
100 Reviews
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The Beach House (II) (2019)
Pointless drivel
22 March 2023
The best part of this movie was the ending. Not that the ending was good - it was that it ended that was good.

You ever watch a movie and about halfway through think, 'I should bail on this bag of crap, this is going nowhere'. And then stick it out til the bitter end only to look back and know you were right?

And hey, Hollywood - every white guy is not a weak dipstick and every pretty young female is not a genius with the heart of a lion. My girlfriend is a high ranking prosecutor whose Dad taught her to gut a deer... but she still freaks out at the sight of a mouse. I get empowering women sure.. but this narrative is pretty tired at this point.
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Anglerfish (2022)
I caught a break, sort of...
28 February 2023
I fast forwarded through some of this when my remote wouldn't stop... that was the best thing that happened in this movie. The worst thing was all the parts I did watch.

What an unbelievable mess. I really feel the need to warn people off from this, seriously, because some losers came on here and jacked up the rating to 7...

The acting in this is, well, to say wooden would be an insult to wood. Among all the other pointless nonsense that 'happens' there are two very long, very boring, and infinitely pointless dance sequences - the 2nd of which prompted me to use fast forward. I found myself saying.. this has to end any second, right? I mean, whatever point they could possibly be trying to make was made like 3 minutes ago... but nooooo, just keep on dancing. And badly at that.

You were warned.
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The Arbors (2020)
16 June 2022
I liked it.

Sorta horror sorta mystery, I enjoyed it. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't figured it our earlier.

Seems like the commentary is that its not a horror movie I couldn't disagree more but maybe some simps out there didn't get it.

This movie for me had a great pace, was well acted with great effects.. there is some social commentarly which I think adds to the film, maybe I just feel that way because I grew up in a small town.

For me this was a great little find, Enjoy!
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Meander (2020)
14 May 2022
Yeah this movie pretty much sucks.

I guess because there were some clever situations, and because it did keep me guessing, coupled with the fact that I did actually make it through the whole thing (low bar)... I guess those are the reasons its a 3 and not say a 1 or 2.

All that said, really wish I'd used that time on something else. Pass.
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Ozark: Let the Great World Spin (2022)
Season 4, Episode 2
Good except for Jonah's increased involvement
1 February 2022
I have really enjoyed this show, and this season is no exception, but I am disappointed with how they've ramped up this character's involvement in the show. I mean I get it, part of the show is that they are trying to raise a family while at the same time navigating the cartel....

But I hate it when we're supposed to accept children as anything more than children. Teenagers are generally obnoxious and ignorant and have no idea how the world works - not 'geniuses' who launder money for the cartel at age 14.

I do love the show... but we're asked to take a lot of leaps and not loving this one.
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Bleed with Me (2020)
Untapped potential...
4 September 2021
To me yes there are some good concepts and ideas floating around somewhere in this slow burner... I appreciate this type of movie - that is a more slow moving, well shot psychological drama but sometimes... I mean I absolutely loved the Blackcoat's Daughter but this film is well short of that....

So sure, build to a crescendo... string us along... give us little bits and pieces and clues. This is why I give the movie a 5 because at times it was interesting and I'm wondering.. 'what is really going on here?'

For some here I read reviews that are happy with this film, and while not a total waste of time for me it just fell short. Less sometimes... is just less.
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Rot (II) (2019)
Don't understand the hate
1 September 2021
Its not gonna win an Oscar or anything but it kept my interest the whole way through and delivered some definite unexpected moments at the end.

The acting was not bad, the plot moves along... I thought there was a lot to like. People hating on the ending but for me it was a kinda 'wow, don't see that all the time' moment. Definitely a horror movie, give it a shot.
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Hmmm... point?
1 September 2021
I may have missed it, sure. But this movie, IMO, was neither evocative or poignant, just grim and lacking

to me if a movie is going to try and make a statement it must be truly thought provoking on some topic.... that topic escapes me here.

Also many reviewers gave the movie some credit for its artistic choices - which I hated. The music, in particular, was consistently off-putting, distracting, and just plain annoying. I'd rather I hadn't watched it....
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Found (III) (2012)
THAT is a horror movie
12 June 2021
Part of the reason I love this genre is that it really draws a line in the sand about whether the story teller(s) is willing to be real enough to tell a story that is both realistic, compelling and poignant or whether they just want to create a little shock value and make a buck. The latter is fluff... garbage. The former is art.

There is a lot of subject matter for people that want to make horror movies, but none hits closer to home than this. Such a wide swath of the population that does not understand the visceral hatred that can be fostered in our plastic materialistic masturbation of a society, and the roles it makes us take on.

This is the opposite of pretty.. but its pretty scary. Watch it if you can.
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Transsiberian (2008)
Big names, big story, big.... meh.
4 May 2021
I actually like Woody and Ben, and they are good don't get me wrong.

But for me its all about a story and an ending. To me yes the story is good but the ending? Did not love it.

This movie tries to be smart I think in some ways but really not Brad Anderson's best work. Some of the dialogue is pretty pretentious which would have been fine if the ending wasn't so ridiculous. You could do worse.. but you could do a lot better with what you had to work with. Sort of a classic American story, if you 'catch my drift'
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Sand Castles (2014)
'Neat Little Bow'... and not Crime/Thriller
4 May 2021
Look hey is it the worst movie I've seen.. not by any stretch. There was some potential there but, to me, they wasted it.

The acting does in fact leave something to be desired and while I enjoy subtlety in a movie this one does not really give you quite enough to know what really is/did happen... Really some guesswork without any answers that actually make sense. Sure you want to do a piece about human unpredictability fine but to me this is the writers being unpredictable not the story.

In some ways I do get that people liked it and you may as well, but from my perspective it was quite drawn out and mostly focused on family dynamics and sort of tried, unsuccessfully, to tie it into a 'neat little bow'.. that's not so neat.
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Tumbbad (2018)
Don't get the high rating
23 April 2021
I mean its pretty well shot I guess but honestly the story, to me, fell pretty flat and the constant chanting and musical interludes were flat out annoying.

Not to mention the acting was not good and really the absolute worst part to me was the over presence of children in the movie. So I guess its a horror movie but having so many kids play such a large role just isn't scary.

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Its a horror movie alright
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film definitely lives up to the reviews. Would I say I 'loved' the movie or anything like that? No.

But it is a horror movie and trust me what happens in this movie is HORRIFIC. Perhaps if you squint or if you know a lot more than I about Serbia there is actually something being said by this film but in the end, to me, it does what a horror movie is supposed to do - invoke intense feelings of shock and horror at what you're witnessing. Hence the high rating.

The content definitely is NOT for everyone. But to me people can watch people violently torturing and murdering people on the reg so I really can't see how this is any worse....
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Do Not Reply (2019)
Yeah its terrible
14 April 2021
I sometimes will give these types of low rated movies a chance if people have reviewed it positively, even though there are a lot of scumbags who just rate films high becuase they know people involved with them. You are losers.

And to whomever rated this highly you must be. This movie is awful, in every way. Absolutely nothing creative or interesting about it. AVOID.
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The Fox (II) (2017)
Of all the movies I've seen....
25 February 2021
... the rating for this movie is the most confusing I've ever come across - no hyperbole. Just goes to show you.

I often will look for something to watch by checking the IMDB rating, and sometimes I will read the reviews to see if some people really liked it though more didn't. I sometimes have eclectic taste or at the risk of sounding arrogant sometimes people are simpletons and can't grasp the layers of a more complex film that I may enjoy.

All that said, this was a really good movie - I really enjoyed it! How it could be 4.9 just boggles my mind...
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Wasted on the Young (I) (2010)
Yeah its not good
15 February 2021
Look this story has been done - like a billion times - and done better.

Pull out every cliche in the book, make sure even the 'victims' are among the best looking people you'll ever meet.. etc.. etc..

There is nothing creative or unique about this film. It was pretty well shot and not entirely without any twist - but *
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6 February 2021
And I am NOT affiliated with anyone in the cast or crew!

Lots of tension that builds slowly throughout the movie, which is very well acted especially Dylan Baker.

Also with a bit of a philosophical edge to it, these are the little hidden gems you can sometimes find by ignoring knuckleheads that sometimes review movies and read some (legitimate) review - enjoy!
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19 January 2021
This is movie is total junk, I kick myself for falling for the high score I should have read the reviews... and seen that there weren't any!!

But I didn't, and ended up sitting through this heap of feces.

One word describes the 'action - nonexistent. We follow this loser around watching his sad life until the conclusion, which is about as scary as a hallmark card.

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The Aliens (2017)
What a joke
14 January 2021
Was it horrible? No, not really. Not a bad film.

BUT NOT IN ANY WAY SCI FI!! So friggin annoying.

So yeah if you're looking forward to a well done drama, sure. But if you expect to see an actual SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE.... this is NOT IT.
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The Swerve (2018)
Well that was bleak....
9 January 2021
A very powerful and intense movie that really doesn't let you know where its going until the end.

Not uplifting though, in the least, and not fast paced - its a thinker's movie - which is what I prefer. Sometimes its good to get some perspective on life.
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Not seeing it
21 September 2020
I do love films that take chances, that bring a different aesthetic, that challenge your perspective and your ideas about what a movie can/should be.

That said, this just didn't do anything for me. I wanted it to, but the interest that the greyscale filming and odd effects bring to the film quickly wear off and the story, frankly, goes nowhere.

Quite a disappointment really, what I want in a movie is a story, and this one was disjointed and really without suspense or commentary, I do not recommend.
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Buzzard (2014)
Entertaining, but disappointing
20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy the movie but I did leave it feeling irritated. I'm not sure the point of building up to all that drama just to end the movie like that - its pretty lousy.

What you have is a completely socially ambivalent human who has and seeks no purpose and the movie seems to go to great lengths to make us, the audience, root for the kid but then he starts to devolve into ... well what?

I'm not one to feel that a film needs to wrap everything up in a nice bow for you but in this case I left with questions that nullify a lot of my enjoyment of the movie. Obviously the kid has issues but he kills a guy - is it full blown mental illness or is he just self-involved to the Nth degree?

And what is the deal with a 3.5 minute scene of a guy eating spaghetti? Is he that bored? Is he going mad?

I just felt the movie could have capatilized better on all the tension it built and instead it just sorta ended, I thought it was a shame.
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Carrion (2020)
I liked it
11 July 2020
I do wish I could give it a higher mark, but some of the way its shot comes off as amateurish and disjointed. I really hate the shaky camera business - even though in this case it is done for a certain effect I still wish they would have come up with another way.

But the story is really interesting and creative, albeit it can be difficult to follow and may not be for everyone. This is definitely not gonna be for everyone its very creative but I enjoyed it.
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Flytrap (2015)
Not much going on here
7 July 2020
I did enjoy the main character's performance hence the 3 (could have been worse), other than that the story is pretty hackneyed, and yeah I get that the other characters were supposed to be wooden but hey gimme somethin' here...

Would rather I hadn't sat through the whole thing, honestly.
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Well thought out and shot
6 July 2020
I really don't get the hate. Or the CSI references but then again I don't watch CSI....

There are a lot of themes in the movie which made it, to me, intellectually interesting. Big World historic themes if you're a love of art. There is enough drama and 'chiaroscuro' to make the film thoughtful, and enough mystery to make it a thriller. Fully recommend.
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