The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) Poster

Andrew Garfield: Spider-Man, Peter Parker



  • Aunt May : What happened to your face? It's filthy.

    Peter Parker : It is?

    Aunt May : Yes!

    Peter Parker : Oh, yeah, yeah, I was cleaning the chimney.

    Aunt May : We have no chimney.

    Peter Parker : Whaaat?

  • [from trailer] 

    Harry Osborn : It's been 10 years. What have you been up to?

    Peter Parker : I do some web designs.

  • Gwen Stacy : I'm coming with you.

    Spider-Man : Gwen, you're not coming with me.

    Gwen Stacy : Yes, I am.

    Spider-Man : Gwen, it's too dangerous.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm coming with you. I've seen the grid specs and I know how to reset the entire system.

    Spider-Man : Gwen.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm coming with you! You need me!

    Spider-Man : Okay, shut up. You're coming with me! Shut the thing.

    [webs her wrist to the hood of a police car] 

    Spider-Man : [swinging away]  Sorry. I love you. Don't hate me.

    Gwen Stacy : PETER!

    [covers her mouth] 

  • Aunt May : Hey, wait. What are you doing? What are you doing? No, I do the laundry.

    Peter Parker : I'm doing my laundry.

    Aunt May : No, I do the laundry. No, I this is my job. I've been doing your laundry since you were 6 years old.

    Peter Parker : I understand that. I'm in college now. I think it's time I took care of my own dirty underwear.

    Aunt May : Last time you did it, you turned everything blue and red, so no.

    Peter Parker : That was a mistake. Because I washing the American flag. My... Can I just please just...?

    Aunt May : No one washes a flag.

    Peter Parker : I do, and I won't anymore.

    Aunt May : This is my machine.

    Peter Parker : Fine. It's just underwear.

    Aunt May : This is laundry, my home, my machine. Back off, eat your breakfast.

    Peter Parker : All right, laundry sheriff. I'll do it later.

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : You know what it is I love about being Spider-Man? Everything!

  • Aleksei Sytsevich : [waves his rhino suit's metal fists]  You fight me! You fight me now!

    Spider-Man : You want me to come down there so you can kill me?

    Aleksei Sytsevich : Yes!

    Spider-Man : Okay, I'll be right there.

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : I'm so sorry I'm late, I had a traffic thing.

    Gwen Stacy : Did your "traffic jam" have anything to do with, I don't know, being shot at by machine guns?

    Peter Parker : Yeah, I was implying that.

  • Electro : You're too late, Spider-Man. I designed this power grid. Now I'm gonna take back what is rightfully mine. I will control everything. And I will be like a god to them.

    Spider-Man : A god named Sparkles?

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : Everyday I wake up knowing that no matter how many lives I protect, no matter how many people call me a hero, someone even more powerful could change everything.

  • [from trailer] 

    Harry Osborn : You're gonna wanna see this.

    [shows Peter OsCorp records] 

    Harry Osborn : OsCorp had you under surveillance.

    Peter Parker : Why?

    Harry Osborn : Isn't that the question of the day?

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : I like to think Spider-Man gives people hope.

  • Peter Parker : Did you get my message?

    Gwen Stacy : What message?

    Peter Parker : The message right there.

    Gwen Stacy : Oh, that. That was you?

    Peter Parker : Don't do that.

    Gwen Stacy : I couldn't make it out.

    Peter Parker : I'll tell you what it says. Says, "I love you." Because I love you. And no offence, but you're wrong.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm wrong about what?

    Peter Parker : You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths. You're my path. And you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together. I know that. But I'm tired of them. I'm tired of every single one of them. We've all gotta make a choice. Right? Well, I choose you. So, here's my thought. England. Both of us. I'm following you now. I'm just gonna follow you everywhere. I'm just gonna follow you the rest of my life. I mean, they got crime there in England.

    Gwen Stacy : Yeah.

    Peter Parker : They got tons of crime, it seems.

    Gwen Stacy : Tons.

    Peter Parker : They got, uh, Jack the Ripper.

    [Gwen laughs] 

    Peter Parker : What? They haven't caught Jack the Ripper yet. You didn't know that?

  • Spider-Man : On behalf of the fine people of New York and real rhinos everywhere, I ask you to put your mechanized paws in the air!

    Aleksei Sytsevich : Never! I crush you, I kill you! I destroy you!

  • [last lines] 

    Spider-Man : There really is no place like home.

  • Peter Parker : What are you doing?

    Gwen Stacy : Peter. What is it? What's wrong? Are you alrgiht?

    Peter Parker : I don't know what I'm doing.

    Gwen Stacy : It's my father, Isn'it?

    Peter Parker : Yes, I see him everywhere I go. I can't... I don't know what to do. I can't get him out of my head.

    Gwen Stacy : Yea but we'd talked about this

    Peter Parker : I know... Gwen It's no his choice. Gwen, I promise him that I would keep away from you and know I'm gonna come eat dinner with your family, How can I do this? What does it make me?

    Gwen Stacy : I don't know, what does that make you?

    Peter Parker : It makes me no able to live with myself.

    Gwen Stacy : [Peter walks away]  I thought it made you love me.

    Peter Parker : I do love you. I love you

    Gwen Stacy : Then why isn't enough for you, huh? Because whar if something happens to you, just like it happened to him because of me

    Peter Parker : No, wait, wait, wait. I cannot let happen.

    Gwen Stacy : Listen to me, you're Spider-Man, and I love that. But I love Peter Parker more. That's worth it to me.

    Peter Parker : I can't lose you too

    Gwen Stacy : Is it because you can't lose me, we can't be together? Who's there to work out for, Peter?

    Peter Parker : I can't. I'm sorry Gwen.

    Gwen Stacy : Wow. you've done this to me again and again, Peter. I can't live like this. I break up with you. I break up with you.

  • Peter Parker : This is the maintenance closet, Gwen. This is most cliched hiding place you could've chosen. This is the stupidest hiding place.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm sorry, I didn't take us to the Bahamas of hiding places.

  • [from trailer] 

    Spider-Man : Yo, Sparkles!

    Electro : You don't remember me?

    Spider-Man : Of course I remember you! You're my eyes and ears! Uhh, what's your name again? Uhh, do I know it? I know it! Don't tell me...

    Electro : It's Max.

    Spider-Man : Is it Max?

    Electro : Yes.

    [Gwen stares in disbelief] 

    Electro : How could you forget me?

    Electro : [furious]  YOU LIED TO ME!

    Spider-Man : No, no, I'm trying to help you! Let me help you!

    [Electro sends a bolt at him, knocking him into a police car] 

  • Peter Parker : [to Gwen]  Nothing is what I thought it was.

  • Spider-Man : You okay? You all right?

    Max Dillon : You're Spider-Man.

    Spider-Man : Costume gives it away, huh? These look pretty important, Max.

    Max Dillon : How do you know my name?

    Spider-Man : It's written on your badge.

    Max Dillon : I'm a nobody.

    Spider-Man : Hey, you're not a nobody. You're a somebody.

  • Peter Parker : [to Gwen]  You're wrong about us being on different paths, we're not on different paths. You're my path. And you're always gonna be my path.

  • [from trailer] 

    Peter Parker : I made a choice; this is my path.

  • Green Goblin : Peter. When you said Spider-Man said no, you meant *you* said no.

    Spider-Man : Harry, what did you do?

    Green Goblin : What you made me do. You were my friend and you BETRAYED ME!

    Spider-Man : No. I was trying to protect you.

    Green Goblin : Oh. Look at me.

    Spider-Man : Hey, it's gonna be okay. This is gonna be all right.

    Green Goblin : You don't give people hope. You take it away.

    Spider-Man : No, Harry.

    Green Goblin : I'm gonna take away yours.

    Spider-Man : No. Gwen, run!

  • Gwen Stacy : [after magnetizing Spider-Man's web shooters]  And that is why you were number two at Midtown.

    Spider-Man : Rub it in. Okay.

  • Peter Parker : You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths, you're my path and you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that. But I'm tired of them, I'm tired of every single one of them, you know I gotta make a choose, Gwen, I choose you.

  • Gwen Stacy : There was an accident in the genomics lab, and they're covering it up. And I found out. That guy from Times Square last night? I met him. He was an electrical engineer in the building. And he loved Spider-Man, by the way. He was, like, a fanatic.

    Peter Parker : I didn't get love vibes. I got more of a "want to kill me with his electricity" vibe.

    Gwen Stacy : That's actually kind of what it's like to love you.

  • Harry Osborn : Peter Parker. It's like seeing a ghost.

    Peter Parker : Hey, Harry.

    Harry Osborn : Random. What, ten years?

    Peter Parker : It's eight. But you're close.

    Harry Osborn : What's up?

    Peter Parker : I saw the news, man. I heard about your dad and I wanted to come and... Just wanted to come and see you. Check to see how you were doing.

    Harry Osborn : I'm with some people. I'm in a... I'm in a meeting.

    Peter Parker : Sorry, I don't wanna intrude. I know it's been a long time. I kind of know exactly what you're going through right now. And you were so there for me when my parents... Well, that's why I'm here for you.

    Harry Osborn : Thank you.

    Peter Parker : It's good to see you, man. It's good to see you. I'm sorry about your dad.

    [turns to leave] 

    Harry Osborn : You got your braces off.

    [Peter turns back to him again] 

    Harry Osborn : Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow.

    [they start to laugh] 

    Peter Parker : There he is. There he is! You still blow-dry your hair every morning?

    Harry Osborn : Well, you know, one of my manservants holds the hair dryer. But I work the comb, okay? So at least I'm not completely helpless.

    Peter Parker : You're stupid.

    [they hug] 

  • Aunt May : [about graduating high school]  I know the first thing your Uncle Ben would say.

    Peter Parker : Yeah, I know too. "You better hurry up, party's over. You gotta get a job."

    Aunt May : Alright, the second thing he would say: "Don't just follow the path, make your own trail."

    Peter Parker : Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Aunt May : No.

    Peter Parker : What do you mean, no?

    Aunt May : Ben told me he made it up!

  • Spider-Man : [to Aleksei]  Knock, knock. Mr. Criminal? Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me Web-Head, you can call me Amazing, just don't call me late for dinner. You get it?

  • Aunt May : You know, it's so funny I've been trying to clean up around here to be more organized and putting some of Ben's stuff in boxes, and it's so funny, the heavier the box gets the lighter I feel.

    Peter Parker : You're throwing his stuff away?

    Aunt May : No, god no, I couldn't do that it's part of me, I'm just finding a better place for it. I'm going to take one last look, and I'm going to put it where it belongs.

  • Peter Parker : [Electro beats down Spider-Man to "Itsy Bitsy Spider"]  I hate this song!

  • Peter Parker : Who was that?

    Aunt May : Harvey.

    Peter Parker : Doing a double shift, huh?

    Aunt May : Sometimes. Got nothing else to do. I like the girls. I miss Ben. Gives me a little extra in the cookie jar.

    Peter Parker : Well, I sold another couple of photos to the Bugle, so that ought to help.

    Aunt May : Yeah, it would really help if that guy would pay you a fair wage.

    Peter Parker : Oh, Jameson pays me a fair wage. If it was 1961, he pays me a fair wage.

  • [last lines] 

    Peter Parker : There's no place like home!

  • Harry Osborn : [watches Peter skip a rock in the water]  Dude. Nice arm.

    Peter Parker : It's just the wrist. It's just all in the wrist, buddy.

  • Spider-Man : [after saving a police officer from getting hit by his car]  I'm glad you're not one of those cops who rides a horse.

  • Peter Parker : I'm so naked in here.

  • Peter Parker : [returning an earlier conversation, interrupted when he had to save the city]  England? Really?

    Gwen Stacy : Good talk.

  • Peter Parker : You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths, you're my path and you're always gonna be my path. And I know there's a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, I know that. But I'm tired of them, I'm tired of every single one of them, you know I gotta make a choice, Gwen, I choose you.

  • [In an Oscorp conference room, Peter and Harry watch a video of their fathers] 

    Norman Osborn : You're looking at the world's first human-spider hybrids.

    Richard Parker : The hope is to extract the venom from their glands and turn that into a cure. An agent that heals diseased cells.

    Norman Osborn : And if I can be cured, imagine what this could do for other diseases, like Alzheimers, even cancer.

    Harry Osborn : [turns off the video]  They never made it to human trials. It's fourteen years of research, and nothing to show for it.

    [Peter frowns as Harry gets out of his chair] 

    Harry Osborn : Except maybe this.

    [gets a copy of the Daily Bugle and slams it down on the table; Spider-Man's on the cover; Peter looks curious] 

    Harry Osborn : Spider-Man.

    Peter Parker : What about him?

    Harry Osborn : He was bitten by one of those things, and it worked! I don't know how and I don't know why, but he can do everything a spider can, including self-heal. I need to find him. I need his blood.

    Peter Parker : [looks at Harry curiously]  You need... Spider-Man's blood?

    [Peter sits; Harry looks at him intensely] 

    Harry Osborn : It'll save my life.

    Peter Parker : It may not, Har. It may not be that simple. You saw what happened to Curt Connors, right?

    Harry Osborn : Connors was weak. This is me, Peter.

    Peter Parker : I don't think you can just set up a van and have him donate. I mean, I'm sure he's sensitive about people shoving needles and...

    Harry Osborn : Ah, he's sensitive, OK. Well, then, maybe you could just "sensitively" tell me where he is, and I will go ask him myself!

    Peter Parker : What?

    Harry Osborn : [looks at the press photo]  You took his picture.

    Peter Parker : So?

    Harry Osborn : You know him.

    Peter Parker : Harry, I took the picture from a long way away. I used a long lens. I don't know him.

    Harry Osborn : I put together what you said at the river.

    Peter Parker : What I--?

    Harry Osborn : About how he gives people hope. Come on. Just say yes.

    [Peter looks around anxiously, gets up and walks to the door; Harry pulls him around to face him] 

    Harry Osborn : Don't turn your back on me! I don't want to end up like my father, Peter. Please. Peter, please. I can't.

    [Peter avoids Harry's gaze; Harry desperately wraps his arms around Peter] 

    Harry Osborn : Please.

    Peter Parker : [grey-faced, pulls away from Harry]  I'm gonna try and find Spider-Man.

  • [the Rhino is in a shootout with the police. A little boy in a Spider-Man costume ducks under the barricade] 

    Jorge's Mother : [his mother sees him run off]  No! NO!

    [she tries to go after him, but the police hold her back. The boy runs right out into the street] 

    Police Captain : [notices the boy]  Hold your fire! Everybody, hold your fire!

    [the boy stops in the middle of the street] 

    Dispatcher : Unit 2, stand down, stand down.

    Dispatcher : Civilian in our line of sight.

    [the boy bravely faces Rhino] 

    Lead Officer : Kid! You gotta get-

    [the Rhino shoots at him forcing him to take cover] 

    Aleksei Sytsevich : [mockingly; about the boy]  Look, New York! Spider-Man is back!

    Man : Leave the kid alone!

    Jorge's Mother : [struggling against the police]  That's my baby! Please.

    [the boy puts his costume's mask on] 

    Aleksei Sytsevich : Brave boy, huh? Does Aleksei scare you, little boy?

    [the boy stands his ground and Rhino starts to move toward him. All of a sudden, something arrives at the scene making everybody, including the Rhino stop and look] 

    Spider-Man : Hey, Spider-Man.

    [the boy turns around and sees the real Spider-Man standing behind him] 

    Jorge : [he lifts up his mask]  I knew you'd come back.

    Spider-Man : Yeah. Thanks for stepping up for me. You're the bravest kid I've ever seen. I'm gonna take care of this jerk. You go take care of your mom. Okay?

    [the boy fist-bumps Spider-Man] 

    Spider-Man : All right, get out of here. Go. Go.

    [the boy runs off and is picked up by an officer, who hands him back to his mother, who hugs the boy tightly while the crowd cheers for him] 

  • [last lines] 

    Spider-Man : There's no place like home.

  • [Peter and Gwen are hiding in a maintenance closet] 

    Gwen Stacy : There was an accident in the genomics lab, and they're covering it up. And I found out. That guy from Times Square last night? I met him. He was an electrical engineer in the building. And he loved Spider-Man, by the way. He was, like, a fanatic.

    Peter Parker : I didn't get love vibes last night. I got more of a "want to kill me with his electricity" vibe.

    Gwen Stacy : That's actually kind of what it's like to love you. I was searching for him in the computer and all the files. He's erased.

    Peter Parker : My God.

    Gwen Stacy : He's completely erased.

    Peter Parker : That's Oscorp.

    Gwen Stacy : And what about you? Why are you here?

    Peter Parker : Harry.

    Gwen Stacy : Osborn?

    Peter Parker : He's dying.

    Gwen Stacy : What do you mean?

    Peter Parker : He's dying, and he thinks the only thing that's gonna save his life is my blood; Spider-Man's blood. And as far as I know, if I give it to him, it could kill him.

    Gwen Stacy : Or something worse.

    Peter Parker : I know. This is the maintenance closet, Gwen. This is the most clichéd hiding place you could've chosen. This is the stupidest hiding place.

    Gwen Stacy : [sarcastically]  Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't take us to the Bahamas of hiding places.

  • Peter Parker : Aunt May? What are you doing?

    Aunt May : When did you do this?

    Peter Parker : There's something you're not telling me, Aunt May. Every time I mention my parents, your eyes go down.I know you're not telling me something. You lie to me. I know you love me..

    Aunt May : I don't.

    Peter Parker : I know you love me but you do. Aunt May, Aunt May, you've to tell me , Aunt May it's my father.

    Aunt May : Yes, he was your father that didn't seem to stop him from leaving you.

    Peter Parker : I need the truth.

    Aunt May : The truth is that your parents left you here, on our door step. And you're this little boy whose whole world was turned upside down with no explanation. We did the best, we could. Your Uncle Ben, he and I. Who else was going to care for you and protect you and worries about you? Your father¡? No. I was the one who wiped your nose and made you brush your teeht and do your homework and washed your dirty underwear. Me!

    [Peter has tears in his eyes] 

    Aunt May : Your stupid nonscientific aunt, who doesn't know how to makes end meets who has to take nursing classes, with 22 year old kids, so I can pay for you to go to college and I don't know how to do this without Ben. I don't know how and you're dreaming about your perfect father who was never been here? No! No, I won't tell you. You're my boy. As far as I'm concerned you're my boy. And I won't hurt you.

    Peter Parker : [Peter has tears in his eyes and goes to comfort his Aunt May]  I'm your boy. You're my everything. You're enough. You're more than enough. That's not what this about it. Don't get that twisted. I love you so much.

    Aunt May : I Know.

    Peter Parker : It's okay, It's okay. Aunt May. I need to know

    Aunt May : Alright. I'll tell you everything I know. But it will hut you.

    Peter Parker : Okay.

    Aunt May : A few days after the funeral. Two men from the government came to see us.

    [the flashback is shown where two men from the government came to May and Ben's house and enter to their house and talk with May and they show a file with Richard Parker photo] 

    Aunt May : They said the genetic research that your father was doing with Norman Osborn was very valuable and that people would pay a lot for it and that's why he ran off with it. They said he was a traitor. I couldn't believe it, Peter. They told us he betrayed his best friend, all of us for the money.

    Peter Parker : I don't... I don't get it. No... this doesn't make sense

    Aunt May : Yes I know. I didn't believe it either. I didn't believe it

    Peter Parker : This doesn't make sense...

    Aunt May : Peter... I don't know,. For so long, I would play it over and over in my head what had I missed, what had I missed. He was just a normal unassuming guy. He wore the same ratty lab coat for 20 years. He took the D train to work, at seven every morning came home at six every night. I don't know. Maybe everyone has a part of himself they hide even from the people they love. Peter?

    [Peter looks at the wall] 

    Aunt May : Peter?

  • Peter Parker : You look amazing.

    Gwen Stacy : I'm sorry for this spontaneous...? It's kind of...

    Peter Parker : No, I... spontaneous is alright you know.

    Gwen Stacy : Well, I just figured it was time, you know... time we try to be friends.

    Peter Parker : Friends, yea, that's... great.

    Gwen Stacy : Just don't want this to be complicated.

    Peter Parker : I just said that to someone. I hate complicated.

    Gwen Stacy : Keep it simple.

    Peter Parker : Okay great, great, yea, yea, alright but I mean if we were to be friends I think we gotta establish some ground rules.

    Gwen Stacy : Some ground rules.?

    Peter Parker : Yes, some ground rules, like that.

    Gwen Stacy : Like what?

    Peter Parker : Look... look, that laugh, that laugh. That's off the table.

    Gwen Stacy : My laugh is off the table?

    Peter Parker : You gotta figure out a more anoying laugh.

    [Gwen starts laughing harder] 

    Peter Parker : That's still adorable.

    Gwen Stacy : That was not adorable.

    Peter Parker : What are you doing...

    Gwen Stacy : Okay, I've got a ground rule.

    Peter Parker : Oh, you, what? What's it.

    Gwen Stacy : Er... don't tell me that I look amazing with your big brown doe eyes, OK? I'm really serious about that one.

    Peter Parker : Oh no...

    Gwen Stacy : What?

    Peter Parker : I've just figured out the next ground rule.

    Gwen Stacy : What?

    Peter Parker : No more of this.

    [Peter touches his nose imitating Gwen] 

    Peter Parker : No more... this nose rub that you do.

    Gwen Stacy : [Gwen touches her nose]  This?

    Peter Parker : Don't think I've to?

    Gwen Stacy : What I am supposed to do? It's allergy season

    Peter Parker : This is killing me, I gotta... just stay in my face with my ground rules, I'm out.

    [Peter starts walking] 

    Gwen Stacy : Come on!

    Peter Parker : First we get ice cream, then I'm out.

  • Gwen Stacy : Umm, yea, I did that and I got completely addicted to this place that has Korean meatballs.

    Peter Parker : Yea...

    Gwen Stacy : Have you been there?

    Peter Parker : No, no...

    Gwen Stacy : It's mind blowing...

    Peter Parker : That place is at 6th, I know, you love it there.

    Gwen Stacy : How do you know that? How do you know I love it there?

    Peter Parker : Cos'umm... Cos'you told me.

    Gwen Stacy : It just opened last month. Have you been following me? I knew it How often?

    Peter Parker : Just once day, sometimes. Sometimes more.

    Gwen Stacy : Oh boy, why? You trying to keep me safe?

    Peter Parker : Yea. No, that's the closest I can still being with you.

    [Peter moves in to kiss Gwen, but she breaks the kiss] 

    Gwen Stacy : I'm moving to England.

    Peter Parker : What?

    Gwen Stacy : Yea. I have a, um... a first scholarship to Oxford in molecular medicine an it's between me and this other kid and there's this oral exam we've to do and he's like a freshman in colleague but he's 14 and it could be him but might be me, I hope it's me and then I, I gotta move to England.

    Peter Parker : Wow.

    Gwen Stacy : And I'm really excited.

    Peter Parker : That's... er... England?

    [Peter's spider sense activates to warn him of danger] 

    Gwen Stacy : What?

See also

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