976-Evil II (1991) Poster


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Dial it Again....
lone-wolf-00720 October 2012
This sequel has the survivor from the first tracking down a serial killer who is apparently using the 976-evil line to gain demonic powers. The thing is with this story is he isn't really becoming demonic as the character in the first film was. Yeah he shows signs of it but it isn't the same kind of way. More or less he uses astral projection. Almost a different story with the 976-Evil name on it. For straight to video it isn't bad really. Its true claim to fame for horror fans is one scene that steals the movie.That being one of the characters is zapped into the TV and is put into a situation that begins as Its a Wonderful Life and turns into Night of the Living Dead. Such a clever combination and it works so well. Its an idea that's good and executed well but belongs in a better movie. Other than that you have a few car explosions and people being ran over and a few death scenes. Also has a fairly interesting ending which especially at that time you didn't see a lot. Acting wise its your standard low budget actors and nobody is really "phoning " it in. There are also a couple of cameos and a sign to a play that most horror fans will get and understand. So its not great but its not bad either. The wonder life/living dead scene is a show stealer but the movie is average at best.
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"Isn't someone going to answer that phone?" Terrible sequel.
poolandrews3 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
976-EVIL 2: The Astral Factor starts at Slate River college where the dean Mr. Grubeck (Rene Assa) has just murdered pretty blonde teenager Lori Glazier (Karen-Mayo Chandler) which brings his murder count to five girls, this time however a drunk bum named Turrell (George 'Buck' Flower) is witness to his crime & Grubeck is arrested. Grubeck is given his statutory one phone call which he uses to phone 976-EVIL a direct line to hell, Grubeck is given powers which enable him to astrally project himself while asleep & is also given the name of the drunk who meets a very sticky end that night. Meanwhile pretty blonde teenager (notice a pattern here?) Robin (Debbie James) is contacted by 976-EVIL survivor Spike (Patrick O'Bryan reprising his role from the original) who knows that Grubeck is using the Satanic hot-line to murder & generally be antisocial, by a strange coincidence Robin used to work for Grubeck who developed a crush on her & he still has it...

Directed by Jim Wynorski, whose very name when attached to a film sends shivers down my spine, 976-EVIL 2: The Astral Factor is a terrible sequel to a fairly decent original. The script by Erik Anjou plays the concept far more like a standard teen slasher (as if we didn't already have enough) rather than trying to develop the demonic phone-line to hell idea as in the first, instead they take the 976-EVIL premise & simply use it to give some supernatural powers to a homicidal maniac who wants to kill lots of dumb & annoying teenagers, yawn. The whole things a bit of an embarrassment really, it's predictable, the character's really are stupid & gullible, the exploitation elements are lacking & as a film it provides little in the way of entertainment. The opening scene features a naked blonde in a shower for no reason other than show off her breasts, she is chased by Grubeck & then just lies there & waits for him to kill her which he does by pulling a rope which releases a fake stalactite to impale her! It doesn't get much better either apart from a couple of decent car chase scenes & one or two nice kills, overall there is very little to recommend here I'm afraid.

Director Wynorski still had the nerve to use his real name on the credits when he made this back in '91 instead of hiding under his usual Jay Andrews pseudonym, the film is reasonably well made but it doesn't have any style or the visual look of the first film. It's pretty bland & forgettable stuff while the gore is also disappointing, someone is impaled, someone has a garden trowel stuck in them in a direct rip-off, sorry homage to Night of the Living Dead (1968), a few after the fact slit throats, & in the films best moment a guy is hit by a speeding truck & he just explodes everywhere, excellent. 976-EVIL is also one of those films where it's fun to try & spot all the continuity errors as there's plenty of them.

Technically the film is OK, although I'm sure that truck at the end changes between a tanker trailer & box trailer... Now on to the best aspect of 976-EVIL, Miss USA finalist Debbie James. Frankly she is one pretty hot looking young lady & makes the film a lot easier to sit through that's for sure, she can't act but she sure looks good & nobody's perfect are they? As for everyone else the acting sucks including original cast returnee O'Bryan.

976-EVIL: The Astral Factor is an awful film from the ever awful Jim Wynorski, it didn't do anything for me & I think the original 976-EVIL (1987) is a far superior film that tried to do something with the concept whereas this doesn't.
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976-Evil 2 Astral Projection City
punisherversion114 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
976-Evil II: Directed by the infamous Jim Wynorski and written by Erik Anjou and Rick Glassman.

This is the sequel to the directorial debut of one Robert Englund. The original was a fun horror movie that I watched a long time ago late night. A big fan of the Freddy movies, I was naturally enticed to check it out. I was not disappointed.

Now we come to the sequel directed by the infamous Jim Wynorski. If you watched any no budget horror films, you'll know this man's name and his work before he jumped into the no budget softcore porn market. I have to say this is a fairly solid movie at least in terms of being able to follow things and understanding character motivations. The villain oddly enough considering the times we're in is a lecherous serial killing dean of a community college. He has found the dreaded hotline that gives you powers from beyond the grave. When he is caught and arrested, he uses his new found powers along with his knowledge of astral projection to get back at those trying to stand between him and the student he desperately wants to be with. More than a little creepy and gross. We're still in the realm of supernatural killers left over from Elm Street's hey day. He has the quips. He has the kooky special effects and the somewhat clever kills fitting each character's personality quirks. It is a breezy film with the usual requisite flaws that adult characters have when it comes to believing the weirdness. Much like Prom Night 2, this is another whatever film. It comes and goes and doesn't bother you much when watching it. You'll forget about it as soon as it's done. It pales in comparsion to the original but it's a pretty decent Jim Wynorski movie. I give this movie a D.
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A very entertaining sequel. Much better than part one.
Captain_Couth30 June 2004
976-Evil 2 (1991) is a far better film than the first movie. The film-makers didn't try to be serious with the subject matter and the players seem to be enjoying themselves. Shot on the cheap, the sequel follows Spike and his attempts to stop the evil behind that darn 976-EVIL. He's still tooling around on his motorcycle looking like a rebel without a clue. But this time around he has one. It's up to him to stop the madness. A little worse for wear (Spike's sporting a five o'clock shadow that comes and goes) but he's all clad in black leather and looking to kick some demonic butt!

Like I said, a very entertaining movie. Unlike the first film the black humor works. The villain in this movie is real creepy and funny as well. The film's direction flows along at a reasonable pace (thanks to the ever reliable Jim Wynorski) and the blood flows. I'm glad they stopped after this one. I probably couldn't take another sequel.



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976-Evil II: Probably best this never became a franchise
Platypuschow30 April 2019
976-Evil (1989) was directed by none other than Robert "Freddy Kreuger" Englund, but sadly was a bit of a mess. This sequel, even worse.

It tells the story of an evil horoscope line that possesses its victims and is behind a notorious serial killer and............stuff.

The plot is hard to follow because not only does it not make a vast amount of sense but it simply isn't very good.

With a cameo appearance by Brigitte Nielsen it has one of those distinctly average casts, and to rise above mediocre it required considerably better. From the plot to the cast to the sfx it's a mess that makes the original look like a work of art.

Even fans of the original will likely not like this because it distances itself so much from the first film despite having the same leading man.

Awful awful stuff.

The Good:


The Bad:

Looks ugly

Plot is a mess
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A direct hotline to the Devil.
michaelRokeefe8 April 2002
Gracious be, what a story. A wicked teacher(Rene Assa)takes advantage of powers obtained from his phone calls to Satan. Some creative murder scenes and a fun watch with a party crowd. Debbie James is nice in the looks department, but light in acting skills. Patrick O'Bryan seems miscast as the biker hero. Also in the cast is Philip McKeon.
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Next time, Jim, stick with your usual excess of T&A.
BA_Harrison14 March 2012
Either I've never seen the first 976-Evil or it's been so long that I've forgotten all about it, but this matters not, for Part 2 is directed by Jim Wynorski whose preferred film-making route is to prioritise gratuitous tits and ass over plot progression. It might not be all that sophisticated, but hot women being chased around in their panties is never boring in my book and, sure enough, within minutes, a busty blonde gets her kit off to take a shower and is attacked by a serial killer who offs her in a manner that doesn't use up too much of the budget. Things look set for some seriously trashy entertainment.

Sadly, from thereon in, Wynorski unwisely changes tack, with shoddy effects and terrible storytelling taking precedence over bare female flesh, any subsequent busty women keeping their clothes on.

The rest of the film is packed full of the kind of random weirdness that proliferated many a cheapo horror of the late 80s/early 90s: there's a kitchen full of malevolent appliances; the bad guy practises astral projection (an art taught to him by Brigitte Nielsen); the hero pulls a fully loaded machine gun from a wall to shoot-up a talking stuffed pig's head (!?!); and the heroine's best friend Paula (Leslie Ryan) is sucked into her TV, where she is attacked by zombies from Christmas classic It's A Wonderful Life (I kid you not!). While this might sound like a lot of crazy fun, the crap acting, Wynorski's uninspired direction, and the sheer inanity of the script (if indeed there was a script) make it a painful experience.

2.5 out of 10, very generously rounded up to 3 for IMDb.
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Absolute garbage
dagonseve18 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you're not familiar with the first film from 1988, it starred Stephen Geoffreys (had a notable role in 1985's Fright Night) as a bullied youth who dials 976-Evil and receives supernatural powers that turn him into a demon; Splendid 80's creature horror that couldn't have been better. This remake does not maintain substantial continuity nor does Geoffreys return to reprise his role. Patrick O'Bryan does return to fulfill his role of Spike, however – the cousin to the main character of the first film.

A college student by name of Robin discovers that her dean, Mr. Grubek, is accused of being the Slate River Killer – a deranged killer responsible for murdering other young females. By submitting his will to the mysterious voice over the phone, Grubek is given the power of astral projection (that is to say, he can leave his body at will and still perform certain tasks). After witnessing another girl's death at the hands of Grubek, Robin learns the secrets of the phone line with the aid of Spike - a man all-too-familiar with how powerful and dangerous it can be.

Whoever said this movie was better than the first installment was a lunatic. I should have known this sequel was going to fall flat on its face. It was a straight-to-VHS release and just based on visuals alone anyone can draw that conclusion. There's no charm to be found in its weak attempt at black humor either; it's just lame all-around. I can't think of one likable thing about this film – not one! The makeup is pitiful in comparison to the first and all of the actors do a lackluster job (specifically one of the police officers who's on watch duty – I hope someone wrote him after that performance and told him to quit forever, or else).

The cheapness that encompasses the production value speaks volumes. I'd only agree to watch this movie on the premise that it was background filler and I was pre-occupied with something more important. Being that it was only important for me to watch this once, I don't expect to view it ever again – but whenever I get that feeling of satisfaction within me, and I let a bad title remain in my past, it always manages to find a way creep back in. So, with that said, this probably won't be the last time I see you, 976-Evil II.

In passing, it mentions Joe Bob Briggs on a wall advertisement. This was obviously intentional, as Joe Bob's Drive-in Theater was shown regularly on television at the time – a show in which Joe Bob (John Bloom) would provide trivia and humorous critiques of B-rated movies. He later expanded upon this format and shifted his focus to straight-to-VHS horror movies. It was basically like giving permission to ridicule the film on account of how terrible it was.

I have no idea what to make of the ending. No idea at all. I'm all for nontraditional endings that don't have to end happily, but COME ON. Is that what you call a twist? I call that, "I tripped over something that was laying on the floor and fell against a wall, then proceeded to fall end-over-end down a long spiral staircase, rendering me unconscious upon impact." Don't waste your time with this one and heed my warning.
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Too bad. This sequel to the amusing if ridiculous original is phoned-in, phony crap.
elinguation1 April 2013
Okay. Although I doubt anyone has ever accused the original 976-EVIL of being a great film, the "phone line from hell" concept was at least original and the whole thing was entertaining despite being totally absurd in every way. Unfortunately, this film underplays its main asset - the evil phone line thing - and introduces a stupid and unlikeable villain, an evil teacher who's possessed by the phone line or something and who runs around slashing up teens while spouting one-liners that fall embarrassingly flat. Apparently the folks responsible for the film's story and script (amazing that all four of them couldn't come up with something better than this) didn't appreciate that if anything about the original worked, it was the ridiculous concept and the darkly humorous satire on religion and high school bullying. Here, all of that is either misused or underused. Instead you have a slasher film that hits all the bases (sex, mild gore, homework) while failing to actually succeed at anything. The acting gets a D-, the script qualifies for special ed, and the director needs a good old-fashioned spanking for ruining such an awesome concept.

If there's anything effective about this movie, it's the scene that combines It's a Wonderful Life with Night of the Living Dead. It's truly as awesome as it sounds. Otherwise, seriously, pass on this.
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Daft but tasty supernatural slasher junk
Bloodwank18 September 2010
I remember watching this one some time back and I can't say as it really struck me, but since it appeared on one side of a double header along with Home Sweet Home, I was happy to see it again. I've never seen the original and it'll likely be some time before I do since it was cut in the UK (sadly where I live) and even in the US the DVD release is apparently missing footage from the original release. 976 Evil 2 goes for a supernatural slasher vibe, we have a school principal by the name of Stefan Grubek granted dark powers by the nefarious 976 line and its "horrorscopes". Locked up on suspicions of murder, he uses the power of astral projection to exit the confines of his cell and avenge himself on those who sent him down, as well as tormenting the pretty policemans daughter that is our heroine. Director Jim Wynorski gets things off to a storming start, tits and a taut chase scene ending in inspired, verging on operatic murder. Its an Italian style flourish and very nearly brilliant, if the grue were upped just a couple of degrees it surely would be. Still a memorable opening that gets the film off on just the right footing. It stays there too, with a bustling pace and exciting chain of events, though the film often traverses cheesy territory, there's real gusto and commitment to it, we get evil chat on the telephone, a decaying and delightfully hammy villain, supernatural slaying and one whoop making sequence of a possessed kitchen going on the offensive. Rene Assa wigs out in fine fashion as Grubek, oozing arrogant malevolence he is quite splendidly hissable, while on the side of the angels Patrick O'Bryan returns from the original and does perfectly well going through typical "cool guy with leather jacket and motorcycle" motions, Debbie James is a perfectly cute heroine and we get a pleasingly barmy little cameo from Brigitte Nielsen. Regrettably the film doesn't move up through the exploitation gears after its splendid opening, we get no more nudity and it's a shame, though as I recall Wynorski always had a thing for falsies so it might not be such a bad thing that he doesn't indulge here. More unfortunately, there ain't much gore here, and a couple of the killings are off screen too. Sure, Grubeks increasingly grody visage makes up a little for this, but still I would have liked a little more blood in this party. Also the ending is a bit weak and the final moments don't really come off. Still, for the most part this is a kinda neat little film, worth a watch for fans of cheesy late 80's supernatural horror trash.
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Boring and unwanted sequel to an average movie
Groverdox17 November 2017
"976- Evil II" is an unnecessary and probably unwanted sequel to the original "976-Evil", which is only notable for being one of two films directed by Mr Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund.

Unfortunately the superior directorial pedigree of b-movie legend Jim Wynorski can't rescue "976-Evil II" from chronic sequelitis. The original at least had the novel premise of a "haunted" telephone line that allowed mortals to make their Faustian deals from the comfort of their living room.

The sequel doesn't really need this idea, but shoehorns it in awkwardly here and there to create some kind of spurious relationship to the (pretty average) original.

"976-Evil II" is really more interested in making a third-rate Freddy Krueger rip off out of its villain, who is nowhere near as memorable as that famous screen bogey-man. He is apparently an evil teacher who is capable of astral projection (?) and uses it to kill people who he calls first. Or something.

It's not explained very well, and leaves you with two disparate plot threads: the evil hotline (which I can't remember anybody actually calling... I guess the teacher must have?) and the evil teacher bogey-man who is a completely underwhelming villain with unexplained motives and methods.

Perhaps the only thing notable about "976-Evil II" is the fact that it begins with a girl taking a shower with her underwear clearly still on. If the actress didn't want to show full-frontal nudity, why didn't Wynorski just shoot her from the waist up?
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A surprisingly good movie, with a hot looking girl!
c15015 November 2002
I have to say this movie surprised me in that it was very well produced and directed. This movie is much better than the original 976-evil movie, the acting is better, the script is better and the characters are more believeable. Now let me talk a little bit about the main character in the movie, her name is Debbie James and wow what a hottie! She is a former Miss Teen USA and a former Miss USA finalist. She is also a former Miss Colorado. Her acting isn't bad either in this movie and she is the main character. I wish Debbie james would appear in more movies (she only has had minor roles in a few subsequent movies) but at least we get to see her as the main character in this interesting movie, which is certainly worth renting and even buying. I give this movie 8 out of 10 stars!
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Not as bad as it could've been
kannibalcorpsegrinder13 September 2012
After being bestowed with demonic powers following a phone call to Hell, a psychotic teacher begins a rampage of death and destruction in a small town, forcing a teen and her boyfriend to fight him off so that they can get away.

Not nearly as bad as it could've been, but this one was actually pretty enjoyable at times. One of the better aspects here is the fact that the supernaturally-powered teacher here is allowed to do a lot of rather inventive and innovative gags and sequences, from the psychic flashes and images to the large house filled with all sorts of different everyday items being used for malicious purposes during the lengthy action set-piece, and finally the big action scene here was the possessed-truck chase along the highway which is a cool highlight, amongst other rather fun, inventive sequences that really serve a nice calling here with its gore and inventiveness. There's still a couple flaws here, with the cheesy nature of the overall plot, lovelorn teens in the leading roles being forced to do everything themselves as the adults are utterly clueless about it all, and a rather pedestrian pace that leaves it feeling a little slow to get going. Though only the cheese is enough to bring it down, it's still not as bad as it could've been.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, and Nudity.
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"Everytime you hear a bell a zombie takes us all to hell"
pkzeewiz14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Poor excuse of a movie using the success of the first one to hopefully bring in fans, but not sure it got many.

Patrick O'Bryan from part 1 returns back to the town where he killed his cousin because the hotline is back and a killer is once again on the lose. This time its the dean of a college and it has him possessed and he's killing anyone in his path.

This movie was majorly flawed. Jim Wynorski isn't the greatest director and editor Nina Gilberti is a major person to blame and she and Jim work together a lot so who's really to blame for these shots. The music has potential, but always seems to be either too cheesy or very inappropriate for the actions on the screen.

The acting isn't too bad, Rene Assa as the possessed dead, Pat O'Bryan as a motorcycle riding pro. Great scenes with Brigitte Nielsen, Leslie Ryan and the legendary Buck Flowers. The one actor that was horrible was the lead girl, Robin (Debbie James) I didn't like the new and improved phone message on the hotline, it wasn't cool like the first movie. There was hardly no blood here and the killings were mostly off screen and it was not that exciting. There was a super cool scene though that makes up for a lot of the junk. Paula and Robin are watching TV and going back and fourth between "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Night of the Living Dead" and then Paula gets sucked into the TV in a black and white madness, as the Frank Capra classic comes to life and they all turn into zombies and she ends up being stabbed to death by a little girl with a trowel.

It wasn't a masterpiece even in B-Movie horror standards, but it is worth a watch 4 out of 10 stars.
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*1/2 out of 4.
brandonsites198124 August 2002
Slightly better sequel finds that evil telephone line still in business. It seduces a teacher at first and then turns him into a full blooded killer. Lots of grisly memorable death scenes and a wicked twist of an ending are what make this entry better. Sure it is rather poorly done, but this film is a lot of fun and moves along at a nice pace. Rated R.
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Seen it all before
Leofwine_draca6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
965-EVIL II: THE ASTRAL FACTOR is a cheap and cheerful sequel to the original movie, to which it is loosely connected. The story is about an evil telephone (I know) which possesses an evil teacher with the power to return from the grave. He then returns to terrorise our blonde heroine, gradually rotting away but seemingly immortal and endowed with superhuman strength.

There's little to say about this low rent production which was shot by B-movie stalwart Jim Wynorski. The plot is heavily indebted to that of THE TERMINATOR but it lacks that movie's drive and focus, and the action scenes are limited. The villain's one-liners also recall A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET sequel, with which this has much in common, it's just cheaper. Fans of tacky cinema might get a kick out of it, but it's hardly profound.
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This sequel has that straight to video feel about it, doesn't dial up as much terror
Aaron13759 November 2013
Saw this sequel and while not incredibly terrible, it was inferior to 976-Evil. There are aspects of the plot here that are better, but there is a cheapness to the whole thing too. One can tell that they did not have the budget they had in the first film. There was also way too much that was established in the first film that is ignored during this one. It is a sequel, it does use the same phone service and Spike does return; however, Spike seems like a totally different character now (though he is played by the same actor) and the whole thing just seems a bit generic in a way.

The story has a Dean or a principal being arrested for a rash of killings and a kill at the beginning of the film. I say Dean or principal due to the fact the school they show seems like a high school, but they seem to infer it is a college. Lockers and nurses who yammer that you should be in class seem more out of high school to me. Well, Spike is headed for the town, determined to stop the killings and the strange 976 number...remember when they revealed the operator dude at the end of the first film was in on it? Well, if you did, you remember more than the writers of this one as this aspect is ignored completely. Instead, the dean or whatever, uses astral projection to kill those that try to persecute him.

The film misses the mark, more so than the first film. It basically needs more work than did the first one to make it better. I liked the idea behind it, but I would have preferred they followed a bit more of the story of the first film. Astral projection killer, somewhat cool. Multiple off screen deaths...not so cool. I do believe the off screen death count was higher than the on screen one. They did some good things, but this sequel seems almost rushed despite four years in between films, it does seem cheaper and to many issues with the story tying it with the first film. That "It's a Wonderful Life" meets "Night of the Living Dead" kill was pretty cool though.
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Enough redeeming elements to entice diehard horror fans, yet not enough to sufficiently stand out
kevin_robbins3 January 2024
I recently rewatched 976-Evil II (1991) on a random streaming site. The storyline follows Spike from the first 976-Evil in a college town plagued by a serial killer who strikes through phone calls. Can he stop satanic demons once again?

Directed by Jim Wynorski (The Lost Empire), the film stars Patrick O'Bryan (No Holds Barred), René Assa (Deep Cover), George 'Buck' Flower (Back to the Future), Leslie Ryan (Night of the Creeps), and Philip McKeon (Alice).

While lacking the magic of the first film, it maintains a strong 80s feel despite its 1991 release. The attire, dialogue, and interactions exude a distinctly 80s vibe. The movie includes classic horror nudity scenes, featuring a great topless opening sequence. However, the storyline feels less compelling and somewhat forced, lacking full development. The possessed professor could have been more menacing, and the calls seemed a bit cheesy. The ending is straightforward and fairly cliché, but there are enjoyable horror scenes, such as the kitchen attack on Spike.

In conclusion, 976-Evil II is a somewhat average addition to the horror genre, with enough redeeming elements to entice diehard horror fans, yet not enough to sufficiently stand out. I would score this a 5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Passable time killer.
Hey_Sweden20 July 2012
The fiendish mastermind behind the 976-Evil number is at it again, and this time he's got a demented college dean, Mr. Grubeck (Rene Assa) doing his bidding. Grubeck is arrested after a witness is able to pinpoint him as a killer, but no jail is going to keep Grubeck from doing his homicidal duties. You see, he's now given the power of astral projection. So his spirit can be out and about murdering people while his body catches some z's in his prison cell. But opposing him is Spike (Pat O'Bryan), who fans of the first film know has been through all this before. Spike hooks up with Robin (Debbie James), a stunning college student, and together they set out to stop Grubeck. Overall, a decent sequel to a decent first film, "976-Evil II" is rough going for a while, but greatly improves once it comes up with its major set piece which ingeniously melds "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Night of the Living Dead". Too bad the rest of the movie isn't that clever. Still, it does deliver one pretty good runaway car sequence, and the climactic action boasts one Hell of an impressive explosion. The makeup effects are fairly effective, although other visual effects are so bad as to be laughable - in a good way, for this viewer. Director Jim Wynorski serves up a generous serving of both cheese and crud in a movie that is reasonably amusing for what it is. O'Bryan manages to keep a straight face while working overtime to project a sense of "cool". Bubbly blonde James, a former Miss Teen USA and Miss Colorado and Miss USA finalist, is appealing and acts her little heart out as the gal who segues from potential victim to heroine. Wynorski works with some of his regulars, such as Paul Coufos, super sexy Monique Gabrielle, and the very funny Ace Mask, and other familiar faces include Rod McCary, Karen Mayo-Chandler, Mindy Seeger, ever hilarious George "Buck" Flower in a somewhat more substantial part than usual, and Brigitte Nielsen in a special guest appearance as the seductive proprietress of a bookstore specializing in the occult. Chuck Cirino's music score is great and there are even some songs credited to the actor Vincent D'Onofrio! A heads up for people who like in jokes: pay attention and you'll see the names Joe Bob Briggs and Roger Corman (Roger "Gorman", actually), who was Wynorski's boss for many years, on a poster. This could be best described as the kind of movie that does have its moments. One has to give Wynorski credit, as he sticks some eye candy with Mayo- Chandler right near the beginning of the movie. The ending is one of those deals where people will either appreciate it or be annoyed by it. At least it's not a predictable one. Six out of 10.
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Enjoyable lightweight sequel
Woodyanders12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Evil college professor Mr. Grubeck (smoothly essayed with creepy aplomb by Rene Assa) murders attractive young college students for kicks. Grubeck acquires the power of astral projection from a mysterious telephone service. It's up to leather-clad bad boy Spike (nicely played with scruffy charm to spare by Patrick O'Bryan) and the perky Robin (a solid and appealing portrayal by gorgeous blonde knockout Debbie James) to stop him. Director Jim Wynorski, working from a compact script by Erik Anjou, relates the entertaining story at a snappy pace, creates an engagingly playful spooky ooga-booga carnival funhouse sort of atmosphere, stages some explosive vehicular carnage with rip-roaring brio, further spices things up with an amusing sense of campy humor, and delivers a satisfying smattering of tacky gore, lovably rinky-dink (not so) special effects, and tasty gratuitous female nudity. The ubiquitous George "Buck" Flower has a sizable supporting part as drunken janitor Turrell, who meets a memorably messy end when he gets mowed down by a truck. Popping up in nifty minor roles are Monique Gabrielle as persistent prosecuting attorney Lawlor, Brigitte Nielsen as horny occult bookstore owner Agnes, and Karen Mayo-Chandler as foxy nubile coed Laurie (who gets bumped off by Grubeck after taking a shower -- natch!). This movie hits its delightfully loopy apex with an inspired off-the-wall sequence in which Robin's perky gal pal Paula (yummy brunette Leslie Ryan) finds herself being projected into a TV set showing "It's a Wonderful Life" that then turns horrific when the poor lass gets zapped into "Night of the Living Dead" instead (!). Vincent D'Onofrio contributes several cool bluesy rock tunes to the soundtrack, plus the immortal 60's garage rock gem "Pushin' Too Hard" by The Seeds blares away during a rousing set piece featuring an out-of-control car. Both Zoran Hochstatter's crisp cinematography and Chuck Cirino's spirited shuddery score are up to speed. Good silly fun.
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The Glory Days of Wynorski?
gavin694210 October 2012
A seemingly harmless telephone service endows an evil teacher with powers from beyond the grave.

Remember once upon a time when Jim Wynorski made good movies? You know, like "Chopping Mall". This might actually count as being from that era, or at least the tail end of it. (Wynorski himself claims this film is better than the original. I will let viewers be the judge of that.)

Certainly, this film is miles ahead of his current stuff. The budget looks ten times larger, the effects are better... heck, I am still having trouble believing that Wynorski made this. Where the heck did he go wrong? (My assumption is that he went wrong when he found more money could be made when productions get cheaper -- and he just decided to stop caring about making the cheap look good.)
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A Masterpiece to say the Least!
The Creeper1 February 2002
This is a Darn Good Movie that I Would have never Expected to be so Good. I first got Interested in the Series upon Learning that the Guy who Plays the Infamous "Freddy" Directed Part One. I Was looking to rent the Original, but could only found the Sequel, and was left with no other Choice. I didn't Expect Much, and got much more than I Would have ever Thought.

What Makes this Movie such a Masterpiece is really hard to put into Words. I would say it is mostly the Originality and the Obvious effort put into the Script to try to do the best with a VERY low budget. In Addition; Very good Acting, Good Video and Sound Quality, Good Murders, and a Remarkable Sense of Suspense.

Why would someone Not like this movie? They lack a sense of love for Horror Movies and/or Put this Movie in with a bad Attitude (If you Say You'll Hate this Movie, you most Likely will). I can also say that This Movie is for a Certain group that not everyone is in, and other user comments prove this! Reading the Plot Summary and Viewing the Trailer should really help you Decide before renting.

I give this Film 10 out of 10.

People who enjoyed this movie might like: Puppet Master, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Child's Play, Scream 2, The Dead Next Door, Bloody Murder, Phantasm, The Dead hate the Living, Castle Freak, Bad Channels, House and Haunted Hill, and I Know what you did last summer. For more Recommendations, Check the other Movies I Have commented on by Clicking on my Name above this Comment Section.
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Worth seeing for the IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE & NOTLD mash up
udar5520 April 2012
Spike (Pat O'Bryan) survives the events of the first film and now roams the countryside on his motorcycle. Why? We're not completely sure, but he does end up in a town where a college Dean has been abusing the 976- EVIL hot line and killing young girls. He is arrested but uses Astral Projection to leave his cell and continue to stalk Robin (Debbie James), the sheriff's daughter who has teamed up with Spike. This sequel is a strange creature. It makes an effort to connect with the first film, but feels completely like a random horror script they forced the 976 concept onto. Director Jim Wynorski handles it well enough and gets bonus points for some really WTF? moments (the biggest one being George "Buck" Flower getting obliterated by a semi). Crazed stunt coordinator Spiro Razatos delivers two pretty spectacular car crash bits. One of them (a girl in a runaway, possessed car) features a few shots where I think the actress really feared for her life and Wynorski has recycled this footage many times. The film's biggest plus is a genuinely creative bit where a character is zapped into a mash up of IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (both in public domain at the time). And you thought James Stewart was never in a Wynorski film. Bridgette Nielsen has a small cameo as a Satanic book shop owner and Philip McKeon of ALICE fame is a deputy.
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Way better than it should be
BandSAboutMovies7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
By writing Beastmaster 2: Through the Portal of Time and House IV and directing Sorority House Massacre II, Deathstalker II (which he also wrote), Big Bad Mama II, Ghoulies IV, The Skateboard Kid 2, Body Chemistry IV: Full Exposure, Friend of the Family II, Sorceress II: The Temptress, The Escort III, The Bare Wench Project 2: Scared Topless, The Bare Wench Project 3: Nymphs of Mystery Mountain, The Witches of Breastwick 2, Bare Wench Project Uncensored and Bare Wench: The Final Chapter, Jim Wynorski may be the king of the sequels. Let's add 976-EVIL II, a movie that somewhat continues the story begun in the Robert Englund 976-EVIL.

Also known as 976-EVIL II: The Astral Factor, this movie is all about Spike, a leather jacket wearing loner from the first film, again played by Patrick O'Bryan, and final girl Robin battling Professor Grubeck, who is in full command of astral powers and a Satanic horoscope phone line.

"Out of the darkness and into the light comes your horrorscope on this dark and stormy night."

There are two great reasons to watch this. The first is Brigitte Nielsen, who did this movie for scale after losing a pool game bet to Wynorski. And the other is a bravura sequence that combines the two best known public domain movies of all time, Night of the Living Dead and It's A Wonderful Life, as one of the girls becomes stuck between the two films and ends with Zuzu Bailey transforming into Kyra Schon and stabbing the girl with a trowel. It's an astounding piece of filmmaking, one that comes out of nowhere (the script had the girl absorbed by a video game and the budget couldn't handle it) and delivers.

You also get appearances by Philip McKeon (TV's Alice) and George "Buck" Flower, as well as some great lighting and usage of budget.

This movie is way better than it has any right to be. Seriously, you should check it out right now, because I can't believe this hasn't received a high end re-release yet.
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Hold the Phone!
Minus_The_Beer17 December 2017
You have to dig pretty deep in the stack of unwanted horror sequels to find a movie like "976-Evil II." The follow-up to the Robert Englund-directed schlocker, this sequel takes place a few years later and finds our hapless biker-bro hero from the first movie (Pat O'Bryan) hitting the road to kick it with a teenage girl (Debbie James) and hang up on the film's phoney villain once and for all. Along the way, he has to battle with a lazy demonic force and an unfortunate case of road rash.

Directed by skin-flick aueteur Jim Wynorski ("The Hills Have Thighs"), "976-Evil II" is not only serviceable, but goes so far as to surpass the original. That might not be a terribly tall order, but given this film's micro-budget and direct-to-video status, the fact that it's even watchable is a minor miracle in and of itself. Thank Wynorski, who has just as keen an eye for his female subjects as he does some surprisingly competent stuntwork and car crashes that culminate in an absolutely off-the-wall forray into "It's A Wonderful Life." The film opens with a surprisingly stylish bang, owing its vaguely tense opening scene to the great giallo flicks of the '70s. Sadly, the rest of the film doesn't quite live up to that strong set-up. Regardless, Wynorski is willing to try just about anything, and there's something of interest happening every five to ten minutes (hey look, it's Brigitte Nielsen!), and that's more than can be said for the original.

No, you haven't discovered some hidden gem with this unloved sequel, but rather, have hit upon a rather solid way to pass an hour and a half. Fans of Wynorski 's classic "Chopping Mall" in particular will want to seek this out. See the original or don't; it doesn't matter. Despite the carry-over character, this re-dial maintains a very loose connection to its source material. So put away your hang ups and get ready for something slightly off the hook. "976-Evil II" might be worth dialing into.
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