10 Items or Less (2006) Poster

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smart, funny, bittersweet
ivko28 May 2007
I'm a big fan of Morgan Freeman. 'The Shawshank Redemption' ranks at the top of my all-time favorite movies. But I have to admit that I have often wondered about his choice of roles. So many of his titles were big budget clichés with no heart. '10 Items Or Less' for me marks the return of Freeman to a role that truly showcases his considerable acting talents.

Freeman plays an unnamed, formerly big time Hollywood actor who hasn't worked in several years. He has been offered a part in an unspecified indi picture for which he is doing some research at a grocery store in a poor neighborhood in LA. After being stranded there by his flaky driver, Freeman is offered a ride home by checkout girl Scarlet (Paz Vega), whom he has semi-befriended. Before she can take him home, however, Scarlet has a big job interview she needs to get to, and Freeman agrees to tag along in exchange for the ride.

The movie follows Scarlet and Freeman to several locations, but the movie is really just a character piece about the interactions between the two. Freeman is the quintessential disconnected Hollywood type who hasn't heard of Target, and doesn't know his own telephone number or even what day of the week it is. He spouts wisdom from the Dalai Lama filtered thru his 'the whole world is but a stage' mentality, and repeatedly calls Scarlet's job interview an 'audition'. And yet he has a way with people, a way of affecting them that extends beyond his fame. He is a fan of humanity. He studies them, asks incessant questions about them, and delights in their quirks where others would simply be annoyed. In Scarlet, he sees the stubborn, proud loner that he was; he sees the man he used to be.

Scarlet, for her part, displays a fierce pride and sharp tongue that serve to hide her own insecurities about herself. Vega plays the role with a connection to Freeman that skates the line between an almost daughterly love and physical attraction, although she plays it beautifully and it's not at all as creepy as it sounds. But even as she feels her connection to Freeman grow, Scarlet has a keen eye for the reality of their different worlds and cuts thru Freeman's Hollywood bull*hit with a sharp pragmatism that refuses to accept anything but the truth.

The movie is smart, funny, and well written, with dialogue that is simple but effective. I read one IMDb review that said the lines were 'stilted', which I think is a misinterpretation of realistic human speech. There are no big soliloquies here, no deep soul searching moments. And so the trick is, I think, to show how people in ordinary, everyday life can forge connections with one another. And I think Freeman and Vega pull it off beautifully, painting a picture of a bond between two people that glitters like sun on the ocean, ethereal and elusive. Long after it's gone it lives on in your memories, tantalizing you with what might have been. OK, that was a bit flowery, but I really did like the performances and the movie. I would definitely recommend it.
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High Scores for Honesty and Simplicity in a Meaningful Dialogue
gradyharp29 April 2007
10 ITEMS OR LESS was made in two weeks on a shoestring budget by writer/director Brad Silberling, just a little film shot in Carson, CA that feels like the entire story was improvised...in the best sense of the word. Silberling had the good fortune to pair veteran actor Morgan Freeman, in between his big projects, with Spanish actress Paz Vega, and the result is a dialogue between two people from different vantages who manage to enhance the life of the other.

Morgan Freeman plays himself - yet part of the comedy is that he is depicted as an actor who has been out of work for four years, scouting a location for a little 'filler film' to get back into the flow of things. His 'role' is to be that of a market manager and he is dropped off at seedy market in Carson where he encounters, among others, one Scarlet, the girl at the argumentative 10 Items or Less checkout line. Not only is Scarlet tired of her static job, she is also generally angry about her philandering husband (Bobby Cannavale), currently sleeping with Scarlet's lazy co-worker (Anne Dudek), and her lack of ability to get a decent job elsewhere. The two pair after a few shared problems and off they go on a 'road trip' that results in each of the characters growing from the presence and life story of the other.

It is a simple story, simply told, but because of the tender bonding between Freeman and Paz it works very well. This is one of those little films about human relationships where being vulnerable to change and exchange is the message. It is well worth viewing, and this is a DVD that has featurettes that are touching, informative, and comic - a pleasure to view. Grady Harp
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That's 11 items; you're pushing it just like everybody else
MartianOctocretr57 February 2010
This is a splendidly done simplistic film that explores a theme, and gives each viewer something different that they take from it. The premise is simple: an unnamed celebrity actor (Morgan Freeman) decides to research for an upcoming role by visiting a store and watching people. He takes particular interest in the cashier at the "10 Items or Less" lane (Paz Vega), who he finds an amiable, strong, and curious presence.

Both actors play off each other brilliantly and bring solid dimension to characters in what is a character study. Not a conventional character study; they each represent entire worlds. The cashier's life is mired in a harsh and frustrating "real world," while the actor is so enmeshed in his fantasy existence that he can't do simple tasks like remember phone numbers. He readily admits he's putting on a face when he talks to people, and the whole point of researching real people shows he's not one of them.

But not only is the actor inspired by real people for his work; we see the reverse process as well. Several characters recognize "Him," and make reference to how he has inspired them with his movie roles.

The cashier's favorite song "Al Pasar la Barca," about how a girl refuses to hide behind beauty and prefers instead to pay (ie: do honest work) for boat passage, couldn't have been chosen better. It parallels with the Vega character, the only store employee with any brains or ambition, who is willing to work hard to succeed. (That's quite an aspiration, for somebody who looks like Paz Vega.) It's an odd little film, probably made on a shoestring. If you don't mind slow pacing and a "talky" approach, this film will entertain. The characters are perfectly contrasted, and the effective acting makes them endearing. A nice watch.
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'I have that effect on people'
Chrysanthepop13 November 2010
I didn't know what Brad Silberling's '10 Items or Less'. I thought his 'City of Angels' was terrific and given that '10 Items or Less' had the unusual pairing of Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega, I was curious. Now after seeing this delightful little picture, I can say it's definitely worth watching. The story is about the randomness in life and how it can lead to something precious as is depicted through the random encounter of a famous actor and a supermarket cashier.

The relationship between the two is beautifully portrayed through simple interactions. The one thing they have in common is that both these people are fed up with the current state of their lives and they want something better. While they plan on moving forward, as the actor attempts to make a comeback and the cashier goes to her interview, they are pessimistic and uncertain, questioning whether there's any point at all in taking a step forward if the result is going to be the same.

I'm glad to finally see Morgan Freeman in a proper lead role. His actor is funny, charming, friendly, likable and smart. He more than proves that he can carry a lead role. Paz Vega wonderfully matches wits with Freeman as she holds her own. Cameos by Annie Dudek, Bobby Canavale and Jim Parsons are hilarious.

'10 Items or Less' is another example of how less is more. The clever writing boasts of humour and satire. The running time is less than the standard 90 minutes. It has a very simple look to it and is made on a modest budget. Coupled with this are the writing, performances and direction that make '10 Items or Less' a movie treat.
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A bit too light in both subject and quantity
saareman25 September 2006
Reviewed at the Sept 12, 2006 2nd screening at the Paramount 1 theatre during the Toronto International Film Festival. The film had World Premiered the day before at the Elgin Theatre VISA Screening Room.

The basic plot involves Morgan Freeman playing a one time popular actor who is on the downward slope of his career and who is taking on roles that may be beneath him, but which he still does with a positive attitude knowing that he needs to pay the rent etc. The downward slope is indicated by his being a long time between roles with previous flicks in bargain DVD bins and his being chauffeured by a not too sure of himself production assistant who drops Freeman off at a local community market where he is going to do research for a role as supermarket manager. He soon discovers the real-life market is run by a iron-willed "10 Items or Less" checkout line clerk played by Paz Vega. When Freeman's ride never returns and Vega needs help in prepping for an interview the circumstances cause them to join forces in a ride across town to get Freeman back home and to get Vega a job that'll get her on a more upwardly mobile career path.

While the film was enjoyable, it felt like it was still a sketch or a work in progress. There were two extended musical sequences (One with Vega & Freeman teaching each other children's songs in the car, one that literally plays like a Paul Simon music video) that felt like padding to bring up the time and even then the film was only about 80 minutes long.

It's a good thing Morgan Freeman is as well liked as he is because without him this would have been too little. Sure it was funny in parts and Paz Vega is a delight as well, but there was just not enough here to say it was a complete film.

They lost me when Morgan Freeman started talking about stopping the car to ask for directions and Paz Vega said she never does that. Who ever heard of a guy wanting to ask for directions and the woman saying no!? In the real world it's the exact opposite.

Make sure you stay for the outtakes in the credits. The bit with a Target Store saleslady teaching Morgan Freeman how to hustle sales is just hilarious! An early bit where Freeman's chauffeur insists it is Freeman's voice on a "Books on Tape" reading was also pretty funny.

The director/writer Brad Silberling and actress Paz Vega were there for a brief Q&A after the screening. Silberling answered one question saying that the script was not written specifically for Morgan Freeman and that once Freeman took the role he actually changed very little of what was there. Quite a compliment for both Silberling's writing and also about how Freeman can just slip into a role and make it feel entirely like he was born to play it.
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More than less, definitely
jpschapira10 June 2008
It's a difficult movie to classify "10 Items or Less". Generally, I don't care about defining genres, but there's something about this movie that makes you want to put it in a specific category, in order to transmit, even with only one word, your feelings about it. I completely recommend this film to anyone and, if you truly enjoy cinema and if you enjoy life, you'll want to do the same as soon as you've finished watching it.

I recommend this movie and call it beautiful and delightful admitting it's not perfect but it doesn't do anything wrong. I don't want to sound like I contradict myself, but I believe writer/director Brad Silberling knew exactly what he was getting into when he finished writing this inspiring script. I'm sure he wanted to achieve a product that had nothing to do with perfection: a product that would be as simple, appealing and uncompromising as its title. Well, he's done it.

Silberling, director of long, complex, dramatic movies like "City of Angels" and "Moonlight Mile", proves with "10 Items or Less", which closes in at just 70 minutes, the passion he has for his work and also the faith he has in it. To put an actor (Morgan Freeman) in front of a woman (Paz Vega) in a grocery store and take them exactly to the places ordinary life would take them is what Silberling proposes here.

I can't tell you no more because within the apparent simplicity lies a thought provoking background that shouldn't be underestimated. Because here everyone's exposed: the camera focuses directly on the two main characters, who share endless conversation in a car ride with stops that's not endless only because life is life. And let me express how praise how well Silberling handles the situation by saying that he reaches, in less time (not only in movie duration time, but in the single day that the movie develops its events) and in a smaller place, the kind of connection between two characters that Sofia Coppola generated in "Lost In Translation".

That movie, set in Tokyo, also encountered an actor and a woman, and they also had conversations about the moments they were living in their lives. It's in the conversations where we sense the though provoking quality of "10 Items or Less" and, just as in Coppola's movie, the naturalness of every situation is never lost and the images with all music and no words don't seem forced or included in the picture to 'buy time'.

In this aspect, the collaboration of Silberling and his director of photography Phedon Papamichael. The man who shot the beautiful sceneries in "Sideways" and focused on every emotion in "Patch Adams", delights us here with visual passages of true natural beauty.

But the ultimate beauty of "10 Items or Less" can be found in its cast (by Avy Kaufman), in its two protagonists. They are the ones who transmit this feeling I mentioned at the beginning and I can't specify; we feel their connection and we can tell they're having fun and that they may even be improvising stuff. Academy Award Winner Morgan Freeman, also an executive producer of the film, simply stands there and confirms the status he has today in the movie industry, and one that's well deserved: a quiet man, filled with wisdom that can easily make you cry as he can make you laugh. And the beautiful Paz Vega (well, I said she was great in "Spanglish")…Here she proves she's the real deal, and Hollywood's not small for her.
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Very funny movie!
mayks111 December 2016
Morgan Freeman plays itself! '10 Items or Less ' is a film about reality as it can happen to anyone. Awesome! I love it that man! And it plays very well! Starting from this Zilbarling Brad, let things happen gradually and naturally - without effects, without further prompting and without a trace of an attempt to manipulate perceptions. This film looks like a scene from life itself. I like the lightweight style, as if everything is a joke. The girl plays a very casual, finally I fell in love with it (really)! She is cute! Overall the movie is very entertaining and relaxing. Binding in a dull Saturday night. Spanish flavor is very sexy! I've read many comments that the film is weak, slow that Morgan is exposed. Each with its taste, this is a movie for fun, not for action or drama. The atmosphere is kind of another time. It's fun! I recommend!
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Cute Movie about Sad World !
elshikh426 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Highly attractive, soft and smooth. I loved it. And not only because its 2 leads' great charisma. Even its message appears simply.

We have a man at his 60s who looks having everything, however doesn't have himself, and a girl at her 20s who has herself and nothing more. The two of them are having no friends at all, seem lost, looking for the right track, searching for a moment of confidence, a rest, and a smile. The movie's world feels as if a very lonely forlorn world, like the silent man at the supermarket. The 2 characters need a friend who they find perfectly in each other, yet for one day!

The best thing about this movie is its main meaning; we're living a lost world, where there are no friends. We need desperately to feel good about ourselves, someone to ask the embarrassing question; whether the road's direction, or I'm sterile or not. All of this confusion, sadness, and tension we have must get out to somebody. Sometimes we need just anyone to tell us is this blouse good or not. But, sorry. Everybody is busy (the actor's folk), or deceiver (her boss), or don't care whatsoever. So now, the closest you'll have as a friend is the one who you may meet accidentally, makes you feel nice about yourself, be honest with you as long as you're dealing the same, who you're going to not meet him or her again!

(Morgan Freeman) was never been loose as "him", having the blessing of being "free-man" indeed, as unchained nice emotions, looking like the most stray mentor you can ever have, that wants to find his way himself. (Paz Vega) was great, like the loneliest pretty girl in the world, being tender and in tense, curbing her incredible smile as she's afraid to get involved into another unsuccessful relationship, unlike "him" who's seeing the world as his club, but nothing can hide his fear out of himself, or his perception that he's lost.

This is a movie that could be so understood and valued by the lonely people, not the ones who got many friends already. I loved that friendship's tune, not to make them as hopelessly lovers the way movies like (Before Sunrise - 1995) would do. Actually (Brad Silberling) as its writer and director did it fine. The natural dialogues, the realistic shots, the unrestrained performance, even the optimistic music tracks; all of that combined to make pure little movie, with a distinctive taste and message, but something in you must have told you that this ride to home was short.

It seemed like an episode of TV show. I've always believed that the word 'Movie' is synonym for dazzling its viewers, although this is a fine simple interpretation of that, looking so light like a rapid afternoon, but sure something in this genius spontaneity just starves you for more. It lacked more drama to entertain us with other sides of these characters. For instance, I missed strongly a part where she gets the chance to look into his world closer (near to a never done third act). And I didn't convince at the end that he's going to commit finally because of this day he had. Originally (Silberling) almost replaced any possible fair climax with 2 songs; the one between the 2 leads in the car, then the one which has been played on their way to (Freeman)'s home!

But anyhow, this is a different independent cinema, yet a feel good movie after all, despite its dark message about a world of disappointed friendships where no real one last more than a day! It managed to be one of the most sensitive, smiling and sad buddy-movies I've ever seen. Or is it a sad world basically?
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Very human road story
louisecardinal17 September 2006
Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega are the mismatched pair who get in the car and go about doing errands according to the need of one or the other. Morgan Freeman is superbly human, relating with one and all, while Paz Vega is the edgy cashier behind the "10 Items or Less" check out line, intimidating customers and bored out of her mind. Together they explore, discover, and learn from each other. To do that of course they must be vulnerable, interested in change, and have a sense of humour, all of which they both have. I wish this film was realistic, I wish this type of story happened more often, I wish we didn't have to go to the movies to realize that we can indeed connect with each other even if we come from vastly different backgrounds. The film's message is based in the open heart, and makes us wonder about the possibility of another world where we meet each other from there - a world where peace could be a possibility.
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10 Items or Less
Prismark1017 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Director Brad Silberling goes back to basics in this quirky quickly shot independent movie.

Morgan Freeman is an actor who has been away from the business for a few years.

After agreeing to consider playing a role in a new movie. The actor goes to a store in a sketchy part of LA to do some research.

There he meets Scarlet (Paz Vega) a mouthy but super efficient cashier in the 10 items or less checkout.

The actor is stuck as his ride has not arrived and his publicist is away. So Scarlet drives him home but she needs to go to a job interview which she is unsure and nervous about.

The actor knowing Scarlet is stuck in a rut, persuades her to attend and move on in her life.

10 Items or Less is a simple appealing film. It works because of the chemistry of the actors.

Freeman plays very much the stereotypical veteran actor who is shocked to see designer T shirts going cheap in a Target store. Deep down he is lonely acknowledging that he has no friends.

Scarlet is a firecracker, her husband has cheated on her. With the actor's help she gets the confidence to broaden her horizons.
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Lost in Translation LITE
stevepat9926 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had high expectations for this indie having perused the many thumbs up reviews. Then....

Here's my additional 'two cents' to the already posted, excellent 'lost in translation' review. Premise: Morgan is 'stuck' in a dusty small town where he meets lovely Scarlet who is working in the local supermarket. Can Morgan help elevate the lovely Scarlet from her trailer trash life?

Realistic dialog? NOT. How about that shopping in Target. First, Freeman looks at the Target interior as if he's walked into Harrods. Then, he's bowled over at a T-shirt rack confirming he has NEVER been in any store visited by lovely Scarlet. Morgan is detached from any and all aspects of Scarlet's reality and is portrayed as gleeful in his ignorance of everyone and everything in Scarlet's life.

One reviewer enjoyed the Scarlet and ex-hubby fight scene where her survival, a car in this instance, requires she physically attack her ex hubbie. Does Freeman run to her defense....naw...he's cowering in disbelief and totally incapable of dealing with such a blunt aspect of her very real, sorry lot in life.

Freeman's character believes a car wash and new very revealing, tight fitting blouse is the key to Scarlet's job interview. Another sign that Freeman is CLUELESS. Freeman's endless 'stage talk' where all aspects of Scarlet's reality are reduced to one or another stage related Freeman experience was irritating.

Freeman is right to emphasize that Scarlet is young with her future ahead of her and then conveniently ignores the brick walls she faces vis a vis: uneducated, no white collar skills or experience, VERY POOR, no family support and a lifetime of low self esteem. Scarlet learns such life lessons from Freeman as: some people pay $100 for a T-shirt and a revealing blouse may open doors in lieu of her lack of education and white collar job skills. In the end Freeman offers Scarlet little more than strange diversion with a 'star',not even paying for gas for Scarlet's dead of night return to her unchanged life in a town the name of which Freeman cares not to know.
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Lightweight, but delightful
buff-294 December 2006
This movie is a little ray of sunshine in a dark season. It celebrates a quality best described as plain old friendliness. Morgan Freeman plays a character very like Freeman himself--a successful actor pushing 70. He has traveled to a small, rather grimy grocery store intending to research a part he might play, as a manager of such a place. He soon beguiles the staff and the customers, especially the lovely, if cranky, young woman (Paz Vega) who presides over the "10 items or less" checkout lane.

10 Items Or Less doesn't have a big statement to make and doesn't pretend that it does. It follows Freeman and Vega as they become friendly, and as the older man offers his counsel, in exchange for a ride home--the movie-company gofer who is supposed to pick him up never shows and Freeman has forgotten his own phone number so he can't call for help. I had a little case of the blues on a gray Sunday afternoon in New York City and this flick cured what ailed me.
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Largely Pointless Yet Quite Charming
sddavis6328 December 2009
I have to admit that for the first half hour or so of this movie I was basically lost. There had been some mildly amusing humour, but at best a barebones plot and a general sense of pointlessness that was on the verge of making me think that I was wasting my time. Then - for no apparent reason - I suddenly realized that I was enjoying this. There was no blinding moment of realization and no suddenly dramatic scene that grabbed me. In fact nothing very exciting happens in the entire movie. It was as if I just all of a sudden realized that the movie was meant to be largely pointless - and that in its very pointlessness was its charm.

Morgan Freeman starred as an unnamed actor who finds a “little project” to jumpstart his career. He's going to play a supermarket manager, and spends the day in a neighbourhood supermarket to research the role. While there he meets and bonds with Scarlet (played by Paz Vega) - a cashier who wants more out of life. He helps her prepare for a job interview as if she's auditioning for a role, while she introduces him to real life. It's truly funny watching “him” (for that's how the character is identified in the credits) be overwhelmed by a visit to the local Target store.

Freeman and Vega were great together, with a strange but completely believable sort of combined romantic but father-daughter chemistry. If you feel lost at the beginning, stick with this. In the end, it turns out to be a delightfully charming movie. 7/10
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squanjaili23 February 2008
I love Morgan Freeman. Paz Vega is an attractive, appealing and talented actress. I'm sure that this would have been a good movie had anything happened in it. Nothing does. It's short (less than 90 minutes). It was 75 minutes too long. After an hour of frustration, I scanned through the remaining 20-odd minutes. Excruciating.

Freeman plays an actor - who hasn't worked in a while - researching a part that he might play, as a checkout clerk in a supermarket. He visits the supermarket where she works. Nothing happens. She decides to give him a ride home and they go to an Arby's, a Target, a car wash. Nothing happens. They converse about their lives. Nothing happens. Ever.

I don't get it. But I also don't get the Bill Murray flicks "Lost In Translation" and "Broken Flowers". If you like those movies, maybe you'll like this. Lots of people find movies like this whimsical, charming, or - for reasons that escape me - find the dialog fascinating. A common device in movies of this ilk is to have a LONG take of stillness/silence after an actor delivers a line that's supposed to be meaningful. We know it's meaningful because it's followed by two minutes of nothing on the screen. Sorry, I must be a philistine. I don't get it. To me, these kinds of movies aren't funny, or charming, or thought-provoking. They're just boring. Why? Because there's no comedy. No drama. No tension. No laughs. No suspense. No action. Nothing to watch. In short, none of the things I go to the movies for. I can be bored for free. I see oddball/quirky characters in real life. I go to Target, and fast-food restaurants, and car-washes. These elements do not a movie make, even if stars are doing this stuff. I pay to be entertained.

If you're crazy about Morgan Freeman and just like to hear him ramble on about nothing, have fun. If you wanna drool over Paz Vega, you can look and listen to her. But nothing happens, I promise. A total snoozefest.
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Who would have thought Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega would pair well in a buddy movie?
TxMike10 August 2022
This is a quirky, low-budget movie shot in south L. A. areas, including adjacent to the Carson refinery I used to work at occasionally. Morgan Freeman plays himself, after four years of inactivity is thinking about accepting a role in a new movie. To research his prospective role he gets a ride and is dropped off at a small grocery story to observe what goes on.

The only one who seems competent is Paz Vega who is operating the "10 items or less" checkout line. As the story unfolds the title takes on another significance, they discuss "10 items or less" of likes and dislikes about their lives. Freeman gets stranded when his ride fails to return, Vega has a job interview and isn't sure she is prepared. So Freeman works with her on confidence and their trip to the interview location becomes a short road trip of sorts.

This is a good role for Freeman because he plays a different version of himself, sillier and more playful but still full of wisdom. The end reminded me a lot of "Lost in Translation" because after bonding, at the end they realize they may well never see each other again.

Fun, entertaining movie. My wife and I watched it at home on Prime streaming movies.
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Human Relations
balikmuhendisi10 February 2008
This movie is about human relationships. Charming, funny, and well written, with meaningful text. It seems that Morgan Freeman surely have fun at the set. Also good music. Paz Vega is a beautiful and smart woman. I really enjoy her acting. Woman like her are a good motivation to learn Spanish language. From the moment Morgan Freeman meets the cute Paz Vega the view is taken on an intimate journey with two strangers learning to care about where their lives are headed. 10 Items or Less is about zest of life. If you enjoy this film see also The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith and his son. Thats not a action film or a nude comedy. Its all about human relations.
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Not Much Things Happen But Tells A lot
ultimate_gamer23 August 2007
Not that much things happen in this movie but A lot of meanings. The woman thought she had all that she can in life, but that was indeed not true, and she found out herself when she met this person who was conducting some research for his next job. There really should be more types of movies like this, im not even that old as considered "mature" ( im 13 by the way) and i still got the idea and point of the film. The main point is in my opinion: DON'T THINK YOU CAN'T HAVE A BETTER LIFE, JUST BECAUSE YOU CURRENTLY HAVE THIS ONE.

Though I got to admit i was thinking of watching another movie but after reading all the reviews and seen the trailer i decided on this one even though i knew not that much action would appear in the film. I recommend anyone to watch this movie as it has very good points in the film, and is a really good ending.
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Morgan Free ... Man...
RadkoMilanov8 January 2008
A difficult project, a director's film, relying mainly on vision and dialog. Takes some nerve to work on a plot like this and succeed, but job is well done. Normal camera work but well brought out colors and settings - Mr.Kubrik God, Bless His Soul, would have liked the color choice of the car. Movie succeeds to carry us along its quite atmosphere with good dynamics and rhythmic pauses mainly focusing on the settings everyday feel, which is a popular element looked for by Oscar nominating juries.

Some People may wonder why this film is actually made – what did it target and why they like it, and the answer to all the above - is in the questions themselves - to make you think and that's what's nice about it.

A strong focus on sensual ideas, human character, along with the above mentioned comments, makes this movie a success.

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Location, location
harvej10 May 2007
The whole film is premised upon Freeman being a stranger is a strange land, stranded in some isolated working class, dysfunctional neighborhood. In reality, the exterior shots, most of the film really, was filmed in and around Terminal Island and the hills in & just outside San Pedro. Lots of containers (the shipping kind) and cranes, and the stark, industrial landscape is supposed to be a million miles distant from Freeman's upscale world in Brentwood. The reality is that Palos Verdes Estates, every bit as upscale as West LA, is located not two miles from where those shots were made (just on the other side of the hills) and Freeman would have been quite familiar with that neighborhood and not isolated and stranded in some working class wasteland as the actor in the film. He was almost within walking distance of other wealthy actors, just like himself.
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really charming
dreamer2point221 May 2007
I don't know why people always want deeper meaning in movies or else consider them worthless.

What about just being entertained? Something at which Morgan Freeman excels. He gets a chance to show off a bit. Paz Vega, his co-star, gets a career boost and Brad Silberling gets a name to draw people into watching his movie.

I thought it was a good movie. Some humor, some pathos, some bittersweetness but nothing over the top. I got an especial kick out of Jim Parsons as the receptionist at a construction company. When he looks at Freeman adoringly and says, "You make me want to be a woman." He's just hilarious. The fight scene between Ms. Vega her ex-husband and his girlfriend is wonderful too.

In short, it's a cute, charming film that will make you smile. You could do much, much worse.
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Not a memorable film, but a decent one nonetheless
guyfromjerzee2 August 2007
I'm a big advocate of independent film, and "10 Items or Less" is surely one that scores. If you're a Morgan Freeman fan (and who isn't?), you should enjoy yourself. He's great at anything he does, but in this particular film his performance seems much more natural. This may have something to do with the fact that he's portraying an extension of himself. For some reason, it seems like the lesser the budget, the better performances you get out of actors. There's not a moment in the film where Freeman doesn't seem to be having a blast with his role. Paz Vega gives a decent performance, but her incredibly thick accent makes a lot of the dialogue hard to understand. She learned English phonetically for this movie (not having learned English when doing "Spanglish"), and unfortunately it shows. For now, I think she should stick to doing movies in her native language. Anyway, if you're looking for a harmless independent film with good characters and good dialogue, I would recommend this film. It's surely not a gem, but it's worth watching.
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The Making of "10 Items or Less"
tom_oldani25 October 2007
While watching this movie, I came up with a script for a movie, called "The Making of 10 Items or Less":

Producer: I've got good news and bad news. The good news is, we can get Morgan Freeman!

Writer: That's great! But what's the bad news?

Producer: We can only afford to hire him for one day. I guess we'll have to get someone else.

Writer: So we hire him for one day. A movie is an hour and a half long. A work day is eight hours long. I fail to see a problem.

Producer: But... he'll have to spend time getting into character.

Writer: So we have him play a character who is essentially himself.

Producer: But he'll still need to understand his motivation and all that. You're not saying we have him play a big-name actor that's doing a low-budget movie, are you?

Writer: Why not?

Producer: That's ridiculous! But fine, at least we'll have Morgan Freeman in our movie. And I guess we have to set the movie in Los Angeles too.

Writer: Of course.

Producer: This script is a load of crap. We'd better make money on this. Just in case, have Morgan Freeman's character plug Wal-Mart or Target or one of those stores, so at least someone will want to sell the DVDs.

Writer: Sure thing!

Producer: Wait a second... what's this about a tiny bodega with a "ten items or less" express lane?

Writer: Oh, I guess that is pretty weird. But we can't change the title now!

I doubt my script actually bears much resemblance to reality, but then neither did "10 Items or Less". This is a case of good acting, but bad writing, and I hate to see it happen. When watching an independent movie, you expect it to try to convey some sort of message. I think they might have been trying for the tired old "don't let anything hold you back" message that has been done to death in much better films. In any case, with "10 Items or Less", the only message I got was "Look! Look at Morgan Freeman!"
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Yet Another Brief Encounter Yields Two Smart Performances in a Deceptively Casual Fable
EUyeshima24 July 2007
Running only seventy-two minutes, this small, overlooked 2006 dramedy is really just a two-character sketch piece but one that works very well within its limitations. Taking place almost entirely in various, non-descript spots in southern Los Angeles, the story itself is inconsequential, but like Sofia Coppola's "Lost in Translation", the film is far more about two strangers who meet unexpectedly, find a common bond and go back to their lives enlightened for the momentous encounter. It also helps considerably that Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega are playing the characters. Finally freed of the wise sages and authority figures beyond reproach that have become his big-screen specialty, Freeman seems comparatively liberated as a somewhat self-indulgent movie star. His character is driven to a low-rent grocery store in Carson, where he will be able to research a role he is considering in an indie film.

Out of work for a few years, he is embarrassed when he sees DVDs of his films in the bargain bin, but his ego is such that he does not lack the temerity to watch and even mimic the enervated store staff. Of particular fascination to him is Scarlet, an embittered worker from Spain and relegated to the express line where she is the unsung model of efficiency. She has an interview for a secretarial job at a construction company, but her deep-seeded insecurity seems to defeat her chances already. Still looking like Penelope Cruz's Amazonian sister, the beautiful Vega (one of the few redeemable aspects of James L. Brooks' execrable "Spanglish") brings a stinging edge and realistic vulnerability to Scarlet. She and Freeman interplay very well throughout the story, which includes stops not only at the grocery store but also at Target, Arby's and a full-service carwash. Nothing earth-shattering happens except to show how two people realize the resonating transience of chance encounters.

Silberling keeps the proceedings simple, but the production also reflects expert craftsmanship in Phedon Papamichael's vibrant cinematography (he lensed Alexander Payne's "Sideways") and the infectious score by Brazilian composer Antonio Pinto ("City of God"). There are fast cameos by Bobby Cannavale (as Scarlet's soon-to-be-ex-husband) and as themselves, Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman, as well as a funny bits with Jonah Hill ("Knocked Up") as the clueless driver and Jim Parsons (the "knight" in "Garden State") as a worshipful receptionist. The 2007 DVD is overstuffed with extras, including a making-of documentary, "15 Days or Less", aimed at film students and running a marathon 103 minutes; six extended scenes; a light-hearted but insightful three-way conversation between Silberling, Freeman and Vega in the middle of Target; and a couple of snippets that specifically advertise the DVD.
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Refreshing low budget film
siderite2 September 2007
This movie is not great, but it is a good and enjoyable one. It feels like an indie film made out of a play script. Morgan Freeman basically plays himself, although the director swears the script was not written for him. And there is the small irony of the actor that goes in a supermarket to do research for a film that he hasn't committed to yet. I mean, he actually made the film in the end and we are watching it :)

I found the dialogue a bit too positive for my taste, but refreshing nonetheless. This is a film that inspires the viewer to take a look at their own lives and choose the direction in which to go. A bit too much emphasis on appearance, if you ask me.

Bottom line: a nice little film, made in two weeks, with basically two actors and a few extras, dialogue driven, makes Morgan Freeman look good :)
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Low class version of Lost in Translation
jwolf-518 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was great the first time I saw it, when it was called "Lost in Translation." But somehow Bill Murray turned into an eccentric black man played by Morgan Freeman, Scarlett Johansson turned into a cranky Latino woman played by Paz Vega, and Tokyo, Japan turned into Carson, California. Instead of meaningful conversations and silence we enjoyed in Translation, we get meaningless blabbering in 10 Items that verges on annoying. Instead of characters that were pensive and introspective as in Translation, we get characters that spew pointless advice on topics they have no clue about. How can a character that wears hundred dollar T-shirts and has never been inside a Target department store expect to give advice to a working-class woman on how to prepare for a job interview as an administrative assistant? Don't think that stops him. If he isn't giving her clothing advice, he's telling her what she should eat. The most annoying part of the movie for me was how supposedly they were in a hurry to make an appointment, and yet the characters keep finding time to run another errand, be it washing the car, stopping at Arby's, or just laying around to list off their 10 Items or Less lists of things they love and hate. I kept wanting to yell at them saying, "Didn't you say you had somewhere to be? What the heck are doing? A minute ago you were practically late, now you're eating roast beef and pondering your lives!" Until I saw this movie, I never truly understood how something could "insist upon itself," but I think this movie does exactly that, and undeservedly so. The dialogue makes the characters cheesy and unsympathetic…with the exception that I felt sorry for both of the actors for having signed onto this project.
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