Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) Poster

Drew Barrymore: Danielle



  • Danielle : [indicating Maurice]  I wish to address the issue of this gentleman. He is my servant, and I am here to pay the debt against him.

    Cargomaster : You're too late, he's bought and paid for.

    Danielle : I can pay you twenty gold francs.

    Cargomaster : Madame, you can have me for twenty gold francs. Now drive on!

    Danielle : I demand you release him at once, or I shall take this matter to the King!

    Cargomaster : The King's the one who sold him. He's now the property of Cartier.

    Danielle : He is not property at *all*, you ill-mannered tub of guts! Do you honestly think it right to chain people like chattel? I demand you release him at once!

    Cargomaster : [shouts]  Get outta my way!

    Henry : [riding up]  You dare raise your voice to a lady, sir?

    Cargomaster : [flustered]  Your Highness! F-forgive me, Sire. I meant no disrespect. It's just, uh... I'm following orders here. It's my job to take these criminals and thieves to the coast.

    Danielle : A servant is not a thief, your Highness, and those who are cannot help themselves.

    Henry : Really! Well then by all means, enlighten us.

    Danielle : If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them?

    [pause, the other courtiers look on approvingly] 

    Henry : Well, there you have it. Release him.

    Cargomaster : But Sire...!

    Henry : I said, release him!

    Cargomaster : Yes, Sire.

    [Maurice is released] 

    Maurice : [to Danielle]  I thought I was looking at your mother!

    Danielle : [sotto voce]  Meet me at the bridge.


    Danielle : Prepare the horses, we will leave at once.

    [to Henry] 

    Danielle : I thank you, your Highness.

  • Danielle : You, sir, are supposed to be charming.

    Henry : And we, princess, are supposed to live happily ever after.

    Danielle : Says who?

    Henry : You know, I don't know.

  • Henry : How do you do it?

    Danielle : What?

    Henry : Live each day with this kind of passion. Don't you find it exhausting?

    Danielle : Only when I am around you. Why do you like to irritate me so?

    Henry : Why do you rise to the occasion?

  • Danielle : A bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?

    Leonardo da Vinci : Then I shall have to make you wings.

  • Danielle : Forgive me, Your Highness, I did not see you.

    Henry : Your aim would suggest otherwise.

  • Danielle : It is not fair, sire. You have found my weakness, but I have yet to learn yours.

    Henry : But I should think it was quite obvious.

  • Danielle : I want you to know that I will forget you after this moment, and never think of you again. But you, I am quite certain, will think about me every single day for the rest of your life.

    Rodmilla : And how long might that be?

    Danielle : All I ask, Your Majesties... is that you show her the same courtesy that she has bestowed upon me.

  • Rodmilla : You are not my problem anymore.

    Danielle : Is that what I am, your problem? I have done everything you've asked me to do and still you deny me the only thing I ever wanted!

    Rodmilla : And what was that?

    Danielle : What do you think? You are the only mother I have ever known. Was there ever a time, even in its smallest measurement, that you loved me at all?

    Rodmilla : How can anyone love a pebble in their shoe?

  • Henry : Hello

    Danielle : Hello. What are you doing here?

    Henry : [sheepishly]  I uh... I came to... rescue you.

    Danielle : Rescue me? A commoner?

    [Danielle starts to walk away] 

    Henry : Actually, I came to beg your forgiveness. I offered you the world and at the first test of honor, I betrayed your trust. Please, Danielle...

    Danielle : [stops, turns around]  Say it again.

    Henry : I'm sorry.

    Danielle : No. The part where you said my name.

    Henry : Danielle.

    [Henry pulls out the missing slipper] 

    Henry : Perhaps you would be so kind as to help me find the owner of this rather remarkable shoe?

    Danielle : Where did you find that?

    Henry : She is my match in every way. Please tell me I haven't lost her.

    Danielle : [sits down]  It belongs to a peasant, Your Highness, who only pretended to be a courtier to save a man's life.

    Henry : Yes, I know. And the name is Henry, if you don't mind.

    [Henry pauses for a bit for getting down on one knee] 

    Henry : I kneel before you not as a prince but as a man in love.

    [Henry precedes to take off one of Danielle's shoes] 

    Henry : But I would feel like a king if you, Danielle de Barbarac, would be my wife.

    [Henry places the slipper onto her foot] 

  • Danielle : Signore, my name is Danielle de Barbarac, and I am but a servant.

    Leonardo da Vinci : Yes, and I'm the bastard son of a peasant. What does that have to do with anything?

  • Gypsy Leader : M'lady, you may have anything you can carry.

    Danielle : [glances at the Prince]  May I have your word on that, sir?

    Gypsy Leader : [considers for a moment]  On my honor as a gypsy, whatever you can carry.

    [Danielle lifts the Prince over her shoulders and begins to walk off with him. The gypsies laugh] 

    Gypsy Leader : [laughing]  Wait! Please! Come back! I'll give you a horse!

  • Henry : [as Danielle hurries away]  Have we met?

    Danielle : I-I do not believe so, Your Highness.

    Henry : I could have sworn I knew every courtier in the provience.

    Danielle : Well... I am visiting a cousin.

    Henry : Who?

    Danielle : My cousin.

    Henry : Yes, you said that. Which one?

    Danielle : Th-the only one I have, sire.

    Henry : Are you coy on purpose or do you honestly refuse to tell me your name?

    Danielle : [stops quickly]  No.

    [quickly heads towards the gate] 

    Danielle : And yes.

    Henry : Well, then, pray tell me your cousin's name so that I might call upon her to learn who you are. For anyone who can quote Thomas More is well worth the effort.

    Danielle : [stops]  The Prince has read "Utopia"?

    Henry : I found it sentimental and dull. Honestly, the plight of the everyday rustic bores me.

    Danielle : I... take it you do not converse with many peasants.

    Henry : Ha, certainly not, no. Naturally.

    Danielle : [starts walking again]  Excuse me, sire, but there is nothing "natural" about it. A country's character is defined by its "everyday rustics," as you call them. They are the legs you stand on and that position demands *respect,* not...

    Henry : Am I to understand that you find me... arrogant?

    Danielle : Well, you gave one man back his life, but did you even glance at the others?

    Henry : Please, I beg of you, a name. Any name.

    Danielle : I... I fear the only name to leave you with... is Comtesse Nicole de Lancret.

  • [looking at the books in the Franciscan monastery] 

    Danielle : It makes me want to cry.

    Henry : Pick one.

    Danielle : I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.

    Henry : What is it that touches you so?

    Danielle : I suppose it is because when I was young my father would stay up late and read to me. He was addicted to the written word and I would fall asleep listening to the sound of his voice.

    Henry : What sort of books?

    Danielle : Science, philosophy... I suppose they remind me of him. He died when I was eight. Utopia was the last book he brought home.

    Henry : Which explains why you quote it.

    Danielle : I would rather hear his voice again than any sound in the world.

    [Henry smiles, then the smile fades and he begins walking down the stairs away from Danielle] 

    Danielle : Is something wrong?

    Henry : [turns to face her]  In all my years of study, not one tutor ever demonstrated the passion you have shown me in the last two days. You have more conviction in one memory than I have... in my entire being.

    [laughs slightly, walks away, Danielle follows] 

    Danielle : Your Highness, if there is anything I have said or done...

    Henry : Please... don't. It's not you.

  • Henry : Where are your attendants?

    Danielle : I... decided to give them the day off.

    Henry : [incredulously]  A day off? From what, life?

    Danielle : Don't you ever tire of having people wait on you all the time?

    Henry : Well, yes, but... they're servants, it's what they do.

    Danielle : [coldly]  Well I wish I could dismiss mine as easily as you do yours.

    [she rises] 

    Danielle : I must be going.

    Henry : [following her]  You're angry with me!

    Danielle : No.

    Henry : Admit it!

    Danielle : Well yes, if you want to know.

    Henry : Why?

    Danielle : Because you are trying to bait me with your snobbery.

    Henry : I fear, mademoiselle, that you are a walking contradiction, and I find that rather fascinating.

    Danielle : Me?

    Henry : Yes, you. You spout the ideals of a Utopian society and yet you live the life of a courtier!

    Danielle : And *you* own all the land there is and yet you take no pride in working it! Is that not also a contradiction?

    Henry : Hm, first I am arrogant, and now I have no pride; however do I manage that?

    Danielle : You have *everything*, and still the world holds no joy; and yet you insist on making fun of those who *would* see it for its possibilities.

  • [Jacqueline washes Danielle's back where she was whipped; Danielle gasps] 

    Jacqueline : [sympathetically]  Oh! Now, you really brought this upon yourself, you know. Hmm? First with breakfast, and then that horrid display downstairs.

    Danielle : I don't know what's come over me.

    Jacqueline : [smiles]  Of course, I shall never forget the way Marguerite's feet went up over her head like that!

    [they both giggle; then Jacqueline turns somber] 

    Jacqueline : She should not have said that about your mother.


    Danielle : Thank you.

  • [threatening Pierre le Pieu to back off, holding a sword and dagger dangerously close to him] 

    Danielle : My father was an excellent swordsman, monsieur. He taught me well. Now hand me that key or I swear on his grave I will slit you from navel to nose.

  • [about Danielle, who is hiding behind a haystack] 

    Henry : You know her! Please, I must find her. Where is she staying?

    Gustav : Uh, I believe, your Highness, that she is staying with a cousin. The, uh, Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent.

    Henry : Hm. That does present a problem.

    Gustav : But, I do know that she is there. Alone. By herself. At this very moment.

    Henry : Excellent.


    Henry : Nice painting.

    [Henry rides off] 

    Danielle : [emerging from hiding]  Gustav, you horrible little *snipe*!

    Gustav : Did you hear? He likes my work!

    Danielle : And he is heading for my house!

    Gustav : Then I suggest you run.

  • Henry : You swim alone, climb rocks, rescue servants, is there anything you don't do?

    Danielle : FLY!

  • Danielle : What bothers you more, stepmother? That I am common, or that I am competition?

  • Danielle : Breathe, just breathe.

  • Henry : Am I to understand that you find me... arrogant?

    Danielle : Well, you gave one man back his life but did you even glance at the others?

  • Henry : Nicole, do you know the ruins at Amboise?

    Danielle : Yes.

    Henry : I often go there to be alone. Would you meet me there tomorrow?

    Danielle : I shall try.

    Henry : Then I shall wait all day.

  • Danielle : You were born to privilege, and with that comes specific obligations.


    Danielle : [laughing]  I am sorry. My mouth has run away with me again.

    Henry : Oh no, my lady. It is your mouth that has me hypnotized.

  • Danielle : [about the prince]  Honestly, I think he and Marguerite deserve each other.

    Paulette : Oh, bite your tongue! The only throne I want her sitting on is the one I have to clean everyday.

  • Danielle : A bird may love a fish, Signore, but where would they live?

    Leonardo da Vinci : Then I shall just have to build you wings!

  • Danielle : [to Henry]  Why did you have to be so wonderful?

  • Gustav : [as Danielle is about to change into a dress]  Have you lost your marbles? Do you know what the punishment is... for servants who dress above their station? Five days in the stocks.

    Danielle : You'd do the same for me, admit it.

    Gustav : Me? Pretend to be a courtier? Prancing round like some nobleman when I've never been to court. And neither have you!

    Danielle : Then I won't recongnised. Hand me that gown so I can be on my way.

    [Gustav hands Danielle the gown] 

    Gustav : They'll never buy it. You are too sweet.

    Danielle : And they'll never buy a servant with twenty gold francs either. I am Maurice's only hope.

    Gustav : And the Baroness, what did you tell her?

    Danielle : I am picking wildflowers. Gustav, can you still see her?

    Gustav : [he gazes out the window]  They're buying a brooch.

    Danielle : Unbelievable. She ignores the manor, blames us for her debt... and still pretends to have money to burn. Don't you dare laugh. I'm coming out.

    [she steps out and looks stunning in her dress, Gustav is amazed] 

    Danielle : The shoes are too big.

    Gustav : Nobody will be looking at your feet.

    Danielle : Yards of fabric and I still feel naked.

    Gustav : If you're going to be a noblewoman... you must play the part.

    [he raises Danielle's chin] 

    Gustav : You look down to no-one.

    Danielle : I am just a servant in a nice dress.

    Gustav : Come.

    [he takes Danielle's hand] 

    Gustav : We have to do something with that hair.

  • Danielle : These are my mother's!

    Marguerite : Yes, and she's dead.

  • Gustav : And I suppose if you saw him again, you'd simply...

    Danielle : I would walk right up to him and say, 'Your Highness, my family is your family, please take them away!'

    Gustav : Good! Because here's your big chance, he's headed this way.

  • Danielle : He is heading towards my house.

    Gustav : Then I suggest you run.

  • Prince Henry : You would think I would not the way to my own castle!

    Danielle : Why is it men never stop for directions?

  • Pierre Le Pieu : I may be twice your age, child, but I'm well endowed.

    [Danielle turns away to another basket] 

    Pierre Le Pieu : As evidenced by my estate, I've always had a soft spot for the less fortunate. You need a wealthy benefactor - and I need a young lady with spirit.

    Danielle : [looks up and smiles]  Prunes?

  • Danielle : Well you gave one man back his life but did you even glance at the others?

    [Danielle tries to get away while Henry is distracted by the criminals' wagon] 

    Henry : Please, I beg of you. A name. Any name.

    Danielle : I fear that the only name I can leave you with is Comtesse Nicole de Lancret.

    Henry : There now... that wasn't so hard.

  • Danielle : The prince has read Utopia?

    Henry : I found it sentimental and dull. Honestly, the plight of the everyday rustic bores me.

  • Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent : Oh, look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.

    Danielle : What do you think you're doing?

    Marguerite : Trying on my dress.

    Baroness Rodmilla De Ghent : Do you honestly think that after that performance this morning I'd let you go anywhere?

    Danielle : [appalled]  Do you honestly think these games, these intrigues are going to win you a crown? To hunt royalty like some sport, it's disgusting!

    Marguerite : You're just jealous.

See also

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