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Short and Sweet
25 November 2022
This Christmas special is all I wanted it to be. A shot, (bitter)sweet special with usual Gunn humor. This captures the Christmas spirit perfectly.

This short also explores themes of fatherhood, friendship and contains some songs too without overstaying its welcome.

Mentis takes lead in this, which is great because she doesn't get much chance to shine. Drax is great as always. You can see that this does not bother itself with it being connected to the rest of MCU, not even its own sequel. Which is rare as for the rest of MCU stock. The animations used in this is also good.

Also, Kevin Bacon.
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CODA (2021)
Endearing and Delightful
14 August 2021
This movie on the surface looks like any other coming of age movie about a girl from a troubled family. But I assure you, its anything but that. CODA follows Ruby as the only hearing person in the deaf family with a beautiful singing voice. We follow along as she struggles with the decision to stay and help her poor family's business or follow her singing dreams.

In hindsight, this movie gets away with many sugary sweet cliches that makes you puke. And that's what makes it stand out. A very touching story impressively crafted. It's direction, performances and story are all high class. Truly magnificent storytelling.
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The ending can make or break a movie
21 July 2021
Much like the wizards TV series before, a lot of things happen in short amount of time, this time even quicker. The pace of the movie is non-stop with not so much of a build up. All of it culminating to a gutsy ending that might not sit well with all.

That being said, this movie's production is top notch, best as ever been animation and brilliant voice acting. The relationships, the humor, the romance, the dramatic scenes, and the jokes from previous installments are all there. And film does provide us with so many satisfying moments and a beautiful message that how it ends does not take away much from the prior story. All in all, this is a great send off of the franchise (for now).
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Convoluted, too long, still fun
2 July 2021
First thing you need to know that this movie has so many things going on in it to be your cookie cutter action flick. The actual war sci-fi stuff, our main protagonist's family drama stuff, among many other. So, it gets lost in what it is trying to be theme wise.

The emotional stuff is hit-or-miss, you care about what is going on with characters, which you can't say for many this type of movies, though some supporting characters leave lot to be desired. Also, you have frigging JK Simmons and he gets like 10 mins screen time, that's a crime. The action scenes are well directed, good CGI. It feels like Edge of Tomorrow (just not as smart).

Just this movie is too long and could have trimmed 20 mins.
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Ray: Hungama Hai Kyon Barpa (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
A Delight all the way
27 June 2021
This is easily the most basic and most enjoyable of the bunch. We have Manoj Bajpai masterclass along with Gajraj Rao. Interactions between these two is the whole story, and not for a minute you feel bored. Writing, Direction is awesome. Just watch this one, its a blast.
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Ray: Bahrupiya (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
A misfire
26 June 2021
Kay Kay Menon is such a good actor, and this was such a nice concept. It could have been brilliant. But what we got was a slow and tedious adaptation. Amateurish writing with uneven character buildup, lack of tension building. It was a misfire.
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Ray: Forget Me Not (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
26 June 2021
First of all, Ali Fazal's acting is really amazing in this, he carries the whole episode. Also, the cinematography is top notch. Positives end here.

This episode suffers mostly from pacing issues. It drags on and on, screenplay is underwhelming compared to original writing, unnecessarily complicated at times. Direction is pretty average. It could have gained much from having losing 20 mins and tight writing.
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An energetic, exciting experience in this grim time
11 June 2021
From the start you know you are in for a treat, especially for the fans of the musicals. Every song hits the chord, has catchy tunes. The production for this movie is mind-blowing, so many colors, brilliant choreography, exciting direction. The cast is fantastic all around, especially Anthony Ramos and Melissa Barrera shine in lead.

Only complaint will be the overly long running time. It is due to the many characters this movie is representing making it lose steam when focusing on less interesting characters. Still as the musicals go its one of the better ones.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
27 May 2021
In all seriousness, it did what it was supposed to, that is to give a nostalgia fest with the cast members sharing their experiences. There are special guest occurrences, like lady gaga singing smelly cat, Kit Harrington saying he likes the show. We also got to see Justin Bieber in a potato suit, that's something. But it was just too long without having enough substance.

Then again if you are FRIENDS fanatic, you are going to love this either way.
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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
Its different, give it a chance
21 May 2021
Most reviews here mentions its a bad show, with preoccupied notion of what it supposed to be and what it isn't. This is totally new take on comic book series which doesn't focus on action (It is there) but on humor and family. This in particular with a Marvel tag on it.

Now everyone has different sense of humor. This in particular feels like mixture of Venture Bros and Robot Chicken kind of humor but doesn't quite get there. This has a brilliant voice cast with established comedians. Give it a shot, it is one of the rare attempt these days especially in Marvel properties.
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Castlevania: The Endings (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
Wow, just wow..
14 May 2021
Just when you thought Castlevania can't top itself, it proves you wrong. This episode is epitome of how the western animation industry is evolving and Castlevania is the frontrunner in that. It has showed us that video game adaptions can be good, and also is one of the best Netflix original to date.

Its sad to see such consistently amazing series is ending, but its better its ending on the peak than overstaying its welcome. It has been an amazing journey with memorable conclusion.
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Extraordinarily Beautiful
30 April 2021
Only thing ordinary of this movie are the generic storyline and themes. Other than that this movie is so gorgeously animated with the unique style, character design, voice acting and nice touch of comedy. From the makers of Spiderverse, this movie's bloated runtime feels like a treat. You can see the love they put into it. Watch it with your family, its totally worth it.
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Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021–2022)
Season 1 Review
25 March 2021
I may not be a diehard fan of Dota 2. But I used to play a lot. So its nice seeing all thee characters brought to life. In season 1, you follow Davian and Mirana on the journey to get the lotuses of Selemene back. In this journey you get to see fan favorites like Invoker, Luna and of course Terrorblade and he's awesome. While this storyline wasn't as much engaging in the beginning, by the end it redeemed itself leaving us wanting for more. There are lot of factors in the play here, this causes for story to be all over the place, also from that this season provided good groundwork for this to evolve.
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Greatest shoujo anime ever
24 March 2021
Probably one of the smartest anime ever made. This anime was so far ahead of its time with full of meta-humor, in fact, there is humor every minute. You will be laughing the whole time. So beautifully written you can see the love poured over this series on each scene. Every character is masterfully developed, you feel for each of them. This anime may be directed towards the shoujo crowd, contains some shenanigans that don't really attract me. But again it's so wonderfully done you don't get put off by it. I don't think this one still gets the credit that it rightfully deserves.
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We did it guys!
19 March 2021
Exhilarating from minute 1. Totally epic full of mythology, 4 hours of awesomeness. It has its faults, but they're easy to overlook with such sheer ambition of Zack Snyder showing up in every frame. Solute to you man, you did it.
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12 February 2021
This movie is superbly made with outstanding performances all around. Danial and Lakeith Stanfield give performances of lifetime.

This film feels more of a thriller than a biopic, and you get accounts of all point of views. Utterly devastating from start to finish.
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Its exactly like you expected
12 February 2021
This movie trope has been done so many times that nothing in this movie feels original enough. Still for any newcomer in the genre, its good entry point. For any seasonal viewer, you have seen all of this before, this time with teen rom-com in it.

Still, this movie is charming enough to just sit back and enjoy. God knows there are far worse movies streaming nowadays.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
When a horror movie is actually scary..
31 January 2021
This movie has simple premise. What makes it tick is the brilliant lead by Ethan Hawk, superb directing by Derrickson and the awesomely scary soundtrack.

You have been warned, you will not sleep for week, at least with lights on.
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WandaVision (2021)
Most inventive thing MCU has ever done
15 January 2021
WandaVision is just fabulous, creative mashup of genres and it blows. In first 2 episodes, they used the usual sitcom couple dynamics and clichés of any regular sitcom with Wanda and Vision's unusual powers and its damn funny. There are even laugh tracks to get into the feel. There's mystery, intrigue and much more. Next episode can't come soon enough.
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Minari (2020)
Beautiful and Poignant
9 January 2021
This movie once again proves that A24 is the most consistent studio in making great movies in Hollywood. Minari shows all ranges of emotion and one of the few films where kids act like kids, have a family that feels authentic, especially the grandma, superbly played by Youn Yuh-jung. It further depicts how the western way of living affects people who are not born in it. It's easily one of the best movies from 2020.
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Nomadland (2020)
8 January 2021
Everyone here seems to love the movie, with good reason. This movie is an artistic masterpiece. With the gorgeous cinematography, stunning soundtrack, this is probably the best directed movie of the year. Chloe Zhao creates such a mesmerizing atmosphere, it's very easy to get sucked in. The lead performance of Frances McDormand is as good as her performance in Three Billboards.

Being said that, I would have loved to say I liked the movie as much I admired it. First of all, there is very little plot. Most of the movie relies on the interaction of Frances' character with different characters, one after the another. While some are good, others not so much. This makes the movie uneven. It worked in Into the Wild, but not much here. More times than I care to admit, I was bored and waiting for the film to end.
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Wolfwalkers (2020)
Hands down! Best movie of the year
18 December 2020
Wow, just wow. This movie has everything, stunningly beautiful artwork, masterclass writing, brilliant voice acting and a whole lot of heart. The closest I felt this way for an animated movie was with spirited away.

Just watch this masterpiece, and do yourself some favor.
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A mighty fine movie
4 December 2020
A movie so well made, it makes you fascinated and at the same time frightened by experiencing deafness. The sound mixing is top notch, as well as cinematography and the direction.

This is the high time that Riz Ahmed got a limelight and he really shines in here. Through his superb acting, we experience his despair, joy and conflicted feelings. Supporting cast brilliantly supplements him.

This movie was one of kind experience and totally recommended to watch with best headset you got if possible.
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Run (I) (2020)
A finely Crafted thriller
25 November 2020
The plot of the movie might feel very predictable and is done many times. And yes that might be true but that is the only thing considered negative. Sarah Paulson rocks in her roll also Kierra Allen is new talent to look for.

The craftmanship done in this movie is top-notch. This is a brilliantly directed, meticulously acted thriller that keeps you on the edge from start to finish. Even if it does nothing original.
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The Disciple (2020)
A brilliant character study
30 October 2020
'The Disciple' is a movie about a journey of an artist and how it pans out over the years. This movie is beautifully directed with on the spot set pieces and full of Indian classical music. The music is so tastefully presented that, even if you are not familiar with it, it sucks you in with its atmosphere and carries over the whole movie.

I speak Marathi, so it was even better experience for me, as the dialogs feels very natural along with all the production. The movie moves slowly, showing us daily struggles of an artist who wants to make it big in field with rapidly declining scope. This along with an amazing lead performance and atmospheric music and brilliant production design makes it worth a watch.

Its a very solid character study, I can easily see this getting such a wide applause.
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