Everything Wrong with... (TV Series 2012– ) Poster

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Good fun
proftimotei7 June 2021
I like his amiable chatty nature as he points out some of the flaws in the script, continuity or plot that bug us too. Although most videos are narrated by just one person, some have more than one and this can be quite amusing.

Some things are never tolerated, DC for instance, and characters who know too much ("NERRRRRRRRRD!") and rightly so. Start like I did with films you like/know and move on. You'll get into them, and then want to add "sins" to the account.

Don't think they hate these films, they don't, but Hollywood (largely the films are those) needs to stay honest. And, yes, the videos (between five and twenty minutes long) do contain spoilers! Enjoy.
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Great, but a bit nitpicky.
movieliker117 November 2021
I love this program. But to me, it's not as good as Screen Rant/Pitch Meetings, or Honest Trailers. Everything pointed out on CinemaSins is not a sin. Some are sins. Some are just interesting observations.

I believe every movie and TV show doesn't have to be perfect, or even totally realistic or logical. Yes, there is a line. But every movie and TV show is not a factual documentary. Drama and fiction need some artistic leeway. They are supposed to be entertaining. And viewers should be smart enough to know the difference between truth and fiction.

But still, I find this series informative and entertaining. But I know the difference between truth and fiction.

Screen Rant/Pitch Meeting 10, Honest Trailers 9, Everything Wrong with . . . 8.
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Love it for what it is
aesopjason17 March 2016
Cinema Sins is just a regular guy poking fun and poking holes in every movie that has sinned, which is every film every made. From tropes, to continuity errors, to calling out the blatantly stupid, he calls it out. His voice is somewhat monotone but I prefer it over someone that is constantly trying to "broadcast guy" his way through the presentation. Some things get boring like the "ex-machina" call-outs, "No", and his extreme bias against exposition. However, if you are looking for some community validation for/against a movie you love/hate, this is a nice vehicle for getting it. He also takes time to remove sins for awesomeness in a movie, but it's rare. If you are on youtube looking for something to watch to pass the time in 15-ish minute tidbits, there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more boring, brain- depleting, complete-trash videos you can watch than Cinema Sins. #PrometheusSchoolOfRunningAwayFromThings
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I've seen em all.
nicolajlassen26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, they made a "everything wrong with cinema sins" where he actually comments on the stupid sins they make. Let's count em up. Real sins: Plot holes Factual sins Bad/ good acting Repetition (often in the bonus rounds) Editorial sins. (Like a missing truck driver in twilight) Countinuety sins. Like conversations that jump location in a cut. Or peoples shirt change colour in cuts. Or day turns to night in a cut. And a few others that don't come to mind right now.

Sins for the h*ck of it. This scene does not contain a lapdance. This girl is not my gf in this scene. Sean Bean isn't dead in this scene. X seconds of logos (although he is kinda right. It does take a looking time before the movie actually start) Newspaper articles. People throwing up on screen. And many more random sins here and there.

The reason why they do this is the exact same reason they are in the comedy section and not the movie/review section. They aren't critics. They're as*holes. (Like they say themselves) It's not meant to be taken like serious mistakes all the time. And I'm sorry to say this, but if you don't like that. Then you don't get it. It's entertainment not rules. That's why there are no rules in the sins. Yes every movie has their wtf is that moments or why don't they just do that thing they did 30 min ago? But the majority of their content is just plain stupid and that's exactly what they aim for.
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www-hiall4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw the Everything wrong with Daredevil, and loved it!

He is an average movie go-er with things that he thinks are problems in movies. He's done a verity of videos over the years, such as: Hunger Games, Avatar, Frozen, The Avengers, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings/ Hobbit, Spiderman, and X-men.

WARNING: His films do contain spoilers about a movie he is doing. It does at the beginning the video has spoilers.

His videos contain such sins as: clichés, plot holes, factual errors, real life experiences, and discount certain actors, etc.

At the end of each video, he has a judgment rating for the movie. Such as, quotes from the film, or Wilhelm scream.

He also has a phone to call him up for movies you want him to sin.
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District 9 is almost without sin
ericstevenson11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So "Cinema Sins" is an immensely popular YouTube channel that has a format similar to "Honest Trailers", "How It Should Have Ended" and "Pitch Meetings" (those are all recommended right here!). It points out things wrong with the movie, but is far more negative than those other things I mentioned. That's why it isn't as good. Many of these sins are just jokes they make and not actual criticisms. These other shows could make the same joke and it would be more fitting because their explicit reason for existing isn't to criticize everything. Those channels are more like parodies and not actual critiques. It's true that "Honest Trailers" gets things wrong and so does "Pitch Meetings", but they're nowhere near as frequent.

This is mostly because they're shorter. The bobvids videos I've seen criticizing this show are some of the best YouTube videos I've ever seen. I do enjoy this show, because they do make good jokes, but it's wrong to label some of them as sins. It's obvious they don't legitimately dislike every movie they come across, so I can understand it as being more of a roast. I heard the actual people behind "Mystery Science Theater 3000"/Rifftrax don't like this show. So yes, I do recommend this show, but you really shouldn't take it seriously and there are still better shows out there that I just mentioned. ***
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Pointless fault-finding
briancham19949 January 2022
Someone should tell the Cinema Sins staff that nit-picking and fault-finding is only entertaining if there's actually a point to it. The original episodes had a semblance of insightful commentary because the "sins" were legitimate issues that the audience could laugh about. However, it has since devolved into pointless pedantry, non-issues and irrelevant in-jokes. Even worse, many of the so-called mistakes they uncover are actually just total misunderstandings, misinformation and fabrications. I wonder if they even watch these films anymore.
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Funny and entertaining!
SPZMaxinema6 April 2022
Jeremy and Chris have real eyes and ears for criticism and talent at being a-holes, but they're still big movie buffs and enjoy their work and I cannot help but admire it! I find it particularly interesting when they remove sins from a movie and in turn demonstrate how undeniably great they are, showing that they indeed have a passion for films. I have subscribed and viewed them for years and always like hearing their thoughts!
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Unique concept, pedantic delivery
lummusmaximus11 May 2016
Cinemasins is definitely a unique concept with a lot of promise. It's memorable as well, because it pulls it off in terms of presentation. Content is where Cinemasins falls down. While they do raise several legitimate points, it's lined with pedanticness that will go one of two ways: Jeremy will point out meaningless things that will mean nothing to the "average" cinema goer he claims to represent, or will show a lack of understanding of the source material.

It's also billed as a comedy, which would work if their jokes weren't so hit and miss. And when they do "hit" they'll milk an barely-funny joke for everything it's worth (SCENE DOES NOT CONTAIN A LAP DANCE AHAHAHAHAHAHXDDDD).

Not to mention the way they'll occasionally critique a cartoon for simply being a cartoon, or make fun of a movie for making use of basic storytelling techniques like narration. To some extent, it reeks of a screenwriter who's "unique and brilliant" screenplay got rejected one too many times.

Of course, like any series, they're going to have their hits. But their hits are overcrowded by their forgettable videos.
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One of the best youtube tv shows
loganspata18 November 2019
This is one of the best youtube tv shows out there.
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The worst reviews? *Ding*
Garaara12 October 2021
Basically a 12 year old who understands nothing but "criticizes" something just to look intelligent.

There has Never been a single Cinemasins video that didn't give me brainrot.

No, It's not "satire" Jeremy, nothing about videos is funny or insightful, it's a desperate attempt at trying to do something you're clearly terrible. I still cannot understand to this day how so many people enjoy such... such horribly made reviews and think they're... good?!!!
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This guy hate movies
RainbowVic23 January 2022
This is a kinda of reviewer that is doing this only because have a big intolerance for movies. And it is, seems that he hate pratically every movie on earth. Watch Cinemawins for a better way to watch the movies. He's also LGBT, feminist, sex-positive, BLM, Antifa friendly!
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Started out as funny, later turned into a spiteful mess.
This used to be one of my favourite YouTube series, no joke. It was a unique concept of pointing out little mistakes in a movie or things you really shouldn't notice and getting some great comedy out of it. It started out fine, it was funny and a little intriguing. I instantly became a fan and followed CinemaSins' "Everything Wrong with" series for a long time. Fast forward to today and most of what made it great is gone. Ever since 2016 they've been showing a gradual decline. They keep trying to tell everyone that everything they say in their videos shouldn't be taken seriously as it's all a joke and all said by their character that they put on which just so happens to be a massive ***hole. And for a while it was just like what they said, but after a while they started to point things out in movies that just seemed spiteful or really unnecessary. It could have been personal bias towards a certain actor/actress or something so insignificant and small that it really doesn't matter, pretty much past the points of nitpicks. And sometimes they just sinned things that didn't need to be sinned and also made a bunch of mistakes themselves. And the problem with some of the things they started to sin? They were their ACTUAL CRITICISMS of the movie they were talking about. This is all proven from their vlogs that they make after seeing a movie where they talk about what they thought of it. There is a moment in their "Age Of Ultron" video where they talk about a flaw that wasn't actually a real flaw and was just them not understanding something. Then if you watch their vlog that they made after they watched "Age Of Ultron" they bring up this exact critique. And there are many other examples which you can all go find yourselves. Whilst they occasionally have moments that are similar to their old videos as well as some decent chuckles, they have fallen so far from grace, it's insane. Their old videos will always have a special place in my heart, but their new videos show me that this "movie fan ***hole" character that they keep saying they portray actually reflects their genuine thoughts on movies.
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Good, but gets repetitive after a while.
eddie05201015 September 2016
While there are many reasons for comedy series to become stale, but a primary one is that when they rely on a single idea or joke for too long with no variation, the series in question becomes repetitive and boring after a while. For me that is exactly what has happened to Cinema Sins.

Before I complain, let me just say that at its inception, this was a great series. The unique idea served itself well in its early days, with interesting critiques of films with the crew finding no stone unturned when it came what is wrong with major films, both the huge (plot holes, bad writing) and the minimal (extras messing up, miscalculations involving time or science). It also helped that the series was quite funny. Now while the writers aren't the best comedians in the world, nor were they as funny as similar series around this time (Honest Trailers, How It Should Have Ended). However, the humour they managed to get from the mistakes in these movies could be at points extremely funny, mainly the ones where they delivered it via sarcasm. In short, it was a very enjoyable series initially.

But I will admit I don't watch the series much anymore. Why you may ask? This is because for me, the show has remained largely the same throughout with very little change or variation. Now I understand this can benefit sometimes, since if an idea ain't broke, don't fix it right? But for me, while the concept behind Cinemasins is still an original one, its lack of range is more of a hindrance than anything because it becomes rather boring and repetitive after a while. The occasional spanner in the works while very entertaining and enjoyable (mainly the ones with guests and the one where they mock themselves) aren't frequent enough to break this cycle up.

It doesn't help that the humour of the series is inconsistent at times, and on the whole very safe with no edge. Now, I have to say that I have found some older episodes quite funny and I don't expect every comedy series to be Frankie Boyle levels of edgy. However, the humour derived from the nitpicks can be quite poor at points, not helped by how as I said earlier, the writers aren't the best at comedy. This lack of edge doesn't help because it means the humour is very safe as a whole, something which would be fine if it funnier than it was. This can lead to episodes that while entertaining and offer insightful criticism of certain films can be very hit or miss in the laughs department & a bit of a drag as a result (their recent Alien episode is a good example of this).

So as a whole, Cinemasins for me is one gimmick stretched for longer than necessary. It's repetitive formula can get boring after a while and there are laughs, they're not as often as one would expect. So they're entertaining critiques of big films, but whose premise has had so little variation over the course of nearly 5 years of existence that there's not much to reward regular watching. Nostalgia Critic creator Doug Walker once said that one of the reasons that he initially stopped the NC was because he had felt he had run out of ways to say a film was bad. Unfortunately, while Doug's show was at least versatile enough to keep the viewer engaged and wanting more, Cinemasins has had so little change that it has led the viewer to become disengaged and turn off. The occasional episode is still entertaining and can be quite funny, but the show has now become like fast food. Fine in infrequent doses, but not rewarding in frequent ones.
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Just purely stupid.
PeterJasonQuill10 September 2016
Now, people love YouTube shows about movies, kinda like the stuff Mr Sunday movies does, or screen rant when they make an original video that they haven't already done before, or even honest trailers. But this, this is far from what people would see as a good show about movies. Some of the flaws they point out are good, and proper flaws, but most of the time they just point out stupid things that aren't even plot holes, clichés, or even proper flaws in a movie, something I just find really stupid, annoying and not even funny, they should be pointing out REAL flaws, not just ones they made up, and another bad thing about this show is the amount of swear words they use in every video, it is really annoying and stupid, I mean, do you hear a critic say that many swear words? I don't think so. So overall, if you don't want to have good movies ruined, don't watch this channel. You'd be a moron if you do.
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Not funny or entertaining at all
gtamaniak-163005 November 2019
Some times nitpicking films and other media might be interesting to watch if the are some clever jokes made by the editor. Here, while some plot holes of certain films are revealed which I wouldn't even think of noticing and that's a good thing, there are some observations that are born from the poor imagination of the narrator and don't have anything to do with the certain media reviewed. Absolutely unfunny moments that don't even make me chuckle. At least the narrator's voice is OK and not like one of those annoying British accents from whatculture.
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jacobtinsdale14 January 2016
How the hell are people entertained by this garbage? Its awful! Their jokes are lazy and repetitive, and quickly runs out of originality. The narrator's voice is boring and almost never changes tone. He honestly sounds like he just wants to get the video over and done ASAP so he can collect his next pay check.

I especially hate it when they make videos about films that are actually good, and make it look bad.

I know that you are probably going to say 'Oh its just a joke!!' Well if its a joke they should make it funny.

Final review: 3.4/10
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Not satire
nfpirr4 June 2021
Just a guy who overly nitpicks everything and doesn't make REAL film critiques.
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Tone down the cursing
shani_dayo3 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy the "everything wrong with...." series. First I would like to say that these videos are for fun and aren't meant to be taken seriously, they are more like comic relief and little nitpicks rather than actual flaws within a movie. The one thing I don't like is the constant use of foul language, it irritates Me to no end. I would give this show a higher rating if the creator didn't have such a potty mouth.....I don't recommend this show for anyone under the age of 14, because the cursing can get a little explicit. Other than that You may have a few laughs here and there, but it's not the best Youtube show out there.
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Used to like him but not anymore
jessicamartinz28 May 2023
His older videos actually had some valid critique but now his satire parody of internet critics shtick has gotten old. Most of the stuff he says isn't even funny or true. That said, I really think some of his haters need to cool it and stop acting superior. CinemaSins is meant to be joking half the time and the other half he's being serious. "He's being satirical so you can't criticize anything he says." "He criticized my favorite movie! WAAHH!!!!!!" Both sides are equally stupid, really. People say his voice is boring, but I prefer that over constant shouting into the mike. I feel like people are just really desperate to hate on this guy, and this is coming from someone who's not exactly his biggest fan.
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