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Sight Unseen: Fluffed (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Nonsensical I. T. buzzwords ruins it
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An otherwise okay episode but the use, or misuse, of popular and/or incorrect or misleading technical founding computer jargon & procedures ruins it. Other episodes contain the same kind of useless word salad of "technical" buzzwords but not to the degree of this one where the scene of the crime is an alleged smart home complete with cameras & robo vacuums.

The e-mail hacker that took all of about 3 seconds to crack (not a hack but a crack at best) an email account was ridiculous, especially commenting that the security question was the owner's first pet requires some level of investigation or foreknowledge of the subject and even an automated dictionary attack of a very weak password would require at least a few minutes.
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First Time Fixer: Old South Meets Newlyweds (2023)
Season 5, Episode 7
Don't do it!
7 May 2024
Some things such as electrical & plumbing should be hired out to licensed contractors for reasons of safety.

It's difficult to describe how terrible this 'fix' is with discordant patterns, styles, etc. Surely even a first time fixer can see that saving a few dollars on plumbing to plop down a poorly thought out repurposed old chest of drawers ("island" per the homeowner) in the middle of the bathroom doorway is poor design & function. Add to that the flanking columns with non-GFCI outlets within an inch of each of the woedully undersized sinks and the worst grout work I've ever seen where they appear to have piped on some kind of inappropriate material between the bricks as they demonstrated doing using a plastic zipper food storage bag between the slate floor tiles.

Clearly they live in an area where inspections are not required as not even the loosest of building codes would allow these. This would be a dangerous place to live and severely limit it's resale value.

As for the design, if they are pleased to live in and show off their handiwork then I guess they're living their dream.
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Bob Hearts Abishola: Find Your Bench (2024)
Season 5, Episode 13
Utterly ridiculous waste of time
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of time. The previous episode would have been a better series finale than this. I understand they wanted the characters to all have happy endings having achieved their dreams but this was all utter nonsense and felt more like a fever dream.

So Abishola attended several years of medical school, did an internship, residency & pediatric fellowship and became a pediatrician in 7 yrs?

Christine & Dottie are more annoying than ever with the addition of a child and amplification or exacerbation of every neuroses or personality defect.

I truly regret the time I wasted watching this episode. I expected comedy of the same caliber shown throughout the series not this mess.
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The Baxters (2024– )
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I saw that Ted McGinley was in this show and immediately expected a comedy or at least some comedic elements but got much more.

When I saw that Roma Downey co-starred as the matriarch of the family I felt certain that it would be wholesome family fare and found more than expected.

I had no idea that this would be so deeply faith based and am elated that it is but also includes real family life with all its joys, sadness and struggles and everything in between.

The first few minutes of the first episode drew me in and the ensemble cast is excellent and believable as a modern diverse family filled with differences of opinion and an undercurrent of faith and love.

The daughter fighting for her marriage after discovering her husband's infidelity is incredible although the pregnancy is a little too predictable.
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Chicago Fire: All the Dark (2024)
Season 12, Episode 8
A devolving mess & reconnected fistulae
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The past couple years have seen episodes becoming less believable with firefighters solving crimes, going undercover, etc. As well as the stories themselves becoming more far fetched though usually balanced out somewhat. This one opened with the obligatory sex scene between colleagues involved in a pseudo secretive relationship, internal political intrigue, insurance, medical & Medicare fraud, obvious toxic gas pouring from beneath a door directly across from a seated person in plain sight of anyone in the office.

Then, the team sees a former colleague / friend in the dialysis center & goes to his home later to check on him only to find him unconscious on the floor of his home with blood pouring from what is explained by a doctor at the hospital was a ruptured fistula in his vein that ruptured. Far more information that is necessary for a casual friend or former colleague though relevant for first responders.

Just felt like a mishmash or redirection throughout the episode - look, Boden & station 51 are being mistreated, wait, look over here at this casual friend collapsed on the floor or the drama of all those poor patients poisoned by toxic fumes at the dialysis center, or the emotional breakdown of a firefighter character I don't even recognize or know, or Carver & whats-her-name's illicit affair, ad nauseum.

Adding insult to injury, Dr. Marcel (Chicago Med crossover) tells the patient, after he calls Stella (an unrelated 'friend' / former colleague who hadn't seen or spoken to the patient in a while to come down & hear his pronouncement (ever heard of HIPAA?), that they did tests before they "replacing the fistula in Charlie's arm..." Huh? A fistula is an abnormal connection between two organs, etc. And are often (clearly) medical emergencies. The writers clearly have no clue what they're writing & are confusing the patient's dialysis port with the condition that resulted in the large vein in his forearm rupturing.
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Elsbeth (2024– )
4 March 2024
I was never really a Columbia fan although I did watch it on occasion and I never saw a single minute of The Good Wife so have never heard of or seen this character until now. I usually like slightly quirky, off kilter characters but Elsbeth is simply too annoying and unbelievable got me. I struggled to watch beyond the first 26 minutes as the character meandered around an active crime scene inappropriately talking to possible witnesses or friends/family of the victim.

This character seems to be a feminine Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory & Young Sheldon) but even more annoying all the way down to the voice. I know this is probably supposed to be a comedy but the character is all over the place and difficult to ignore as she goes on about older people using two spaces after a period. Style guides for writers used to include the practice but I don't know if they still do as I've had no need of them for a number of years.

I hope others enjoy this show but it isn't for me .
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Resident Alien: Lone Wolf (2024)
Season 3, Episode 1
Good but a slow start to the season
15 February 2024
This was a good episode but the humour was not as sharp as we remember it before its extended hiatus. There were a couple of scenes or situations that elicited snorts and even short rounds of laughter from us but mostly it felt a little slow.

The kids in the show have grown and obviously matured in the nearly 2 years since the previous episode aired. The episode hints at one or more secrets related to Max and his parents that I'm interested in seeing.

The focus appears to have changed somewhat and will hopefully invigorate the series to run for a few more good seasons.

The storylines were interesting and entertaining and we look forward to seeing the rest of the season.
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7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unappealing. Charles Pol, the bumbling adopted son of Dr. Jan Pol (The Incredible Dr. Pol) now has his own show where he attempts to start his own farm with the help of family members & friends without any apparent attempt at researching what he needs to know.

If I wanted to watch a comedy about two or more bumbling stooges there are scores of shows available including "reality shows" full of loathesome characters.

I think Dr. Pol may be ready to retire from television and Charles cooked up this drivel so he could still have a job of some sort. The only way he seems able to do do is by trading on the name and reputation of his parents.

Highlights of the first 2 episodes include trying to prep their field with the tractor & getting it stuck, delaying planting for at least a few days. They dropped 2 beehives while acting the fool & trying to move the platform they were on stead of removing the hives first. Sadly, the bees were trapped inside so unable to swarm them.

With the exception of a couple cameos by Dr. Pol, this show was/is a complete turkey devoid of charm.
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Unwatchable drivel
26 December 2023
Had there been anything else on or had I noticed that the channel was on the Lifetime channel I would not have watched a moment of this drivel. Unfortunately that was not the case and I wasted 15 - 20 minutes of my life watching this movie.

Unlikeable characters, stereotypical everything, subpar writing, acting and everything else. The good news is that with 5 - 7 minutes of commercial time my exposure to this trash was limited.

Truly this movie contained nothing original or of redeeming value and I can't stress enough that you should avoid this at all costs unless you possess a deep masochistic streak or are required to view this for some reason.

Absolutely a waste of time and resources.
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Extended Family (2023–2024)
Dismally unfunny & unoriginal
24 December 2023
While I have liked Jon Cryer, Donald Faison & Abigail Spencer in other roles this show is dismally unfunny, unoriginal and unwatchable.

Jon Cryer was good in Two and a Half Men, Superman IV, Hot Shots & even longer ago, Pretty In Pink, but I can't say I've seen him in anything else memorable or good.

Donald Faison was good in Waiting to Exhale, Clueless, The Exes and the short-lived Emergence but is probably best known for his role as Turk in the long running Scrubs series. He's had other roles but is likely best recognized from his more recent T-Mobile commercials with former Scrubs co-star Zach Braff.

Abigail Spencer was good in Rectify and the too short-lived Timeless series. She was also in Oz the Great and Powerful alongside Zach Braff though not a memorable role.

I don't know who plays Jon Cryer's father but he was memorable only for the fact that his character annoyed us for some reason.

None of these actors were good or believable in this show. At all. The laugh track was awful and only served to show the deficiency of humor. It felt a little like a rehashed version of The Exes.

This show was so bad that i simply couldn't see a point where it might do something original or otherwise redeem itself and we turned it off less than halfway through the pilot.
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Cute for all age.
24 December 2023
Cute for children & families at any time although it can run very long, interminably so, on various free streaming platforms due to MANY frequent 5 to 7 minute long commercials. On a positive note the many commercials provide necessary short breaks.

I generally enjoy this type of entertainment but found this far too saccharine and simplistic although I can't deny the appeal others may hold for it, particularly children.

No off color or crude humor, no iffy language, this show is perfect for any age & features a cute dog as its non-human hero.

The entire movie is slightly goof & offbeat and offers a limited cast playing multiple roles and a slightly predictable but good ending.
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Awake (III) (2021)
Scratched the itch.
14 October 2023
While slow in pace and lacking a lot of detail I did find this movie to have entertainment value beyond what others may derive.

Reviewers critical of this movie are quick to claim that characters are acting squirrelly after only 24 hours without sleep however at various times in the movie different lengths of time are commented on including one who mentioned that it had been 6 days.

The cause of this malady was stated to have possibly been caused by a powerful solar flare that caused some sort of rewiring of neurological function.

For me, the slowest part of the movie was at the start but things made better sense and were better paced after that. While hardly high art it scratched the SciZFi itch for me and was food for thought.
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Krapopolis (2023– )
More of Matt Berry, etc
25 September 2023
While there were a couple of zingers that earned a silly giggle from us the humor was mostly the same we've heard from most of the 'comics' doing the voiceovers before and sounded unlike they were playing a character role but playing the same tired roles they've been playing for years.

Some of Matt Berry's jokes and Richard Ayoade's dialog were mostly repeats from The I. T. Crowd or What We Do In The Shadows albeit with a mostly different cast.

While we clearly enjoy the other shows we were hoping for something different this time. I'll watch a couple more episodes to see how it develops but for now it seems very mediocre considering the stellar talent list.
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Moving story
24 September 2023
This film is a thought provoking story about a disabled veteran who continues to serve others by training service dogs.

While lacking in expensive effects or fancy locations and camera work, the story and obvious themes are clear and well displayed throughout including a subtle Christian message. The length of the movie was good with good pacing throughout.

All of the roles were well acted and mostly believable but the lead role was particularly well done.

I am puzzled by the complaints of a few here complaining about the Christian message when the leading role is played by an actor who has a history that includes several roles in the genre and none that I've seen were what I'd consider pushy or preachy, certainly not nearly as much as themes of atheism or agnosticism in so much other content.

I recommend this to anyone over the age of 12 or so. The ending was a genuine surprise and provided some much needed sweetness. I could easily see another movie continuing this story and would happily watch it as long as it was as well done as this one.
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Guiding Emily (2023 TV Movie)
Same old formulaic Hallmark pap
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a user of a service dog, though not a guide dog, I was interested in this movie despite the fact that it was on one of the Hallmark channels. I regretted it while the opening credits were still running and showing actors names both in print and braille as though someone would be reading it that way on screen. If anything, the pseudo braille would likely cause problems for someone using a screen reader trying to parse that silliness.

Then we have the way she loses her sight, she is struck on the head by a rock while rock climbing which causes her to fall and strike her head on a larger rock.

Then we have the guide dog candidates (puppies). Everything from their genetics and breeding is planned and they are socialized from birth. The selected puppy, Garth, would not have been a valid candidate for advanced (guide dog) training and would likely have been released to less exacting training via other service dog training organizations or groups for other services, or been made available for a pet adoption perhaps with a contract allowing the breeder to utilize the dog for a single breeding to maintain the gene pool and lineage with the puppies being the property of the breeder then the dog would be spayed or neutered to prevent accidental breeding in the future.

There are scenes where the puppy raiser gives the puppy a salty potato chip, later having a conversation with their child about how unfocused thf puppy is and using it as an excuse for not taking it inside a store or other building. Puppy raisers have a set of guidelines to follow including how to socialize and train the puppy(s). If the puppy was having issues, and proving unsuitable for service, they would have been in contact with the program coordinator.

I won't belabor the many other inaccuracies rife in this movie as the guide dog is clearly considered an unimportant detail to the movie and is simply used as a plot device.

Also, a little known fact is that guide and other service dogs can cost many thousands of dollars, an expense that is usually not paid for by any insurance and depending upon the dog's duties they are often retired by the age of 7 to 9 years old. Many recipients of service dogs are aided by their church or other organizations in fund raising to allow them the independence that a real service dog can provide.

Additionally, there are federal laws, under ADA, protecting trained Service Dogs and their handler allowing them access to many public places. No such protections are provided to or for untrained emotional support animals.
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Office Race (2023 TV Movie)
Mildly entertaining.
5 September 2023
While not a bad movie, it had some mildly funny scenes but was mostly meh. Joel McHale played himself, as usual, with the same one dimensional narcissistic character we've all seen from him. I probably would not have chosen this movie had I seen the cast list.

Beck Bennett as the stat was okay as were the others. I particularly enjoyed Alyson Hannigan, Geoffrey Arend and Kelsey Grammer in their various roles. Kyle Bunbury's role was mostly drama with the occasional light humor and she was good.

For some background noise or just some light entertainment I recommend this movie. It probably won't wow you or cause even the mildest of belly laughs but it isn't bad.
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Medium: It's a Wonderful Death (2010)
Season 6, Episode 22
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked some elements of this episode however it seemed rushed and I have an issue with how the death of Devalos was handled.

As ab insulin dependent diabetic, insulin overdose doesn't quite work the way they appear to have portrayed it simply showing Devalos doing a faceplant in his office. Even diabetics who are no longer as sensitive to rapidly falling blood glucose (sugar) display symptoms that indicate we are in trouble. It seems obvious that they did not consult with anyone knowledgeable about the disease. Additionally, modern insulins or their analogs such as those available for 20+ years are long acting and far less likely to cause such a rapid fall leading to death.

The episode was otherwise interesting with what I felt was a predictable ending that did not detract from my enjoyment.
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The Twilight Zone: The Midnight Sun (1961)
Season 3, Episode 10
Very timely!
9 August 2023
I remember seeing this episode when I was a kid and again later as a young adult. Now I happened upon it while bingeing some of my favorite old shows and episodes.

With global warming and high temperatures setting new records daily this was an especially timely watch of this episode.

In this episode, two ladies in an old big city walkup are the last remaining residents. The older woman is the landlady and the younger woman is an artist. All others have either died or left to find somewhere cooler, more resources or simply to be with family.

The artist always draws or paints the sun and her apartment is filled with the images of its big, bold presence as othe heat from the dun beats down on them 24 hours a day.

This could easily be very full as a black and white show featuring just 2 women on a single location throughout but it is very good and, again, timely.
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Same old narcissistic Alison.
2 August 2023
I watched 30 minutes of this 'new' show before turning it off.

As expected, the ever narcissistic Alison whined about not having the money to get a new place so she's converting one of her current offices & storage areas, a 6000 square foot industrial space, into her live/work space complete with indoor pool and a personal gym.

So she doesn't have any money. Wahh. Let's jet off to to France to buy new things for this grandiose monstrosity that will supposedly cost 1.5 million USD to convert into her latest, greatest personal dream house and sell one of her other dream houses to partially finance.

Now let's jet off to St. Francisville, LA & elsewhere to find more expensive antiques to deface and ruin for this folly that she still supposedly can't afford and will say say every five minutes from here throughout.
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Survive the Raft (2023– )
The worst of the worst.
1 August 2023
The actor / would-be host, Nate Boyer, has assembled 9 people for an alleged social experiment in cooperation for the greater good. The premise is an old well worn one studied many times to see if the participants will pull together or if they will sdoggedly pursue their needs or desires.

Assembled are some of the most odious characters you will find in the murky backwaters of social media & Truth Social (lol).

I changed channels in the first 20 minutes when one of the cretins wanted to spend their very limited funds not on food but on ice (really!) and another wanted to spend the remainder on comfort items.
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Problem Spaces (2023– )
Good show
20 June 2023
I really like this new show & it's host. While her designs aren't really groundbreaking or cutting edge they are very well styled and comfortable in most cases.

I have only one exception to my review & that is related to the most recent episode (S1 E9) where she designed and styled a laundry room. The idea of stacking washers & dryers is hardly new, the existing appliances apparently had no way to make the controls visible or accessible for the top (dryer) unit. The room looks nice but if the average user can't see or reach the controls it's not a win.

Overall, this show is nice & the designs seem well considered and lend a pleasant feeling to their location.
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17 June 2023
Despite what this ridiculous show claims you cannot simply hypnotize someone and force them to do anything you want. Auto or self hypnosis is not easy to learn or master and many people are resistant to hypnosis, at least without there being a certain level of trust.

The whole case on which this is based is ridiculous and based on many misconceptions that are carried over into this program. This episode should be named "Only in Florida" as that is the location in which it took place

If the misinformation presented in this show is indicative of the poor quality of others in this series then I will not be watching further and I don't recommend it to others.
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Windy City Rehab (2019– )
15 June 2023
She supposedly spends a fortune on the homes & travels around collecting expensive items from around the country, and abroad, then remaking them into decor. She's taken beautiful antique bars & bar backs, had them stripped and painted some terrible color along with other alterations that significantly removes any character or historical worth.

Adding insult to injury, she's so low class that in one episode (Villa Victoria) she prepared cocktails at what was a lovely antique bar she ruined before having it shipped from Chicago to Las Vegas and using plastic barware. 🙄

Some of her designs are okay but seeing her deface or ruin an antique element is sad and infuriating.
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Home Town Takeover (2021–2023)
2nd season (S2 E3)
8 May 2023
I loved the initial season of this show, currently the only ones shown in the episodes list, but this 2nd season seems to be just phoning it in with minimal appearances by the HGTV 'stars' and not a lot of substance.

The prairie garden "maze" area is a good example. While it celebrates the spirit of the area, I really can't see anyone congregating in such a space, especially youngsters. And the 'windchimes" are just tacky bits of wood hung too low on what resembles my grandmother's old clothesline.

The biggest visible change is at the bowling alley with new paint, the addition of outdoor space and an art installation by a local artist. While the outdoor space is nice enough it will be unusable more than half the year due to the weather and bringing in items on a nightly basis to preserve them from weather damage, loss or theft will get old.

The family home is very nice with a lot of curb appeal though again, the outdoor space & hanging garden will be largely unusable for half the year without even so much as a pergola or other covering. The interior space looks nice but very bland and impersonal and scarcely reflective of the occupants and without adequate seating for a family of 7. The family room is styled more like a small urban loft than a family home. And the kitchen & dining alcove... Ugh! A very small glass top table with 4 chairs for a family of 7? Get real!

I realize it's all staging but it's bad.
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The Rookie: Going Under (2023)
Season 5, Episode 21
No more!
30 April 2023
While I like Nathan Fillion and most of the regular characters of this show it seems to show less of them actually doing anything related to law enforcement or police work.

The Rookie is no longer a rookie and was promoted to a Sergeant and/or Training Officer, something that would never happen nearly so soon in any medium to large modern police department anywhere.

Michael Rooker was a pleasant surprise tonight and, as always, he was excellent. With that notable exception this episode was not entertaining for me. Add to that the irritating presence of Niecy Nash who keeps cropping up on this show in endless crossover events with her "talents" half exposed in everything and her terrible over-emoting and grating voice.

Sorry show but I'm out on this one & won't be seeing you again.
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