The Batman (2022) Poster


Jeffrey Wright: Lt. James Gordon



  • James Gordon : You could've at least pulled that punch

    Batman : I did.

  • Batman : Maybe this is all coming to an end.

    James Gordon : What's that?

    Batman : The Batman.

  • Batman : [Finds and holds up a USB flash drive with a severed thumb attached]  Thumb Drive.

    James Gordon : Jesus.

    James Gordon : [Opens the flash drive on the computer]  It's encrypted.

    Batman : [Dangles the severed thumb in front of Gordon and opens the thumbprint reader on the drive]  Try this.

    James Gordon : Oh, this guy is hilarious.

  • [Batman and Gordon explore an abandoned building; Gordon un-holsters his gun] 

    Batman : No guns.

    James Gordon : Yeah, man, that's *your* thing.

  • James Gordon : Does this mean, anything - to you ?

  • Batman : Who's the mustache with the broken nose?

    James Gordon : That's Kenzie. Narcotics.

    Batman : He's one of the guys I got into it with at the Iceberg Lounge.

    James Gordon : What are you saying? Kenzie moonlights for the Penguin?

    Batman : Or he moonlights as a cop.

  • Carmine Falcone : [Batman perp-walks him out of his club]  Jesus. Look at you, man. What do... what do you think this is? You think you're gonna scare me with that mask and that cape? I'm gonna start crying and all of a sudden, some big secret's coming out? Let me tell you something. Whatever I know, whatever I've done, it's all going with me to my grave.

    [seeing Gordon] 

    Carmine Falcone : What, are you with Zorro over here? Don't you know you boys in blue work for me?

    James Gordon : [leading him out, where a group of GCPD officers wait]  I guess we don't all work for you.

  • James Gordon : Are you El Rata Alada?

    Oz : El Rata Alada?

    James Gordon : Yeah, a rat with wings. A stool pigeon. That's not you? The symbols in the maze, right here. It says you are El Rata Alada.

    Oz : "You are El Rata"? It says that?

    James Gordon : Why, you got something to tell us?

    Oz : Yeah! It's, like, the worst Spanish I ever heard.

    James Gordon : What?

    Oz : It's "La." La rata. What, is this Riddler stupid or something? Jesus! Look at you two. World's greatest detectives! Am I the only one here who knows the difference between "el" and "la"? Jesus! No habla espanol, fellas?

    James Gordon : Do me a favor, shithead, shut up! You think he made a mistake?

    Batman : He doesn't make mistakes.

    Oz : A rat with wings? You know what that sounds like to me? A friggin' bat! Huh? You ever think of that?

    Batman : [considering the clue]  "You are El Rata." You... are... El.

    James Gordon : [on a tablet, Batman enters the URL ""]  Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he isn't as smart as...

    Batman : [a text chat opens]  Wait.

    James Gordon : Is that him?

    [they receive an incoming message] 

    James Gordon : Holy shit.

  • Batman : Rata Alada. A falcon has wings, too.

    James Gordon : Falcone is the rat? Falcone works for you guys? The mayor? The D.A.?

    Kenzie : No. We work for him. Everybody does.

    Batman : How?

    Kenzie : Through Renewal. Renewal is everything.

    James Gordon : The Renewal Fund?

    Kenzie : Yeah. After Thomas Wayne died, they all went after it like vultures. The mayor, Falcone, Maroni. Everyone got in on it. It was perfect for making bribes, laundering money. A huge charitable fund with no oversight. Everybody got a piece. But Falcone wanted more. So he orchestrated a play to take Maroni down big. He'd rat out his drops operation, make the careers of everybody that went after him, and then install them all as his puppets. You think this goddamn election matters? Falcone's the mayor. He's been the mayor for the last 20 years.

    Catwoman : Come on, Vengeance. Let's go kill that son of a bitch. This creep, too. Let's finish this.

    Kenzie : [cowering as she raises her gun]  Oh, God!

    Batman : No! We'll get him. But not that way.

    Catwoman : There is no other way! He owns the city!

    Batman : Cross that line, you'll become just like him.

  • James Gordon : It's not safe for you here. We need to get you out, Ms. Reál.

    Bella Reál : I'm not going anywhere.

    James Gordon : We're under attack, ma'am.

    Bella Reál : Exactly! That's the problem with this city. Everyone's afraid to stand up and do the right thing, but I'm not.

  • Batman : [finding a note from the Riddler]  "I'm mad about you. Want to know my name? Just look inside and see."

    [opening it, he sees the punchline "But wait, I cannot tell you. It might spoil the chemistry", along with a hand-written note at the bottom] 

    Batman : "Follow the maze until you find the rat. Bring him into the light, and you'll find where I'm at."

    James Gordon : The hell is that? "Bring him into the light"? "Find the rat"?

    Batman : I don't know.

  • James Gordon : Bock put out on APB on you. You really think he's in on this?

    Batman : I don't trust any of 'em. Do you?

    James Gordon : I only trust you.

    Batman : What's a narcotics cop doing with Falcone's right-hand man?

    James Gordon : Colson said, "Cops protect the rat." Maybe Kenzie's part of it.

    Batman : You think Penguin's the rat?

    James Gordon : His club caters to the mob. Maroni practically lived there. Penguin would have been privy to a lot of dirt. D.A. was a regular, too. Maybe Penguin got himself into a jam and working a deal was his only way out.

    Batman : The Rata Alada.

    James Gordon : The what?

    Batman : Riddler's latest. The cipher in the maze. It means "a rat with wings." Like a stool pigeon.

    James Gordon : A penguin's got wings, too.

    Batman : Time for me to have another conversation with him.

    James Gordon : What about the Riddler? He's gonna kill again.

    Batman : It's all connected. Like it or not, it's his game now. You want to find the Riddler, we gotta find that rat.

  • Batman : What do you know about a confidential informant in the Maroni case?

    James Gordon : Yeah, sure there was.

    Batman : That's the rat we're looking for. Somehow, Riddler knows who he is. If we find the rat, maybe it'll lead us to him.

    James Gordon : Where are you getting this?

    Batman : I have a source who spoke to the D.A. tonight. Gil's very nervous. I think the killer's targeting people close to that case.

    James Gordon : I worked that case.

    Batman : Riddler's not after you.

    James Gordon : How do you know?

    Batman : You're not corrupt.

    James Gordon : Colson's dirty? Maybe I, uh... I go after him. Lean on him to give up the rat.

    Batman : It's too dangerous. They made a secret deal with this guy. Who knows how many people it touches. Politicians. Police. The courts. It could tear the whole city apart.

    James Gordon : Jesus, this is a powder keg.

    Batman : And Riddler's the match.

  • The Riddler : [communicating with Batman through an online chat room]  Did you find him?

    Batman : El Rata Alada?

    The Riddler : Yes.

    Batman : Maybe. Is a penguin a rat with wings?

    The Riddler : Interesting. You're missing the big picture.

    James Gordon : What the hell does that mean? Is he or isn't he?

    The Riddler : I need to show you more for you to understand. My next victim is the biggest piece of the puzzle yet.

    Batman : Victim? Dead?

    The Riddler : He will be soon. Here's a clue to where you can find him...

    James Gordon : [reading along]  "I grew up from a seed, tough as a weed. But in a mansion, in a slum, I'll never know where I come from. Do you know what I am?" Any idea?

    Batman : Yeah. It's an orphan.

    [typing to Riddler] 

    Batman : An orphan?

    The Riddler : Good bye.

    Batman : [the chat closes]  A mansion in a slum. He's talking about the old orphanage.

    James Gordon : The one that burned down?

    Batman : It was part of the Wayne estate. They donated it after they built the tower.

  • Officer Martinez : Police! Hands up!

    James Gordon : He said put your goddamn hands up, you son of a bitch.

    Edward Nashton : [raising his hands in surrender and turning around]  I just ordered a slice of pumpkin pie.

  • James Gordon : [a car literally crashes Mayor Mitchell's memorial service]  Get out of the car and show your hands! Get out!

    [with some effort, the driver gets out] 

    James Gordon : Get 'em up! Get out! Show 'em!

    [seeing him with a bomb around his neck] 

    James Gordon : Christ, it's Colson.

  • Batman : Who's the Riddler?

    Oz : Riddler? How should I know?

    James Gordon : Let's make it easy for you, Oz. Cops caught you doing something. They were gonna shut you down, put you away. So you gave up a bigger fish to save your ass.

    Batman : You ratted out Salvatore Maroni. His drops operation.

    James Gordon : But the cops, the city officials, the mayor, the D.A., they got greedy, right? Wasn't enough, a big, career-making bust. They wanted to take over the drops business, too, but they needed a minor-league mope like you to run it.

    Batman : You don't just work for Carmine Falcone. You work for them, too.

    Oz : What are you, crazy?

    James Gordon : That why you killed the girl?

    Oz : I didn't kill no girl!

    Batman : We know she worked for you at the 44 Below.

    James Gordon : But she got too close, right? Found out from Mitchell that you were the rat, so you killed her. But somehow, Riddler found out, too. He knows so much about you. You must know about him.

    Batman : Who is he?

    Oz : Boy, you guys are a hell of a duet here. Why don't you start harmonizing? There's only one problem with your little scenario, okay? I ain't no rat! You got any idea what Carmine Falcone would do to me if he heard this kind of talk?

    James Gordon : Oh, you don't wanna talk about rats, huh? Maybe we can talk about what they did to my partner's face.

    Oz : [in disgust at a picture Gordon shows him]  Holy God, what are you showing me here?

    James Gordon : This was around his head!

  • James Gordon : [following one of the Riddler's clues]  "Sins of the father."

    Batman : Shall be visited upon the son.

    James Gordon : Jesus. His next target is Bruce Wayne.

    [turning and seeing Batman is gone] 

    James Gordon : Hey!

  • James Gordon : He waited for him at the gym. Pete always liked to work out late at night, when no one else was around.

    Batman : There's a needle mark on his neck.

    James Gordon : Injected him with arsenic.

    Batman : Rat poison.

    James Gordon : Yeah. That seems to be his theme here. Look at this thing.

    Batman : It's a maze.

    James Gordon : What kind of demented son of a bitch does this to a person?

    Batman : [giving the maze a once-over with a blacklight]  More symbols. It's another cipher.

    James Gordon : [looking through surveillance photos]  He blasted these out after his message went viral. Bastard murders you and your reputation.

    Batman : That guy pushes drops. On the east end.

    James Gordon : I don't get it. Why would Pete get involved in something like this?

    Batman : Looks like he got greedy.

    James Gordon : You kidding me? After everything we did to take down the Maronis? We busted their entire operation, then he caves to some lowlife dealer?

    Batman : Maybe he's not who you thought.

    James Gordon : You make it sound like he had it coming.

    Batman : He was a cop. Crossed a line.

  • Batman : [following Penguin, whom he and Gordon suspect is a GCPD informant]  It's a drug lab. Drops. This is a buy.

    James Gordon : Looks like they got Maroni's operation up and running again.

    Batman : Or they never shut it down at all.

    James Gordon : What are you saying? The biggest drug bust in GCPD history was a fraud?

    Batman : [hearing a motorcycle approach, he sees Selina get off]  This just got complicated.

    James Gordon : What do you mean?

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