Tarot (2024) Poster

(I) (2024)

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Lomax3434 May 2024
I don't pretend to be clever enough to fully understand AI, but I believe creation by AI involves a trawl though the interweb to find out what's been successful before, and to fuse these elements into a narrative framework - also based on what's worked in the past.

In other words, string a load of cliches together and hope for the best. I'm not saying this film was written (and directed) by AI, but it might just as well have been.

And here we are. Group of kids (yup) creepy house (yup) strange artifact (yup) Are you sure this is a good idea? (yup) oh dear, we've been cursed (yup) death is stalking us all (yup) let's split up (yup) gruesome deaths (yup) elderly sage who knows the back-story (yup) the only way to survive is to do this (yup) enough twists to make it interesting...

Well no. On the last point we get a resounding nope. This is dreary, predictable, formulaic and dull. Not even the jump-scares work. None of the cast are talented enough to make a bland script sound good; everyone else involved was either out of their depth or on autopilot.
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Another mediocre PG-13 horror film
pedroquintaoo2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Tarot" promised to be a breath of fresh air in the horror genre, bringing with it an intriguing concept that harkened back to the iconic "Final Destination" saga. However, it quickly proved to be hindered by its own limitations, resulting in an experience that, while entertaining, falls short of expectations.

From the moment I watched the trailer, I was intrigued by the premise of young people trying to escape a fatal destiny, immediately bringing to mind "Final Destination," one of my favorite horror franchises. However, my hopes were dashed when I learned that the film was rated PG-13, indicating that deaths would be censored to allow a younger audience to watch the film in theaters and thus generate greater financial profits. Violence isn't always crucial in a horror film; there are works that don't need it to be good, like "Insidious," "The Ring," or the fantastic "The Others," but in this case, it was necessary to ensure a complete experience. And as predicted, despite the potential in the horror scenes, I felt that it was all wasted.

The same sense of wasted potential also accompanies the film's narrative, which is rushed and superficial, sacrificing character development for a fast-paced rhythm, making it difficult to create an emotional connection with the characters, depriving us of empathy that could enrich our experience. An additional ten or fifteen minutes dedicated to character development would have been beneficial, providing greater psychological and motivational depth.

Despite these shortcomings, "Tarot" has its merits. The film manages to keep us captivated until the end, eager to discover the fate reserved for the characters and whether they will be able to change the course dictated by the tarot cards. Additionally, the visual of the creatures inspired by the tarot figures is one of the highlights, it's just a shame they didn't have a greater presence on screen.

However, it's in the final moments that "Tarot" truly reveals its wasted potential. The revelation of the origin of the cursed deck and the confrontation with the vengeful spirit are intriguing, but the way the characters deal with this situation seems unconvincing and even frustrating. The ending, in particular, feels forced and unsatisfactory, almost reminiscent of a parody rather than a genuinely tense and frightening moment.

In summary, "Tarot" had all the ingredients to stand out as a kind of cousin or even a worthy spiritual successor to "Final Destination" and impress fans of the horror genre. However, by choosing to stay in its comfort zone and not risk beyond established limits, it ended up confined to mediocrity, becoming just another generic horror title, suitable for a relaxed night among friends, but unable to leave a mark on the horror film landscape.

(SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS) Regarding the ending, we discover that the cursed tarot deck, used by the protagonists to read their destiny, was created many years ago by a psychic. This psychic created it to seek revenge against those who murdered her daughter, and near the end, her spirit appears to torment them. It was at this point that I questioned: "If the deck curses the person they read the cards for, why don't the characters do it with the psychic who cursed them?" I ended up feeling annoyed that it took them so long to do it, making them seem unintelligent.

Additionally, in this spoiler segment, I was surprised by how they revealed that Jacob Batalon's character survived. It seemed a bit forced, exaggerated, and out of place from the rest of the tone of the work. In fact, at that moment, I felt like I was watching a scene from "Scary Movie."
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Astrology girl horror movie.
AfricanBro10 May 2024
Firstly these guys didn't even seem like the same age group. Performances aren't great. What doesn't help is that the movie just starts, we don't really get to learn much about the characters other than it's one of them's birthday. They're not charismatic enough to pull that off and get you invested.

Tarot is literally the title, so I guess it's not a spoiler to say there's tarot reading early on, so I thought maybe the scary stuff starts early on too. It's also pretty cliche, like of course a cabin in a woods and old gothic tarot cards isn't a good mix. And it's addressed several times along with anything else creepy. You can clearly tell when the characters is making the wrong decisions that lead into the horror elements. Reminded me of "talk to me" but that movie was better.

The readings felt like spoilers. But the readings were all told in 5minutes and I could barely remember the specifics, and I guess the writers knew that because the movie addresses it with creepy voice overs.

I liked some scenes like the lady with the lamp and the clown. The deaths sucked though, plus the movie shied away from actually showing them, just a splurge of blood. We only het to see the before and after, not he actual during.

The movies not great but I don't outright hate it, probably because I was prepared to it not to be great. I'd recommend you should go watch "talk to me" or "cabin in the woods instead."
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I was The Fool for going to see this.
BA_Harrison2 May 2024
Tarot is the latest teen horror to hit the big screen, but the film is completely undeserving of a cinematic release.

I could tell from the trailer that the film wouldn't be great, but I was unprepared for just how bad it actually was. It feels a lot like something from well over twenty years ago: the 'teenagers unable to escape fate' story line is highly reminiscent of Final Destination while its variety of creepy killers reminded me of Thir13en Ghosts - only it isn't anywhere near as good as either of those films.

Directors Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg take the easy route by delivering predictable jump scares accompanied by very loud noises, and it soon gets very tiresome and repetitive. Unlike Final Destination and Thir13en Ghosts, Tarot doesn't even provide viewers with gory death scenes - all of the kills are extremely tame and most are off screen. The teal and orange colour scheme adds to the dated feel, and there is an over-reliance on CGI.

A more unoriginal and forgettable horror movie it is hard to imagine - this is a serious contender for worst horror release of the year so far (and that's saying something).
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So, Soooo Bad
jhepner_802 May 2024
Just a typical teen horror film that follows the same bad formula that's getting stale and old. A group of college friends are together, play a game of reading from a mysterious and forbidden tarot deck... they're then cursed and picked off one by one in cheesy death scenes.

The movie is full of bad dialogue, corny humor, stupid characters that make idiotic decisions, cheesy jump scares, and a boring story full of cliche twists. Everything is so predictable that I called most of the deaths and the ending was extremely bad.

This is just another example of a studio tossing money at a bad idea knowing it'll still make some profit. I do not recommend wasting your money on this movie.
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Not very good
davidwalker-9447129 May 2024
This is a really good example of why so many people don't like horror.

A group of pretty teens unwittingly get themselves caught up in some supernatural shenanigans and become canon fodder for some demonic entity.

There's a raft of jump scares (though I use to word 'scare' lightly) and each of those is accompanied by jarring sound effects almost as if the director doesn't trust that he can even make you jump. There's a bit of middle of the road CGI and a personal bug bear of mine, an accessible expert on hand who can explain in great detail exactly what is going on. Then dies.

It's just a really shallow, cursed object, jump scare marathon with cliche characters and annoying exposition and there are loads of movies just like this.
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The Cards Point To Okay Movie
rgkarim4 May 2024

The Pacing For Entertainment Purposes

Creature Design

The Card Design

The Atmosphere Setting

The Acting Is Fine

The Comedy To An Extent

The Story Is Better On Some Parts

Summary: Tarot's strengths come in finding new monsters to bring to life and putting them in a means to maximize that design. The cards held illustrations that were chilling, simple pictures with shading and craft that were menacing, disturbing, and a nightmare-inducing illustration that served as a proper gateway to the horrors at hand. When the beasts arise, most are quite chilling and very interesting, a blend of nostalgia and terror that at times was very fitting and other times a bit kiddier, but certainly memorable. Whatever the avatar, our directors brought an atmosphere they played well in, with the modern setting offering plenty of venues to pursue our "heroes" and test their fate. Once the story starts to find some "deeper" qualities, the pairing of the creatures with the kids holds a little more bite and adds some more purpose and drive.

Monsters aside, Tarot is a PG-13 pacing that works to entertain and get you in and out of the theater in the shortest time. It doesn't get too deep in plots, avoids getting too convoluted with the explanations, and leaves the horror elements to do most of the lifting with the loud visuals. Acting-wise, the cast is very pretty and plays the college collaboration well. They can scream, doubt, complain, and banter with the best of them, though they were funnier than some of the movies I've seen with a young cast. Batalon in particular had me cracking up, his style from Spiderman carrying over to a more stubborn and jerk nature that somehow works on many levels for viewers like me. The others have some heart and design that I rooted for them and had only wished for more time to get to know them


The Suspense Doesn't Last

Not Scary

Characters Can Be Annoying

The Story Needs Work

The CGI Comes Off Corny At Times

Many Scenes Ruined By The Trailer

Cheesy In The End

Summary: With all that said, the movie fails to live up to the hype of the trailers on many levels for this reviewer. For one thing, the film is not scary. I don't think it's the PG-13 rating as some will blame, and I have to account for my desensitization to being scared by these movies. However, the movie doesn't have enough build-up, teasing, and tactics to make it scary and utilize the horrors to the fullest extent. In addition, most of the moments hold little suspense, quick bouts drowned out by comedy, or cheesiness that felt robbed by editing. Some of the characters did have those elements, there just needed to be something more to accomplish the full effect of what they were going for. And though the designs are good, the CGI effects become too fake for my liking, and could have used some live-action moments to help spice up the bland animation. It's not horrible, but it has enough fake look that some of the horrifying designs were better left on the cards than in real life. Throw in that many of the scenes have already had a lot of showcasing in the trailer and the edge is further dulled by over-presenting.

In terms of the other areas, the story is again okay. Some elements do work when they try to put some layering on their characters and give them some emotions beyond terrified and disbelieving. When the origin story appears, again there was some decent presentation and building I enjoyed and the potential to find solutions to their problems. That potential was lost in my opinion. Any story and engaging plots again weakened by the pace and CW antics that just didn't deliver the horror punch that other movies have done better. Many of the characters started annoying and remained annoying, making them more cannon fodder than engaging to watch. Not the actor's fault at all, but just shallower characters that needed a lot more time and details to thrive. Sadly, in the end, the movie cuts out what little thrills are left for a very emotional, teenage drama, that uses words and some cop-outs to finish the tale. It's not the worst, but again just fell flat from the build-up I had hoped would come after a slow middle trek.

The VERDICT: Tarot accomplished much in the PG-13 department and came out feeling like an Are You Afraid Of The Dark Episode with a bigger budget. Its low levels of scare are brought out mostly by some creepy designs and a shadowy atmosphere than anything else. The cast does its best with writing that is very linear and full of comedic relief, but with enough lines to help give some depth. Sadly, the scares, the plot, the characters, and the suspense are very diluted by the pacing and atmosphere of this movie. A series by Netflix would have been key, with 9-10 episodes to give it everything allow more play with the story, and give this talented cast more time to shine. That or perhaps have fewer kids and a more creative solution or two to fight fate. Either way, the movie's theater-quality lies in design and shadows, but the rest is best seen from the comforts of your home. My scores for this film are:

Horror: 6.5 Movie Overall: 6.0.
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A fate worse than death
paulevans-559043 May 2024
Tarot is a very predictable, silly and cliche ridden horror film. The dialogue is screamingly ridiculous and the characters are more cardboard than the cards themselves. This film has very few, if any, redeeming features and as the well trodden story unfolds (complete with absurd, lazy and unsubtle back story), it's very hard to stay awake. The writing and direction are laughable and the actors are clearly stifled by a terrible script. But the deeply annoying, often completely inappropriate music that drones on throughout ensures that a second viewing is definitely not on the cards! Not recommended.
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When Tarot Takes Over
cutie75 May 2024
"Tarot" spins a creepy yarn about what happens when you ignore those oh-so-important user manuals-specifically, the one rule of Tarot card ownership: never use someone else's deck. Naturally, a group of friends decides this doesn't apply to them, unleashing an ancient evil that's been chilling in the cards, probably binge-watching the centuries pass by. As they pull each card, their night turns from casual hangout to a desperate dash away from their not-so-great predicted futures. It's the classic 'curiosity killed the cat' scenario, but with a supernatural twist and fewer cats.

While "Tarot" isn't likely to be the horror genre's next cult classic, it packs enough PG-13-rated scares to be worth the popcorn. The death scenes are surprisingly imaginative-think Final Destination meets a fortune teller's booth-and manage to push the boundaries of its rating. The film's ending might leave you feeling a bit cheated, like finding out your free psychic reading has fine print. However, the Tarot cards themselves steal the show; each one is a work of art that screams "doom" in the most aesthetically pleasing way. If you're up for a bit of light-hearted terror (is that a thing?), "Tarot" might just be your pick for a fun fright night.
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FlashCallahan3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings - never use someone else's deck - they unknowingly unleash an unspeakable evil trapped within the cursed cards.

One by one, they come face to face with fate and end up in a race against death to escape the future foretold in their readings......

Another month, another really bad horror movie. Late Night With The Devil aside, 2024 could be one of the worst years for horror. Night Swim, and Imaginary were very bad, but my goodness, this really is up there for one of the biggest letdowns in horror. The premise is brilliant, and the history of the cards and the readings are pretty expansive, but the makers here have really messed up such a wonderful premise.

If you have seen the trailer, you genuinely have seen everything 'scary' that the films have to offer. It's not all bad, almost, the first ten minutes are pretty entertaining, and for this part of the film, you really are invested in the characters, even though they are your cookie cutter gang of misfits that have infected these types of horror films since 'Scream' changed the way horror films were made.

After this, the film nosedives into obvious jump scares, and it has a weird air of Final Destination about it, as the film very slowly picks out each member of the film one by one to their very predictable demise. And that's another thing that is maundering about the film. It's obviously a PG-13 in the states for the box office, as the film is devoid of any gore, aside from a couple of blood spatters, which is a shame, as if they upped the ante with the gore, they could have gone all out with this film, but no, they want the money, not audience enjoyment.

Speaking of Final Destination, you can bet your bottom dollar that this film will spawn a breadth of sequels, because this will make a fair bit of wedge, and the studios will milk this for every penny it's worth.

It's a very bland boring film with pretty poor performances, and a terrible ending.

There ou go, I've read your fortune. You will miss a very poor film.....
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Long Live PG-13 Horror
charlesrooney3 May 2024
How many of us first came to horror movies through middle school sleepovers? We've probably all been there: you're 12-14, a bunch of your best friends are crammed into somebody's basement surrounded by sleeping bags and junk food, and you've finished the first movie of the evening (probably a dumb comedy, more than likely involving a Wilson brother). You all know what's next: something spooky. For me it was The Ring. For you it might have been Scream, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th Part XXI, Jeepers Creepers, Nightmare on Elm Street, whatever. Something light and spooky in which a series of dumb teenagers get picked off one by one by creepy monsters. Not highbrow horror but good hair-raising fun.

That's what Tarot brought to mind for me. The cast is fun, the creature design is GREAT, and the individual kills are creative and wicked. What else do you need from a PG13 Summer Horror flick? Not every horror movie needs to be an Ari Aster-style untangling of childhood grief or a metaphor for a dead family pet. This movie knows what it is, where it comes from (it's pretty overtly a Final Destination tribute in a charming and fun way) and has fun with itself. I had fun. What else do you want?
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I personally found this film to be quite enjoyable
cujoreviews16 May 2024
Little did they know, a group of friends unknowingly set free a malevolent force that had been imprisoned within a cursed deck of tarot cards. As they delved deeper into the mysterious world of the cards, they found themselves confronted with their own destinies, desperately trying to outrun the grim fate that had been predicted in their readings. Each encounter with the supernatural became a race against time, as they fought to break free from the clutches of an unimaginable evil that threatened to consume them all.

This film was quite eerie, diving straight into the heart-pounding action from the very beginning. While it followed a somewhat predictable storyline, it managed to deliver some unexpected twists and turns along the way. The actors did a fantastic job bringing their characters to life and the special effects and sound design added an extra layer of intensity to the overall experience. Despite the abundance of negative reviews, I personally found this film to be quite enjoyable. I rate this film 6 out of 10!
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Wait for the rental on this one Warning: Spoilers
It was just okay. If you're not a part of the AMC stubs club and you have to pay to go see this movie, maybe wait until it comes out on streaming or to rent.

I will start off by saying that the visuals for the tarot card characters were awesome. Very creepy but I wish that we had gotten to see a little bit more of them because by the time you saw the character, they were gone again or it was so dark you couldn't really see much. There were some good jump-scares in there as well. This is why I gave it five stars instead of a little bit lower.

The plot of the movie was interesting but when they got around to figuring out what was going on and trying to find a solution of how to fix it, it felt rushed and forced. There was one likable character in the entirety of the film, the other characters were just so-so and a little too cheesy.

I think this movie would have been so much better if it had been rated R and had more gore and blood. How do you have a scene where you saw a woman in half and we don't even get to see the entrails or even any blood at all? Come on now. Most of it is just implied, there was no actual gore. You go to a horror movie and you kind of expect it!

Towards the end of the movie when they were talking about fate and turning fade around to work in your favor, all I could think about was Final Destination. If you cheat death it will come after you again. They felt pretty secure in their solution.

If they make a sequel I don't know that I would go to the theater to see it unless it's rated R. PG-13 really hurt this one for what could have been some pretty stunning visuals.
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People Walked Out of the Theater
sofiagladun2 May 2024
Poorly paced, extremely predictable. There really isn't much more to say about this . The friend group is not very believable, there isn't much chemistry between the cats whatsoever. The effects are cheesy and not scary. There are maybe one or two decent jump scares but overall I would not want anyone to spend their money on this. There wasn't anything about this movie that as enjoyable. It tried to be funny at certain points but it didn't pay off. I'm so disappointed that I actually paid money to watch this at the movies. Do not waste your money on this, maybe watch it when it comes out on some streaming service after 4-5 cutwaters.
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A mediocre and generic horror movie
thinmude31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie to be a pretty generic and mediocre PG-13 horror movie that I found more boring than scary. Right off the bat, this being a PG-13 horror movie is a red flag because a lot of these recent PG-13 horror movies are very tame and inoffensive and don't substitute the desired scares and intensity with interesting stories or styles... does Tarot stray from this trend? No, it doesn't...

The movie is a very cliched modern PG-13 horror movie with all of the usual tropes; we have tame and impact-less kills that don't show much (and a few are actually goofy looking), we have the same muted lighting with a dulled color palate, we have another curse on the characters (bonus points for tying it with an evil item), we have the mentor who knows an absurd amount about the curse, we have a ridiculous backstory for the killer/curse... we have it all...

The story had some potential, being about cursed tarot card readings where the characters die in the way their reading goes, but the story doesn't really do anything meaningful or interesting with the concept, outside of just killing people... sure, I'm not expecting Shakespeare, but I would hope for a little more intriguing idea than this...

The characters are so bland and of little personality, with practically no interesting characteristics (outside of Spider Man actor's hat) so their deaths aren't particularly scary or meaningful. The killer has a ridiculous backstory that is hard to believe and it seems to be able to take the form of other monstrous figures (that make me think too much of other horror movies).

But really, the main crime of the movie is that it's bland and boring... I can kind-of accept bad elements if it's still entertaining, but this was just a slog to sit through... again, it's so tame and inoffensive, with the tame kills, bland characters, and nothing story, it doesn't really have anything interesting to attract you to care.

The only truly good parts of this movie is that there are a FEW good shots in this movie, like one death that takes place in a theater... but they're very few and far between... there's also a kind-of funny mid-credits(?) scene and it doesn't end in the bull crap "it's not over" ending, so thank god...

In general, I would avoid this movie... if you want to see the good parts, it's best to just try and find clips of the movie on YouTube or something, but don't bother buying or renting this movie... you'll just be bored for an hour and a half.
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This film is Tarot-ble!!!!
timlittman350628 May 2024
Honestly, I don't know where to start. From the outset, I was rooting for the bad guy to kill off all the characters. None of them were likeable, believable or realistic. I'm assuming the writers of the film were 12 years old because it's just a horrible story and the script was just the worst. And the end of the film!! Oh my god!!!! All their friends have been horribly murdered but they literally drive off into the sunset laughing!! I was expecting a post credit scene to show the bad guy was still around and finished off the survivors, but no!!! Just wishful thinking on my part. If you watch this, more fool you.
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People need to chill and have some fun
bluerosecrow5 June 2024
Is this the scariest movie you will ever see? No. It isn't even really scary at all. But that's ok, because it is something else that makes horror movies enjoyable... fun. I don't know what happened where people felt like a horror movie was trash if it didn't have pools of blood and people having their flesh carved off. There has always been a section of horror movies that were just fun and often PG-13. Movies like these are important because they welcome in new generations of horror fans and give a good popcorn flick to watch with friends or on a date.

This movie is just simple fun. The entities are fun and creative, and they build enough that they could continue on in their own franchise. While my use of tarot never used the spread that is used in this movie, I wasn't really expecting this movie to be a tutorial of tarot. It was able to find a way to turn the Major Arcana into creatures/entities/demonic spirits that were a lot of fun. The Fool being my personal favorite. But the scene with The Magician was fantastic as a whole.

It falls into some traps that a lot of horror movies fall into in order to make them cheap and quick to produce and push into the market. For example:

The kids seem to live in a city with no other inhabitants. No one just walking down the street. No one in the subway station. No one exists except for these kids it appears.

Google has all the answers. In order to speed the movie along and to not have to worry about heavy amounts of screen time discovering the cause of things, they just google "why are the tarot cards killing us" and the answer pops up as the third entry on the page.

One character is oddly an expert on everything happening. It would be fun to see one movie where the entire group had zero idea what was going on.

With all that said, I stand by the fact that this movie is a lot of fun. It is like if 13 Ghost had a baby with Stay Alive. It won't ever show up on any list of the greatest horror movies ever, but every decade has those fun horror movies that you watch on tv on a Sunday afternoon. Those movies are needed just as much as the "amazing" ones, and this movie falls nicely into that category.

Long story short, people need to chill out on their expectations with horror movies. Or we are going to end up with what happened with comic book movies and we are going to lose out on the fun and cheesy ones in order for the studios to remake the same story over and over again because they know it will be a hit and bring in a load of money.
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Modern horror movie
cthirlby8 May 2024
As usual a predictable modern horror movie that follows the same old formats but has its moments. Horror movies need to stop doing things with the main character like making them have a passed family member which leads to their strength at the end of the story or a connection with the evil, it's just so overdone. The tarot stuff was interesting but eventually it got a bit repetitive and people kept knowingly doing things they were told not to do like the hangman card especially. Jacob Batalon was easily the best part of the film with his comedic character and glad he had a big portion within the film. Overall it was an okay movie held up by Peter Parkers best friend Ned Leeds.
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andrewchristianjr1 June 2024
Astrology this, astrology that.. so predictable. This movie is very cliché with the overused storyline but I will say the twist of survivors was nice to see even tho I just didn't buy that no one was ever around when things were happening. The horror is practically invisible unless you're a child.

Synopsis: When a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings -- never use someone else's deck -- they unknowingly unleash an unspeakable evil trapped within the cursed cards. One by one, they come face to face with fate and end up in a race against death to escape the future foretold in their readings.
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Lame characters led by weak story with little directions
kbechma5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The characters in the show are really predictable and boring. The teenagers are all clueless and make dumb decisions while trying to fight some super strong demons. It's hard to cheer for them because they just argue over silly stuff instead of teaming up to beat the bad guys.

For instance, there's a scene where their car breaks down, and instead of staying together, one girl decides to run off into the dark alone. And then this Asian guy goes back to his room alone even though 3 of his friends are already dead.

There's also this old lady who claims she's been fighting demons forever, but she ends up dead within minutes of being on screen.

The characters' actions are so dumb that it's hard to care about them. There are a few scary moments with the demons, but overall, the show feels rushed and doesn't really deliver.
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This is a really good movie!
jgmglgbg5 May 2024
I just saw the movie Tarot and I am scratching my head as to why some people have given Tarot a negative review. It is a lighter horror film to be within the PG13 rating. It achieves scares without the gratuitous gore. It creates great suspense by having some of the violence occur out of our view. The young actors are strong and diverse and you care about their stories. The older woman who guides them in seeking to stop the curse turns in an excellent performance. Don't let the negative folks tell you otherwise- it's a really good movie!

I went with my 15 year old son and his friend and we all enjoyed the movie !
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Not bad for a saturated genre
ethandragonfire4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched a film with friends that had an intriguing yet polarizing ending-someone we thought was dead surprisingly reappeared. The execution of several death scenes involving different groups was impressively done, adding a unique flavour to the narrative. The use of virtual effects was particularly notable, enhancing the overall cinematic experience. This aspect brought a realistic touch to the more fantastical elements, making them standout moments of the film. Overall, it was a memorable viewing experience, despite some mixed feelings about the finale. The use of virtual effects was notably well done, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.
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A boring movie that tries nothing new and has no interesting character or moments that you can see in the trailer. There is really no good parts, the parts that could become good are not given enough time just to get a ending the somehow seemed rushed too long at the same time. There is of course the comedy in the movie with comical relief characters that do not hit, there is also not enough to fully flush out the characters. If your going to make this movie 1 and a half might as well add more time to at least make the characters enjoyable then it would have not been such a chore/ boring experience to watch this movie.
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a real waste
bentaylor-932267 May 2024
Just what horror doesn't need right now a lost effort of cheap scares the acting is all over the place character development is poor the plot seems to evaporate Into thin air really don't know what was going on at all in the film needed more 100% horrors such as the omen and even immaculate excel further than this let down the film was just poor in all aspects it's been done before and we really didn't need to see another film attempt to take on other horror hits.. only bonus was the magician scene it was done very well and seemed like they spent some time on it.

Let's hope they don't make a number 2.
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So bad its good, Nah just kidding
lisa-lush3 May 2024
TAROT the movie 2024, Hello peoples of he page. Yes it has been a long time hasn't it?

So, suffer in your jocks because the Lush is back and this time its personal.

Anyway peeps, today Lush popped her little black tooshy into Parramatta to see a film called Tarot, now a quick disclaimer here, Lush IS a Tarot Card reader and has been for 40+ years. I've made a living from it when short of resources and needing cash.

The internet movie date base lists Tarot as a Horror Comedy yes it has a few giggles and yes there are scary bits so I guess it meets the brief. I really to have the pants scared off me but, sadly that never happened. I did leave the cinema pants intact.

If you think the plot is familiar well der! Who amongst use has not had a teenage seance and regretted it when things go bang in the roof. If this movie a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings - never use someone else's deck. I mean seriously. Don't touch my deck. Using one with out permission is not only rude but downright dangerous in the wrong hands. I can only hope this flm stops people asking me to read for them.

The dialogue is bad but the acting is quite good., however there are so many cliches I was doing call backs at the screen, At some point I would like to do this film as a Screamqueen production. Its so easy to fit Lush humour into the prewritten corniness and make something hilarious!

But basically you want the plot don't you? Well this is a silly film with silly cliched characters, you the "College student who rent a mansion, drink excessively, run out of booze and in a search to steal more booze, break into the room that says "Do Not Enter" find old Tarot Cards, do a few readings and ....die horribly" (as they should) in the manner of their readings. Think Evil Dead but with a slight Blair witch/Hellraiser feel. There are a few scares and the inevitable twists. Everything is so predictable you don't even need the cards! They really tried to rush through the deaths and concentrate on dialogue... that was a bad decision.

I have seen worse things come out off Screen Gem but, No I'm kidding, this is a pretty bad way to spend 8 million dollars. As a reader myself, I HATE that astrology and Tarot are considered the same thing Its a pet peeve of mine But I digress, Set in a world where every door creaks and there isn't a single well-lit location, This is s little more than a clearinghouse of horror clichés.

This is just another example of a studio tossing money at a bad idea knowing it'll still make some profit. I'd like to say don't waste your time, but despite myself I kinda like this movie.
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