Red Hot Mamma (1934) Poster


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Not even the devil himself messes with Betty Boop Warning: Spoilers
This has become one of my new favourite adventures of this character, I knew I was gonna love it as soon as I saw the enchanting opening scene of the cosy little lopsided house on the hill in the midst of the snowstorm. To me the quality of the animation was quite beautiful and this whole short in particular has a very well-drawn and polished look to it. It amazes me how much they still work to greater effect in the black and white. It was a nice change to see Betty the target for trouble for a change, rather than the usual poor unfortunate Bimbo. Although things certainly do get admirably infernal during the dream sequence in which they do actually send Betty into the very bowels of fire and brimstone hell, I thought the surrealism of this short was very mild compared to the full-blown Liberace Cthonian madness of some of the real heavyweights of the Fleischer Betty animations-like "Snow White" and "Swing You Sinners", to name but a few. I still wouldn't say it's a cartoon made for children though, not by a long shot. The gags are pretty few and far between. She spanks fire! Now that was a new one! And I loved the superb, if brief little jazz number. One of my favourite staples of the more extreme Fleischer shorts was thankfully present-the almost three-dimensional cave backgrounds with the barely discernible creepy profile faces amid the rocks and stalactites. Betty's the best I've seen her yet here, with merely one cool glare, she gives Satan and all his fiery underlings the cold shoulder and everything else! Yes, like the other reviewer already said in their title(which I was planning on using!) the old adage actually happens-she causes hell to freeze over!!! I reckon it's a bit of a good message for the time, one that's actually in favour of women, she's not "easy", no? She ain't no one's fool, she's a veritable ice queen! The risqué sex appeal factor is very apparent here-like the sultry way in which she lies sprawled on her bed in her negligee, and in the scene where she walks past the fire and her nightgown becomes transparent in the back-light from it. I thought that little effect was a pretty great feat of animation for the time that it was made. Her design seemed more well-rounded and put together in this and less, well, freakish than before. I'm not talking about when she was literally a dog, I mean her head doesn't look as huge as it has before. Ha, she doesn't have any neck, her big melon just kinda hangs suspended above her shoulders! Anyhow, she is noticeably taller and more slender than usual, and her movements are exceptionally graceful. I love her classic phrase and subtle little sassy laugh. It's funny, the character really is still adorable and kind of alluring in an innocent way even after so many years. A large percentage of the people who love her and buy the merchandise bearing her image have probably never even seen one of her cartoons. Her legend lives on, and that is surely some kind of genius. Recommended for fans of the brilliant old animation style.
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RED HOT MAMMA {Short} (Dave Fleischer, 1934) ***
Bunuel197611 January 2014
Betty Boop literally goes to Hell in this one, as she takes to sleeping by the fireside one cold night and everything around her is set ablaze in the process. Needless to say, the devils (with every new arrival getting fitted with their proverbial tail and horns!) prove to be a lecherous lot – albeit musically-inclined as well (they are seen letting rip during a jazz number). Ironically, given the suggestive title, the heroine wears a dress for much of the duration! Still, when she rebuffs the chief's advances and gives him the cold gaze, the whole place freezes over accordingly…and, suddenly brought back to reality, we realize Betty's house had been extensively damaged from the raging blizzard!
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Who would have imagined Hell would be so much fun?!
planktonrules12 June 2019
I found this cartoon on YouTube and watched it because it said it had been banned. Now whether it really was banned, I have no idea and IMDB makes no mention of this. I would not be too surprised if it had been, as the film came out just before the toughened Production Code was adopted by Hollywood, as it does glamorize Hell...something not explicitely banned by the Code but not exactly in the spirit of it either!

The story begins with Betty sleeping. However, the weather changes and the house is freezing, so she builds a huge fire in the fireplace....and the house becomes like a furnace. Not surprisingly, she now dreams she's in Hell and it's an amazingly nice place all things considered.

As usual, the Fleischer Brothers' animation is top notch even if it is in black & white. As for the story, it's diverting and strange but not among Betty's best. Worth seeing, however, just for the novelty of the story!
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Betty Boop goes to Hell, which subsequently freezes over
wmorrow5917 April 2002
After a misleadingly innocuous opening this cartoon quickly goes bizarre, and I do mean bizarre. Our plucky heroine Betty Boop makes like Odysseus, visits the Underworld and returns to tell the tale. All the elements of a great Pre-Code Fleischer cartoon are here, from the swinging jazz score and oddball gags to those delightfully gratuitous silhouette images of Betty in her nightgown, striding past the hell-fire. I love the jaunty song she sings, the design of the demons, and the visual pun when Betty turns a "cold shoulder" to Satan himself. Some of these Betty Boop cartoons -- the best ones, I mean -- are so strange they inspire not amusement, exactly, but something closer to queasiness, only it's a pleasant kind of queasiness. Which makes no sense, but neither does Red Hot Mamma. Personally I love the Fleischer output from this period, and find more film-making skill, panache, and sheer rampant imagination in these 7-minute epics than I find in most of D. W. Griffith's features. Plus, Betty is way cuter than Carol Dempster.
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Great pre-Code Betty Boop short
llltdesq11 July 2002
This cartoon is a perfect example of the creativity and inventiveness that was possible prior to the advent of the Hays Office and The Code that tamed Betty Boop and made many of the subsequent shorts so much more dull and lifeless. The irony is that Will Hays was a politician who was involved in the Harding administration, which found no rival for corruption until the Nixon administration. Mr. Hays was the last person to lecture anyone on behavior! The details of this cartoon would never have found acceptance under Hays or The Code, so I'm glad it was made and released before all the nonsense went into effect. Wonderful short. In print and available. Well worth watching. Most highly recommended.
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Up there with the best of Betty Boop
TheLittleSongbird12 January 2017
Don't let the opening fool you. The opening suggests that 'Red Hot Mamma' was going to be a quite tame and safe cartoon, especially for a pre-Code cartoon. Whereas a number of pre-Code Betty Boop cartoons were wonderfully strange, very risqué and imaginatively surreal.

This opening however is deceptive. 'Red Hot Mamma' is a long way from being tame and playing it safe. When it comes to Betty Boop, it is one of the most imaginative and daring, and one of the most classic examples of the surreal and the risqué. Of the 1934 batch of Betty Boop cartoons, it is one of the best, one where you just marvel at the content and how much it gets away with, and of the whole Betty Boop series.

As ever in a Betty Boop cartoon, the animation is still incredibly good, the detail is immaculate, there are the typical imaginative moments and everything is beautifully drawn. The Hell sequence is the finest example. There is a return to the more jazzy style of music, and it is a style that meshes brilliantly with the action and is a music score that is very much memorable in its own right.

Regarding the content, the jokes and humour are one of the series' most risqué and creative, plus they are funny and none less than that, and the surreal nature is so imaginatively done and captivating to watch. The plot structurally may be thin and typical and may not make sense, but that is not something to be expected here.

Betty Boop, one of Fleischer's most famous and prolific characters, may not be for all tastes and sadly not as popular now, but her sex appeal was quite daring for the time and to me there is an adorable sensual charm about her. That charm, sensuality and adorable factor is not lost anywhere here. The other characters also add a good deal.

Overall, wonderful stuff and up there with Betty Boop's best. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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A Cold Shoulder and an Icy Stare
Hitchcoc9 December 2018
Betty Boop is sleeping when her alarm goes off. It turns out the windows have opened and she is freezing. She goes to her fireplace, throws both logs and coal into it, sets a fire, and goes to sleep in front of the hearth. Suddenly, it gets intensely hot. Several sight gags show the extent. She, herself, goes into the fireplace, tumbles, and finds herself in Hell. But we know how enterprising this woman is and she makes life miserable for the devils. Well done.
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Betty Boop dancing in a Circle of Fire
mrdonleone3 May 2020
This movie is so ultimately perfect. Us Muslims we love it. Funny and groundbreaking. One of the best short animation movies ever; anchorman be serious who can say no to Betty boop dancing in a circle of fire???
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Many of the Millenials toiling in the Potter's Field . . .
cricket307 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
. . . are seeing RED HOT MAMMA as a major influence upon the whole HOGWART's Saga. After heroine "Betty B." descemds to Hades to clean up the Nether Regions, she observes the chute hauling in new recruits of the Elephantine Persuasion to Down Below. After demi demons affix tails and horns to said newbies, these wicked weasels make a bee-line for "Freshman Hall," the clear prototype for "Slytherin House." When Lucifer turns up the heat, causing giant flames to more thoroughly engulf this Enclave of Evil, the extinct erstwhile elephants erupt ecstatically, used as they are to the pernicious pitch emanating from the pie hole of their Great Burnt Orange Pumpkin. In a subsequent scene, these nefarious nerds essay to nuzzle up to Betty, but she'll have none of their oven overtures. This RED HOT MAMMA immediately essays to freeze their pathetic passions with a frigid glare, and the hapless hot seaters are put on ice for all time. RED HOT MAMMA provides an enjoyable romp through the inevitable just desserts currently facing America's corrupt corporate class.
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Betty Goes to Hell
Michael_Elliott10 June 2016
Red Hot Mamma (1934)

*** (out of 4)

Highly entertaining short has Betty Boop growing cold so she starts a fire and decides to sleep by it. This turns the heat way up and before she knows it Betty is in Hell. This is a devilish little Pre-code short from Paramount that has some terrific animation as well as a creative streak that makes for a lot of fun. There's no question that the entire Hell sequence is the highlight and there are some very creative jokes throughout. One such thing is when we see freshmen devils getting their horns as well as another section where the Devil goes full blast by turning the heat way up to get to Betty. If you're a fan of the series then this one here certainly ranks as one of the better ones.
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