Ella Enchanted (2004) Poster

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A cute fantasy
HBeachBabe14 June 2004
Boy, I'm glad I saw this movie before reading the comments here. I found this film to be delightfully funny and sweet. sure it's utter predictable but so what? Yes, in the 'fractured fairy tale' department it's a far cry from the genius of Princess Bride or Shrek, but it's an entertaining enough 90 minutes. The effects are decent (they can't all be Lord of the Rings perfect) and I found myself laughing frequently.

I'm certainly glad I was completely unaware that this was based on a book as most of the negative comments here seem to be from people who complain about changes. I can say, that not knowing the original, this story flowed just fine. Certainly, if one were to over-analyze the plot one could come up with innumerable ideas based on the idea 'if she must always obey, why doesn't this happen?' but that's not really the point here is it? it's a fairy tale for young girls. My partner's 18 year old little sister (who made me watch this as I never would have on my own) loved it, and I had to admit that I liked it enough to give it a thumbs up 7 out of 10 rating.
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Surprisingly cute
smatysia14 July 2009
It seems that many, many commentators disliked this movie because it wasn't at all like the book. Fair enough, I suppose, but movies seldom are. In any case, I haven't read that book, and was blissfully unaware that this film was supposedly adapted from one. I found it surprisingly cute. Many of the campy things hit the mark, like the "medeival modern" anachronistic setting, reminiscent of The Flintstones cartoon wherein it was filled with modern things constructed from prehistoric materials; and the modern songs transposed to the time setting herein. That last was a bit like Moulin Rouge, which annoyed me at first, but then grew on me. I don't believe that I've seen this Anne Hathaway before, but she is intriguing. Her vivacity and wide smile remind me a bit of Julia Roberts. Can't say that I was much impressed with Hugh Dancy or Aiden McArdle. Minnie Driver was most charming as the incompetent fairy, and Vivica Fox was quite amusing as the lush fairy. It's too bad that Parminder Nagra's part was so small, as she always lights up a screen. And Cary Elwes couldn't hide his amusement with the material as he munched on the scenery. I say check this out, if you aren't going to throw a fit over the book.
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Not bad, but could have been better
laurakay7611 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the fact that "Ella Enchanted" is a children's novel, I really enjoyed it. It was clever, entertaining, and impressively original for having been based on the age-old story of Cinderella.

The movie is a lot better if you've never read the book.

There are a ton of discrepancies between book and film. Now, I realize that whenever you translate a book to the big screen, some things are going to change, or be lost, or be added. I also realize that not all film adaptations can be Lord of the Rings. But for some reason, the makers of THIS film didn't seem to feel that Ella's original predicament -- receiving the "gift" of obedience as a baby which forced her to do anything anyone told her to do -- was enough for a movie. They swapped out Prince Charmont's very nice parents for an evil regent who tries to force Ella to clear his path to the crown, and added a few moderately amusing but altogether bizarre song-and- dance routines. Most of those scenes had me outright cringing. They also took away Ella's position as the protagonist-narrator and inserted an additional character to tell her story.

That's not to say the movie is entirely without merit. The casting is excellent; Cary Elwes is a delicious villain, Eric Idle is a delight as the narrator, and Anne Hathaway sparkles as Ella. And I was pleased to see that the film does remain true to the source material's underlying message -- that in spite of whatever happens in your life, you have the power to make your own happy ending.

All in all, it's a good film for the kids. But the book is better.
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This almost works...
dbborroughs17 April 2004
The story of young Ella who was given the gift of obedience is a very frustrating movie, it should be wild and charming and funny and the best thing since sliced bread, or if not sliced bread then The Princess Bride, but some how it doesn't quite work as whole.

The cast is game, the special effects are good and the direction seems to be mostly on target, but somewhere along the way the movie decided to be too hip, too happening, too many things all at once. Its a comedy, fantasy, adventure, musical and a few other things all at the same time. It has timeless humor and humor that is in danger of dating very badly. It feels some times like a TV movie for kids and at other times something that should be on the big screen for everyone. It doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. Somehow I think that there were too many people with too many ideas (good ideas) but no one to say too much is a bad thing.

I like this movie a lot, the pieces much more than the whole, but I can't help but wanting to beat up everyone involved in it because this should be so much better.

Six out of ten. Wait for video.
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kkrohse19 October 2021
I love this movie. Lots of people don't. I was annoyed that it was not like the book, but it is still a great movie. It is super fun to watch and you will probably enjoy the movie.
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For those who never want to outgrow the chance of a Happy Ending
kitkat921 April 2004
Admittingly, when one reaches a certain age they are supposed to let go of the notions that life can actually be a fairy tale and that "happily ever after" can be more than just words in a book. But isn't there a little girl in every woman who still believes that she can win the heart of her Prince Charming? "Ella Enchanted" is a movie for all of those who still believe in the fantasy (even just a little bit!) and all of those who like to escape to an alternate reality where dreams really do come true. It is full of innocent love and obvious comedy with a few good musical numbers thrown in for good measure. The movie-goer is invited to put on their rose coloured glasses and view the world as it might be if we did indeed live between the pages of a book. What would our taxis look like, or our malls? And how could you marry the notion of being a strong-willed, independent woman with being a soft-hearted, sweet girl who's falling in love? Anne Hathaway continues to elude a screen presence full of spunk and charm. Hugh Dancy is suitably rugged and handsome (in a teenage girl's dream kind of way). And it is a real treat to see Cary Elwes as the cartoon villian, oozing charisma and character, the complete opposite (although just as charming and handsome!!) as his heroic turn in "The Princess Bride". All in all, any fan of the romantic genre or the fairy tale comedy (yes, indeed the elements of "Shrek" are palpable!) will love to carried away and certainly this movie "won't go breakin' your heart."
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A Real Surprise
aruegg12 July 2004
We got free tickets from our grocery store and I decided to take my 16 year old and her friend. We laughed so hard at times we cried. Come on, who can't be in hysterics when Ella breaks out into a Queen song with giants as her backup singers.

Although we have the book, I've never read it, but I've got to compare it with the movie. I never dreamed it was like this.

It's such a "twisted" movie. Cary Elwes plays a Sydly Wisplash sort of king with his extreme over acting ... he must have had such great fun doing this movie. Yeah, it's kinda dopey here and there, but there's always a surprise just around the corner.
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Terrible! Destroyed a lovely story
rlaws-341758 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm updating my original review that I don't think had been published yet. It's not much different but after reading some other reviews from people who took an "I'm so far above you ALL in my knowledge of changing the format of a book into a film," I've decided to add a few points myself in those regards. I have BA in Theatre and Film. I've worked in both on books that have been adapted for film and for theatre. All three are different and therefore all three require different ways of telling the same story. For those "I'm so much more intelligent than the rest of you," reviewers please note that yes, changes are not only inevitable, they are necessary to capture an audience's attention and to tell a story in about two hours or less, that it would normally take a few days to read (granted that you don't read straight through.) However, The Ella Enchanted movie did not just change to fit the story better into a movie format, it bears little resemblance to the book at all.

It added many unnecessary plot lines that have nothing to do with the book at all. I hate the political issues that were added. I watch fairytales to get away from the real world not to have more of it shoved in my face as basically a real world story told in fairytale format. I say real world in the sense that Char is essentially on par with a hit Hollywood actor, they have segregation, slaves, and the typical over the top evil person who murders his or her way into what they want. There was so much anger and controversy added to the story that did not need to be there. Those things that were added were not needed to make this book "better" on screen. Just like any other Cinderella story there is enough conflict in the book already from the cruel Stepfamily, plus the addition of the curse that is put on Ella at birth. Even though I really hate that they added the so called master villain I can understand that because in the book one of the reasons Ella doesn't want to marry Char is that she's afraid that someone will make her do just what his uncle tries to make her do. Showing it happen is a better device in a movie than trying to explain Ella's fears. The way she gets rid of the curse in the book is far more powerful and it lines up better with her mother telling her that she's stronger than any curse. In the book, her love for Char and her fear of hurting him, allows her, after a big struggle, to finally break free of the curse on her own. She doesn't look into a mirror and command herself. That's frankly too easy.

I would have enjoyed this movie so much more if they hadn't tried to bring real life into it, such as the political issues that we face right down to the opening of a new mall. Those additions to a lovely little love story took a great deal away from what is supposed to be a fairytale; a place where we can escape the troubles of our world, not bring them with us.
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How can you not love it
jenlunew22 January 2021
If you don't get the snark disguised as cheesiness, I feel for you. A great soundtrack and fun performances with caricatures for all the parts makes it unique while still keeping the fairytale ending
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Curse too broad and unreasonable to escape notice
SnoopyStyle28 September 2013
Baby Ella (Anne Hathaway) was given a 'gift of obedience' by Lucinda the fairy (Vivica A. Fox). It is more of a curse which the unreasonable fairy refuses to undo. She must do everything she's told to do. It's really unreasonable that nobody notices this curse. Are the townfolks really stupid?

When her stepsister (Lucy Punch) notices the curse, Ella has no choice but to leave and try to undo the curse. In the meanwhile, Prince Charmont (Hugh Dancy) has fallen for her.

Anne Hathaway is cute and lovely. She and Hugh Dancy make a cute pair. But every time somebody does the curse and can't figure it out, it gets really annoying.
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Winner of the "Worst Adaptation Ever" Award!
hhrforever19 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Warning--if you have read the book, do not see the movie--you WILL become violently ill! O'Haver, the director, looked at the story (a beautiful, classic book by Gail Levine that everyone should read), and decided that he didn't like the current plot--so he made up a new one, and still had the gall to say that it was "based" on Levine's masterpiece of a book (kudos to "I, Robot" for actually being truthful and honest enough to say that the movie was "inspired" by the books--it's something for O'Haver to one day aspire to). He also made up new characters and changed the old characters to fit his new plot--Char's parents are dead, and there's a new evil uncle (Elwes) with a cheesy snake servant who is trying to kill Char and take over the crown--there's also a new elf friend of Ella's who wants to be a lawyer (can you say Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?), but is forced to only sing and dance by this new evil and tyrannical uncle created by O'Haver--ogres are also now not evil, but only "misunderstood"! And Ella's father is nice and caring, Mandy is no longer her caring, sensible fairy godmother, but a ditz and a magical klutz, and the wonderful old-fashioned world created by Levine has been warped and cheapened by the director so that it's a faux modern world (the modern costumes add to the cheap and fake look of the film). Overall, the movie bears little resemblance to the book in anything but the title and character names, and is the worst adaptation I have ever seen, as well as a silly and stupid movie in itself. Hathaway does indeed reprise her role in Princess Diaries (another terrible adaptation with changed character names, setting, roles, etc, though not as bad as this one)--to the extent that there's even a debate scene that mirrors the one in Princess almost exactly (forget finishing school--they have modern school in the movie!).

In short, don't waste your money on this film--use the money instead to read Ella Enchanted--believe me, you'll get much better and higher quality entertainment this way, for a lesser cost!
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A Ton of Fun
americanaussie8827 January 2005
I had so much fun watching this movie, a piece of light hearted fun that everyone can enjoy. *If* they remember the opening lines of the movie; this is a fairytale. And is therefore not to be taken seriously, it should be watched for the pure enjoyment of getting away from the daily humdrum.

I have seen this movie twice and both times the audience was literally buoyed by the fun of the movie, though I must say the best parts and lines come from Uncle Edgar(a deliciously evil Cary Elwes) and Heston the snake(the slimy voice of Steve Coogan is wonderful). That is not to say that the two leads(Anne Hathaway and Hugh Dancy) are not bright and funny in their parts, they are. Only that the wonderful and memorable lines come mainly from the more evil characters.

Joanna Lumley (as the evil Dame Olga) and Minnie Driver(one of her best yet, possibly only beaten by her surprisingly good turn in "Phantom of the Opera") are also great in their minor roles, providing colorful characters and not just filling in screen time. Aidan McArdle(Slannen the Elf) is wonderful comic relief each and every time he appears, as is Lucy Punch as the horrid Step-Sister and chief fan-girl(shudder). Eric Idle, Jeniffer Higham, Jimi Mistry and Parminder Nagra are also memorable, particularly Jimi as Benny, Eric as the Narrator and Parminder as Ella's best friend, though I think Parminder's talents are woefully under recognized in this film and I would love to see her in more main roles like in "Bend it like Beckham".

But I digress.

Hopefully those watching this movie will remember the fun it is supposed to be and not fall into the trap of over analyzing this piece of light-hearted happiness.
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It's pretty funny, and that's what matters most here.
filipemanuelneto4 December 2017
There are films that are meant to be great. Others, however, are just meant to be fun. This film belongs certainly to the second group, having been thought of as a family comedy. The plot is clearly based on Cinderella's tale, but here she is cursed to obey because of a bad-taste gift given by an unconventional fairy godmother. The whole story then develops in her effort to free herself from this gift and the way people take advantage of it to manipulate her. Gradually, everything becomes more predictable and my interest has diminished but never disappeared because it remained funny enough. The way Ella and the Prince know each other is, in my perspective, the poorer solution the script could have created to cross them. The idea of ​​that talking book sounded kind of stupid too. Dialogues and even some jokes are sometimes common and boring. Throughout the film, medieval elements and things from our time (miniskirts, fan clubs, automatic ladders etc.) intentionally intersect and blend. The film also tried to introduce some Disney- style musical moments, but I have some doubts about whether or not it was a good idea.

Anne Hathaway, still very young here, excels in her character, adorable and yet full of personality. Hugh Dancy was a satisfactory Prince, the same could be said of Aidan McArdle and Joanna Lumley, who played supporting characters. Cary Elwes was a predictable, weak and rather risible villain, but I think it's the bad idealization of the character and not the actor himself.

Overall, this movie is worth it if you just want to laugh a little or spend an hour and a half with family in a nice way. However, if you are looking for a cinematographic work of art, this film is not for you.
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An Abomination, and a Waste of a Superb Story
Kuty71226 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever read Ella Enchanted, you will be shocked that a movie studio couldso thoroughly ruin an excellent story. At it's heart, Ella Enchanted(the book), is a story of love, frustration, and other human emotions.Although you may find yourself smiling at times, it is more of a romantic/angsty fairytale than a comedic fairytale, complete with one graying fairy godmother, two banister-sliding protagonists, and three masque balls (excluding Sir Peter's and Dame Olga's wedding reception). What Ella Enchanted does NOT contain is an evil talking snake. When Ella finally is able to find the strength to save not only herself, but Char and the entire kingdom, you are so happy for her that, chances are, you cry. As a matter of fact, I would say I cried more than I laughed reading this book.

Watching the movie, I was speechless. It was extremely tacky and went for cheap, easy laughs. At best I can call it a poor imitation of Shrek, except that would be an insult to the highly entertaining Shrek. There is no place in Ella Enchanted for an evil royal uncle and his talking serpent, and definitely no place for a singing Ella, or a dancing cast. (Nor a screaming fan club!). The well-developed character of Areida, which I'm sure Parminder Nagra could have played well, was cut down to a mere cameo.

This movie lacked human emotion. Ella was not nearly as frustrated as any normal person would be at her curse. (Hello? She breaks out in song and dance!) Don't get me started on the range of emotions Areida could have covered. And of course Hattie is way too obnoxious and not nearly as manipulative (read: not obviously annoying, but cruel) as she could have been. If it were one actor's performance I would call it poor acting. In this case, I would have to lay my blame almost entirely on the director and screenwriters. With such promising material, they managed to create an hour and a half of rubbish.

Even the movie's visuals gave it a much more modern feel, with colors too vibrant for any over the age of 4. Half the time I felt like I was watching the Teletubbies. I would say the maximum age that these cheap laughs could amuse is 8 years old.

I read the book when I was probably around 10 or so, and have read it innumerable times since then. It truly appeals to all ages, because, unlike its movie version, it deals with true emotions, not cheap humor and anachronisms, which, honestly, do not add to the story.

In short, forget the movie, read the book!
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Very nice feel good movie
BriarDanny28 August 2004
All though this was a movie that was fairly predictable, there was enough changes to the same ole same ole to make it enjoyable. It reminded me a lot of "Ever After" with Drew Barrymore, at least it seemed like a similar plot line. Then again, why wouldn't it, it's based on the Cinderella story. I find myself humming the familiar classic tunes from the movie.

Joanna Lumley was her usual wonderful in the film, her part was a bit small for such an important character. I guess if she had more of a role in it, she would have stolen it! I really liked how the daughter (Judy Punch?) imitated Joanna Lumley's character. For a second or two I thought they might be real life mother and daughter.

The real highlight for me was Anne Hathaway's singing. She's got some real vocal talent IMO!! We bought the soundtrack from the movie, it's really good but I like the movie versions of the songs a little bit more. Nothing like having giants for back up singers, eh??
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Entertaining light fluff
wulfstand18 April 2004
That pretty well says it all. But do take the kids, esp the girls. But I enjoyed most of it, and I'm a 50yo guy, so if you see it with your daughters you won't regret it.

It won't take the place of Labrynith or Legend, but it can sit on the shelf beside them without a qualm. It does belong in that genre. I'd say it somewhat reminded me of the Tenth Kingdom. Or perhaps Shreck as Live action?

Sure- it's no LotR. But that's nothing to be ashamed of, is it?

One caveat- if you despise disco type music- modern light Pop- then you migh want to skip this one.
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Ella estas encantada.
GiraffeDoor28 March 2022
For most of my life I knew this movie as the movie my brother admitted had exceeded his expectations the most.

You have no reason to expect this movie to be that good from eyeballing its poster or hearing its premise.

I am struggling to think of what anyone can really say about it except that it is simply a case of a hundred things being done 1% better. The character writing, the enchanting (oops, sorry) production design, the epic physical comedy as we see this girl literally do whatever she is told to do (and often interpret is literally) and the story telling make this a memorable experience.

The theme curiously enough is prejudice and beating stereotypes which I suppose plays into feminist undertones as we battle to be something much better than an "obedient" daughter.

I'm tempted to say there is at least one plot-hole by the very premise and the third kind of doubles down on it but this was just a lot of fun...

Some people think it's based on Cinderella but that is a stretch at best.
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Well, that was.. interesting
daisukereds1 September 2021
A small child is "blessed" with a gift of obedience, and has to do what she is told.

She goes on a small adventure to lift this curse, and also fix whatever affects the kingdom.

For more than one reason, it reminded of Mel Brook's Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

It feels kind of cheap and a bit rushed. But it is very well produced! In general, it's more cartoonish than expected, and has a highs chool movie drama feel. With interesting CGI (specially that great-looking snake for the early 2000), music set pieces, very good production design (the soldier's armors) and a rather scattered plot, it's enough to entertain.

More than anything, the cast of known actors kept me interested. The roles given to the charming Hugh Dancy and the graceful Anne Hathaway weren't as bad. And Cary Elwes is always a treat! Even as a comical villain (which reminded me of Prince John from the animated Robin Hood Disney movie), he is always so good.

Watch it if curious.. otherwise, you aren't really missing out much.
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A sweet and charming movie
christian12329 March 2005
Ella Enchanted is a charming film that's good for the whole family. In this storybook fairy tale gone wrong, Anne Hathaway plays Ella, a girl given the magical gift of "obedience" by her fairy godmother at birth which turns into a curse because she can't refuse any command, even from those who abuse this fact. To try to regain control of her life, Ella goes on a quest to get the "gift" removed, meeting ogres and giants and a dreamy prince (Hugh Dancy) along the way. The plot sounds stupid but the movie is a lot better then I expected it to be. Its hard to take the film serious at some points though and sometimes its not exactly clear what the plot is. I have never read the book so I can't compare but my friend said that they change a lot of things. The cast, for the most part, is pretty good with the best being Anne Hathaway but she needs to start picking different roles to avoid being a typecast. I thought the acting from Hugh Dancy was horrible and it would have been better if they would have gone with someone else. Vivica A. Fox, Cary Elwes and Minnie Driver all have small roles and all do good job. The film is of course cheesy at some parts and all the gimmickry can become annoying after awhile. The film is pretty predictable but that shouldn't turn you away .The film is only 96 minutes long so it isn't a real punishment to watch the film. There are some things about the movie that didn't make sense and there are also a lot of pointless characters that could have been used without. In the end I think kids will really like Ella Enchanted Rating 7/10 if you have never read the book then you have a better chance of enjoying it. However, if you have read the book then you will probably hate it {like my friend did} because they change a lot.
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Wonderful "fairytale "
acedj2 March 2019
This movie is beautifully written, cast and put together. I've seen this many times, and every time I find something new to smile and laugh at. This movie is great for all ages. No matter how old you are, it appeals to the child within. The biggest surprise is how great Anne Hathaway sings.
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Despite its shoddy artistic qualities, Ella Enchanted is a joyful and likeable romance-fantasy film
kikoydaba37 July 2019
Despite its shoddy artistic qualities, Ella Enchanted is a joyful and likeable romance-fantasy film led by the charming Anne Hathaway.

The story revolves around Ella's gift of obedience and how people around her use it knowingly or unknowingly to their benefit. Ella struggles in the beginning to cope with her gift. In a twist of fortune caused by her stepsister Ella meets Prince Charmont which would be the turning point of her life. Ella Enchanted manages to insert humor with enough character growth that even adults can enjoy, even if it is primarily directed for young girls. Ella becomes a wholly different person harboring contempt to the crown and becoming the land's queen upon her marriage to Prince Charmont. The rest of the cast also bring good performances. Hugh Dancy, as Prince Charmont, has great chemistry with Anne Hathaway.

Ella Enchanted, however, is a poor film artistically. Fantasy films like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter showed how spectacular fantasy can be when done right and Ella Enchanted is not that good looking, owing to its low budget.

For those willing to invest time with the film, they can still enjoy it but would yearn for something more.

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One of my childhood favorites... destroyed
elekanahmen-19 November 2005
If you are seeing this movie because of the book with which it shares its title (and not much else), spare yourself.

Had this been an original film, not based on anything, I might have enjoyed it somewhat as a bit of silly fun. But it continually advertised its self as a film translation of a book that is near and dear to my heart, a book which I had been longing to see made into a well-done film.

Unfortunately, when it comes to being a translation of the book, the movie is pure garbage. They've taken the most basic premise of the plot, the names of the characters (in most cases, ONLY the names), and discarded just about everything else. The characters are, for the most part, shallow reflections of themselves (if they're even recognizable at all), and the plot has become silly, cheesy, and full of pointless and totally unnecessary pop-culture references. Gone are the interesting and well developed character interactions, and Ella's curse, which in the book was a constant source of true emotional and physical discomfort, is, with the exception of its use as a catalyst in the end of the film, mainly exploited as comic relief. This was a story that would have made a wonderful movie on it's own merits. It didn't need to be put through the MTV Hollywood wringer.

And no matter what anyone says... you can't call something "Ella Enchanted" if it has no stair rail.
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Great, entertaining film. A refreshing change to the 'polished' animated films at the mo'
katherinekatherine28 July 2005
I thoroughly enjoyed this film, it was clever, original and entertaining. The interesting opening scenes were great as they transported you to the fairytale world. I was very happy to see Eric Idle was the narrator and Anne Hathaway was brilliant and instantly likable as Ella, with Hugh Dancy the perfect handsome prince. The Elf (another familiar face- Dudley Moore in 'Not Only But Always') is wonderful as the sidekick. I also thought the story was very good, it was slightly predictable at first, but then there were some interesting twists, where I think the usual fairytale storyline was changed to great effect. The way the Fairytale land echoed aspects of home were amusing, with wooden escalators, taxi carriages… In a way, I liked it more than Shrek, because of the fact that it was less 'polished' and maybe more British. I would definitely recommend 'Ella Enchanted' to anyone who wants a fun and entertaining film.
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Hathaway Enchanted.
anaconda-406582 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ella Enchanted (2004): Dir: Tommy O'Haver / Cast: Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy, Cary Elwes, Vivica A. Fox, Minnie Driver: Magical family adventure about individuality set in the fairy tale setting of castles, elves, ogres, giants, and fairies. Ella is born and given the gift of obedient by a wayward fairy. After her mother passes she is informed of her gift but suddenly her father is set to remarry a selfish woman with two nasty daughters who learn of her gift. She is cursed to do everything she is told lest she can find the fairy godmother who distributed the gift. Along the way she is assisted by a Prince who doesn't realize the scheme set by his uncle the King. Imaginative plotting that goes astray in its concluding action. Inventive work by director Tommy O'Haver with a hilarious performance by Anne Hathaway as Ella. She must master her gift particularly when others attempt to use it for tragedy but her breaking of the curse is clever. Hugh Dancy as the good Prince is standard issue. He falls in love with her and is nearly assassinated. Cary Elwes plays the sadistic King in the film's second standard role. Vivica A. Fox excels in the limited role of fairy godmother who reverses gifts. Minnie Driver is limited as a house fairy who was kind to Ella. Elements of Shrek combine with moderation prove effective. Wondrous visual effects render this film truly enchanting. Score: 6 / 10
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I feel sorry for the actors.
jemdoll8 May 2004
One day Anne Hathaway will look back on Ella Enchanted and admit publicly that it was the most embarrassing movie she's ever made. How could she not? This movie's a joke! I can understand that perhaps while reading the script, a person could visualize that this movie would turn out to be one of those dashing period pieces. I wasn't expecting a Merchant-Ivory film (Ella Enchanted comes from a kid's book after all), but this movie turned a perfectly good book into a 1970s nightmare. During the last few minutes, the actors inexplicably start a song and dance number to Elton John's Don't Go Breakin' My Heart and Anne Hathaway dances around in a miniskirt and go-go boots. I shouldn't have been surprised at the disco-themed ending because throughout the movie, even the special effects looked like they were done in the 1970s. Though I must admit that Mary Poppins cleaning up the nursery in 1964 looked more convincing than the giants in Ella Enchanted. I feel sorry for Anne Hathaway (she should have left this movie to lesser-talented starlets), but I weep most for Hugh Dancy, the handsome British actor who plays the prince. It's sad that in his first American movie, this classically trained stage actor is wearing leather stirrup pants and singing an Elton John song. Oh, the shame!
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