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Highly satisfying legal thriller
31 May 2024
Like its titular character, The Lincoln Lawyer takes a big gamble by having three separate endings which risks it overstaying its welcome but the gamble pays off in the end. This is a great legal thriller that's been tailor made to be as satisfying as possible with clear morals, good guys who are super likeable and bad guys designed to be hated.

Even though this has a big supporting cast who are all great, it is the Matthew McConaughey show. His natural charisma and soothing southern drawl ensure you're on his side straight away despite his initially shady nature. When it comes to the courtroom scenes, he controls the room with ease and is totally believable as someone who's got it all planned out.

Brad Furman's direction is at its strongest when doing impressive things without drawing attention to itself. The takes that go on for a little longer than expected or cover an impressive amount of distance in one continuous movement are the best however, the documentary style zooms are a distracting choice that thankfully don't cause too much damage since there's not too many of them overall.
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The Beast (2023)
Art house Cloud Atlas
31 May 2024
The Beast is a timely story that depicts a tragic future where humanity has been stripped from mankind, to show just how important that humanity is. Moving between three different timelines at a slow but engaging pace whilst really emphasising how history can often rhyme with its interconnecting events, dialogue and motifs.

This is a phenomenal showcase for Léa Seydoux and George MacKay. Both of them get to play three different characters who are distinct whilst still feeling linked to their previous iterations. MacKay continues to take challenging roles purely because of that middle chapter and Seydoux single-handedly anchors every timeline with her undying humanity.

Bertrand Bonello's direction moves between genres with ease, undoubtedly helped by the longer run time as it allows each period to have plenty of screen time. It moves from a yearning period drama into a tense home invasion thriller and culminates in a sci-fi romance and throughout it all, Anna & Bertrand Bonello's score is there with a suitably ethereal nature.
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Stressful romance
31 May 2024
Punch-Drunk Love is a beautiful movie with gorgeous imagery and big speeches about the power of love that also happens to be a really stressful movie as well. As a film about a businessman juggling multiple problems whilst owing money to some shady people starring Adam Sandler, it truly feels like a precursor to Uncut Gems, just with a healthy dose of hope.

Adam Sandler is phenomenal, it's the rare showcase of his dramatic capabilities that still has time for his comedic talents. He moves through happiness, stress and full on rage with grace, making him flawed but sympathetic. Emily Watson's chemistry with Sandler completes the core relationship and really sells the instant connection just as much as he does.

Paul Thomas Anderson's direction is masterful with striking silhouettes and tightly composed frames punctuating the film from the very first scene. Jon Brion's score is the perfect accompaniment to what's on screen. It can be just as stressful and high energy when necessary whilst still being able to gracefully switch gears into old school Hollywood flourishes when the moment arises.
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Rango (2011)
A proper Western
29 May 2024
Rango is wild. It's not an animated family friendly riff on the Western, it is a Western. All the classic tropes are accounted for in a story of capitalism at its most cruel with duels at high noon and big speeches about how the outlaw is a dying breed as modernity encroaches. It just also happens to be a really funny and wildly inventive animated movie.

Johnny Depp is a natural at voice acting. There's so much life to his performance and from moment one it's clear that Rango won't be a Jack Sparrow imitation or him just using his regular voice. It's a performance within a performance as he has to fake a level of confidence he really doesn't have to survive in such an unforgiving landscape.

Gore Verbinksi proves he's one of those rare directors who can swap between live action and animation without losing any of his recognisable sensibilities. The set pieces are epic and genuinely thrilling plus the film has the same boundary pushing nature (for a PG) as his work on the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, especially with the gnarly character designs.
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Eddie Murphy carries this
28 May 2024
The Golden Child is a lot of different things at once that don't entirely cohere. A lot can be appreciated simply as a product that could've only been made in its time because of how insane it is and most flaws can be accepted due to the 90 minute run time that ensures it flies by. It just needed a lot more laughs to get in the upper echelons of Eddie Murphy's filmography.

This is an early sign of Eddie Murphy not giving it his all. However, it's also a testament to his talents that he doesn't need to bring 100% to single-handedly keep this thing going. Every joke that lands is purely because of him. The villain of this film would be completely forgettable if he wasn't played by Charles Dance. He's not layered by any means but Dance brings natural gravitas.

Michael Ritchie's direction can't get the contrasting tones and genres to entirely coalesce which is balanced by his wise choice to let Murphy just run away with some of the scenes. Michel Colombier's score essentially plays one piece of music relentlessly and luckily it's wacky enough to fit whatever the film's going for whilst never getting old.
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The Delivered (2019)
Thrillingly unique
27 May 2024
Fanny Lye Deliver'd is not what you'd expect, never boring and constantly evolving. A story of shifting power dynamics in a puritanical England where repressed desire explodes with violent consequences. It turns the rural countryside of England into a western frontier where law and order are the most twisted concepts.

Maxine Peake is amazing in a role that requires a real transformation. She's initially excited by the ideals of the young couple and feels ashamed of her desires but by the end she's in full control of her newfound power. Charles Dance has a naturally commanding presence which makes his casting all the more effective since he spends the majority of the film powerless.

The greatest strengths of Thomas Clay's direction lie in how it subverts the rules and expectations of a period piece. It's a very modern approach with active cinematography by Giorgos Arvanitis and an overall unexpected vibrancy. Thomas Clay's score is even better as it moves between sounding old fashioned and incredibly up to date throughout whilst telegraphing the biggest moments with gusto.
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Atlas (2024)
Somehow Netflix are getting more incompetent
26 May 2024
Netflix films inability to read the room continues to be astonishing. With Lift they attempted to validate NFTs as art and with Atlas they argue that AI is not only good but better than humans. Something this woefully misguided could be forgiven for some dumb fun action but there's simply nowhere near enough to sustain it at 2 hours long.

With the main character stuck in a box with only a bland robotic voice to act off for the majority you need a movie star to carry this and it's the one thing it gets right. Jennifer Lopez does her best to carry this with her charm and almost has chemistry with her A. I. counterpart however, even she can't elevate the awful, excessively expositional dialogue.

It's surprising and baffling how many big names are in the supporting cast. Sterling K. Brown follows an Oscar nomination with this of all things and luckily comes away unscathed. Simu Liu gets given a role so wasteful you'd think Barbie flopped and Mark Strong gracefully takes a nothing role that is in no way, shape, or form worthy of his talents.

Brad Peyton's direction massively misunderstands assignment despite his previous ability to deliver a handful of perfectly serviceable Rockbusters. All this film had to do was string together a bunch of cool robot fights and it can't even do that because the robots are too small, the action is too stilted and it's always against annoyingly small groups of enemies.

Even by the standards of a Netflix release, this is excessively artificial. Almost everything takes place in CG environments and they're not particularly good ones. This borrows from so many other films it doesn't even register that this counts as original sci-fi. Usually it's always nice to have original sci-fi even if they don't stick the landing but in this instance a Titanfall adaptation would've been better.
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15 years of Wasteland
25 May 2024
It would be folly to try and outdo Fury Road and Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is smart enough to not even attempt that. It's a completely different film in its structure which allows it to be a prequel that tells a complete story on its own whilst still enhancing Fury Road with its world building. The fact that George Miller is still telling stories in the wasteland at this scale is a real gift.

Alyla Brown gets a lot more screen time than child versions of pre-established characters usually get and with next to no dialogue she is superb at communicating everything without words. Carrying that on for the second half, Anya Taylor-Joy does a phenomenal job and was right to fight to keep the scream in. If you need someone to act exclusively with their eyes, she is as perfect as they come.

Chris Hemsworth is clearly relishing the opportunity to play a properly mad villain with Dementus and has so many chill inducing moments. This is easily the best he's been so far, completely unhinged with just enough depth to explain everything he does. He's a complicated figure who always seeks power but is never able to truly hold onto it.

George Miller truly is a genius when it comes to exploring this franchise. Getting to see a fully realised Gas Town and Bullet Farm allows this world to cohere like never before and the action crafted here is so epic with gorgeous imagery that refuses to slow down. Just like John Seale achieved last time, Simon Duggans's cinematography can keep the action clean no matter what's thrown at it.

It makes sense that the only way Tom Holkenborg could come close to his best work on Fury Road was to return to the wasteland and his score here continues to compliment the kineticism of the action so well. The only downside is the CGI which looks pretty bad at various points and stands out further because of how well Fury Road implemented it.
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Stardust (2007)
Sentimental fairytale with genuine magic
24 May 2024
Stardust is the rare modern film that harkens back to the classics whilst creating some magic of its own. Early proof that Matthew Vaughn is more than capable of handling family friendly fare with grace, even if it has a surprisingly high body count and memorable kills. It's a fairytale in every sense of the word, warm, whimsical and completely unafraid to be completely sincere.

The film moves quite quickly so Charlie Cox and Claire Danes having an adorable chemistry really helps to sell the fast developing relationship. Cox also does a good job of turning Tristan into a more capable hero whilst losing none of his innocence and Danes brings so much warmth and personality to a character who is essentially a living macguffin.

Michelle Pfeiffer is clearly having a ball as a thoroughly irredeemable villain who enjoys being evil as much as Pfeiffer does playing the character. Mark Strong proves he should be given way more comedies by completely committing to the bit and Robert DeNiro going completely against type as camp pirate captain is the textbook definition of a scene stealer.

Matthew Vaughn's direction has a lot of energy to it and ensures that the overall warmth is strong enough to overcome any less than stellar visual effects. The music by Ilan Eshkeri is a constant delight and the song by Take That is just as sentimental as the film itself. It's one of those rare songs that transcends its source but works even better when paired with it.
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A stoner comedy led by a loveable duo
23 May 2024
Harold & Kumar Get the Munchies (and then go to White Castle) is a great stoner comedy which has its endearing double act set out to achieve a very simple goal and keeps hindering them with the most random but always funny set of circumstances. It plays with stereotypes with gleeful abandon whilst giving them both a satisfying epiphany by the end.

John Cho and Kal Penn work so well together with Penn's carefree attitude contrasting beautifully with Cho's tightly wound nature. Even when they're at each other's throats or sabotaging the others plans it's never annoying and you still root for them to work through it. There's also a couple of actors before they were famous giving memorable one scene performances.

Danny Leiner's direction has its fair share of shoddy effects in the hallucinogenic sequences which is totally understandable because of the low budget and works in its favour by enhancing the stoner comedy charm. At 88 minutes, it's the ideal run time which is only helped by the fact that every tangent has enough jokes to keep things moving nicely.
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Character driven revenge thriller
23 May 2024
You Were Never Really Here is an amazing character study wrapped inside of a violent conspiracy thriller that's been trimmed for maximum efficiency. It's a refreshingly nuanced and character driven take on the usual revenge narrative that loves to show instead of tell. All the usual tropes are set up and yet it never goes there, which is what makes it such a thrilling experience.

Few actors are as comfortable in their character's insecurities as Joaquin Phoenix and whilst this is one of his most physically imposing roles, it still contains everything that makes him a magnetic presence. The brutality he imbues the character with is very convincing but his vulnerability is even stronger as he says nothing about his pain and he doesn't need to for it to be visible.

Lynne Ramsay's direction excels at denying the audience the expected satisfaction when it comes to the violence. It's constantly happening off screen and when it does actually appear, Thomas Townends's smart cinematography keeps a lot of distance with the use of CCTV which is genius. Jonny Greenwood's diverse score is phenomenal, bringing light and darkness in equal measure.
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Captive State (2019)
Smart but clunky sci-fi
22 May 2024
Original sci-fi is hard to come by these days which makes Captive State easier to appreciate in spite of its flaws. It's an absorbing ground level look at an alien invasion that brings all of its disparate plot threads together in a clunky yet satisfying fashion. It holds the answers until the very end and then everything suddenly clicks into place.

With a strong cast who all play fairly one dimensional characters, they're at their strongest when they're together. The strengths come from watching them plan their moves, fully aware of what's at stake and what it'll cost them even if they succeed. Ashton Sanders is a good lead however, it's John Goodman who gives the strongest performance with the most depth.

Rupert Wyatt's direction wisely keeps the aliens out of sight for the most part whilst using visual storytelling to create some striking imagery to give this alternate reality a sense of history. He utilises the end credits to tell the final pieces of the story in the same way as Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Alex Disenhof's mobile and up close cinematography really works for the small scale approach.
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IF (I) (2024)
Wholesome kids film for adults
21 May 2024
IF is narratively chaotic in a way that hinders the pacing but it's also extremely wholesome and refreshingly original (in the literal sense). It has grand ambitions by merging a Spielberg homage about never truly growing up with an attempt to be a live action Pixar movie so even if John Krasinski falls short of these noble goals, he still ends up in a pretty good place.

With Ryan Reynolds doing a nice family version of his usual cynical quip machine and a bunch of A-list stars in small voice roles who are fun to recognise if nothing else, it's up to Cailey Fleming to bring all the emotions and really sell the sense of wonder which she achieves with ease. Also, John Krasinski casting himself as the dad avoids vanity thanks to how endearing he is.

Crafting a world of imagination isn't easy to do and John Krasinski's direction manages to come up with enough inventive moments to avoid feeling creatively inert. Michael Giacchino's score threatens to be overbearing without completely going there. There's barely a moment where it isn't present and it's got the sense of childlike wonder and adorably twee nature to pull it off.
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Doctor Who (1996 TV Movie)
Didn't deserve to backfire
20 May 2024
Doctor Who: The Movie is a stepping stone between what preceded it and what would eventually succeed it, but it feels and acts like nothing else in this universe. A fresh start that heavily connects to the previous season which still succeeds by being a fast paced adventure filled with adorable Y2K anxiety. It should've been the start of an exciting new era that sadly never was.

Paul McGann is great as the Doctor, almost finding his version of the character in real time as his charming and energetic nature grows by regaining his memories. He's certainly the most dashing Doctor up to this point as well. With Daphne Ashbrook as a likeable and down to earth companion for him, there's a strong double act at the core of this story.

Eric Roberts is a very unique version of the Master. Initially acting like a terminator all the way down to the robotic delivery and the outfit before moving into something more camp with the larger than life aspects that are expected of the character. It's one of those performances that's always thoroughly entertaining even as it begins to go off the rails in the end.

Geoffrey Sax's direction makes it so obvious that this is an American production. You can just tell everything is different now which isn't a bad thing and certainly makes it distinct. The best idea he brings is turning the act of regeneration into full on body horror. John Debney's score is equally distinct, managing the near impossible task of doing its own thing within an established franchise that's strong enough to stand on its own.
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Truly great debating
19 May 2024
The Great Debaters is a great example of a well implemented formula. Its narrative is definitely familiar as it holds few surprises and that's not a problem when the writing is this strong, the debates are suitably gripping and the ending is uplifting in a way that makes the whole thing worth it. It's a crowd pleaser that refuses to shy away from the horrifying brutality of the time.

Denzel Washington is incredible, utilising himself the perfect amount. He has to be in it frequently but he's not giving himself all the spotlight and in some ways his role acts like his direction behind the camera as he gives his debaters all the help he can before eventually putting them front and centre on their own. There's also a real excitement to seeing him share a scene with Forest Whitaker.

Denzel Washington's direction excels at giving the big moments the weight they need and uses Philippe Rousselot's cinematography to do things like spin around characters as they debate or slowly zoom in on someone as they give an emotional speech, which are simple choices that make it feel cinematic. The music by James Newton Howard and Peter Golub has the required rousing quality to it.
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Evolution (2001)
3rd best Ghostbusters movie
18 May 2024
Evolution is a successful remix of the lightning in a bottle premise of Ghostbusters even if it is obviously nowhere near as strong as that film. It's not hilarious but the chuckles are constant, the cast is on point and the pacing is the right kind of breezy, lighthearted fun. It's so close to its inspiration it would be considered stealing if Ivan Reitman wasn't borrowing from himself.

David Duchovny and Orlando Jones have so much chemistry they would have carried the film all by themselves. Luckily, they don't need to because adding Sean William Scott and Julianne Moore into the mix makes for a very strong team who bounce off each other well. Everyone brings their unique expertise with them which makes all of them feel essential, even C grade students Ethan Suplee & Michael Bowers.

Ivan Reitman's direction doesn't entirely adhere to the rule of using practical effects for close up stuff and CGI for the wider shots but still manages to strike a strong balance between the two. The tone is always on point too, no matter the amount of violent creepy looking creatures that are present, it never forgets that this is first and foremost a comedy with jokes permeating every scene.
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Not reaching full potential but still really good
18 May 2024
Anna and the Apocalypse finds a fresh idea by merging the usual zombie tropes with a musical set at Christmas. It's surprisingly serious and even though that prevents it from reaching its full potential, it gives the film an unexpected level of emotional heft. The zombie killing and the musical numbers don't fully integrate apart from one stand out song which is easily the best moment.

Ella Hunt is great as she moves between the musical numbers, emotional beats and comedy with ease. Hunt along with Malcolm Cumming, Sarah Swire, Christopher Leveaux, Ben Wiggins, and Mark Benton all do a really good job of ensuring you're invested in their characters' survival so that when the serious emotional moments arrive, they actually feel earned.

John McPhail's direction is a lot stronger with the musical aspects than the whole zombie apocalypse side of things, especially considering how long it takes to get to the outbreak versus how little it takes for a song to drop. There's still some great kills here, they're just few and far between. The songs by Roddy Hart and Tommy Reilly work wonderfully as they move between being funny, catchy and emotional.
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World War Z (2013)
Epic, optimistic and so tense
17 May 2024
World War Z is a worthwhile addition into the fast zombie canon by offering a fairly optimistic look at a zombie outbreak on a rarely seen global scale with an uncommonly high amount of selflessness. The globetrotting adventures are as smart as they are stupid and even with neutered PG-13 zombies it can still deliver plenty of epic and suitably tense set pieces.

In a film as nail-biting as this, having Brad Pitt as the lead works so well because he can really anchor everything. His character is competent, resourceful, relatable and always trying to save as many people as he can which makes him the best character to experience this film through. There's a steady stream of recognisable faces in small but well developed roles too.

Marc Forster seems cursed to direct large scale blockbusters that go through production hell but his direction of high octane, hyperactive action sequences has gotten a lot stronger since his last outing (Quantum of Solace). Marco Beltrami's score can be sinister and sombre with ease but what makes it stand out are the moments where it's full of hope.

The chaotic production is well known and obvious from the three massively different credited screenwriters and yet the film comes out the other end with minimal damage done. Swapping from gigantic hordes of CG zombies in open areas to practical ones in a confined space makes it clear where the pivot is; however, it allows the film to go from delivering one kind of spectacle to a different but equally effective type.
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Heartfelt reunion
16 May 2024
American Reunion completes the transition into adulthood for these characters in a typically sincere fashion. It feels ahead of its time by being a legacy sequel long before it became one of Hollywood's main vices and sacrifices none of the laughs whilst still being able to let everyone accept that it's time to move on from trying to recreate the highs of high school.

It's really nice to have the main five back together and whilst Chris Klein is probably the least funny, his reintroduction brings so much heart and that's always been this franchise's greatest strength. Seann William Scott essentially repeats his arc from the last one to even greater success and Eugene Levy getting more screen time than ever is an adorable gift.

Directors Jon Hurwitz & Hayden Schlossberg continue what Jesse Dylan started by giving this one quite a bit of energy with their pretty dynamic direction. There's some well placed callbacks here and some of these jokes leave a huge lasting impression. As is always the case, the soundtrack here is a real highlight as it bookends the film rather than being a constant presence.
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Unique collision of genres
15 May 2024
Cowboys & Aliens is a testament to how quickly the medium of cinema shifts because this would never be made now. A genre bending blockbuster that's unlike anything else even if it's still based on existing IP. It doesn't entirely cohere and is way more self serious than you'd expect this concept to be but the collision of a western and science fiction keeps it entertaining.

Daniel Craig was born to play a man with no name. The strong silent type is a natural fit for him and considering the overly serious tone, his performance makes for the ideal lead. As a gruff rancher with a heart of gold, Harrison Ford is also playing squarely to his strengths and Olivia Wilde does her best with the weakest character who the script completely mishandled.

Jon Favreau's direction struggles with the logistics of staging action involving cowboys, aliens and spaceships but he's really good at using the cinematic language of the western. In that first half hour, the film commits wholeheartedly to being a stereotypical western which makes the hard pivot into sci-fi (and a pretty nasty one at that) all the more effective.
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La Chimera (2023)
Art house Indiana Jones
14 May 2024
La Chimera is a slow burning journey with plenty to say that's deliberately hard to pin down, making it all the more rewarding when it coalesces. Coincidentally, it's also the best film released in the last year about a grizzled archaeologist returning to recovering ancient artefacts on one last adventure whilst still grieving the loss of a loved one.

Josh O'Connor is so good at being reserved without being completely closed off. The only real emotion that he shows is anger but everything else is so clearly contained in his anguish and charming smile. He's supported by a crew of boisterous personalities who are initially a lot of fun to be around though not without their darker sides.

Alice Rohrwacher's direction draws you in and keeps you so invested that the subtle aspect ratio shifts almost go unnoticed. It's simultaneously a film that's very grounded with stunning locations which all feel lived in and at the same time has it's more surreal moments that imbues the film with a dreamlike nature, especially in its final moments.
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Transporter 3 (2008)
Oliver Megaton can't derail it entirely
13 May 2024
Despite being helmed by the most incompetent director of action in recent memory, Transporter 3 still manages to be the ideal kind of mindless fun this franchise excels at. It's too long and boasts the most convoluted plot of the three but it's balanced out by doubling down on the camp like never before for some hilarious highs.

These films really know how to use Jason Statham so he remains faultless here. Transporters in particular give him the ability to be in on the joke without actually acknowledging it. Fights which have him gradually losing most of his clothes are exactly the kind of self-aware silliness expected of these and his buddy cop dynamic with François Berléand is a big highlight.

No one sabotages the work of talented stuntmen and choreographers like Oliver Megaton. The flashes, excessive amount of cuts and hyperactive editing all threaten to derail this one, especially the editing which decides to speed up the car chases and rob them of any sense of momentum. It just about gets away with this cause the slapstick tone makes these misguided choices a little more natural.
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Collateral (2004)
One of Tom Cruise's best performances
13 May 2024
Collateral is a quintessential Michael Mann thriller with a game of cat and mouse between two people from opposite worlds that has the philosophical debates to make the down time equally thrilling. It's equal parts relentless and ruthless as people are dispatched with no fanfare and like all good neo-noirs, it turns the setting into a character in itself.

Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx are perfectly cast with an unusual relationship considering Cruise is holding Foxx hostage but still finds time to offer life advice. Jamie Foxx is really good at portraying his character's growing stress, naturally escalating the stakes. Tom Cruise takes a big swing as a ruthless hitman by going against his usual roles and making good use of that usually out of place natural intensity.

Michael Mann is at the top of his game with his direction here, containing all his best preoccupations on the page and screen with cinematography by Dion Beebe and Paul Cameron that's stylish, intense and unafraid to embrace the grain of the image. The soundtrack adds so much style and the score by James Newton Howard & António Pinto can match it until the third act where it pivots into ratcheting up the tension for a terrific final chase.
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An exciting return to Planet of the Apes
12 May 2024
Whilst Caesar's legacy may be tarnished by characters within the film, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes only strengthens this franchise's reputation by finding a fascinating way back into this world. It's a mature, thought provoking blockbuster that shows how the symbols and beliefs of a previous generation can be contorted into something sinister as well as how those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Owen Teague is phenomenal as Noa. It's a real coming of age story for him as his worldview is shaken and then built anew and he portrays every step wonderfully. With his well placed humour and general likeability, Peter Macon's Raka is designed to be a favourite and Kevin Durand's Proximus Caesar is a power hungry villain who keeps the winning streak going for the villains of this franchise despite arriving late in the film.

Wes Ball's direction has the immersive nature of a James Cameron picture, even if it isn't at that level. Taking its time to set everything up, introducing new cultures and making sure you care about the characters before really getting the adventure started. The film is never boring even when it's slowing down because seeing these fully realised environments where nature has reclaimed the modern world is always exciting.

The CGI in this franchise has always been incredible but it's pushed like never before here. Both the characters and the world they inhabit are gorgeously rendered with the final set piece drenching all the apes in water for a jaw dropping level of detail. It's still impressive how the character designs can always strike a balance between resembling the actors and looking like an ape without being uncanny.
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A prequel with purpose
10 May 2024
Rise of the Planet of the Apes proves that even the laziest sounding ideas can yield incredible results in the right hands. This is a ridiculously efficient film that's constantly moving and crams so much into a very lean 105 minute run time. It's a complete story on its own terms that also happens to be the beginning of the greatest prequel trilogy ever made.

Andy Serkis gives a phenomenal lead performance that is simply mind blowing from the first moments. The performance capture loses none of Serkis' work and it results in one the most emotive performances put to screen. His work here shows that performance capture allows actors to truly transform in a way that could never be achieved without the unison of this technology and his commitment.

On the human side, James Franco gives a great performance that gives life to a fair amount of exposition. Brian Cox uses minimal screen time to leave a lasting impression as an uncaring animal control officer who is numb to everything. Similarly, David Oyelowo takes what could've been a one-note money grabbing businessman into someone a little more human.

Rupert Wyatt's direction succeeds at blending the CGI with the practical to make it feel as believable as possible whilst Andrew Lesnie's cinematography effortlessly glides through the action. Patrick Doyle's score really knows how to be sinister at times but its greatest strength lies in the moments of triumph to make sure it ends on a rewarding note.

The visual effects on display here are still astonishing. The only reason it's showing any age is because its own sequels have surpassed it in the overall visual fidelity. Even then, there are still a lot of shots here where the level of detail is insanely impressive and some of the apes just look real. The fact that this lost the Oscar in that category is a crime.
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