
143 Reviews
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Jeopardy! Masters (2023– )
No Alex
5 May 2024
I have not been able to watch an entire episode since Alex Trebeck died. So why would I want to watch this? I grew up watching him. No other host has had the charm, humor, and charisma. He had the presence and confidence to just be himself. Ken and Mayim do not. They both overact to impress. There were a few who were on during the trials that I enjoyed and wanted to continue watching.

I think I will see if any of the streaming shows play reruns! Bet I can answer the questions since I don't watch any of the newer shows. Now I have to make up more comments until I meet the character total required to have this published!! I'm done.
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Survivor: We Can Do Hard Things (2023)
Season 45, Episode 1
Too early to tell
1 October 2023
In the past (based on previous reviews) contestants were evaluated almost immediately by viewers based on their evaluation of muscle mass and perceived mental capacity. Therefore the lower reviews this season. We as "watchers" have got to get out of the first impression mode. The contestants will take care of negativity. But they cannot take ownership of elimination when one contestant quit before the first "fireside chat" even finished. If she was pause to attend based on plane tickets and hotel rooms etc then the production staff should get their money back. How could this wimp pass evaluation? I do wonder how much longer Survivor will exist given the makeup of more recent contestants. Lack of mental and physical fortitude.
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Ink Master: Let the Sparks Fly (2022)
Season 14, Episode 8
14 June 2023
This episode presents the main problem with this show. Now I do love to watch Ink Master but I get a bit appalled when skull pics are given to artists they know cannot do justice to the pics and ultimately people are given unredeemable tattoos. Yes they volunteered but until this episode I never saw any contestant who expressed concern over providing a good rendition. And the "jury" did not ultimately pick the worst tattoo to go to judges selection for worst of the day. I will not name contestants who should have been eliminated during this episode and believe at the end of the day that correct contestants go to the final. Color portrait day is difficult and judging is inconsistent. The fact that I am the first to do a review shows how uninteresting the new Ink Master is. I would rather and am watching reruns. Miss the old judges panel. These guys and what's her face have no excitement.
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Judy Justice: Cat Fight (2023)
Season 2, Episode 86
How do you rate this one?
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Again a case about protocols in place for COVID19. I am a cat owner. I know how we can get when one of our fur persons are hurt. But I think we all know that we cannot assume that our cat is sicker than another. When this gentleman took his injured cat to the vet (by the way cats should not go outside-they get injured) he assumed that he was more important than anyone else. I get it. But he would have saved himself a lot of angst if he had done what he was told - call. He would have been told that the vet was not in the office.

I am used to that protocol at my vet. And they did not revert to "normal operations" until first quarter 2023. He was very abusive to the clinic personnel and a bit of a skiffle ensued. But here is another example of people failing to take responsibility for their own actions.

Judge Judy tried in her discourse to educate folks on that principle. Some listen, some do not. She demands proper behavior in the courtroom and toward herself. I love it!!
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Judy Justice (2021– )
Why do I watch this
30 May 2023
I have to admit -I am fascinated with myself for binge watching this!! I mostly love to watch Judge Judy. She is very bright, does a great job making sense out of her cases, and I am learning a lot about aspects of the law, the need for contracts and having everything in writing. The impact that COVID19 had on our society is dreadful and I only hope our lawmakers do a better job next time. But most of these cases are just petty disagreements.. Is this what our society has become? Police reports. Our police are being called for ridiculous reasons that are a waste of our community resources. Our nations children are being caught in the middle if jealous and vindictive pissing contests. How can these adults not be embarrassed by fist fights between ex friends? Do these cases come up because they get paid to be on TV. Children are caught in the middle and that is discussing. It's infuriating.
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Judy Justice: When Roosters Attack (2022)
Season 1, Episode 54
A terrible episode
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was awful. I cannot understand why Judge Judy granted any money. Wonder if she knew the defendant is a very famous photographer? No evidence of any medical treatment. Not even a receipt for pharmacy purchases. It seems to me this plaintiff did consult an attorney and found out exactly what to do. I truly do not understand why all of a sudden she did not require any proof. The pictures were hand dated. Let me see, lost wages. 3 weeks at 60.00 a day is not 7000.00. Let's see if I can come up with 87 more characters. I do wonder why Judge Judy seems to be very inconsistent. I want to keep watching but really???
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Outlast (2023– )
Brings out the worst
14 March 2023
Nothing about this show is interesting, other than to watch how money brings good people to be immoral characters can attempt to bring others to their level. I think the worst I have seen so far is the attempt to lure someone to your team then refuse to take them, although stealing gear that leaves someone in danger is just evil. I watch these people just plot and plot, argue over control, it just reeks. Absolutely the wrong message. Who knows, maybe the creators think this is a way to show how not to act. Wonder how they will feel if someone gets hurt? Ah but the "rules" allow it?? Not sure I can write anymore except this to complete.
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I liked it
19 February 2023
Have read a lot of the reviews, both professional and viewer, and it just seems to me that I watched a different movie. People say the special effects were dreadful yet this movie was nominated by many award events for excellence in just that. I never get too wrapped up in accents but the fact that George Clooney didn't attempt a perhaps more appropriate accent seems nitpicking. His character could very well have been from another area (not forever local). And panning the "greed" etc as stupid was just a total misunderstanding of the time.

My "favorite " criticism was the fact that fake swordfish were used. Was the reviewer serious? Were they to use trained swordfish and sharks? I chuckle just thinking about that. Really?! Of course the fish were fake!!

We see fishing and add to our "knowledge" by watching "The Deadliest Catch" yet never criticize TDC for showing only the best in the business (crews who are paid to go out and fish). It is an interesting thought to examine how TDC was edited). In both crabbing and sword fishing the crews are evaluated on their success by the OWNER of the boat. Yet the reviewers never mention the impact that Michael Ironside's character had. He manipulated that crew out to fish again, only caring for his profits.

Commercial fishing these days is a hard business. Fish stocks are depleted. It takes more risk to take boats out to less fished water. Again as before, reviewers fail to examine and apply the social and financial affects of the time in how scripts were developed.

I thought this movie was superb. Diane Lane was just wrong for that movie. Those scenes were an unnecessary distraction from the movie.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Has to be the best movie of the year!!
9 January 2023
Up until now I have been so disappointed in most films produced in the USA by the larger film organizations. They are just not what I consider excellent cinema although they are well acted etc. It isn't that I don't like super heroes. But at the end of the day I am only fascinated by the use of current technology and imagination. I do like watching the hunks, don't get me wrong. But I like movies that TEACH something. This is one of those movies.

The acting and camaraderie is wonderful. I have never seen movie made by these actors that has not been excellent. But when I started to watch this, I even forgot to feed my cats!!

I had to have my phone and Wikipedia right next to me because this film, although very humorous, also provided an interesting history lesson of the perhaps alleged plans to allow powerful people of the Nazi persuasion to infiltrate our government. And at the beginning of 1933 that was not much of a stretch. I looked up place and event referrals, some person referrals, etc and in this movie you have a history lesson for a lot that took place. Referred to Drug use, ,new drugs for pain and mental health, music, dancing and costuming, places, social norms of the wealthy, mansions, etc were all accurate (I use Wikipedia a lot and find it wonderful!). So if you want a history lesson of some events in the US in the early 1930's, have a go. Even the beginnings of plastic surgery after the horrors of WWI.

I need to emphasize from Wikipedia that such a plot was never proven to be executed. But the evidence suggests that such plotting did occur. Gosh, it would happen now.
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The Rig (2023– )
Good not great
9 January 2023
This was a fun show to watch. First off, I had a problem understanding the dialogue until my brain got used to those wonderful Scottish and British accents. Once my ear adjusted, the dialogue sound was wonderful. I only wish the words were more creative. How many times did characters say "it will be alright" (usually a female utterance), and "I promise". Made Rose and others seem much more shallow than I think intended. Introduction of Coake in episode 5 was timely and added much needed mystery. And who can't love Mark Addy! I was getting a bit bored until then. Characters Fulmer, Marcus, Baz, among a few others were well defined and portrayed. But in general the female characters were portrayed as weak. Working on an oil rig demands stronger female portrayals. The ending left me hanging, wondering if season 2 is planned.
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Criminal Minds: Just Getting Started (2022)
Season 16, Episode 1
Dr Reid has moved on
19 December 2022
I have read some previous reviews and some folks lower reviews because Dr Reid aka Matt Grubler is no longer on the show. At least not at present. I miss him too but I am glad he has moved on. My impression is that the show developed Dr Reid about as far as they could. The current revamp of the show is great since most current network tv is not worth the time to watch. It seems shows produced for streaming services are just better, at least for the non-puerile viewers who don't care to watch stupidity and shows for teenagers! The writing for CM needs to get its mojo back and draw the viewer back into the mystery of the show! Also glad they resolved the issues for Rossi in the first episode since he is the best!
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Wish Dad was here
17 December 2022
I watch all space exploration shows through my Dad's eyes. He was born in 1899, was in the second class of electrical engineers at Penn State, worked over 40 years at General Electric) and he never tired of the "New". He died in 1987, having watched every launch, every landing, and heard every word. He set his alarm to wake up and watch landings, even if on at 3:00 AM. The shuttle was a fascination. Nothing was boring.

Perhaps because he worked for General Electric (very involved with space programs) ? But his engineering background just lit him up.

I have read a lot of reviews for this film, and realize how jaded folks can be today. We are so used to new accomplishments, the new stuff is boring?

I am not finished with this movie yet, but when I watched Oppy roll onto the surface of Mars, I teared up. Proud of human accomplishment. Anticipating what is coming. Wishing I could go to Mars so I can channel the sites and sounds through my senses to my dad. (Yes I am fascinated by Quantam Physics!). We should all watch these accomplishments and be amazed what we can do without fighting with each other.
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Every time I watch this
7 December 2022
It gets better. This movie is pure artistry by some of the best in the business. Just think to make a movie without green screen and cgi!! It relies on the talents of the actors, director, cinematography, script, art direction among other talents. The mood is set by the weather and the scene. The timing is extraordinary, the emotion flawless, and the growth of all characters is overwhelming. We aren't used to seeing Tom Hanks as a soulless monster for the monsters of the depression but he develops the role with incredible subtlety. The young fellow who plays his oldest son (don't want to stop this to look him up is I think new to this profession and I think with help from Hanks grows into a marvelous role. This is one of those movies that you have to watch more than once to see the wonderful subtleties of acting at its height.
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Mysticism of the Cat
2 December 2022
I have owned 9 cats in my life, all inside. All allegedly domestic. I watch this movie and realize except for size, my 10 pound cats are pretty much the same. Cats have been "domesticated" for far less time than dogs and continue to maintain many wild behaviors.

The lions in this movie are depicted as mystical, but if you spend much time with small domesticated ones, you see how "wild" they still are. And they seem to read my mind. The morning of a vet appointment I cannot find them. They hide and watch me look everywhere! Food and treats will not fool them. One of them stalks my leg! Yet they appear out of nowhere. If you think they act like your pet dog you are mistaken.

I love watching this movie. Cats here are sneaky, patient, sly and predators. So are mine!!

Combine that with the Masai, and you have a movie for the beginning of the times folks tried to tame Africa. I am afraid we have succeeded.
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Alaska Daily (2022–2023)
Interesting but...........
1 December 2022
First off it seems IMDB only wants long and wordy comments. Which keeps folks with valid comments off your posting board. Why???

I have watched this show mostly today. For the most part it is better than other new shows on Network tv. But as I go through the episodes, I am getting really tired of Eileen. She is arrogant, dismissive of her peers, haughty and just not a team player. I think of her on a basketball player where all plays and the majority of baskets are centered around her.

The other reporters are good or new and learning. If she is supposed to be mentoring I don't see much of it. On this show other reporters are more tolerant of her than I would imagine. Gosh I'd slap her. And thank goodness they found Harry Potter!!!
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Made it through episode 4 (almost)
19 October 2022
I have to admit to binge watching this show. To be honest I am surprised by the 7.1 rating. I started watching it when I saw the cast. Thought to myself I could not beat a show with Colin Hanks and Anna Paquin. Their work has always been good.

But this show isn't even close to their best. Did the Dad always come home and just read the paper? Did Mom just iron and wash dishes? The acting was just flat so I stopped

The story is interesting so I switched over to watching the documentary produced in 2017. If you want to know about these abductions, watch that. Everyone was "human" like.

I was especially amazed at how naive folks were in the early 70's. I initially watched with 2022 mindset and it seemed a fantasy. But if I go back to living in 1972, it is so believable Whether that naivity was just in that area or everywhere I do not know. I do know that this "attack" on this family would not be so easy now.
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Ink Master: Painstaking Portraits (2014)
Season 5, Episode 13
Tired of the "oh woe is me"
4 September 2022
I am binge watching Ink Master. Interesting view of racism in that black canvases usually get the less skilled artists. Unless of course they get black artists!! But so far I am just so tired of Dunn. He gripes and complains all the time about everything. Even tho I dislike Josh, he was good enough to win. Would have been interesting to see him go up against Cleen Rock Onr! Such a shame. Just stop the pity party - it isn't becoming. I know the producers are reviving Ink Master. Wonder if they learn from their mistakes. Get a new film editor! Surely the watching public are better viewers and want to see the tattooing, not the drama that is staged.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
An incredibly complex movie
3 September 2022
I love this movie. I watch it every time it is on! But wait- now that I stream I can watch it every day if I want!! Why you say?

1. The music is incredible. It evokes all kinds of emotions. I even (in private!) hum it around the house 2. The cinematography should be used in classes to show just how lighting, setting, camera angle , etc can be used to make a film great 3. Let's not forget the acting. Oh the acting. Great actors combined in one film!! Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, William H Macy.

4 the invocation of the depression era. It provided a little history to illustrate the impact that "this little horse" had on the less fortunate in the early 30's. And the extreme disparity between the classes.

5. I have never been a Tobey McGuire fan but he does a good job!

5. I could go on but will end with the narration. It makes me realize how much I will miss the voice of David McCullough.

I could go on but will end with the genius of my favorite scene: we see the trainer from the back as jockey and horse run into the darkness of night. Man the cinematography was awesome!!
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Just a repeat of the past 8 years.
29 August 2022
It is interesting to me that, like GOT, we are delivered a wealth of naked women, non-missionary love making, etc, to try to keep fans interested. Professional women, three ways, etc I'm not a prude by any stretch, and maybe because I just finished binge watching GOT, but this is so much like the other. I may watch later but this is not cutting it. I wonder if a female dominated production staff would write it this way? Very demeaning for a lot of women in it. And now I have to add more useless communication like the show because of the need for 600 characters!!

It also seems there is some control over content. Guess I cannot use the w word! Or maybe the s word? How odd!!
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Joe Pickett: A Monster at the Gate (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pat dialog
14 August 2022
Don't you get tired of writers filling their dialog with "it's gonna be ok" and "it'll be ok". So far I agree - it isn't no Longmire. Will watch a bit more. Accents are forced. Emu and scenery outstanding. Hope actors grow into their roles without forcing it.
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Goliath: Happiness from the Ground Up (2019)
Season 3, Episode 2
Great cast and wacky!
3 August 2022
How can folks not realize how funny this is!! I love it. Love the goat! The support staff is hilarious as are all the cousins and nephews! Ok have to add more I don't want to add to make this longer. What a pain!! And Patty and JT are great!!
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Amazon Queen (2021)
This is bad
10 July 2022
Do not watch this thinking anything about the Amazon is true. It is so wrong to demean the river, its peoples and wildlife this way. The acting is bad, the script is worse. Only the photography of the wildlife is worth watching.
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The Walking Dead: Rogue Element (2022)
Season 11, Episode 11
I cannot believe it
19 June 2022
This show has lost all original ideas. Copying a director style from the 50's? Copying social issues etc we have today? Seems they have put a different spin on racism. Now we have class wars, etc. Not one original idea but it certainly seems current show runners think so. And Angela Kang has to come at the end to explain it all.
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The Lost City (2022)
Enjoy for today
15 June 2022
This movie was fun to watch. I did chuckle at times and it was so great to see Brad. Bullock and Tatum worked well together. I had no other expectations. It was made to be jungle adventure. Just fun and it hit the mark.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Great show but depressing
29 May 2022
I enjoy watching this show but at times find it depressing: How many of us had parents so attuned to our feelings, distresses, etc?

How many of us had siblings so open to discuss stuff??

These parents were amazing for sure. Guess it is good to have a script writer always have them say the right thing. And the siblings always talk a lot and share stuff.

So, it is depressing that while I feel Ike I had a great family experience when growing up, this is so "pie in the sky" that I am, like Kate, driven to a chocolate sunday while watching.
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