
7 Reviews
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Thunder Force (2021)
Worth your time
26 November 2021
This is not a brilliant comedy with everlasting jokes, but a simple, cute twist on the SuperHeroes' genre, with nice messages and just a few gross scenes. I liked it for light watching, and will be recommending it further.
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Good actors, bad script
25 November 2021
I love the actors playing the older generation of the Christmas family. However, plot is really horrible, illogical and far away from being funny. I don't doubt some of the things, even all of the things scripted, do happen. In the same family? Unlikely, but OK. Is that Christmas material? Never, not in a million of years. Was this a comedy? I had a laugh or two. I had much more cringing moments. But what really made me sad was watching Cleese and Grammer in a such lame movie.
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The Watch (2020–2021)
Bloody Stupid Johnson would do much better work
20 February 2021
There were some wonderful adaptations of Discworld novels. This one looks like no one knew what they were doing. None of the characters are true to the character, backstories have nothing to do with books, and so-called storyline has no story nor line. To watch this... thing... you have to know Discworld very well, and to forget you know it at all. And still... it is pointless.
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Olympus (2015)
So sad
25 November 2016
I really don't like to give poor ratings, so very often I chose not to rate something, rather than to give it low rating. However, occasionally, things are so bad, that I have to comment.

First of all, acting is mostly decent. Sad truth is that the actors didn't have any decent material to work with.

I am all for litentia poetica, and I always approach new things open-minded. I understand that people like to take well-established myths and play with them, and I have no problem with that.

However, the universe created should follow own rules, and things should be logical. Here, everything happens without logic, and it mostly looks like bunch of kids tried to make something, but they couldn't agree whose idea they will use, so they used all, and left the project in the middle, for someone who hasn't seen it to finish it blindfolded.

True, there are some very good sentences that could be quoted from some episodes, but in the entire context they have no value, nor strength. The closing is so shallow, that it almost made me cry with frustration.

The writer(s) seem(s) not understand concepts of Greek religion, love, sacrifice, or logic. They even don't follow the concepts they made.
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Hot Pursuit (2015)
Not nearly as funny as it sounds
9 September 2015
You know when you watch a comedy with straight face the entire time? Comedies are not meant for that. Witherspoon can do much better than this. She is supposed to be this awkward, but genius know-it-all cop. Her character is just awkward. Vergara isn't funny at all, at any point, her story line is unbelievable, as the most of the plot, anyway. The entire movie is story seen oh so many times, bringing nothing new, and even the old stuff isn't funny enough. Truth to be told, I have seen worse, but not that many, and I have seen a good share of bad movies. This movie is waste of time, waste of money and a thing that you probably want to skip, for good. I am sorry I didn't.
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Nowhere Boys (2013–2018)
4 January 2014
The show is nicely done. Actors are well cast. I don't think I could pick just one, all four of them really fit the roles. Dialog is age appropriate and, although there are some stereotypes, they had been written well and in funny manner.

I really enjoy each and every episode of the show, and the fact that there is real dose of unpredictability. There is magic. There is science. Unlike other shows of similar type, which base either on one or another, "Nowhere Boys" really allow themselves large spectrum of possibilities, which they use in such manner that things don't get boring.

And just when you think you got it - something new emerges.
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The characters are the same only by the name
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I am a huge fan of "Pride and Prejudice", and before you say that this is a separate work of art, written by a different author and therefore a different thing, I would like just to add - if they didn't want to follow in the footsteps of Jane Austen, they should had written about new characters. However, they didn't.

Aside of that - story is stretched, unbelievable and unreal.

So... While I could get used to Matthew Rhys as Mr. Darcy and Matthew Goode (whom I really like) as Mr. Wickham, Anna Maxwell Martin doesn't have that "something" to be Elizabeth. Still, I could bear that - but each and every character (except for Mr. and Mrs. Bennett) had been so changed, that we wouldn't recognize them without their names.

Darcy is more narrow minded than in the beginning of P&P - although JA stated that marriage made him milder.

Elizabeth and Lady Catherine still can't stand each other - although JA made it clear that Lady Catherine overcame her share of prejudice and became a dear guest to new lady of Pemberley.

Wickham is all of sudden brave soldier, as if we forgot that he really had no qualities whatsoever, except his charm.

And, just when you thought you saw all, you realize that Lydia is a wise woman, devoted to her marriage, that deliberately closes her eyes to her husbands affairs. As if we don't know that she is spitting image of her mother - not deliberately blind, but truly blind. And while Jenna Coleman was the best casting part of the show, some things, like her recklessly throwing her coat behind her and generally wearing red, were just pushing over the borders of normal, even for Lydia.

Georgiana's falling on the floor in tears and despair in front of the servants is something that Georgiana would never do.

Mrs. Younge to be governess to Georgiana needed to be at least a decade, if not two, older and her being Mr. Wickhams sister is plain silly.

And, above all - The Fall of Col. Fitzwilliam is probably the saddest part of the show. Darcy, knowing him his all life, could not have been so blind about him.

And, just one more thing - the Darcys are one of the richest people in England of that time. It is: 1. Next to impossible that his grandfather nearly lost everything; 2. Impossible for him to lose reputation so easily and quickly, based on scandal with his brother-in-law; 3. Absolutely impossible to have that scandal ruin him financially that he would need to rely on Col. Fitzwilliam.


There are no elements of horror. They talk about a ghost, but that is all.
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