Billy Madison (1995) Poster


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Some of you take life so seriously!
jonny-pears21 August 2021
So there are a lot of bad reviews for this movie and although we don't all have to agree with the same thing, I feel some reviews were made out of spite. Is it a stupid movie? Yes. Is it immature? Yes. Did some of the reviews take this too seriously? Yes. It's a movie about a man-child who goes back to school in the hope of getting grades so he can own and run his fathers business. There is a cast of children. Why did anyone try to take this seriously??? Look it's not the funniest movie ever and it's really silly in places but it's enjoyable and harmless enough. There are some random but funny acts and some strange scenes but all in all it's not that bad. I first watched this 26 years ago and I still giggle at some of the stupidity. Especially a random song.....
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"I'm one of the GOOD guys, Penguin!"
La Gremlin5 March 2002
This is one of those lucky cases where the opening sequence of a movie gives you an excellent idea of what you are in for.

If you do not enjoy Billy's sunblock song, or the bit with the penguin, then you must turn off the movie and stop being such a nag about it.

But for those of us who happen to enjoy movies that are silly and stupid, this is one of the best ones out there.
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Such a funny movie, it never gets old
FrankBooth_DeLarge30 January 2005
If you want to see a movie that is fun, puts you in a good mood, and never gets old, then see Billy Madison. All of you Sandler haters will think this is stupid, but everyone who likes Adam Sandler, or doesn't mind humor that is kind of stupid will love Billy Madison.

This is one of Adam Sandler's first movies, and it's one of his best also. This is a movie that I've seen so many times, but I still enjoy it every time. This is good to watch when you're in a bad mood, or if you're stressed out, because it will perk you up quicker than any coffee you can name. Other movies that put you in a good mood are Happy Gilmore, Beavis and Butthead Do America, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, and Tommy Boy.

Overall, Billy Madison has a somewhat stupid sense of humor, but it does make you laugh, and it's such an entertaining movie. If you haven't seen this yet, see it now and see what all the laughing is about.
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Adam Sandler at his most surreal
nathandm-7529710 June 2023
Out of all of Adam Sandler's comedic efforts, Billy Madison still stands as his most profoundly weird and dare I say, surreal.

Many of Sandler's worst comedies, such as Jack and Jill and Grown Ups are comedies that fail due to how horrifically lazy and uninspired they are. From their premises to their jokes and gags and their overall execution, those movies just have nothing to offer in terms of inspired humor or even just surface-level entertainment. Billy Madison may be absurdly idiotic and juvenile, but the movie isn't lazy or uninspired.

Many of the jokes and gags in this film are supremely strange, such as Billy making a call to an old schoolmate he used to bully and apologizing to him, then later on, that same guy comes back at the end of the film to save Billy from the film's antagonist, Eric, by shooting him in the ass with a sniper rifle. This movie does genuinely feel like an inspired piece of alternative comedy that totally works for me.

And the film manages to avoid what many of the worst Sandler comedies indulge in, which is trying to trick the audience with moments of phony sentimentality as a way to convince them into believing that the film has an emotional core. Billy Madison knows exactly what kind of movie it is and it makes no apologies for how stupid or ridiculous it gets and I both respect and appreciate that.

Billy Madison is a childish, bizarre, and kind of dark comedic film at times which is what makes it unique from most of Sandler's other films. It's an acquired taste for sure, this movie certainly wouldn't turn any Sandler haters into believers. But in comparison to most of Sandler's other comedies, Billy Madison is one that stands out.

"Hey Billy, who would you rather bone, Meg Ryan or Jack Nicholson?"

"Jack Nicholson now, or 1974?"


"Meg Ryan."
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Not ashamed to say this was really funny
rams_lakers29 September 2004
Looking at some of the reviews here reinforces the fact that there are certain people that like different types of humor. If stupid humor makes you laugh, this is your comedy. If you like stale British cerebral humor, maybe you should stay far away from this. I'm sure we all have our favorite and unfavorite comedians. I happen to like Sandler because he is immaturely funny. I think Dave Chapelle's show is pretty damn funny too. I never thought Sam Kinison was funny (the screaming is annoying) nor do I care for Chris Tucker.

I saw Billy Madison at the theater, a friend and myself and the 8 other guys randomly scattered around the seating area found this to be pretty damn hilarious. I laughed at about 8 different scenes and that is a lot for me for any one movie. I still laugh at a few of the scenes when I see repeats and yes I have it on video.

Those of you who dislike this movie are more than likely too old and stuck on your Bob Hope type era comedians and refuse to admit any others. Sandler isn't the greatest comedian who ever lived but his shtick was fresh and original when this movie came out. I have a video of him back when he did stand up and the guy is brilliant.

Again, people who get easily annoyed and upset with the stupid type humor steer clear of this movie and save yourself the aggravation that these sad negative reviewers subjected themselves to.
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JakeRfilmfreak12 November 2023
Billy Madison is a 1995 comedy and is Adam Sandlers first big hit in a feature film. It's about an underachiever who goes back to school grades k-12 on a bet and if he graduates he'll get to take over his father's company upon retirement.

It's a very silly and ridiculous movie, but I've always thought it was quite funny. Sandler amps up the goofiness to the point that you'd think he knew he wasn't going to get another film so he just went all out. The story is decent, the cast is good, and the overall end result is a fun flick that won't win any awards, but will tickle your funny bone for an hour and a half.

If you haven't seen this before and like silly humor, I would recommend checking it out.
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Good Premise, Bad Movie...
MovieAddict20167 February 2003
Adam Sandler plays Billy Madison, the son of a wealthy businessman, who is about to hand over the reigns of his company to a greedy businessman. So, in a last effort to have the company handed to himself, Billy enters a bet, that if he can make it all the way through school over again, the company is his. But he cannot flunk school this time around.

We can expect what ensues.

Basically, the film has a decent premise. It may be thrown together a bit sloppy at times, but overall it is good. The thing that is bad about this movie, is the characters, the dialogue, and the film's progress.

There are some laughs in the beginning, but I didn't find the addition of Norm MacDonald very funny, nor did I think it great how the teacher who hates Billy is suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, willing to take off her clothes for him.

There are some great cameos in this movie, especially the always-enjoyable Steve Buscemi. Unfortunately, his short appearance cannot make up for the bad flow, dialogue and character progression in Billy Madison.

Sure, the film has its laugh-out-loud moments, but not enough, and when it all comes down to it, the film has a half-baked, sentimental ending thrown in to enthuse the easily-pleased, and never really focuses on all the laughs it could have achieved throughout its scenes. It seems to take the lowest amount of jokes considering, and look at them as "look how many jokes we have," instead of "look how many more jokes we could have had."

In the end, what could have been an interesting and lively comedy resorts to typical Sandler fare, and nothing more.

My summary: worth seeing, but not great.

2.5/5 stars -

John Ulmer
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Billy Madison
allmoviesfan21 August 2023
Very much a movie of it's time. Watching it now, if you didn't watch it in 1995 or thereabouts, is probably going to leave you shaking your head.

Look, all I can say is that Adam Sandler was king of juvenile humour back then, and that it was a different time. Yes, there are some jokes that would never make it to the screen today, and some of the scenes made me cringe a little. Billy Madison is spectacularly dumb, but it's fun in a 1990's comedy sort of way, which is a whole different realm.

Adam Sandler plays the titular character who is basically a lazy slob, but needs to graduate elementary and high school to take over the family's hotel chain. Standing in his way is the villain of the moment, played hammily by Bradley Whitford. So many dumb jokes you can't help but laugh, and the expected cameos from Sandler's buddies - Steve Buscemi and Chris Farley in this instance.
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straits_dylan_clapton23 October 2004
I'm quite surprised at the number of people who found this movie funny, but I suppose we all have different tastes.

Sandler's whiney voice and stupid faces are annoying, unoriginal, and done better by many others (e.g JL Lewis). His character is unlikeable, the plot is boring, and I just cant believe that this script was ever written.

I can identify the jokes but fail to understand why they are funny (like the clown with blood out of his mouth).

I enjoy most comedies but not this one. I would like to note that I am a teenager (not old like someone said most people who dislike this movie would be) and I found Happy Gilmore to be an OK film.
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Stop looking at me, Swan!
mattymatt4ever22 May 2001
What can I possibly say? This is no "Citizen Kane," but this is one of the movies that sticks out in my mind the most. It's a twisted, crude, tasteless comedy but never ceases to bring out extreme laughter, even after I've seen it approximately 200 times--give or take. I just cannot get tired of this movie! There are things in this movie that cannot be understood, like every Sandler flick. What the hell was the deal with the penguin? However, it's a memorable moment. There are so many memorable quotes from the film. It's one of those movies I can quote line per line off the top of my head.

Here's a share of my favorite quotes:

(singing) "Suntan lotion is good for me. You protect me. Tee-hee-hee."

"O'Doyle rules!"

"It's too damn hot for a penguin to be just walkin' around. I gotta send him back to the South Pole."

"You're giving the company to Eric? He is a bad, bad man."

Adam Sandler has that brand of comic genius in which you don't know what you're laughing at, but it's damn funny! You can't help it! I can't rant and rave about anything artistically brilliant about "Billy Madison." Yet it's one of my favorite movies of all time.

It's funny, it's original, it's Sandler! Nuff said.

My score: 8 (out of 10)
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Very funny! Adam Sandler is hilarious!
movies2u11 June 2001
Billy Madison is hilarious! Adam Sandler had a very funny role (he always does in his movies), and this movie was hilarious! Adam Sandler and Bridgette Wilson did a funny and terrific job. This movie is one of the best comedys. I also like the other movies Adam Sandler plays in (The Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, Little Nicky). Adam Sandler brings great hilarity to the film, and the rest of the cast were very funny. I also thought Billy's teacher (Bridgette Wilson) was funny. The movie is pretty funny, and very enjoyable. If you are an Adam Sandler fan (which I am) you should like this movie. Adam Sandler is very funny in this movie. I give it a 7 out of 10, which means, you should see it.
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Silly and fun
comedyfan7116 December 2023
Billy Madison has always been my favourite Adam Sandler film, I have never found him funnier than in this one.

It's very goofy and juvenile but it's definitely funny. The cast are all decent enough, and the late Chris Farley is entertaining in his role. Bridgette Wilson does a good enough job as the titular character's teacher/love interest. Some people view this film as being slightly problematic these days but I don't think it's that offensive. The story feels like it should have developed more but overall the result of the film is one that is entertaining and funny at the same time. There is no doubt that the film's humour is not complex but some films don't need more complicated stuff.

As a goofball 90s comedy, this is a good example.
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Low brow comedy of the highest order
SnoopyStyle14 November 2013
Billy Madison (Adam Sandler) is a goofball slacker who drinks all day and do nothing. His father is not happy and is looking to hand control of his hotel empire over to sleazy executive Eric Gordon (Bradley Whitford). It turns out his father had pay to pass Billy through his entire academic life. As a last ditch effort, he dares his father to give him control if he could pass each grade every two weeks and graduate high school.

This is low brow comedy of the highest order. Adam Sandler is the master goofball and he is hilarious. I laugh at his idiocy and I love it. How can you not laugh at the little kids being pounded by a dodge ball? So you're a nice well adjusted person. That's your problem, not mine. And I want to touch the hiney too.
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So Ridiculous, Yet So Funny
view_and_review16 July 2020
This was back when I couldn't get enough of Adam Sandler. Maybe it was because I was younger or maybe because Sandler was younger, but his style worked.
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It's hard to imagine a worse movie
glazed_doughnut12 December 2005
Let me say before anything else that I like Adam Sandler and I like goofy comedies. There is however a difference between a goofy comedy and 90 minutes of letting the kids run loose. This movie is so bad on every level, the script, the lame humour, the bad acting and horrible cinematography that it is hard to fathom how anyone over the age of 10 walked away from the final cut thinking they had accomplished something. Clearly based on some of the other reviews this movie more than found an audience, so anything I might say will only appeal to certain movie goers.

Lesson 1 in any movie is that the viewer has to identify with at least some of the characters, most importantly the lead character. Unfortunately, there is nothing interesting, redeeming or funny about the character of Billy Madison so there was no desire to watch him succeed. Unlike the Happy Gilmore character, Billy Madison is nothing more than a driveling idiot from the start of the movie to the end.

I had avoided watching this movie for years because I figured it would be rather bad, but I figured that my kids, after watching and liking Happy Gilmore, would get a kick out of it. After 30 minutes, my 6 year old leaned over and said "I think this must be his first movie". 'Nuff said.
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The Greatest of All Time
yakko915 September 2023
Watched it as a kid after a bully at school punched me in the forehead and I landed on my rear-end and he didn't get in trouble because he told the teacher he was just practicing his karate. Watched it as a teen after a boomer sideswiped me and lied about what happened and the cops believed him and I got blamed because he was a grown adult and I was only sixteen. Watched it as an adult after I met a good looking woman in a bar and she took me to a motel room and like an idiot I let her tie me to the bedposts and she invited her friends over and they all laughed at me and made fun of my underwear and then they stole my wallet and ran off and left me there. Those were all really great and memorable days for me, because I got to watch Billy Madison.
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Maybe I needed to shut off my brain to get this movie
Smells_Like_Cheese8 September 2007
Billy Madison, this is the film that supposedly gave Adam Sandler his huge break in Hollywood along with Happy Gilmore. Now I loved Happy Gilmore and my sister asked me if I ever saw Billy Madison and I said no, and she just looked at me with shock and said that if I liked Happy Gilmore that I would love Billy Madison. So I rented it yesterday and watched it this morning, I admit this was a fun story and had some funny moments, but for the most part I think that this is a pretty over rated comedy. There were just some jokes that either went too far or were to immature for my taste, but then again, it's Adam Sandler, so I'm not making that big of a deal. The story though was actually a clever one, who hasn't thought of what it would be like to go through school again at a grown up age?

Billy Madison is the son of hotel tycoon millionaire, Brian Madison, and Billy is someone who you wouldn't call the smartest tool in the box. He sees imaginary penguins, leaves dog feces out on his neighbor's porch, and still talks gibberish. Now he's supposed to be a grown man, but Brian knows his life isn't going to last very long, and that he needs a grown up like his associate, Eric, to take over the hotels. But Billy convinces his dad that if he can go through all the grades, 1-12, one more time and pass, that he can take over the hotels. Brian agrees, and Billy is back to school and meets the hot 3rd grade teacher that is going to help him out. Just hopefully he can do this in time so he can actually say that he passed with flying colors.

My problem with Billy Madison is that I didn't know if he was supposed to be retarded or someone who acted retarded at times? Just this wasn't the most well thought out comedy. I just don't get into the grown man acting like a total idiot, you know? I prefer other Adam Sandler comedies like Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer, Big Daddy, Anger Management, and Click where he actually acts like a grown up, those actually work comedically. But I admit that I did have a few laughs here and there and it was a fun story to watch, but this is one of those movies that I'm satisfied with seeing only once.

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T-T-Today Junior
Calicodreamin4 July 2020
Undeniably some funny moments and some cute moments... and a lot of weird moments. Not for everyone that's for sure, but if you let all the weird stuff slide, it can be enjoyable.
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Plain enjoyable and among Sandler's funniest
bellino-angelo201425 October 2022
I liked most of the movies with Adam Sandler I saw, and since this is one of his earliest breakout roles, I knew I had to see it. And I was right.

Billy Madison (Sandler) is a rich young man who left studies and spends most of his days monkeying around in his mansion. During a lunch of his father and his colleagues he does one of his usual pranks and the father decides to give him a lesson: send him back to school starting from kindergarten and doing all grades even tho he is approaching 30! Billy accepts, and the journey will be funny but without a few obstacles by some bully that will be easily defeated.

Adam Sandler gives his usual funny performance and the supporting cast is full of future usual actors of his movies. Many of the situations were laugh out loud and the moments with the guy dressed as a penguin were very cute. So, if you are bored at home and you don't want to think too much, then BILLY MADISON is for you.
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Really Speaks To Our Immaturity
ReelCheese20 July 2006
There's a scene in BILLY MADISON where our doltish hero is faking making out with a photo of his hot teacher. Not only does the unabashedly sophomoric Adam Sandler french the glass of the frame, he also unbuttons her imaginary blouse and cops an imaginary feel. It's the sort of thing you'd expect to see in a junior high classroom after the teacher leaves the room. It's also quite hilarious because, you see, BILLY MADISON is the kind of movie you'd roll your eyes at if that immature side of you wasn't still kicking.

BILLY MADISON launched the big screen career of Sandler, who was winding down his memorable stint at the floundering Saturday NIGHT LIVE at the time. He's perfectly cast as a young man (man-child, really) forced to go back to grade school in order to inherit the family fortune. Why? Because Billy is such a dipstick that his daddy had to pay off his teachers to pass him the first time around. Now the jig is up, and Billy must prove he's got what it takes to get through each grade on his own. Come on, be honest... how can you resist that premise?

Along the way, Billy makes nonsensical inspirational speeches, accepts a dare to touch his teacher's boob (yes, the same teacher... and yes, Sandler was just as keen on boob jokes a decade ago), and somehow makes it cool to pee your pants. No wonder, then that just about every mainstream critic condemned BILLY MADISON to the turkey table. Their biggest beef? That the film is little more than a childish mishmash of bathroom (and boob) jokes.

Is that a fair assessment? Objectively speaking, you'd have to think so. But that doesn't make it a bad movie. Sandler wasn't trying to create something that would make the Turner Classic Movies lineup fifty years from now. He was trying to make a certain (and surprisingly broad) audience laugh, and in that he succeeded. It ain't perfect, and there are a lot of misses for every funnybone hit, but BILLY MADISON is worth the 90 minuets -- as long as your immature side is still kicking.
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Goofy, silly, awkward and stupidly funny.
OllieSuave-0077 May 2016
This is one of those goofy, silly, awkward and stupidly funny flicks, starring Adam Sandler as Billy Madison, a rich but lazy son who makes a deal with his father that in order to inherit his hotel company, he must repeat Grades 1-12 in school in order to earn his education.

Sandler seemed he doesn't care about good, careful and dramatic acting in this movie; he just wants to have fun and be silly, etching out slapstick comedy, gags and awkward moments whenever he can. It's probably a good movie for kids (minus the profanity) and teenagers, but adults might think the movie's pretty stupid and somewhat boring.

The plot is somewhat fast-paced, but the overall acting and comedy, I though, were rather mediocre. This movie belongs on the list of films to watch only if you have absolutely nothing better to do or watch on TV.

Grade D+
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Total rubbish. Just excruciating. You actually LIKE this??
b3n9ray10 April 2004
This was on TV last night, and I watched it on the strength of the reviews here at I am AMAZED that so many people liked this pustulent, fetid, rancid discharge of a film. Its lack of comedy is only equalled by its immaturity and pointlessness. There is no acting, no humour, and a plot so thin I can only wonder how it survives holding the weight of its own rancid patheticness. I was literally slack jawed with shock at how bad this film is. I was frustrated with sorrow for the people who actually liked this - one reviewer says that he / she was laughing out loud. At what? How films like this ever get released? How Adam Sandler still has a career after this moronic turd of a film? Just awful. Dont say I did not warn you. By the way, this is only the 2nd review I have written on Generally I feel little need to, as previous posters sum up (generally) the pros and cons of a film very well, but I feel in this case, the public should be warned. I cannot BELIEVE there are so many good reviews for this film, and the truth needs to be told. I am actually offended that this rubbish got greenlighted, made and released, where actual (would be) decent films never see production.

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