McHale's Navy (1997) Poster


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A Dissenting Voice (possible spoilers)
tina_als_girl13 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Yup... I guess I WAS right. I MUST be the only person in this entire country who absolutely enjoyed this film. Yes, it wasn't as good as the original TV show, but name one remake that HAS been?..... Anyone?..... I didn't think so.

However, if you compare this movie to an episode of the show, you'll see that the formula was fairly well preserved. McHale seemed very in character to me, as did Binghampton. And I have a little theory that says that if an actor/actress from the original show agrees to have a role in the remake, then they have approved of it.

So, I'm not about to argue with Mr. Borgnine, although I have no reason to anyway. I thought Dean Stockwell as Capt. Binghampton was absolutely hilarious, and I think he did an imitation of his voice very well. This movie made me a fan of David Alan Grier--he was brilliant in this movie.

Yes, the movie was cheesy, corny, and whatever synonyms you can think of. But it was funny and every time I want a good laugh, this is the first movie I pop into the VCR.
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OK it's not rocket science
jenny-7252614 May 2020
And it's not supposed to be. There are quite a few bad reviews of this movie -- bad acting, thin script, etc. All I got to say is get over it. This is one of those silly movies that you watch on a lazy summer day. The good guys win and the bad guys don't. Like I said it's not rocket science. However, if I had a choice between this movie and one of those equally implausible big budget Mission Impossible movies, I'll take McHale's Navy.
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Cuba: The Land of Oppression. And Opportunity.
gavin694217 April 2007
Quint McHale (Tom Arnold) has made a fine life of smuggling contraband through the United States Navy in San Moreno. But his old nemesis, Major Vladikov, has set up base on a nearby island and is looking to become the world's best terrorist.

While this movie is quite stupid, it's also really fun and I did find some parts amusing. It's a clean sort of fun, which you don't see much of any more, and I appreciated that. Strictly PG. And I enjoyed watching men follow Tom Arnold around (which, according to Bruce Campbell, is mostly all him and French Stewart were directed to do -- and if you watch for this, you'll see it right away).

We also have Dean Stockwell, Debra Messing (before she was big), Tim Curry and Ernest Borgnine (the original McHale from the TV series). I am suspicious that whoever wrote this also wrote the "Maverick" movie, because there are some eerie similarities (some of which I can't get into without spoiling it). I don't know if that's a good thing or a very bad thing.

I should also note this movie felt, to me, degrading to women. On one hand they're congratulating Penelope Carpenter (Messing) on her accomplishments as a woman, but then the next moment they are treating her different than everyone else. She is seen as supportive and inferior, and really her only purpose in the plot is to be a romantic interest for McHale -- the ultimate in secondary characters. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but they made it so obvious.

All in all, I really did enjoy this movie. Why it received such a poor response from viewers, I don't know. The cast is eclectic and fun, the jokes silly but endearing. And as long as you like Tom Arnold (I don't mind him) you should be able to enjoy this film. Everyone seems to confuse it with "Down Periscope", which is too bad -- this is a good one in its own right.
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Better than I thought
sboyer@sbcglobal.net29 March 2003
I just caught this movie on Encore. I'd never had much interest in seeing it based on the negative comments that have been made about it. It was much better than I (and a lot of other people) gave it credit for being. I came to the IMDB site because the credits went by too fast and I wanted to check some of the actors. I was surprised to find that so many people really disliked this film. First of all, I'd like to point out that the original show was fantasy. C'mon--does anyone really think that the series represented what it was like in the South Pacific during the Second World War? It also doesn't give you much of a starting point except the characters and their interactions. With apologies to Tim Conway, Joe Flynn, et. al., the original series had only one star--Ernest Borgnine. It was called McHale's Navy for a reason. So it's fitting that Tom Arnold should be the focus of the movie. I think they did keep to the spirit of the original series and, where these comments started, the movie was just as much a fantasy as the series was. In terms of the plot, it too kept with the spirit of the original series. For those of you looking for plot depth or profound characters missed the point of both the series and the movie. It was supposed to be entertainment, escapism, with a mild segue into reality. If you want something profound, watch Schindler's List or something by Kurasawa, or anything Shakespeare by Brannagh. But don't ask me to eat the same thing for dinner each night--I'll get tired of it and I'll yearn for cotton candy. Movies of this type are called "guilty pleasures." They're supposed to be fun. Having said that, one man's fun is another man's Bergman. This movie isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea but it isn't a bad movie. Just take it for what it is--a little bit of fun, a little bit of fantasy.
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Kiss of Death
Johnny_West24 March 2020
McHale's Navy was a TV series in the 1960s which was pretty good mostly because all the characters worked well together. The goofy moments came off because the actors were familiar with each other, and they could play off each other.

The movie version on the other hand, totally abandons the formula that the TV series used, and tries to be a comedy version of a Steven Segal movie. It totally bombs at every level. None of the actors in this movie seem to be into their roles, and it feels like nobody ever saw even one episode of McHale's Navy. The bits that are stolen from the TV series are just totally flat when this cast tries them.

This movie has a great cast of comedy actors, except for the lead actor, Tom Arnold. It should have been funny, but Tom Arnold is the kiss of death for anything he touches. When a great cast of comics is following a really dull and untalented actor like Tom Arnold, what you get is this very boring and unfunny movie.
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Ethel Merman's brief marriage to Ernest Borgnine was funnier than this film.
mark.waltz12 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen Tim Curry multiple times on stage, and I'm always saddened when he's cast in a film as a one dimensional baddie. Whether Rooster in "Annie", the Palace hotel clerk in "Home Alone 2" or the Russian villain in this (not to mention a dozen others), he could grin with evil delight (very funny in its Grinch comparison in "HA 2"), but that typecasting on film was an insult to his King Arthur like talent. The plotline utilized to drive this film is a retread of every sitcom to movie rip-off, and frankly, it's gotten tiresome. His supervillain is stolen from a Bond film and sets the movie up to be trashed from the start.

This hopefully sole adaption of the 60's sitcom stars Tom Arnold who has no business being a leading man in a comedy, basically the James Corden of his day as far as overexposed unfunny men are. He seems to be trying to emulate Ray Walston in "South Pacific" and fails miserably. Dean Stockwell didn't do anything well here, let alone stock.

David Allen Grier gets some laughs, but he's overshadowed by the material surrounding him. Debra Messing plays a character with absolutely no humor and has no sex appeal when that is required in that part. Borgnine only appears in the few scenes, but he's resting on his laurels with an Oscar to boot so he doesn't need to worry that this is almost as big a naval disaster as Pearl Harbor.
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Pants with a capital P.
JoeytheBrit29 September 2005
I watched this on a commercial station and between each advert break they flashed up the title card as 'McHale's War' instead of McHale's Navy, and that seemed to sum up the complete lack of interest this film generates in almost everybody. The TV station couldn't even get the title right. This is a bad film – a comedy that is consistently and forcefully unfunny. I didn't laugh once throughout the entire hellish running time, and only managed the barest ghost of a smile on a couple of occasions. Let's face it – any film in which Tom Arnold is the star is in trouble from the off. For all I know he may well be a wonderful person but he isn't a star and he isn't a comedian. The only time he's funny is during the 'action' sequences and when he tries to act serious: his nostrils flare a little and his eyes widen a touch and that's it – it's a kind of one-size-fits-all expression for every emotion he is called upon to express. He's supposed to be one of those charismatic types in this film, the type of guy everyone warms to the moment he opens his mouth. That's right – Tom Arnold. Did some casting executive read this part and really think to himself 'why, that's a part just tailor-made for that Tom Arnold chap? Hmmm. Dean Stockwell is also in this, he's quite a good actor but he's awful here – in fact he hasn't been much good in anything since Married to the Mob. Tim Curry is just a cartoon character in a flesh suit these days and sleepwalks through his role. The running joke about his being the second greatest terrorist in the world is done to death in the first twenty minutes of the film and then thankfully forgotten. Only the ever-solid Bill Campbell is worth a look, but his part is woefully small. The TV show was around before my time, so I've no point of reference with regard to how accurately this film captures the atmosphere of the show, but somehow I can't believe it was as lame as this. If it was the film would never have been greenlighted.

Do yourself a favour and do what everyone involved in this mess should have done: give it a wide, wide berth.
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Amazing how bad this movie is.
centropolis3 September 2000
God! This was bad! It is absoloutley how bad this movie was. Studios threw out $42 million on this, where they out of thier skull? My god.. Avoid this mess at all costs. Please. You will be a smarter person if you avoid. This movie was aired on Comedy Central. I had no intent of actually paying to rent this trash. Buzz Fiethans IV didn't even shoot the movie well. Bryan Spycer's direction is completely listless.
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Worst Movie Ever
glenscotiaskye6 January 2002
This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen. We got free passes to see a Sneak Preview and it is 90 minutes of my life that I want back, thank you very much. And I am not a movie snob, I like movies that could be considered bad by others, but this didn't even come close to being funny and who casts Tom Arnold to be in anything? really!!
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Ignore the bad reviews. Its a fun film.
All these crappy reviews must be from people who are die hard fans of the show. I've seen this movie multiple times and I always have a great time watching it. Just dont take it seriously and pretend it has absolutely nothing to do with the show.
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mal karma30 June 2002
that's what this is. it's simply horrible from the plot to the acting (i blame the casting) passing through what is just the first thing any comedy should focus in: the jokes. i didn't laugh at all not even with french stewart who i prefer to see at third rock from the sun. if you like military comedies go see down periscope or sergeant bilko or better hot shots 1 & 2 this one just isn't worth even watching at cable like i did
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stop over analyzing
movEjunkE4 January 2009
The acting isn't the best and the story line is pretty stupid but it's a fun movie. Don't over analyze it because it's supposed to be a funny and retarded movie.

Why else would Tom Arnold be in it? lol

If you are a serious or uptight person who only appreciates high budget awarded winning films than don't bother watching it. On the other hand, if you are like me and enjoy watching all types of movies from low budget yet entertaining disasters to box office hits than you would probably enjoy this movie.

I love Tim Curry as Vladikov. He is a great actor and always does extremely funny roles.

I love this movie.It was extremely cheesy but it is so entertaining. When ever I want a good laugh this is one of the films I watch.
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Silly and predictable, but I don't think it is as bad as it is made out to be
TheLittleSongbird9 December 2010
Is it as good as the original series? No it isn't. Is it is the worst film ever? No, there are much worse- Disaster Movie, Home Alone 4, The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, Superbabies:Baby Geniuses 2 and Titanic:The Animated Movie are all much worse than this. Is it a bad film? I personally don't think so.

Yes the plot is predictable and falls into stupidity one too many times. Yes there are some hits and misses in the jokes and script, I actually found a lot of it funny but some of them(ie. Vladikov's 2nd best terrorist in the world boast) got old quite fast. And yes French Stewart is given very little to do.

Despite this, I found myself enjoying it. I don't know why, I just did. The film looks nice enough, some of the scenery is colourful and the photography is decent enough. I liked the soundtrack too, especially Working on My Tan which was a nice addition. While corny, the script did get some laughs from me, and Bruce Campbell while underused is fun to watch. The direction is okay, the film moves quickly and is fairly short while nicely rounded off. The cast are fine on the whole. Ernest Borgnine is a joy as always as is Dean Stockwell whose comic talent here almost equals his TV counterpart Joe Flynn, as is Tim Curry(anybody who knows me knows I am a fan of Tim's), and Tom Arnold and Debra Messing are appealing too.

Overall, hardly something to rave about but I personally don't think it deserves the panning it gets. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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A Painful Memory
frippy26 September 2003
I had warned my then-boyfriend that McHale's Navy was going to be an awful film. There were many signs. One was that it was based on a TV show nobody my age (20) really ever watched, not even as syndicated reruns. Another was the cast, which lit up plenty of warning lights: Tom Arnold as the lead? Tim Curry as the villain? French Stewart as the "funny" guy? Ack! But we went anyway.

I remember that, even though it was a rather short film, I was very bored. I don't even recall any salient plot details apart from vaguely clever and falsely emotional bit about helping out some troubled islanders from the wicked schemes of Tim Curry. I also remember cracking up laughing when Curry's character grabbed a child character, snarling "Come here, boy!" because somebody behind me said "Peter Pan the Pirates," referring to the cartoon where Curry did voice acting as Captain Hook. It did seem like Curry was putting on his generic "bad guy with bad foreign accent" performance. And the less said about Tom Arnold, the better.

Now, whenever I talk to my ex, he'll sometimes joke, "You know, you were SO RIGHT about the McHale's Navy movie. You told me it was going to suck, but I refused to listen."
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A movie well worth watching
Kraal9322 March 2004
I know most people hate McHale's navy, but I really don't care. I thought it was pretty funny. Tim Curry was really good as the villain, Vladikov (the #2 best terrorist in the world). Bruce Campbell is pretty good. David Allen Grier was, as usual, great as Ens. Charles T. Parker.

I'd never seen the original series, but I'm glad that they had Ernest Borgnine, the original McHale, as Cobra.

And, last, but DEFFINITELY not least, Tom Arnold. I used to watch Roseanne, and always liked his obnoxious humor. It's even better in McHale's Navy. He's got some unique style, that guy.

Well, I've chatted long enough.

PS. Tim Curry and Tom Arnold had both been in an episode of Roseanne.
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One Of the Worst!
MovieAddict20162 February 2003
"McHale's Navy" is a mix between a Tom Arnold movie...a Tom Arnold movie...a Tom Arnold movie, and...hey! Is Tom Arnold in this movie?! Yes, he is.

Tom Arnold is McHale. Forget the plot. We've already got a reason that this movie's going to be stinky!

Rob Schneider and David Alan Grier try to help with their superior comic talent, but to no avail.

G'bye, McHale! Glad to see you burn at the box office!

1/5 stars -

John Ulmer
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Torpedo'd quickly and sank
Afflock11 November 2013
It was hard to tell if they were trying to be "so bad that it was funny" or if it was just that bad. The movie suffers from continuity issues to incorrect uniforms and not being funny. Special effects were low budget. They did not try to disguise that models were being blown up or that sets did not make sense.

The cast has several familiar faces but the acting was below standard. The characters were too cartoonish and over exaggerated. Some plot mechanics are stretched too thin to be believable. It is OK to be unreal in fiction, but the audience needs to believe the story. That aspect was not accomplished.

Not the worst movie but it is a bad one. It has very little to do with the namesake 1960's TV show.
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Depth charge.....
FlashCallahan8 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Naval commander McHale has left the service and set-up trade on a Caribbean island, which supplies his former mates at a military base nearby with all their needs.

The base is now commanded by Capt. Binghampton and island governor has a deal with a terrorist to use the island as base.

McHale gets back into his crew when his arch-enemy Major Vladikov sets up an operation to destroy the island.....

1997 was a random year for comedy, you had watchable guff like Rocketman and Most Wanted, but then you had awful, brain dead movies like Gone Fishin', and this film.

I don't think that it matters that I have never seen the series, but I get the jist. I'm guessing it was a lot like St. Bilko, but set at sea. Arnold is an okay screen presence, and is a wonderful supporting character, as seen in True Lies, and even Exit Wounds.

But the man cannot carry a movie, and Carpool and this prove it, and no matter how many zany supporting characters there are, it doesn't help him.

The story is awful, Messing looks desperate, and Curry hams it up almost illegally.

There's a big explosion at the end and Dean Stockwell looks bored.

Like I was after this dirge.
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Should never touch a classic
Tak00523 October 2019
Hollywood never seems to learn. This is just another example of a studio that has run out of ideas and wants to milk the success of a classic show with a remake. And surprise, surprise the remake is a disaster.
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Comedy IS Hard
Jill-6830 March 2001
It's true....Comedy IS hard. And nothing is more painful than watching a group of actors attempt to do sight gags and wisecracks, without ever succeeding. And all the actors seem to be out-of-step with each other....none of them are in the same movie, really. And none of them should have made this one.
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Still Funny
flhpiraq14 January 2022
So I just finished up with Down Periscope, so I'm off to the other Navy comedy. I have no idea why this is rated so low.

It's silly, but it's a comedy and is supposed to be. I can watch this one every so often and it's still funny. Relax a little bit and laugh, it's not real.
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It sucked, it sucks, it'll suck...
Carrot-423 December 1998
How could they remake one of the worst movies of the history. It's bad, completely, absolutely, incontestably bad. I saw it at a friend's house and after 30 minutes we were asking ourselves why nobody laughed yet. This movie is full of stupid unfunny jokes, the actors are bad and their ham acting doesn't make anyone laugh. If I had directed this movie, my name wouldn't be in the credits anymore and I would have hid it in my closet.
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Underrated comedy gold
DukeHerzog4 February 2008
OK for starters, this movie deserves far better than the 3.8 it currently holds, hence my 8/10. In truth, this film is a great piece of entertainment, and I can think of few films that are as mindless as they are funny. This is not meant to be Oscar material, but succeeds in entertaining from beginning to end.

Bruce Campbell of course makes this worth seeing by himself, but the rest of the cast hold their own. Tom Arnold usually is seen as a bad indicator of quality, but his cheesy dialog has its moments. Rent it, buy it, just watch it, and judge for yourself. It will not be a waste of time.
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Another TV show that was made into a movie that sucked!!avoid this movie!!OK for families if it's your kind of family film!!
Doc_Who10 October 1999
This movie is based on the TV show by the same name . It has bad acting , bad plot , basically the whole movie needs some major help !!It was one of my least favorite movies on the big screen!!Overall, it is OK for families because it's rated PG!!If you like Tom Arnold a lot , you might like this move!!Otherwise this movie just plain sucked!!!Even the Brady Bunch movies were better than this stuff!!!Watch only if you are a fan of the TV show or of the movies main stars!!!
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Tim Curry ! Need I Say More
Theo Robertson22 September 2005
When I saw that Tim Curry appeared in the credits I knew that this was going to be crap . I'm sorry if I'm upsetting both of Mr Curry's fans by saying this but I'm afraid his talents begin and end with pantomimes . He usually drags a film down when he's asked to play a villain , but to be charitable I do confess that TC isn't only the bad thing about McHALE'S NAVY - Everything is bad

There's nothing worse than listening to people who think that they're clever or funny , except maybe watching a movie that thinks it's clever or funny . Admittedly I doubt anyone who produced it thought they were making THE USUAL SUSPECTS but what made them think this was going to raise a laugh or make money at the box office . There's a scene where a couple of good guys talking to a prisoner in a cell , guess what happens ? There's a scene with a guy in a diving suit that is expanded with too much air pressure and there's a guy standing behind him with a lit cigar , guess what happens ? There's a scene with navy SEALS and you know how special use cameo on their faces ? Well here they've painted their faces as tigers and Groucho Marx in a scene so unfunny I thought it'd been written by Karl Marx . Obviously this is the kind of movie that got made because somebody had friends in high places . Hopefully this movie lost a lot of people a lot of money
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