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Re: Excellent Movie Of A True Legend
jbuttlar12 October 2008
This was a very well acted movie. Dennis Quaid did a great job of playing the coach and Rob Brown was the perfect choice for Ernie Davis. The ratings this movie has received so far are not in line with the quality of this film. This movie in no way presented a political point of view. The only thing political was what happened in real life. This was the recognition given to Ernie by the president of the time. (which was JFK) Other than this movie was more inspirational. It showed the character of Ernie Davis and the faith he had in his own abilities, his coach, family and his God. Ernie Davis has reshaped College sports. Due to his ability to cope with hatred and racism in a positive way. The game of college sports has vastly become more professional. The talent of teams today is far greater than the past. Ernie opened the door foe all races in sports; thus increasing the abilities of the teams. I highly recommend this film.
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Good Movie Many factual inaccuracies though
pampeachtree5 September 2017
Enjoyed the movie but for purist there were many factual inaccuracies. Syracuse did not play Boston College in 1959. The West Virginia game in which WV and their fans are portrayed as very racist was played in Syracuse not Morganton. In the Texas game of that year the score was never 15-14. There are others but that suffices. When a description is "based" on a true story it means not everything is necessarily true. Remember that as one videographer told me, "we are artists and entertainers and not historians!"
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" Only real Giants can tell you how good it feels to be so tall "
thinker169130 August 2009
When studios turn back the clock in movies, they expose the excessive baggage which accompanied our bigoted and ignorant past. Audiences living in the present decade can observe all of the social ills of those bygone eras. Social problems in America have all but been buried, yet irritatingly they surface when our society is reminded not every American has learned the lessons of the past. Thus it is with this superior movie called " The Express." The great Ernie Davis is played by Rob Brown as an adult and Justin Martin in his youth. Both actors do a incredible job. Dennis Quaid plays Ben Schwartzwalder, the inspirational coach who does an exceptional job. The icon Jim Brown is played by Darren Henson and Charles Dutton is William Davis Sr. Although the film traces the life of Ernie Davis, it only highlights the major events, tragedies and triumphs of the all star player at Saracues University. The movie is inspirational on many levels and touches the viewer with the most dramatic obstacles such as racism and segregation. Indeed a personal meeting with the late great John F. Kennedy is sure to evoke positive memories. Throughout the entire movie one is offered a blunt eye-view of our most brutal social affliction and one can only hope our great nation will one day make it obsolete. Easilly recommended to all audiences. ****
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This ain't Brian's Song but ...
Darth-Furious27 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the non-fiction book Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express, by Robert C. Gallagher, The Express: The Ernie Davis story seems to lose itself in it's own title. The name change signifies a young culture and generation completely unaware of the legend of Ernie Davis. Wait a second... there's a good title.

Off the bat, I have to credit Rob Brown. At 16 years old this kid was squaring off impressive verbiage with Sean Connery and held his own. Now, his confidence shines even more. As Davis, Brown emotes without saying a word and strides through a script that tries but sheds little light into Davis's mind.

Coach - er, Dennis Quaid disappears into the father role, replacing Davis's grandfather Pops (Charles Dutton) and polarizing every scene.

God, I wish they had more for Clancy Brown to do. I mean, come on - it's Clancy Freakin Brown.

So anyway, with most sports films, we get the basic hero plot wrapped around big game action scenes and the occasional fistfight. By the third act, the protagonists/ pioneers have broken through barriers, stumbled through plot twists and plot holes like a paint by numbers series and after winning the big game, celebrate - with hands high, flashing Colgate smiles and cheer into the epilogue.

The Express follows the same formula until one remembers the nose bleeds. Wait a sec, it happens more than once? Yeah. That a loose plot? Not really. That was the relationship between Davis and Jim Brown or Davis and his girlfriend. What's her name? Sarah. There's just not enough depth invested into these relationships. So anyway, the nose bleeds are symptoms of acute monocytic leukemia. The hints are there like after-school special bookends and we, like Davis, have no clue what's happening. We want to dismiss it and move on - just like he does. That's the inspiration in this film. And it feels good.

Overall, this is a film for the masses. It's strength is the push of a young man who was unaware of his own limitations in any event. Be it secure confidence or misguided pride, without that awareness - Davis could proceed and achieve to no end. The filmmakers stretch what they have to cover what they don't. All the facts are here. The history is too. But I wanted more. I wanted to see his struggle with the Big L - the unseen antagonist we waited for. Arrogant teammates, West Virginia racists, or even the slew of em in Texas (before the seemingly rushed ending) are nothing comparable. We move past it, onto the big night in Cleveland. But, that might be the writer's intention.

I didn't have any sense about this film other than football. I had heard of Ernie Davis however I couldn't recall any significant details of his life to save my own. The details of Jim Brown and the Heisman Trophy are lost on non football fans. Even the fact that Davis led Syracuse to it's first national championship becomes a mute point. This film is about a man... not a football star.

Brown and Quaid shoulder this film. The performances are so strong and touching... how Davis infects his weary eyed coach with his wisdom is a joy. The whole student teaching the master cliché is good. Oh yeah, there was this whole white/ black racial politic thing and everything (and anything) racist hits the front burners. Still, the meat of what drove Davis is key here. What caused this man to tick? What kept him focused and determined? When did he forget he was black?

I have to big up Mark Isham's tender, yet powerful score. There were cues in this film that bring tears to one's eyes. Other good notes are any scenes with the wonderful, fresh faced Nicole Behaire as Davis's wife Sarah and Darrin Henson as a firm, but less formidable looking Jim Brown and again... Clancy Brown.

Ernie Davis's story is remarkable to discover. The Express does it's best to give us the stuff of this young man's legend. Even through the gloss and shine of Hollywood's spin... it just feels good.
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Inspiring Sports Movie
LDQ40912 October 2008
The Express was one of the best sports movies I have seen. It tells the story of Ernie Davis, who was the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy and his relationship with his coach, Ben Schwarzwalder.

It is set in the late 50's where there was still a great deal of prejudice against African Americans, even in the northern states where segregation was not overt. Ernie's optimism and willingness to be the best football player he can be, not just the best African American football player was portrayed perfectly by Rob Brown. He was inspiring and you couldn't help rooting for him to succeed.

Ben was a crusty, set in his ways coach, who couldn't see beyond winning the game. Ernie helped him see that a football team is made up of individuals who have to pull together to achieve their goals. Dennis Quaid is an excellent actor, who can say so much with just a smile or a raised eyebrow. He is so natural, it is as if he isn't acting at all. Dennis & Rob have a very good chemistry, and they made every scene believable.

The Express was similar to the Rookie, another great film that Dennis Quaid starred in. Both films had just the right amount of drama, set off with little bits of comedy to relieve the tension.

At the showing I attended, the audience was very moved by the film because when it was over, there was much applause, something you don't hear much in movies these days.

You don't have to be a football fan to love this movie. I highly recommend it.
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Ernie Davis's Story
Chrysanthepop2 June 2009
'The Express', though based on Ernie Davis's life, is given a very Hollywood treatment. The story is uplifting and even inspiring to some, especially how Davis chooses to fight racism, not with violence, but with American football. Yet, the film itself is sugarcoated and has the deja-vu feel. For example, it is easy to predict which team will win (as is the case with most sports film). However, the last 20 minutes were handled well. Those scenes could have easily been melodramatic but the director chooses to play it down here. The background score is very intrusive at times. I thought the issue of racism was well tackled. This isn't 'just another movie about racism' because the conflicts are well depicted and dealt with (like one would think it would be in the 50s). Dennis Quaid definitely moves a step forward from his usual average acting. It's impressive to see him get under the skin of the character rather than play the usual formula. Rob Brown does a fine job and holds his own. Overall, 'The Express' tells an important story about a man who made a difference in American history even though his name is not known to everyone.
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Inspiring story with some problems with details
joncha18 October 2018
It's a shame that this film went to such trouble to get details like uniforms and campus settings accurate and then played so loosely with the facts. A prime example is when the 1959 Syracuse team won the national championship by defeating Texas in the Cotton Bowl, an event portrayed as if the Orange had never experienced such a rabid segregationist setting. In fact, they had played in the same Cotton Bowl three years earlier, losing to TCU 28-27. And for that game they had Jim Brown, an African-American, on the team so the problems they encountered (segregated hotels etc.) would not have been unexpected nor unprepared for. The actual game is totally mixed up, that is to say the first SU TD was the 87-yard Schwedes to Davis pass, not the last, as shown. And, as Schwartzwalder was always quick to point out, Texas was never within fewer than two scores of overtaking the Orange -- not as close as 15-14 as shown in the film. One could go on and on, but to someone unfamiliar with the facts, it is an inspiring story that should complement other films about the civil rights era.
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Superb film that everyone should see...a great history lesson!
pjmbdm27 October 2008
My husband and I saw EXPRESS yesterday and truly enjoyed this movie. We love movies based on true stories and also enjoy sports so this was a winning combination! We found this movie to be truly captivating and beautifully told. The acting was superb.....everyone did a fantastic job of making it all very real. We didn't know anything about Ernie Davis and feel so privileged to know his story. Of course we knew Jim Brown, but Ernie never even had a chance to show his real talents to the world via the Cleveland Browns. What a gifted young man he was and all the difficulties he had to face made him even more special. As far as the people who don't appreciate WV being shown in that light, my husband was in the Army in 1960-1963, and whether it was WV, NC, SC, or any other state in that vicinity that is exactly how it was and he experienced that type of hate first hand. Thank you for bring us such a meaningful film. We hope it is a huge success.
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A punt here, a punt there
ctomvelu129 November 2009
Loosely based on the life of the first black football player to win the Heisman Trophy, this follows a chap named Ernie Davis -- a name most viewers are unlikely to be familiar with -- throughout his school years. When he reaches Syracuse College, he finds he is one of two black players on his team. His coach is played by Dennis Quaid. The period was just far enough back in time that there were very few black football players, and in some states, blacks could not stay in the same hotels or attend social functions with whites. All of this is dealt with in a forthright manner, although some facts have been slightly altered to punch home the drama of the era. Quaid's coach is a gruff old man with a heart of gold, a role Quaid likely will be playing more and more often as he ages. You may not recognize many of the actors in this, but they are uniformly excellent. Worth a watch, even if you dislike football.
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It has you cheering and clapping as you watch it
robertallenandersonjr4 October 2008
The Express was a wonderful sports movie with lots of drama. It had a ton of emotion and great feelings in it. Me watching the movie I felt like a fan. This movie will make you love sports even if you don't. It was inspirational in so many ways. The whole movie keeps you entertained and on the edge of your seat at the end. Each one of the football games were fun and exciting to watch. When their wasn't football in the movie the director found ways to keep the movie good and interesting. This movie had emotion. love, heart, tears, and inspiring moments. Their are many different scenes in this movie that are sad to watch and upsetting for the viewers. The thing that makes it so upsetting for us to watch is the thing they do to blacks in this movie. I think that everyone should see this movie just to see how life was. The life the blacks lived in this movie wasn't good. I think this movie will teach people to respect everyone no matter who it is. This movie was one of the best movies of the year. It was the best sports movie of the year and ever. It will honestly have you on your feet. It was such a great movie and was so inspiring and should be seen by everyone. It was great for kids, teens, adults, and even grandparents. It was so exciting and fun to watch all around. Their weren't any flaws pretty much. The movie has so many different messages that were great. The thing that is mostly the best part of the movie is that Ernie is the most unselfish person on and off the field in this movie. He shows everyone how to be a better person. The coach played by Dennis Quaid did a great job and was a good person and coach as well. The movie was based on a true story also. Overall this is one feel good movie. It is the must see sports movie. Go see it and have a fun time cheering and clapping.
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workmanlike vanilla biopic
SnoopyStyle5 March 2016
Ernie Davis is 10 years old in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He stutters but runs really fast. He lives with his grandfather Pops (Charles S. Dutton). His mother Marie Davis returns telling him that she's remarried. They move to the white town of Elmira, NY. Years later, Syracuse University football head coach Ben Schwartzwalder (Dennis Quaid) is looking to replace Jim Brown who has just signed with the Browns. With Jim Brown's help, he signs the wide-eyed Davis (Rob Brown) who would go on to become the first negro to win the Heisman Trophy.

This is a functional biopic taking on all the familiar ideas. It is beautifully shot. Rob Brown has a wide-opened personality with his bright-eye performance. The biggest problem for me is that the movie recruits the audience with a more interesting character in Jim Brown. I can't help but think that Jim Brown has the more compelling story. There isn't anything wrong but there isn't necessarily anything new. It's a workmanlike effort.
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The Ernie Davis Story
bkoganbing19 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ernie Davis whom I remember as a kid as the most promising college football player of his time made quite the impact on the world of sports back in the day. But is impact during the Civil Rights era in which he played is equally compelling a story. Both are united here in a wonderful sports film, The Express with young Rob Brown playing Ernie Davis.

Brown plays Davis well as the idealistic young kid who takes as his ideal Jackie Robinson and the significance he had breaking the color line in professional baseball. Black people were already playing professional football at this time also, but the sport was not what it is today or in fact would shortly become starting in the middle Fifties when Davis was in college ball at the University of Syracuse.

A guy who had a lot to do with that was Ernie Davis's predecessor at the University of Syracuse Jim Brown as played by Darrin DeWitt Henson. Brown's place among professional football immortals is quite assured and he came to the Cleveland Browns with the reputation from college he more than lived up to.

In fact it's Brown that Coach Ben Schwartzwalder uses to recruit Davis to the Orangemen of Syracuse. Dennis Quaid plays the coach and he gives one of his best performances in his career. In fact it's right in line with another football film Any Given Sunday where he plays an aging quarterback with heart and guts, but losing a step or two in the field.

The film is about Quaid almost as much as about Rob Brown. The coach learns that he's living in extraordinary times for America, most extraordinary for black America. His players are not separate and apart from the social changes going on, they and the game cannot be kept in a vacuum. Proof of that comes when the Orangemen of Syracuse go south to play West Virginia and later the University of Texas in the Cotton Bowl which was more of a war than an athletic contest.

Ernie Davis beat out Jim Brown in two special categories. He was the first black man to win the Heisman Trophy for Best College Football player and probably earned it by dint of the fact that he unlike Brown led Syracuse to a national championship. It was a fact the Heisman Committee could not ignore.

The football sequences as in Any Given Sunday are done incredibly well, choreographed would not be a bad word to describe them. Davis did in fact say he would let his field exploits do his talking and they spoke loud and clear.

I hope some Oscar nominations are in the future for both Quaid and Brown. The Express will go down in history as one of the best sports films ever done and it goes along way towards keeping the story of Ernie Davis alive for generations to come.
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TamPalm12 October 2008
Really I think more like a 6.5 or 6.75 is a more appropriate rating. But it DEFINITELY deserves higher than the 5.4 it has now on this site! Wow, I was surprised to see such a low score. The movie is not the best movie ever, but it is good. The acting is stellar. The story is inspirational. It's a feel-good movie and it's family-friendly to boot, which warrants some kind of kudos in my book. I think the plot could have been fleshed out a little more, and perhaps a better writer or director (I have no idea who wrote or directed this by the way) could have brought more drama and impact to the script. But even with a mediocre script, it's a memorable movie. My criteria is this: if I'm thinking about the movie after I walk out of the theater, it's a winner. This story touched me and it was delivered in a way that hit that "special" place in my heart, and I'm not a pansy. So I say, give it a try. You won't be bored, you might not be thrilled, but you will smile and feel all tingly inside, and isn't that just about enough? I think so. See it.
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acs_joel16 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up following Syracuse sports. I remember Ben Schwartzwalder being interviewed on Sunday mornings on channel 3 in Syracuse.

The film was a disappointment for me.

Have the director or cinematographer actually ever played football? The football scenes were very contrived and not realistic. As football movies go, The Express looks like girls' field hockey.

The writing was corny. This story needed more of an edge, dealing with racial tensions and sports glory. It comes off as a made-for-TV movie of the week.

Dennis Quaid, although one of my favorite actors, is miscast. Ben was a hard-nosed guy, Dennis is just can't pull off the scowl.

As much as I thought I would like this film, that's how much I dislike it. By the way, how did the film end? I left early.
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An uplifting and inspiring tale.
Otoboke9 December 2008
Sending off the film in a monologue which encapsulates his entire story, lead character Ernie Davis (Rob Brown) concedes to the fact that he doesn't quite know how to end his story; it's a desirable lack of focus for a man who doesn't necessarily want to tell a structurally sound story, but a powerful and important message about his struggle instead. Yet this sometimes off balanced narrative unwittingly carries through onto this, the big screen adaptation of young Ernie Davis' story, and the movie as a result is worse off, no matter how faithful it may adhere to the source material which borrows largely from the main character's real life biography. The Express for all intents and purposes retains the important elements of Davis' short but inspiring tale, backing up the movie's hard hitting themes with solid heart, soul and passion; yet lumbered with a force-fed implementation that sacrifices the stories emotional integrity for mawkish melodrama, the feature too often looses its footing when it really counts. Nevertheless, with some fitting performances, stark photography and an endlessly inspiring story of unity, social injustice and change, The Express still manages to overcome its weaker moments to make a greater whole.

Told through the eyes of up and coming black American football sensation Ernie Davis, The Express delivers a two punch game that fights on two fields which turn out to be one in the same. Ostensibly the feature is about Ernie's battle to the top of the game back in its earliest days when to be black was looked upon as something of a weakness or automatic disqualification from being taken seriously. On this purely face value level, the movie does well; it has the building structure and bubbling tension needed to create the necessary highs and lows of a typical, engrossing sports movie. Watching Ernie is like watching a legend, and that's exactly what it should be like. Sure enough the man is more or less untouchable in the movie's first two thirds, but showing his weaknesses on field would be superfluous at best. Instead the script leaves much of Davis' conflict and hardship to be faced off the pitch, even when he's playing on it. At its heart, The Express is a moral tale of people coming together and letting parts of themselves go that maybe they hadn't thought through quite thoroughly enough; at its core, The Express is about racial discrimination. Counterbalancing the much more visceral aspects of the feature with this emotive, heart felt drama; the movie achieves both a sense of wonder and relevancy that still rings true to this day.

Despite the script's well intentioned spirit however, all does not go well when it is finally given transition to the big screen. Director Gary Fleder and composer Mark Isham too often inject the feature with an overbearing, sometimes sickening level of sugar coated melodrama. From the sweeping strings of Isham's sentimentally ridden compositions to Fleder's insistence on emphasising start contrasts between the stories dark and light moments, The Express sometimes boils down to mere caricature that belittles the ideas that the script is trying to get across. Thankfully though, all is not lost in either of their abilities; Isham does far better when scoring for the movie's faster moving segments and Fleder gets some hard hitting and poignant performances out of his main cast. The movie's central performances from Rob Brown and Dennis Quaid are nothing of any remarkable significance, but they serve their purposes well and do justice to the characters that they are playing; sure enough Quaid can be his withdrawn, wooden self from time to time, but his presence is a fine mixture of warm and cold, enough to make the relationship between the two main characters compelling to watch develop.

As engrossing as this can all be though, it's oft hard to swallow some of what the movie tries so hard to press upon you; it's a film that tries to raise questions whilst simultaneously answering without being too cynical, and for the most part, does that well enough, even if it is all a little too dependant on sucrose for its own good. So while watching The Express can feel a little like getting force-fed an over-sized, over-iced and over-baked cake to chow down on for two hours, the end result is at least in itself, satisfying. Telling a story of perseverance against the most uncomfortable of challenges whilst at the same time incorporating themes of friendship, family and even a little football into the mix, The Express is a movie that is more about the substance beneath rather than the sometimes troublesome crust that encompasses. It takes a long time to get there, and arguably ends far too late, but for anyone looking for an uplifting and inspiring tale of one man changing the course of history forever, then The Express should do well enough.

  • A review by Jamie Robert Ward (
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Ernie Davis...
Thanos_Alfie19 June 2020
"The Express" is a Biography - Drama movie in which we watch the life story of Ernie Davis the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy along with the respect of everyone.

I really liked this movie because it is based on the life a very important rugby player who was what Jackie Robinson was for baseball and Jesse Owens for track and field. He was a fighter and he was respected from everyone. The direction which was made by Gary Fleder was good and he presented very well the life of Ernie Davis from his early years and the difficulties he faced when he was a kid to the matches he played in order to win the Heisman Trophy. Finally, I have to say that I liked the interpretations of both Rob Brown who played as Ernie Davis and Dennis Quaid who played as the coach Ben Schwartzwalder. I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie because it's a life lesson for everyone and if you do so and you like this movie then I suggest you to watch the movies "42" of 2013 (Jackie Robinson) and "Race" of 2016 (Jesse Owens).
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The Express, despite some exaggerations, was a mostly inspiring bio-film of Ernie Davis
tavm23 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Before I write the review proper of The Express, I have something to nitpick: I know when films are made "based on a true story" some events are going to be exaggerated. Nonetheless, I expect most of what happens in those movies to reflect a certain truth and be as accurate as possible. So when I read here on IMDb that the taunts of the Syracuse vs. West Virginia game from WV stadium members NEVER HAPPENED and that the coach that Dennis Quaid played had actually worked near the surrounding areas, that marred some of the enjoyment I got out of this movie based on Ernie Davis, whom I actually read about in elementary school in a literature textbook during the '70s. I wasn't bothered by some other inaccuracies I read about, however, since many of them were more minor and therefore, doesn't ruin the picture for me. The performances of Rob Brown as Davis and Quaid as head coach Ben Schwartzwalder had me riveted for most of the movie and I also enjoyed Charles Dutton as Davis' grandfather and Nicole Beharie as Davis' girlfriend, Sarah Ward. The tragic fate of Davis in the last 15 minutes also was handled tastefully and reading about President Kennedy's eulogy before the end credits was especially inspiring. So despite my misgivings about the whole West Virginia scene, I'm recommending The Express for anyone curious about this nearly forgotten time in college football history. P.S. I was pleasantly surprised to read in the end credits that part of this movie was shot in my birthtown of Chicago, Ill.
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Dennis Quaid Made the Film For Me
manny-978 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"The Express" tells the gripping true-to-life tale of Ernie Davis. He's the first African-American who won the Heisman Trophy, college football's highest individual honor. At a glance, you may think "The Express" is just another football film, but what sets this movie apart is its resonant theme of courage and hope amidst racism.

Racism is the key to Davis' discovery of his athletic abilities as a child. Faced with danger from the neighborhood bullies, all white, Davis escapes his tormentors by running as fast as he can. From that point on, the boy who can barely speak because of his stuttering problems is able to express himself on the football field.

Actor Rob Brown plays the grown-up Davis with much aplomb. Brown has such an aura of openness that his performance pulls you in. The actor landed his first acting job in "Finding Forrester" because he thought he could be an extra in the movie so he could pay his cell phone bill. The rawness in his acting he showed in that film sparring with Sean Connery is evident in "The Express." Only this time, Brown is wrangling with Dennis Quaid.

Quaid stars as Ben Schwartzwalder, a long-time coach at Syracuse University. Schwartzwalder discovered another gridiron icon, Jim Brown (played in the movie by Darrin Dewitt Henson), and he is the one who will eventually mold Davis into a football hero.

"The Express" can be seen as a two-character morality play between Davis and Schwartzwalder. The football scenes are great, but much of the action happens between the clashing coach and his esteemed player.

If Davis is a symbol of the civil rights campaign during the 1960s, Schwartzwalder is the metaphor for the evolving conscience of America. In the beginning of the movie, Schwartzwalder appears to have only one goal in mind – winning. But towards the end, with Davis' help, Schwartzwalder learns the true meaning of victory.

Brown and Quaid are enough to justify the price of your movie ticket, but "The Express" is blessed with indelible supporting performances. Heading the pack is Charles S. Dutton as Davis' grandfather. His likability matches Brown's. Another notable performance comes from Omar Benson Miller as Davis' best friend, Jack Buckley. His acting transcends the comic relief nature of the character. However, the lack of strong female characters mars an otherwise perfect acting ensemble.

Based on the book by Robert Gallagher called "The Elmira Express" (the Elmira in the title comes from Davis' hometown, Elmira, NY) with a script written by Charles Leavitt, I liked that the topic of racism did not consume the film. There are some lines that are a bit overhanded, but the actors deliver them with much gusto.

One of my favorite lines from the movie is the one Schwartzwalder used to inspire his team during their historic Cotton Bowl game against the University of Texas in Dallas. Met by intense heckling brought by racism, Quaid, in a powerful dramatic moment, delivers the dialog, "do not let them take history away from you." That line reverberates strong and well to this day.

Directed by Gary Fleder ("Runaway Jury"), you don't have to like football to enjoy the movie. You will stand up and cheer during the intense football scenes, but you will clap even more for Ernie Davis' unprecedented journey. And for that, "The Express" gets 3 Touchdown kisses
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Ernie Davis is a man to be remembered.
DarkVulcan2916 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of movies about beating the odds. But The Express is really a winner compared to all of them.

Ernie Davis(Rob Brown, best known from Finding Forrester, and Take The Lead) is one terrific football player, in 1958 coach Ben Schwartzwalder(Dennis Quaid) and soon to be football great Jim Brown(Darrin Dewitt Henson) come to Ernies hometown to recruit him to play for Syracuse University. When Ernie gets there, a lot of racism is shoved in his face on and off the field. But refuses to let that break him. What he will learn from Coach Schwartzwalder that it will take more then talent to be the best. Apparently he did learn and took the team to victory, and the coach learned from Ernie too. And in 1961, Ernie was the first African American to win the Heisman trophy. But sadly his NFL career never went any further. That is a spoiler I will not give away, you'll half to see the movie to find out why.

A truly great sports film, when you like a story about beating the odds. Remember Ernie Davis, he refused to let racism stop him, he really beat the odds. And the performances of Rob Brown and Dennis Quaid are quite Oscar worthy. The football scenes where great also.
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"Express" director takes unnecessary, untrue shot at WV!
bapaball25 October 2008
"The Express" tells the story of Ernie Davis, the first African-American winner of football's Heisman Trophy.

This could have been known as a factual, historically truthful movie IF the makers had not taken unnecessary racial shot at West Virginia University while producing the film.

The movie includes a scene in which Mountaineer fans hurl racial slurs and trash at Davis and his Syracuse University teammates during a 1959 game in Morgantown.

West Virginia was never mentioned in the original Charles Levitt script, nor did WVU play Syracuse during this historical time frame. Thus the film falsely depicts the West Virginia and WVU.

Levitt says the script he gave Universal Pictures did not mention WV or West Virginia University. He had said that the scene was supposed to depict a 1958 game at Tar Heels Stadium in North Carolina - a choice that also displayed artistic license.

"It is a sad fact of my business that when a screenwriter turns a script over to a studio, the studio and the filmmakers own it," wrote Leavitt. "They can do anything they want with it - even rewrite parts of it without consulting me and without my knowledge or consent."
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The Express An Excellent Movie Based On A True Story
tburke8511 June 2009
The Express is an excellent movie based on a true story about the life of college football hero Ernie Davis, the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. For those of you who haven't seen it I won't say anything else about the movie. Because The Express is one those movies you don't want to know too much about before seeing it. I'm glad I didn't know too much about it because I was very impressed with this one because the Express was definitely much better than expected. The film does a great job of making you care about Ernie and most of the other characters who may not be in it much but they make the best of their limited screen time. The whole cast turn in great performances especially Rob Brown as Ernie Davis and Dennis Quaid as his tough but sympathetic college football coach. The rest of the supporting cast are admirable in their roles too. Mostly everything in this movie worked from the intense realistic football sequences to the drama of Ernie's inspirational life. The pacing was a little slow at times but the rest of the film made up for it's one flaw. Overall The Express was so much better than expected and is a movie based on a true story that deserves to be told which is brought to life because of the exceptional performances by the cast. Well done.
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"He changed the country one yard at a time" Decent sports bio
juneebuggy14 February 2015
I enjoyed this. Its well made, well acted and inspirational but I'll admit I have seen better sports movies and at times it did feel a little clichéd and rah, rah even though its based on a true story.

The Express is based on the life story of Ernie Davis; a Syracuse university running back who became the first African American to win the Heisman trophy in 1961. This biopic covers his entire life and there were some sections that went on a bit too long (THAT game in Texas for example -which for a non football person seemed to take forever) and the ending also seemed abrupt, just a post-note as to what happened to him. *Sigh*

Rob Brown does a great job portraying Davis though and Dennis Quaid is fine, as the coach although he ain't no Billy Bob Thornton ala 'Friday Night Lights'. There were some decent sub roles here too; Nelson Ellis (True Blood) Charles S. Dutton, and Omar Benson Miller who was very likable.

This takes place just as the civil rights movement was gaining steam and Davis faced a ton of prejudice and just full on racism which always makes me uncomfortable, how he handles himself and challenges his coach to stand up for the players is what really makes him a hero. 11/6/14
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Catch the Express!
russellgrace21 October 2008
Lately, I haven't been particularly excited or motivated about running out and seeing Hollywood films like I once did. Frankly, life is quite busy now and my well worn living room is far more convenient, comfortable, affordable, and enjoyable than most modern movie going environs.

What can I say? The movie biz is a dog eat dog world and we're all living in a wait for the used DVD era.

Being an armchair sportswriter and a bit of a homebody has made it pretty tough to beckon me out from my humble but cozy abode. Leaving mi casa means fighting through Los Angeles traffic, enduring rude audiences, sticky floors, snooty attendants, and exorbitantly loco cineplex prices all to experience a picture the old fashioned way... on the big screen. It has become a rare event.

But every now and then a certain film bursts through the minutia to call me out and force me to enter one of those El Grande I-MAX theatres.

One such film had me at hello - The Express.

Ernie Davis' amazing life story is not only poignant in regards to football, race, and the American past - it also reflects today's America in respect to the central issue of the 2008 Presidential election - racial prejudice.

The film wisely explores some of the same questions white Americans faced nearly 50 years ago about football, the Heisman Trophy, and tolerance that we are dealing with today in politics.

Is America ready for someone other than a white man to cross the color line and become a hero? A Heisman Trophy winner? A President? Ernie Davis' life history is germane to the history being made by Barack Obama today.

Some stories must be told. Catch The Express!

Viewing this inspirational tale though a prism of our current, "take off the gloves" angry mentality that some people are expressing right now at this very second about Barack Obama are some of the same exact feelings expressed in reaction to Ernie Davis being the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. Those old racist feelings of days gone by seem to mirror the irrational resistance to Barack Obama that we're witnessing today.

This picture was worth every penny of my hard earned (but depleting in value) cash. As a son, brother, citizen, uncle, and most importantly as a teacher I was pleased that I'd plopped my overworked underpaid butt down at my local megaplex. It was worth it for the history lesson alone. As an avid amateur sports historian who's read a sports page everyday since I could read, I was shocked that I had never heard of Ernie Davis until now. For the record, I grew up despising the Browns.

Some stories are not told because they are the too truthful. Catch The Express! It is a must see.

Growing up in a typical rust belt city like Toledo, Ohio, we were taught that everyone in America was and is equal. But I never had a Black classmate in grade school. I was never taught about the great Cleveland Browns running back known as The Elmira Express and how he was drafted by the NFL but never made it onto a professional field because tragedy struck the star before he ever got his chance to shine.

I didn't know that the myth of equality taught in school was just that... a myth.

Ernie Davis, among countless other African Americans from generations past, have already shattered and crossed color lines time and time again but Barack Obama and his supporters find themselves up against some of the same types of fear, hatred, and bigotry once again.

The Express once again proved to me that history never dies.

Right now, in this very pregnant moment in American history, we must all embrace our differences in order to change, grow, and learn as a country. We must overcome our past and seize this moment which has been thrust upon us and not let anyone throw it away or steal our history. If you have a friend or family member who is still afraid of facing change and is reluctant to move forward and cross the color line then take them to see The Express. It will help them look back and understand that we've already been here so many times before.

We've been duped. By the news media, by politicians, and by false promises of movie makers. We've all trusted those slick studio trailers designed by Ivy League marketeers who can manipulate our emotions. We've believed boatloads of charming celebrity pitches on Letterman between witty jokes and repartee only to walk out halfway through another disappointing movie scratching our heads asking why we went to see that piece of junk. But this story - steeped in history - has risen up and piqued my jaded interest and found my shrinking but surprisingly vulnerable sweet spot. I think it is my soul. Something from the past triggered that little voice inside my brain and kept telling me to go see this incredible true story about football hero Ernie Davis.

There it is again. Catch the Express! Did you hear it? Don't be left behind standing at the station.

Besides, my team has a bye week.
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A Heartfelt Story, but Only a Decent Movie
milo-586-7546197 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The Express is a movie able to make the viewer feel both inspired and saddened by Ernie Davis' story. However, there are many minor cinematic errors that inhibit The Express from becoming a truly great movie. Ernie Davis' story is really quite spectacular, being one of the greatest college football players of all time, overcoming racism, being the first black man to win The Heisman Trophy, and dying at a far too young age. The Express depicts these events and issues with emotion and sincerity. With some elite acting, a well-developed story, and lovable characters The Express is able to cover up some of the abundant cinematic mistakes that plague the film.

When viewing The Express one thing is absolutely undeniable, Dennis Quaid's performance as Coach Schwartzwalder is absolutely spectacular, and he really carries the movie as a result. While most of the actors in the movie are able to deliver their lines with emotion and sincerity, Dennis Quaid demonstrates his ability to truly become the character he is supposed to be, using actions and facial expressions. Through his near perfect performance he is able to cover up many of the amateur acting mistakes Rob Brown makes. Brown looks like Ernie Davis physically, but when he delivers his lines it lacks a certain emotion that is really needed, especially dealing with issues as vast as racism in sports in the late 1950s.

The storyline of Ernie Davis' life is incredible within itself. The way The Express tells the story keeps the viewer intrigued in what is going to happen, even when they know how the movie must end. Gary Fleder (the director) is able create a vital emotional attachment to most of his characters. Due to the back-stories of the characters, such as Ernie's childhood experience of running away from a group of white boys who want to beat him up for being African American, the viewer will be drawn into loving the entire Syracuse football team, thus caring about what happens to each of the characters as the story progresses.

Although there are all these triumphs in the way The Express is told that makes it a fun story to watch, as a movie it is not anything particularly incredible. The most substantial issue with this flick is the fact that is actually too flashy. Throughout many scenes there is so much going on technically (with oddly chosen effects or an over-abundance of background music) that it inhibits the storyline from progressing in a sensible pace. The scenes in which football games were actually depicted were prime examples of this, and while it could be due to an attempt by Gary Fleder to make the viewer see how much better Ernie was than the other players in an artistic way, personally, I saw it distracting when trying to understand Ernie's talent on the field. The same was true with the background noise at some point. Again, on the football field powerful noise is needed, but off the field, in the locker room or at school the ambient noise was rather distracting and hurt the dialogue greatly.

The Express is an inspirational movie that makes the viewer cheer and cry, but as a film it lacks in multiple technical areas.
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Maybe I'm too picky?
rgtullus31 January 2021
I'm sorry, but I got less than halfway through the movie before giving up on it and coming here. Maybe I'll read the book, because I love stories of triumph over cultural sins, but I simply cannot watch a movie so poorly acted. To the people saying the acting is anywhere from good to superb, I'm sorry, what? Were we watching the same film? I can only assume that the accolades for the acting quality comes from people whose taste is more Hallmark Movie Channel or Lifetime Network. This movie felt very much like a made for TV movie, from the acting to the rushed story, to the awful soundtrack. I'm sorry, this movie just doesn't make the cut.
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