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Generator Rex: Frostbite (2010)
Season 1, Episode 6
High on suspense!
3 November 2023
Rex is in trouble with the nanites in his body and must undergo some emergency check-ups and other examinations at a remote base of Providence, but some are not happy with how things work at Providence and are making plans behind their backs.

The music in this episode is especially chilling and ups the excitement. When Rex is out cold it compliments that exact feeling really well and will send shivers down your spine!

The big fight up to the climax is probably the single biggest E. V. O. In the series, and it is such a sad fate for that particular one!

The stakes got high this time around, because Rex's life was in mortal danger more than once!
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Generator Rex: The Architect (2010)
Season 1, Episode 5
A dark side to technological advancement.
2 November 2023
While this episode does not further Rex's story as much like previous episodes, it does offer a poignant message about devoting oneself to technology which is embodied in this hidden village run by The Architect who has promised the inhabitants a paradise in exchange for their service to build what's needed to achieve said paradise.

Watching this in 2023 when AI and its consequences to humankind is a great debate, it hits harder with that mindset. Just like many other sci-fi movies from way before Generator Rex, it all seems more real than ever.

A good episode with a poignant message if not essential to the overall story.
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Generator Rex: Lockdown (2010)
Season 1, Episode 4
Big secrets revealed.
1 November 2023
A great drama driven episode with secrets revealed which have a great impact on the characsters and their relationships with one another.

The tension rises between Rex and the big boss White Knight when his one of his ways to control Rex is taken apart by the root when the circumstances force it to that conclusion.

And we get a new layer to Doctor Holiday who has some personal history with the omnipresent nanite infection which makes the take-down of a runaway E. V. O. Extra painful for her when goes after Rex and Noah.

The constant build-up of the characters since the first episode is highly commenadble, because it always keeps you on your toes and makes you want more.
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Generator Rex: Beyond the Sea (2010)
Season 1, Episode 3
Adding more character dynamics.
31 October 2023
Rex just wants to feel normal once in a while and therefore he sneaks out with Noah and Bobo to Spring break at a resort on the beach.

On that beach he meets Circe who is an outcast and feels left out of the world because of its resentment towards E. V. O.'s which also makes her click with Rex.

The sad truth is just that she has chosen to join Van Kleiss and his Pack for whom she is doing an initiation ritual of fighting a ferocious sea E. V. O. To Rex' dismay.

With this Romeo and Juliet dynamic set up, we get another great character dynamic going which undoubtedly will develop as the series progress, and it also addresses the ever present feelings of being different when you are like Rex and Circe.
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Generator Rex: String Theory (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
The morally driven Rex is shown.
30 October 2023
After the first episode established the premise and introduced the main cast, we get another episode with Rex taking the spotlight with his at times tense relationship with the management and their procedures when running Providence.

When they see E. V. O.'s they see a threat to humanity while Rex sees a person whose life is ruined by the unstable nanites, and therefore when Providence is informed that a rogue E. V. O. Is building up an army of zombie-like E. V. O.'s they order Lower Manhattan evacuated so that it can be cleansed of the threat.

Meanwhile Rex observes subtle signals from this E. V. O. Leader publicly known as Peter Meechum is sesrching for a loved one who has been taken from him, and therefore he goes against Providence procedures to save the person behind the monster.

Great character dynamics between Rex, Agent Six and the big leader of Providence, White Knight, in this episode which hints at more of that to come.
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Good set-up of the show.
30 October 2023
This episode sets up the show's basic premise really well and makes you want more.

Rex is a teenager who has been thrown into this fight between humans and nanites which have infected everything on Earth and make living organisms go berzerk regularly. They're called E. V. O.'s and Rex can stabalize them making a secret weapon to the police force known as Providence.

From the start Rex is the most promising character with a blurred past and a cheeky personality of a teenager often colliding with his great responsibilities while others mostly have the basics covered like serious agent Six, comic relief Bobo, caring Doctor Holiday and big baddie Van Kleis and his henchmen aiming to embrace the nanite infection and rule the world.

Now there are other characters like Rex who has interesting arcs set up during this opening episode like his friend Noah, but that's not given the most focus throughout the episode.

Being a first episode it primarily has to set up the basics in which it succeeds, and it gives us great action scenes, great animation and an interesting premise with likable and entertaining characters, so we're off to a good start.
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Injustice (2021)
Enjoyable Superman-gone-mad-flick
7 May 2023
Another enjoyable outing from the DC Animated Original Movies with Superman aiming to create peace on Earth after being traumatized by immeasurable pain done to him by the Joker.

And while most of the characters serve their purpose well in the movie, most of them are seen in relation to how they act in relation to Superman which leaves Batman, Wonder Woman, Damian and Nightwing as the best characters aside from The Man of Steel.

The other characters are enjoyable too with good voice performances by their respective actors and the animation is a nice throwback to the concluded line of the DC Animated Movie Universe.

The wide variety of characters and the film's rather short runtime plus the pretty stuffed plot does make it a little rushed experience at times, but I enjoyed it far more than I had expected, so I'd personally recommend checking this movie out if you can handle the harsh violence and gruesome deaths in it.
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Batman Beyond: Unmasked (2001)
Season 3, Episode 13
Not the worst of endings.
26 May 2021
Seeing Terry dealing with the sad reality of putting others in danger when having a secret identity, let alone the Caped Crusader, makes this episode stand as a potential stepping stone in him dealing more with such danger.

Since the show was cancelled after this episode, we didn't get to see such ideas explored, but it's far from the worst ending to a series. It's open to continuation, but not an obvious cliffhanger.

Terry exposing his secret identity is handled with all the seriousness it needs, but also manages to inject some fun into how others respond to it, so it's all well balanced.
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Batman Beyond: Countdown (2001)
Season 3, Episode 12
A conclusion to Zeta and a good one!
13 May 2021
We get a conclusion to The Zeta Project which spun off from Batman Beyond and got 26 episodes on its own.

Kind of sad to end it like this for the robot, but it's filled with excitement and high octane action when Mad Stan tries to blow up the city of Neo-Gotham.
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Batman Beyond: The Curse of the Kobra: Part 2 (2001)
Season 3, Episode 11
Training pays off.
5 May 2021
Like I said to part one: the premise is pretty much the same as "Splicers" and "Rats", but now the world is going to be turned into cobras.

Fine action, sacrifices are made, but not enough to make it amazing.
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Batman Beyond: The Curse of the Kobra: Part 1 (2001)
Season 3, Episode 10
Terry's in training.
5 May 2021
A group of criminals are stealing a thermo bomb and Terry ends up letting them get away with it which he blames himself for. Bruce gets him into training with one of his former martial arts co-students Kari.

She teaches Terry disciplin in combat and he meets a stydent named Zander who's completely dedicated to the training and knows nothing else. The two of them and Max go out together, but Zander's not quite the one with an average persona, so he starts showing warning signs.

But this episode sadly ends up being mostly a weaker version of the episode "Splicers", but tweaks it just enough to give it almost its own identity.
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Batman Beyond: Betrayal (2000)
Season 3, Episode 9
The last hope of saving a friend.
4 May 2021
Terry sees his former friend Charlie "Big Time" Bigelow again, and this time he's working for one of Gotham's crime bosses.

But Charlie wants to be treated as an equal by his boss instead of solely being the muscle which leads him into disobeying him by kidnapping Terry to once again offer him a place in the gang so they can achieve the riches they dreamed of as kids.

Terry refuses it like he had done before Charlie's tragic incident which led him to be his now mutated self. It goes back and forth between them and the trouble shows when Terry still has to come to terms with Charlie being a former friend.

Terry is experiencing more of what it feels like to lose loved ones while wearing the cape and cowl.
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Batman Beyond: The Call: Part 2 (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Another JL member on part time.
3 May 2021
Well, the traitor in the League was not without its reason. An alien species reluctantly removed from its home is trying to take over Earth.

It leads to thrilling action with high stakes, resulting in a satisfying return to normal for both parts. And Terry shares Bruce's mindset about part time membership of the League.

And seen in the grander scope of the DC Animated Universe, this and the final line of dialogue is brilliant!
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Batman Beyond: The Call: Part 1 (2000)
Season 3, Episode 7
Justice League Beyond!
3 May 2021
An expansive episode throwing in a future Justice League of Superman, Aquagirl, Warhawk, Barda and a Green Lantern looking much like Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender (despite that wasn't a thing in the year 2000) operating in the city of Metropolis.

Superman pays Bruce a visit in his cave to tell him about Terry's should join the League, because he needs Batman to help solve what he suspects is a traitor among them after an almost fatal happening.

The rest of the League isn't exactly welcoming Terry with open arms, and even if he saves some of them in other happenings which keep occuring, he's still not appreciated by most of them.

But these happenings lead to shocking discoveries and this part one ends on a suspenseful cliffhanger to lead into another thrill-ride in the second part!
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Batman Beyond: Speak No Evil (2000)
Season 3, Episode 6
Another environmental episode.
3 May 2021
It's an okay episode, not really that special in its characters or the subject matter at hand, but it fits in the general themes of the show, corporate greed and the risks of messing with the human DNA.

It's not too outspoken in its message and shows it more to the viewer, so it gets bonus points for not talking down to the audience. But other episodes in the show have done a better job with the environmentalism.

But this episode also features the world's dumbest taxi driver! That's an achievement.
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Batman Beyond: Out of the Past (2000)
Season 3, Episode 5
Surprise of the season!
2 May 2021
Maybe the best episode of the third season of Batman Beyond, this time as a throwback to Bruce's time wearing the cape and cowl. But it's cleverly put together in this incarnation's futuristic setting in which the theme of death is present. Despite these setious themes some of the funniest lines from both Bruce and Terry is in this episode.

Bruce is aging and isn't capable of the same high octane action as he was at his peak, so he takes an unlikely turn towards a means to achieve that by conversing with an old friend.

Let me put it straight, this episode features the best of this series' takes on old acqaintances in the Batman lore! Amazing twists and turns are to be seen for the newcomer to Batman Beyond!
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Batman Beyond: Big Time (2000)
Season 3, Episode 4
Some of Terry's troubled history is brought up.
2 May 2021
Terry hadn't had an easy youth before joining forces with Bruce Wayne, but he ended up better off than his friend Charlie Bigelow who just got out of jail after a crime they both committed.

Charlie has something on his mind, but it's not good news for Terry who is an essential part of it. But Terry learns some valuable lessons on when trust isn't an option.

He and Charlie both encounter choises and exemplify the different outcomes very well. Charlie takes on the big guys and the crime life yet again despite Terry's advice with dire consequences.
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Batman Beyond: Inqueling (2000)
Season 3, Episode 3
Another dimension to Inque.
2 May 2021
Inque is one of the best in the Batman Beyond rogues gallery, because she leaves an impact on someone every time she appears in the series.

And here she's almost a sympathetic character when she suffers a blow by a molecule destabelizer from a backstabbing partner in crime and must seek help.

But not just anyone. The helping hand is none other than her daughter who isn't really an angel herself. Their shared moments add more dimensions to Inque by revealing some of their tragic history which is excellent in its set-up and the eventual pay-off.

Terry and his now loyal behind-the-scenes helper Max Gibson are working on solving the mystery of Inque's return, and while Max at times seem to pressure Terry into showing her more of his secrets as Batman more than helping him out of kindness, she also acts as a good link between Dana and Terry in their rocky relationship.

Bruce Wayne is out of town, so sering Terry work things out this way is a nice sign of personal growth. And the music score in this episode is used very well to enhance the feeling of danger and the impact the fight scenes have on the ones involved.

Oooh, and that ending! I both love it and hate for reasons I keep out of this review.
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Over the Moon (2020)
A mixed bag.
26 March 2021
The gorgeous animation mostly made up for the so-so execution of story and some very familiar family film ingredients. In short, it's an animated Disney musical not made by Disney.

An otherwise solid message about letting go of the past, creative designs and the world building makes for an immersive and rewarding experience, but is too often interrupted by unnecessary musical numbers and some less than appealing characters to keep the up the pace and flow of the movie.

Good, not great, but certainly a visual spectacle!
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Tank the remakes and let's have good movies like this.
17 March 2021
Raya And The Last Dragon proves that Disney is still capable of telling powerful stories with beautiful animation and lovable characters.

Characters are each relatable with how the magical world of Kumandra split their families and left them either on their own, haunted by issues trusting people, stealing to survive or a combination of two or more.

Main character Raya and Namari being the most compelling with their personal connection, but not much about any character seems out of place. The titular dragon can be a little awkward when Awkwafina tries to be funny, but that's minor.

Action packed, heart-felt and immersive non-musical from Disney which shows that if they actually try, we can get new original content for us to cherish for years to come instead of rehashed and hollow remakes of older properties for quick bucks to be forgotten immediately afterwards.
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Soul (2020)
Pixar surpasses itself yet again.
12 March 2021
Every time I think Pixar can't get any better they do it anyway in some shape or form.

The hype surrounded how "Soul" bore similarities to earlier output "Inside Out" which is my favourite by the studio, so of course I was excited.

It didn't disappoint! It might even be Pixar's deepest movie to date with a thoughtprovoking take on what happens before life, between lives and most importantly during one's life that makes it worth living which is illustrated beautifully by the dynamics between every single character, but with musician Joe Gardner and troubled soul 22 taking center stage.

Add in Pixar's masterclass animation which contrasts the living world's realism with the abstract world of the souls. A new masterpiece has made into our world which makes our lives worth living!
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Questionable premise but good for children.
18 September 2020
I liked this movie for its plot, despite its improbability.

Ida is a young girls who got a passion for climbing from her father who climbed Mount Everest before she was born. Because of an accident where he fell down, he isn't too happy to see his daughter climbing. That accident haunts him and ends up critically numbing his entire body and without an affordable cure in immediate sight Ida arranges a bank robbery to get the money.

When the plot is in undivided focus it keeps your interest with its steady pace and great build-up with atmospheric music and some surprises along the way. The determination expressed from the main actress to save her dying father is what drives the plot and its action along with her friends' support.

But I can't deny that the acting could be pretty wooden especially from the younger actors. The lines can be pretty corny, but at times when the lines are supposed to be, it's possible to make me chuckle. The romance subplot serves its purpose and works in the context of the movie being for children and acted by children as well.

So to sum up, a good movie for children with a cool plot despite its impropability and some wooden acting here and there.
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The Lion King (2019)
Won't watch, don't care, pointless cashgrab...
4 September 2020
Why should I spend money on watching a by-the-numbers remake of one the best animated movies ever made when everything that made it a masterpiece in the first place is absent?

Yes, there is no point! This is the worst, laziest bottom-of-the-barrel garbage in this seemingly neverending line of pointless cashgrabs which shows that the House of Mouse has no creative ideas to bring to the table.

Yeah, the visuals are good blah-blah-blah, I don't care! This is complete garbage!
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Ben 10: Ultimate Alien (2010–2012)
Not much new, but still enjoyable.
30 August 2020
While Alien Force was a surprise by adding much more depth to the characters and expanded the world, Ultimate Alien continued in the same vein but didn't add enough to reach its full potential. The angle of having Ben's identity revealed to the public and how it affected his sense of judgement was quickly dropped and not picked up later.

But I enjoyed the new ultimate alien forms provided by the ultimatrix and as I stated earlier the same qualities of its predecessor were still there. Much to enjoy and appreciate by longtime fans.
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W.I.T.C.H. (2004–2006)
This was a good show!
28 August 2020
This was more than just your average teen girl show. It wasn't just a group of bland stereotypes, but actually felt like people. They had their distinct personalities, yes, but with enough nuance and subtlety to make you care about them.

Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hey Lin are attending the same school, but ends up as the chosen ones to guard the so-called veil between the ordinary world and the mythical world known as Meridian. In the latter there is a war going on between the evil Phobos and a rebellion led by Caleb and his loyal allies.

The show has an engaging atmosphere when in the mythical world which is strengthened by a highly detailed animation style filled with vibrant colours and creative creature designs. And the superb voice acting add a lot of menace both to our big baddie, Prince Phobos and his right hand goon, Cedric.

But the most engaging part of season one is the complex relationship between this girl named Elyon and basically everyone else. Phobos using her affiliation with our protagonists against them hits you in the feels and makes you pray for the best outcome for her.

While season one follows this war pretty strictly, season two goes more into exploring the role as a guardian of The Veil and its history, taking both a more introspective angle and building more on the world which is a nice change of pace without sacrificing some action or cutting out a big baddie.

"W.I.T.C.H." was a really good series for youngsters with enough of everything to appeal to both girls and boys. It has enough character depth to make it engaging without taking itself too seriously. Recommendable for fantasy-lovers.
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