Room 6 (2006) Poster


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A decent yet unmemorable film
charlene_boyle20 June 2006
Overall this wasn't a horrible film, but wasn't overly impressive either. This film had some interesting parts and ideas to it. The demons were done quite nicely. It kinda reminded me of a badly made Stephen King made for TV movie. I enjoyed the actors in this film, though not real sure what Jerry O'Connell was thinking when he signed on to this movie, he's much better as a comic actor such as in "Kangaroo Jack". There was several scenes where i'm not quite sure what the director was thinking when he added them other then he just wanted to get some T&A included in the film. It wasn't overly scary, my 4 year old son watched it and didn't blink an eye if that tells you anything. It is however worth watching if your bored and have nothing else to do or watch, just don't have high expectations for the film and you'll enjoy it.
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Another new horror movie ruined by the ending
Milo-Jeeder24 May 2007
When it comes to horror flicks, I'm a nice guy. I am not too picky and I have a very high tolerance for cheesiness and things that make little sense. With "Room 6", I was willing to leave aside the unintentional funny moments and the occasional bad acting, but, unfortunately, the ending just ruined the whole thing, and this is not exclusive of this particular movie. Horror films that came out during the last five years (or so) appear to follow the same trend: a lot of intriguing things happen during 80 minutes and, then, towards the last minutes, something extremely stupid ruins what, at first sight, seemed like a decent flick.

In "Room 6", a young school teacher named Amy, finds herself struggling with very unpleasant circumstances, after a tragic car accident she suffers with her boyfriend, Nick. Amy, who has a phobia of hospitals, decides to face her aversion and looks for her boyfriend... except, the doesn't even know where he is. Right after the accident, Nick was mysteriously taken by two ambulance workers, who refused to give Amy any information about where they would take Nick. Desperate and with no one else to turn to, the young school teacher, hopelessly tries to find her boyfriend in a strange reality, full of people who seem to be hiding something from her and some weird demons on the loose. Simultaneously, another young man named Lucas, who was involved in the same car accident, finds himself in a similar situation and decides to team up with Amy in a search that makes them experience some of the most bizarre circumstances.

I actually believe the story is not all that bad, the problem is that the execution was terribly done. First of all, there are things that simply don't have and explanation and they only add confusion to a simple story that doesn't need all these "comes and goes" that lead to nothing. Also, even though the two leading actors are fairly respected (Christine Taylor and Jerry O'Conell), their acting just seemed... off. Ellie Cornell was the best thing about this film and not only because of her acting, but also because her character, a low-class and foul-mouthed trailer-trash woman, works as some kind of comedic relief.

"Room 6" is not unwatchable, if anything, it is worth the watch, at least to enjoy some eerie moments and creepy imagery, but, in the end, it's just one of those frustrating flicks that leave you thinking "Aw, well, this could have been a decent flick, if they had done [...] instead of [...]".
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Room 6? More Like Room Sucks...
gavin69427 December 2006
A woman and her boyfriend get into a car accident. After the man is taken by ambulance to an unknown location, the woman (Christine Taylor) goes on a hunt to find him along with her new friend (Jerry O'Connell) -- along the way encountering demons for some reason.

I am sad to report that Christine Taylor makes for a very weak leading lady. I loved her in "Dodgeball" and "My Name is Earl", but for some reason she comes across as very flighty here (more in the first half than in the second). Is she not capable of drama? Is acting scared just not something she can do? I don't know, but I was let down. (I'm still jealous of Ben Stiller for having such a hot wife, though.) The early parts of the film are very tedious. There is lots of empty, repetitive dialogue (both in the opening hospital scene, and shortly after when Amy is getting picked up from school). The less each person says, the better the scenes are in this movie. Unfortunately, in the first ten minutes no one will shut up long enough to let the movie have a solid start. (The phrase "I'm awake" probably is said no less than twenty-five times in the first five minutes.) What I found also odd was that although the makeup was decent (the demons looked like demons), the special effects were not very impressive. Rather than use a trick syringe for an injection, for example, they slid the syringe under the sleeve of a patient. Maybe I'm picky and the average viewer wouldn't notice, but I felt cheated.

Now, the scenery was nice. The abandoned hospital, the ambulances, the demons. There is a scene with vampire lesbians (or something like that) which I thought was quite alright, although it was more of a tease than anything.

Somebody decided to cast Jerry O'Connell, and I'd like to know whom that was. In all fairness, Jerry was a better actor in this film than Christine Taylor. But he just calls to mind crappy films like "Tom Cats" and the show "Sliders". I like Sliders, but this guy is a cheesy actor. He's right up there with Brendan Fraser. His very presence makes a movie's suck factor increase. This one was no exception.

Horror icon Kane Hodder (better known as Jason Voorhees) shows up to be a demon bum. I enjoyed seeing Kane Hodder, but the part was not important and could have been played by pretty much anyone. (And really, if you're casting for a bum, get someone who's bum-looking, not a weightlifter.) I will give the Best Actress award in this film to the little girl named Melissa (played by Chloe Moretz). She actually had my full attention when she was on the screen, like everything she said or did was crucial. Excellent. Moretz is becoming what I would call "the Dakota Fanning of horror", because she seems to be the person you call when you need a little girl. (Moretz has so far also appeared in "Wicked Little Things" and "Amityville Horror".) My biggest problem with this movie, besides the poor acting and weak production value, was I was constantly asking myself: did any of this add up? Demons, lesbian vampires, a hospital that doesn't exist, ambulances that steal loved ones. The film makes some attempt to explain this, but that attempt is incredibly weak and I was left trying to piece things together. But I felt like I opened a 500-piece puzzle and 700 pieces fell out. What the heck? 2006 has offered some quality horror films. "Slither", "Feast" and "Saw 3" just to name some off the top of my head. "Room 6" is not one of them, so unless you spend most of your free time watching really crappy movies (like I obviously do), don't pick this one up.
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Room 6: Called the ending, in the first 5 minutes
Platypuschow29 January 2024

A schoolteacher with a phobia of hospitals finds herself searching for her boyfriend inside one while teaming up with a man suffering the same ordeal that she's in.


Christine Taylor leads, Jerry O'Connell supports, Chloë Grace Moretz comes along for the ride and we even get a short appearance from Kane "Jason Voorhees" Hodder.


I boo-booed, see I'd already seen this years ago but when movie night rolled around I picked this as my choice as I didn't remember it. By the time I realized it was too late and I didn't want to turn the movie off as my other half was invested.

Alike the first time I called the "Twist" in the first 5 minutes and that's no exaggeration. And it's not just the predictability that's the problem, it's "That" twist the one which is in a frustrating number of horror films and leaves you feeling cheated at the end.

The journey? Incoherent, random sequences, nothing flowing, nothing making sense and both O'Connell and Taylor come across very much like they're phoning their performances in and just don't want to be there. I'd argue Moretz delivers the best performance in the movie and she's a child here.

Messy, unsatisfying, brings little to the table and insults you with its finale.


No spoilers here but the "Twist" that I speak of is what I like to call the Dallas effect. It's a slap in the face to the viewer, and should never be put to screen let alone the amount that it is. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've easily seen this trope 100+ times. Enough is enough, it's unforgivable at this stage.


Decent cast Kane Hodder is always appreciated Story is a mess Never feels like it gets going Twist is insulting and predictable.
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Total waste of time
mrlins16 June 2006
I've watched a fair amount or horror movies and I know that a lot of them don't amount to much. Either they're not scary enough - sometimes to the point of being ridiculous and funny - or they're just lacking logic. What's the point of a complex and confusing story if the viewer never gets the answers? Also, there is a misconception that people watching horror movies (teenagers if you ask the studios) don't really care about cinematography, lighting etc. This is of course plain wrong. The classic horror movies are not scary only because of the visual effects etc but because of a skillful use of the mentioned qualities as well as music and tempo. Room 6 fails completely by these standards and is just a total waste of time (and money). There's no point to the story at all and it qualifies as one of the worst horror movies I have ever seen. It contains a beginning without intrigue (you're ready to switch off after 15 min), a middle with scary zombie looking people that appear here and there just to be scary, a lead character that spends most of the film running around screaming and an end that makes an embarrassing attempt to bring some logic to the story (and fails utterly). Why is it that studios invest in scripts like this one when there are so many talented young filmmakers out there with actual stories to tell?!? Don't watch this one - if you want to see something scary, just watch "The Ring" or something over again or better yet, a classic Hitchcock!
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Make it stop!!! Please!!!
myuglylady22 August 2006
OMG! I'm gonna make it quick: 99% of the movie is Amy(Christine Taylor) screaming(very annoying). Her acting(Christine Taylor's) is so bad that I kept having the feeling to fast-forward the film just to see how it ended. Also the running scenes with Amy were more like a silly kind of dance. Her running scenes, along with the father-daughter's scene were the worst scenes i have ever seen on a movie(I'm not kidding). Well, I guess the monster make-up wasn't so bad although it looked like they stole them from other movies(That were obviously better than this one). The best scene so far was the one where the nurses make-out(REALLY HOT), but it still doesn't make-up for watching 90 minutes more of the film. Overall, i suggest you save your time and watch any other movie.
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awful!!!! don't waste your time on this!
yvonneaharvell16 June 2006
This had to be one of the worst films I've ever seen. A woman who has delusional visions of devilish ( awful makeup) people, an accident that causes more of these weird visions.

The acting was poor , the script was even worse than the acting. The plot was convoluted and Where the name room 6 came in I don't know.

This could have been a good film as the premise was a good one but alas It was a total waste of my time. I sat through it until the end hoping that something good would be shown. It wasn't. I don't think this will make it to TV let alone video. The title is the only thing it has going for it and it has nothing to do with the film.

Some films are so bad that they are good. This isn't one of them. I wouldn't pay to see this in a cinema or on video. I'm even embarrassed to say I watched it.
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It could be a lot better
vichyka15 June 2006
Well, somehow this movie didn't convince me. Poor direction, predictable story and the actors didn't perform as great as they could. It's about a woman who has delusions and hallucinations throughout the whole movie. She and her boyfriend have a car crash and then her boyfriend is taken to a hospital. But which one? The doctors didn't say anything. She calls all hospitals in the area but all of them claim that her boyfriend isn't there. Is he maybe in some hospital that does not exist anymore?

Anyways, you won't miss a thing if you decide not to watch this movie. The title "Room 6" has nothing to do with the story. So don't let it deceive you. It sure deceived me.
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So Bad It Scared Me!
silverrain-46 July 2006
OK, someone help me with this one. In this day and age, with the technology and acting talent we have, how can movies like this still hit the streets? This attempt at movie-making is a classic example of why there should be some formal rating standard for movies in order to scrap them before they are released on an unsuspecting public. A public who pays good money and are then fed this complete and utter drivel. Did the makers of this swill honestly think they were onto something good? I do not think there is a single aspect of this movie that falls under the heading of either "skill", "talent", or "professionalism". I have never seen such amateurish, stilted and wooden acting, such a lame, predictable story, or such misplaced characters who seem to spend their entire time waiting for prompts. Simply a terrible and diabolically shameful attempt at making a movie under the guise that it will somehow entertain an audience. Watch it for novelty value and to see that there are still amateurs loose in the film world. A full ZERO out of ten. If the makers of this crud read this, guys, please, please, PLEASE do not EVER give up your day jobs! Many of us like B movies, but when did Z-movies come out?
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Room 6
Scarecrow-8814 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Amy Roberts(Christine Taylor)is having recurring nightmares where a surgeon and staff are about to make an incision while she's still awake, and the faces and event are so real. Boyfriend Nick(Shane Brolly)finally pops the big question but she's late for work, and this unresolved answer(..if she'll marry him)will have to wait until after school(..she's a school teacher). Amy is incredibly afraid of hospitals and this fear derives from a tragic incident when she was a child regarding the death of her pops. A child plagued with terrifying nightmares, Melissa Norman(Chloe Moretz), in her class might have the answer to halt the dreams tormenting Amy..Melissa's artistic renderings of those nightmarish faces troubles Amy, demonic and grotesque. After school, Amy and Nick are driving home when a truck smashes into their SUV causing a massive collision..left with a broken leg, Nick is taken away by rude, inhospitable paramedics and Amy left concerned about which hospital he would be going. Lucas Dylan(Jerry O'Connell), the other driver, whose sister is also hurt and taken to a hospital of unknown origin, will accompany Amy as they search for the whereabouts of their loved ones. Meanwhile, Amy begins seeing demonic faces of her own, many carrying an exact likeness to those horrifying drawings painted by Melissa. We also follow Nick, who is trapped in a hospital with a weird, intimidating staff, and nervous, frightened patients who are reluctant to answer his probing questions about the mysterious behavior of those in charge of their well being.

I'm in the minority regarding this movie, because I thought it was an unsettling, rather creepy little demonic thriller, with terrific make-up effects from Robert Hall and his Almost Human team. I thought the demons were genuinely frightening, and provide a real sense of dread as Amy confronts opposing forces who want her soul. The Rosemary's Hospital is quite a spooky setting and it's back story heightens the terror, while also providing answers to what Amy is up against..a battle, or test, facing a past decision regarding her father's death that has lingered over the years, and overcoming this by confronting it will be the only way of escaping those who desire for her to "join them." The theme is really traditional "good vs evil" subject matter with Amy's soul hanging in the balance. Renowned camera operator Raymond Stella learned a lot from working with Dean Cundy, as cinematographer really creating a disquieting atmosphere within the hospital(..the way the lights flicker on and off; how disconcerting, empty, and dark the halls are). Within the film, Amy does have help(..ambiguously presented by certain characters who somehow know her name, like the taxi driver)in discovering the history of Rosemary's hospital in pursuit of saving Nick, while the evil forces always try to thwart her mission. Nick also finds himself pitted against the forces of darkness, trying to uncover the mystery behind the hospital he's stuck in, while also attempting to understand the aggressive and off-putting nature of the staff. Why do they take so much blood, and where are they when he needs them? Director Michael Hurst creates a state of unease for Amy and from the moment she leaves the wreck, the film remains surreal and strange, a world in purgatory as she attempts to find Nick, a spiritual struggle to the very end. Flashy role for Ellie Cornell(Halloween IV)as a disgruntled, acid-tongued white trash mother of Melissa who doesn't appreciate Amy's attempts at "headshrinking" her daughter. Kane Hodder has a terrific cameo as a bum who attempts to attack Amy, and gets into a violent scuffle with Lucas. O'Connel, as Lucas, is able to create an air of mystery despite conveying a very comforting and supportive friend to Amy, who certainly needs one. The climax in the hospital is a doozy, particularly when Amy must face the spirits of burn victims and killer nurses after her as she searches for Nick. The computer effects aren't as effective as the make-up prosthetic work, but I felt they aren't a really heavy burden on the movie overall. Cool factoid..the boiler scene where Amy squares off with a demon harassing her was in fact the very room where NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET was shot. The film does seem reminiscent to JACOB'S LADDER in it's spiritual theme and discomforting nightmarish scenario(..though, this film doesn't quite reach it in overall quality).
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Useless, pointless, just plain stupid
bamoo828 December 2006
Nough said

Don't waste your time

The movie ,a part of it being without any acceptable story, was full of small but ridiculous mistakes anyone would notice even if he had no idea about hospitals

first, the nurses were placing the 5 cm needle perpendicular to the skin which was impossible do be done with out hitting the bone or injuring the deep arteries, the needle should be as horizontal as possible the reach the vein second, the nurse after taking the needle full of blood , she turns around , changes the angle and there it is, empty

third, any drug causing muscle paralysis should paralyze the respiratory muscles as well , causing death in less than 3 minute without artificial help

and lastly , what's with the abdominal incision? are they going to drink his gall bladder or something , ridiculous.

even the nude scene with the nurses, so pathetic , they go "Oh , we have nothing to show in our stupid movie , so let's show some tits"

trust me, if you have high blood pressure , you do not want to see this movie
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Not bad at all
xinthesilencex13 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A pretty good attempt at horror/mystery. Thriller; whatever you wanna call it. The premise is this: a woman (Amy) with a phobia-like fear of hospitals is forced to confront her 'demons', so to speak, when she and her boyfriend get into a car accident. While she seems to be fine, her boyfriend suffers a broken leg, and a mysterious ambulance takes him (as well as the other driver's sister) to a hospital. Only they don't tell her or the other woman's brother WHICH hospital.

In Amy's search for her boyfriend, we find out about a terrifying secret from her past. One that I won't reveal here. The scenes in the hospital are genuinely creepy, and as the movie progresses, Amy's outside world fades more and more into an unforgiving place. In the end, she is forced to face overwhelming guilt, and overcomes it, just in time for twist ending that will make you think.

I think the thing that might bug people about this movie is that not everything is explained. And while certain scenes DO seem out of place, the overall theme remains recognizable throughout. At it's core it is about guilt; what we blame ourselves for, and how much of that blame we actually deserve.
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Very much worth the price
SeptumSin16 December 2007
Well I was in the local game story and looking through the movies and I see this movie with a $1.99 price tag and say "Well this movie has to be worth at least the $1.99 that I pay for it" I'll admit oddly that I was right.

As horror movies go this is definitely an enjoyable watch with some creepy moments that are definitely worth a peek. This movie is much like the movie Sublime about a creepy ghost hospital that takes it's victims away and never gives them back.

There is a fairly good deal of acting and anyone that sees this should be truly creeped out. I say spend your 2-5 on this movie it is worth that much at least.
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Omg...Turn Away Nowwwww....
fjames-4645619 June 2021
I should've listened to the other reviewers....turn away and don't press the play button! Just bad...the plot is ridiculous. No horror..just in acting and script.
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Awful, awful movie
j-bredman25 July 2006
I just finished watching this movie, and I decided to register with IMDb JUST to warn other people not to watch this movie.

My girlfriend is a production designer, just finished her school and I can say first-year students movies are better than this one. Technically its nothing (lighting doesn't fit, clichés all over the place, but very badly done and strange shots that don't make any sense) and the script doesn't make ANY sense (the characters don't have any motivation to act like they do, even the main characters) and the acting is VERY bad.

Like the previous commentator, I like watching bad movies when I'm bored, and I enjoy them. But this movie was just too awful to be even interesting..

So, if you want to spend some time watching a cliché yet OK B-movie, go watch a cliché B-movie. Just don't waste your time on this one..
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Could have been much better..
l3pyr22 August 2006
As the trailer shows, a woman and her boyfriend get into a car accident after which he is whisked away by unknown paramedics to an unknown hospital. From there the movie can be broken down in 2 major parts. For the first hour of the movie she struggles to find where he's being held and some haunting memories of hers are alluded to. The rest of the movie is comprised of her having to face her dark past if she wants to save her boyfriend from an uncertain fate. I say uncertain because the immediate danger to him is never made clear. The whole movie lacks the sense of desperation and urgency that horror movies depend on. It really felt like everyone involved was merely going through the motions in front of the camera. I never got attached to any of the characters. There is a twist at the end that should invoke an emotional response from the viewer but I felt nothing. The direction and camera work is lackluster, as is the make-up and special effects. The entire thing has a made for TV feeling attached to it, which isn't surprising given the cast. There are plenty of moments where the viewer is supposed to jump out of their seat but they are executed so poorly that I found myself looking at the flaws in the make-up and totally detached from the story. Believe me though, this isn't the worst movie ever made. I'd call it a good idea in a mediocre movie. You won't hate yourself for watching it, but there's plenty of better movies to watch first. Oh, and I love nudity as much as any other man but the one nude scene in the movie is so out of place I actually wish it had been taken out.

5/10 -- Mediocre
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move along,nothing to see here
disdressed1212 December 2007
as far as horror movies go,this one has nothing new.and the movie is pretty slow,but not as slow as some.for awhile the movie was just that,a slow horror movie.but then it degenerates into some absurd subplots that have no point to the movie.the acting becomes laughable,and the movie joins it.there's some completely pointless female nudity/lesbian/vampire scenes,which scream porno,in my mind.Christine Taylor,the lead actress,was OK,but nobody else really was.and calling this a horror movie is a big's not scary in the's also predictable for the most part.i also think it should have ended way before it for the ending,i didn't like was pointless,but that fit well with the rest of the movie.the only reason i don't give this movie a 1 or even a 0 is because i've seen many movies worse than this.i give Room 6 a 3/10
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One of the most annoying horror films
guinnesswench25 June 2021
Seriously, a lot of useless running and very annoying scream at least one per minute. Bad acting. Surprisingly weak considering there are quite a few well-known faces.
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Keep the door of Room 6 locked.
USBeerDrinkingTeam18 July 2006
This movie is what's wrong with horror films today. It opens by showing our "hero" laying on a gurney in the operating room with her eyes wide open, trying to alert the surgical team that she is awake, though she can't speak or move. That's a good start, but the movie only goes downhill from there. The main character is a female teacher with an immense (and unexplained) fear of hospitals. As her boyfriend takes her to work one morning, they're in a car accident where he injures his leg. An ambulance comes and takes him to the hospital, but the paramedics don't tell her which one they're taking him to. She begins seeing strange faces everywhere she turns, something like those in "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." She must confront her fear and locate him because she's certain something very bad is happening.

The movie appears to be one that was about halfway through being made when they realized that they didn't have any kind of reasonable (in horror movie reasoning) ending, so they went ahead and ended it as quickly as possible with a cliché you've probably seen many times if you are a fan of the genre. The effects are fairly well done in most cases, but nothing you haven't seen elsewhere. Go ahead and look in another room, because what's locked behind the door of Room 6 isn't worth knowing.
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Promising Story, Bad Acting, Disappointing Conclusion
claudio_carvalho26 January 2008
The school teacher Amy (Christine Taylor) has been proposed by her boyfriend Nick (Shane Brolly) early in the morning and she promises her answer later in the afternoon. After her class, while coming back home, Nick has a car accident in a crossroad with a truck driven by Lucas Dylan (Jerry O'Connell). He breaks his leg and an ambulance takes him to the hospital. Amy has phobia with hospitals, but she gets a taxi and goes to the nearest hospital. However, Nick is not there, and she meets Lucas, who is also looking for his sister that has disappeared in the same weird circumstance. They decide to team up and search together where the victims might have been interned, while Amy experiences the most bizarre and scary situations.

"Room 6" is a movie with a promising story, bad acting and a very disappointing conclusion. The idea is not totally bad, in spite of using a rip-off of "Jacob's Ladder", with a troubled woman having to confront with her innermost fears to resolve her traumas and phobias to go peacefully to another life. I have startled many times, reason why I did not totally dislike this flick. However, the screenplay uses lots of unexplained and unnecessary situations just to mislead the viewer, like for example, the girl Melissa Norman, the nurses drinking blood or even the nightmare of Amy with the mysterious St. Rosemary's Hospital in the very beginning. The performances of Christine Taylor, Shane Brolly and Jerry O'Connell are terrible, and the lead actress spends a great part of the film with the most dreadful and annoying screams. Consequently the direction is not good. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Quarto Seis" ("Room Six")
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Created an IMDb account simply to review this
terrextv13 May 2020
This has got to be one of the stupidest movies ever made. I literally created this account just to review Room 6 because it took one of my favorite underrated actresses, Christine Taylor and plonked her into this unintelligible mess. The wafer-thin plot seems to be the first draft of a horror movie that the writers simply did not want to finish writing. There is some ridiculous 60 seconds of nudity thrown in, just to assure you that this was indeed made in Weinstein's Hollywood. Christine Taylor plays a grade school teacher with a phobia of hospitals. For someone we are supposed to empathize with, the script makes her act pretty darn callous where her boyfriend is concerned. However, that changes when he is supposedly hospitalized after an accident but can't be found. Chloe Grace Moretz, another one of my favorites, plays a student who has a connection to the supernatural. Great acting in a limited role in a terrible movie. Random inexplicable behavior by random actors in bit parts make this film especially irritating. Wow. So this is my hate-review of Room 6. At least I now have an IMDb account to make up for the time lost in watching this garbage. Avoid like the coronavirus!
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What the hell was that?!
NotAFakeReviewer7 September 2020
Its like they pulled plot points out of a hat and rammed them all together to try and make a story. Its madness on par with David Cages Fahrenheit game (Indigo Prophecy)

I've never been so bemused by a movie. Its one of the best goodbad movies I've ever seen.

Its schizophrenic and insane and genius, its got all the fun of a movie you'd get from poundland but also big budget production values and some valiant C list actors. Jerry O'Connell seems to know he's in a no win situation and tries to get through with a ham performance whereas Christine Taylor tries to be serious. They're both fine and without them this film would fall apart quicker.

Its awful but watch it. You'll be entertained
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A nifty supernatural horror mood piece
Woodyanders9 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Troubled young schoolteacher Amy Roberts (a sound and sympathetic performance by the lovely Christine Taylor) and her nice fiancé Nick (likable Shane Bolly) get into a car accident. Nick gets whisked away to a nearby hospital. Amy tries to find Nick to no avail. Assisted by the friendly Lucas Dylan (an appealing turn by Jerry O'Connell), Amy discovers that Nick was taken to a mysterious hospital called St. Rosemary's that burned down a long time ago. Can Amy and Lucas save Nick from this hellish place? Director/co-writer Mike Hurst relates the compellingly vague and spooky premise at a deliberate pace and does an expert job of gradually building a genuinely eerie, unsettling and disorienting atmosphere which becomes more increasingly freaky and nightmarish as the narrative progresses towards its nerve-jangling conclusion. The fine acting from a capable cast helps a lot: Taylor and Bolly make for engaging leads, O'Connell does well in a change-of-pace straight role, plus there's excellent support from Chloe Moretz as helpful little girl Melissa Newman, Mary Pat Gleason as the stern, fearsome Nurse Holiday, Ellie Cornell as Melissa's scruffy white trash mother Sarah, Kane Hodder as a nasty, menacing homeless guy, Lisa Ann Walter as the mean, sarcastic Sergeant Burch, and Marshall Bell as Amy's sickly dad. Raymond Stella's slick, shadowy cinematography, Joe Kraemer's shivery score, and the clammy, claustrophobic hospital setting all further enhance the flesh-crawling weirded-out mood. Moreover, the resolution at the very end is surprisingly poignant. A pleasingly creepy fright feature.
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An amazing film!
jamefootball20 April 2007
i'm not going to go on and say it is the best film ever made because it clearly is not, but i do feel this film has a lot to offer to the audience. the acting in some places was not quite of Hollywood standards neither was the special effects but i feel all of this fit in perfectly with the story and had the impact on the audience that was intended.

Overall the story was quite unrealistic but this is what makes a good film, the actors could have portrayed their respective characters a little better but they did a good job overall. the film is not a must see but is one that is worth a look, it is enjoyable and is very good for a low budget film.
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room 6
kairingler23 July 2007
well i'm not quite actually sure about this one folks...... i think that they had a really good idea behind the movie, i liked the car crash scene, but the zombies , the way they looked well i've seen a lot better from other horror movies, the story well let's just say that it could have been better, i think the ending sucked. the main character was way too squeamish for my tastes. there are worse movies out there, except this one left the viewer, me,,, with more questions than answers, and i really don't care for a movie that does that. i did like the boiler room scenes i thought they were very stylish, and in the special features on the DVD, they mention that it was the same boiler room that was used in the original nightmare on elm st. so basically i've seen a lot better,, this movie basically deals with angels, demons, heaven , hell, and pergatory,, the part where something in her childhood happened to her when she was 12, about her father was brilliant ,, but not how they did it in the end i thought.
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