Hell's Kitchen (TV Series 2005– ) Poster

(2005– )

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Good show for what it's intended to be.
Lennacs17 January 2009
This is not a creative cooking contest. It's not supposed to be. If you want a show where the chefs get to display their culinary ingenuity, hit up Top Chef or Iron Chef, etc. That being said, this is a great show if you take it as is: it's about people getting yelled at by Chef Ramsay for not working and cooking his way. The chefs are not there show that they have their own style of doing things, but to prove they can survive the stress of working in one of Ramsay's kitchens.

I'm a fan of both Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen. When I want to see innovative new dishes and salivate over the deliciousness on the TV screen, I watch Top Chef. When I want to watch people get yelled at (and live vicariously through Chef Ramsay because who wouldn't want to get paid to yell at people for doing dumb things? C'mon, admit it, there are people you work with who you'd love to yell at...), I watch Hell's Kitchen.

Enjoy it for what it is. Don't bash it for not being something else.
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hopjopper18 August 2015
What is it about watching others cop it and suffer, and enjoying every moment of it? What is it about human behavior enjoying other humans in difficult and miserable positions suffering?

What is it about taking enjoyment from watching others fall and suffer and fail and having a laugh at it like a king from a high seat ordering the death of his jester because he failed to entertain him and instead deriving pleasure from seeing the fear and panic on the face of the jester once you given him the death sentence because he failed to entertain you any other way

This is hell kitchen, the feel good show from other peoples sufferings and misery and pain.

We are evil people, truly we are evil at heart may God help us all
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Where do they get these contestants?
DKosty12310 August 2007
As a rule I am not a fan of reality TV. What makes this show go with me is Gordon Ramsey. He is very very good at his role on this.

Where do they get these contestants? I don't think any of the ones on the latest installment should win anything. I'd think there must be better people than this show comes up with.

The best on the show usually gets tossed & some of the worst I could do more around the kitchen than these losers & it has been 30 years since I was a hospital short order cook!

We have princesses who want run a place but have no ambition to do any labor themselves. We have ego maniacs who think they are the world when I can't even understand why they even qualify to collect garbage. I am Glad when Ramsey lashes into them.

At least when Ramsey gets rid of some these losers, he doesn't always say "this is a tough decision." That is because sometimes it is a no Briney.

Still, I do find enjoyment in watching Ramsey go through these paring them down to find a winner. Wish they can find him better candidates in future seasons.

"Get out of Hell's Kitchen!" If you don't like that concept, then go cook for yourself. I may not have cooked for many years, but I never took food out of the garbage.
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Two things you need to know about the show
sj257121 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
These are not spoilers, but my personal opinion: (1) The guests have been invited to eat in the restaurant, possibly without having to pay, and knowing full well that they may not get their meal and that they are being filmed for a TV show. (2) Gordon's history and reputation has been briefed to the cooks, so know what they signed up for and how he will treat them. They then agree to appear on the show anyway.

So, don't feel sorry for either when watching -- they all know what they're in for. Some people here have commented that the show is fake and so on, but it's really just due to the two items above that make it feel that way.
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I love this show BUT I would NEVER eat the food!
BellaStaar7 August 2019
I've seen too many contestants touch their hair, faces, clothing etc. and then immediately begin touching and cooking food.... And the sweat! It makes me wonder if I ever want to go to any restaurant again...
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Stupid but oh so watchable
iambicmidgit24 July 2006
What's been already said here pretty much wraps it up, but i wanted to throw in my own two cents for Ramsay. I'm not sure which episodes of which seasons i was watching, but i saw about four, and i wanted to post this simply in defense of "chef." He's really not being such a jerk. Anyone who has had any experience in food AT ALL should be downright shocked that a single one of the contestants considers themselves anywhere remotely near competent. If I'm not mistaken, every one of the contestants has worked in a restaurant or graduated from a cooking school. I'm dumbfounded. These people are absolute, unequivocal, idiots, and the true pleasure of this show (and yes, true pleasure can be found) is in watching them make complete fools of themselves. Ramsay entered into a bad deal when he signed this contract. The prospect of one of these dolts running the restaurant of a serious chef has got to be a painful one for him even if he's making boatloads of cash off of it. He has every reason to yell his head off.
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Love and hate relationship with this show
solanacallaway16 January 2019
Some seasons are good some are bad. I love chef, I just don't love some of the contestants. A little too much sexism for my taste within the contestants but really a guilty pleasure for me.
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The best of the Ramsey Franchise
patrickfilbeck9 November 2021
Gordon Ramsey had done many different shows and concepts on television. This show is his best, even though the quality dropped the latest seasons. Typical Ramsey, good food, a fun concept and only sometimes a bit too harsh. Definitly a watchable show, but of course not a very differentiated or conceptually complex one.
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This show works for one reason...
kemority14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Gordon Ramsay.

You might be thinking "no kidding", but it's not that simple. There are plenty of chefs out there considered "celebrity", and plenty with their own accolades. But without Ramsay's perfect blend of mastery, personality, hilarity, and humanity... this show could not work.

Obviously it's not a real kitchen; it's a soundstage. I'm not sure they COULD do this in a real working kitchen with all the food Ramsay throws on the ground and walls when someone messes up for the 7th time.

During service, Ramsay is one tier above god, with the temper to match when necessary. But he isn't mean just to be mean. He only flips his lid when it's appropriate. During challenges and rewards, he's one happy and funny bloke. My favorite line so far is a tie between 1) when the Jenner's meal was delayed he remarks "I don't want my guests eating on an installment plan." Their reaction was gold. And then when a cook mentioned cameras he barked: "mention a camera one more time and I'll shove a Go-Pro up your a** to show you what s**t you are."

I have two main critiques of HK: 1) When food makes it out into the dining room and is sent back for one issue or another, Ramsay is wrong for then blaming the contestants. Those mistakes are on him, or the Sous Chefs. 2) When certain people are able to skate by either on their cooking alone and/or the ratings their drama brings in. Elise (seasons 9 and 17) had a cancerous attitude. Ramsay isn't looking for a line cook. He's looking for a leader. So "being able to cook" isn't enough. Not all drama is entertaining. (Dis)honorable mentions: Josh, Frank, Russell, Johnny, Paulie, and Jackie.
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Something Smells in the Kitchen
sassycents28 June 2006
I don't understand why people like this show. It is no different from last year. The show is the Chef screaming. Also intimidates everyone that crossed his path. You just do not learn anything. The contestants learn nothing to do with cooking. Running a kitchen maybe, growing very thick skin yes, but cooking No. I know I would not last. I would have already taken a frying pan and knocked Chef Ramsey out. There is no dynamics between any of the contestants. This show needs a good grease fire. Let it burn. OK now I need 10 lines. Besides the food network, if your looking for a good reality cooking show I highly recommend Top Chef.That show is entertaining and they also learn something about cooking.
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First few seasons entertaining, then falls off a cliff
marcos-7393314 June 2021
The first few seasons were engaging and even worthy of binge watching. Then the show nosedived in season 9. Tried to watch season 10 but the constant edits make me dizzy.

It´s as if they hired the dumbest producers and editors they could find starting in season 9. If these people were contestants on the show, they'd be making dishes with 90% salt and hot peppers and 10% actual food.

I thought the show might make a good drinking game, but you'd be falling over even two minutes in. This was the idea: take a swig every time you see or hear:
  • edits after less than 3 seconds (two swigs if less than two seconds)
  • strobe lights
  • dizzying camera pans or zooms
  • obviously coached, overacted reaction shots
  • commentaries that look like they're being read off cue cards
  • loud kettle drums or explosions
  • music louder than the person talking
And as a bonus, finish your glass if a quiet, talented person is sent home.

It´s too bad they ruined the show like this. I was enjoying watching it as a guilty pleasure during my workouts.
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Yes, a Reality Show CAN be entertaining!
ij-holmes9 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hell's Kitchen isn't a show about learning how to cook well. It isn't a How-to show in cooking. The whole appeal is in Gordon Ramsay tearing people apart. Either you enjoy that aspect of the show, or you don't. It's an acquired taste (no pun intended).

Ramsay's purpose is not to teach people how to cook better; he assumes their ability in the cooking department is already exceptional. He is taking them a step further by teaching them to work as a team and, at the end of the season, work in a position of power in the kitchen. The show is very successful when you take into account what it is attempting to do (other than make money, which it is still successful at). It places these already incredible chefs in a situation of becoming more than a great cook, which is why the focus is not on the food but the people.

Without Ramsay, however, this show would be yawn-worthy: he adds a certain spice to it (ok, that was intended) that any other reality/chef show can't hope to compete with. For a reality show, it certainly isn't a disappointing romp, and if you were bored at 9:00 on your Tuesday nights (like me) it certainly had its appeal.
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Exactly what it's meant for
hunnybun-9277418 August 2021
Funny how some of these so called "award winning guest chefs" can't get food names correct, check season 14 episode 4,what chef doesn't know how to say gyro correctly when referring to food.
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Ritual humiliation in a rut
petrocmarr8 February 2021
There is a formula for this show. Pick a group of delusional people who believe they are great chefs, yet lack basic knowledge, such as being able to cook a steak. The greater the levels of hubris and arrogance the better. Because we are in the business of crushing dreams. The further they have to fall the better, our wax winged Icaruses. Add a volatile perfectionist with anger issues. Set the contestants some cooking task, at which most will not succeed. Stand back as each failure ignites the blue touchpaper and sends our perfectionist into an incandescent rage. Admire the Michelin starred fireworks as a tirade of invective humiliates our hapless victim... erm... contestant. Repeat ad nauseam.

I suppose the appeal of the show is the Schadenfreude one feels at watching someone crash and burn, sometimes quite literally as this is a cooking programme. One can but marvel at the remarkable nominative determinism of that shouty force of nature, Gordon Ramsay, his emphatic verbal aggression, not so far removed from the charge of a testosterone maddened ram in rutting season. While that feeling might be enjoyed as a guilty pleasure, it is not an aspect of my character that I would seek to cultivate.
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Put together like trash, but it's top notch guilty pleasure entertainment
liquidcelluloid-119 August 2007
Network: Fox; Genre: Reality, Game; Content Rating: TV-14 (strong language, mostly edited); Perspective: Contemporary (star range: 1 - 4);

Seasons Reviewed: Season 3

Had this been written about season one of "Hell's Kitchen" it would have been a completely different review. Still reeling from the reality series hostile takeover, I was un-amused by British tornado Chef Gordon Ramsey's blood-vessel bursting tantrums over food and sadistic treatment of his would-be chefs. A treatment that was a perfect metaphor for the way Fox was abusing it's own viewers.

But flash-forward to season 3 and Chef Gordon Ramsey and his team of inept contestants have grown on me. "Hell's Kitchen" is every bit a reality show and all that that implies. You've seen it before, but this time in a kitchen. Teams of chefs – divided by gender "Apprentice"-style – live in suites by night and compete in cooking tasks by day. Tasks like designing their own menu, cooking for an elementary school, turning traditional dishes into cuisine or blind taste tests of their palette. Each time a team looses, people are picked to eliminate and Ramsey picks one to be kicked off. And yes, like any reality/competition the most talented contestants are kicked off for something insignificant so that the most interesting personalities can be standing in the final rounds. No doubt, Ramsey is just as shrew about audience interest as Simon Cowell.

But there is a fiendishly entertaining bent to "Kitchen" that only Gordon Ramsey can deliver. A sadism to the high school reminiscent eliminations that is only bubbling cynically under the surface of other reality shows. When Ramsey eliminates people he tells them to "f*** off" then smacks their chef's jacket on a meat hook with a Leatherface-like zeal. It's hard to deny how entertaining it is watching Ramsey scream obscenities at the more inept contestants, shoving food in their face and putting together a string of expletives involving Risotto and Wellington so creative it demands an uncensored DVD release. The show does say a few things about the love and creativity of cooking, but that get pretty buried under it's hyper-sensory reality series excesses. Ramsey has taken this one-note act and spun it into quite a career.

This is not TV for the drive-by viewer looking for something to make them feel good after a day at work. It will be too stressful, too sweat-inducing, too claustrophobic and manipulative. Like any reality show it trusts the audience is stupid and is crammed with unnecessary narration and flashbacks of events we just saw 30 seconds ago. The cooking and elimination action is put together with the ridiculousness of an overblown Michael Bay film, and yet the "world-is-at-stake" action movie music and quick cuts to horrified faces doesn't fail to send up a giddy tickle of guilty pleasure entertainment in my belly.

I wouldn't be surprised to see "Hell's Kitchen" on a list of the worst shows of the year by the HBO-loving, "American Idol" cow-towing media. But I'll take Ramsey's hysterical wrath on inept contestants over reality shows that reach further to mean something any day. This is solid mindless entertainment of the first order.

* * * /4
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Gordon Ramsay The GOAT!
jigp-722001 October 2019
I don't think the show is supposed to be a comedy but each and every episode will have you bursting out laughing. The basis of the show is chefs compete to win a job as head chef at one of Gordon Ramsay's famous restaurants with a hefty salary. Week by week 2 teams are tested with various challenges/dinner services. Losing team has 1 person eliminated each week. Last 2 people compete and Gordon Ramsay selects a winner. I absolutely love this show and you will get hooked on it. I've watched every single season and loved every one. Every season has new contestants so you see some strange and funny characters. Definitely check this show out. It's not your typical cooking show lol. It's a hardcore roasting session for 45 mins a pop. Watch this you won't regret it. Watch this you'll get hooked. IT'S RAW!!!!!! WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE?! Show should win an award for best comedy honestly.
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Could have been interesting
fredrik-josefsson27 October 2009
I sometimes find myself watching the show. I am HOPING that the episode will be an interesting one. But every time it is the same thing. This stupefied overly dramatic setup. They get comments from the chefs who all have smart comments such as "I seriously thought they would FIGHT!", "it was SO sick!", "he was CRAZY!". Various soap drama. All with this high tense music that is supposed to make us all excited and anxious.

But actually, little real action happens. They have edited the show so heavily to make it appear that something exciting happens but it is just the same old petty jealous gossip and backstabbing. The producers thought that they take Gordon Ramsey, call the program Hell's Kitchen, and make something completely WILD. But it's the same setup as we have in Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmare. They edit in every time Gordon gets angry about something and throw in lots of comments from the chefs who often have below-average intelligence.

In any normal job, Gordon's behavior would have been deemed unacceptable and he'd get fired. But OK, it's a show. Will you learn anything from it? Yes I supposed you might get a glimpse of how it can be to work as a chef and of how many ways there are to fail. That's it.

The show would have been much better if they had let their fingers off the editing board a bit and just show what really goes on in the kitchen.
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Entertaining but not as good as Rasmays other show
h_wilson9219 December 2008
I love this show! I have only seen it a few times but I would give it 8 stars cos it was entertaining, was to do with food and actually gave me some cooking lessons.I can see why people dislike Rasmay and if you don't like it just turn the channel.I have to give it 10 lines as a decent review so here it comes Rasmay may swear more than he uses non profane words but he likes to be tough and get the kitchen into the right order.Usually when this show is on there's something on but I watch it during the ad breaks.Rasmay may be hard to please such with quotes as " ITS NON STICK!" slandered at the contestants but he is trying to teach the contestants the right way to make their customers happy.I must admit that this is really funny.If you like a lot of profanity,Gordon Rasmay and food you MUST see this show
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Guilty pleasure done well
rachaelperson18 September 2022
Hell's Kitchen is mindless reality TV entertainment of a pretty high caliber. I know nothing about cooking or the world of professional chefs, but any time this is on I get sucked in. Gordon Ramsay is a large part of why the show works so well. He's not mean in the way Abby Lee Miller is mean. He's mean with a purpose: to bring the best out of contestants. Maybe not always, but a good chunk of the time, at least. The show has the same problems that any reality competition show has, and oftentimes the "drama" seems very clearly constructed by producers. Still, I'd be lying if I said it didn't work.
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Hell Is Only Entertaining When It Is In A Kitchen With A British Guy Who Curses Every Other Word (SPOILERS)
I_Am_The_Taylrus7 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers

It is reality competition month on television and there are a lot of mediocre shows. So You Think You Can Dance, Pirate Master, and a lot more. There are a few good shows, though. On the Lot, and this, Hell's Kitchen, are the best. When I first heard the idea for Hell's Kitchen I thought the premise will never make it. Well, Gordan Ramsey made the show great. He yells every five seconds and swears every two seconds. He makes it so darn entertaining!

Here is the basis. Several amateur shows compete to see who can open a multi-million dollar restaurant. The only problem they face is Gordan Ramsey. Every week they divide into two teams and try to serve people at a real restaurant. Gordan then decides the winning team. The winning team do something fun, while the losers work. One person is eliminated each week until they have a winner, who can open their own restaurant. The first season's winner was this tattooed guy, the second season's winner was Heather.

Overall, this is actually a really fun and tense reality. Dare I say this is one of the best reality shows out there? Okay, I will say it. This is definitely one of the greatest reality shows ever. Not the greatest, but it comes really close. This has what a reality show should have. Exciting moments, tense moments, a winner that deserves to win, and a British guy. Anyway, this is a fantastic reality show.


Recommended Shows: American Idol, America's Got Talent.
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Who In His Right Mind Would Hire an English Chef?
MVictorPjinsiste2 April 2021
This is one of the funniest, yet most dramatic shows around, an exemple of expert edition. I like good trash, and this definitely is.

But, come on, in terms of high cuisine this doesn't fly too high. Since the show's very first episode, the menu at HK's didn't change: Scallops, risotto, Wellington meat etc. One wants to succeed here, he just have to learn to cook these limited dishes to perfection - et voila!

Depending of course what 'perfection' means for an english audience, used to boiled sausages à la menthe. I've got this idea that Mr Ramsey like his meat more done than art would command - but whatever, he gives a heck of a show, and that's why he's still here 19 seasons later.
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A cooking competition with no cooking
adh-0885130 November 2022
I just started watching this late at night. I usually really enjoy cooking shows and contests, like "Top Chef" where there is silly drama, but we see the creations and processes of coming up with and preparing a dish.

This show has none of that, as it is all about the (melo)drama and not the cooking. If you watch one competition until the end when one chef is the winner, you've seen all of the seasons. We see no cooking skills, just the unbelievable repetitiveness of Beef Wellington, halibut, scallops, risotto, lamb and a few other dishes.

We get increasingly ridiculous and mean-spirited "challanges" and punishments that also have nothing to do with cooking, i.e. Shoveling out horse stalls? Really? We watch a bunch of grown people bitching, snarking and throwing tantrums like children, most of which is no doubt scripted. In between that, we have Ramsay's "All of you, get over here! Get out! Oh, come on! IT'S RAW!!" and screaming bleeped curses over and over and over...

I have no idea how this show lasted so long.
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Watching from Season 1 its Evolution is Obvious
icreate-129 March 2021
I hadn't seen the show since the beginning. For me, they've always had professional chefs & cooks competing. Watching season 1, I see that it didn't start out that way. They had a mix of home cooks & very few pros. Then he throws them into a restaurant kitchen to disastrous results.

This probably gave Chef Ramsey the idea to start Master Chef, a competition for home cooks, and made Hell's Kitchen a competition for pros.
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The legend of Chad Gibbs!
twomblywill11 July 2022
Gordon never should have rejected Chad Gibbs on the show like that. And stealing his future recipe for those delicious burgers and fries at all of Gordon's restaurants is so cruel. But, Chad Gibbs is back and better than ever. He his here and has learned from his past. We all know who the real chef is here Gordon.
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You want to look away, but you can't!
Tony-B430 May 2005
Two teams compete for an ultimate prize, but this isn't "Survivor" or "The Apprentice".

The prize is a restaurant for the winner to operate. And Chef Ramsay isn't a mere host like Jeff Probst, nor a hands-off boss like Donald Trump. He's with the contestants all evening, as they attempt to operate their restaurant, "Hell's Kitchen". He serves as the order co-coordinator, with final say on whether dishes are presentable. And if one dish in an order isn't acceptable, back the whole order goes. He grating and foul-mouthed, and almost brings the contestants to tears. He's more drill instructor than chef at times, berating those who aren't performing well. Customers aren't immune to Ramsay's temper; he'll yell and curse at patrons who dare to "speak to the chef".

You feel so bad for those getting the brunt of Ramsay's wrath; you want to look away, but you can't. It's an interesting twist to the elimination-style "reality" show.
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