The Lost Room (TV Mini Series 2006) Poster


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great writing and nice production
ckrauss13 December 2006
This mini-series is quite original and I found it very entertaining. The idea is pretty wild and far fetched but they make a lot out of it. As with so many mini series the first two episodes are better than the 'conclusion' which really only sets possible future episodes up. That being said, this is the best thing I saw on TV this year. The lost room reminds me of 'Dark City' with the surreal reality that it creates. I also liked the fact that ordinary items, or 'objects' are used as props to advance the story in a very cheap yet efficient way.

The production value is good and the atmosphere created is very convincing. The acting is great for a TV production and I wouldn't mind if 'The Lost Room' would be picked up for a full season.
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Thoughtful, Well-planned, Well-executed
rlayfield1112 December 2006
I am thoroughly enthralled by what this show has to offer. I had the benefit of catching a repeat of the first few episodes back to back, and I am hooked beyond belief.

What stuns me is that everything seems to have a purpose behind it. At first, it appears to be an adventure that is random for the sake of being random. However, as the show unravels, there is a strange sense of mystery that would make Sir Arthur Conan Doyle proud. Shows like Lost have failed to grab my attention simply because I felt as if the writers were trying to make a 5-show plot thread last for fifty.

To be honest, I don't believe I've been this hooked on a show since Firefly. The main character could have easily been played by Nathan Fillion to the same effect of character. I hesitate to make any more comparisons; I'd hate for people to think this show is a hybrid of this or that. Something about it makes it completely unique.

I'm looking forward to where this show goes. I actually believe that history will remember this show as a benchmark for things to come.
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A well acted mini series with an interesting premise
ssamnick26 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The subculture of the objects created in The Lost Room was an interesting side effect of having so many people know about such an incredible secret. There are many unanswered questions, which I hope will be addressed in series. What was the "event" in May 1961 that set things in motion. No real hint is given what this may have been, either terrestrial or not.

The most fascinating thing I've found is how it is still bouncing around in my mind. You just find yourself thinking about all the what ifs and loose ends. Anyway, it was a wonderful show with a lot of twists and unexpected events.
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Best mini series I've ever seen.
teslaman15 July 2009
I saw the trailer for this TV-mini on some obscure satellite channel and thought, hey that's a cool looking movie. I'm a huge sci-fi fan so naturally I had to see this. To my surprise it wasn't a feature film but a TV-mini series. That sort of put my high hopes into lower gear since quite a few sci-fi mini's has been either low budget looking or plain simply bad.

Well, I started to watch and I was slowly but surely sucked in and saw the entire set from start to finish. Yep 4½ hours non-stop watching. I just couldn't stop.

The story is so cleverly written that I was (and am) simply amazed. I have seen it four times now and every time I see something new or find new answers that I didn't see before. To come up with this kind of story and use it so well must come from some tremendously inventive minds. Everyday items with some special power that came to be because....well you just have to see for yourself.

The cast performance is top notch. I especially like the performance of Kevin Pollack as Karl Kreuzfeld, Dennis Christopher as Ruber and the absolutely superb, paranoid but believable performance of Ewen Bremmer as Harold Stritzke. Character development is good and even the shorter guest episode appearances like Ewen Bremmers are handled very well.

The effects and production design fits the story very well and are nicely executed. Add to this a well written score and you have a winner. I'm really, really glad they made this into a mini series and not a feature film because the running time is needed. It doesn't feel like it's dragging or boring anywhere but rather every minute is used wisely. It starts slowly and builds and adds to itself in an even pace.

Had they made this into a feature film I'm afraid it would probably have been destroyed by too much effects or too much action. Or even worse, the story been dumbed down to please audiences.

If you like clever sci-fi drama with nice twists and turns and a creative original story you absolutely have to see this. It beats soo many big budget movies at so many levels.

Really great stuff!
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Utterly Fascinating Puzzle for Smart Viewers
Enrique-Sanchez-5612 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am, I repeat, UTTERLY fascinated with the puzzle which is the premise with this new SCI-FI series. It appears that SCI-FI Channel is finally listening to us and providing real Science Fiction instead of just empty space adventures and endless streams of mindless exercises in bad horror.

The central protagonist, Joe Miller, who is excellently played by Peter Krause, introduces a deftly played brave-smart-everyman quality to this thriller which brings us quickly into the story.

Kevin Pollak shows his true colors early as a fine actor playing the cool-mob-type bad guy.

Dennis Christopher brings a brilliant, oddball weirdness to his role as the volatile, confused dreamer, Dr. Ruber.

But everyone and everything is not what they/it seem(s). And I won't spoil any of the plot line for readers.

Suffice it to say, this is a gem in the making. If all possibilities are to be developed as I think they should be, this is going to be one to remember. Facts are not revealed all at once as in the end of an Agatha Christie mystery. You are not given great big chunks of them but: piecemeal and as far as I can tell this early - not without their own internal mysteries.

You have to only guess what is coming next, and when it comes, something else is brought into the fold which skews or distorts what you first believed.

So far the sophisticated viewer's collective intelligence has not been insulted or compromised.

This is very good writing. It does not rely on special effects for the mystery. The mystery is in the story, the way it should be.

Let's keep it this way! I am hooked. I hope it a series!

Bravo SCI-FI!
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Rules rule
graythebruce14 December 2006
Though I like fantasy and SF, I have to admit to being fondest of rule-based fantasy, like that of Tim Powers -- as a reader or viewer, you have an idea of what's possible and impossible, despite the supernatural elements of the story. Fantasy without rules is far less satisfactory, since characters in those stories can do whatever the writer arbitrarily decides they can do (or can't), and as a result, the writing is lazier.

"The Lost Room" is all about rules and the characters who find creative ways to abuse them. (Tim Powers fans would like it, I'm sure.) The writers have come up with cool supernatural powers for a host of innocuous looking objects (combs, pens, cards, bus tickets, watches, a key, etc.) Each object has a power and rules to govern them. Many of the powers don't seem that nifty, until you see how creatively they are used. And, along those lines, virtually every scene contains a fun, "Hey, that's a good idea!" move, and they tend to come at you faster than you can anticipate them if you aren't taping the show and hitting pause.

What's best about this is that the writers stick with it all the way. Many of these shows go David Lynch/Twin Peaks on us, setting us up with the promise of great stuff to come, and then disappointing us in a big way later. (Dean Koontz novels always seem to fall apart in this way, at least for me.) "The Lost Room" keeps up its promises all the way to the very end, which, like the rest of the miniseries, is clever and interesting and makes perfect sense in hindsight, given the rules.

I honestly can't think of the last time I saw a miniseries or movie of this ilk that pulled off its ending this well. It's a darned good miniseries, and I sincerely hope it becomes a full-blown series, as apparently is being considered.
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Excellent storytelling - a must own for DVD
maclaird114 December 2006
I decided to watch this since the premise seemed fairly original. I was totally blown away! This show should be made into a series. Luckily they left the end open enough that we might actually see that in the future. With shows about superheroes becoming more and more common it is nice to see a storyline that allows those powers (useful and not so useful) able to transfer from one person to another. Excellent casting and set design. Kevin Pollak shines as an object collector obsessed to the point that he will sacrifice the world to get what he wants. Julianna Margulies is also excellent. It is nice to see her on something since ER. I was never quite sure if I should trust her completely or not since the objects seem to prove that power corrupts even when you have what you think are the best interests at heart. A must own on DVD when it finally comes out.
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I really liked it... BUT
molacde18 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Big Spoiler Alert. So read this only if you've already seen it... or don't care. But you should see it.

First, I give this a 7. It's got some great actors, music, and directing. The creepy mood that the miniseries created was perfect. I sat and watched this straight through and wasn't bored once, despite it's being 5 hours long. UNFORTUNATELY, I couldn't escape two things. First, the massive plot holes, especially towards the ending, and second, the fact that they gave up on the mystery of the room by the final third of the film. One example of a huge hole: The Order. Why even create that subplot if you're going to leave it hanging the way they did? The only answer is that this was supposed to be a pilot. But it didn't feel that way. And there are dozens more that make equally little sense. Second, the mystery was just dropped. The whole question about how and why the room came to be and who the Occupant was before whatever happened happened was just left to float away as though no one would really care anyway. Sure, Joe wanted his daughter back and one could argue that he was thinking about her and nothing else. But to use that explanation is just giving the film an excuse to be sloppy. For a detective, he barely asked any questions and I feel as though it was intentional so we would forget that there was a mystery to begin with. People, especially detectives, are curious and I'm sure that if confronted with something this bizarre, they'd be asking questions for hours (and not get up and leave before the omelets even arrive).

Sadly, these two problems seriously deflated my impression of the series. In large part because they were so annoying. It started out so fun with the competing groups vying for control of the objects and the characters involved behind the secrecy. But once the last hour came, it was as though the studio sent down a memo telling the director to wrap it up so they could start filming a reality TV show on the sets.

This is another example of why you give people enough time to complete the story rather than force it into an allotted time slot. My only hope is that these problems I had were the result of an over-zealous editing team, and that if a DVD of the miniseries comes out, the scenes from the cutting-room floor can be picked up and re-attached so that some sense can be made out of the thing.

In conclusion, it's good. Very good. But it could have been great.
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Fantastic Mini-Series - PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!
orlyrocks14 December 2006
What a mini-series!!! I absolutely loved this show!!! It left me wanting more ie, a series. I love the series Lost and watched Taken three times. So, I'm a fan of Sci-Fi. This captured my attention from the minute they showed the teaser. The story line was absolutely fascinating. And I thought the acting was excellent. I too enjoyed Peter Kraus in Six Feet Under; he's a very talented actor and I feel he will go very far.

If the writers and producers are reading these postings, Please, please bring this back as a series!!!! I loved it and would watch it faithfully! Thank you for bringing such an interesting show to us.
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Best mini-series I've seen in a long time...
wbatlanta22 December 2006
OK, first of all let me just start by saying that I watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books, but I hardly ever write any sort of comments or critiques on what I've watched or read. I am a big fan of anything supernatural, unexplainable, mysterious, or horrifying and this mini-series absolutely hooked me from the beginning and I wish that it would have been much longer than 6 hours.

I was a huge fan of the series Six Feet Under when it was on the air, and Peter Krause is in my opinion one of the best actors on television. If it were not for him, I probably wouldn't have even watched the first part of the series...I am so glad that I did. I don't think anyone could watch the first two hours of this mini-series and not be completely engrossed and fascinated by the storyline.

I think that the writers of this series did an excellent job and were brilliant in setting the stage for what I hope will either spin off into a series, or at least another mini-series. I really do not see how this will not have a sequel in some form, it was really that brilliant and imaginative.

I recommend watching this to anyone that loves science fiction or supernatural-type phenomenons. The makers of this show really exceeded my expectations on this one, which were initially not that high. Please let the Sci-Fi channel have the foresight and intelligence to green light this for a followup, I'm sure I won't be alone in eagerly awaiting for this to happen.
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Feel incomplete
Fbh9123 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review has heavy spoilers for the whole story. Do not read if you haven't seen the whole show.

I really liked the original concept behind this show. A room where "something happened" that created objects with different supernatural uses was great and for the most part I liked how the story was told, with the main character wanting to get his daughter back and the whole factions and groups that formed around the objects.

But sadly it ended up being yet another example of writers that came up with a great idea but had no idea how to end it and how to give a logical answer to all the interesting mysteries they came up with. By the end most of it doesn't make sense anymore and the answer to most of the big mysteries ends up being "because the writers say so".

One of the biggest mysteries of the whole show is what happened in the room, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was intrigued with this and was expecting an answer. And when the times came for the big reveal the dialog went something like:

"Did you create the objects? What happened in this room?" "No I didn't create them. It just happened".

Turns out the writers had no idea how to finish their own story so they just went with "it just happened". And that's far from being the only question left unanswered, by the final chapter there are a ton of events that are never really explained. - Why would recreating the experiments of the collectors revive people? - What was the logic behind the daughter of the main character being trapped in "one of many rooms? - How did the main character recover his daughter by becoming an object? - ETC

A part of me feels this show was left unfinished. A lot of the events from the final episode pointed towards a second seasons that never got released
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The Lost Room was terrific!
geophyrd27 December 2006
Woof...just saw The Lost Room on Sci Fi. I wasn't expected much but boy was I surprised! Great miniseries and I'm hoping its one of those stealth pilots that might lead to a miniseries.

If you've read the 2 sentence blurb about the show (everyday objects, fantastics powers!) don't think you've got it. There are complexities underneath the surface of this show and it was very well done. The lead, Peter Krauss, used to be the lead on Six Feet Under. I expected higher profile roles for him after SFU died, and when I saw he signed on for Lost Room, I was disappointed. It sounded boring.

It isn't. Its a wild ride and I promise three things. You'll believe that Kevin Pollack can play menacing exceedingly well and Dennis Christopher isn't as cool as you remember him being back in Breaking Away about 100 years ago.

The last thing I can promise is that you will dig the show. Its supposedly coming on again in Jan 2007. If you haven't seen it, see it and tell your friends. This is one we want to get behind.

Scifi is starting to show up more and more often on my ReplayTV list. Being a huge science fiction fanboy geek, that's probably the way it always ought to have been but for years the channel was showing reruns of The Hulk and and old bad scifi TV. Lately, with BSG, Stargates (all flavors), hopefully soon for Painkiller Jane and Dresden Files, its finally coming into its own. I expect that in 2007, I may be watching it as much as I do HBO and Showtime and I pay for those! Now, if I could just get Scifi to stop showing stuff like Mansquito and the like, I'll be one happy damned camper.
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Great series, till the end.
amber_hyrule14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the other review, someone forgot to finish the movie. My whole family has stayed glued to the TV for the last few days, talking about the plot twist and how we just couldn't wait to see the next show. After watching the conclusion last night we all were so disappointed. It was like watching the second Lord of the Rings movie, but in this case there wouldn't be any other movies to follow. What happened to Martin,the prophecy reference, and his comment to Lee the police officer about coming to him for answers? What happens to Joe, and his relationship with Jennifer? Where was the daughter the whole time? Is Joe now an object? Will he pursue the other objects and join the legion? I could go on and on.If you want to watch great acting, with edge of your seat plots that keep you guessing what will happen next, then this show is for long as you don't mind not knowing what it all really means. Kudos to Peter Krause and Julianne Margulies, they give Awesome performances. Denise Christopher is so convincing as a creep that he gave me the chills, and Elle Fanning is as adorable as her sister.
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Am I the only one who didn't like this???
lydia_ravenswood20 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
DO NOT READ MY REVIEW IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE SERIES TO THE END!!!! From the start it became clear the people who wrote this must've been trying to fight being religious and scientific, which in one way was interesting, but because The Event, which the WHOLE series is based around is never explained it ends up killing the whole show. We have no clue about why the objects do what they do, and with how the show ended with a cliff-hanger of sorts it left far too many questions and not enough answers. Like what happened to Ruber or Miller...shame. Maybe they had thought they were gonna have the option to do a full series or another mini series and it didn't happen. In the end i feel like I wasted a lot of time.
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The Lost Room
kleslied12 December 2006
We all loved the first night of the 3-day Mini series the lost room. It was an excellent clue like game and it was fun for our whole family to watch together and play together and try to find and write down the many clues through out the show. We can't wait for the next two shows. The show has suspense, comedy, Drama, and lots of thrills. It is a must see. If you like Stephen King movies then this is the show for you. It has allot of twists and turns that you are going to love. I hope you will enjoy it as much as out family has. When you think you have caught all the clues watch it again because you will see many more that you didn't see before.
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Fascinating Premise
claudio_carvalho18 March 2019
While investigating a weird murder case in a pawn shop, Detective Joe Miller (Peter Krause) finds that a key opens any door to a mysterious hotel room in another dimension. Joe´s daughter Anna Miller (Elle Fanning), who is his pride and joy, is kidnapped by the criminal Weasel (Roger Bart) that proposes to swap the girl per the key. However, Anna flees and uses the key to escape from the criminals that retrieve the key. Weasel resets the door and Anna is lost in another dimension. Now her father learns that there are sects and people from the underworld using the power of the mysterious objects from the room and he teams up with Jennifer Bloom (Julianna Margulies) from The Legion and the millionaire and collector Karl Kreutzfeld (Kevin Pollak) expecting to rescue his beloved daughter.

"The Lost Room" is mini-series divided in six chapters - The Key, The Clock, The Comb, The Box, The Eye and the Occupant - with a fascinating premise. The story is a sort of "The Twilight Zone" with a good cast. Unfortunately there are many flaws in the conclusion that does not close many situations and forget important characters. Maybe the intention of the producers would be another season that was never done. Anyway the intriguing and original plot entertains. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Original, compelling, entertaining--when the series?
bmoore-1327 January 2007
TV doesn't get just a whole lot better than this. Some may object to a show built on "contrivances"--in this case seeming everyday objects that do magical (or superhero-like) things--but the strong writing and acting (especially by the lead, Peter Krause) made me buy every minute of it. It broadcast for six hours, with commercials, but it seemed much too short. I wanted much more. I'm not sure how a series would work, if anyone is talking about or actually creating that, but I would sure give it a look.

While watching this great mini-series, a number of other shows came to mind, mostly X-FILES and THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but THE LOST ROOM is by no means a rip-off/retread. Like those two shows, this one covers a lot of territory. It is funny in parts, but it's also a crime drama and, of course, a sci-fi story. And the plot is, as my "summary" states, original and compelling. The conspiratorial part of the show is, to me, much less interesting than what the everyday objects do, and how the various characters make use of them and respond to one another. Let's hope that, if there is a series (forgive my ignorance!), the producers can keep Peter Krause and the other fine writers (and director, who does a solid job as well) responsible for making this such a great viewing experience.
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Let's see a series, this one fascinated me
rshullic14 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want to spoil the plot, but we find out very early that the plot involves "objects" and the objects are very much non-breakable. There are other aspects of the objects, including vaults, being sought, and consequences for using them. As I viewed the series, what kept coming to mind was the "cursed objects" of the TV series "Friday the 13th".

That being said, NBC & Sci Fi may have another winner on their hands. Just like Battlestar Galactica. Most of the shows, which indicate Sci Fi original are really terminated series being re-run. It is nice to see real Sci Fi shows being written from scratch and moving Sci Fi channel to a real channel and not a re-run channel.

I am eagerly waiting to see how the series will spin off considering the events of the last 5 minutes of the show.
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Another SciFi series with a great start and a poor ending
diotis15 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong. The series was a great ride. It started great, just like other series do (e.g. Lost, Fringe) and just like them, opened up a number of possibilities. But alas -unfortunately- just like them, it had such a disappointing ending! So many answers remained unexplained.

The story begins with a mystery room, a motel's room number 10, that can only be accessed via a special key. There's a hunt for this key and the room's objects which all have magical properties. So the hunt continues for 5 great episodes. And then you got the ending.

Spoilers follow: Who was this character in the room? Why was he "chosen" to be another "object"? Why should he die? Why didn't the main character remain in the room as the future "object"? What was this room? How did it all start? What happened to the Order and the Legion who were seeking the objects? These are a few of the questions that remain unanswered, leaving the viewer dissatisfied and -quite frankly- angry with the show.

Just like I said, a great ride, with a horrific (not in a fun way) destination.
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Original, creative, consuming...Very well done piece of sci-fi (very partial spoiler)
itssosublime13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Going into "The Lost Room" I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Personally, it seems that since the inception of the special-effects revolution, sci-fi film writers have been relentlessly beating a dead horse by continually producing a litany of over-hyped and greatly under-whelming films consisting of poor acting, futuristic superheroes, latex-laden vixens and completely overboard computer-generated aliens/demons/mutants/hybrids, etc. etc. That being said, when I saw the trailer for "The Lost Room" I felt compelled to give it a chance because it seemed to be something that if not very feasible, looked to be at least a tangible story. To my great pleasure It turned out to be much more than I could have even hoped for. As a life-long fan of Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone I was completely floored by the parallels between this mini-series and the sort of intelligent, thought- provoking writing Serling and Matheson used to break barriers and revolutionize the genre in the late 50's and early 60's.

Every strong film is built with good casting and even better acting, both here are excellent. Peter Krause, after earning some well-deserved notoriety on Six Feet under and Kevin Pollak, a familiar face to anybody who watches TV or films both played their characters to perfection. Additionally, Peter Jacobson, Ewan Bremner and Roger Bart are also very good as is Julianna Margulies. Now as for the concept, it's nothing short of genius. A very select array of random, everyday items that are all used for a single, mundane purpose each have a very uniquely bizarre power which when utilized can do anything from pause time, to vaporize brass are scattered throughout the country and are actively being sought-after by dueling factions who each have a very different opinion of who, or what put them here and what their true purpose actually is. Detective Joe Miller unwittingly stumbles upon one of these items, resulting in the subsequent disappearance of his daughter, thus leaving him no choice but to journey into a bizarre subculture centered around one very special hotel room in Galup, New Mexico. This film was fantastic beginning to end with very few lulls, and that is an extremely impressive feat when filling nearly 6 hours of airtime.
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love the premise
SnoopyStyle5 January 2020
There is a tense underworld buy for a motel room key. The Weasel barges in clinking a pen to claim the key as his own. There are multiple explosions. Pittsburgh police detective Joe Miller (Peter Krause) investigates the baffling pawn shop murder scene owned by Karl Kreutzfeld. Iggy is on the run after stealing the key. He is mortally wounded and gives Joe the key with his dying breathe says, "It opens every door." Joe tries the key and it opens to an old motel room. From there, he can go anywhere with a door. It's a story of seemingly everyday objects with magical powers and the mysterious forces willing to do anything to collect them.

I love, love, love the premise. This 3-part 6 hours mini-series from Sci-fi starts with this great premise. The filming style could be better but one must remember that this is a TV show. At least, it has some great actors in the cast. I love Kevin Pollak and I can even accept the jittery Ewen Bremner. The overall acting level is high although I'm less accepting of Margaret Cho. The show does stumble a few times as it keeps going.

First, I would just eliminate the Legion. It's enough to have one mysterious mercurial organization. It doesn't need another. Everybody else can be a former member of the Order which turned from a peaceful collective to a religious doomsday cult. It would simplify the story and makes it easier to have Joe deal with only one mystery organization. Julianna Margulies doesn't need a named organization. It could simply be a personal mission with a few minions. Nevertheless, they are all side characters. The main mission for the show remains the daughter. The side characters need to be simplified.

The bigger issue is that the show keeps pulling its punches. These Objects are so valuable that some characters are willing to kill. It sets this up with The Weasel but everybody else seems to fall far short of that. At the very least, Kreutzfeld should be willing to torture to find the key. Everybody is too willing to do handshake deals. It lowers the intensity when the danger is pulled back. There is also the fact that Joe is not collecting the Objects. His assumption is that a combination of Objects would retrieve his daughter. He should collecting every Object he can find so that he can try every combination. Even if he's willing to give back the bus ticket, he should be grabbing all of Kreutzfeld's stash during that break-in. His obsession should be intense. The fact that he's not trying everything takes away that intensity. These little speed bumps keep the show from truly accelerating.
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Sci-Fi at its Best
Vic_max25 December 2006
I have to give this movie very high marks because it maintained an incredibly high level of suspense, surprise and novelty through most of its 4.4 hour (without commercials) run-time. This is very unusual for the sci-fi genre - most ideas and plots are very well-known.

I won't give anything away about the story because the unusual plot is is part of the wonderful experience you'll get from watching this movie. Suffice it to say that the story follows a detective who comes across a very unusual key to a very unusual hotel room. Admittedly, it sounds like the movie is going to be a bomb (what I thought), but it is anything but that.

Once you start watching - you'll be hard pressed to stop. The pace is excellent: something interesting is always going on - hardly a moment is wasted during the multi-hour runtime.

This movie could not have been as good without a good strong lead character. Peter Krause does a great job - he presents a well-balanced, intelligent and easy to like character. The supporting characters are pretty well done - even though some of them are a bit wacky. Everything seems to work.

One thing I really appreciated in the movie was the intelligence of its characters. There aren't any ridiculous decisions that are made to advance the plot (or remove characters). In fact, they are mostly very smart ones - so you don't feel shortchanged by the story or the filmmakers. Applaud them in this case. It really makes a story go from interesting to fascinating.

Is it perfect? I can squabble about a few things towards the end - but it doesn't matter. What matters is that I was strongly entertained for 4.4 hours and am going to watch it again.

I could go on, but you'd be better served by watching the movie. This level of film-making will appeal to all moviegoers. Strongly recommended for all.
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My Opinion of The Lost Room
clloyd511 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Lost Room is sci-fi thriller that manages to entertain and stay fresh throughout the entire series. Peter Krause plays a very believable character who I could not help but feel sorry for as he desperately tries to find his lost daughter. The plot of the miniseries managed to stay fresh I felt compelled to finish watching even though I felt that the end result of the series was predictable. However, I did enjoy how the antagonist of the show kept changing as the show developed its characters and plot. Kevin Pollak played a very interesting antihero who I also pitied for the sad circumstances that he found himself in, but I did not agree with or like the way he chose to go about solving his problem. Which is why by the end of the series I did not care what happened to him or what would become of his son. Dennis Christopher also took a turn at playing the villain in this series. I enjoyed watching this character at first but I felt as the show progressed that he became unnecessary to the plot of the show and I found the thought of him being a prophet ridiculous and unneeded. Another notion of this show that I felt was unneeded was the love interest between Peter Krause's character (Joe Miller) and Julianna Margulies' character (Jennifer Bloom). I enjoyed watching their characters relationship as it developed on screen but I felt that it should not have taken the romantic turn that it did and instead should of stayed with a partnership that both characters pulled off so well. I also felt the show did not use all of the tools they had at hand with such a large amount of mysterious objects and literally an unlimited amount of creativity most of the objects were dull and predictable. I will mention the glass eye and the pen that were interesting and fresh but as far as the rest go I was not very surprised or interested. Overall, I did enjoy watching the show but I felt that it fell short of what how good it could have possibly been.
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kuarinofu25 July 2019
I saw The Lost Room in some sort of a list of "underrated sci-fi you probably never heard of." The only version I was able to get in 2019 was with Korean hardsub, but it was watchable. I binge-watched all the episodes (even though IMDB lists 3 of them I actually saw a 6-episodes of 45 minutes version).

The premise was exciting and even a little childish, but it got me hooked. While I was getting closer to the final episode, I got that "LOST" kind of vibe (or True Detective Season 3). The closer I got, the more I actually thought that this is going nowhere and they have no idea how to finish this.

And this came to be true. It ends with absolutely nothing and all the things they've set up, in the beginning, are either not explained at all or explained by "I don't know, it just happened."

It seems that this whole mini-series was only made as a pilot(s) for a probable full series in the future. But I have no information about this one ever getting made.

So watching The Lost Room is like watching a Shyamalan movie but with no twist at all. Nothing will happen, and they won't give you even a vague hint or an ambiguous ending. Just nothing.

Watch this only if you like to see exciting ideas get absolutely zero resolution.
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quite intriguing, but don't expect many answers
cherold26 December 2006
I was surprised when I checked the credits of this miniseries to see that it had not been based on a book. It feels like something based on a book, because it has such a complete and detailed mythology and a feeling of back story that is rare in the work of screenwriters. The Lost Room has created a very complete world for its characters and for its central premise.

It also, like a movie based on a book, feels like you can only get the full story by reading the book. One is left with a lot unknown. For the most part this is fine, but I don't care for the fact that at the end you really don't understand .... well .... anything. Although I'll admit that even though I was worried that this would be the case, it didn't bother me all that much, because the story had good forward propulsion and a resolution that was emotionally satisfying although not intellectually so.

Since this isn't from a book, my guess would be they're considering this for a TV series, both because some threads seem to have been left loose on purpose and because it does feel like there's more you could mine out of the material. I hope I'm right about that, I would like to see more. But if it is a series, they'd better come up with some answers.
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