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The Trap (III) (2019)
26 April 2019
"The Trap" (2019) is a semi-professionally produced comedy about an family owned restaurant based in Atlanta being run into the ground by Dutch, played by Mike Epps, through his immature neglect, only to be saved by Sonny, an up and coming cook in the Big Easy, played by rapper T.I.. Through Dutch's bad decision, a new recipe is created for the fried chicken that ultimately could get the eatery shut down and everyone arrested. The film reminds me of some of the less than bright people I grew up with providing a slight level of nostalgia. On the other hand, aside from the strong tie into family struggles and lessons, this film was a little rough. This film had many holes and more technical issues than I wish to count.

Some of the acting is pretty accurate for the personas that portrayed them, but it may have led to the storyline dragging a bit too much. The film filled the "standard" 90 minutes but could have easily been cut down to help move the film along, but this isn't my biggest issue with the film. The sound syncing has points where is extremely off and blatantly takes me out of the story. There are also visual issues where, like in the hospital, the camera operator can be seen. I originally had hi hopes for this film thanks to some names in the comedy and hip- hop world, but I was let down. Overall, this film isn't that good because the quality is a major misfire, but I still enjoyed it.
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Could've been Great
21 April 2019
"Isn't It Romantic" (2019) is a professionally produced romantic comedy about Natalie, played by Rebel Wilson, who doesn't believe in the concept of romantic comedies and the possibilities of them occurring during real life. Being that I also believe it is hard to duplicate anything in a romantic comedy, I had extremely high hopes for this film. There are definitely moments of giggles, but none of the side-splitting laughter common with performances from Rebel. I liked the film, but ultimately, I am a little disappointed. It is a good film that had the potential to be great.

The acting in this film, is simply okay. I believe this film required a lot of over-acting to convincing make fun of romantic comedies, but I think that may be my personal issue. I am familiar with the works of several of the actors in this film and I know that it could have been so much better. Blake, played by Liam Hemsworth, could have been just a little less "dreamy" to sell his character a bit better. Considering he played such a large role in the film; I think he may have been the reason I was taken out of the film. Rebel carries the film and is none for her over-acting, so it works quite effectively. Overall, if you can avoid uncommon and distracting acting from a familiar face, this film is decent and enjoyable for a single viewing.
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Glass (2019)
Just Ok
12 April 2019
"Glass" (2019) is a professionally produced Sci-Fi drama that continues the story of Kevin Wendell Crumb, played by James McAvoy, of "Split" (2016) and David Dunn, played by Bruce Willis, of "Unbreakable" (2000) leading up to and their capture and placement into the Raven Hill Memorial Psychiatric Hospital where Elijah Price, known as Mr. Glass, played by Samuel L. Jackson, has been captive for almost two decades. Throughout their stay within the medical facility and the major condition for their release, Dr. Ellie Staple, played by Sarah Paulsen, is charged with convincing them that they do not possess any special "powers" which they have to accept or undergo medical procedure. I can honestly say that I was truly looking forward to this film, having seen both "Unbreakable" and "Split," but feel that the story was mostly a misfire. In true M. Night Shyamalan style, I enjoyed the twists, even if a few were forecast, but it felt forced. I liked the film, but do not love it as I do the previous two.

The acting in this film is more hit than miss, but I must tip my hat once again to James McAvoy. His portrayal of characters that he had to switch through seamlessly is just uncanny, especially with the additional characters. I can appreciate the blandness of the medical facility, but I truly believe something was missing. It may have been the storytelling being overly repetitive between trying to reestablish the connection of the previous films to this one or the lack of true visual push, but I really feel this film could have been better. I would have focused more on the current story and less on the reconnect because majority of the viewers of this film have seen one or both previous. Overall, it's a decent film that I would, with precaution, recommend to anyone who haven't seen the previous films.
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Liar Liar (1997)
Fun film
6 April 2019
"Liar Liar" (1997) is a professionally produced comedy about a habitual lying lawyer, Fletcher Reede played by Jim Carrey, who is forced to tell the truth for a period of 24 hours after his son, Max Reede played by Justin Cooper, makes a birthday wish. Every lie Fletcher has told begins to unfold in a highly energetic and trademark Carrey comedic way. I have admired Jim Carrey since "In Living Color," and was always afraid his slap stick comedy wouldn't always transfer to the big screen, but this film was pinpoint perfect. His over-the-top antics effectively added to the film versus taking away. I enjoyed this film when I watched it the first time and enjoyed a bit of nostalgia this time.

I am sure that Jim Carrey probably had much more to in his tank, but Tom Shadyac did an amazing job keeping Jim reeled in for this part. The overall acting was superb, even though it did feel that Jerry played by Cary Elwes was a bit "too cheesy." Even though this film isn't very realistic, at least as far as the wish coming true, the consequences would be very accurate in "real life" making the storyline immaculate because it has a real lesson, always tell the truth. I truly enjoy this film every time I watch it. I would recommend this film to all who need a good laugh with some genuine insight on how to approach life.
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Great Friend Film
1 April 2019
"Going in Style (2017) is a professionally produced crime comedy about three lifelong friends who have fallen on hard times through the loss of their pension. Their plan to fix their financial woes comes in the form of a bank robber of their own personal bank that happens to control their pension. This is the second time I have watched this film and I love it every time. It is a reminder that there are good friends in the world that will go through the business with you. It also helps that some of my favorite actors are in the film. This is an overall great film and very sound technically.

For a comedy, the cinematography was surprising at how gripping it was in just the opening scene. The angles of the camera provided a glorious look into the bank that was far from boring. Director Zach Braff must have had the easiest job working with actors Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, and Alan Arkin, which allowed him to be so creative in his shot selection and editing choices because the acting was so great. I believe the story is very strong, only because it is a comedy. I don't think it would be feasible to make a realistic heist movie with limited mobility elderly. Overall, I think this film is great and would recommend it to all that want to know what real friendship looks like.
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Good, but Lazy
20 March 2019
"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018) is a professionally produced action adventure film about The Avengers and their eventual allies coming together to stop the growing powers of Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. I must admit I felt different from the beginning of the film to the end. I will sum it up by saying, it was joyful to see so many of my favorite characters come together until the end and leave it at that. It is difficult to really dive into what this film is about without being repetitive of prior super hero movies or completely giving the film away. However, staying in tradition of a Marvel super hero film, it is a fresh take that hits most of the normal marks excluding the conclusion.

The acting of this star-studded film, as expected is, dead on marvelous. It's not overly hokey like some of the hero films tend to be. The Russo brothers also did an immaculate job in directing this film. The fight scenes were very vivid and gripping in every sequence. In contrast, I do believe this film may have been a little long for my taste. I really think if the script would have been slimmed down to focus on Thanos' search for the stones and the Avengers and allies trying to stop him, there wouldn't be so many moments that feel like they drag on. I also believe there should have been some type of "actual" call to action for the Avengers in the end. I know there is a proposed continuation, but it feels like a lazy conclusion.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
14 March 2019
"Incredibles 2" (2018) is a professionally animated action adventure comedy that carries the loveable fun from "The Incredibles" (2004). In this sequel, the family is charged with changing the concept of "supers" through recorded hero actions with Helen, Elastigirl," voiced by Holly Hunter, taking the lead. I loved the role reversal with Helen being the desired hero to take the lead, but I think the added screen time for Jack Jack, voiced by Eli Fucile, was the biggest family favorite. Everything Jack Jack did in this film produced hysterical laughter in my family. I am usually very skeptical of sequels, but this film is just as good as the first one with exception to some heavy foreshadowing.

Brad Bird continues his reputation with character connections to the audience. Every character is identifiable in my own family and I just love that. The story is great, but anticipated, which makes the foreshadowing so difficult to avoid. To keep from spoiling the film, I would say the best way to have adjusted the undesired, would have been to make the bad guy a little less sketchy. This way it is a little less obvious that the bad guy is essentially broadcasted from the beginning. Overall, I really enjoyed this film and recommend a view if you enjoyed the first one, but once you have deciphered the "evil one," keep it to yourself until the end and just enjoy the film.
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Look Away (2018)
Close to Great
10 March 2019
"Look Away" (2018) is a professionally produced thriller about an alienated teen named Maria, played by India Eisley, as she navigates through family troubles, fake friends and being bullied, but everything takes a dark turn when her sinister mirror image takes the lead. The premise of this film is awesome, and I really enjoyed what the director/writer, Assaf Bernstein, intended to display. The film, unfortunately, didn't really instill any horror or thrill for me. I enjoyed the film, but it is not a love. I think some elements in the story could have been addressed a little more thoroughly.

I really like the cinematography and graphics and feel that without the camera tricks and graphic manipulation, this film would not work at all. The acting was also mostly spot on, but the story, visually had holes. I would like to have seen exactly where this sinister mirror image originated. A hint is given early in the opening, but without solidification, entirely too much space is allowed for interpretation of what could be versus what is. To sum it up, it was a very fresh idea with the possibility of being great but, left me with too many questions at the end.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Fantastic Film
27 February 2019
"Inside Out" (2015) is a professionally produced comedic adventure animation about the inner emotions Riley, played by Kaitlyn Dias, after she is forced to move from the only place she's ever known to San Francisco. This film is mostly told completely from her emotions, Joy voiced by Amy Poehler, Sadness voiced by Phyllis Smith, Fear voiced by Bill Hader, Anger voiced by Lewis Black and Disgust voiced by Mindy Kaling, are the perfect embodiment of externalizing intangibles. My son and I really identify with this film due to our military history and moving around every three years. This film gives us both a sense of sadness because of its relatability and hopefulness. This is a great film to show children that are dealing with the hardship of moving from a familiar place.

Pete Doctor and Ronnie Del Carmen did a marvelous job capturing the true nature of dealing with a move from the perspective of a child. All the emotions are raging and trying to identify which one takes the front seat is a magical battle on the big screen. I commend the actors and actresses for their portrayal in this film because it is difficult to effectively portray an emotion solely through lines. They did an amazing job bring those additional intangibles to life. Overall this is a great film regardless of some of the critics out there that have deemed it too dark for children. This film, though animation, is a perfect realization of what children go through during an undesired move.
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Rudy (1993)
Very Moving
19 February 2019
"Rudy" (1993) is a professionally produced dramatic sports biography about Daniel E. "Rudy" Ruettiger, played by Sean Astin, and his fight to become part of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team. Rudy has everything against him in his fight to achieve his dream. He is undersized, non-athletic, his academics are less than desirable and even his own family doubts him, but his heart is unmatched. This is a classic motivational film that made me feel like I should get up and do something positive. I am a die-hard football fan and the way this film incorporates more than just football and keeps it interesting is stellar. This is a great film.

Director David Anspaugh did great job getting the best showing from his actors, but I think the most successful thing he accomplished was not allowing the football aspect to take over the whole storyline. He maintained the focus on the struggles Rudy endured to try and achieve his dream. The cinematography was also a major hit. This film effectively had everything "football," from the hard hits to the stadium shots and still never lost focus. Overall, I really like this film and would recommend it to anyone ensuring to inform them that it is so much more than football.
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Fargo (1996)
Appreciated, But Not My Favorite
15 February 2019
"Fargo" (1996) is a professionally produced crime drama about a kidnapping unraveled by small-time cop Marge Gunderson, played by Frances McDormand. Jerry Lundegaard, played by William H. Macy, hires two thugs to kidnap his wife in order to ransom her to his father-in-law to pay an undisclosed debt. I really enjoy films that I can identify with, rather it's the situation or specific character, or something that transports me into a different realm, unfortunately this film did neither for me. This film seems overly silly for such a serious genre that is based on true events. I am not a fan, but I can appreciate the unconventional approach.

I have never been to either Dakotas nor Minnesota, outside of the airport, to attest to how they actually speak, but if they really sound like that, I may have to bite my tongue in saying it really hurt this film. I think I would have really enjoyed this film if there were less accents to detract from the storyline. This film, for me, painted everyone that wasn't rich as some type of simpleton with the silly accents, which by the end of the film is unfounded, especially for one particular character. The storyline, for as crazy as it is, especially based on real events, is really strong and followable. Overall, that one aspect mostly ruined the film for me as a viewer but allowed me to really appreciate other nuances in the beautifully shot cinematography. My recommendation to this film is solely for those who wish to approach a genre a little different.
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8 February 2019
"Breakfast Club" (1985) is a professionally produced comedic drama about five stereotypical teenagers that find they have more in common then just going to the same school after serving a day in detention. Keeping in mind when this film was produced, I feel slightly unsatisfied because there was no diversity in the film. The film storyline is still mostly relevant today through the character portrayals, but I find it hard to believe there were no other ethnic groups is the school besides possibly the janitor. Outside of this fact, this film is very good and mostly sound.

John Hughes did a masterful job in his simplicity. I am led to believe he had the whole school and surrounding areas to go crazy with shooting, especially after they departed the library, but maintained one key location to focus on the story. There were a handful of technical issues within the film with either continuity or audio and at times there felt a bit of over acting. I think this film will continue to be relatable for many years to come even though the problems will change. The stereotypes are still current, and popularity is still a fixture in high school, but the problems have evolved. Overall, this film is a classic, even if it isn't for my personal pallet. I would recommend this film to anyone based on its storyline and minimalist approach.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Great Film
2 February 2019
"Apollo 13 (1995) is a professionally produced historic drama about three astronauts, Jim Lovell played by Tom Hanks, Fred Haise played by Bill Paxton, and Jack Swigert played by Kevin Bacon, who flew on Apollo 13 with intentions of landing on the moon. After massive damage is suffered to the spacecraft the mission is changed to safely returning the crew back to earth. Historical events are difficult to portray on the big screen, but I believe this film has truly captured the essence of what truly happened. Unfortunately, I am personally not a fan of long films that, especially without side stories that add to the overall storyline. I think this film is good, but I would have taken some of the slower, less interesting events out and possibly added more of Ken Mattingly, played by Gary Sinise, after he was denied the flight.

Other than the length, this film looked and felt great. Ron Howard did an outstanding job getting the best performances out of his star-studded cast. There were not a lot of films that successfully portrayed realistic CGI in this era, especially compared to the movie magic we see today, but I think it was spot on in this film. Though I admit its length is less than desirable, the storyline is very in depth and gives a full picture of the event as it may have happened. Overall, this film is a classic, just not one of my favorites.
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Great Film
23 January 2019
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (1939) is a professionally produced comedic drama about a naïve man, Jefferson Smith played by James Stewart, thrown into a vacant senate seat to allow corruption to unknowingly pass through the Senate. Through accidental discover, Jefferson identifies the corruption and refuses to take it sitting down. I traditionally am not a fan of political or older movies, but this film is an exception. The strong storyline in this film made me upset to watch because the message is still relevant 80 years later. For the year it was produced, it is an extremely sound film from a visual and sound perspective, and I like it.

Director Frank Capra did an amazing job with timing and pacing in this film. Anyone who can captivate an audience during a filibuster is a wizard and he proved it in this film. It is hard to identify with the acting because I am not from that era, but one thing I did notice was there wasn't as much of the traditional over acting common with that time. These are the type of performances I would have love to see in all the old films. I believe this level of acting may have drastically changed my opinion of older movies. This film is a must see especially for anyone who truly believes politics is a completely honest profession.
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Creed (II) (2015)
A Knockout
18 January 2019
"Creed" (2015) is a professionally produced drama about an unknown boxer, Adonis Johnson son of famed boxer Apollo Creed played by Michael B. Jordan, as he enlists the training of his father's biggest rival and eventual friend, Rocky Balboa played by Sylvester Stallone, and tries to make a name for himself. This film is full of ups and downs and has a very serious emotional impact for me. It gave me a sense of pride to watch Adonis leave a life he where he wasn't happy and chase after a dream. I also am extremely happy that this storyline that is mostly recycled from "Rocky" was adapted successfully for an African American character. I really enjoyed this film.

The acting was more than spectacular. Having watched this film several times, I continuously find myself thrown into the film because it feels so real. The color grading in this film is indicative of the mood which helps to elevate the emotions that are portrayed and assists in the implantation of the audience in the film. Director Ryan Coogler did a marvelous job getting the best out of his actors, using creative camera angles and shots, and delivering a story that can possibly rival the original "Rocky" saga. Overall, I love this film. It is very sound and I think everyone should give it watch especially after watching the original "Rocky."
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Rocky (1976)
12 January 2019
"Rocky" (1976) is a professionally produced drama about a struggling boxer, Rocky played by Sylvester Stallone, who gets a "once in a lifetime" shot to fight Heavyweight Champion of the World, Apollo Creed played by Carl Weathers. This film, even with the occasional technical issues and bad punches, is a wonderous underdog story that brings me joy every time I watch it. I wish this original story would have been made in this era with more attention on the little details as to keep those little pesky nuances from detracting from the story itself. This film is still very much a classic, especially with the need of an uplifting story during that time.

I believe the writer, Stallone, and director, John G. Avildsen, did an immaculate job intertwining both the sport story and the love story between Rocky and Adrian, played by Talia Shire. The editing had moments where it felt a little like it was dragging on, even though it was purposeful, but the ability to effectively display the slow love in contrast to the fast-paced boxing was spot on. This film has a decent number of things that can be criticized which I believe has a lot to do with when it was produced, but overall this film, particularly the story, is a stand alone classic to my whole family.
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Cam (2018)
Surprisingly Interesting
19 November 2018
"Cam" (2018) is a professionally produced thriller mystery about a determined erotic web personality named Alice, played by Madeline Brewer, who finds herself mysteriously replaced on her own channel by an exact replica of herself. She tries every common tactic in the book only to find out that the fix is beyond conventional means. As with many mystery films, someone is always trying to conceal something, but this film especially resonates for me because the secret is more realistic and possible in real life as it is in the film. This film has a very simple premise, but I think it really adds to the overall product. I was skeptical, but I enjoyed this film.

There were few shots that slowed down the pace of this film. For example, the long static shot of the vanity while Alice sat on the bed felt extremely drawn out. I'm positive it was done for effect, but it didn't work well for me. The acting was marvelous as I felt like I could have been a witness to the situation versus a spectator at a movie. I salute Daniel Goldhaber for a well written and directed film. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone with even a minute knowledge of computer technology or interest in online erotica.
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Welcomed Sequel
18 November 2018
"Guardians of the Galaxy" (2017) is an action comedy about a team of misfits led by Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, as they are charged with saving the galaxy a second time from a foe that is too close to home. The film opens with comedy and dives right into action. It is a wonderful balance of funny and adventure that will pull the viewer into a confusing yet amusing world of violence. It feels like a less vulgar "Deadpool" with more teamwork. I enjoy this film and the series because it makes me think of how my own friends would act if we were heroes.

I commend James Gunn for his ability to assist his actors in the continued capturing of their characters. The acting is superb for a film that doesn't fit the norm of an action adventure. I do believe that the story of the first film was much stronger, I did find the turning point in this film to be unexpected and equally intriguing. I find sequels are difficult to top the originals, but this film was a great attempt, though occasionally a little cheesy, if not over the top. Overall, I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anyone that loves a laugh with a side of violence.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
Enjoyable update
11 November 2018
"Alice in Wonderland" (2010) is a professionally produced adventure fantasy about a teenage Alice from the original animated fil, played by Mia Wasikowska, as she returns to Wonderful to unknowingly fulfill her destiny and reveal her true self. I was extremely skeptical of this film upon its original release having enjoyed the animated version as a child. I was pleasantly surprised that this film didn't try to completely remake the original. Instead, it took a familiar story and expanded on the possibilities. I really enjoyed this film.

Tim Burton executed a great film that simultaneously reminded me of being a child while introducing me to something new. The acting was superb, and the graphics looked realistic. So much so, that I almost forgot the mesh between real life and CGI. There were noticeable hiccups that made little sense. For example, the heart shaped eyepatch worn by Stayne, played by Crispin Glover, alternated between red and black. I believe this was intentional, but very distracting. Overall, I found this film to be very entertaining and enjoyable. I would recommend this film to both those who have and have not seen the animated version, but inform those familiar with the original to curtail their expectations of the animation being brought to life.
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Strong film
4 November 2018
"Annabelle: Creation" (2017) is a professionally produced horror thriller mystery about how the demonic doll, Annabelle, came to be following the death of a little girl fathered by a doll maker. This film is close to great. It reminded me of the first "Child's Play" with a darker focus. This film is at home in its genre, but the jump scare standard can become old extremely quick.

The truly admire the acting in this film. It is often that child actors have a difficult time truly capturing the essence of the role they are playing, but the children cast in this film were truly astounding. Every effect in this film served a purpose even if is was solely to heighten the jump scares. I really enjoyed this film and would recommend it to anyone that enjoys a creative horror origin story.
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Patiently Good Film
27 October 2018
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (1977) is a Sci-Fi drama that mainly focuses on electric lineman Roy Neary, played by Richard Dreyfuss, and his life changing experience just before and after a close encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). There are so many things to like about this film, but there are also areas that may have been unnecessary. The main storyline of this film is about Roy but leaves a bit of confusion when the first storylines we are introduced to do not show Roy. This may be where the confusion lies because the interest must build for Roy much slower than the first two storylines. However, the film is still amazing, especially on a visual level.

Even though the storylines do not intertwine as well as I would like, Steven Spielberg does an amazing job getting the most out of his actors. This film could have easily completely lost everything based on a single bad performance. In stating that, I truly feel the acting is spectacular and that those chosen for the roles they portrayed could possibly have not been executed any better. The visuals of this film, pre-CGI, are amazing. Everything looks extremely authentic and original to what UFOs and alien life forms could represent. Overall, there are some moments where I personal felt confused, but this is still a good film. I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys Sci-fi but has a proper serving of patience to allow everything to unravel.
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Aliens (1986)
Freakishly Good
20 October 2018
"Aliens" (1986) is a Sci-Fi action adventure about Ellen Ripley, played by Sigourney Weaver, as she goes another round with sinister extraterrestrials. After being saved from a 57-year hyper sleep by a space salvage team, Ripley is enlisted to help a team of highly trained colonial marines search a space colony that has gone dark. This film was extremely creative for its time. I remember effectively being freaked out when I first watched this film as a child because it was a very wide departure from films like "E.T." Watching it again now, I am awestruck at some of things they were able to accomplish with a realistic feel.

The production value of this film appears surprisingly beyond its years. When I initially heard the sound design within this film it felt very real, but revisiting it now, some sound effects would serve better if they were updated to match the current technology. However, the film is still successful with the audio it currently uses. The story is strong and the visuals are creepily immaculate. Overall, I really enjoy this film and foresee myself revisiting the entire series. I would highly recommend this film to anyone that likes action adventures with a strong female heroine and doesn't conform to the norm.
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Se7en (1995)
Creatively Magically
13 October 2018
"Se7en" (1995) is a dramatic crime mystery about two detectives, rookie detective David Mills played by Brad Pitt and veteran detective William Somerset played by Morgan Freeman, as they hunt for a serial killer murdering people according to the seven deadly sins. I have viewed this film several times since 1995 and every time I am pleasantly surprised by new information I missed the previous time. For example, when Morgan Freeman makes his own personal revelations, I would attribute it to a man set in his ways exiting the force and making things odd and difficult for other people involved. However, upon further review and paying close attention, all his anecdotes made perfect sense to the cases he was working, particularly the seven sins killer. This is an outstanding film.

David Fincher is an extremely incredible director and his affiliation with Brad Pitt adds to his ability to produce high quality products. This film is extremely dark and just in its color grading. The storyline is dark, the characters are dark, and the film reflects that. Fincher does a remarkable job getting the best acting performances out of all his actors which equates to the acting being superb. This film was not originally on my favorites list. It was a film that provided me with a high level of intrigue, but I have effectively shifted it to my top ten list. I really enjoy this fil and recommend it to any and everyone that enjoys a good movie with religious undertones.
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Eyes Now Open
6 October 2018
"Eyes Wide Shut" (1999) is a dramatic thriller mystery about New York City doctor William "Bill" Harford, played by Tom Cruise, as he pushes himself into dangerous sexual temptations following an argument of mental infidelity with his wife, art curator Alice Harford played by Nicole Kidman. Alice admits to Bill that she had extremely impure thoughts about another man while with Bill after she accuses him of cheating on her at a Christmas party. I personally have issues with films over 90 mins, but this film was overly immersive and I couldn't pull myself away. The storyline was gripping and the visuals were outstandingly enticing for a film that appeals both to the dark and light. It made me go through a range of emotions from anger to sympathy to I don't even know how to feel.

I am not a huge fan of Tom Cruise because I feel he has one persona that he uses in 80 percent of his films, but I deeply believe that Kubrick was able to bring out one of the better, more authentic Cruise performances out in this film. The acting in this film was outstanding. I felt the pain and anger stirring within Bill as Alice explained her ordeal. I felt the desire for an alternate life every time Alice explained to Bill a different universe to her present. Overall, this film is surprisingly great and the runtime is nothing to fret. I would recommend this film to anyone who has the time to just embrace a story that will affect your emotions.
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Ed Wood (1994)
Motivatingly Good
26 September 2018
"Ed Wood" (1994) is a comedic drama biography about Edward D. Wood and his dream and dedication of becoming a famous director. Ed, played by Johnny Depp, is ambitious, charming, lacking talent in his execution and possesses a quirk that threatens to ruin his relationship. This film is visually sound and fitting in black and white with a few quirks, though I do wonder how it would affect an audience in color. I enjoy an underdog storyline and this film delivered on several fronts. Most specifically the front of a person with a dream in an industry that I wish to see myself one day. I can't say that I was blown away by the film, especially with a two plus hour runtime, but I found it very satisfying. This film is full of name actors and I truly commend Tim Burton for pulling all their performances together so well. The direction he provided allowed me to forget that I was watching a biography and instead enjoy a story about a man and his journey. It may have been because of these name actors that I felt the acting was superb all the way through. However, I feel the film was a little long and it is difficult to determine where some of the fat could have been trimmed. Overall, I believe this film to be really good even though it is not my "cup of tea." I recommend this film to anyone who aspires to make it in Hollywood, especially as a director or producer.
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