The Big Green (1995) Poster


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vanillasocks1517 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A great family film about soccer. I've loved this movie ever since I was a child. The plot isn't anything special and is rather predictable but the numerous comic scenes make up for it. the film not only deals with soccer but also with some more serious issues including one family's immigration problems and another child with an alcoholic father. The name The Big Green refers to the team's name which was what the field they play on used to be called. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when the children are practicing while the parents look on, when it starts to rain the kids wont give up the ball and the coaches and parents try and get the ball. what happens is a cute moment between all of the families playing soccer in the rain and mud together. overall this film is just very cute and I highly recommend it especially for families with young kids. or even for elderly people who can no longer understand a very complicated plot, my grandmother really enjoys this movie. anyways if you haven't seen this movie you should seek it out and watch it when you get the chance.
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This film is a big winner in the fun-with-lessons category
inkblot1130 October 2006
The students in a small Texan town have a new teacher from England (Olivia D'Abo). She is trying hard to motivate and communicate with her pupils, with only limited success. Limited, that is, until she gets her students excited about soccer. She assembles a ragtime team, with no uniforms, and teaches them about the fundamentals of soccer. The team, with a mixture of girls and boys, begins playing matches. They lose. The teacher enlists the help of the local sheriff (Steve Guttenberg) and, together, they help the team improve. But, will they succeed in winning soccer games? This is another stroll down Mighty Ducks lane but it is still a good film for children. It's themes of hard work and teamwork are undeniable and very worthwhile. The actors, the script, and the Texas setting form a touching and funny film. If you want to find a good family film for a night at home, try this one. Big grins will pop up over The Big Green.
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No Classic, but a good plot
meloda25 April 2009
This movie is great for kids, and any kid should see it. Many teens and adults may find this movie wasteful, but anyone who keeps an open mind and makes efforts to "read between the lines" can really see that there is a lesson to be learned.

As in reality, there are many towns such as the fictional rural town this movie takes place in. In such towns (with closed industrial mills and no jobs,) you will find kids with too much time on their hands like in this movie. At the beginning, the kids didn't see a point to their lives and just didn't care. Sheriff Tom Palmer (Guttenberg) didn't have much of a life either. Anna Montgomery comes to town as the school teacher and really turns them around. She really teaches them to believe that they are no less of people than anyone else and that with hard work and persistence, one can achieve their goals. They don't even know how to play soccer in the beginning, but it goes to show that hard work, heart, persistence, belief, and teamwork can go a long ways. Anna Montgomery is a terrific teacher, coach, and leader. Towards the end, anyone can tell that they are changed for the better and learn to believe in themselves on and off the field, thanks to true leadership.

I admit, this is not a movie with tons of adventure and excitement. Though it may not be a classic like Forrest Gump or Citizen Kane; it really is a great family movie and really goes to prove a point. I recommend it to anyone with a family and a heart to see the good that can come with good leadership and teamwork.
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Familiar story, underdogs seeking recognition, but very well done.
TxMike7 September 1999
OK, the Big Green is not academy award quality. But it features a fine cast, led by Steve Guttenberg. It is set in rural Texas, and the kids on the soccer team don't have much confidence in their ability to win the big one. But a teacher transfer from England, a gorgeous woman at that, helps turn them around. The scene-stealer is Milt Oberman (who is most qualified as a stand in for Danny DeVito) as the referee in the final game, delivering a riveting, if somewhat understated, performance. This is a great feel-good movie to watch especially with your kids or grandkids. But adults should all enjoy it also.
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Entertaining movie upon some misfit kiddies playing soccer
ma-cortes28 December 2005
The picture concerns about an English teacher named Anna Montgomery(Olivia DÁbo) who comes a Texas little town for teaching at a very young school. She must educate a kiddies with down self-esteem. Anna organizes a soccer team and is helped by the town sheriff(Steve Guttenberg). Abundant difficulties throw out when the contender team with a nasty coach(Jay O. Sanders) is formed with the best in the league ,besides the principal player disappears for problems of immigration. At the beginning the team shaped by underdog and geeky members lose the match but they recuperate the position later.

The film has lots of amusement and fun. It's agreeable movie for kids who they will enjoy enormously.The movie is a soccer version of ¨Mighty Ducks¨and ¨Bad new bears ¨(Michael Ritchie) and recently adapted by Richard Linklater with Billy Bob Thorton as the coacher . However the film didn't obtain success as anterior version and barely attained hit smash at the box office.The picture has its amusing moments here and there, specially when the goalkeeper imagines the attacker players disguised as various characters. The motion picture will appeal to children and soccer buffs . Rating : Average but bemusing.
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Solid - if predictable - kids sports film
r96sk6 October 2020
Starts off in wayward fashion, but it actually turns into a solid - if predictable - kids sports film.

It's about time Disney did a production about football/soccer for the big screen, suppose the way the sport blew up in the US after the 1995 World Cup was the catalyst. That's not to say it's a serious football film, it certainly isn't and the ball game isn't even the main takeaway from events - it's more about people caring and coming together. It's rather nice.

There's nothing really noteworthy about the cast to be honest, Olivia d'Abo (Anna) and Steve Guttenberg (Tom) are, I guess, the standouts. Kate's (Jessica Robertson) story has heart, as does Juan's (Anthony Esquivel), but they as actors don't get much to work with.

Pretty plain I'll admit, but I found 'The Big Green' an enjoyable enough watch.
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A load of rubbish
The_Void4 December 2004
This movie appears to have made for the sole purpose of annoying me. Everything I hate about films is present: fake sentimentality, extreme corniness, bad child actors and more feature abundantly. That's ignoring the fact that it depicts the extreme ignorance of American sports fans, with many of the cast professing that a football is shaped like a lemon. What?! That's a Rugby ball. The story follows a group of no hopers that get a new teacher that they like (who, coincidently, teaches the class in a short skirt) and gets them interested in football. Naturally, they're all rubbish (don't forget, they're no hopers) except for one kid who has moved from El Paso. Blah Blah, etc etc and the kids still don't become good footballers, but good heart ensues and the no hopers are turned into a bunch of well-rounded kids. Hell, even the adults start to come round; drunks are turned into caring parents, illegal immigrants are let off the hook...groan.

This movie stars Steve Guttenberg. Now, before you go rushing off down your local video store to grab yourself a copy, hold up a minute. Guttenberg is rubbish. No, no; come on let's face it, how did this guy ever get to be in a movie? I have absolutely no idea, and there is nothing in this movie to give me an idea. Olivia d'Abo stars along side Steve and doesn't impress either. She merely seems to be going through the motions and looking nice while doing it. Although I have no problems with the latter part; her performance does the movie no credit. The child actors that make up the rest of the cast are just as bad as you would expect from a movie like this. Most of them are disgusting and/or annoying and it doesn't make for pleasant viewing at all. There's a goat in the film who plays the mascot and he does a good job; but you wouldn't see a movie for a goat, so don't bother seeing this movie.
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Great movie for kids!!
ashleyparsons1152 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you love children's movies or love a good comedy about kids this is the movie for you. It has some good actors in it that later on go on to even more things. The movie is absolutely hilarious but also teaches kids a good story. It takes a team who doesn't know anything about soccer and turns them into champions. It is very interesting to see everything they have to go through to get there. Loved it as a child. Even if you are not a soccer fan it's a great movie to watch. It sends kids a good message. Even as an adult I still love it.

Recommended for children of all ages! It teaches you about teamwork and hard work can pay off in the end!
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Not an original moment in the whole movie.
Hermit C-22 January 2000
This is one of the most unoriginal, cliche-ridden movies I have ever seen. Even if you didn't like this film's antecedents, 'The Bad News Bears' and 'The Mighty Ducks,' they are bound to have done a better job than this one. From the moment the new teacher greets her class and they tell her, "Don't bother with us, we're all losers," you can see everything that's coming twenty miles away for the rest of the film.

All the usual suspects are here. Besides the spunky teacher, we have a group of what are supposed to be endearingly bratty kids (they're brats, yes, but no so endearing), a slow-witted small town sheriff that they love to torment, an arrogant head coach of the winning rival team, etc., ad nauseum. Only Olivia d'Abo as the new teacher displays any likabilty. I never cared much for Steve Guttenberg before and his performance as the sheriff doesn't change things. Jay O. Sanders is a capable actor but his character, the rival coach, leaves him nothing to work with. Let's hope that writer/director Holly Goldberg Sloan comes up with something better next time out.
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Great family movie
srgymrat3310 July 2020
I had not watched this since I was a kid and honestly hardly remembered anything about it . We recently watched it on Disney plus and it was great ! I smiled the whole way through . I felt like it took some great life lessons and packed them into a very entertaining and funny story .

I think it's a great reminder of what a family movie should be : simple , clean and leaving you with a great moral lesson . Great for all ages .
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Predictable Disney Sugar-Coated Goat Droppings
flackjacket28 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really tried to like this movie. Lord knows I tried. After all, it was broadcast free on a local TV station and the cost of admission was zero. So I endured the animated intro that was completely disjointed from the rest of the film that followed.

I suffered through the obvious clichés of downcast misfits and insufferable moppets who were predictably going to somehow unite and overcome the mean over the top enemy coach. I resisted vomiting with the overdone insinuated affair of the teacher and the sheriff.

I held back severe diarrhea after seeing one too many scenes of the typical "misfits who will win" cliché overweight kid who had visions of ninjas and so forth as he tried to protect the goal. And despite the much expected screwed up drunken dad, and all the soon to be healed by sports parent/kid relationships, I hung in there.

But then when they got to the scene of these insufferable misfit moppets, and soon to be heroes attempting to mow the "big green", with sped up film, only to be followed by the scene of the ever lovable kids and whacked-out parents having a sweet sugar-coated love fest in the mud and rain in slow motion for added effect. That's when I lost it.

It was as if someone had induced diabetes by pouring a 2 pound bag of sugar coated doggie diamonds down my throat. Or more accurately, goat poop. Yes, to add to the whole predictable Disney over-sweetened saccharin sickness of this film, there's a goat mascot... just in case the rest of the film didn't put you in a coma.

Anyway, if you haven't seen this movie, thank God.
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Awesome Kid's Movie
anna_angel8713 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was around 8 or 9 when this movie came out. Despite there already being plenty of movies about misfits rising to the top,like The Mighty Ducks and Angles in the Outfield, this movie really was the best of them all.

It of course starts out like normal, with the kids being resentful to anything new and having all-around bad attitudes. But with the help of a good coach and a new activity to immerse themselves in, their moral and moods change for the better, making them the winners they are. The journey to their win contains many easy laughs, and just a tiny bit of drama and romance. A movie for boys and girls alike ;) I thought it was and still is a great kids movie. I'm 20 now, and I still watch it to this day. Its a great feel-good movie for the whole family to enjoy!
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This is a good movie i don't know why so low at least a 7 or 6 1/2
mr_waterfall12 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is funny, cool and about showing a lower school , if have the ability to learn and keep trying they can do anything. Got Patrick O'Renna, and Steve Guttenburg to me this is a good movie.. Sadly most good movies are usually low and dumb movies, with no real good cast or idea get high ratings, but it deserves better. I have VHS of it but i can't wait for a DVD or so of it. 7/10
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Good Lord...just watch "Heavyweights" instead
mikeofstedal22 March 2014
This movie is beyond terrible. I have rarely seen a combination of directing, cinematography and screenplay that is this bad. Seriously...go do story problems in an 8th grade math book before you watch this...honestly. You will thank me later. The story is of course a complete cliché that has been done a thousand times...but the effort put forward here is beyond reprehensible. Even the songs in the movie are bad. Little giants, heavyweights, both bad news bears movies, ladybugs...these are all 10/10 compared to this disgusting wad of complacency. How Steve Gutt could actually read this script and say yes is beyond me, but is money. If you need to kill some time, try a screwdriver to the brain for a couple least the pain will remind you life is worth living.
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Still one of my favorites
CmHowell9923 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Even at 13 this film is still one of my favorites I borrowed it from my friend and got it for christmas one year. One day a group of misfit kids decide to go for a bike ride and feed some birds and a lady thinks their being attacked she claims that she is their teacher. These kids are playing around at the police station and are told off by sheriff Tom Palmer. Determined to motivate her students Anna forms a soccer team with the help of Tom Palmer. At the field they meet a group of bullies also a soccer team called The Knights coached by the snobbish Jay Huffer Tom's old nemesis. The Knights wind up winning by a final score of 18-0. But they soon become a winning team and defeat The Knights in the championship game 4-3. In the end Jay Has to kiss the goat. 9/10
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weak Disney fare
SnoopyStyle11 September 2016
Elma, Texas is a small struggling town. Anna Montgomery (Olivia d'Abo) is the new teacher from England. Sheriff Tom Palmer (Steve Guttenberg) is taken with the beautiful newcomer. The kids are bitter and defeated. Anna gets them to play soccer. They are soundly defeated by the reining champs Knights coached by ruthless Jay Huffer. Kate Douglas and Juan Morales are the team's best players. Kate's father is a drunk. Juan is new and his mother is actually an illegal immigrant.

This is weak even for a formulaic Disney family movie. It fails for several reasons. It's not funny. Guttenberg is still trying to be his devil-may-care rascal character but he's finally finished. He's no longer funny. The kids should be the central characters anyways, but they're not. On top of that, the kids playing Kate and Juan are not the most charismatic. The soccer is boring and predictable. There is nothing good although there is nothing offensive either.
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Guilty throw back pleasure with my kids
cyruzxa4 October 2023
I was waiting to have kids to watch those type of movies again in almost 20 years! Never Forgot about this one.... I'm sure i would have been more critical about it without kids but why so... it is what it is... a feel good family movie. My 3 years old little daughter loved it and watched it like i did back then... with innocence, without overthinking about other stuff. Just looking at a bunch of friends enjoying being together and having fun outside... no need of technology or to be perfect to be appreciated or $$$ of CGI.... i will be asked in a near future to rewatch it with my 2 years old son and his sister that she will remembering it like a good movie because his dad and brother laugh at it ... and as a guilty family movie that gathering us for a too short moment in our life.
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The Big Meh
questl-185922 December 2021
A bunch of losers all band together and join the sports team and slowly turn from disjointed misfits into a cohesive group that cares and grows together. It's remarkably unoriginal in it's plot but I give it points for having some fun characters. Also, there's this really great visual thing they do where the goalie sees the opposing offense as various monsters and warriors. It's a creative way of presenting fear and anxiety in a child friendly way.
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Total Muck
thebigeasy5558 August 2006
Take a cliché story and insert Steve Guttenberg.Need i say anymore?This truly is as bad as you would expect. Sheriff Tom Palmer(Guttenberg)and Anna Montgormery attempt to transform a group of useless,inept kids into a winning soccer team.Lacking originality and direction from the offset it's quite a struggle to maintain any form of interest in this film. Despite my reservations about Guttenbergs acting ability i can safely say that the acting of the rival teams coach is actually worse than Guttenbergs.Previously unimaginable i thought. This type of story of underdogs battling all the way to the top has been done before and better every time than this so called 'film'
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formula movie
lee_eisenberg25 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
HOW MANY MOVIES ARE THERE GOING TO BE IN WHICH AGAINST ALL ODDS, A RAGTAG TEAM BEATS THE BIG GUYS WITH ALL THE MONEY?!!!!!!!! There's nothing new in "The Big Green". If anything, you want them to lose. Steve Guttenberg used to have such a good resume ("The Boys from Brazil", "Police Academy", "Cocoon"). Why, OH WHY, did he have to do these sorts of movies during the 1990s and beyond?! So, just avoid this movie. There are plenty of good movies out there, so there's no reason to waste your time and money on this junk. Obviously, the "green" on their minds was money, because there's no creativity here. At least in recent years, Disney has produced some clever movies with Pixar.
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A trip down memory lane
rotentomatoez17 June 2006
If you're looking for a sophisticated piece of art, "The Big Green" is not it. This is a family film for elementary school kids. I watched this movie for the first time when I was nine, and I absolutely loved it. I loved cheering for the underdog, and from my nine-year-old point of view, all the events were realistic and all the characters were believable. I especially loved Larry, who was hilarious in his delusions. I watched this film again tonight and realize that it is a clichéd film, but only because I'm much older and more cynical. However, this does not take away the fact that it brought back the days when I resolutely believed that the harder I worked, the more it would pay off and that anybody could be a winner. It is optimistic, heart-warming and uplifting for that inner nine-year-old.
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As hokie as a root canal
Agent1024 June 2002
Nothing more than a soccer knock-off of The Mighty Ducks, this film proved to be annoying in most aspects. This was one of those times where you're parents ask you to take your younger siblings just so they don't have to deal with them for a few hours. To say the least, my younger sisters liked it, but it proved to be too much like the far superior Mighty Ducks. Oh well, at least Olivia d'Abo was hot and Steve Guttenberg still had a job at that point in time.
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Love family films like this!
homman-hofield23 March 2012
This movie is great for kids, and any kid should see it. Many teens and adults may find this movie wasteful, but anyone who keeps an open mind and makes efforts to "read between the lines" can really see that there is a lesson to be learned.

As in reality, there are many towns such as the fictional rural town this movie takes place in. In such towns (with closed industrial mills and no jobs,) you will find kids with too much time on their hands like in this movie. At the beginning, the kids didn't see a point to their lives and just didn't care. Sheriff Tom Palmer (Guttenberg) didn't have much of a life either. Anna Montgomery comes to town as the school teacher and really turns them around. She really teaches them to believe that they are no less of people than anyone else and that with hard work and persistence, one can achieve their goals. They don't even know how to play soccer in the beginning, but it goes to show that hard work, heart, persistence, belief, and teamwork can go a long ways. Anna Montgomery is a terrific teacher, coach, and leader. Towards the end, anyone can tell that they are changed for the better and learn to believe in themselves on and off the field, thanks to true leadership.

I admit, this is not a movie with tons of adventure and excitement. Though it may not be a classic like Forrest Gump or Citizen Kane; it really is a great family movie and really goes to prove a point. I recommend it to anyone with a family and a heart to see the good that can come with good leadership and teamwork.
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A Kids Movie For Adults
januszlvii6 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The adults really dominated the kids ( especially seeing Olivia D'Abo in a mini skirt), Olivia plays Anna Montgomery a British woman teaching in a small town in Texas and introducing them to soccer. The problem is except for Newt ( Bug Hall), the kids are not the least bit interesting. Especially Kate who has an alcoholic father and Juan who has an illegal mother. Steve Guttenberg plays Deputy Palmer who helps coach the team mainly because he has the hots for Anna. As can be predicted, they get good at soccer, and spoilers ahead:,Win the Divisional championship over the Knights and their bad guy coach., Palmer sponsors Juan's mom, ends up with Anna, and Juan and Kate will be a couple "If I leave again I am taking you with me." ( Juan), and perhaps Juan's mom and Kate's dad, it seemed hinted at. Themes like illegal immigration and alcoholism and a remark about Reagan economics that would go straight over a kids head, made you think this is really a kids movie made for adults. It did not do well at the Box Office either. The main reason to watch is Olivia D'Abo. 3/10 stars all for her.
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