at all, it was an extra long, extreme version of the show, (and that ain't no bad thing!) I've read some reviews about this and it's not as sick as it's made out to be, though it has upped the ante a lot, it was watchable I found, but I see how some parts may shock or sicken some.

But to put all the above into a simple sentence: A funny, extreme & shocking movie that mainly Sanchez fans will love!
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richardpwalton17 May 2011
Some of these reviews are crazy, the Dirty Sanchez movie is awesome. Very original and documents a side of life that is no doubt a million miles from most which is what makes it's so fascinating. The film is shot lovely with great titles and motion graphics making it the best Sanchez production yet. What's not to like about this movie, it's perfect for a boys night in or if you just need a good laugh, this movie is full of laugh out load moments. I only hope they make another film together. If you are a Dirty Sanchez fan you can see recent updates of what the boys get up to these days. Check out www.pritchardvsdainton.co.uk They update it a lot of there is rumors there that a 3D movie may be on the cards after the success of the Jack Ass 3D film.
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At least better than Jack ass 2
kdavidbushnell7 July 2009
The skits are great, so much better than jackass 2, maybe even the original. Thoroughly funny from beginning to end. They don't think up extremely dull skits like Jack ass 2, they are simple yet hilarious. The personalities of each are refreshing compared to Jackass as well. They are not quite as weird and gloating as Jackass personalities. None are stupid like Preston and Bam. These four get it done in a good old fashion sense of humor. A group that performs insane stunts at local and international gigs finally deserved their own goofy film. It is consistently funny. The Paintball part is one of the funnies skits I've ever seen. They are truly nuts with funny personalities to match. I haven't watched it in a while which means I'll watch it again sometime soon. It's worth reviewing so at least rent it if you like Jackass type humor. The show they had on MTV 2 was just as funny as the movie too.
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I enjoyed it more than Jackass
bringer3489 September 2007
I've been a big fan of jackass for years now. I hadn't known about Dirty Sanchez until recently (a bit ironic because I'm originally from the UK) but I'd saw their myspace page www.myspace.com/dirtysanchezdvd and read about how popular it was in the UK so I decided to check it out for myself. I haven't seen the entire movie yet (just a few scenes) but I have seen some of the shows and I find these guys much more enjoyable than the jackass crew. You can tell these guys are just insane and unlike the jackass crew at times (I still love jackass, don't get me wrong) these guys come of as entirely sincerely insane at times. Just incredible to watch really.
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I can't believe they just did that!!!
caino8726 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Recently purchased this movie on DVD and watched it for the first time yesterday and usually it takes a lot to make me feel like throwing up. But watching this I came so close to been sick because some of the stunts that are performed in this movie are just wrong.

Although most of them are funny, like when they try and get Pritchard to set a new world record by having 103 Paintballs fired at his body and then tell him later that there was no record and he endured all of that pain for nothing, others just should not be done unless you want the reputation of been a complete idiot.

But one of the sickest things I have ever seen in my life has to be a little game they played in Bangkok. Pancho had recently had liposuction and it produced a lot of fat and blood, that was OK I could handle that but then they played a game where whoever was 'chosen' by a woman had to drink what was produced. And in true Dirty Sanchez fashion the loser actually went through with it. Of course this involved a lot of throwing up and I think for the first time Dainton was actually disgusted by this.

This movie is definitely not for kids or the weak hearted but if you can handle the disgusting things they do and are prepared to laugh so much that by the end of the 90+ minutes that your face will hurt you have to see it and one of the best parts is that the DVD features over 90 minutes of unseen stunts plus numerous other things such as music videos and making of features.

I love the TV show but the film takes it to a whole new level and in my opinion, even though I love Jackass as well, Dirty Sanchez The Movie will not be beaten in terms of complete stupidity.
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Made me gawp, applaud, cry with laughter and joy
Kalm_Traveller22 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
sometimes you just decide to see a movie on the off-chance it lives up to its TV dazzle...

jackass did, family guy (although not theatrically released in uk, don't know about elsewhere) did, the monty python films.....granted with plot rather than sketch shows...did...

dirty sanchez did...

dirty sanchez is one of those TV shows that you feel will never reach an international plethora of fans such as jackass...however, is still on the same level, people doing stupid stuff, people injuring themselves with gay abandon...

three welsh mates from the valleys and one twisted southerner leap onto the big screen in a way i can still not believe...

from the cigar cutter cutting off the tip of a finger, to 103 paintballs being fired at a naked bloke, to supergluing someone's nose shut, to liposuction minus anesthetic...this film delivers on a level you would not believe unless you saw it for yourself plot synopsis: the guys die during a stunt, sent to hell, to get their lives back must commit the seven sins all over the globe...simple, yet lets them do what they're best at...

there are (unbelieveably) some fantastic camera shot, excellent work with the film during the paintball scene...

even the length of the film is perfect...leaving you thoroughly satisfied that you have seen these guys mutilate and humiliate themselves enough...

and the fact it looks and feels even more real than jackass just gives it that edge that leaves me to believe that jackass 2 may be an anticlimax...

brilliant film, left me in stitches....and them for another matter...

it is an experience not to pass off....phone in ill to work and go with your mates before they pull this out of the cinemas...its more than worth it to see the boys on the big screen!!!!!! "I'M HOLDING MIKE HAWKE HEAD!" have you seen it yet? no? go!! now!!!!!
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Jackass to the Extreme!
Jetstorm782528 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie...every single second of it! Specifically, the movie is basically about 4 french men who embarks on a journey throughout 6 countries to enact the seven deadly sins. Why? Because they are dead and thats the only way that their going to get their lives back.

Now, right off the back, that should tell you something. Dirty Sanchez has a plot! An actual plot! They need to be rid of all their sins or they will be dead forever. Jackass didn't have a plot. It was just a bunch of guys doing a bunch of stupid stunts.

Another thing about Dirty Sanchez is that they go beyond what Jackass didn't even think of doing. You see it all here! Someone drinking a man's actual body fat. Someone getting shot over 100 times with a paint-ball gun. Hell, someone even gets part of their finger chopped off. This is a very crazy stunt-full movie which goes beyond the limits. You will see things in this movie that you have never seen before.

Overall, scars, shots, cuts, slaps, dirt, bruises, vomit, cum, throw up, and 4 crazy guys doing it all makes this one of the craziest movies I have ever seen...in which I think I speak for everyone.
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