Justice League: The New Frontier (Video 2008) Poster

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Epic, but still disappointing
tlc88042 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of things going in favor of Justice League: The New Frontier. The shear scale of the storyline, a world devouring creature who's sole wish is mankind's eradication, striking in a world that has abandoned its heroes, its brilliant, and it is EPIC. From the opening montage to the closing glimpses of the future, there really is a lot of mythos and grandeur to this storyline, and that's a big plus.

The storyline is set right in the heart of the 1950's and McCarthyism, driving the JSA to shame and retirement, and causing the public to cast a wary eye on the newly blossoming roster of heroes. Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, and the Flash are all well established at this point, however the true stars of the show are Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter. Not my personal favorites, but the story for them is quite good.

The voice acting was in my opinion the greatest weakness of the movie. The problem wasn't the voices themselves, but the delivery of lines that should have given me chills fell flat. The flash especially spoke way too fast, as did Hal Jordan. The 70 minute run time should easily have been extended by several more minutes and they could have allowed the actors to actually ACT and not run through their lines at breakneck speed. Jeremy Sisto did a great job as Batman, but sadly he was given about 5 lines in the whole movie, and therefore was a truly wasted talent.

The movie also took a decidedly more mature turn than its predecessors, not to spoil key moments, but blood, death, even rape are not out of bounds in this outing, so be mindful of the children. What annoys me is that while there were more mature tones in the action, the dialog and the plot still condescended to 10 year old children. WB really needs to choose who they're shooting for, because they will alienate everyone with this approach.

Overall, for fans of DC comics, this is worth a look. GL fans in particular should be happy to see his story finally animated in full, however lovers of the core trinity (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) will be disappointed by their lack of screen time. They shouldn't have tried to hard to include some action with everyone, because everyone winds up getting short changed. The throwback costumes are a big plus though. 7/10 from a hardcore Superman/Batman fan.
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Demands a longer running time
Mr-Fusion19 February 2016
"The Justice League: The New Frontier" has some exemplary roots. The original comic miniseries is one of my very favorites. It's a great story, sure, but Darwyn Cooke's art is what really sells it. Thankfully, the movie takes a lot of inspiration from that, his post-war Americana especially. and the cast is impressive; seriously, some of the names on that list.

My problem is it's too damn short. New Frontier told a far-reaching story in two separate volumes. This should've done the same instead of jamming it into 75 minutes. I mean, really, if WB could stretch The Dark Knight Returns into two movies, this should've been a no-brainer.

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Potentially brilliant if it weren't for that stupid, stupid plot
CuriosityKilledShawn28 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot to like about Justice League: The New Frontier, but I'm afraid all of that is counterbalanced by one of the silliest stories I've ever seen in animation.

Set mostly in the 50s and featuring the DC hero fashion of that period the paranoid US government have blackballed all superheroes, claiming that they have something to hide beside their identities and dismiss them as Commies. The Flash is even ridiculed because of his RED costume. But soon they will have to come together again to fight a common enemy when (and I'm not kidding) a large floating, living island of dinosaurs called The Center plans to wipe out humanity.

I've read hundreds of comic books in my life and that is seriously the dumbest crap I have ever heard. Every other part of JL: TNF is far superior to this 'Center' nonsense, so it's such a shame that the main plot drags it down. I especially like the story about the Martian Manhunter and the Flash. Most of the JLA get a look-in but these two have the most substantial plots.

The animation style will be familiar to those who are fans of Warner/DC cartoons such as Batman and the 50s production design creates a nice atmosphere.

But that idiotic plot...
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Golden Heroes for the nostalgic geek
peteranderson97521 June 2011
Synopsis: This animated feature is set in the 50s during the era of cold-war paranoia with a population that doesn't trust superheroes and a government that doesn't trust anyone. There is a malevolent force which has watched humanity grow in strength and violence and it has decided it has to eliminate it. Also included in the plot are shortened versions of Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern's origin stories.

This film's setting is really used to great effect and the heroes have a classic Golden Age look about them (though their attitudes remain anachronistically modern, especially Wonder Woman). I'm sure there references to many of the other DC characters that I'm just not very familiar with.

Overall the main story was fairly routine. There may have been just too many characters and the story tried to do too much. Aquaman got one line and I don't think Green Arrow even got that. Even though I liked it I think it's going to mainly be one for the comic book fans
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An interesting, if poorly paced, new take on its eponymous heroes with emphasis on its lesser known members.
Pjtaylor-96-13804425 June 2018
This reimagining of the Justice League sees the eponymous superheroes inserted into a cold-war ready 1950s America and puts much more emphasis on its lesser known members, to the point that the 'big three' are actually pretty sidelined. 'Justice League: The New Frontier (2008)' spends a lot of time setting up its characters to make them feel believable in its world, with some given lengthy origin stories and others shown as being well established already. The issue is that this set-up both runs too long, eating too much run-time without being focused enough to feel properly 'worth it', and essentially leads straight into a disappointing finale - all but missing out the second act. This final movement sees an ominously foreshadowed but ultimately bizarre and unthreatening 'villain' face our protagonists in a battle that should be much more entertaining, and less silly, than it is. 6/10
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Just too short
xamtaro19 July 2009
After the short but highly entertaining and surprisingly deep "Superman: Doomsday", we have "Justice League: The New Frontier", advertised as a adaptation of the acclaimed graphic novel of same name. I've never read the graphic novel so i shall not go into the differences between the print and on screen portrayals of this epic tale, though many other reviews claim it is quite a faithful adaptation.

The story is an intriguing but short one. Superheros in the 50s are frowned upon by the people and the government, Cold war paranoia is at an all time high, and into that melting pot comes "The Center": an evil entity bent on destroying human kind. I like how there is a element of mystery that builds to the climax as the movie goes along. The decision to leave the origin of "the center" ambiguous was a good one for which i applaud the producers.

Another excellent decision was to not just mimic the look of cold war era superhero comics, but the feel, dialogue and even music of that era's movies and TV shows. Green Lantern and Martian ManHunter are given the most character development and portrayed really well by the voice actors. For example, You can really feel for Hal Jordan as his pacifist ideals are challenged by the dire situations he is put into. It is easy to connect with the characters and to lose yourself in the wonderful set design, well written dialogue and thought provoking themes. The film seems to be social commentary about discrimination, conflict due to differences and fear of such differences perpetuated by the media and governments of that time. The moral, that if humans were to put aside their differences and work toward a common good, is a timeless one that would even apply to our society today

On the other hand, Justice League: New Frontier is far from perfect. For starters, the producers made a similar mistake that Marvel Animation did with their "Ultimate Avengers" movie: Too little time was spent on too many characters. You never get to feel a sense of threat from "The Center" and aside from Hal Jordan, the other Justice league characters never get enough screen time for the audience to relate to them or to the ideas and mindsets that they embody. So much so that when tragedy strikes later in the film, there isn't as much emotional impact as there could have been. The voice acting, though very well done, lacks variety. All the male characters sound almost alike aside from the Flash.

The time-frame of the movie jumps a lot too. Apparently the movie takes place over the course of a couple of months(I don't think Martian Manhunter was able to land a job as a detective overnight or Hal Jordan was able to train as an Astronaut in a day). However, due to the short length of the movie and a lack of exposition as to the time frame(throwing in "a few months later" between the 1st and 2nd act would have helped a lot"), the plot seems to unfold over the course of only a few days, leaving many apparent plot holes in its wake.

Animation-wise, it seems to be a step down from Superman:Doomsday. Though still keeping the angular and simplistic character design aesthetics of the previous movie and other DC animated series, the animation is stiffer and not as smooth as the previous animated feature. In fact the animation is fairly inconsistent with some scenes looking as bland as some of the poorer quality episodes from animated TV series. The big fight scenes are generally underwhelming with little sense of "epicness". I'm sure the directors were going for a grand scale battle the likes of Independence Day or Star Wars during the climax, but either due to budgetary constraints or lack of director's experience, the climactic conflict was no where near as great as it could have been.

A underdeveloped plot, too many characters, mediocre and inconsistent animation coupled with an overly short movie length(75 minutes for that many characters and plot threads is really cutting it too close) ended up overshadowing the great acting, intriguing story and social and political themes that this show tried to convey. All that potential, marred by poor execution and time constraints.
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Absolutely faithful to the original
rrlane2 February 2008
The original comic New Frontier was a lavish, loving tribute to both the heroes of DC comics and the spirit of 1950s America, and this movie captured both almost as well. Many of the comments here that are critical of this film apparently are not at all familiar with comics of that era, and don't realize what this story tries to evoke. Some of the incongruities (Batman and Superman's costumes, the white Green Lantern) are NOT errors or sloppiness. These were depictions of the characters as they were nearly a half century ago. Remember, there were visions and versions of these heroes that existed prior to the Cartoon Network, and this is their story.

I love the Justice League cartoon, and this movies stands shoulder to shoulder with the best of that show.
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It's OK. Not something I wanted it to be but still it's OK.
NpMoviez18 April 2021
This wasn't exactly what I wanted out of a Justice League movie. It was made over 10 years ago, but still, some of the stuffs were pretty flat - even by the standards of the genre over 10 years ago. The movie called "The Dark Knight" which came out a couple of months later did set the bars way too high for the genre in general, so if you watch it today it seems to be way below the line it actually is.

There is little to no dynamics between any of the characters. All of them seem to be in a different movie of their own, forcefully crammed into this single movie. All the characters are introduced, except for Wonder Woman, by showing the most generic things they do. The best part of this movie was Hal Jordan becoming Green Lantern and his origins was, for me, the best part of the movie. Although it was the best part, it did feel incredibly shoehorned into this. The Flash has his own plotline, that was quite good too, but it felt that this storyline was shoehorned into this movie as well. Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman - THE TRINITY - don't have much to do in this, Superman is just shown to be too strong (which we already know), I barely remember what Batman did and Wonder Woman was just doing nothing in the movie. Aquaman literally has a few seconds of appearance in the movie.

It wasn't a Justice League movie but a Green Lantern Origins + a Flash movie with the cameos of the other popular characters. But on the whole, whatever they did, was passable and entertaining enough for a single viewing. My main problem was with the villain. He felt like he belonged to the list of generic MCU villains. He was undercooked and didn't feel like much of a threat. But he was supposed to. There are scenes which show what he can do. But all we know is that he wants some apocalyptic stuff to take place. So, we know what he can do, but not exactly why he is doing what he is doing. He is just a blant and dumb supervillain wanting the world to end, quite comparable to Apocalypse from "X-Men: Apocalypse" (2016). None of the plotlines meshed together to form one coherent storyline for the movie. I like it more than DCEU's live action Justice League movie (not the Snyder Cut), but that's just because it wasn't so ill conceived and rushed.

One more thing, Batman's voice sounds kind of weird. I don't want everyone to be Kevin Conroy but this is one of the oddest Batman voices ever.

Rating : 6.3/10, Grade : B.
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A Step Outside The Regular Series (contains spoilers)
brianedwardgreen30 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I can remember 40 years ago reading DC comics that would "step outside" the regular series to explore "what if" plot ideas: what if humans advanced in 100 years to be almost as powerful as Superman, or what if the Legion of Superheroes were caught in a planetary concentration camp, or what if Superman lost his powers and became a superhero similar to Batman using Kryptonian technology (and similar plots).

This movie is based on a graphic novel using a "what if" type of idea: it's the same characters as in the Justice League comic book series (and other series characters), but with variations as necessary to develop the plot.

As long as you don't expect the usual and familiar, this movie takes the characters in interesting new directions with more adult themes.

By the way, since this is more adult you may not want very young children to view this (or at least watch it without them first before you decide to let them see it). The beginning of the movie in particular may not be suitable.
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my thoughts on this. SPOILERS. the great! and the ridiculous!
caprica19999 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers

I loved the fact it was grown up. I loved the dialouge.

i liked the animation and the voices. i loved the epic feel.


The villain seemed wayyyyy too rushed. some stupid villain spouting dinosaurs.??? I thought it was martian manhunter at first. i couldn't figure out who the villain was.

i think there were too many things going on. too many things that had to be explained in 1hr. too confusing as they tried to shoehorn everything in.

"hi im a dying alien. here is a ring. you're now green lantern." "hi im arthur im aquaman" "hi...."

this should have been a story told over 4hrs. to get a fully paced, fully thought out story.

aquaman at the end seemed wayyy too rush. "hi im arthur" the end.
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For Lantern fans only
NelioCuomo26 October 2008
Superman gets his butt kicked.

That's almost good enough for at least five of the six points I gave this one. It seems like they were just ramping up and then they had to rush the ending. They're trying very hard to tell a compelling story but they smashed like six movies into one.

Props for a small appearance of Green Arrow. Check it out if you're a Lantern, Flash, or Martian Manhunter fan. All else can skip this one and watch Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut or The Dark Knight. Good for a kids cartoon, though. Splices of John Kennedy giving Barry Allen a medal was a pretty awesome touch, too.
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they did a good job with this one!!
zs_rambo25 January 2008
I'm always checking out these animated superhero movies, and most of the time they're very disappointing. For example all of the ultimate avenger movies, superman: doomsday etc.

But this one did not disappoint,they did a great job with it, and it's one of the best animated movies I've seen in a longgggg time.

As a fan of the justice league series, I had big expectations for this movie, and it may not have been as good as the series but it was still very enjoyable to watch.

I advise any superhero fans to watch this. I hope they continue to make more animated movies like this one.
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Nice Animated Blend of Golden Age and Modern Comics
mstomaso8 May 2008
The voice talent cast is incredible. The story is nicely adapted. The pace is excellent. And the animation is OK.

Justice League: The New Frontier is a retold origin story for the Justice League. Plot heavy, and very consistent with its source material, this band of Golden and Silver Age heroes come together almost reluctantly to defend the earth, and to reclaim the American way, in response to an ominous, bizarre threat called "The Center".

The origins of Jonn Jonz and the Green Lantern are very nicely woven into this plot-heavy story. JLA: The New Frontier also incorporates much more character development than the average animated feature -and this is greatly enhanced by the amazing voice talent. Jeremy Sisto's Batman blew me away.

The only real flaw, from my perspective, was the rather stiff, traditional, animation. Nevertheless, this is a good fan film and worth seeing.
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Not a solid superheroes movie
KineticSeoul12 February 2015
My main gripe with this movie is the development. It's alright for a movie to be fast-paced but it's another story when the development seems to fall short. And for a origin story for the Justice League I expected a bit more. 75 minutes just doesn't seem like enough time to compact a origin story such as this into a movie form. Maybe that is where the animated TV show comes in. However still, reviewing this movie on it's own merit, it just isn't all that good or immersive. It seems like a taste test or a teaser for comic book fanboys, but as a movie as a whole it falls short of it's potential. It's a movie that is super fast-paced and yet felt slow...That really isn't a good thing. I also had a problem with the voice overs for some of the heroes. Yeah, that maybe a unfair complaint to some, but Batman's voice just didn't fit.

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Different but Enjoyable
koltonbrett4 January 2022
This movie has an interesting style as it transports us to the 1950s. It feels like the second movie of a trilogy as there are already relationships that have been developed but earth's heroes have not yet begun to work together. At times, it feels like a superhero version of the Independence Day movie. The villain is a bit vague and what we get in the end is a floating island of alien dinosaurs. It didn't serve the film well. But still, the heroes and their stories held my interest. I enjoyed how much the characters seemed to care for each other. Green Lantern is a stand out character.
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Enjoyable but completely forgettable
xxzeyxx30 October 2019
I watched this movie, then forgot i watched it, watched it again, remembered some scenes but not the plot. Entertaining scenes featuring JL members, unimportant plot. Basically like one of the mediocre JL episodes.
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ashfordofficial14 March 2023
The second film of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and based on the Eisner, Harvey, and Shuster Award-winning limited series that bridges the gap between the end of the Golden Age and the beginning of the Silver Age in the DC Universe.

All the characters with their classic suits is an awesome sight to see. Enjoyed the animation and art style.

The second film of the DC Universe Animated Original Movies and based on the Eisner, Harvey, and Shuster Award-winning limited series that bridges the gap between the end of the Golden Age and the beginning of the Silver Age in the DC Universe.

All the characters with their classic suits is an awesome sight to see. Enjoyed the animation and art style.
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Awesome adaptation. Fantastic movie.
desembrey-12 February 2008
This is a fantastic film, retaining the style and flavour of the original tale, and for me bringing back a real sense of the earliest Justice League stories and the original heroes of the DC Silver Age.

Reading some of the other reviewers they seem to want the glitzy shiny polished versions that have been popularised these days, but I've got to be honest - these stocky built characters beat out the ballet dancer heroes of today in my book. And the feel of Jack Kirby through especially the latter part of the film.

The story itself does a great job of integrating the Golden Age Justice Society days and the Silver Age Justice League days. A worthy piece of work, and I hope we see more of these special projects from the Warner animation department (and Bruce Timm!)
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This is far from DC's best animated or Justice League film but it is still entertaining and worth a viewing for fans of the DC Universe
kevin_robbins23 February 2022
Justice League: The New Frontier (2008) is a movie in my DVD collection that I recently rewatched on HBOMAX. The storyline follows an initial concern that a secret invasion from Mars has taken place and been kept under wraps by the government. The actions and experiments by the government lead to a new menace that will take super heroes and the armed forces to work together to save the Earth.

This movie is directed by Dave Bullock (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) and contains the voices of David Boreanaz (Valentine), Neil Patrick Harris (Gone Girls), Brooke Shields (The Blue Lagoon), John Heard (Home Alone), Lucy Lawless (Xena), Keith David (requiem for a Dream) and Jeremy Sisto (Wrong Turn).

The animation wasn't outstanding but was entertaining. There are some great sequences like the air dogfight scene, the random splashes of villains and the depiction of the characters and Martian Manhunter was great. The depiction of the era was also good. The injection of American pride was a bit too much but the ending was still good and worthwhile.

This is far from DC's best animated or Justice League film but it is still entertaining and worth a viewing for fans of the DC Universe. I would score this a 7/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Get off the JLA's lawn
mhfca2 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've collected and read since 1959, and being the consummate comics fan, I've seen all of the incarnations, followed all the Secret Crises and plot lines and threads, and what I missed, my best friend collected and we shared.

Adaption of the concept: 10. What did the McCarthy Era cause for the superheros, and would the "Common Man" plan be used as we saw?

Adaption of the characters: 9. The only reason for this is the divergence from the "new" comic reality that the WWII Wonder Woman was in actuality Queen Hippolyta.

Adaption of the comic: 7.5. It would have been better if some of the side plots were developed, and had the Losers been more explained. The last bits of King Faraday were not jarring per se, but would have gone a lot more to explaining what was going on had the Losers been developed out in the story. However, the inclusion at the beginning of the author's final moments helped clarify a lot that was scattered in the original mini-series.

Adaption of the story: 8. Hal Jordan's 'discovery' should have happened at the beginning, as indicated. Wildcat's fight should have been shown along with the various side characters, along with the Challengers of the Unknown (Ace Morgan named alone explains nothing). Likewise, Captain Nathaniel Adam, Ray Palmer and others who were merely named without explanation, as well as the Blackhawks and Green Arrow...there was only a mention of Hourman without explanation, and we needed a bit more than a "Hawwwkk-AA-AAA!" to carry on...

But...there _was_ a "Hawwwkk-AA-AAA!"...and an Arrow Plane...

And Batman at the end, putting it all together for even the most brilliant scientific minds (though I would have preferred to see Adam Strange released from Arkham Asylum...).

Put it all together, and for me, who has seen every incarnation of the JSA/JLA/JLE/JLI/JLU...

This was a masterpiece of reconstructive ret-con. Superbly done, relying heavily on a fundamental comic book knowledge, but loosely enough that people can at least identify who the characters are and their purpose.

The closing scenes were ripped from the books, and beautifully handled, and while I'm not sure if that was his voice or a clever impersonator, it was the masterstroke to the masterpiece that completed the epic.

To those (some of whom have already posted) who will whine and kvetch that "this is not the JLA I know"...

You're absolutely right; this isn't any JLA that I knew of before reading the books or seeing the adaption, and I've been reading them long before many of you appear to have been born or even knew of Happy Harbor, Maine.

But as "Origin Stories" go, this is one of the best to be presented, and will hopefully open the pocketbooks of viewers to watch and encourage the rich history within the Golden Age, Silver Age, and Modern/Crisis Age of Comics to be brought to "life" in animation.

I just snagged the collected serials of BATMAN from 1943 in their entirety, so I'm off-line to enjoy that.

Now, if only Lucas would exercise his options to bring the Blackhawks to the silver screen...
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rafreeluzky12 April 2020
From the title i was expecting a type of a classic justice league, the first 40 minutes looks promising but the plot and the animation started looks very lame and the ending was disappointing
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Best animated DC title since Phantasm.
thebrainflow27 February 2008
Along with a quick moving story line, mature themes and strong character work, this is a movie with heart. It never pauses, and rarely misses a beat as it tells its story. The person who said its a mockery, really should go back and read the comics of the period, this had the best art since Fleischer did Superman, and it all works. Loved seeing Batman in his original costume, and Superman and Wonder Woman as adults. It was absolutely fantastic, wish for more work and good tidings in Future enterprises.

The story focuses mostly upon Hal Jordan as he becomes the Green Lantern. The dark themes of McArthyism and a thing called the Center that is destined to destroy us all is typical of the comic, but had not been seen in any of the cartoon ventures thus far.

Let me say it again. This is the best DC animated project since Mask of the Phantasm!

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Very good, but still could have been more
TheLittleSongbird21 August 2012
I've always loved superheroes and superhero movies. Justice League was always interesting to me, and this did seem like a good movie to watch. And it was a good movie on the whole. But a great movie? I am not so sure. There are some undeniably good things, but it also fell short. The film is too short and it also felt rushed. There are many characters, perhaps too many, and the film other than introducing them and giving some motivations and some scenes and lines apiece didn't quite do enough to develop them properly. Jeremy Sisto is not bad as Batman, but has very little to do. However, the animation is absolutely wonderful, the backgrounds and character designs have so much detail while the colours and shadings have a lot of atmosphere. Add to that a haunting score, intelligent writing and a very compelling story with intriguing sub-plots and you have a good movie. The characters I didn't think were developed enough, but they were interesting to spot and have enough intriguing presence. The voice acting is dynamic and well-delivered, Sisto is underused for my liking but the likes of Miguel Ferrer and Neil Patrick Harris are used much better and do well to maintain interest. On the whole, a good movie but not a great one. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Justice League The New Frontier: Bit of a mess
Platypuschow20 December 2017
When I saw the cast list for The New Frontier I was really quite blown away. From David Boreanaz to the late great Miguel Ferrer to Neil Patrick Harris, Lucy Lawless, Kyle MacLachlan, John Heard & Jeremy Sisto.

Sadly that's where the quality ends. It's animated and scored fine, but it's story is overly convoluted and an utter mess.

Set in the 1950's and including all your Justice League favorites the timeline makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and really put me off.

Certain characters like Batman have barely any presence in the film at all and may as well not even be in it.

I know I'm a harsh critic but this is a contender for the worst DC animation I've seen.

The Good:

Excellent opening

Great cast

The Bad:

Timeline is bizzare

Why do all the characters look the same?

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Seeing Miguel Ferrer and John Heard in the same thing makes me a sad panda. RIP
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"I See I Have Your Attention..."
DarthBill28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
PLOT: The decade is the 1950s, in a world where Communist paranoia has turned America against its heroes, because the sight of men and women in masks makes other people think that the superheroes of the world have something to hide, that they're subversive Communists or worse. So the US government responds by giving superheroes an ultimatum - retire or work for the government, thus disclosing their secret identities. Only Superman (who presumably lies about his secret identity) and Wonder Woman (who really has no secret identity) agree to this, while many other superheroes (the entire Justice Society of America/JSA, the predecessor to the JLA) simply retire or continue acting on their own, like Batman. Into this fray comes Barry Allen/The Flash, the scarlet speedster who feels he may not be of the same caliber as the Man of Steel or Amazon Princess, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, fearless test pilot with some troubles of his own, J'onn J'onnzz/Martian Manhunter, the alien without a world, and a massive force known as the Center, a giant floating island that has existed for centuries with but 1 purpose - to destroy the human race, since the human race can barely cooperate with itself. It's up to the many heroes of the world, masked and unmasked alike, to put aside their differences and save the day.

A familiar plot is reasonably well executed and features a solid voice cast that includes Kyle MacLachlan as Superman, Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman, Jeremy Sisto as Batman, Miguel Ferrer as Martian Manhunter, David Boreanez as Hal Jordan/GL, Neil Patrick Harris as the Flash/Barry Allen, Kyra Sedgwick as Lois Lane, Brooke Shields as Carol Ferris, Alan Ritchson as Aquaman, and Phil Morris as Agent King Faraday.

The film's primary problem is under length - 75 minutes was not a lot to give this story, which was much more epic in scope and in its unifying of various subplots than the film. It's amazing the film works as well as it does, considering that this running time should not have worked for the story at all.

Green Lantern fans who were disappointed by the lack of Hal in the Justice League animated series that ran 2001-2005 should be pleased to see him here, well voiced by David Boreanez of Angel fame. The other actors are pretty much stellar, Kyle MacLachlan in particular being a stand out as Superman. It may take a while to adjust to Jeremy Sisto's Batman and Miguel Ferrer's Martian Manhunter, after years of Kevin Conroy and Carl Lumbly respectively, but they do their parts well (Ferrer was also the voice of Weather Wizard & Aquaman in the previous Superman series, in addition to various roles on Justice League). Lucy Lawless was a no-brainer for Wonder Woman, and it makes me all the sadder that this is the only format in which she'll get to play the character.
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