Miracle in the Rain (1956) Poster

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A Poignant, Heart-Breaking Love-Story
Kirasjeri20 September 1999
Reminiscent of the wonderful "The Clock" (see reviews), this wartime romance was made eleven years after the was over, somewhat oddly to me. But, based upon the ending, there was absolutely no way it could have been made during the war. The reasons should be obvious.

Van Johnson is his usual charming self and Wyman rather diffident at first. But they fall deeply in love, and spend much time on their plans for the future when he returns from overseas - and how poignant that turned out to be.

It is no spoiler to say that Wyman's character is completely distraught towards the end of the movie, and the "miracle", on the steps of St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, does give her some hope. But it remains the saddest movie I had seen since "Waterloo Bridge" (see reviews). But such was life after a World War and hundreds of thousands of dead Americans.

Don't forget this was written (and very well) by the famous journalist, writer, and screenwriter, Ben Hecht, who first gave us "The Front Page".

If you don't mind using your hankie, watch "Miracle in the Rain". It's a wonderful movie.
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Wartime In New York
bkoganbing17 January 2010
Miracle In The Rain is a good, but very strange film. You first start watching it and you think you're seeing a nice romantic film with a wartime setting. But it takes a very unexpected turn into the supernatural and in the end a miracle of sorts is actually performed. And right on the steps of New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Jane Wyman is a plain jane sort of girl whose life consists of going to work and then getting home to tend to her ailing mother Josephine Hutchinson. Years ago the man of the household, William Gargan, walked out on the family and left Hutchinson the cynical and sickly soul that she is. So when Jane meets soldier Van Johnson during wartime he proves almost too good to be true.

Their love is intense in the short time they have before Johnson ships out. After that the film turns, first tragic and then mystical.

Other members of the cast who aid and abet Johnson and Wyman are people like Fred Clark as Jane's boss at work, a rebound man from way back, Peggie Castle who is Clark's mistress on the job, Alan King and Barbara Nichols a soldier and his new bride who Johnson and Wyman meet in Central Park and making their big screen debuts are Eileen Heckart as Wyman's best friend from work and Arte Johnson who plays an office boy where the girls work. No fool he.

Warner Brothers shot this film in New York which is why Heckart and Johnson who were based in New York got to work in this. It would have been nice if we had some color, but the black and white cinematography was nice. No doubt that Francis Cardinal Spellman himself must have had script approval of the whole project in order to allow scenes inside St. Patrick's to be done.

Though dated somewhat Miracle In The Rain is still a fine piece of entertainment and its message about true love never dying is one for all generations.
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Miracle in the Rain
crogerson-216 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this movie when I was 8 years old. I was staying with my Nanna for the school holidays and we both sat up and watched it and cried our eyes out. I had seen it a few times since but not for many years until last week it finally came up on Movie Greats on Foxtel.

It is one of the most poignant movies I have ever seen and Jane Wyman and Van Johnson are just great. It is also a great movie for spotting people in it who were later to become famous (ie Arte Johnson). Also the guy who plays the waiter in the Normandy Cafe is the croupier from Casablanca.

I always felt sorry that she never comes face to face with her father though.

One thing, however, I am never quite sure whether or not Jane Wyman dies at the end or she has just collapsed.
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The Best War Time Romance Movie!
curtisnadrienne22 November 2005
Okay, I first saw this movie when I was 15 years old. I was staying up late late one night on AMC. I started from the beginning and didn't leave my room till the final scene, where I was crying my eyes out over throughout the whole movie. I couldn't believe the masterpiece I had found and wanted to tape it so bad so I could watch it again. I checked every week every day on AMC so see when it was going to come back on again and it never did.

I am now 22 and am the happiest girl in the world. Through all my searching off the internet I am not the proud owner of MIRACLE IN THE RAIN on DVD nonetheless. It took 7 years and I finally own it.

I received it yesterday and watched it. I have forgotten so much about this movie. The relationship between Art and Ruthie. The one between her mom and his "lost" father. The moment I saw Ruthie and Art was the moment I remembered as a child watching in my room late that night. I especially loved Ruthies best friend, who's name I can't remember. I watched her earlier in "The Bad Seed," another great movie.

This movie will make you laugh, and cry. You will also sympathize with Ruthie and Her mom for most of the movie. The best scene to me is the one that is the killer. I can't spoil anything but you are gonna need some tissues at this point.

I highly recommend this movie for any one who loves the old b\w just like I do and are in the mood for a little love and a little sadness.
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A big tug at the heart strings.
michaelRokeefe9 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A sentimental tragedy that will have you reaching for a hankie. Rain is as prominent as the romance of star-crossed lovers. Fate brings two unlikely people into each other's life; and just as easily comes between them. Ruth Wood(Jayne Wyman)is of plain appearance and is a lonely secretary that goes home every evening to take care of her mother(Josephine Hutchinson), who has been grieving ever since her husband left. During a cloudburst, Ruth by chance meets a happy-go-lucky soldier Pvt. Art Hugenon(Van Johnson). The young soldier from Tennessee is hard for Ruth to resist. The two are different as night and day; but it doesn't stop them from falling in love. Art ships overseas and is killed. Ruth falls apart physically and mentally. The finale takes place at St. Patrick's Cathedral during a rainstorm and thus the movie's title. A superb tear-jerker filmed in beautiful black & white; and the rain should share billing with Wyman and Johnson. Also in the cast: Eileen Heckart, Fred Clark, Alan King, Arte Johnson and Peggie Castle.
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A Great Love Story
nsscmss30 August 2005
I cannot say enough nice things about this movie, but rather than write about the movie, I will write about my brief meeting with Van Johnson.

Back in 1988, I met Van Johnnson by accident in a restaurant in NYC. I don't know what made me go up to him, but I introduced myself and began a conversation with him.

While Van could have sent me away, he interrupted his meal and told me to sit down. I told him how much I enjoyed the movie and that it was my favorite. He was flattered that someone as young as me liked the movie and also confided that it was his favorite movie as well, going as far to show me the coin from that movie that he continues to wear around his neck. We both left the restaurant at the same time, shook hands and he said it was a pleasure speaking with me.

It was a very special moment for me. The warm and sensitive person he portrays in Miracle in the Rain is an understatement. Van Johnson is more wonderful in person.
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Makes me wish I believed in miracles
Morganalee12 September 2007
"Miracle in the Rain" is the sort of movie that would make a stone cry. It's also the sort of movie that's unlikely to see the light of day again: a middle-aged, virgin heroine; a squeaky-clean, hands-off hero who woos with the line, "I'll love you till the cows come home all over the world," then goes off to fight a war with just one chaste kiss; unabashed appeals to sentimentalism and invocations of the most literal, unreconstructed religion...it's a movie that sets out to bring out the handkerchiefs and makes no apologies for it. I can't decide whether it's a movie to lift the spirit (because its final message is one of hope) or whether it's so unrealistic that it's a downer, because today's equivalent of the heroine is likely to say, "Yeah, I really would need a miracle to find a man like that. I might as well pack it in!" If you're the type that can smile at corn instead of sneering at it, see this movie. It's as sweet and tender a confection as Hollywood ever produced.
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Life Can Be So Cruel....But We Can Still Hope For Miracles
ck-1829 January 2007
It's been a long time since I've watched a movie and shed tears but this movie clinched it! What a beautiful film - it certainly plays with your emotions in such a poignant way. Jane Wyman's brilliant, grief-stricken performance makes your heart simply melt with sorrow and watching Johnson's impeccable performance made me forget that I have never been a Van Johnson fan; credit to him for a splendid, utterly emotive portrayal of the character he played in this film. These two leads and the supporting cast played their roles to perfection and I was so consumed that I failed to remember that they were actually acting.

The storyline of this film had me absorbed from the beginning through to its exquisite ending; it left me covered in goose bumps and literally I felt numb as the chills ran through me! Most significantly though, this film profoundly made me feel how important and precious my loved ones are to me as it helped nudge my dormant realisation that the uncertainty of life always surrounds us....we must not take anyone for granted and we must not take life and "faith" for granted.

As you have noticed I did not relate the plot of this movie as other reviewers have more or less done so. All I can say is that you should do yourself a favour and view this film - this is one film you need to watch at least once in your lifetime (and feel those chills and goose bumps!)....SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL.
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TopDawg28 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie pretty well. Jane Wyman and Van Johnson were well-cast. The chemistry between them works very well, showing how opposites can attract. It is a unique movie, sweet, different. Ms. Wyman is a versatile actress, and this movie projects a more vulnerable, almost homely persona. Van Johnson is his usual buoyant and outgoing self here. This movie is also a testament to the power of faith amidst sorrow over a lost but enduring love.

The question I have about it is this: at the end, when she collapses on the steps of the church, has she died? That is not quite clear to me. Many people seem to believe that she is dead, but it's not specified in the movie. Does anyone know of an outside source that would confirm this, one way or another?
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Elizabeth-32826 July 1999
This movie is wonderful! It really sympathizes with those who lost their loved ones during World War II. And Arthur is so friendly and outgoing, that you can't blame Ruth for falling for him. I think the end with the little Roman coin is so sad!

This is a great movie...one of the best! It's definitely my favorite Van Johnson movie. If you've never seen it, you've got to!

Therefore, I give "Miracle in the Rain" a 10 out of 10!!!
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Van Johnson
bjelkier16 March 2014
To Nick-313 and others that thought Mr. Johnson was a draft dodger: Van Johnson was in a bad auto accident and had a plate in his forehead. In some movies you can actually see the scars. That made in ineligible for the military. He also had a long recovery.

I enjoyed this movie. It may not be Casablanca or Gone with the Wind, but it is a nice little movie of faith and love. I especially like the co-stars, the priest and her best friend. And it was so poignant that her father finally comes home. Be prepared to have tissues for it is one of the best tear jerkers. Jane and Van were good together. Two lost souls who find love before he goes to war.
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First time I cried on a movie.
aspooners20 March 2005
How can I obtain a copy?? Saw it when I was a youngster. It was the first time I stayed up to watch a late movie. It had me in tears. I remember being so happy no one else was up. It was not cool for a young man to be bawling his heart out watching a movie. I never saw it again, but I always remembered it. I really would love to own it or at least see it again. If there is a way to be notified when something is on television or where I can obtain the movie it would be appreciated. thank you very much. I did want want to write a book and ten lines were more than I need so this may appear stretched. I remember loving the movie and registered just to find out if the website could help to connect me to the movie in some way.
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Miracle in the Rain
nyescape23 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The "miracle" in Miracle in the Rain was related to a Roman coin which Wyman purchased and gave to Johnson before he was deployed to Europe (WWII.) She was told by the vendor it was a lucky coin. She gives it to Johnson, whom she loves, as a lucky charm to keep him safe while he is engaged in combat. Presumedly, the coin was with Johnson when he was killed in action. Read on for the "miracle."

Wyman was a lonely girl with a controlling mother. She has a job and the people at her job like her but she is not popular in the normal sense of the word. When she meets Johnson, her disposition changes. It is obvious she is in love.

There is a scene in which her father explains why he left her mother. Her father is not a part of the "miracle."

Wyman, who was affianced to Johnson, receives word from the State Department that Johnson was killed in action. She is so distraught, she wanders into St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC and discovers a statue of St. Andrew (brother of St. Peter) whose altar has no candles in front of it. Wyman asks the priest why and says that she doesn't like him (St. Andrew)being in the darkness. She asks the priest's permission to light candles - even though she is not Catholic. She continues visiting the church and the statue of St. Andrew every day.

One cold and rainy night, she runs out to the church; she was under the weather already and she becomes soaked by the pouring rain. She collapses on the front steps. When she is found, dead, she is holding the Roman coin which had been in Johnson's possession from the time she presented it to him! Thus, the miracle.
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Treacle in the Rain
keylight-426 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the plot: Jane Wyman, the most boring actress of all time, is pushing forty and leads a lonely, dreary life in World War II-era New York, working in an office and living with her embittered mother who was deserted by her husband years before. One rainy day she meets loud, lovable soldier Van Johnson as both of them are standing in a crowd of people, waiting for the rain to let up. Johnson's Pollyana philosophy of life, which he booms out in a crowd to the annoyance of everybody present, probably, somehow appeals to Jane, and they end up goingÂ…Â…somewhere together, I forget where.

He begins squiring her around New York, and finally gets orders to ship out, at which point he kisses her for the first time, as far as I could tell, and tells her he loves her, then jumps on an Army bus and heads to war. Before he leaves, he shows her that he's wearing his "lucky" Roman coin, which will protect him from harm.

She writes him dull letters every day: Every one of them starts out "Dear Art" --- never "Darling", or "My darling Art", or even "Dearest". I suspect these letters contained the same amount of passion a woman might put in a letter to her brother. Anyway, he never writes back, and her mother hisses things like, "MEN! They're all alike!"


Jane eventually gets a letter from Johnson's C.O., telling her that her lover has been killed in action.

Jane is inconsolable, and starts hanging out at St. Patrick's Cathedral, lighting candles at the altar of St. Andrew, for whom she feels sorry because nobody ever lights candles for him. She also develops a cough, but still won't stay home from work, or stop annoying St. Andrew.

Finally, she goes to the cathedral in the rain and stands at the altar bawling, "Why did you take Art from me?" and then leaves. Well, lo and behold, she has a vision of Art coming across the street to bore her with more of his homespun wisdom about how love never dies, she's the bee's knees, etc., and they embrace. Then he melts into thin air and she collapses on the pavement. A kind-hearted priest, played by handsome Paul Picerni, comes out and calls an ambulance, then notices that she has something clasped in her hand.

The item in her hand isÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! ---- the LUCKY COIN that Art took into battle! Oh, and Jane's father, who as I noted above, deserted her and Jane's mother years before, comes back home that same night! Now that I've panned this movie up and down, I will say, in the vain hope that some kind reader will rate this review as "useful", that the cast was good: Van Johnson was always one of my favorites, and Eileen Heckart, as Ms. Wyman's office friend, was a sympathetic and likable character. Fred Clark, another great character actor, was on hand to play the role of Wyman's philandering boss. And the shots of various NYC locales were great, especially the interior of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Other than that, well, this is strictly for die-hard Jane Wyman fans -- both of them.
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A Wonderful Film!
Chris-Moran-Romsey-UK3 September 2001
Miracle in the Rain has just been screened here in the UK and I am so pleased that I recorded it as I intend to keep it along with my growing collection of classic movies from the forties and fifties and watch it again and again.

The performances of Jane Wyman and Van Johnson were very moving and the ending was magical and moved me to tears!
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Good, solid production
vincentlynch-moonoi2 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So, first a question to nick-313. What is your evidence that Van Johnson was a "draft dodger"? From what I read, he told the military the truth that he was gay; they're the ones who wouldn't accept gay people back then. So, how does being honest equal being a draft dodger? Don't get me wrong. Johnson was okay in films, but no great shakes. I can take him or leave him; just depends on the movie.

Now to this movie. I always give extra credit for something that is a little different, and this film is. It's almost a fantasy, although it doesn't seem quite that until the last few minutes of the film. So, it's a bittersweet love story.

The bad points...well, it could have had some tighter editing, and it could have wrapped things up just a bit better at the end. But aside from that, many viewers will find it an extremely good story.

The cast is quite good. This is just the right kind of role for Van Johnson -- no heavy lifting involved -- but pleasant and just a touch goofy. Jane Wyman is perfect here, although it is far from her best role. Fred Clark was a very busy character actor in his time. Eileen Heckart was always something special and just a little offbeat. Josephine Hutchinson (the mother here), was always a wonderful character actress, although here she was directed to be something really pathetic, and I think they could have lightened up on that. I was particularly happy to see William Gargan. I remember seeing him interviewed a few years after this film, after his larynx had been removed due to cancer. He had been quite a successful actor through the 1930s and 1940s. This was his last movie role, although he made a few television appearances after this.

So, this is a little sappy, perhaps. Certainly dated (but I guess there was a time when life was really like this). But, rather enjoyable (although not quite good enough to be on my DVD shelf).
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One of my favorites!
debbsgate-112 September 2006
I was just a young girl when I saw this movie for the first time. It was so moving and so sad that I never forgot it. The acting may seem alittle corny in this day and age but the story is wonderful, and the cast was excellent. I lost count how many times I've watched it over the years, I finally own a copy of it although its on VHS it's nice to know I can watch it again whenever I want. Would be nice if it was released on DVD. This is also one of my favorite Van Johnson movies. If I could compare it to a modern day movie that would be "Message in a Bottle" with Kevin Costner. Although it didn't have a miraculous ending it was a story of finding love and losing it so suddenly. If you like tear-jerkers both of these movies would fit the bill.
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Stereotypical tearjerker
mollytinkers1 September 2021
A sweet and sappy film, Miracle in the Rain does not do justice to the sadly underrated talent of Jane Wyman. She was brilliant in Johnny Belinda and So Big. She's fine here, but the film is a bit of a letdown.

What bugs me most about this film is that very little, if any, attention is paid to detail regarding its World War II timeframe. Costumes, hair styles, and especially exterior shots involving vehicles do not reflect 1940s America of the time. It's blatantly obvious this was made in the 1950s.

If you put that aside, this is a good, romantic melodrama. The biggest shoutout goes to Oscar-winning Eileen Heckart. IMDb Trivia notes this as her film debut. If you grew up with Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in, you'll be tickled to see Arte Johnson in a bit part. Sadly, that's where it ends.
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I love this movie more each time I see it
pan-109 July 2000
It is a wonderful and magical film, somewhat similar to one of my all-time favorites, "Portrait of Jennie". I might change a line or two, or a scene or two, but overall this is really something special. Very sad, but imbued with the truest of hope and happiness. Like "Portrait of Jennie", it is a truly religious film.
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sweet and bitter
SnoopyStyle28 January 2024
It's 1942 New York City. Secretary Ruth Wood (Jane Wyman) is a quiet spinster taking care of her elderly mother. One rainy day, she meets happy-go-lucky Private Art Hugenon (Van Johnson). On a date with Art, Ruth buys a Roman coin at an auction. It seems to bring them good luck, but he has to go back to the war.

It's nice and sweet. I like the two leads. It is not the most heated relationship, but it is most sweet. After the turn, I didn't know how the movie was going to write itself out of the situation. It does allow Wyman to have her Oscar bait monologue. It's an intriguing way to end it although I would like some clarity. That may go against the religious magic of it all.
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Classic Hollywood movie from the old days
aragon-119 March 2006
It's a beautiful movie and yes, it will bring you to tears. She's shy and yet she has a brief miracle of a romance with a wonderful man who opens up the world for her. There are many miracles brought out in the movie. I've enjoyed this movie since I was young. Jane Wyman and Van Johnson are terrific actors and they don't disappoint. This was a "small" movie in Hollywood terms but it leaves a lasting message of hope. One message is that God brings people together in mysterious ways for good purposes. (I'm going to check if this movie is available to buy, it's worth it.) I loved Alan King's small but great role in this movie and all the supporting actors were great, too. By the way, the object she holds when she dies is an old coin that she and he bought at an antique shop and he gives it to her before he deploys to the war. I watched many Wyman films when I was young and they were all good. She wasn't an "A-list" beauty but she was beautiful and never disappointed me. Check out her film list and you're in for a treat if you watch them.
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A Sad Story of Hope
ldeangelis-7570826 August 2022
This movie is a combo of all you can want in a good old-fashioned story, and all you can hope for when hope is apparently gone. It's a Hollywood love story, minus the happy ending. Or is it?

There's a lot more to the story than just the romantic couple, Art and Ruth (Van Johnson and Jane Wyman, two of my favs) who meet be chance in a rainstorm in New York City during WWII and soon fall in love and make plans for a future that isn't meant to be. The story also involves Ruth's mother, Agnes (Josephine Hutchinson) whose emotional state has been precarious, since her musician husband Harry (William Gargan) left her. Ruth has been looking out for her ever since and has put her own life on hold. There's also Ruth's friend and coworker, Grace (Eileen Heckert), who seems to look at life from a glass half empty point of view, their boss, Stephen (Fred Clark), a married man who's having an affair with his secretary, Millie (Peggy Castle). Their stories all become linked together through the chance meeting of Art and Ruth.

Art wants a career as a reporter, but he also has talent as a composer. And it's this fact that brings Harry back into the picture, a man who was no less miserable than the wife he regretted leaving but couldn't bring himself to ask for a second chance.

Art has an influence on them all, with his optimistic outlook on life, his good heart and cheerful attitude. Soon everyone seems to be making an effort to improve themselves: Agnes becomes stronger, Harry forgives himself enough to ask for forgiveness from his family, Grace starts to see the glass as half full, Millie decides she wants more from life than backstreet mistress and leaves to start over, and Stephen realizes the error of his ways. (It's significant that in a scene toward the end of the film, he calls his pretty new secretary into his office - as he had done with Millie many times - but now it's strictly to take dictation.)

The war comes between the happy couple, and a heartbroken Ruth loses her will to live, and suffers from a bad bout of pneumonia, but a special old Roman coin plays a part in her fate, which implies a happy ending despite the sadness.
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Love Never Dies....
JLRMovieReviews20 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Jane Wyman and Van Johnson star in this sentimental story in New York City about a young lady who lives at home to take care of her mother. Years ago, her father left them and her mother had a nervous breakdown of sorts, trying to kill herself. The mother, played by Josephine Hutchinson, has been house-bound ever since. With Jane's own quiet and shy disposition already, this leaves Jane to go to work and home only, with no social life, no friends, save one lady friend, work related, played by Eileen Heckart. Then one day in the rain a soldier starts talking to the crowd waiting to across the street. People come and go, but she stays waiting for something. With his outgoing personality, she took to him right away. They start a friendship and it turns into a very sweet and deep love right away. When he gets word his troop is leaving, he tells her he loves her and that he wants to marry her when he gets back, but....

I've never heard love expressed so eloquently as I have in this film. Some of the plots are left hanging at the end, as we see her in the rain after seeing an apparition of him. So we don't know for sure that she dies from pneumonia. And, her father returns to her mother after a long time and he goes looking for Jane in the rain. There is no resolution or full closure to him out looking for her. But we are left to deduce that Jane is now with Van, and her parents are back together. The film ends abruptly on the supposed climax of emotion. but it did need some plots to come full circle. That notwithstanding, this film is an experience you're not likely to forget, even if you don't exactly understand (or buy into) what happens in front of the cathedral. I recommend it heartily for the truly young at heart and those who love sentimental love stories.
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(POSSIBLE SPOILER) More problematic than believable...
Doylenf15 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised to see so many praising this film despite all its faults. I agree with the N.Y. Times review which states: "It is diluted by an overly saccharine treatment and a wealth of incidents not particularly germane to its main theme...too often, it lapses into soap opera."

JANE WYMAN and VAN JOHNSON, both respectable enough actors, are a strange combination in the leading roles. Jane seems to be recycling her "Johnny Belinda" look of sweet smiles and shy glances, never being more than a drab little wren which makes you wonder what Van Johnson sees in her in the first place, especially since he is such a complete extrovert. His cheerfulness is a much needed element during the romantic episodes in the film.

Unfortunately, the weak, literal ending with the coin materializing again, rings false and hollow.

Both Wyman and Johnson have been so much better in other dramatic roles, so it's a pity they couldn't have clicked here. But they are defeated by a screenplay which makes the viewer unsympathetic to the self-absorbed, withdrawn Wyman much of the time, who plays a woman who must attend to her sick mother after a day's work at the office. She barely ever registers anything but a weak attempt at a smile until Johnson gives her a sense of freedom.

The film remains a strange fantasy when it should have been a simple tale of a girl and boy falling in love before he is shipped overseas. Occasional tender moments are not enough to overcome the saccharine qualities forced onto the story.

Even some good supporting roles aren't enough to sustain the mood of this uneven blend of romance and the supernatural.

The literal emergence of the coin at the end is more problematic than believable.
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a little gem
soneill12 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
One of the finest of the "little" movies made in Hollywood's heyday, this b&w charmer about the power of love over death is rescued from the maudlin by a quirky script by Ben Hecht and fine performances, particularly Eileen Heckart's as the heroine's oddball best friend. the story of how a shy girl well on her way to spinsterhood and a kind and handsome young soldier fall in love in wartime new york, only to be cruelly separated by the boy's death on the battlefield, would be heartbreaking enough on its own. but it's what happens between them after his death that makes this movie something special. and, as it says in the closing credits, the story may even be true. so stock up on the puffs plus and see "miracle in the rain" the first chance you get—especially if you've ever lost someone you love.
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