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Jonas (2009–2010)
Why I liked this show
1 June 2011
When I first heard that there was going to be a TV show starring the Jonas Brothers, I had to roll my eyes. Yeah, it's just another attempt for the JoBros' to milk their fame for all it was worth. But when I finally saw the show, I found it to be surprisingly entertaining.

Now, I'm not a teenage girl, so you can be sure I didn't watch the show to see the Jonas Brothers. Although, Chelsea Kane and Nicole Anderson were kinda cute. But no, the real reason I loved this show was the humor. It's a rare kind of humor we don't see much of anymore. It's a kind of humor based on antics as opposed to witty dialog. It was almost a throwback to the kind of antics we saw on Saved By the Bell. The show also didn't have a laugh track, so we didn't have to be told when to laugh.

The characters were great as well. The boys almost remind me of Alvin and the Chipmunks; Kevin, the lovable dumb one (Theodore), Nick, the smart one (Simon), and Joe, the egotistic one (Alvin). My favorite character had to be Macy, Jonas' "#1 Superfan." She's so sweet and lovable, and she so funny to watch.

Having said all that, I thought Season 1 was better than Season 2. Season 2 had less focus on humor and was trying more to be a teen drama. And there, I think it lost a lot of its appeal. But it was still a good show.

The show has been canceled, unfortunately, but if you can find it on DVD, I say check it out. I would mostly recommend it for teens and fans of the Jonas Brothers, but if you like comedies, this one doesn't disappoint.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
A show for the nerd in us all
28 August 2010
Is it any wonder why I love this show? Since I'm already a nerd, I definitely feel a small connection to the characters. And overall, this show is just funny.

The plot follows the typical nerd story: nerd falls in love with hot girl and tries to get her to like him back. The only thing missing is a big dumb jock to act as an archenemy to our nerdy hero. There actually is a big jock, but he only appears in a few episodes. Eh, well, the show's still good without him. The other thing I love is all the pop culture references. Star Trek, Star Wars, comic books, superheroes, Halo, Lord of the Rings, Firefly, this show knows how to poke fun at our fanboy obsessions.

The characters are great. Leonard (Johnny Galecki) is the star and the everyman of the group, trying to maintain control between the real world and the nerd world. Penny (Kaley Cuoco) is the hot girl across the hall and Leonard's primary love interest. She's a lovable character and you have to admire her for making friends with four guys she has absolutely nothing in common with. Howard and Raj (Simon Helberg and Kunal Nuyyar) don't have a lot of character development, but are there as the lovable sidekicks of the show. But the character that really steals the spotlight is Sheldon (Jim Parsons). I don't really know what to make of Sheldon. He's one of those characters you just love to hate. He's a theoretical physicist, neat freak, a perfectionist and an egomaniac. Imagine Mr. Monk with a 187 IQ and an ego. Sheldon doesn't understand sarcasm, doesn't know when it's rude to ask something, always has to have his way with something, and always assumes he's right, which means he's constantly getting in trouble with the other characters. Whether he's obnoxious on purpose or seriously means well but at the wrong time, I guess that's up to the audience to decide. Still, Sheldon's a funny character and it's always fun to watch him get into trouble.

But there is one downside. While the show may look like a family-friendly series, there is a hefty amount of crude and adult humor, (usually from Sheldon asking an inappropriate question, or Howard being his usual horny self) so make sure the kids are in bed before you tune in.

But overall, the is a really good show. So release your inner nerd and tune in.
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Good popcorn flick, but it's not GI Joe!
6 August 2010
For the longest time, I defended this movie. I was really excited to see a GI Joe movie, that I just went along with it. But now, almost a year later, having seen and heard all the facts, I've just gotta say, it stunk. Admittedly, it wasn't horrible, and there were a few things about this movie that I enjoyed, but overall, this movie was a real disservice to the franchise I loved as a kid.

In the movie, the NATO-funded organization MARS Industries, led by wealthy arms-dealer James McCullen XXIV, develops a set of warheads loaded with metal-eating nanomites, a perfect weapon of mass destruction. When the covert military organization GI Joe hears about this and learns that MARS is a front for the terrorist organization COBRA, they set out to stop them and, along the way, recruit two new members, Duke and Ripcord. That should about sum up the plot.

Now, I could nitpick this movie to death, and I have, but the main problems of this movie boil down to 3 things:

1) Not enough GI Joe references: The movie may call itself GI Joe, it may have the GI Joe team, Cobra, the Pit and several characters named after GI Joe characters, but this movie does not resemble the GI Joe series at all. And I don't know how much this matters to anyone else, but it bugs me: the catchphrase, "Yo Joe!" only appears once in the whole movie. It's at the very end and spoken by a British guy. For this reason, or maybe some other reason entirely, it just doesn't sound right. And that really annoys me! Now, maybe if they called it something else, like Team America or Anti-Terrorist, Inc., maybe it wouldn't have been as bad, but they called it GI Joe which makes us compare it to the GI Joe franchise, and as far as I'm concerned, the two are unrelated. Just call it something else.

2) A poorly written story: The plot makes absolutely no sense. The focus of the story, the warheads, are not explained enough to be an interesting plot point. The movie jumps around too quickly from on location to the next, which is just confusing. In addition, the movie is advertised as an origin story and we don't see an origin for either GI Joe or Cobra.

3) The director is unfamiliar with the source material: That's right. When I heard that Stephen Sommers was going to be the director of GI Joe, I knew that the movie was in good hands, there was no way they could screw this up. Needless to say, I was really confused with the final product. And then, I learned that Sommers had never even heard of GI Joe prior to making this movie.


Are you freaking kidding me?!

Well, it certainly shows.

But for all my complaining, there were a few good things about it. The action scenes were the highlight of this movie (except for the Pit scene). I loved the accelerator suits. Most people argue that the Joes don't have Iron Man armor, but I say whatever, it looks cool. Many of the actors were well cast, Dennis Quaid as Hawk, Christopher Eccleston as Destro, Ray Park as Snake-Eyes (the man with real superpowers) and Rachel Nichols as Scarlett. My favorite character was Ripcord. In contrast to his friend Duke, Ripcord was funny, he was active and he had a personality. Also, the special effects were impressive. The final action scene had me on the edge of my seat. Heck yeah!

Overall, this is an okay popcorn flick, but as a GI Joe movie, it's an epic fail. If you're into mindless action scenes, get some friends together and check it out but if you're a die-hard GI Joe fan, avoid this one. It'll just make you angry.
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Eureka (2006–2012)
I just LOVE this show!!!
21 July 2009
Since this is one of my favorite shows, I guess it's finally time I wrote a review for it.

Throughout the mid-2000's, the Sci-Fi (not Syfy) Channel wasn't really known for popular programming. Most shows were hard-edged, downbeat, and very serious in tone. Many original shows, like The Chronicle, Black Scorpion and Code Name: Eternity, and several reruns, like Night Visions, Special Unit 2 and Jake 2.0 aired briefly, and then, were quickly forgotten. Then, in 2006, a show came out that seemed to renew interest in the Sci Fi Channel. A series that combined a detective show with science fiction and comedy elements. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Eureka.

One night, while transporting his delinquent daughter, Zoe, back to LA, US Marshall Jack Carter stumbles on to the small town of Eureka, a town where an organization known as Global Dynamics conducts all of the US Government's top-secret experiments, and where everybody is a scientific genius, even the kids. When Jack proves to have brilliant detective skills, he's appointed as Eureka's new sheriff. Now, Sheriff Carter is our best line of defense in making sure dangerous experiments don't threaten the town, and for that matter, the world.

What's not to love about this one. The show is well-written, it's family friendly, it doesn't get grim, (dramatic, emotional, yes, but not drastically grim) and it makes you think. But I think the show's two main strengths are it's characters and it's humor.

Humor- Since Eureka deals with advanced and theoretical science, the audience could easily get confused and lose interest. So, everything is told from the point of view of an average guy (Sheriff Carter) who always has to make a joke of some kind to understand the situation. Also, every character has a wisecrack or a clumsy moment here and there.

Characters- I have never seen a show so jam-packed with so many unique and interesting characters. There's the average guy (Sheriff Carter), the government liaison (Allison), the jack-of-all-trades (Henry), the arrogant genius (Stark), the former army ranger (Jo), the teenage rebel (Zoe), the Australian survivalist (Taggart), the lovable idiot (Fargo), and the not-so-lovable idiot (Larry), just to name a few. With so many likable characters, Eureka is hardly ever boring, and the town starts to feel like Mayberry, a weird Mayberry, but the feeling is there.

To sum up, this is a great show. After all of it's experimental and serious sci-fi dramas, Sci Fi finally scored big with a family comedy. I highly recommend this show. If you haven't seen it, I say get yourself to Eureka as soon as possible.

And honestly, when will Syfy go back to being Sci Fi? That just looks dumb.
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This was a bad movie
31 March 2009
Okay, I won't say this was a bad movie. I will say it was underdeveloped and not very entertaining. As part of the "80's fantasy" genre, this movie had a lot to live up to. It should have at least been mildly entertaining, but very little, if any, of this movie was entertaining or memorable.

The Sword and the Sorcerer is a cult classic about a warrior prince named Talon, who sets out to bring down the evil king, Titus Cromwell, who killed his parents and stole his kingdom. And...And...from this point on, the movie has no plot, simply winging it's way through the story. As I'm sure has been mentioned before, this movie seems to shift from an adventure movie, to a scary movie, to a fantasy movie. There were also a lot of gaping plot holes, most notably, when a group of warriors plot to break in to Cromwell's dungeon. Wow, that sounds exciting. And then, the very next scene shows all of them talking about how the plan was a failure. Seriously, we never even get to see the actual fight. Wasted opportunity! It's good as a Laurel and Hardy moment, this isn't a Laurel and Hardy movie, is it?

The acting was mediocre to just plain bad! The characters were two-dimensional at best. There was no backstory for any of them, and none of them really had anything interesting to do or say. There were some characters with some potential, but they were overlooked. However, my favorite character in the movie was Cromwell's harem, Elizabeth. Not only was she cute, but she was the one character who had any sort of personality. She was sweet, she was caring, and she was brave. Unfortunately, she was killed off halfway through the movie. What a waste! You don't feel for any of these characters, because you just don't care. The funny thing is, you actually want to, but this movie gives you nothing to like about them.

As the title suggests, there is a sword and a sorcerer in the movie. But neither are on screen for very long. The Triple Sword was an unrealistic, but still very cool, weapon. It's a sword with literally three blades, and the two outer blades shoot out like missiles (like I said not very realistic, but still very cool). It only appears at the beginning and end of the movie. The sorcerer, Xusia (played by Bull from Night Court), also appears in the beginning and end of the movie, although he appears in disguise for most of the movie. Xusia's main power seems to be ripping out people's hearts by waving his hand at them. He helps Cromwell take over, and then Cromwell tries to kill him. Xusia plots his revenge for most of the movie. For a fantasy movie, I would've also liked to have seen more monsters, more magic, more...fantasy elements.

The only really entertaining part of this movie is a showdown between Talon, Cromwell and Xusia. Talon uses the Triple Sword, Cromwell gets a good weapon and Xusia tries to pull out their hearts by waving at them (Talon stops him by shooting him with the sword). It's an entertaining fight, but really doesn't redeem the movie.

A weak plot, no good special effects and a lot of underdeveloped characters, I think this movie was still in post-production when it was released. Oh well, if you happen to see this in your local video store, just leave it alone.
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I like this movie. (There, I said it!)
4 March 2009
I didn't get to see this movie when it first came out. A lot of people said it was terrible. I finally saw it on TV in the mid-nineties, and I have to say, I wasn't great, but I wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said it was.

The movie is set in the fictional country of Shadaloo, and involves a military showdown between the Allied Nations strike force, and the terrorist army of M. Bison. Bison has captured a group of hostages and will execute them if the A.N. doesn't give in to his demands (typical terrorist threat). Col. Guile steps up to face Bison. Also, other characters from the Street Fighter game get involved either by accident or on purpose.

I completely agree that the movie has many gaping plot holes, it's not always coherent, and many parts come off silly. I know most fans were hoping for a serious action movie as opposed to a campy spoof, but in all honesty, it's still entertaining. I think they were trying gear it more towards kids and that's why it was so campy.

"Quick! Change the channel!" Omigosh! That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life.

One thing I would like to address: Many people claim that his was the movie that tainted the image of Raul Julia. I disagree. If you watch closely, you can tell he's lampooning the role. The result, Bison comes off as a humorous cross between Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Dr. Evil. It was great. Van Damme does a good job as Col. Guile. He definitely a great job on the fight scenes. Ming Na Wen probably does the most believable performance as Chun-Li, who is probably the most credible character in the movie.

Bottom line: While this movie has a weak plot and cheesy acting, it's so silly, that it becomes a "so bad, it's good" movie. Check it out for some good action and a good laugh.
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A very weird nostalgic movie
4 March 2009
I saw this movie when I was really little. It is, by far, one of the strangest movies I have ever seen. Now, normally, I like weird movies, but this was just a bit too much.

There's not much of a plot to the movie. If anything, it starts out like Toy Story, where toys come to life, and Raggedy Ann and Andy go on an adventure to rescue their new friend, Babette. From there, craziness ensues. There's the Greedy, the Looneys, a sea monster named Gazooks, and a bunch of pirates singing show tunes, all of which just made the movie weirder. Also, I can't help but feel that Babette is annoying and a bit too whiny. She definitely didn't help the movie.

Now, even though I didn't like this movie, there were a few cute parts. I liked the camel's song. Even though it was a song about being lonely, it had a friendly feel to it. Then, there was Sir Leonard. While most of the Looneys were just plain nuts, Sir Leonard was the most interesting and probably the funniest. King Koo Koo was just a little dirtbag that made Dr. Evil look like a serious villain. Also, there was Raggedy Andy's song, No Girl's Toy. It was definitely good song for little boys who wanted to act tough. But, honestly, even these things didn't make the movie any better. (But remember, this is just my perspective.)

While I personally wouldn't recommend this movie, even I have to admit, it does have its charming moments. See it if you're interested, but only if you're in the mood for something "really" out of the ordinary.
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Rodan (1956)
Cool Monster Movie
8 November 2008
I just saw the movie. I've always liked Rodan, but now, after seeing his feature film, I can safely say he's definitely my favorite daikaiju.

It all starts in a 1950's Japanese mining village, when a group of miners disappear into a flooded mineshaft. Later, it's discovered that they were eaten by giant bugs who've been awaken by nuclear bomb tests. The army is brought in, and they deal with the bugs, but they soon learn that the worst is yet to come. Also in the mine, the miners discover not one, but two mutant pteranodons (Rodan), which dig their way out of the mine and terrorize Japan.

If you've seen a B monster movie, then you probably already know how the plot goes, a monster is discovered, it's identified by scientists, and then the army needs to come up with a creative, yet effective way of stopping it. The special effects are pretty good for the time period. But where this movie shines is in it's action scenes. Unlike Godzilla, who slowly lumbers along, Rodan is a high speed killer, so all the action scenes are all fast-paced and intense. Heck, even the action scenes with the giant bugs were cool. I was hardly ever bored with this movie.

(Oh, and I mean no disrespect to Godzilla.)

I did have a few complaints with this movie. First, it was too short. (The Dark Knight was too long, and Rodan was too short.) Seriously, 70 minutes? It could've been a little bit longer, at least 90 minutes. And second, the ending was a bit anti-climatic. But other than that, it was a fun monster movie. If you love monster movies, particularly the Godzilla movies, you should give this one a watch.
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The Hills (2006–2010)
And now it's time for a second opinion.
27 October 2008
In my first review, I said The Hills was a reality soap opera, tons of drama, but not much character. But in all fairness, my first review was based on only a couple of episodes. I had planned to stop watching the show at some point, but after a few weeks, I got hooked. The characters' personalities have finally come out, and the show has become much more interesting than I originally thought.

The plot centers around the lives of fashion designer and TV personality Lauren Conrad and her friends in LA. There's no main plot to the show, just the girls' everyday business and social lives. Now, some people say that the show is scripted. I don't know if that's true, but it's still entertaining to watch how certain events unfold.

All in all, the show is actually very interesting. Try "not" to gossip about this show. I still say it's like a soap, and there is no shortage of drama, but if you can handle that, The Hills can be pretty entertaining.
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Brooke Knows Best (2008– )
I like this show
21 August 2008
It's not the greatest show on TV, but if you're looking to kick back and turn your brain off for a half hour, then this is your show. The show is a spin-off to the popular reality sitcom, Hogan Knows Best. It follows Hulk's daughter, Brooke, as she moves out and tries to figure out how to work things out as an adult. Also, Hulk isn't ready to let go of his "baby girl" completely, so he's constantly checking in. This makes the show interesting and funny.

The two other things I love about this show are:

1. Brooke is a hottie! I know, I'm such a guy when I say that, but she's cute. And she's not pencil-thin like Paris or Nicole. Brooke can be a little bit clueless at times, but she's not an airhead either. Overall, she's cool.

2. Brooke has the most awesome apartment. A jacuzzi, a panoramic view of Miami...spectacular! I want to live there! Brooke has it made.

Like I said, this show isn't winning any Emmy awards anytime soon, but if you just want to watch what somebody else is up to for a half-hour, then this is a fun show.

My rating: 5/10
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Iron Man (2008)
This is why we go to the movies!!!
15 June 2008
I saw this with a group of my friends, none of whom even like comic book movies. I knew that I would love this movie, whether anyone else did or not. Imagine my shock when every one of my friends said they loved it. This must mean something.

The movie is based on the Marvel Comic about billionaire industrialist and playboy Tony Stark. Stark is captured by terrorists in Afghanistan and builds an armor suit to escape. Once back in America, Stark builds an updated version of his armor to take care of things here at home.

I was a little worried when I heard the guy who directed Elf was going to be directing the movie, but after I saw it, I thought it was very well done. It was well cast with Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark, Gwyneth Paltrow as Tony's secretary, Pepper Potts, Terrence Howard as Tony's friend, Jim Rhodes and Jeff Bridges as Tony's rival and former partner, Obadiah Stane. The storytelling was great, it was a perfect balance of action, comedy, sci-fi, drama and a little bit of romance. And there was hardly a dull moment throughout the entire movie.

Needless to say, the armor was my favorite part of the movie. Not just the red-and-gold armor, but each phase of Stark's armor. I especially loved the clunky, steel can Stark builds in the Middle East. Although not as stylish as the red-and-gold armor, it still looked cool and seriously kicked some butt. And when Jeff Bridges came out in his Iron Monger armor, Oh my gosh! I was like a little kid in a candy store. That was freaking' awesome!

Summer has officially started with a bang!

Whether you like comic movies, or you love action movies, this one delivers. Go see it!
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I Am Legend (2007)
Just not my kind of movie.
20 April 2008
Don't get me wrong. I DID think this was a good movie. Good acting, good action, and good use of CGI. However, it's not a movie I'm actively hunting for in video stores.

In the movie, Will Smith stars as Robert Neville, a military scientist, and the last human in New York, and possibly the world. An epidemic has killed off most of humanity. The humans who haven't died have evolved into a race of bloodthirsty mutants that live in the dark. Neville has spent the past three years looking for a cure to the epidemic, but he feels it may be too late to save humanity.

On the plus side, Will Smith's acting in this movie was great. The mutants were done well and certainly scary. There were plenty of great action scenes. On the downside, however, I felt the movie was too grim. Although there was a definite plot to the story, it just seemed that nothing was working out for Neville. I thought it was a bit weird for Neville to treat mannequins like real people. It was a good idea in Cast Away, but here it didn't seem to work. Maybe I'm just over-analyzing, but that's how I feel about it.

I recommend this movie for any fans of sci-fi horror and/or Will Smith. If you're easily spooked, you may want to skip this one. But like I said, it just wasn't for me.

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Just My Luck (2006)
Movie lovers are in "luck"
20 December 2007
When I first heard about this movie, I actually didn't want to see it for the "star power". I was actually more interested in the storyline. I saw it and I loved it. I can't believe all the grief this movie's been getting from online reviewers.

The movie centers around two characters: Ashley Albright (Lindsay Lohan) and Jake Hardin (Chris Pine). Ashley is the luckiest girl in New York. She's the successful assistant at a major advertising agency and, even when she doesn't plan on it, things always seem to go her way. However, this lifestyle of 'always getting her way' has given her a big head. Jake is the unluckiest guy in New York. Nothing ever seems to work out for Jake. To make ends meet, he works at a local bowling alley, doing whatever his short-tempered boss orders him to do. He does have his safety nets: friends at the police station, the hospital and EMS on speed-dial, extra supplies for every emergency, all the lucky charms he can find, and the loving support of his friends and family. Both Ashley and Jake's worlds are turned upside-down, when they meet at a promo party, kiss, and switch luck with each other.

As I said before, the part I liked best is the overall idea of the story. It's hysterical watching Ashley learn how sheltered her life has been and how harsh reality can be, and it's equally hilarious seeing Jake react to his sudden change in luck.

Although the casting was no my greatest concern in the movie, I thought the movie was well cast. Lindsay Lohan shines in this movie. This is her cutest movie in a long time. After all the trashy roles she's done (Mean Girls, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, I Know Who Killed Me), it's nice to see her in a cute and down-to-earth role. I haven't seen many of Chris Pine's movies (except for the Princess Diaries), but I thought he was great as Jake. He managed to keep his character both funny and charming. The rest of the cast was great too. Missi Pyle as Ashley's boss, Fazion Love as the record producer which both Ashley and Jake are trying to impress, Makenzie Vega as Jake's lovable little cousin and Ashley and Jake's friends, offering their support to their hard-lucked friends.

Despite it's PG-13 rating, this movie IMO is safe for the whole family to enjoy (but just to be safe, parents may want to check it out first). It's funny, it's cute and, yes, it's romantic. I recommend this movie to all the Lindsay fans out there and to anyone who likes cute, funny movies.

My rating: 8/10
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If Street Fighter had been this good...
16 November 2007
...then the franchise would be in much better shape.

That was one of the first things I thought when I saw this movie. If Street Fighter: the Movie had been about a fighting tournament instead of a military showdown, it would have made so much more sense and as a result, been a better movie.

DOA: Dead or Alive is based on a very popular fighting video game from the '90's. The story is about a motley group of fighters from around the world who are invited to compete at a tournament on the island estate of Dr. Victor Donovan. Among the fighters are Kasumi, a Japanese warrior princess, Christie, an international jewel thief, Tina, the former wrestling star, and Helena, the newest fighter in the tournament. During the tournament, the competitors discover that their host is plotting to take advantage of their abilities.

One of the biggest complaints I've heard about this movie was that it lacked a definite plot. This is one thing I hate; when movies lack a plot. However, DOA makes up for this with lots of humor, plenty of action, and a series of smaller subplots which help keep the story going, such as Kasumi's search for her brother, Christie and her boyfriend, Max, trying to steal the prize money, and Tina trying to prove to her father that she's a real fighter.

So, was DOA a great movie? No, but it was entertaining and action-packed. So, if you love action movies, or hot girls in bikinis, this one will not disappoint.
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Krrish (2006)
Krrish and Bollywood Rock!
13 September 2007
Krrish is the first movie from India that I've seen. I saw it on Youtube. I didn't have very high expectations, but after watching it, I was blown away.

Krrish is a film about India's first superhero. It starts with a young man named Krishna, who lives in rural India with his grandmother. Krishna has several unique abilities, including super-strength, super-speed, enhanced intelligence and levitation. One day, Krishna meets and falls in love with a young woman named Priya. After she goes home to Singapore, Krishna follows and hopes to ask Priya to marry him. In Singapore, he finds reasons to uses his powers to help mankind, including fighting a mad scientist named Dr. Arya. He becomes Krrish, the icon of millions of people.

Krrish is just an awesome movie. It has plenty of action, romance, humor and super-heroics. On top of all of that, I saw the movie as an up-close look at modern Indian culture. All in all, I thought this movie was great and Bollywood rocks.

If you love superhero movies you with love this movie.

The movie has since been removed from Youtube. I hope I can find it again.
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DysEnchanted (2004)
I saw it on YouTube
8 February 2007
It was cute. A little "adult", mainly due to language, but still cute. In the film, seven fairy-tale heroines (Goldilocks, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, Alice, Dorothy, and Red Riding Hood) are part of a support group, since they've all developed issues from their various stories. When Clara, a single mom with a lot of stress who has given up on "happily ever after", joins the group, the heroines offer her some advice, and convince her that she's just as tough as they are. This was a very funny movie, with the heroines griping and complaining about their personal issues. Also, the actresses had their characters down to a tee. Goldilocks (Alexis Bledel) was my favorite character, because, in addition, to playing Goldilocks, I sensed a hint of Rory Gilmore in her personality. In short, it was good.

See it if you can, but leave the kids at home. This may be a bit too much for them.
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Epic Movie (2007)
Crappy! So not worth your time!
1 February 2007
I saw this movie a few weeks ago with a friend of mine and wasted a perfectly good movie pass to see it. I should have listened to my gut instinct and waited until the movie had been properly review by qualified film critics.

This movie is "crap" in every sense of the word! There's really no story in this movie, so the "synopsis" follows four "orphans" as they come together, discover they're brothers and sisters, and stop the evil White B@#!$ who allegedly killed their parents. From that point on, there is no plot. It's just taking some really good movies and turning them into crap.

I would say hilarity ensues, but there was very little in this movie that was hilarious. Most of the jokes were crude, obnoxious, or gross-out. There were a few things that made me laugh, such as Mr. Tumnus' crib, Captain Jack Swallows, the White Queen's turbo sled, and even adding some Imperial stormtroopers to the Queen's army. Unfortunately, these jokes aren't enough to save the movie.

It seems all spoof movies these days are about being rude and gross. The movies being spoofed are just in there as a backdrop for the movie's "dumb time." Half the movies spoofed in this movie, such as Borat, Nacho Libre, Willy Wonka and Click, aren't even epics. For my final thought, I would just like to ask, "Wouldn't it be great if they made a spoof movie that was actually funny?"

If you have any dignity, or respect for the movies spoofed in this movie, then avoid this movie.
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Justice League (2001–2004)
Awesome Superhero Show
27 June 2006
This show is awesome. Not just as a cartoon, but as a TV show in general. Unlike like its predecessor, Superfriends, Justice League is a more accurate description of the DC Universe and the characters in it. One of the show's best qualities is that many of DC's best, brightest and unsung heroes and villains are represented in it, not just the really popular ones. I give credit to this show for introducing me to some of the Flash's toughest villains (Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Trickster and Gorilla Grodd). Another great quality of the show is that it's for everyone. As a cartoon, you might think that this show is only for kids. But these characters are so iconic and the stories are so well written and action-packed, that you don't need to be a kid to appreciate it.

My Rating: 10/10
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Blank Check (1994)
I'd pay big bucks not to see this movie.
23 June 2006
I saw this movie once a long time ago, and I have no desire to ever see it again.

This movie is about Preston Waters, a hard-lucked preteen, who always seems to be overlooked by his family and who always seems to be short on cash. All this changes when a bank robber runs over Preston's bike and passes him a blank check as compensation. Preston uses the check to withdraw $1 million from the bank (ironically, the money belongs to the bank robber who gave him the check). Preston then buys a mansion and says that he's working as the assistant of a mysterious and wealthy backer named Mr. Macintosh (named after his computer). After that, he just goes crazy with the money.

On paper, this sounds like a great idea. However, on screen, it is one of the emptiest movies I've ever seen. For one thing, it's too unbelievable. I know some parts of the movie were meant to be incredible, but I draw the line at a twelve-year-old boy going out with a thirty-year-old woman, and being put in charge of a imaginary person's small fortune. Also, this was a shallow movie with weak acting, a predictable plot line and characters who are less than memorable. The characters were either cheesy, over the top, annoying, or underdeveloped. But "Juice" was a funny character.

If you're looking for a good movie to watch with your family, skip this one.
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Pimp My Ride (2004–2009)
One of the best shows on MTV
23 June 2006
Take Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Now, replace Ty Pennington with rapper Xzibit. Replace the crew with the California based West Coast Customs, and instead of houses, their fixing cars. Put it all together, and you have one of the best reality shows on TV.

I've loved this show since the first time I watched it. What's not to like? Xzibit is an awesome host. He's an easy-to-love kinda guy. And his zingers are hilarious. What they do to the cars is outrageous. I love to see all the crazy stuff they do to the cars. Sometimes it can be a bit over-the-top, but it's still fun just to see what they can come up with. I recommend this show for anybody who likes makeover shows. Give it a chance, you just might like it.
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The Abyss (1989)
Awesome 80's Classic
29 November 2005
Although I just saw this movie for the first time a few months ago on the Sci Fi channel, I'd heard about it over the years and had wanted to see it for a long time. When I finally saw it, I was just blown away. It really is one of James Cameron's best movies.

In the movie, a group of cocky oil drillers are hired by the Navy to check a sunken nuclear sub for survivors. The sub is rested on the edge of a very deep trench. But while they're working on their rescue mission, the crew get the eerie feeling that there's something living down in the trench...

The casting in this movie was great. There are only three big stars in it. The rest are ensemble. Ed Harris plays the brave, but somewhat laid-back Bud Brigman. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio plays Bud's more serious ex-wife Lindsay Brigman. James Cameron regular, Michael Biehn, plays renegade Navy SEAL Lt. Coffey. Before this movie I didn't know Michael could be insane and power-crazy. But my favorite character in the movie was Hippy (Todd Graff), the crew's crazy, rat-loving, audiovisual nerd.

But the real reason to see this movie is the awe factor. This movie is literally one jaw-dropping scene after another. And the special effects were awesome. There are some early attempts at CG visual effects in this movie, but even by today's standards, they're amazing. Even the music in the movie was amazing. It really helped to establish a sense of astonishment in the audience.

Just a reminder, this is a long movie, and some parts drag on a little bit. The special edition is almost four hours. So be sure you're willing to sit for that long. But I guarantee you, it's worth it.
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Classic Comedy
29 October 2005
I remember seeing this movie as a kid. I remember laughing until my sides hurt, and I thought this had to be one of the greatest comedies ever made.

The movie starts with the Great Leslie, a dashing, young daredevil at the turn of the century. Leslie wants to sponsor an car company by holding a race from New York to Paris. However, his rival, Professor Fate, has been waiting to show up Leslie for a long time. When he hears about the race he enters with a car of his own twisted design. In addition, a strong-willed suffragette named Maggie DuBois enters the race to prove she can be a good reporter.

From the minute the starting pistol fires, hilarity ensues...

There are so many great things about this movie. For starters, the movie features an all-star cast. Tony Curtis plays the Great Leslie. Comedic legend Jack Lemmon plays the hilarious Professor Fate. I love his "villain" look in the movie. It makes him look even funnier than he already is. Hollywood sweetheart Natalie Wood plays Maggie. Wood's performance gave Maggie an attitude that made things interesting for her costars. Future-Colombo star, Peter Falk, starred as Fate's bubbling sidekick. But for me, the best thing about the movie was the humor. Not only does this movie boast hilarious antics from all of its stars, and the largest and funniest pie fight and bar fight ever filmed, it also produced some of the funniest lines I've ever heard in any movie, including one that my family quotes all the time:

"Push the button, Max."

This movie is one of my favorite comedies of all time. I would recommend this movie for movie lovers of all ages.

So, who wins? You'll just have to see it to find out.
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Naturally, Sadie (2005–2007)
Naturally Good
13 September 2005
I was skeptical about this show when it premiered on the Disney Channel, but in just a few months, I think it is finally starting to catch on. The show centers around Sadie Hawthorne, a high school science buff who specializes in life sciences. The show follows her observations of the unique species of wildlife known commonly as "teenagers."

I love the idea that Sadie compares teenage behavior to animal behavior. It really gives us an interesting view of teenage life that would probably have gone unnoticed.

The show is not as funny as other Disney Channel shows, like Even Stevens, Lizzie McGuire, or That's So Raven, but it's still funny in its own unique way, thanks in part to Sadie's friends, like Hal, Rain and Mallory.

All in all, I hope this show is around for a long time.
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It was good.
10 August 2005
I liked it. It was nothing special, but I liked it. It was a good story about issues that most teens deal with everyday. And it was funny.

In the movie, Alvin (Cannon) is a nobody who wants to be a popular somebody. As somebody who once wished he could be more popular in high school, I completely understand where Alvin was coming from. So when popular cheerleader, Paris (Milian) gets into a jam, Alvin offers to help her if she pretends to be his girlfriend.

But Alvin soon finds out that there's more to popularity than he realized. As Paris puts it, "Popularity is like a job" and you have to "work" to keep up with everyone else. In the end, Alvin learns that it's far more rewarding to just be himself. (There's a cliché we never get tired of hearing.)

I thought the acting in the movie was great. Nick, Christina and the rest of the cast were believable in their roles, but still managed to stay funny. I especially liked Steve Harvey, playing Nick Cannon's 'Stuck in the 70's' dad.

This movie may not be 10/10 great, but if you're looking for a good date movie, you may want to consider this one.
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Too painful for words...
28 July 2005
...but I'll give it a try.

This was just a terrible movie. The idea sounded good (a guy can't go home for Christmas, so he barges in on an unsuspecting family for the holidays), but on the screen it was just stupid.

I don't consider Ben Affleck to the best actor in the world, but I do know he has some acting ability. So where was it? His character was just too unbelievable. Much like the Valco family, I wanted to shoot him. Also, I don't think he ever gave us the lowdown on his own family. Who were they? Where did they live? And most importantly, why wasn't he bothering them this year?

I also couldn't understand why Ben was so happy all the time, especially when things were going so bad. Or why the dad always seemed to be in a bad mood (although I think Ben contributed the most to that).

In short, if you're looking for holiday cheer this year, look elsewhere.
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