Zombieland (2009) Poster


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Very Pleasant Surprise...
drono228 September 2009
Just came from a sneak preview held in Baltimore and left the theater feeling very satisfied. You don't normally find a late September movie as good as "Zombieland" was. After dropping you in the action right from the start, the movie keeps coming with constant laughs and good action. There were not a lot of scares in the movie, other than the few obvious scenes where you could see one coming, but horror is not what the director was going for in this film. Laughs, however, come often and from many different directions. Jessie Eisenberg's nerdy, insecure 'Columbus' character and Woody Harrelson's redneck zombie-killing 'Tallahassee' play very well off each other and provide plenty of memorable moments. Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin are also solid throughout. There is also one unforgettable cameo that had most of the audience rolling in the aisles. The film has a simple, easy to follow storyline that does not provoke a lot of questions. Indeed, if you go to this movie expecting a lot of plot twists and surprises, you're going to be severely disappointed. There is however, good action, good laughs, and plenty of zombie related gore. At about 90 minutes long, it does not drag on and gets to the predictable but satisfying ending, going out in style. There will no doubt be a lot of comparisons to "Shaun of the Dead", which is nothing to be ashamed of, but this is truly a one of a kind movie experience that holds its own with any not only any zombie movie in recent memory, but with any comedy so far this year. As long as you don't go into this movie expecting too much, you'll get your money's worth. Well done.
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From Nothing to a joyous ride of fun & entertainment
pawanpunjabithewriter30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
From nothing means Zombie stories don't have much in it except from zombies and a nerdy guy who saves the world and becomes a hero. That's why Zombie movies aren't my favorite, except for Zombieland. I probably had the best movie dialogue of the month in this one. "That's like asking who Gandhi is!" The whole Bill Murray house was exceptional. I can't believe I saw the full House of Bill Murray. I felt as if I was literally seeing him. Could have shown more of the house, it was indeed fun. The four actors were remarkable, mainly the top 3! Tallahassee looked a perfect Texas man. They chose him correctly.
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Will undoubtedly become a cult classic
Apemangalore3 October 2009
Arguably one of the finest horror comedies of all time is Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead, and since its release in '04, there have been a good number of wannabes. Based on the trailers for Zombieland, however, I thought that the film had some serious potential to match Shaun in terms of quality, possibly even usurp it. Having seen the film, I'm happy to say that Zombieland does just that.

Unlike many comedies in recent memory, in which the majority of laughs are already provided by the trailer, Zombieland is filled to the brim with laugh-out-loud moments, thanks largely to the brilliant cast. Eisenberg is awesome as the main protagonist, Columbus, portraying that sense of vulnerability and awkwardness, without becoming too Michael Cera-like. Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin are also terrific as the sweet, yet tough Wichita and the more-mature-than-she-seems Little Rock, respectively.

The real stand-out performance, though, is Woody Harrelson as the Twinkie-lovin', zombie-hatin' Tallahassee. Next to that of Woody Boyd on Cheers and Frasier, this is definitely the best performance of his career. There's also a painfully hilarious cameo appearance about mid-way through the film that would be a crime to spoil. Suffice it to say, this is – hands-down – the best cameo that I've ever seen in a film.

The most surprising aspect of Zombieland, to me, is how much heart there is. All of the characters feel warm and alive, and what drama there is to be found feels extremely sincere. Ultimately, you feel invested in the story and the characters, which – I think – is the most important thing any film of any genre can do.

Zombieland has instantly become a horror favorite of mine (comedic or otherwise). The – for the lack of a better word – quotable dialogue, consistently hysterical tone, and endearing characters, all come together to create a film that will undoubtedly become a cult classic.
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Hop onto this drop tower ride n be ready for ur giggle to turn into a guffaw, tensing ur diaphragm n thereby gaining a solid ab workout.
Fella_shibby26 December 2019
First saw this in 2010 on a dvd which i own. Revisited it recently. As a fan of Woody Harrelson, I enjoyed this even more. The film follows four fellas making their way through the zombie apocalypse on a road trip. While one fella has a set of rules to survive, another has a craving for Twinkies and stops to acquire some even with the threat of zombies roaming the countryside. The list of rules, especially cardio, for surviving in the zombie-infested world, a clown-zombie n the drop tower ride, r all uniquely the highlight.
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Brilliantly crafted with laughs from beginning to end
jaypugh21 September 2009
I caught a sneak preview of Zombieland with a friend and was impressed to say the least.

Zombieland has to have one of the flashiest openings in memory. There is no subtle build up. You are dropped right into Zombieland as Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) begins listing the rules to survival. Of course each rule gives you a hysterical example of why the rule is in place. Anything that has been taboo for horror films at one time is met head on. I won't list each as not to spoil the movie but Zombieland has a unique ability to make almost anything seem comical. This includes the fact that for some reason it seems that every zombie in Zombieland has a blood belching problem. Literally every zombie has blood spewing from their mouth. This is captured best in the intro as you almost feel like you are supposed to have the 3D glasses in place.

Columbus is funny enough with his phobias and geek lifestyle that proves to be what keeps him alive but it isn't until he meets Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), that things really kick into gear. Harrelson seems to have been born for this role. He has more one liners than any character in recent memory. Each line is typically vulgar but even if offensive it is near impossible not to laugh. Let's face it, if you are completely offended by language or blood then you aren't likely to be sitting with a crowd watching Zombieland in the first place.

A little romance is thrown into the mix when Columbus and Tallahassee come up on Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin). For a zombie comedy I thought Eisenberg and Stone actually had decent chemistry. Not that much time is dedicated to romance but what is there comes across as sincere and lets us watch as Columbus transitions from geek to hero. Even without the romance the girls are an important part of the chemistry of Zombieland. They help to even out the brawn and the brains between the four characters.

Zombieland has a simple story. The guys are loners. Columbus with the simple mission to stay alive and Tallahassee with a never ending search for any and all of the remaining golden Twinkies left on the planet. The girls are sisters who are trying to get to an amusement park in CA where they believe, or at least want to believe it is zombie free. A small part of the film feels like the movie Vacation with zombies. The comical trip with a destination which you can just feel isn't going to be what the characters hope for. Like Vacation it shows that the journey is far more important than the destination.

The biggest moment of the film has to be the mystery cameo. I'm glad I didn't know who it was and I won't spoil it for anyone else. I will say that it was brilliantly written into the script. PERFECT! It really goes to show how much they focused on getting Zombieland to be a top notch flick that should go down as a horror-comedy classic to remember. It will certainly fit alongside Shaun of the Dead in my movie collection.
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Actually quite fun
akerdan10 September 2009
I just was exiting the theater after seeing '9', which is also worth a look, when my friend and I were offered tickets to a preview screening of Zombieland, which began almost immediately. I had seen previews for this picture, but I'd say this exceeded my expectations, which isn't to say masterpiece, but it was certainly entertaining, and at about 90 minutes, didn't really overstay it's welcome.

As you might expect for this genre, it's quite gory, so don't go expecting a light 'R' rating. But if you can handle some bloodshed, no, make that a substantial amount of bloodshed - but perhaps I should add in a comic environment - there's some pretty funny stuff here. Woody Harreleson and Jesse Eisenberg make an amusing odd couple and Emma Stone was fine for this material, although she and Abigale Breslin had slightly less to do.

I'm certainly no expert on the horror genre or the zombie sub-genre, but I can say that this wasn't as scary as Shaun of the Dead, in fact not very scary at all, I may have jumped back just a tiny bit a few times; however I may have laughed more. However I'm sure it does make a difference that I saw 'Shaun' alone on DVD, while 'Zombieland' I watched in a theater full of people laughing, clapping and cheering.

Let's face it, you know what's going to happen in this flick, but I'm happy to say, plot conventions and all, this delivers enough laughs so if you know what you're getting into I doubt you'll regret laying down the price of admission for this sucker. Should you see it, see it opening night - if I haven't made it clear enough already, this is the kind of movie where the more enthusiastic people in the theater, the more fun it will be. And to end on a very positive note, 'Zombieland' does feature what just might go down in history as the best celebrity cameo of all time.
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Visually stylish & polished - Easily the most laughs I've had at the movies in a long time.
Cinemadharma6 October 2009
The name Zombieland conjures up a vision of a zombie-themed amusement park -- and that's exactly what this film is. Visually stylish and the most laughs I've had at the movies in a long time. A really solid script and nice underlying story really helps make this so much more than just a bunch of awesome zombie kills. That being said, this film feels as if you're playing a really badass zombie killing video game.

Thanks to 'Natural Born Killers', Woody Harrelson has just the right cult status and persona for this type of film, which is intended to pay homage to the great zombie 'B' movies of yesteryear, but really is a great zombie 'A' movie with today's style & sensibility. Jesse Eisenberg (who has a certain Michael Cera shyness/eccentricity to his delivery, but doesn't seem nearly as pathetic as Cera's characters often come off) carries the film well. And of course, everyone is talking about the film's 'secret' cameo, and rightly so. It is absolutely the best and most fun part of an already awesomely fun film -- and it kept me laughing almost non-stop throughout that 10-15 minute section of the movie.

This is a zombie-comedy that deserves to take it's place amongst the best of the genre, 'Shaun of the Dead' and 'Army of Darkness'. In fact, what I wouldn't give to see a triple feature of these films at a drive-in theater on Halloween... the perfect place and time for a zombie feeding.
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Zombieland is a horror comedy at its best
the-movie-guy2 October 2009
(Synopsis) The entire world is hit with an apocalyptic infection that turns people into zombies once they have been bitten by an infected zombie. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is a young geek who has a lot of phobias about almost everything from clowns, to bathrooms, to checking the back seat of cars. Being alone and scared of the outside world has kept him alive. His new fear is being eaten by zombies. To survive, Columbus has begun making a long list of rules to survive. Each time he gives you one of his rules, you see an example of his rule in action. He decides to go home to Columbus to see if his parents are still alive. Along the highway, he meets Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) a redneck zombie killer who loves Twinkies. They team up and head for Tallahassee. On the way they meet and join forces with two girls, Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abagail Breslin). They may be the last surviving people on earth, and they must rely on each other to survive.

(My Comment) Zombieland is a horror comedy at its best. You usually don't see a zombie movie as a comedy, but you will like this one. Actually this isn't really a comedy; it is more a funny horror movie, because there is bloodshed in a comic situation. There is plenty of blood splattering, plenty of killing and gore, and even some nudity of a stripper zombie. The film delivers you four heroes that you can root for when the zombies come after them. You will begin to love the scenes with the rules of survival that Jesse Eisenberg explains to the audience in a background voice such as wearing your seat-belt, or the double-tap rule after you shoot a zombie make sure he is dead by shooting him in the head again. Trust me; this is not a wasted shot. Woody Harrelson's performance is terrific, as a redneck zombie killer who misses his puppy Buck, and must find a Twinkie at any cost. There is one unforgettable cameo appearance that will take place at someone's Beverly Hills mansion. I won't say his name, but it is hilarious. There is one thing that I must say about this zombie movie that is not normally in zombie movies, and that is the fact that once these zombies are infected they can run very fast. As a matter of fact that is rule number 1, be sure that you can outrun the zombies, because the overweight and slow people were caught first by the zombies. There are some pretty funny scenes, and you will laugh from beginning to end. (Columbia Pictures, Run Time 1:20, Rated R)(7/10)
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Hilarious Dialogue, Fun Visuals and Some Breakout Performances, It's One Of My Favourite Movies
CANpatbuck36645 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After Batman v Superman I wanted to go back and watch a movie where I was impressed with Jesse Eisenberg. Zombieland is one of my favourites, so it was an easy choice. They continue to talk about a Zombieland sequel today even though it's been years since the original has been released. I'd like to think that's how big of an impact it made (it was a box office success but it didn't go over like gangbusters). It's probably too late for a sequel with the entire cast moving on and becoming industry headliners, but it's okay though because we'll always have this one.

*Minor Spoilers Ahead* Our main character is Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), since no one uses their real names in Zombieland. We get a brief window into the world as it is now, completely invaded by zombies. Columbus takes us through some of his rules on how he survived like #1 cardio, #2 double tap, #3 beware of bathrooms and #4 seat belts. We then join him in present day in Garland, Texas and he makes his escape utilizing those same rules (he's far from a zombie killing bad-ass though, he mostly succeeds through discipline and some luck). He reveals that he's trying to get back to Ohio to see his family. The odds aren't in his favour though, most of the world has been wiped out. He reveals that he's always been a loner but he actually misses seeing people around. Someone then rolls up in a Cadillac Escalade with a large number 3 painted on the side. The draw their guns on each other but Columbus holds out his thumb and Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) offers him a ride. They clearly don't gel personality wise with Tallahassee being more of an unhinged zombie killing machine and Columbus is a nervous and cautious kind of guy. But they decide to stick together at least for the time being.

Most zombie related programming is horror related. Zombieland is less a horror film and more of a dark action comedy. One of the things that makes it so memorable is that it's so funny. It was written by the co-writers of Deadpool (another excellent dark action comedy) and although the actors/actresses bring so much to the movie, one of the biggest stars is the actual script itself. We see the movie through Columbus' eyes as he travels around with 3 bad-ass zombie killers and his interpretation of the events in the movie is so ridiculous by contrast, it's hilarious. Between the action and the comedy, the movie rarely slows down if at all and with a short run time, it doesn't overstay it's welcome either. There's nothing wrong with a movie being long if it has enough material but there's something to be said for accomplishing what you want to get done and leaving before people get tired of it.

Looking at the 4 main characters of the cast, you'll easily recognize them as almost all of them populate the A list. At this time Jesse and Emma were both up and coming talents and this movie helped cement them. Jesse really stepped out of Michael Cera's shadow with a great comedic performance and Emma showed that how multi-talented she can be. She was really funny in Zombieland and she hit the more serious notes as well. This was a good movie for Abigail Breslin to do. It helped her transition out of being a child star and while she was still a kid in this film, she more than held her own. Lastly, Woody was already famous so while I can't credit his success to this movie, this is easily the funniest I've ever seen him be in a movie. In an era of the Walking Dead where you have completely serious zombie killers, his character was more laid back and enjoyed channelling his internal pain into brutally killing the undead. Woody makes his character somebody you want to follow and it's always fun to see how he's going to deal with the zombies in the next scene (whether he's swinging a banjo or using hedge clippers).

One of the really unique things this movie brings is that it was made relatively cheap but it's got some really cool visual tricks. Things like the actually lettering for Columbus' rules popping up and interacting with the environment like the letters moving when limber up appears. It's not completely new but they use it so well. The action is hard and brutal, they also find ways to get some interesting shots (there's lots of slow motion and they work the comedy into the action pretty organically). The zombies look disgusting (in a good way) and they found a way to put a different spin on them. It's not on the level of a movie that had 100s of millions in its budget but it's still well done and it could easily pass for having twice the budget it did.

I've watched this movie many times over and it is still super entertaining every time I put it on. It wouldn't be in my top 10 all time but it wouldn't be far outside it. It delivers on all fronts and it's like I said in the opening, if we ultimately don't get the sequel that's okay, I'll enjoy the perfectly wrapped gift this movie is.
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The ultimate Twinkies commercial
zpz-210 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it is worth to watch once, because on the special effect and well done slow motion beats and falls. Shots really hit, and bodies fall hard. Characters are good, Harrelson is excellent as always, whatever he plays.

Poens are well known from films we saw, except a few, but 2-3 good laugh not what I expect for a one and a half hour long comedy. Some scenes are expressly boring or deja-vus.

The worst what made me completely get far from the experience of seeing a movie is the smell of commercial. Maybe only I don't get it, because I am not American, but I saw a lot of Twinkies and one big BM commercial. Don't misunderstand me, I am really a fan of Mr. M. But I don't understand what is he doing in this movie. What that scene is all about? Is it a commercial for him (he doesn't need it) of a kind of monument? Anyway, the rules the film says are good for our everyday lives to not get zombies, if you know what I mean. But the packing is a half-success.
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Very entertaining
gbill-748771 April 2017
There is some (probably requisite) violence in this zombie thriller, but it's also got humor, some nice touches in editing, and it's very entertaining. The cast is fantastic, with Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, and Abigail Breslin all turning in performances perfectly tuned to the genre. The scenes with Bill Murray are all very funny, and one part in particular is absolutely hilarious, but I won't spoil it. Eisenberg channels Woody Allen at times with his shy awkwardness. Trying to do both comedy and horror is difficult, but director Ruben Fleischer really pulls it off. This is a fun movie to watch.
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If you wanna watch a zombie comedy like Shaun of the Dead, watch Shaun of the Dead
kellyfacebook113 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you fancy watching a film about Zombies then something called "Zombieland" would feel like the best course of action. Unfortunately though Zombieland is very far from the rom-zom-com it's emulating, i.e. Shaun of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead had a great love and affection for this genre and played to it beautifully, interweaving sharp comedy with drama. Zombieland attempts this but ends up being a teen road movie that just happens to be set after the zombie apocalypse and I did not want to see a teen road movie. Don't get me wrong there are some good moments and the film starts off quite promising. However after Columbus (Eisenberg)and Tallehasse (Harrelson) meet the two girls it's begins to lose it's shine. The real problem with this film though is the poor writing. For a start the two girls are instantly unlikeable and the sudden attraction Columbus has for Wichita seem tacked on. Tallahasee's search for Twinkie (think thats how you spell it, I'm British so they're not well known over here) screams of smack you in the face product placement. Then there's the plot holes, oh so many plot holes... 1 - How did the girls manage to get past the zombies in the supermarket when they immediately noticed Columbus and Tallahasse? 2 - Why did the girls hide in the back of the supermarket on the extreme off chance that someone not zombie-fied would stumble upon them? 3 - Why bother conning the guys out of their car and weapons when there's millions of cars and guns just lying around? 4 - The amusement park was meant to be zombie free so why smash open the gate with the car to get in, thereby paving the way for zombies to enter? 5 - Since it's shown that zombies can easily climb why did the girls think a paltry 6 foot wooden fence surrounding the park would hold them back? 6 - Correct me if I'm wrong but if you live in a world over-run with homicidal, flesh eating zombies then surely you'd want to keep a low profile? Why then when you finally get to this supposed zombie free amusement park would you turn all the power on, lighting the place up like a Christmas tree? 7 - How did they manage to get on and off the boat ride without someone else to start and stop it? 8 - Why go on the ride that shoots you straight up to avoid the zombies when you know it'll immediately come back down? 9 - And finally, who's running all the power stations? Everything seems to be working without any problem. You can watch TV, pump petrol, even start up an entire amusement park yet surely the power would be the first thing to go?

In all the premise was interesting, though not original, and could probably have worked a lot better with some better writing and perhaps playing to the fact it's a coming of age road movie which just happens to be set after the zombie apocalypse.
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Rule #17: Don't Be A Hero!!
GirishGowda4 April 2010
Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is a regular boy with regular gaming addiction, but has serious people phobia & never had any friends in his life & is afraid most of the times. One day, due to the spread of an incurable virus, the whole of USA is over-run by zombies. He wants to see his parents in Columbus & during his journey meets up with Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) who loves to kill zombies. They are conned by a pair of sisters Wichita (Emma Stone) & Little Rock (Abigail Breslin). All of them become friends over their crazy journey across America.

I seriously loved this film. The comedy is great, we care about the characters, the zombies are gross & the dialogues are seriously cool. This became one of my favourite comedy films of all time, as the character development is strong & there are laughs all the way through. This film has something which lots of films in this genre are missing, it has heart. The characters are warm & the little drama it has is very sincere.

The standout performance comes from Woody Harrelson who is Twinkie loving and zombie hating. Jesse Eisenberg is really maturing as an actor. His latest films have all been good. And his rules, God The Rules, that was so much fun. Abigail Breslin plays yet again the girl-who's-mature-way-beyond-her-age. It may sound boring, but trust me it is anything but that. Emma Stone as Wichita, I loved her. All the characters were endearing to me.

This will undoubtedly become a cult classic, much in the same way as 'Shaun Of The Dead'. A zombie comedy that's this good has taken too long to come after Shaun of the Dead. But it is definitely worth the wait:)

9/10 -Girish,20
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America's answer to Shaun of the Dead.
KillerK199123 September 2009
This film was a fun ride all the way through. It's lack of scariness(non existent) and *GASP!* gore is more than made up for with the constant flow of hilarity and likable characters. This is by far the optimist's zombie film, as the way things play out are definitely different than any one thats come before it(definitely not a Romero flick, though I think his Land of the Dead actually is second place in this regard). It has a sleek, very modern sense of style-just watch for how each rule makes it's appearance/reappearance and a good message on the importance of others in the worst of times. I recommend this to anybody who has a remote interest in comedies, zombie/end of the world flicks, or just having a good time at the theater, and look forward to seeing it again when it comes out.
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An amusing and fun zombie adventure
KoolCatReviews6 April 2020
A fun adventure that will surely keep you entertained through out. Zombies aren't too scary but they do provide for good action. This movie has a really great opening. You will be drawn into its charm and its loveable characters. Though out you will feel a sense of adventure with some highly comical moments. The balance between laughs and action is kept about right. Some of the emotional elements later in the film can be quiet weak by the end it wraps its self up nicely.
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This Parody Of Zombie Films Is So Much Fun
atlasmb10 February 2017
Jesse Eisenberg plays a socially inept, neurotic young man who has survived a zombie apocalypse. He also narrates much of the film. The result is a parody of zombie films that feels similar to some early Woody Allen films.

"Zombieland" is grossly gory and tongue-in-cheek. It pays homage to many films of the zombie genre and dozens that are not. Surprisingly funny, its humor is spot-on and effective, helped by a strong cast that includes Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin.

The script hits the right notes continually, whether they are comedic or tender. And each twist feels right, keeping things interesting. The film never lags; it just shifts into a different gear.

This is a surprisingly fun film and it feels like it would stand up to repeated viewings.
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I wanted to like this movie more than I did...
jcdugger14 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I just might be one of the biggest "end of population" movie fans on Earth. Any movie dealing with an apocalypse...comedy, horror, thriller, etc...automatically starts out with "6" on my IMDb voting list. You can only go up from there. I love the genre so much, I even gave "The Postman" a "9"! To get stuck at a "6" means it was just too flawed. The movie which Zombieland is most compared to, Shaun of the Dead, I gave a "9" vote.

First of all, I understand you need to suspend reality before you even step in the theater when you watch a zombie movie. But the stupidity of some of the actions was beyond retarded. I'll explain more later.

Zombieland has it's moments. It looked great on the big-screen...you could tell a lot of time went into the appearance. The deaths were done very well (especially a scene where a lady is thrown from her car and her face bounces and drags along the pavement, leaving a stream of blood). Woody Harrelson was great as usual, but the big kudos goes to supporting actress Emma Stone, who was excellent. This changes all the time, but after seeing 'Zombieland', I now want to "plow" Emma Stone more than any other girl on the planet! She's hotter than a Mexican chili pepper in the middle of July! If I had the option of marrying her before I ever met her, my answer would be a resounding "Yes!"...and I'm not the marrying type to say the least! :)

But, the bad clearly out-weighs the good. The lead actor, Jessie Eisenberg, was annoying at best and downright terrible at worst. He's no Marlon Brando, that's for sure. I can't recall one thing he said or did that I laughed at. For a comedy, to get zero laughs out of the main actor is a joke in itself. Then there was a completely shameless sub-plot revolving around Woody Harrelson's love for a Hostess product, Twinkies. (They might as well have just stopped the movie halfway through and went to a Hostess commercial). At one point, Woody and Jessie find a Hostess truck crashed into a ravine. Upon opening it, one would think there would be BOXES of Sno-balls or Twinkies there...but what's there? Individually wrapped Sno-balls fall out of the truck like it was packed to the roof with them! Um, I think even a 13-year-old kid knows food items aren't shipped individually like that. Product placement needs to be done a bit more subtle to be effective, otherwise it just blatantly looks like a money-grab, which it was. Uggghhh.

Perhaps the biggest laugh and the biggest disappointment came during the same segment. Bill Murray's cameo. I won't re-hash the laugh, but the scene began with something beyond implausible. Murray, as a joke I guess, decides to -- not once, but twice -- "surprise" the pairs of armed guests by pretending to be a zombie. Perhaps the #1 thing I wouldn't do during a zombie attack is surprise somebody who's carrying a machine gun! And even after he surprised the first pair of people and barely escaped with his life, all 3 of them had no problem with Murray pulling the same joke on the second pair of armed people. Not surprisingly, Murray gets shot. Even Stevie Wonder could tell that was coming. Perhaps the 2nd biggest thing I wouldn't do, knowing the zombies were attracted to lights and sounds, is turn on the power at an amusement park right at dusk! How unbelievably corny. Also, in some scenes, the zombies are "28 Days Later" style FAST and ferocious. In other scenes, you could be crippled and still get away with relative ease. Plus, how was electricity even available after 2 months of no people running the power plant?! There are many things like that which you just shake your head at. Gas is never mentioned. All cars have the keys in them already. Seat-belts somehow stop you from getting even a headache after a high-speed head-on collision, much less a scratch. Twinkies are somehow EXTREMELY hard to find. Grocery stores look pristine, like they are ready to go, all powered-up and everything. People con you out of your car and guns, twice, even though cars and guns are easy to come by. Be prepared to roll your eyes a couple dozen times.

Finally, I simply can't recommend this movie. I love the genre, but this one was just too goofy. The love scenes were fake and implausible. I would have to think Emma Stone would be more attracted to Harrelson over the complete and utter dork they made Einsberg out to be. And Harrelson attempting to cry and bring some drama to the movie was awful and out of place. It's a comedy about zombies, people -- not all movies need the love interest and drama! Big mistake to try to cram those two things in.

I wanted to like the movie, I love the genre...but I just can't recommend it.

Thanks for reading!

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I've never hit a kid before. I mean, that's like asking who Gandhi is.
hitchcockthelegend26 August 2010
Zombieland is directed by Ruben Fleischer from a screenplay written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. The film stars Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin as survivors of a Zombie apocalypse thrust together on a road trip in search of a fabled Zombieless sanctuary.

As it stands now, Zombieland is the most successful Zombie based film in history. Proving that there is still life (no pun intended) in the undead based comedy. Reese and Wernick have stated that the idea for Zombieland was milling around their heads in 2005, a year after Shaun Of the Dead had made such a joyous appearance on the horror/com circuit. You get the feeling that the guys desperately wanted an American version to rival the British torch bearer. They got it.

Where Zombieland differs greatly from Shaun is that it unashamedly lives in a cartoon fantasy world. It blasts right out of the blocks with a montage sequence of death, dismemberment, crash, bangs and wallops, and never lets up on its carefree abandon approach. And hooray to that. In fact the film only pauses for breath for a short time at the mid-point, and even then it's to slot in one of the best ever cameo performances to grace a comedy. Away from the tricks and smart gimmicks that gloriously light up the narrative (the rules, baby, are awesome), Zombieland works so well because of its four characters.

This maybe a Zombie movie (and what Zombies they are too), but this is about four likable human beings asking us to invest some time with them as they surge from one situation to the next. Something we are only too glad to do. Be it Harrelson (never better) laying waste to any number of the undead, or Eissenberg (hello there little Woody Allen) offering up witticisms that hide a lonely heart facade; these characters prove to have depth. Yes we could possibly argue that both Stone and Breslin (spunky & perky respectively) deserve more screen time, hell they sure earn it, but as a foursome they combine to make one of the brightest buddy buddy-buddy buddy movies out there.

It's plot lite, and unlike Shaun, it has no great peril sequences to fully form the horror aspects of it. But it's so funny and awash with carefree charm we have no right to dwell too long on its tiny faults. One of the best crowd-pleaser's of 2009 and proof positive that an apocalypse really can be quite fun after all. 8.5/10
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Zombieland meanders down a river of corpses
bobslider3 October 2009
I enjoyed Zombieland, and yet I was left feeling unsatisfied. It seems to have been well reviewed because there is nothing necessarily bad about the movie, but beyond a few laughs, there really isn't much good about Zombieland either. I wanted to like it, and I enjoyed the first two thirds of the movie, but then I got this sinking feeling that it just isn't going anywhere. There's some stabs at character development, but it is incredibly simplified - the main character is a neurotic baby Woody Allen type, Tallahassee is tough because he lost someone or something, and the girls don't trust anyone, because... they just don't. Some people have been comparing this to "Shaun of the dead", but I think that was a vastly superior film, mainly because the zombies were an actual threat in "Shaun". In Zombieland, the zombies exist more for their slapstick appeal. The plot is loose and unconnected, and makes no real sense. This is a movie that cried for a dark side, just a glint of pain, disaster, personal loss. I was not a fan of the ending either, it felt like a TV ending, leaving everything open so there can be a sequel, and almost nothing is resolved. The acting is solid, I have to lay the blame on the script, the story's arc was weak, even if many of the scenes were strong. Finally, don't get me wrong, it's worth seeing, just not worth gushing over.
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A new style of comedy!
radivel28 September 2009
Zombieland is hardly a plot-heavy and dramatic masterpiece, but it IS very, very funny, and not funny in a way you're used to seeing in a comedy.

There are very few jokes made, the humor is more from people doing things that people might normally do, just filmed very well in a humorous fashion.

Oh, and the movie has lots of zombies and other awesome stuff that surround this entire idea of having every situation be the biggest "What the frack?!" you can possibly imagine.

The small cast was obviously having a great time when they made it, and all four characters did a very good job of fitting with the style of the movie.

Lastly, while the whole movie is hilarious, one scene in particular will have you in fits, one of the funniest single little scenes I've ever seen. But, no spoilers here!
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veronika-novak27 October 2016
Zombieland was quite fun in it's own way. Of course for the first look you know that this isn't that type of films that going to change the world. It has a tasteful humor with a lot of morbidity combined with the parody of average zombie films. The actors are great: Emma Stone is gorgeous as always, Woody Harrelson is giving the best for his character, Jesse Eisenberg is just Jesse Eisenberg. I really enjoyed the Bill Murray scenes. There's a lot of rock music in the film, which I found a good choice. The make up and the zombies looked real-like. I would say it worth to give it a try. All in all Zombieland is a nice idea if you just want to ease with your friends, or on a Saturday night.

I give it 7/10.
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Good Fun But More Toothless Than Ruthless
zofos12 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It's the zombie apocalypse. We meet Columbus, our nervous, nerdy, young hero filling up his car. In voice-over, he gives us a quick rundown of his rules of survival and then demonstrates them when he's attacked by two zombies in a car park.

On a deserted highway strewn with the detritus of the old world that once existed, Columbus runs into the crazy but dumb Tallahassee (the characters call themselves after the place they come from so they don't get too close to one another). Played by Woody Harrelson, he clearly is having a great time with his role. Without his charm, the film would really suffer as the younger actors don't bring a lot to the party.

Later on, they meet two double-crossing sisters (the older one played by a deep-voiced, huge-eyed Lindsay Lohan lookalike, the younger one played by Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin). These characters are so selfish, mean-spirited and ultimately stupid that it's hard to feel anything for them. The romance between Columbus and Wichita at the end feels forced and phoney.

The cameo by Bill Murray is a welcome respite. The affection the filmmakers and other actors have for him and his death in it, raise Murray to the level of national treasure. The world, even at its end, seems a much darker place without him.

As everything that happens in the film follows the lead character's rules for survival to the letter, there are no surprises. He seems to know everything in advance. The writers get so caught up in their own cleverness that they don't see the bigger picture of what they're doing. The zombies never really come close to turning the tables on the heroes and that kills any tension there might be (even when they are vastly outnumbered and surrounded, their lives are never really in any danger and they easily find a way out of any situation.) The self-conscious humour and deafening rock soundtrack constantly remind you that nothing bad is going to happen to the heroes.

Never as funny as Shaun of the Dead (Harrelson's running Twinkie gag isn't really that funny to begin with and the payoff is a letdown), never as intense as Dawn of the Dead, it falls between the two stools. So it's a good movie, not a great one. It's fun while it's on but never reaches the heights of George A. Romero's zombie flicks or 28 Days Later for that matter. There is apparently a sequel on the way; hopefully it will be tighter and scarier than the original.
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The most fun i have had at the theatre in a long time
blackmambamark2 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I mean come on, who doesn't think about what they would do if zombies took over the world. Its a fun, yet serious question to think about. Most movies have it right, by taking the serious side of things. But what if we take a video game approach and just run around killing everyone of them? Uh.......you can more than sign me up for this one. OK, lets face the honest question.......if your some little prissy girl who does not like or does not appreciate zombie films.......then this is the wrong movie for you. This movie takes everything you have learned from all those movies, and puts a comedic spin on it. I mean come on, a zombie stripper wearing nipple tasles running in slow motion.....how could anyone not want to see that? The movie is very basic in its groundwork, but excels in its humor and character drive. Woody is basically a zombie film buff's wet dream. A hoosier red neck who wants to just kill zombies for the rest of his life. Now i must admit, towards the middle of the movie, it almost felt like they weren't focusing on the whole zombie aspect that much........mainly because they were adding a little depth to each of the characters. But rest assured, by the end, it totally quenches your thirst. But through all the hilarious dialogue and funny little zombie killing sequences, the best part of the movie was hands down the cameo. Now if you have not heard who it is by now, im not going to say it........but it is almost genius, and probably the best cameo ever created, and i will stand by that 100%. Trust me, it is that funny. Bottom Line.......i know i love zombie movies, and i might seem a little bias........but damnit, this movie is easily the best comedy of the year. It was the perfect mix of humor and gore........not only that, the story was pretty decent, and very entertaining to watch unfold. This movie is seriously like a fun house at the carnival. It will easily be accepted by the zombie lover crowd, and the general population. This movie is easily one of the 10 best i have seen so far this year. If your looking to have a good time at the theatre, this movie will surely provide that.
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The Next Shaun of the Dead.
anaconda-406581 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Zombieland (2009): Dir: Ruben Fleischer / Cast: Jesse Eisenberg,Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abigale Breslin, Bill Murray: Horror comedy about a decayed society where zombies roam about for blood and any remaining people struggle to survive. Although the ending never really resolves anything, the screenplay is detailed and unique climaxing at an amusement park where Zombies are splattered with creativity. Directed by Ruben Fleischer with graphic yet effective production. While the zombie comedy theme was also effective in Shaun of the Dead, Fleischer also has fun with many humorous scenes involving zombies in not so desirable light. Jesse Eisenberg narrates his fears and lack of family. He first gives an effective narration regarding the rules of zombie survival, then he encounters Woody Harrelson, a zombie killer. Harrelson steals the film as a twinkie craving zombie killer who takes them to the home of a famous Hollywood persona. Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin play two females who aren't who they seem. They steal their weapons while relying on each other for survival but eventually Eisenberg calls for a truce. Bill Murray is involved in the film's best joke when he appears to be playing himself undercover in this zombie society. While the world view presented here is hopeless and depressing, its society satire makes it one of the more clever zombie movies. Score: 8 / 10
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Execrable Zombie Swill
HughBennie-77728 December 2009
A captivating opening credit sequence with blasting Metallica and blasting gore deteriorates into the worst zombie movie ever made. I pity the poor editors who had to watch their beautiful introduction followed by 90 minutes of swill, but I feel more pity for myself for having paid a fat $2 to see the movie. Twitchy Jessie Eisenberg (now inexplicably cast in everything, always playing the same nebbish, virginal dweeb) provides an even more twitchy voice-over that makes the combination of Eisenberg's pompous pre-Raphaelite face and boring, self-deprecating personality an unbearable combination. The female characters are twice as malignant as any zombies wasted on screen. I literally prayed for the 12 year old girl to be killed and eaten within the first 15 minutes, securing her repugnant presence a place right up there with Short Round from "Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom". Woody Harrelson's hillbilly zombie-killer is an exhalation of straight bottom-burp, with his podunk antics lifted straight out of some cartoon. Meanwhile, the surprise cameo in the movie earns some laughs, but--much like the Metallica in the credits--neither element redeems this wretched flick. The extensive CG gore made me feel even more alienated from the lurching masses of cheering, morbidly obese geeks in black jean shorts attending.
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