Mr Inbetween (TV Series 2018–2021) Poster


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Such an underrated show!
Rob133129 September 2022
I don't think I've ever been more surprised by a show than I have been for Mr. Inbetween. I actually don't know anyone who's seen it that doesn't love it. There's a reason this show has a 8.7 rating here and a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. The lead character (Scott Ryan as Ray) is both a tough guy who you shouldn't ever mess with and also a kind and good man. This show has something for is funny, violent, thrilling, mysterious, etc. It's a show that should be binged because once you finish an episode you can't wait until the next one. If you haven't yet seen this underrated show then do yourself a favor and go watch it as soon as possible.
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So good and so underrated!
Supermanfan-1326 January 2021
Reading through most of these reviews I think mostly everyone can agree on one thing...Mr. InBetween is a really really good show! This show came out of nowhere (Australia actually) and has hooked everyone who has given it a chance. It's easily one of the most underrated shows on right now and I can't wait for more!
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danielcereto21 July 2021
This is the best series I've watched in 2021 by far. First, acting is superb from the main character and most of the others. Brother's performance is terrific. Second, I love the length of every single episode. Impossible to get bored. Last, the storyline is fantastic from begining till the end.

So, overall better than 99% of Hollywood series. Amazing Aussie production.
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Worth watching, stick with it.
gringott3 October 2018
Gritty show from Australia which I found quite believable, unlike shows in the vein of Ray Donovan etc. Having known a few people in my time on earth that actually made a living from crime and violence, I found the portrayals realistic. There is no glamorized violence, kung fu, CGI BS or 90 pound women in high heels and evening dress beating up 220 pound thugs, so if that fake Hollywood world is your thing, this is not for you. In the real world, people are multi-faceted, and this show does a good job of presenting that with the main character. I am not Australian, but I didn't need subtitles to understand the dialogue. As for the reviewer who said the main character is a rip off of Mike from Breaking Bad, you are wrong. The lead in Mr Inbetween is a direct recreation of the lead role in The Magician, 2005, an Australian movie. Scott Ryan wrote the movie and played the lead, and he is a writer on Mr Inbetween and also plays the same character. Note Breaking Bad didn't air until 2008, 3 years after The Magician, so if anything, Mike is a rip off of Ray Shoesmith.

Don't miss this show if you like realistic action, settings and characters. If you like Hollywood and typical UK PC police procedurals, you might not like this. Personally, I found Mr Inbetween a breath of fresh air.
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Don't mess with.....
s327616914 September 2019
Mr Inbetween brilliantly captures the raw underbelly of Australian society.

The main character Ray is a man of two parts. One is a kind, generous and considerate rough diamond. The other a ruthless monster, who brutalises and kills, with a pragmatic, at times almost jovial, "you had this coming", coldness.

The juxtaposition of conflicting yet at the same time oddly reconciled personality traits, that constitute Ray's complex persona, make for fascinating viewing. Ray slips with relative ease into and out of a world of pedestrian normalcy, into one fuelled by organised crime, violence and sudden death.

It never ceases to amaze me how many quality productions come out of Australia. Mr Inbetween is yet another example. Well acted, intelligently written and ably directed. Great stuff from "down, down under".

8/10 from me.
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Season 1 - Excellent
fanatix-0518711 October 2018
Just finished watching all 6 episodes and was clapping at the end. If you get aussie humour and their way of life, then you will enjoy this start to finish.

If Tarrantino made a TV series in australia with a dash of breaking bad, then this would be it. Roll on season 2.....
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Good escapist fare
trademarcdesigns27 September 2018
Two episodes in and already I'm a fan. The whole "thug for hire" premise suggested this would be a dark show - gritty and serious. Not so. It's actually fairly lighthearted, especially considering the subject matter, and that makes it a fun watch. The cast is largely unknown - at least in the US - but I enjoyed Damon Herriman for years as Dewey Crowe in Justified, and he brings a lot of that Sad Sack charm to this new role. This show isn't going to sweep the Emmys, but it's a pleasant way to kill half an hour, and it has the potential to become a bit more than that.

And for those reviewers who complained about the Australian accents, close captioned (subtitled) versions are available on most of the torrent sites.

This is an UPDATE - I haven't changed any part of my original review except the rating.

I wrote my original review after only 2 episodes, and after having watched the entire series I changed my rating from 8/10 to 10/10. This show really did live up to its full potential - screamingly funny at times (in a dark way), but remarkably poignant as well, especially when addressing Ray's family issues. I'll be keeping an eye on everyone involved in this production to see what they do next...
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Best new show of 2018 by far
adrianbarron12 October 2018
This show absolutely blew me away. I saw the trailers for it and was actually looking forward to this show, thinking it would probably be good or at least decent. But this show completely took me by surprise. I did not expect this show to be as good as it turned out to be at all. In only one season, this has become one of my new favorite shows. It's incredibly unique. Sure, the basic premise of an antihero we're supposed to relate to and root for is nothing new and is actually what has driven a large amount of television shows since Tony Soprano popularized that. But the way they go about exploring that premise in this show is what makes it interesting. Without giving away too much, there doesn't seem to be an overarching story yet. We kind of get one that continues through some of the episodes, but for the most part, the show is just about following our main character, Ray, and the crazy situations he finds himself in. And this was a big draw for me. I find it interesting to watch a main character just kind of go through his life. There isn't really a main plot or any subplots. Just these different situations Ray falls into. It's more serialized than I thought it would be, but I'm fine with it because for the type of show it is, it works. The acting and writing can't go without notice either. The acting in this show is just beyond great. All of these actors feel so natural in their roles, especially Scott Ryan as Ray. He kills this role, which makes sense seeing as how he is the sole writer and creator of the show. His writing is in the same caliber as his acting too, with dialogue so well written and delivered it reminded me of watching a Tarantino movie the whole time. Just the way characters talk to each other about the simplest things that really aren't important to what's going on, but it's made interesting in the way it's written and with the delivery. This also is the biggest part of what makes the show so funny. This is probably the funniest show I've watched in quite some time. The show manages to deftly balance comedy and drama effectively, showing the brutality that comes with Ray's job as a fixer, but not taking it all that seriously, because even though Ray is really good at his job, he still manages to throw a joke or insult in the mix that works with the situation, and creates great humor. This also comes down to the direction from Nash Edgerton(brother of Joel Edgerton), who directs all six episodes in the first season. His direction is top notch as well, with the camera always having clear focus on what's going on. The camera is almost entirely handheld, but it's very steady throughout so it actually adds to the raw, sort of indie filmmaking style on display here. There are also a lot of really great looking wide shots throughout Season 1, and these provide some beautiful imagery. The show has also got a great soundtrack, with a great selection of songs that play over the credits of each episode, as well as the original score that plays during the episodes themselves. The music never feels out of place and always quietly builds up, perfectly accompanying each scene. Overall, everything in this first season of Mr Inbetween is perfect. The acting, writing, directing, music, cinematography, and characters are all worthy of heavy praise. This is real filmmaking right here and this is as good as TV gets right now. I would say this is easily the best new show of 2018, and the best show on at the moment, right next to Better Call Saul and The Deuce. Just high quality all around. Very pleased to hear that FX has renewed this for a Season 2 because it deserves it. I can't wait to see more of this show. I seriously cannot praise this show enough. 10/10
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Pretty awesome
silverwindgrace26 September 2018
First, let me preface this by saying that I am not Australian and I had no issues with understanding what's been said in the show. If you have a decent grasp on English language you'll be fine through 90% of the dialogues.

Now, to the actual show: it is great! I really struggle to compare it to anything else, I think it's in a league of it's own. Do not be discouraged by <30 min runtime, it's really well paced, and the appropriate amount of content has been packed into each episode (at least in the two I've watched so far).

It's about crime, it's about life, it has some funny or even sweet moments - just the right amount. The protagonist is certainly a man you wouldn't want to **** with. But despite his violent tendencies, he has this all other side to him - a father who clearly wants the best for his daughter, a good friend. He seems to possess an ability to detach himself to a large degree from what he does for a living - like someone who accepted "this is what I do". He's definitely not without a sense of justice or conscience albeit warped by his environment.

Can't wait to watch upcoming episodes!
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chrismonkee19 October 2018
First Aussie TV show I have ever watched. This is excellent, entertaining as hell. Very rare I am looking forward to the next episode of anything.

I highly recommend this.
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Hillarious, Violent and Heart Warming
nowego11 October 2018
As an Australian I don't always like our homegrown TV Shows and Movies but this one does Australia proud, so funny that I sat there laughing so hard it hurt.

None of the violence is overdone and there is logic to all of the violence even if not everyone would agree with it. None of it is senseless for the sake of violence and it is well explained by the main protagonist. I really liked his principles.

Like another reviewer has stated this show is in a league of its own, nothing I have seen compares to this, Scott Ryan was just brilliant as the main character, a complete unknown to me. Justin Rosniak is another complete unknown, Damon Herriman is well known from Justified and always does a good job. Brooke Satchwell is always nice eye candy and did a good job. Matt Nable is another I am familiar with and he played his normal understated character that I am used to, always like seeing him in shows.

This show easily gets a 10 from me, just under 3 hours of very entertaining TV, easily watched in one sitting, which I was lucky enough to be able to do.
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Best Show on TV
dbodenhoff20 September 2019
This is the best show on TV. I agree with the comment that the writing is similar to what Tarantino does. The dialogue is the best. Every actor portrays their character perfectly. My only complaints are that the season is to short and 30 minute shows are to short. After 30 minutes I feel so unsatisfied. I think I have to control myself, wait for season to finish and then have a Mr In Between marathon nite. Keep up the great work. If trouble understanding becuz of accent put on Closed Captioning. I love that this takes place in Australia. Who knew that tea meant a meal? Great stuff.
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A well done original!
bierbreth8 October 2022
This show presents themes we've seen before, but it does it in a slightly different light, and with a couple of original spins.

First off, as a Yank from the US, it's fascinating to see similar life outcomes with the criminal element of Society, as well as some divergence in what that looks like. Ray is a calm, ordinary-seeming guy who loves his little girl, and treats his ex wife respectfully. He also seems to have a very high level of integrity, and--despite what Society may perceive--very little outward rage, for a common criminal. It seems that the formula for "thugs" or hit men must be a broken personality that results in rage and lashing out. Ray is simply a man who sees things in black and white, and almost never is an instigator to violence. He gives the impression of a guy who always comes out on top, and his calm demeanor seems to lend to that. He isn't physically imposing, but he confronts every situation with a complete lack of fear or hesitation, yet absent of outward rage or psychopathy.

One little thing bugs me in the ongoing story of this man: he never seems to suffer any consequences. He repeatedly goes against some very bad, very deadly groups of people, yet drives around with his little girl and lives in a regular house, with no threat of repercussion for his actions. We also never hear of any investigations of the several people he has 'disappeared'. Nonetheless, it's a great watch, and the atmosphere is engaging. Highly recommended!
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Aussie Aussie Oi Oi... Oy Vey!
LazyLeafs198525 November 2021
I don't get it. What's with the high reviews? There is no storyline, situations happen and then...nothing afterwards. What's the plan here?

Also, do cops not investigate crimes or even work in this town? Buddy does whatever he wants, leaves evidence everywhere and zip, zero, nada, just walks away and the camera cuts to black and then it's never mentioned again. C'est le vie i guess? I dunno, it took me right out of it.

Aussie gangsters are cool and I really wanted to like this but this ain't it. Sorry mate.
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Well crafted and balanced
theknownames16 March 2021
This is so well crafted and balanced , I have to leave a review . It's an excellent series ( we have watched both season one and two ) so I speak to the series, in its entirety , as well as individual episodes.

I can't think of anything that didn't work . The likability of the characters is never forced. And while the story can be a bit brutal , again it's not forced. In fact there are so many levels of nuisance even my partner (a psychologist who is super picky and doesn't like violence ) watched every episode.

I would go so far as to say it's exceptional. We already miss having something of this caliber on our watch list.
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mark-383753 October 2018
Absolutely love this show, only dissapointment, is that there is only 6 episodes in its opening season. So good its fun to rewatch episodes.
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Thx Australia
nutty6811 October 2018
The people down under lifted my TV spirits up with a great show. I was ready to throw my remote away then Mr. In between comes along. I wish it was an hour instead of a half hour but I'll take what I can get. Good stuff mates!
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g_hilse3 October 2018
I normally don't feel the need to write a review on shows that are new to me, but this show is well worth a mention. Granted I'm only 4 episodes into the series, it has yet to be anything less than brilliant. The cool way it combines humor and violence is unlike anything else on tv. It's a must see in my opinion and I can only hope it's around for many seasons to come.
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Love this show!!!
musgravef-122-4038015 October 2018
This is one of the most entertaining shows I've seen in ages! The main character is a criminal with his own ideas about right and wrong and a very witty sense of humor. I hope there are more episodes in the works for this series as I truly want to know what happens next with this fascinating guy.
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Must Watch!!
spokanegolfer19 October 2018
By far the best show that I've seen this fall! What can't there be more shows like this??
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Love this new show!
Eagles4094 October 2018
I read a single review for this show and knew nothing about it when I decided to check it out. The show is 100% Australian, filmed in Australia with Australian actors, no Americans. I can see how some people might find the accents and the slang terms a little difficult, but if you can get passed that, the show is amazing. It's one of those shows that I'm always sad is over, I want more episodes and longer episodes, the people and characters are fantastic. I'm surprised they put it on FX, but I'm so glad they did. I'm just hopeful that it's popular enough to warrant more seasons and popular enough in the U.S. that they continue to show it over here. If you're already tuned in for the SOA spinoff, check this show out, you won't be disappointed.
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As good as breaking bad
juancolon-428984 October 2018
This show is awesome. It's serious with so much dry humor you'll die laughing at times. This show is just as good as breaking bad. I'm so glad FX picked this show up after so many other networks said no. The writing and acting is top notch. I can't wait for the seasons too come.
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great Australian drama
tagsassist16 November 2018
One of the best TV series Australia has produced in a long time . Great casting fro the lead actor.
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I'll never look at a steel ruler the same again!
robertdsmith-146402 August 2021
This true crime dramedy has some truly hilarious scenes. Mr. Inbetween does suffer from a slow start and a narrative arc that meanders in incoherent ways at points. His brutally honest conversations with his daughter are pure comedic gold. Though, Gary and Freddy are more cringe-worthy than funny. Some of their scenes, while definitely real, are hard to stomach. That said, the show is certainly worth a watch.
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what's to like?
tinyraymond31 May 2021
Unlikeable character with no redeeming qualities and plenty of unjustified violence.
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