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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Got tired by season 2
30 May 2024
Watched this just recently and managed to make it towards the end of season 2, but the lack of progression and character growth is seriously doing my head in.

Nothing changes, everything stays the same for 24 episodes (where I watched to before giving up.)

It's so infuriating watching the cast fumble about and repeat the same plotlines over and over again just with different sets.

The 3 vs. 6 dynamic was played to death episode after episode to the point where i was just fast forwarding through episodes.

Moreover, there were so many forgettable cast members. Basically Two, Five and the Android were the only decent characters in the whole show and they did get rid of the whingey One early on, thankfully... But Three, Four and Six were one trick ponies and Nyx was too similar to Two to give her any room to breathe and develop.

For me, the major downers were as follows.

Poor pacing generic sets, prop and costume design.

Poor character development poor character chemistry and dynamics lack of world building same or similar plot devices used in multiple episodes.

Took itself too seriously.
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Good lords I'm getting tired.
30 May 2024
Another stop off another problem.

It's like they only have about 3 story templates for this whole show.

Why is it that they are sometimes nearly prescient when it comes to stopping their enemies and then they turn super naive and allow themselves to be duped so obviously and easily.

Inconsistent nonsense.

Another stop off another problem.

It's like they only have about 3 story templates for this whole show.

Why is it that they are sometimes nearly prescient when it comes to stopping their enemies and then they turn super naive and allow themselves to be duped so obviously and easily.

Inconsistent nonsense.
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UFO: Identified (1970)
Season 1, Episode 1
Never watched it in the day
28 February 2024
I lived in Africa until the late 80s so never got to watch much TV as a kid. I was always hooked on VHS with things like James Bond's Moonraker, Aliens, Terminator, ET and Bladerunner (my parents were pretty indiscriminate about what they let me watch).

But I never got to see anything Jerry Anderson...

I'm gonna be first to admit, as a fifties guy, watching this is a guilty pleasure. It's so cheesy, but somehow compellingly cheesy.

The characters are hackneyed but not in a hateful way, they are products of their times and watching it through a modern lens is is going to be disappointing...

I find it intersting that by this point, it was a husband and wife team working together to bring this image to life, so it's very telling of the prejudices of the times.

Watching this through the lens of the lad I was when this was released makes me realise just how gods damned positive and optimistic the world of 1970 actually was and I miss the simplicity and lack of cynicism there was back then.
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Rick and Morty: The Jerrick Trap (2023)
Season 7, Episode 2
Welcome Back
28 February 2024
So nice to have the show back at its prime... Hell, you could even say that Rick and Jerry together was MORE than the sum of their parts... Literally.

This reminds me of the first few seasons where every character, regardless of their "alignment" were likeable without the sort of sourness that seeped in to some of the previous episodes... And where Rick had to solve a conundrum whilst paying homage to a movie or series franchise on the sly..

For me, this was a clear homage to John Wick and Morty was the Dead Puppy....

As the best episodes do, this one escalated quickly and stratospherically before being brought back to Earth with a well placed plot item rather than a late-series R&M Ex Machina.
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Dark: Geheimnisse (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
That Cinematography... in a TV series.... Holy Smokes.
25 January 2024
While two dozen reviews are going to tell you just how damn good this epsiode is I just want to talk about the cinematography and let others wax lyrical about how gorram good the acting and opening premise of this series is.

I'm just going to state briefly, as a cameraman how incredible the cinematography, lighting and grading is.

The tone of lighting and the grain in the exposures tells part of the story in and of itself. You wouldn't even need to see the faces or hear the voices of the actors to know EXACTLY what sort of tale this is going to be.

It's incredibly atmospheric and emotional. Every scene is filmed with precision and purpose.

For me, the cinematographic highlight is the breakfast scene at post-coital Ulrich's house... nearly three minutes of uncut, floating camera work amongst a bustling house full of people. Every line and gesture is on cue and perfectly framed.

Even just this scene alone would be worthy of serious praise... but when you contrast it with the choppy emotional cuts at the police station or the lethargic cuts of the overcast wilderness we really get to see film grade production!
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It doesn't get any better than this.
6 December 2023
Enough here have mentioned the (quite literally) killer storyline and similarities to certain cult classics, so please, if you will, allow me to focus on the animation.

This entire show is a visual poem and a graphical ode to beauty in its many forms: from the light to the very very dark. Every single scene and shot of every episode is steeped in it; each is carved out like a woodblock print in meticulous detail with loving care and attention and rendered frame by frame for our viewing pleasure.

I've lived in Japan the better part of my life as an immigrant and a long time ago, as a youngster, I would eagerly take part in all those traditional things that young foreigners enjoy... shodo, kendo, kyudo, sado, kado etc. Etc...

And have watched many Kabuki and Noh but one of the most remarkable things I have ever watched since coming to Japan was Bunraku, the puppet shows. The puppets seem to take on a surreal life of their own and someway through the show, you cease to even see the men in black that manipulate the characters and the master puppeteer himself merges into the background, despite often remaining entirely visible the whole time he manipulates the protagonist.

All that remains is the puppets, living their lives that feel as real as yours and mine. Amazingly they managed to express that remarkable transition from wooden object to living being via the medium of animation in such a convincing way that I found myself moved to tears at a few points in this incredible episode.

This is without a doubt one of the most beautiful pieces of animation I have had the pleasure of watching.

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Reacher (2022– )
Colour me surprised!
28 November 2023
I watched a dodgy film of the same name some years back while at university. It stared this tiny little guy called "Tom Cruise" who was supposedly standing in for someone 6'5" tall in the books..

It went downhill from there.

So when it came to an Amazon Prime show that came free with my monthly subscription, the utter expectation I had for this show would have been palpable had it reached even a "1" on the palpability scale.

I honestly expected some stupid, overwraught, underacted show with predictable plot and .... well I'm sure you all know what I expected.

Very glad that this show broke those expectations. Well written, charismatically acted and almost zero corn...

Moreover, I couldn't even claim to be able to predict large chunks of the outcome, which is a plus in today's age of regurgitated tripe tales.

Binged the whole show in a few days while rewatching many of the incredibly dynamic and seat-edge actions scenes. Stranger still was that even though as an action series I expected a lot from them, I was still blown away and found myself swearing "fk yeah!" more often than not!

Bravo... A full fat, hearty action tale that harks back to the golden age of heroes while still managing to bring far less corn and cheese to the meal!

Can't wait for Season 2!
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Everything Now: Episode #1.3 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
"Pain and beauty are sometimes one and the same."
20 November 2023
Drama is the name of the game in this episode.

Well, drama club at any rate.

Here we find Mia attempting to come to terms with her newfound burgeoning love, bordering on obsession.

But the sudden emotions after all but a year of shutting down unfortunately put a strain on her psyche and heart as much as physical exercise threatens to put a strain on hear body and heart.

And over the episode we see her mood start to get away from her as secretive revelations about all three of her friends threaten to exacerbate her circumstances and she starts to spiral.

Although the circumstances feel a little bit contrived compared to the organic nature of the first two episodes I do feel that this episode genuinely spices up the gin and tonic with a few drops of bitters.

Looking forward to ep 4.
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Everything Now: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Thankfully not another YA generic snoozefest
20 November 2023
Wow! I was not expecting that!

That is all I can say about the first episode. I usually give a show a few episodes to grow on me but this one is an immediate hit.

The actress who plays the main protagonist is phenomenal and her cadre of pals are winsome and varied.

The show manages to pack an awful lot into its runtime leaving little time for dawdling and creates an excellent backdrop, drawing Mia out into the world she left seven months before.

The opening salvo of the story is more weighty and impactful than many of its and has far darker undertones than equivalent US shows seem to cover. This may put viewers looking for some cheerful Young Adult drama or comic relief, but episode one manages to surface for air often enough with bursts of cheer and humour that keep the viewer well entertained.

Outstanding acting, strong characters, interesting premise.

Excellent start to the series.
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binged in one looooong sitting.
15 November 2023
I've never had an eating disorder but I have struggled with several other so-called dysfunctions.... And this show really did somehow manage to grasp the sort of self-centred almost paranoic air of my daily interactions. It was borderline uncanny at times. It didn't glamourise it no try to make it out to be some kinda heroic positive struggle that so many shows try to push.

What I find redeeming about this show and what I find pertains to myself is that she was never viewed in a reverential fashion despite their acknowledgement, rather she was someone who really neeeded their help and they did their best to fix her regardless.

In that respect, I found this show somewhat more mature than the regular Hollywood "message positive" fare...

in any case I binged the whole 8 episodes in one sitting... what an absolute gem of a TV show...

I am certain that people with actual ED will find this show triggering to some extent. I know I found a few moments of this show difficult to watch.
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Everything Now: Episode #1.4 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
This is where things ran off the rails.
15 November 2023
All the camaraderie, all the light heartedness and the upwards trajectory of our new protagonist, Mia is finally shattered and the carefully woven fabric of her recent recovery starts to unravel as she starts to come to terms with the new reality of seven months away from her friends.

She is vulnerable and conflicted and at times aggressive and antagonistic of disposition when she realises that she is now merely a bit player in her friends stories and can no longer play the central focus card as she once did.

She again starts to revert to her delusory place in the world as unloved and unlovable, lashing out as she regresses towards her old self-destructive mindset (despite the clear signals that she is respected, loved and perhaps even admired by so many).

Then, just as she comes to realise the unbearable strain she is putting on all of those around her and hate herself even more for it, a friend in a fraught situation by chance opens her eyes to the new reality.

Unlike many US Young Adult shows where the main protagonist becomes the hero of the hour or the centre of attention by mere stint of them being the main character, here there is no overt catharsis and there is no redemption.

Instead she comes to the simple realisation that THIS is the new normal and resigns herself to the fact that she merely survived, for better or for worse and will have to write her own unique story.

And upon that final release, that final letting go, she finds a lifeline cast in her direction, and wisely or otherwise, she reaches out for it as though her very life depends upon it!!!

A truly standout episode so far in an above par show.
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Everything Now: Episode #1.2 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Excellent second outing
15 November 2023
I was concerned that the second episode would go downhill from the strong start but I needent have worried...

This episode presents some epically british awkwardness along with some family cringe and wince (in a good, way) spiced up with with a new, very shiny love interest for our suddenly smitten lead.

The new characters are as well portrayed as those of the previous episode. And I want to hear more of their stories.

Even Mia's expositional hospital flashback was attended with tact and delicacy by the inimitable Stephen Fry without coming across as overly preachy or verbal.

Mia herself again has an exceptional outing and is given the opportunity to flex her acting skills in a rather more uplifting episode than last.

I'm already committed to the world and the characters written so far and can't wait for Ep3.
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Kleo (2022– )
Banger in more ways that one!
10 August 2023
This was a banger, in more ways that one. Absolutely loved this show. First up, the cinematography, direction and pacing were absolutely top notch! I mean, every single shot was a set piece from start to finish! And don't get me started on the killer 80s track, laced with rock, techo, disco and psychodelica!

The acting was excellent with the lead protagonists being the highlights with believable chemistry. Their characters were even better and the story was a rollercoaster from start to finish. I don't want to detract from its originality in any way but there were some moments a young Tarantino would have been proud of in the dialogue, situations and the breaking of the fourth wall ! I loved how the surreal and infeasible mixed in with the pragmatic visceral bits to make a show that was entertaining from start to finish.

Personal note: when I noticed that Jella in this show, with her outrageous bangs and red hair looks just like my best friend, I posted this link on our group's page, and everyone went bananas about her and this show! LOL... AFAIK my friend isn't an assassin, tho.
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Biohackers (2020–2021)
21 July 2023
I know this sounds nonsensical but, seriously. By complete accident I started watching this cool German sci-fi show from SEASON 2 EPISODE 1 where our protagonist suddenly wakes up, sans memory.

I WAS GRIPPED FROM THE FIRST MOMENT... It felt like the whole world was fully realised and that the background had been meticulously thought out from the start. Our protagonist had no idea who they were, nor did I as the watch know what they were going thought and every person she encountered was confident in their relationship with the protagonist.

It was true, every character seemed to react to them as though they had a background already in place, but I had literally no idea what was going on at all... or who were they.

Yet none of the kinda tired "AMNESIA TROPE" felt forced at all. It was literally as though they had gone through a meat grinder were naturally stepping into a world they had forgotten.

IT WAS ONLY at the end of the episode did I realise I was watching SEASON 2!!!!


If the producers of this show want an epic GRIPPER for their watchers, they need to place S02E01 as the entrance point to this show.
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Babylon 5: Sleeping in Light (1998)
Season 5, Episode 22
Fare thee well, B5
17 July 2023
What an absolute send off!

The previous two episodes started to pull the remaining threads together but this episode closed the chapter with a resounding emotional clout.

I first watched B5 back in the 1990s' but graduated before season 5 aired. As such, I kinda finished the show back in the day with a decent closure and said my goodbyes....

Come the age of bittorrent, I was able rewatch the whole show and call me stupefied to realise that there was a 5th season.

I did a bit of research, and tbh expected season 5 to be a whole lot of pants.... But after ploughing with vigour through the first four seasons I came to the conclusion that JMS managed to imbue this extraneous year with a whole load of humanity.

Instead of galactic war between the species, we got more character driven, personal, emotional plots, with Londo at his most vulnerable.

All in all a wonderful season crowned by what must be one of the finest installments of episodic television ever released.

While the acting may have been a wee bit ropey and the production somewhat suspect by modern A tier TV standards, this 1990s low budget sci fi and social commentary masterpiece is right up there with The Expanse ... mixed with the clout of the final episode of Six Feet Under...
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
Surprisingly enjoyable
7 July 2023
I wasn't expecting much going into this, but the excellent premise and the characters kept me engaged from start to finish.

It's rare that a feelgood show can carry itoff without becoming cheezy or message-heavy... but somehow this show, Lychshe, Chem Lyudi managed to pull it off...

Sure, while the characters were empathetic and the storyline engrossing, it was the tightrope balance typical cyber themes of preachy and gauche that the story managed to traverse that kept me rapt until the final episode.

"Help Me" indeed... Words I hope that Netflix may deign to honour.

Fingers crossed.

Also, I learnt over 100 words of Russian and how to read Cyrillic because of this show. I think I can say something like this after 15 episodes:

Do svidanija.

Ja moljyus za tretij sezon!

(OK, so "sezon" is just a random russianization).
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Sex Education (2019–2023)
Frustration never felt so good
28 May 2023
Sex Education is one of those rare shows that comes along and somehow manages to portray improbably cool teens in situations that are far fetched yet eminently believable.

We all know it, we are watching a show about young adults and have seen dozens just like it, especially the expansive US Teen High subgenre. Thus we apply the tropes and expectations we've learnt along the way and expect the worst from people.

Yet somehow, this show turns our expectations on their heads by not portraying the most negative aspects of humanity but some of the most positive while keeping the cringe purely comedic, where it belongs.

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows defines the word Sonder as the onset and sudden realisation that everyone you meet or even everyone portrayed in a work of fiction actually has their own life, equally as deep meaningful as yours in which you are not the central role.

I have always also interpreted the word to include the point when you equally realise you are nothing in the grand scheme of things, but also ultimately, never alone!

I'm a sucker for character-driven, empathetic stories, and this is one of those that doesn't divide itself into cliched good guys and bad guys but tells a tale where we can relate to everyone involved and somehow manage to see their viewpoint and withold judgementalism and finger pointing as we learn that every single character in the show has a background and history that legitemizes their behaviour. All we need to do is to listen to their stories.
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Killjoys: Johnny Be Good (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
Separating the lambs from the sheep.
5 May 2023
Season 2 of Killjoys has really defined this show to be in a heavier class than it seemed at the get-go. The themes are solid, the characters thoughtful and reflective and the humour (unlike in the MCU) is thankfully kept to a tasteful, well-placed modicum.

Moreover, the overall season arc rewards viewers who keep track of their viewing and does not treat them like children...

There is a lot of info to cache and a lot of threads to keep track of and it's testament to the producers that this show manages to keep it all in reasonably good check throughout it's multiseason run.

Gripping episode leading up to a really smashing finale of season 2.
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Babylon 5: Z'ha'dum (1996)
Season 3, Episode 22
Trope heavy ending to the best season of B5
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was undoubtedly a great ending to the third season, but just one one major factor that bugged the bejeezus out of me for the whole episode...

When Anna came back suddenly after 5 years, she had nothing kind to say about Sheridan, only enigmatic comments about ZaHadum and leading questions.

He sends her to Franklin who goes out of his way to say that dental records match 100% which is totally redundant considering that DNA records also match 100%..

And yet, within the confines of these two episodes they have completely and utterly forgotten the concept of the sleeper agent, that was Talia Winters. And not only that but the straight forward advice that, "THOSE WHO WOULD NOT COOPERATE WERE KILLED"

So she is either a sleeper or an accomplice.... But sure, let's just let her into the inner sanctum of B5... b'cuz Sheridan's Wife.

And then there is the epidermal scarring at the nape of her neck... AND NOWHERE ELSE!!! This is like one of cheeeezy af Sci Fi moments when the girlfriend's eyes turn red right while she is hugging her guy.

And to top it off, we get Sheridan reduced to a daytime TV melodrama figure in how he suddenly turns around and treats Delenn like sh..t as thought his doubt is her fault.

What an absolute sh..t show! Fun for a 12 year old boy, but not for an adult viewer. Super frustrating watch for me, harking back to the inconsistent first season.

Sure, we know that it's going to be a bait and switch and that Sheridan is going to "bounce back" at some point, and that he has just been duping everyone into believing Anna was legit, but this trope has been worn so thin it was patently transparent and tired.

It is just so frustrating to watch an otherwise cerebral show to fall to the level of childish banter between the wooden Shadows, as if a Hitler Allegory would ever snare Sheridan in a tawdry display of Eugenics vs Humanism.

The whole premise is wooden, falls flat, and is shamelessly shallow.

SHOCKINGLY obtuse writing for a show that has been more intelligent than 90% of anything on the tube in its day. And worse that it happened arguably at the pinnacle of the entire show.

For me, personally, this was a criminal oversight and reduced an other wise 10 to a rather average (for this show) 8.
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Babylon 5: Shadow Dancing (1996)
Season 3, Episode 21
Fantastic season ending, but not without its caveats
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was undoubtedly a great ending to the third season, but just one one major factor that bugged the bejeezus out of me for the whole episode...

When Anna came back suddenly after 5 years, she had nothing kind to say about Sheridan, only enigmatic comments about ZaHadum and leading questions.

He sends her to Franklin who goes out of his way to say that dental records match 100% which is totally redundant considering that DNA records also match 100%..

And yet, within the confines of these two episodes they have completely and utterly forgotten the concept of the sleeper agent, that was Talia Winters. And not only that but the straight forward advice that, "THOSE WHO WOULD NOT COOPERATE WERE KILLED"

So she is either a sleeper or an accomplice.... But sure, let's just let her into the inner sanctum of B5... b'cuz Sheridan's Wife.

And then there is the epidermal scarring at the nape of her neck... AND NOWHERE ELSE!!! This is like one of cheeeezy af Sci Fi moments when the girlfriend's eyes turn red right while she is hugging her guy.

And to top it off, we get Sheridan reduced to a daytime TV melodrama figure in how he suddenly turns around and treats Delenn like sh..t as thought his doubt is her fault.

What an absolute sh..t show! Fun for a 12 year old boy, but not for an adult viewer. Super frustrating watch for me, harking back to the inconsistent first season.

SHOCKINGLY obtuse writing for a show that has been more intelligent than 90% of anything on the tube in its day. And worse that it happened arguably at the pinnacle of the entire show.

For me, personally, this was a criminal oversight and reduced an other wise 10 to a rather average (for this show) 7.
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Babylon 5: Divided Loyalties (1995)
Season 2, Episode 19
wonderful episode...
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really getting to the heart of the paranoia that faces the crew here on Babylon 5.

It was confirmed that Talia and Ivanova were indeed, as suspected, embarking on a burgeoning romantic story arc and were on course for a full blown relationship.

And rumour has it this was to be the Kirk- Uhura moment of the 90s, but alas, it was not meant to be.

Instead, due to real life scheduling conflicts vs personal expectations they had to write Talia out of the story and scupper the moment which could have predated, by a six whole years, the first ever on-screen, fully realised girl-girl relationship (not just bait-kissing) of Willow and Tara on Buffy which finally came about in 2001.

More proof that the 1990s, five-year proposed, single-arc storyline of Babylon 5 was magnificently far ahead of its time.

Almost science fiction, in and of itself.
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Babylon 5: Confessions and Lamentations (1995)
Season 2, Episode 18
Only made it half way through before breaking out the tissues.
30 March 2023
While it doesn't move the overall tale forward much, it does tragically highlight the beginning of a very important relationship.

The whole premise of this episode is especially galling given what those of us who made it through to 2023 had to face over the last three years and it highlights the conflicts between reason and spirituality.

Overall a very moving episode with a solid premise and a conclusion that was absolutely shocking for the contemporary audiences of the time.

MJS really knows how to deliver the feels and handles the dichotomy that faces people who both understand science and theism.

Top notch "side" episode.
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Russian Doll: Ariadne (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
A rarity
24 March 2023
It's rare that a show these days will finish in a self-contained fashion without some tawdry cliffhanger enticing the viewers on to the next series.

This is where a show of this refined calibre should have stopped, and remained, like Life On Mars (UK Version) at the very pinnacle of its game.

Instead, we get to witness the show fall into disrepute, like Altered Carbon and American Gods with their so-called "difficult second album."

All in all, this was an absolute corker of a show. Top notch acting, tight script, colourful characters... the whole caboodle.

For me, this show is 8 episodes long and finishes on a rare, high note.
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Babylon 5: The Coming of Shadows (1995)
Season 2, Episode 9
Peak 90s TV.
15 March 2023
One of the top episodes of the whole series. We get to see so many aspects of what made this show such an absolute torchbearer for the times.

The storyline is even more relevant today in 2023 than it has ever been and hit with such a poignancy that I honestly felt a lump in my throat.

This is Peak 90s TV... Emotional yet forthright and filled with allegory to the brim... And there is one single quote within this episode that, for me at least, defines the whole series.

You will absolutely know the quote I'm talking about when you hear it and will, like me, perhaps, never forget it.

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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
Borderline 7~8
4 February 2023
This is basically Georgia's show. Every moment she is on screen, from the surprising sadness of her eyes, past the refined tip of her chiseled nose to the utterly disarming moment she suddenly breaks out in one of her smiles, Georgia is an full-on magnetic!

Both the present and young Georgia make the most of every second they are on screen. Both actors really know how to put their vulnerabilities out there and demonstrate the extents to which they were made to severely undervalue their own remarkable beauty and self-worth. Surprisingly emotional stuff for what is effectively a YA show.

But Ginny, on the other hand, her "WOE IS ME" teenage angst kinda grates by the third episode.

I'm only half way through the first season, so these are my thoughts so far...

will report back a few episodes down the line.
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