Batman & Robin (1997) Poster

George Clooney: Batman, Bruce Wayne



  • [first lines] 

    Robin : [checking out the Batmobile]  I want a car. Chicks dig the car.

    Batman : This is why Superman works alone.

  • Batman : Hi, Freeze. I'm Batman.

    [slides down dinosaur statue] 

  • Batman : Hey, Freeze. The heat is on.

  • [last lines] 

    Barbara Wilson : Partners?

    Dick Grayson : Partners.

    Bruce Wayne : Partners.

    Alfred : We're going to need a bigger cave.

  • Batman : [to Robin]  You get the ice, I'll get the Ice Man.

  • Batman : And you are...?

    Batgirl : Batgirl.

    Batman : That's not awfully PC. What about Batperson, or Batwoman?

    Batgirl : Bruce, it's me, Barbara. I found the Batcave.

    Robin : We gotta get those locks changed.

    Batman : She knows who we are.

    Robin : I guess we'll just have to kill her.

    Batman : Yep, we'll kill her later, we have work to do.

  • Robin : Nice catch.

    Batman : You break it, you buy it.

  • Dick Grayson : I could have made that jump!

    Batman : And you could have splattered your brains all over the side of the building.

    Dick Grayson : You know, in the circus, the Flying Graysons were a team. We had to trust each person to do their jobs. That's what being partners is all about. Sometimes, counting on someone else is the only way you win.

    Batman : Your head wasn't even on the job. All you could think about was Poison Ivy.

    Dick Grayson : You just can't stand it! Maybe she wanted me instead of you. I mean, this is your idea of friendship, isn't it, Bruce? It's your house, it's your rules, it's your way to the highway! And it's Batman and Robin, not Robin and Batman, and I'm sick of it!

    Batman : Yes, it's my rules. My rules to keep us alive, and if you want to stay in this house and on this team, you will abide by them.

    Dick Grayson : This is no partnership. You're never gonna trust me!

  • Robin : She knows who we are. Guess we'll have to kill her.

    Batman : Yep, we'll kill her later. We've got work to do.

  • Batman : Who invited you?

    Robin : I was just hanging around.

    Batman : I thought you were gonna stay in the museum. Round up some thugs.

    Robin : How 'bout, "Nice to see ya? Glad you're here to save my life."

  • [talking about Poison Ivy] 

    Robin : I can't believe we were fighting over a bad guy!

    Batman : Bad- Yes. Guy? No.

    Robin : Well I'm totally over her, alright? Positively!

    Batman : Me too! Definitely!


    Batman : Great stems, though...

    Robin : Buds, too.

    Batman : Yeah, those were nice...

  • Bruce Wayne : Well, he's over-eager. He's impulsive. I can't trust him not to get hurt.

    Alfred : Perhaps the truth is you really don't trust anyone.

    Bruce Wayne : Oh, don't tell me you're on his side, again.

    Alfred : Despite all your talents, you are still a novice in the ways of family. Master Dick follows the same star as you but gets there by his own course. You must learn to trust him, for that is the nature of family.

    Bruce Wayne : I trust *you*, Alfred.

    Alfred : But I shan't be here forever.

  • Mr. Freeze : Uh-oh!

    Batman : I'm putting you on ice.

  • Robin : Where's the snowman?

    Batgirl : Maybe he melted.

    Batman : No, he's just hibernating.

  • [Batman has taken beating from Bane and lies stunned on the ground. Ivy moves over to him] 

    Poison Ivy : [standing over Batman]  There's something about an anatomically correct...

    Poison Ivy : [she lies down next to him]  ... rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips.

    [Poison Ivy blows a cloud of lovedust in Batman's face] 

    Batman : [resisting]  Why are all the gorgeous ones homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

    Poison Ivy : [smiling seductively]  Enough. Sweet talk...

    [tries to kiss Batman] 

    Batman : [pulls away from Poison Ivy]  OH no! First you're going to tell me where Freeze is, and then you're going to jail.

  • Batman : [Batman bids for Poison Ivy]  One million dollars!

    Robin : [as does Robin]  Two million!

    Batman : You don't have it. Three million!

    Robin : I'll borrow it from you! Four million!

    Batman : Five million!

    Robin : That's a utility belt not a money belt. Six million.

    [Batman looks at Robin and then produces something from said-belt] 

    Batman : [firmly]  Seven million.

    [it's a credit card blazed with the Bat symbol. Expiration date: FOREVER] 

    Batman : Never leave the cave without it!

    Poison Ivy : [amused by the squabble she's caused]  You two boys aren't going to start fighting over little old me, now are you?

  • Barbara Wilson : Alfred's sick.

    Bruce Wayne : Alfred's not sick, he's dying.

    Dick Grayson : Dying? Why didn't he tell us?

    Bruce Wayne : You know Alfred, he wouldn't say anything, but I can tell.

  • Bruce Wayne : Alfred, am I pig headed? Is it always my way or the highway?

    Alfred : Yes, actually. Death and chance, stole your parents. But rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates. For what is Batman? If not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world. An attempt to control death, itself.

    Bruce Wayne : [pause]  But I can't, can I?

    Alfred : None of us can.

  • Bruce Wayne : Friend... Partner... Brother... Will *you*... trust *me* now?

  • Alfred Pennyworth : Barbara is the daughter of my dear sister Margaret.

    Barbara Wilson : Both my parents were killed in a car accident five years ago. Uncle Alfred's been supporting me ever since.

    Bruce Wayne : You have?

    Dick Grayson : So, secrets, Al?

    Alfred Pennyworth : Secrets are a virtual prerequisite in this house. Don't you think so?

    Barbara Wilson : I'm on break from...

    Bruce Wayne : Oxbridge Academy. Alfred's alma mater.

    Barbara Wilson : Uh, the new computer sciences division. How did you know?

    Bruce Wayne : It says so on the patch on your sweater.

  • Bruce Wayne : We need the Wayne diamonds.

    Dick Grayson : We gonna trap ourselves a snowman?

    Bruce Wayne : Absolutely, right after you spend ten hours in the simulator, training.

    Dick Grayson : Look, I made a mistake. I'm sorry. Don't go all protective on me. It's not gonna happen again.

    Bruce Wayne : You were reckless, and you almost got killed by Freeze tonight.

    Dick Grayson : I'm fine! See? Me, here, alive? How are we supposed to work together if you won't trust me?

  • Gossip Gerty : Brucie, is it true this new telescope can see all around the globe?

    Bruce Wayne : Yes. If you'll just watch these monitors right here. Dr. Lee?

    Observatory Scientist : Satellites already in orbit allow us to reflect light from any given point around the planet.

    Observatory Associate : From here, we'll be able to see the sky anywhere on Earth, and through this intricate network of satellites, reflect it back to our very own Gotham City for observation.

    Bruce Wayne : Just don't point it at my bedroom.

  • Ivy : There's just something about an anatomically correct rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips.

    Batman : Why is it that all the beautiful ones are homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

  • Bruce Wayne : I'm not the marrying kind.

  • [Alfred misses the doorbell] 

    Alfred : I must have dozed off. My sincerest apologies.

    Bruce Wayne : Oh, there's no apology necessary, Alfred. It's the first time it's happened in 30 years.

  • Bruce Wayne : My father once told me, "To succeed, we need only pick a star and follow it."

  • Bruce Wayne : Alright, I'm late for the dedication, and then I go after Freeze and Ivy alone.

    Dick Grayson : LIKE HELL YOU ARE.

    Bruce Wayne : Don't push me right now.

    Dick Grayson : What? Nobody can face IVY but the big, bad Bat? YOU WANT HER FOR YOURSELF

    Bruce Wayne : That's right, Dick. I want HER so much I can taste IT. That's the whole point. She's done something to us. She has us fighting over her somehow.

    Dick Grayson : Here's what I know: she loves me and not you, and it's driving you crazy.

    Bruce Wayne : Listen Dick, why do you think she's so desperate to kiss us? I bet her lips are poisoned.

    Dick Grayson : A poison kiss? You don't understand. She understands how I feel.

    Bruce Wayne : She has clouded your mind and you're not thinking straight.

    Dick Grayson : Oh, but I am. For the first time in a long time. I want a Robin signal in the sky. I'm sick of being in your shadow. All that ends right now.

  • Batman : Vengeance isn't power. Anyone can take a life.But to give life... that's true power.

See also

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