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Steven Universe Future: Volleyball (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Bad episode
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a huge case of Moral of the History > Plot > Characters. We have a moral of the history, that generates the plot instead of the other way around, and that changes the characters in order to make them play a part in the plot. Instead of being the other way around, Characters > Plot > Moral of the History. Where the characters revolve around a plot which generates a moral.

In this case, we have a moral of the history ( abuse is bad ), but the plot in order to drive this moral is terrible, and worse of all generates a Off of Character case. Pink was showed as being loving and caring for her friends , yet since the movie she was given the rol of bad guy. And now of abuser. The plot tries to portray this as bad but why is it bad ? Because she was hurt ? It was said by the Pearl it was an accident, and most likely was. Pink never hurt anyone intentionally, even with Spinel she only tried to make her go away and in her naivety never realized that her order to stay put would last forever. The moral is tried to be force in the plot through off of character. So Pink NEVER apologized ? or even felt bad ? That seems rather unlikely.

The writers should stop trying to force down morals in their histories and trying to make them so drama heavy , and start focusing on writing more interesting histories.
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Steven Universe Future: Little Homeschool (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
9 December 2019
Good start for the new season. Love to see Jasper again and that she is starting to become a center piece of the history , considering she was the only real antagonist in the series, maybe besides White Diamond, would be nice to see more of her and this episode guarantees it.
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Primal (2019– )
Absolute perfection.
14 October 2019
I love this work. Is truly amazing how the show gives you that survival vibe.
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Terrible sequel, horribly delivered moral messages, out of character and lore breaking.
6 January 2019
Like many people people in the coments, I loved the first movie, like many people in the comments, I also was greatly dissapointed by the sequel. I'll be honest, I was worried when looking for info about the movie I read good descriptions of it in Polygon and Saloon, but I still wanted to believe that even liers would tell the truth sometimes, how wrong I was, for those not aware what those websites are, they are fake news websites that take things out of context to astounding levels, for example putting someone who hates videogames to make a note about a new videogame, and the guy expends all his time whining about how videogames are bad and his life is so superior to anyone who plays videogames instead of talking of the game he was making the note about, or taking a notice like '' One guy saved a drowning girl '' , and then saying that the patriarchy patronizes women for thinking that they need saving, THAT kind of website. As a standalone movie, the plot may work, as a sequel, is horribly played out. And this is, objectively a sequel, thus I will judge it as a sequel and not a standalone movie. First of animation is pretty good, together with music, but, the most importatn thing for me, is the plot, and this is what I will deconstruct. The movie commits a grave mistake, and that mistake is the one of adjusting the movie to a message, instead of adjusting the message to the movie, and thus, like any other movie who does the same, plot suffers because of it.

Let's start with the characters.

Ralph has become a scaredy cat, he never was this scared in the first movie, all for the reason of give more thunder to Vanellope, but depreciating one character is not a way to elevate another, you can't ponder things to the lowest common denominator and expect a higher quality. Ralph has become selfish and self centered, when that was never the point of the character, we are talking of a guy who continually putted himself into more problem than he should for the sake of others, the trope about Ralph is that he was a villain who was not a villain, the writers seem to have forgotten that in this movie, they also have seem forgotten that by the end of the first movie, Ralph was in pretty good terms with everybody, he was in good terms with Felix to the point of going to his wedding, he was in good terms with the other inhabitants fo his game, he was in good terms with the villain help group, but for the sake of the movie, all of them were cast aside for the sake of making Ralph a clingy loner, the character has becomed a shadow of what it once was.

Vanellope has become extremely selfish, as someone who has many distance friendships let me tell you something, one thing is wanting to pursue your dreams, other is leaving everyone behind for your own sake. The movie tried to paint this like a clingy relationship, but this again is a bad example of the movie adjusting to the message, instead of the other way around, the writers seem to have forgotten that outside their games, characters DIE PERMANENTLY, so what Vanellope is doing is not the equivalent of someone following his dreams, it's the equivalent of someone leaving all his family and friends behind , even when some of those needed her for sustenance, to go risk her life in deathmaches in the poor neighborhoods of France just cuz she needs a rush, if any friendship of mine were to do something like that I would criticize them nonstop, as one procer of my country once said ( Jose de San Martin ), A real friend critics my mistakes.

The New Character, the girl who's name I don't remember cuz I don't care, she had far too little time on screen, yet half of the Movie's plot goes through her, big mistake. She had potential to be either a good villain, or a good second character, but was wasted. The instant hero usually is used as a way to make a character realize that what they see it's not what they want, in this movie, that trope has been used to reinforce a character that the guy they meet five minutes ago is as important or even more than their entire life cuz it looks cool, and that's what they REALLY wanna do. They could have either made her a good villain, sub villain, or at the very least a good support character for the movie, yet, they completedy wasted her in shallow life guidance scenes.

The characters have been flanderized, made out of character, and worse of all, dennigrated. Which takes me to my next point, the Disney's ''Princesses'' , oh god what have they done with them .... I have loved MANY of the movies of those ''princesses'', and the only thing I can wonder when I saw them is, did the writers watched the same movies I did ? Or were they trying to push some dumb feminist extremist political agenda ? First of all many of them weren't princesses, Mulan is a goddam soldier for once, many of them weren't rescued by big strong men, they RESCUED big strong men, Mulan Saved the EMPEROR OF CHINA, and what's this nonsense of wear comfortable clothes cuz princess can wear something besides dresses ? Many of them wear dresses cuz they liked them over their ragged or servant clothes, Pocahontas and Mohana wear tribal clothes that had nothing to do with dresses, and I could go on and on, and the ending where they rescued Ralph ? God, I thought that only internet chanles of political extremists could make so much cringe, like the political correct raps of the white privilege or so, but dear god, this movie managed to be as cringey as them '' A big strong men that needs rescue ! '', well ... is that supposed to be a surprise for many of you ? Mulan ? I'm looking at you. They not only ruined Ralph and Vanellope in this movie ,that wasn't enough for them, nope, they had to ruin all Disney's Princesses too.

The movie seems lost, it looks like they had to make a two hours long movie and only thought a clear plot for half of it, it gives you shallow messages about criticism dividing critics in both praises and simply insults, which is not true, critic is the reason society advances, if it wasn't for critics, we would still be thinking that blood transfusion are against God's wishes and that thunders are Zeus's rage onto unworthy mortals. But the politically correct seems criticism as all wrong, you don't only find insults in the internet, some critics, that are against you, are actually useful, I've had many sane debates and arguments with people who had criticized my believes , and even when some of them insulted them , I looked behind that and grabbed the knowledge they were trying to impart me, and I growed as a person and recognized I was wrong. The movie tries to give too many shallow messages, and delivers them badly, as explained by trying to adjust the movie to the message.

Honestly it's a huge left down, I awaited this movie restlessly, since I finished watching the first movie for a third time, yes a third time, I awaited for a sequel, whelp, seems I got what I ''wanted'', careful with what you wish.
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Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (2010 Video Game)
The coffin of the Golden Sun franchise
1 January 2019
What it used to be one of the 2 best RPGs for gameboy advanced, it has become an extremely mediocre RPG for the NDs, with an extremely bland history, and a rehashed mechanic. As a standalone game, it's mediocre. As a sequel to Golden Sun it's terrible, and please don't blame nostalgia for it, I waited for Dark Dawn tirelessly, same I waited for The Lost Age, the second gave me enormous joy to play, Dark Dawn almost made me cry. The extremely fun concept of alchemy is reduced to good vs evil with dark psynergy. Our favorite characters have become irrelevant for the history, and their children are bland copies of them, with so little backstory as '' Hey look it's X's child ! ''. The game does little to improve the old Golden Sun Mechanics, the graphics, and the puzzles are less difficult, but more contrived and boring. I'm not surprised that any plan for further GS games haven't seen light after this one.
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Dying Light (2015 Video Game)
Do you see what comes of all this running around, Mr. Crane? All this jumping and fighting, it's exhausting! Relax. You need to relax.
5 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The game is way too generic. It tries to be Assasin's Creed but it can't, it tries to be a bad copy of James Bond movie but it can't.

Music ? The game is thrilling. Graphics ? Very decent for my tastes.

Thematically ? The game goes south, it doesn't know what it tries to be. A survival game with zombies ? They are not much of a threat, it tries to copy Deadrising's thematic but tries to be more serious about it, thing is the seriousness of Deadrising was never it's strong point, it was only to make it more goofy.

Voice Acting : Top notch.

Gameplay: Repetitive at most. It would be nice that actual zombies are a threat but I guess that would require too much AI.

Writing: This is what drops the game's score from 6 to 4 for me, my god, it's like a bad fanfiction. It's like a reahash of James Bond. The bad badly bad guy is bad cuz bad is cool men didn't you knew ?. The villain would monologue for hours and hours, the entire game is a big monologue for this guy. The game puts so much importance on the game story that it overshadows everything else, it tries to be immersive, but it fails miserable, so I got two days in dialogue to get antizine or everybody days ? Welp, I better go to make every other subquest ! I remember good old days when if the game told you you have a time limit to find the McGuffin to save everybody you better respected that time limit. The game tries too hard to get you into the history, so instead of survival it looks more like a movie. And what's worse, the history is bad, the villain is incredible and not in the good sense, the protagonist gets morally and sentimental attached to people he only knows for a bunch of days and he has barely talked to. The scene where Rahim dies ? I was lmfao. My character had only talked with him what ? like 3 times ? 4 at most ? in a span of 4 days ? And he was already his best friend for him to cry that much for him ? Seriously, the story writing is terrible in this game, and the worst part is that the games shoves it's history on you as much as it can.
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Why did I watch this ?
16 October 2018
God .... the movie is great but damn why did I watch this ? Its way too sad for me. It's a great piece of art but , be warned, bring tissues if you are going to watch it, cuz there is a 99% of probability that you'll cry, and a lot.
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3 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most beautiful shows I've watched in a while. I could detail this but I can't say anything more that it hasn't been said before.

The show is a little hard to follow, so if you don't get the idea of what you are watching you may loose interest on it, but once you understand what's going on, what the subtext is ( that both kids are dying and going through some kind of purgatory realm of the dead where a beast devours lost souls like them ) it's amazing, and every episode has a meaning.
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Metalocalypse (2006–2013)
Wee'll make everything metal
10 September 2018
Great show. It has nice jokes, the characters are great, the baby man guys from the band are actually compelling and feel humans ( they all have BIG flaws besides their ignorance on normal human relationships ). What's more, it has great music, black fire upon us, Awaken,and many other great songs, not disney songs, but actual good metal songs.
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Steven Universe: Made of Honor (2018)
Season 5, Episode 22
My god ....
2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I love they brought Bismuth back ( loved her characer ) , but seriously the entire story line about ruby and sapphire getting married looks SO FORCED that it makes me cringe. I liked the idea of them being a couple, and I liked the episode where they got separated and then reunited over Pearl's pseudo rape, it was cute seeing them back together. But seriously , next time you try shove political morals into your viewers, at least put the effort to make it look not forced. This series could get so much better if the writers stopped wasting potential for good arguments and storylines to push up social agenda. And no, you don't need to completely leave the social agenda out of the picture, there are series who portray discrimination in a bad eye and they didn't get out of their way to do so ( example Inuyasha ).
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24 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We don't win by destroying who we hate but by saving who we love, or something like that - says the girl who's sister sacrificed to save the ''rebellion'', then after that, everyone they love dies ( seemingly at least ) and she kiss the guy who almost killed. Hahahahahahahaa This movie is BAD.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
This series is AWESOME
2 April 2018
There is one reason the series is not gonna get a 10 and it's because they tonned it down from the Pilot a little, they made Gary a little less idiotic and more serious, but they made everything else more awesome. I liked the Premise of Gary going back in time but whatever , the series is still awesome, the soundtrack is still amazing, and not talking just of the intro, the animation is great, and the history is advancing greatly.
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We went down with this
1 April 2018
We came from excellent season 7 that in my opinion resurrected the series, had an incredible nice movie, and now this .... I said it before and will do it again, Hasbro's writers should REALLY stop looking for ways to make their job easier ( come with plots and stories to tell ), and start thinking how to make their job BETTER ( come up with better stories and plots ), first we had the map as a plot creator so the writers could come with easy stories, as I've said, it wasn't good, but wasn't bad either, some plots were actually good. Now, we went down into an absurd school that actually ignores all previous lore, having a school takes time, the mane six are adults, they had their lives, how in heaven do they get enough time to run a school and still keep their busy lives going ? Instead of making an immersive world that lives and surrounds us with good stories, they make a plain world that tells plain and singular stories. Instead of having actual live characters, we have dolls that adapt to the story, instead of the other way around, Oh Applejack is the principal worker in her farm and does a lot of the work to keep the place running ? She's a teacher now, bad luck for the rest of her family, oh, did Rarity has to work for 3 Boutiques ? upsi doo, she's a teacher now, so her dreams can go to hell. The characters are no real anymore, they've been reduced to plot convergences rather than actual characters. I had my hopes up with season 7 and the movie, I thought the series was getting better. I fear now that I was wrong, VERY wrong.
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OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes (2017–2019)
I Liked this show but ...
27 February 2018
I liked this show, I really did, I loved the wacky pseudo seriousness of it, the mystery around Carol and Laserblast, how the Villains are going to defeat Point, what are the glorbs, KO's connection to them etc.

But it made a mistake no cartoon should make, it became political propaganda. Dirty, filthy, trashy, shameless political propaganda. No I'm not talking about the lesbian or bisexual ships ( romances ) in this show, in fact, unlike other shows like the Loud House which screams '' We are progressive look at us !!'', I like how they handled non hetero relationships in here. Hell I even ship Boxman and Doctor Venomous. And I'm not talking about the Captain Planet episode, which I love for old reminiscences of my childhood. I'm talking about the Let's Not Be Skeletons episode. I can understand if you tell children to not play with guns, I like that you show children that it's not abnormal to be with someone of your own gender in a romantic relationship, but no, you don't get a free pass to literally brainwash them in a dishonest way about guns. It's not really different from Peron or Fidel Castro's for kid books where they teach the kids to love the leader. Let kids grow up and decide. I dunno if I'll keep watching the show after this, if it has become this ....

In the end I kept watching it, and the show has distended itself from political propaganda lately. I like that. My favorite character is TKO because of the contrast he makes with KO and other characters, and I'm impatient for the next episode of KO's World. My only whine about the show, is that KO is becoming a little too much like Steven from Steven Universe. Ko should be a unique character with his own ambitions driving him up, instead of become an hyper sensible kind of guy, specially if he's becoming an Hero. Hope his goal doesn't get lost for the sake of making him super empathetic with others just because that sells.

The show has show that It can grow so I'm rising the stars from 1 to 4, I just hope, or better to say I pray that something like Let's not Be Skeleton doesn't happen again, EVER.
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This game is GREAT
11 February 2018
The only reason I gave it a 9 instead of a 10, it's because of the bugs and how the ending part is obviously unfinished work, this is one of the best, if not the best RPG that I've played as a video game. Unfortunately didn't have enough time to be developed and it wasn't popular enough to save the company that made it so they went out without even making patches. If RPGs took this game as a model we could have much more quality games on the market.
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South Park: Splatty Tomato (2017)
Season 21, Episode 10
South Park Writers are liberals ?
30 January 2018
It's funny how South Park has basically called Obama a thief, criticized PC to the death literally making a character called PC that shows out that people's retrograde view, but they make a season calling out trump and are liberals. That's funny guys, I don't remember nobody calling them liberals when they criticized Obama.

The episode was good, not bad, not awful, not excellent, but good.
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It's a decent movie, not a fantastic movie
25 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the movie, but it was poorly made, much like twilight it's about vampires without nothing that makes vampires actually interesting, this movie is about a vigilant in the 19 century without anything that makes a vigilant or the 19 century interesting. Specially if that vigilant is Batman.

Like someone else said, none of the detective work of Batman, just a few playing around with a scientist equipment and some tech that shouldn't exist yet gig , and that didn't solved anything, and the Sherlock Holmes gig, which also didn't solved anything.

There were parts of the movie that were never explained, like why Dent went after Bruce while being his friend if he was not the Ripper ?

Also Batman is supposed to be one of the world's greatest Martial Artist, he is a millionaire that trained with the best, so how was he defeated many consecutive times by a hobby boxer ? Oh yes the Drama needed for the movie.

Why was the Ripper scared of himself ? Why did Gordon acted like a complete different person from the Gordon we know ? What was even the point then ? Oh yes to add unnecessary twists.

The movie is interesting and the scenarios are great. But the actual writing leaves a lot to desire.
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Crimson Wolf (1993 Video)
6 December 2017
Wow this movie is really bad, it had potential to be really good, good animation ( for 1993 at least ), a nice idea for the history, but the execution was terrible, at first I thought this was a Manga adapted movie, baking all the manga in one single episodic movie. But nope, it's original, even so, you can either deduce the movie was greatly cut due to space issues, or that whoever made the script has no idea of how to make the flow in a movie. Sadly this movie could've been great but it isn't.
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DC Super Hero Girls (2015–2018)
It's for little girls !
25 November 2017
You hear me ! It's for little girls, quality doesn't mean anything, but hey, here it's the best part, when those little girls buy the comic of Harley or see the Suicide Squad Harley, or Poison Ivy ruthlessly murder people I bet their infancy will be better for it !.

Seriously I don't understand why they took a bunch of psychopaths and criminals and put them in a sky school kind of super hero high school, but whatever. This show is terrible, the dialogue is terrible, and the FKNG idea of taking some of the worst villains there and put them as adorable cute heroes, cuz apparently the writers are too lazy to look for other super heroines like Aqua Girl or Element Girl or Sonar or etc, is terrible.
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Star Wars: Forces of 4 years old
31 October 2017
I just saw an episode and that already ruined this for me. In the plot the new female character fights against a stormtrooper that .... tries to take a pet from a little girl ..... I mean seriously ? I know that a thing of dictatorships is that they try to micromanage the life of the people that live under them, but seriously ? Why ban having pets ? What kind of moron would actually enforce such ridiculous law ? What ? Palpatine is afraid that a pet suddenly becomes force sentient and defeats him ? Is that some kind of untold prophecy ? The return of the puppies ? Get out of here. A hero is just as good as their villain, and a villain that steals puppies reminds me less of an Evil Empire and more of PETA. Also it's feminist propaganda, which in my book automatically turns any series into cr*p. I love many female leading cartoons. MLP Friendship is Magic, Star vs The Forces of Evil ( which I consider a masterpiece ), and let us not forget Powerpuff Girls not the horrible remake but the original one which I miss every day I see the new version , but one thing is having a female being the protagonist, and another being trash feminist propaganda, this show does the later.
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HarmonQuest (2016–2019)
Really funny
21 October 2017
I like a lot of the jobs and the thematic of this series. I do understand that the guys making the show need to make jokes and comments on everything, real games are usually a little more chill, but whatevs, this is TV. Then again, I do think that if the guys making the show took the game a little more serious they could actually have more fun doing it than just doing it to make a show. I mean, in real games things are usually not so joking at every second, but when crazy stuff comes down it's usually way crazier than in the show. I've had Nazi elves, guys who want to steal things bigger than planet under their cloaks, etc. And let's not even start with epic level shenanigans.

This is NOT how you play D&D tho, there are more rules that keep you from doing half the nonsense like making things appear that they do in this show, and even without the rules, games usually have a hint of seriousness, because let's be honest, the guys in this show don't take the game seriously for one second, they should stop trying to be funny at every second, or at least stop unless they have an actual joke to make instead complete mumbling and nonsense. Randomness is funny just so far.

Overall the show is pretty good and it introduces people to something close to D&D games.
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
It's a crime.
16 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I'm giving this movie a 9 instead of a 10, is because it's a crime that is not a live action kung fu movie instead of an animated one. Srly, this movie has all the elements that a good classic Kung Fu Movie needs, the animation was great, but I honestly believe it could have been so much better in Live action, sure not all kids would've loved it, but it could have become a cult movie much more than it is now.
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Excellent episode
7 September 2017
I may be letting my favoritism talk for me, but I love this episode and Gabby's character is adorable. I wish they bring her back again. The episode has an excellent dynamic, Gabby steals the episode with her personality, and the CMC are in character, no scene is wasted to introduce us more into the relation between the CMC and Gabby, even the songs show us more about her and what the CMC try to do. I hope they bring her back for another episode.
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Another jewel of the crown.
7 September 2017
This episode is excellent and almost made me sentimental, I didn't cry but it made me feel sadness, which is really hard considering you need something Grave of the Fireflies to actually make me cry. I'm not gonna bother making a huge and detailed review because I don't need one, this episode talks for me. Greatly made. Perhaps, it could have a little more interaction between the Apples and the old Grand Pear. I love how they made him into the apologetic side rather than still be grumpy all those years.
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Mixed feelings.
5 September 2017
I've got mixed feelings on this episode, I like the dynamic of it, it's well executed, not the best, but well executed, it could have been a good episode, if not because all of it is a big attempt of the writers to say '' Obviously not everyone would like our show but it's for kids !''. As far as I know, it was supposed to be a show for all the family, that includes big people. In season 5 I could hardy find good episodes, but in season 6 and specially with season 7 they've doing a better job and having more quality writing.

While I disagree that this episode is a total ruin and the series is dead ( tho I thought so with season 5 ), I must say that this episode is a very big disappointment, because with some more initiative and minor changes the show could be SO much better, I mean, A Royal Problem is an splendid episode, from time to time the writers have proved that they can make a memorable episode, of course, they've been failing in a lot of episodes too, incapable of capturing the show's first season's magic, they COULD learn from their mistakes, but instead of doing so, they would rather keep committing them, and this episode is that, the writers telling us that no matter how much we complain or obvious their bad writing becomes, they don't care and ain't gonna fix it, because now the show is being done only for little kids instead when Lauren was in it, and kids only like void morals delivered to them in pretty colors, so why make the effort ?. You guys can tell me that a series is ''4 kidz'' all you want, and that MLP doesn't need to be serious ( never said it should ), but don't come to tell me that the show is good when it contradicts itself out of pure laziness from the writers and it's episodes start looking like the simpsons where the characters never really grow or act out of character for plot's sake it's as good as when everyone loved it, because that's just a plain lie.

Oh and yes, Twilight was better before she have her wings and specially before the map, both things that show ultimately that the writers are getting lazy and unimaginative, so they found easier ways to do their jobs, instead working better.

This episode was ''good'', it was well made, but the moral of the episode is terrible, dropping the 8 it could have to a 3 to me.

And for the one who ''indirectly'' quoted my message about the ''true message of the authors''. You completely overlook the part where my critic is completely constructive here. Saying that the show shouldn't be made different despite CLEAR contradictions out of pure laziness it's not something positive. Just a thought for food. What I'm criticizing here is flanderization, lack of continuity, out of character, and other writing mistakes. If you think that a show is better when not actually trying to have quality on it's writing then that's another history, but don't tell me that a show with those mistakes is better than one without it.
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