
14 Reviews
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Evie (2023)
Anyone who thinks this movie is 10/10
7 April 2024 delusional. Sorry to be harsh, but the high ratings are really misleading. This movie will not change your life.

The best parts are the beginning in the early childhood as they kind of set a folk horror stage. Flashing to the future, the lead actress is unappealing. The movie tries, and fails, to tell the story in flashbacks that are unsatisfying. This is not entertainment. It is also not a mental health awareness film. It is just bad.

The cinematography is beautiful, but not nice enough to recommend the film. I can't say that this would appeal to anyone, except for friends of people in the film.
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The Aviary (2022)
I don't understand the good reviews . . .
10 April 2023
. . . did we watch the same movie?

It is a 90 minute conversation between two cult survivors lost in the desert. Unfortunately, nothing interesting is ever really happens, and I guessed the ending. It left me sad and disappointed. I did not feel challenged or intrigued, just bored.

There will be no value added to your life if you watch this movie. There are no revelations or and the story telling is meh. The acting is OK but the script is non existent.

I was so surprised that the story did not go anywhere, much like the main characters. I felt like I was being punished along with them. Give it a miss.
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Leave (I) (2022)
Jog On
12 March 2023
This movie will not add anything to your life. It had some potential - weird families in Norway are a great place to start with a tiny bit of black metal thrown in for good measure.

However, my main pet peeve is the shots are too dark. What is the point of shooting a film when your audience cannot see what you are doing/ The compositions aren't strong enough to be 'arty'.

The storyline is very weak, you can see the ending coming from a mile away. It is not all that interesting. I kept waiting for something to happen but was left disappointed. Again, it had some potential but squandered it by following the main character to nowhere.

There is no black metal in this movie, only black screens.
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Interesting concept let down by script
27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that you really want to like. Irish settlers are freaked out but supernatural events killing them off one by one, vengeful witches getting their pound of flesh.

The script lets this movie down a lot. For example, what time period is this? There is a long shot of a plane flying overhead and then a modern truck. Also, why do Agatha's witchy friends turn on her, and what is the purpose of her daughter? There is not enough backstory to make you care about any of these people, either the witches or the townspeople.

The cinematography is good and the tension is good. I watched it all the way through despite the flaws, but felt it was another wasted opportunity let down by a poor script.
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Beautifully shot, self-indulgent film
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was drawn in by A24, Emily Watson, and Ireland - what a combination!

Slow burn is an understatement - we are frogs slowly simmering to death. There is a 10 second AH HA moment and the rest is waiting for the film to get started. It never really goes anywhere.

The ending was so frustrating that I was actually angry. I felt like I was taken for a ride.

I'm not sure why this film was made but it seems a waste of a great location and fabulous actors with a MEH story line. The fact that she lets her son drowned is the only highlight. But then the movie goes back to being a dirge. It may be true to life but it is not great story telling.
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Severance (2022– )
I love this show - it is so weird and unpredictable.
11 March 2022
Severance is unlike any other show - thank the Gods! It is creepy and dark and I have no idea where it is going. I love that Severance does not broadcast 5 steps ahead. It may be considered a slow burn, but I love how off beat it is and I am very grateful!
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6:45 (2021)
In no universe is this movie 10/10
26 February 2022
Some may describe this movie as a slow burner with a shock ending. I would describe it as a no burner with no surprise. If you didn't see the end coming, you must have been scrolling.

I actually got angry when the alarm went off. It was like living in a nightmare!
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Good Production Values, Bad Script / Plot
26 November 2021
The pilot is intriging enough - what looks like a terrorist attack across the globe and the effects on 'ordinary' people. The problem is the real time gimic - nothing much happens in real time, so the story line just drags, and drags, and drags.

If you are looking for the science fiction, watch the last 20 seconds of each episode.

I guarantee you will stop caring about the characters by episode 4, if not sooner.
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Justin, honey, you can come sleep on my couch . . .
27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . you don't need to do movies like this.

This is not a good movie. It is not well acted and is not saterical enough to be camp. It is not good enough to be compared to Rosemary's Baby. The ONLY redeeming quality is a pervy Pierce Brosnan and a creepy nurse. I can't imagine what the producers were thinking when they unleashed this clunker. There is some gold to be mined, but it is all passed by in favor of a trite ending. While I can't recommend the movie, watch it for the 'sex scene'.
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Gorgeous cast, confusing story
23 May 2020
The cast and the scenery are gorgeous and compelling but the editing and story line are a mess. Having not read the book, and with the time line jumping, it is difficult to follow. It's unfortunate because it has everything going for it except coherent story telling.
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Devs (2020)
I've enjoyed every minute of this show
16 April 2020
Alex Garland has created some of my favourite movies. The performances are outstanding (love Nick Offerman) and the soundtrack alone is worth showing up for.
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Did the producers watch this movie before releasing?
5 May 2019
Normally, this type of movie would be just up my street but Mexico Barbaro is terrible. It starts off promising but the stories are short, violent, and ultimately either uninteresting or stupid. Such a wasted opportunity.

There are 2 decent stories but the rest are unrealized and foolish. I wish they had fleshed out some of the stories and cut the rest!
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The Convent (2018)
Solid 6 Stars
5 May 2019
I enjoyed the atmosphere of the movie. The time period felt (relatively) authentic. Persephone jumps out of the fire into an all-together different frying pan.

The store is not original and I wish they explained the back story better, but it is a solid film. I watch a lot of horror and this is definitely not the worst!

My pet peeve - I hate when the scenes are so dark that you cannot see anything. This does happen through most of the film, but the eyes do shine bright.

Fine for people who like horror period pieces with some gore.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Love this show!
5 July 2018
It is true that most - if not all - of the characters are unlikeable but I think that is part of Succession's charm! The casting is spot on and the dialog is tight. It is well nuanced and I'm looking forward to where the plot is going.

Highly recommended!
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