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Count Dracula (1970) **1/2
JoeKarlosi1 March 2007
"El Conde Dracula" is Spanish director Jess Franco's faithful yet flawed take on the Bram Stoker novel, with Christopher Lee taking a break from his British Hammer series to play the infamous vampire. Lee had high hopes for the film because Franco intended to adhere closely to the book. I think there are things to admire about this version, beginning with Lee's accurate portrayal of an old Dracula who grows steadily younger as he drinks more blood. Many of the Gothic locations are impressive as well, and it's a plus to have Klaus Kinski as Renfield and Herbert Lom as Van Helsing. The problem is that this movie, much like the 1931 Lugosi film, starts out very well and has its best moments in the beginning (say the first half hour) before growing tedious. It's a shame too, because this could have turned out to be the most faithful Dracula adaptation ever done, had Franco tried a little harder. His overbearing need to zoom in to characters' faces becomes so repetitious that you begin to anticipate it after awhile, along with the same ongoing musical cues. It also has a disappointing climax.

It's certainly a Dracula movie worth seeing for fans of the genre, but it is hypnotically draggy at times (then again, so was the book!). It should be mentioned that the print used for the newly released Dark Sky DVD is missing a really effective sequence where a crying woman outside Dracula's castle pleads desperately for the Count to return her little baby to her. **1/2 out of ****
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The Most Faithful I've Seen
emwolf11 October 2006
This isn't a great movie, but probably the single most faithful screen adaptation of Bram Stoker's great story I've ever seen. It doesn't embellish or introduce a whole bunch of characters. It keeps the idea of Dracula being in an old man when we first meet him in Romania and getting younger as he drinks blood. I remember seeing it not too long after I had finished reading the book (the excellent annotated Dracula by Leonard Wolf (no relation)) and was hooked from start to finish. This is kind of an art house Dracula, faithful to story and spirit, short on special effect and expensive lighting. Kind of like Passolini's Gospel According to Matthew.
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the regular Dracula, Commissioner Dreyfus, and Nosferatu
lee_eisenberg7 February 2006
Christopher Lee returns to his most famous role, this time portraying the count getting younger every time that he takes a bite. A little bit jarring in this movie is the presence of Herbert "Commissioner Dreyfus" Lom as Prof. Van Helsing. To add to that, Klaus Kinski plays Renfield a few years before he himself would play the count in Werner Herzog's "Nosferatu". But overall, "Count Dracula" is a pretty cool movie. Dracula fans should enjoy it. I have to admit that I don't know any other of Jess Franco's movies, but if this is any indication, they should be pretty neat.

All in all, the count bids you welcome...
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Well done, Mr. Franco!
DJ Inferno17 February 2002
A really good Dracula adaptation indeed! I liked it even better than Francis Ford Coppola´s multi million Dollar version of Bram Stroker´s classic novel! Unimaginable what Franco had done if he would have had a higher budget... However, it doesn´t seem to need much money to create a gothic atmosphere, which is so creepy that you can feel a cold breeze in your neck. Once more horror legend Christoper Lee is giving the demonic vampire lord and he´s as perfect as usual in the role, but the most impressive part has Herbert Lom as Dr. Van Helsing, what even makes Hollywood superstar Sir Anthony Hopkins looking like an old fogey! But Franco, who directed such mini classics like "Vampyros Lesbos" as well as awful turkeys, wouldn´t be the same of there wasn´t a bundled load of camp: Especially, I liked the plastic bats where you can clearly see the strings they were fixed on. Another problem is the part of acting genius Klaus Kinski: it´s a total riddle to me why Franco hadn´t stretched his brilliance more, because Kinski´s sitting the whole time in a rubber room, eats flys and has no text to say... A real waste of talent!! Nevertheless an underrated horror gem!! Really worth to be seen, even if you hate Franco..!
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Better Than Franco's Usual Efforts . . .
zardoz-1320 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The prolific Spanish director Jesus Franco, who has helmed over 160 films, makes marginal movies. Essentially, Franco's films contain only vestiges of drama, urgency, and sentiment. The mystery is that Franco has made so many films when most qualify as unremarkable. Franco's "Count Dracula" surpasses most of his monotonous movies, but it too suffers from anemia. Christopher Lee made a name for himself playing the most celebrated vampire in English literature, Bram Stoker's immortal vampire, and the elegant but imposing actor reprises his role for Franco as Dracula. Admittedly, Franco and scenarist Harry Alan Towers, a.k.a. Peter Welbeck, of "The Blood of Fu Manchu" strove for greater fidelity to the classic novel. Nevertheless, they do take liberties with the narrative the undermine "Count Dracula." Chiefly, the budgetary boundaries that they confronted compelled them to eliminate Dracula's voyage to England on the Demeter and they have omitted the relationship between Jonathan Harker and R.M. Renfield. Although Lee and fellow co-stars Herbert Lom and Klaus Kinski give "Count Dracula" some credibility by appearing in it, their marquee value is negated by the lackluster storyline. Aside from the solid cast, the only other asset that "Count Dracula" boasts is Bruno Nicolai's brilliantly atmospheric orchestral score that injects some suspense and tension into this dreary stuff. Among other things, Nicolai served as the arranger and conductor for the legendary Ennio Morricone on most of his best soundtracks.

The story takes place in 1897. Wannabe attorney Jonathan Harker (Frederick Williams of "A Bridge Too Far") travels from England to Transylvania where he confers with Count Dracula (Christopher Lee of "Horror of Dracula") about a real estate property that the nobleman wants to purchase outside of London. The early scenes show Harker traveling by train to see the Count. He doesn't understand why some of the people that he meets want to keep their distance from him. At his hotel, the innkeeper's wife warns him of his impending danger. Harker takes a stagecoach to Count Dracula's castle. The first coach deposits him in the middle of the wilderness. After a short wait, another arrives with a coachman, suspiciously resembling the Count, who offers Harker a flash of whiskey with which he may fortify himself. Harker refuses the coachman's offer and climbs aboard the vehicle.

Count Dracula (Christopher Lee) meets Harker at his castle. "Enter freely and of your own will," the Count bids him without explanation. No sooner has Dracula shown Harker to his room than the Englishmen is puzzled by an unusual sight. The mirror in his room casts a reflection of himself but shows nothing of the Count standing alongside him. Later, Harker asks the white-haired, heavily mustached Dracula why he has chosen to leave his castle in the Carpathian wilds, he replied, "I am not young, but I am restless." Harker's comments prompt Dracula to relive the exploits of his bloody past when he helped to repulse the invading Turks. Finally, Dracula concludes his monologue, "The wind blows coldly through these broken battlements. Although this is my home, I must move on." Harker observes that he could have sent the Count the real estate papers through the mail. Disagreeing with Harker, Dracula explains that he wanted to learn something about the people and customs of his new home and so he invited Harker as his guest. At this point, Harker's hackles rise at the howls of wildlife around the castle. Dracula utters his immortal line. "Listen to them, the children of the night, what music they do make." Later, Dracula intervenes when three of his women are poised to suck every last drop of blood from a supine Harker's throat. As it turns out, Harker has been dreaming. He decides to escape from Dracula's castle and does a header out of a window. The next time that we see him, he is a patient in Dr. Seward's sanitarium. Dr. John Seward (Paul Muller of "Lady Frankenstein") operates an asylum for the mentally ill and one of his consulting colleagues is Professor Abraham Van Helsing (Herbert Lom of "Mysterious Island") who has been studying the 'black arts.' Seward explains to Harker's fiancée Mina Murray(Maria Rohm of "Twenty Four Hours to Kill") that her future husband was brought to his sanitarium because of the outrageous stories that he told about Count Dracula and an army of bats. Mina has been accompanied by her friend, Lucy (Soledad Miranda of "She Killed in Ecstasy"), and she faints when she hears one of the patients screaming. Later, we learn that R.M. Renfield (Klaus Kinski of "Nosferatu") is kept there because he told a trip to Transylvania. Renfield's daughter died from loss of blood and has been insane and eating insect since her demise. Meantime, Dracula has moved into the house across the road from Seward's clinic, unbeknownst to any of the occupants until Harker realizes later that the count is residing there. Mina walks in on Dracula sucking the blood out of Mina and we get the scariest shot in "Count Dracula." Eventually, Harker and Lucy's fiancée, Quincy (Jack Taylor) pursue Dracula and burn him in his coffin.

Believe it or not, "Count Dracula" surpasses the typical Franco fiasco. Lee delivers a terrific soliloquy in his castle about his valorous combat against the invading Turkish horde, but he doesn't have half as many lines after he forsakes his castle. Lee appears appropriately sinister, but he is rarely frightening. As perfectly cast as he is as Renfield, Kinski seems wasted in a peripheral role, while Herbert Lom fares best with more substantial role as Van Helsing. "Count Dracula" is clearly an example of 1970's film-making. Franco's long-time collaborator, lenser Manuel Merino relies heavily on zooms to indicate surprise and tension. Meanwhile, Franco directs with his customary lack of fanfare and rarely covers a scene with additional shots. The Spanish production values are good, but there aren't any scenes set in London. Francis Ford Coppola's "Bram Stoker's Dracula" is a far better retelling than Franco's "Count Dracula."
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Jess Frank's acceptable rendition of the Bram Stoker classic with two extraordinary actors : Lee and Lom
ma-cortes21 April 2013
Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula as an old count who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of gorgeous maidens . Bram Stoker's Count Dracula" (1970) turns out to be an acceptable picture directed by Jesus Franco with a good cast as Christopher Lee , Hebert Lom , Maria Rohm and Klaus Kinski . It is a passable and average-budgeted version with splendid players , functional set design and brilliant costumes . The picture begins in a prologue: "Over 50 years ago, Bram Stoker wrote the greatest of all horror stories. Now, for the first time, we retell exactly as he wrote, one of the first--and still the best--tales of the macabre." A young lawyer named Jonathan Harker (Fred Williams) is assigned to go to a creepy castle in the mists of eastern Europe . Harker is captured and imprisoned by a strange character who is accompanied by his bloodsucker girlfriends (Emma Cohen , Jeannine Mestre) . He really is a vampire who lives on through the ages and gone back life . The undead vampire named Dracula (Christopher Lee) comes to England to seduce Mina (Maria Rhom) and Lucy (Soledad Miranda)and inflict havoc in the foreign land . As it is said that Dracula has extraordinary powers , but these supernatural powers have sinister origins ; and this is the first film in which , like in the novel, Dracula begins as an old man and becomes younger as he feeds. Later on , at a Sanitarium outside London: Harker awakens in bed with Dr John Seward (Paul Muller) at his side . Dracula goes London and starts a reign of seduction and horror, draining the life from Mina's closest friend , Lucy . But Dracula has not counted on young Lords (Fred Williams and Jack Taylor) acquiring the assistance of the Vampire hunter (Herbert Lom) .

European co-production between various countries as Spain | West Germany | Italy | Liechtenstein . This thrilling as well as terrifying film contains horrifying scenes , chills , lots of gore and red tomato was used for the blood . This version of Dracula is closely based on Bram Stoker's 1897 classic novel of the same title . Adequate version about the famous personage with an European all-star cast , poor cinematography by Manuel Merino though would have been necessary a photography similarly to Hammer Films , glamorous gowns and regular production design , including evocative sights on Victorian London , actually shot in Alicante, Barcelona, Cataluña , Estudios Cinematográficos Balcázar, Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain and Munich, Bavaria, Germany . Christopher Lee, who plays a splendid Dracula, and Herbert Lom, who plays stunningly Dr. Van Helsing , never saw each other during the filming. They shot all their joint scenes separately . Christopher Lee was reportedly tired of playing Dracula and was convinced to join the cast only after being promised that the film would be a faithful adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula novel , the film, however, ultimately made numerous significant changes to the story . Filmmaker Jesús Franco's first choice for the role of Van Helsing was Vincent Price. He was not able to obtain Price due to his exclusive contract with American International Pictures and second choice Dennis Price was forced to withdraw through illness , Franco was able to get his third choice, Herbert Lom, for the role. Although the producer claims that Klaus Kinski was hoodwinked into playing Renfield when producers gave him a script with a fake title, director Jesús Franco says this was not true and he claims that Klaus Kinski ate real flies as Renfield instead of fake ones. Special mention to rousing and powerful musical score composed and conducted by Bruno Nicolai . Interesting script by writers Jesús Franco Erich Kröhnke , Harry Alan Towers as Peter Welbeck, also film producer .

Other films retelling the known legend based as originally conceived on this novel are the following : ¨ Dracula¨ (1974) by Dan Curtis with Jack Palance , Simon Ward ,Nigel Davenport , ¨Bram's Stoker Dracula'with David Suchet as Abraham Van Helsing , Marc Warren as Count Dracula and Sophia Myles as Lucy ; the best results to be Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula with Gary Oldman , Winona Ryder , Gary Elwes , Keanu Reeves and Anthony Hopkins and last version ¨Dracula¨2012 by Dario Argento with Rutger Hauer as Abraham Van Helsing , Asia Argento as Lucy , Unax Ugalde as Johnathan Harker and Thomas Kretschmann as Dracula .
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The stuffed animals gave the best performances
britneyfoxx27 January 2022
Everybody else just sleepwalks through their roles, while Klaus Kinski eats bugs. Lee is so wooden he's petrified. Lom is great as Dr. Van Halen however.

There's a gorgeous Selena Gomez-lookalike as Lucy and an equally hot chick as Mina to make this film bearable.
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COUNT Dracula (Jesus Franco, 1969) **1/2
Bunuel19766 May 2007
I'd been wanting to check out Franco's 'faithful' rendition of Bram Stoker's classic vampire tale ever since I came upon a review of it in two horror-film reference books from the mid-70s written by Alan Frank. When the Dark Sky R1 DVD was announced, I was overjoyed – but this was soon dissipated by reports that their print was missing some footage; I still intended to pick up that edition for the interesting supplements (Franco interview, star Christopher Lee reading excerpts from the novel), but an upcoming German 2-Disc Set is supposed to be complete as well as featuring an Audio Commentary with Franco and co-star Fred Williams! Anyway, having watched the film now – via the Spanish DVD – I don't think the additional footage was fair trade for the lack of an option to include the English-language track (or, at least, English subtitles); while I'm obviously familiar with the storyline, so that I had no difficulty following the proceedings, I missed hearing the Stoker dialogue – not to mention Lee and Herbert Lom's distinctive voices!

Its overall effect is worlds removed from the Hammer outings which starred Lee: these were actually still going on when COUNT Dracula was made, but he had become increasingly disenchanted with their approach. Low-key, deliberately-paced and hampered by severe budgetary constraints (resulting in shoddy effects and a distinct lack of props), the film nevertheless makes the most of its Spanish locations – even if Manuel Merino's shaky camera-work displays an unwarranted propensity for zoom shots (while an attack, ostensibly taking the vampire's POV, then bafflingly reveals Dracula to be coming from a totally different direction!). The soundtrack highlights Bruno Nicolai's typically reliable score (at once evocative and moody), but it's punctuated by weird – and amusing – slurping sounds during the vampire attacks! The Spanish DVD presents the film in its correct full-frame aspect ratio, though the transfer itself lends the whole an unrealistic orange hue (as opposed to the bluish tones, for night-time sequences, which have been mentioned online with respect to the Dark Sky edition).

It has been said that Lee's performance in COUNT Dracula is superior to his various interpretations in the Hammer films: while I certainly appreciated his different approach to the role, he is still given relatively little time in which to work his magic (no pun intended); interestingly, the vampire starts off as an old man here but is gradually rejuvenated through his bloodsucking habits (a concept originating in Stoker and picked up again by Francis Ford Coppola for his BRAM STOKER'S Dracula [1992], another would-be rigorous adaptation). The rest of the main cast is virtually a "Who's Who" of Franco's filmography during this time: Herbert Lom makes for an imposing Van Helsing (due to the language barrier, I didn't understand why he was suddenly wheelchair-bound – but, from the "Eccentric Cinema" review, I gathered that the character had suffered a stroke); Klaus Kinski is a creepy Renfield (able to create a character by saying almost nothing at all – he had already done similar duties for Franco as the Marquis De Sade in the 1968 version of "Justine" and, by the way, it's interesting that the actor would himself eventually play Dracula twice, in NOSFERATU, THE VAMPYRE [1979] and the Italian-made NOSFERATU A VENEZIA [1988]); Maria Rohm as Mina (looking ravishing but who's rather underused throughout); Soledad Miranda as Lucy (she only really comes into her own when turned into a vampire, which actually precedes her iconic turn in Franco's VAMPYROS LESBOS (1970) – itself a very loose adaptation of "Dracula"!); Fred Williams as Harker; Jack Taylor as Quincey; Paul Muller as Dr. Seward; and even Franco himself as Van Helsing's dopey-looking yet vaguely sinister manservant.

For all its shortcomings (it wouldn't be a Franco film if it weren't flawed), COUNT Dracula still provides a fair quota of memorable moments: Dracula silencing the wolves outside his castle; Dracula feeding a baby to his 'brides'; Dracula's attacks on Miranda, twice interrupted by Rohm (whom he eventually gets to, of all places, at an opera house!); Miranda's bloody demise in her coffin; the stuffed animals in Dracula's London home coming to life to scare the vampire hunters; Lom burning a cross-shape on the floor in his clinic to ward off the approaching vampire; blood spurting in Taylor's face from his staking of a vampire woman in Dracula's castle; Dracula's fiery come-uppance (actually similar to Miranda's – not to mention Bela Lugosi in the 1931 Universal classic – in that he's dispatched while at his most vulnerable, i.e. asleep in his coffin).

It's unfortunate that none of the companies who released – or are set to release – the film on DVD seem to hold the rights to CUADECUC, VAMPIR (1970), a documentary shot at the time of COUNT Dracula's production. By the way, I should eventually be following this viewing of the film with several more Francos, including alternate versions of two monster mashes on similar lines (but even more idiosyncratic), namely Dracula – PRISONER OF FRANKENSTEIN (1971) and THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN aka THE EROTIC RITES OF FRANKENSTEIN (1972/3).
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The same old tale...yet again!!
planktonrules27 October 2008
This is yet another telling of the traditional Dracula tale from Bram Stoker. While on the DVD extra interview with director Jess Franco it's obvious he made such a faithful adaptation of the story, I was still left feeling very cold by the film. That's because I had a strong notion of "been there...done that" as I watched the movie. Considering that roughly the same story was told with the Bela Lugosi Dracula and "countless" (get it?) others, I was completely bored by this movie. Had I never seen these other Dracula films, then I probably would have enjoyed it much more. But considering Lugosi, Christopher Lee (innumerable times), Frank Langella, Gary Oldman, Max Shrek and even Louis Jordan have all played the same role, the film just never peaked my interest. Overall, the production is competent but rather low energy and offering nothing particularly interesting or new. The ambiance is only okay and the best aspect of the movie is probably the better than usual treatment for the Renfield character--this time exceptionally well played by Klaus Kinski. Kinski had no trouble playing a crazy person (perhaps because it wasn't much of a stretch) and it's interesting to note that at the end of the decade, Kinski would star as the monster in the remake of NOSFERATU. Otherwise, the film was a competently made drag.

By the way, if you do watch this film, pay close attention to the ending. The way they supposedly kill Dracula is truly unique and shouldn't have hurt him at all based on what they said in all the previous vampire movies--and this results in a very, very anti-climactic conclusion.
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Fairly Entertaining Version From Jess Franco
gavin694217 October 2012
Jess Franco's version of the Bram Stoker classic has Count Dracula (Christopher Lee) as an old man who grows younger whenever he dines on the blood of young maidens.

I recently watched the Dan Curtis version of Dracula and found that to be a very faithful adaptation, possibly the best up to that point (being later eclipsed by Francis Ford Coppola). But there is something to be said about this one, too. While some aspects are played down -- the boat ride from Transylvania to London is never shown -- others are played up. Curtis did not much focus on Renfield, while Franco makes him (played expertly by Klaus Kinski) front and center, even having him eat insects.

Some of what is shown is cheesy, especially the bat outside the window -- clearly a rubber bat on a string ,as it never flaps its wings. I love that although the effect is terrible, they use it probably ten times. And why not? When you have this level of talent (Lee, Kinski, Herbert Lom) and such beautiful sets, who needs effects?
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Needed a stake to the heart.
Zipper6918 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
My forgiving temperament allowed me to score it 2, but really this is SO much a 1 ! Mr Lee does his best with a woefully underwritten part and certainly looks wise he is true to the Stoker written description, a lack of rapport from the German actors around him stifled any possible creativity. Herbert Lom is always good value but was written as someone doubtful of his own extensive research and looked too dithering in most of the group scenes. The ladies were pretty clotheshorses and the leading men sturdy and handsome but none seemed to be engaged with the story itself. Cinematography was pretty abysmal, indeed many scenes were cloaked in utter darkness with only the soundtrack to tell us anything was happening. Shooting day-for-night was a farce as the super bright Spanish sun in most exterior shots completely washed out the shaded parts, leaving us bemused and befuddled. Dubbing was generally good but dear me, those cut glass English accents sat ill with those European faces. Kinski was totally wasted, Renfield in the book is central in moving the plot forward, his silence gave us nothing. The minuscule budget meant studio scenes (Renfield's cell etc) were little better than Community Theater quality with plain walls and invisible ceilings. Perhaps American audiences would swallow the "English" scenes but to this Brit the architecture screamed Southern Europe (and I guessed, correctly Spain. If this director is considered cutting edge for the 21st century I feel sorry for the next generation...
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"My favorite Christopher Lee film of all time."
flyboy-714 March 1999
This film has many flaws and gaffs but that makes it all the more interesting! "Count Dracula" has a superior atmosphere and direction by Jess Franco. Christopher Lee gives an excellent performance as Dracula and Klaus Kinski is fantastic as the insane Renfield! This film is forgotten by today's film history and most people pass it as being a cheap, beyond low-budget horror film, but I see it through a different light.

Herbert Lom makes Dr. Van-Helsing so interesting, you can't stop watching. Another great thing about the film was the dark and gloomy sets such as the Borgo Pass and Castle Dracula.

The score for the film was superb, and it goes right together with the fantastic film.

I hope the people who read this take my word and just watch, "Count Dracula", for what it is. It's a film that shouldn't be forgotton.
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Arguably The Most Loyal Adaptation Of Bram Stoker's Novel
Witchfinder-General-66619 November 2007
Although entirely different to Hammer's Dracula films starring Chrisopher Lee, Jess Franco's "Count Dracula" aka. "Nachts, Wenn Dracula Erwacht" of 1970 is a creepy and great film, and in many aspects the most loyal adaption of Bram Stoker's novel. Director Jess Franco must be one of the most prolific directors in the history of cinema (definitely the most prolific I know), and his 180+ movies include big-time stinkers as well as masterpieces. One of his great films, "Count Dracula" is a movie with a very creepy atmosphere, a great, eerie score and an excellent cast, starring Christopher Lee as Dracula, Herbert Lom as Van Helsing and Klaus Kinski as Renfield.

As mentioned above, this movie is probably the most loyal adaption of Bram Stoker's novel, so I don't suppose a further plot description is necessary. I am a huge fan of the Hammer Dracula flicks and the 1958 Dracula is one of my all-time favorite movies. Although this Jess Franco version of the story differs entirely from these great classics of British Horror, this is a highly atmospheric, creepy and original flick that must not be missed by a Horror fan.

Christopher Lee is, as always, brilliant in the role of Dracula. The prince of darkness is wearing a mustache this time, one more aspect in which this movie is loyal to the novel. Herbert Lom is a great actor and fits very well in the role of an elderly Van Helsing, although my personal opinion is that he can't compete with Peter Cushing, who will always be unmatched in the role of Van Helsing he played in the Hammer films. Last but not least, Klaus Kinski delivers a brilliant performance as Renfield. Kinski was predestined to play madmen, and the particular role of Renfield fits this great actor perfectly. The cast furthermore includes Paul Muller (Nightmare Castle), and beautiful Maria Rohm and Soledad Miranda, and the gloominess of the atmosphere is even increased by the great, eerie score composed by Bruno Nicolai. "Count Dracula" has a few cheesy moments too, but all things considered this is another great Dracula flick starring Lee, and definitely one of the best films directed by Jess Franco. Highly recommended!
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Ambitious film but fails
kriitikko30 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In 1922 German filmmaker F. W. Murnau failed to get rights to film Bram Stoker's novel Dracula and so he made many changes in his vampire film "Nosferatu". In 1931 the most famous Dracula film, starring Bela Lugosi, was released. Instead of the book, it was more based on a famous theater play. In 1958 Hammer Films released its first Dracula film that was a greatly simplified version of the story. Christopher Lee, who continued to play the part of Count Dracula in many of Hammer's sequels, often complained that writers didn't use any of the great scenes and/or dialog from Stoker's novel. In 1969-70 a Spanish c-filmmaker Jess Franco (or Jesus Franco) agreed with Lee and begun to plan filming an authentic movie version of Stoker's book. Delighted Lee agreed to play the part in his film.

Franco's film "El Conde Dracula" (a.k.a. "Count Dracula", "Nachts, wenn Dracula erwacht", "Verenhimoinen Dracula" etc.) has a very promising beginning. Although film is shot in Spain, Franco has found very Gothic looking places where to shot the film and on the background we hear Bruno Nicolai's powerful organ music. Jonathan Harker's (Fred Williams) journey to Dracula's castle follows Stoker's pages faithfully and Lee looks stunning with the white hair and mustache (Dracula appears as an old man for the first time in cinema history). When he starts speaking Stoker's lines, about Dracula's past and passionately tell how "Dracula's ancestors" defeated Turks, you can see Lee is having a time of his life, finally playing Dracula as he wanted.

Sadly, the first 20 minutes are also mainly the only good ones in this film. Apparently the producers backed out suddenly and Franco lost most of his budget. He has tried to keep most of his film faithful to Stoker, but the lack of money has forced them to make changes. After Harker escapes from Dracula's castle, he wakes up weeks later in a hospital ran by Prof. Abraham Van Helsing (Herbert Lom) and Dr. John Seward (Paul Muller). Soon Harker's fiancée Mina (Maria Rohm) arrives with her friend Lucy (beautiful Soledad Miranda) and her fiancé Quincey Morris (Jack Taylor). Count Dracula has moved to an old abbey very close to a hospital and his presence has an odd effect on Van Helsing's patient Renfield (Klaus Kinski, who actually played Dracula later in 1979).

As said, Franco tries to keep the film as faithful to Stoker as he can. However dreams of making a completely authentic adaptation were gone. Also the film is far from being even a good film. Poor supporting performances, Franco's annoying habit of taking many close-up shots and the general lack of money are too visible effects to ignore. Also after the castle sequence, Lee doesn't have much to do anymore. He does get younger which is interesting to see but he mainly just gives threatening glares. Herbert Lom, who has played different roles from Captain Nemo to Phantom of the Opera, is the saving grace here. His Van Helsing becomes the only interesting character here and Lom does put his best to the role, stealing the rest of the film from others. Klaus Kinski sadly just wastes his talents here, for he has no lines at all. Story tells that producer Harry Allan Towers would have tricked Kinski in the film by not telling him it's a Dracula film. Franco has denied this though.

Jesus Franco's "El Conde Dracula" is the first movie really trying to be faithful to Stoker's book. Unfortunately it doesn't reach it goals and is not even that great movie in the first place. God only knows that they might have done a lot better with more money. Now the only things memorable are performances by Lee and Lom, as well as the organ music.
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This film has the requisite quality of "creepiness."
Randolph-312 August 1999
Despite some relatively poor production values, this film has the requisite quality of "creepiness" that any good Dracula film really should have. Kinski is fine. This is also Christopher Lee's most accurate performance as the Count. Too bad the editing is so jumpy. It's almost like watching a documentary, or an antique silent film (but with sound). If they had just invested a little more money, this could have become "the" authentic film adaptation of the novel. As it stands, it is only for real devotees of the genre.
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Inferior to Hammer Productions
108YearsOld24 February 2021
This movie is far inferior to the Hammer productions, even the girls here cannot compare to the beautiful and sexy Hammer ladies. Perhaps just watch it for the legendary Christopher Lee.
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Lee. Kinski. Lom. Miranda. Franco
Stevieboy66624 November 2019
Dream cast here - Christopher Lee, Klaus Kinski, Herbert Lom and the beautiful Soledad Miranda, produced by Harry Alan Towers and directed by Jess Franco. I've read the novel and although in some ways this version is more authentic (e.g. Dracula being grey and moustached, his hair colour darkens and he appears to get younger throughout as a result of his blood drinking) there is no Whitby, England, a key part of the story. Lee probably has more dialogue here than in all his Hammer Dracula movies combined, and he appears to be relishing it. Kinski looks fantastic as the crazed Renfield but sadly delivers no lines. Lom is adequate as Van Helsing but he's no Peter Cushing. The sets are good, the film atmospheric. There are a few blatant day for night scenes, not unusual in horror movies, and there are a couple of comical boulders that move with barely any effort. As a Franco movie it's very tame, not much blood and zero nudity. I liked it. It's never going to be up there with the Universal or Hammer classics but still a worthwhile view for Dracula, Lee or Franco fans.
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Dreadful Version
arfdawg-12 October 2020
Well I originally saw this movie in a grindhouse theatre on 42nd street in NYC when I was in HS. It was quite a memorable time -- and not because of the movie.

Those theatres were once beautiful but then in disrepair. In fact --ad this is 100% true -- people seemed to live in the movie theatres. which were open 24/7. The price of admission would be next to nothing in the wee hours and rise throughout the day.

One time when they were playing the 7th Voyage of Sinbad, workers were literally jackhammering in the bathroom. You couldn't hear a thing and no one cared.

The afternoon I saw this (after HS let out) before the film started a guy ran down the aisle and sat in front of myself and my friend witha paper bag on his lap. Within seconds the police ran down and grabbed him and dragged him out!


Anyway, this movie was so disappointing that we left after maybe a half hour.

So now, 50 years later I decided to give it another shot because I am a bi fan of Christopher Lee's Dracula. Well nothing has changed in 50 years except the theatres are gone, Disney is all over 42nd street and we can stream movies in the comfort of our home.

The movie still sucks. It's slow and plodding and just not compelling. Maybe it's a Franco thing. I really don't like anything he's done. Anyway maybe the grindhouse is the way to see this flick because if you're bored about what's on the screen there is entertainment all around you.
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Ambitious and interesting, if flawed, version of Dracula from Jess Franco
Red-Barracuda9 August 2015
At the time of its release, this Jess Franco film was promoted as being the most faithful adaption of Bram Stoker's 19th century Gothic horror novel Dracula there had hitherto been. I think that may well have been true, as it features a mustachioed Dracula who gets visibly younger as the film progresses, as well as some other never before examined details from the book. However, it was still a very loose adaption in many other ways, with much omitted and even some bizarre inventions (those boulders at the end!). But maybe the biggest issue that hampered it achieving its lofty goal was a lack of budget. The sets are often threadbare and there are cheap props, such as rubber bats and such. But, interestingly, in many ways it is better than the later multi-million dollar Francis Ford Coppola version, which was also promoted as being the most faithful version. This newer film took far huger liberties with the story and characters and it also had a much less effective cast. For my money Franco had better-suited actors in virtually every role in his film, in particular with Christopher Lee in the title role, Klaus Kinski perfect as the insane Renfield, Herbert Lom provided nice gravitas as Van Helsing, the enigmatic beauty Soledad Miranda is wonderful as Lucy and Maria Rohm also very alluring in the role of Mina. Even the fairly unremarkable Fred Williams is still decidedly better than Keanu Reeves in the Jonathan Harker role! It's a very good cast that Franco had to work with.

It does benefit from being shot using genuine Gothic European locations and consequently is quite atmospheric. It's also notable for being one of the decidedly less salacious Franco films from the period. There's no sleaze here and it really does feel like he was going for something a bit classier than he mainly went for. It's not among his best films for be fair – he seemed to do better work when he was working more from a sexploitation direction – yet it's certainly one of his most story-driven and coherent. For Dracula devotees, this is certainly a film to check out, in order to compare and contrast with others. Ultimately, its low budget does scupper its ambitions somewhat, yet it still has enough about it that's interesting and works.
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Get the Funk
Tweetienator29 September 2021
Yes, it is trashy and cheesy and rather low budget, but it got Christopher Lee, Klaus Kinski, Maria Rohm, Herbert Lom and the most beautiful Soledad Miranda! If you like to surf on the top of the wave of pure cheese, this one will get you scream in joy. Recommended for the aficionado of the good bad stuff. Maybe not advisable for the melancholic and sensitive goth girl in your heart, but rather for the gorehound who needs some rest ;)
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A familiar story, so well cast that it's impossible to dismiss as "just another remake".
mark.waltz14 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While Christopher Lee's Count Dracula is really nothing more than an extended cameo, he's very good once again in the direct version of Bram Stoker's story, focusing more on Jonathan Harker (a very handsome but dimwitted Fred Williams), Renfield (eerily attractive Klaus Kinski) and Van Helsing (a superb Herbert Lom) than the Count. still a major character, but more talked about than seen. Harker, filled with warnings of the evil castle he's locked in, sees a bat flying outside the window, and instantly opens it only to be attacked in the face. He then encounters Dracula's three wives, finds himself at the castle's window and manages to fall out, only to wake up back in London where Dracula has just arrived to take over the property that Harker has just purchased for him. How did he manage to get from the Carpathian Mountains in Eastern Europe and not only across the continent, but the English channel as well!

Lom, whose performance as Van Helsing Anthony Hopkins obviously emulated for the 1993 Francis Ford Coppola remake, plays him completely seriously with no buffoonery whatsoever. Kinski's dangerously sexy character is erotically attractive even with his disgusting bug eating habits, probably the only Renfield to stir up the libido with his mysterious mannerisms. Maria Rohm as Mina and Soledad Miranda as Lucy are simply just window dressing, but Miranda is seductive as she entices a child into the woods for her evil plans after being made a vampire herself. The sad shot of a young mother begging to get her child back from Dracula's Hungarian castle is frightening and sick simply through the insinuations of what has happened to that baby. It is that type of horrific action that makes this really frightening.

As good as the three male performances, Christopher Lee makes Dracula's supporting status even more mysterious because of the limited footage of his appearance. He's still as sexy as ever with his graying hair, dashing but evil, and with limited dialog (no accent whatsoever), that makes his character even scarier than his initial appearance as Dracula in 1958. Only Bela Lugosi's Count from the 1931 movie could claim a more mysterious, evil count with his slow speaking and spooky eyes and grasping hands. This version is beautiful artistically, and there are many moments that obviously inspired the later remake which is a modern classic in its own right. Classic Gothic horror can't get any better than this!
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Totally inept
mandylozon14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd check this out after reading good reviews and I like Christopher Lee in the Dracula role. This movie is terrible!!! I can't believe people stating this is better than Coppola's version. Even with great source material(Bram Stokers novel) JF just can't make a good film. I've seen every movie version of Dracula and this is the worst one out there. It's boring, unmoving, and a complete waste of time. If you like Chris Lee, stick with the Hammer films. If you want to see a movie that is close to the novel, check out the BBC 1977 Count Dracula and Coppola's(my personal favourite) Bram Stoker's Dracula. If you do watch this you will be treated to plastic bats, cheap sets, rocks that are clearly made of foam, a pace slower than a snail and a lack of competent direction.
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A True Classic!
P-Mac-200812 April 2003
Jess Franco's adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel is brilliant. It would take 22 years before Coppola made another version of the story, which is as fantastic as Franco's film.

Christopher Lee is astonishing as Dracula (as usual), while Herbert Lom excels as Van Helsing. The rest of the cast, including Maria Rohm as Mina, Soledad Miranda as Lucy and Klaus Kinski as Renfield, are superb.

The film works well because it relies on atmosphere and mood, rather than resorting to gore every few minutes. That's what you rarely see in a horror film these days, which is a shame, as films that use these techniques frighten more.

Christopher Lee is the greatest Count Dracula of all time, probably more famous than Bela Lugosi or Max Schreck, the bald-headed creature of the night in the silent movie Nosferatu: Eine Symphonie des Grauens, also known as Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror.

A marvellous vampire film!
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Dracula with a 'stache
CaressofSteel7516 May 2017
This version of Dracula gave Christopher Lee an opportunity to play the role he had already played several times, but this time with the intent of following Bram Stoker's original story as closely as possible. On that point, Count Dracula is fairly successful. It stays mostly on track with the original tale, right down to Dracula's mustache which, while present in the book, usually doesn't show up on screen.

It's not a Hammer production, so it looks and feels a little different than what you may be used to. Lee gets a little more screen time and a few more lines than he usually got in this part, and there are some good supporting actors with Herbert Lom as Dr. Van Helsing and Klaus Kinski doing his usual kooky thing as Renfield.

Unfortunately, if you watch it from beginning to end, you'll find that the whole thing is really pretty dull. By the time this movie was made in 1970, the idea had really been wrung out, and there's nothing new or interesting here. This movie is rarely seen today and really only rates a footnote in the history of vampire lore.

Postcript: However, with that being said, I did recently pick up an old book that discussed this movie. It was apparently very popular in Europe at the time, especially in France where it was billed as Les Nuits de Dracula (The Nights of Dracula).
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Two Draculas
Cineanalyst6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This cheap international production of Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" is poorly conceived and poorly made in most ways, but it does have the draw of featuring two actors who played the titular role in other, better films, and is, thus, interesting for comparison. Christopher Lee had already played Dracula in the 1958 Hammer production and would continue to appear in the role in the studio's sequels. He again plays the Count here. Klaus Kinski would later play Dracula in Werner Herzog's remake of "Nosferatu" in 1979, and here he plays Renfield.

Although championed as faithful to the book, as an adaptation, this "Dracula" features some bad deviations from Stoker's tale and in other ways is a poor imitation of prior "Dracula" films—especially the 1958 Hammer one. Although it adopts the gore and blood splatter from Hammer, it's, overall, a tamer version, and there's very little sex appeal here as opposed to some of the Hammer productions. This film also steals from the 1958 film the part where the Count lures Mina away, but adopts from the 1931 Universal picture the scenes of Dracula prowling the streets and entering a theatre. This stuff is absent from Stoker's original. Also absent from the book is Van Helsing's weird stroke, which in this film leaves him wheelchair bound and stuck at home with Mina while Quincy and Jonathan go to Transylvania. Also, in the final scenes, a fire motif is invented, with Van Helsing making a makeshift, fiery cross to ward off Dracula, and the Count is climactically burned to death in his coffin.

There's a laughable scene involving taxidermic animals supposedly coming to life to threaten our heroes, some obvious dummy boulders in the climax, and the film makes the head-scratching mistake of trying to pass off docile German Shepherds as wolves. The fake bat gimmickry is far more tolerable by comparison. Overall, the main stylistic theme of director Franco's movie is an abundant reliance on zoom-ins.

Lee and Kinski can't save this dull and ill-advised mess, but their characterizations are of some interest. Kinski as Renfield seems too true to art imitating life, as the actor really had been committed to a psychiatric hospital in years past, and his continued abnormal behavior was evidenced in his frequent-director Herzog's documentary "My Best Fiend" (1999). Unlike other portrayals of Renfield, Kinski plays him comatose, with occasional screaming and violent outbursts, including jumping out a window and choking Mina. Kinski's later stilted Nosferatu isn't that far removed from his Renfield, really, except his Dracula talks more and breaths heavier. Meanwhile, Lee got the opportunity to play a Count that is a somewhat closer approximation of Stoker's characterization than his Hammer iterations, although he still manages to play him mostly mute after his castle scenes. His mustached appearance and white-to- black hair transformation is closer to Stoker's description, too, than his wild-eyed sex beast in the '58 shocker.

The final embarrassment is that the filmmakers of a documentary, "Cuadecuc vampire" (1971), of the making of this film, made a better movie.

The next year, Franco made a looser, Sapphic Dracula adaptation, appropriately titled "Vampyros Lesbos" (1971).

(Mirror Note: Contrary to the novel, Dracula has a wall mirror in his castle, which, for further inexplicable reasons, he points to in a scene with Jonathan—revealing to him his lack of a reflection. Although also contrary to the novel, a shadow disappearance shot is handled better later in the film.)
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