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not only a refreshing comedy, but a game-changer for adult animation as well.
18 November 2021
(there are two pages for this show on IMDb for some reason. This is my same review from the English page!)

straight up, this show was a random find on netflix for me. The concept sounded interesting, so I wasn't sure what to expect...and thank god for that.

Going in blind for this show is honestly an amazing experience because to be honest? There isn't really many adult cartoons, or animated shows in general that flow the way this one does. Think of quite literally watching animated prose; it's not gonna be for everyone, but it does what does well and uses it to the fullest extent. That fact that most of the show is voiced by the same individual as well makes it more enticing to watch as well, and drew me in more than I'd expected. The show in general has a lot of charm and it's quite witty not just in its comedy-but what it discusses as well.

It's comedic, yet it also balances this sort of humanity with us, touching upon topics that are quite heavy, and the show has this lingering philosophy that's quite thoughtful as well. There we're even a few scenes, particularly one in the final episode, that had me tearing up; even had to take a minute and pause at one point simply because of it's impact (if you're curious, I watched the original Italian with English subtitles).

It's a strange, yet delightful mix of Bojack Horseman and the Midnight Gospel and it's spectacular. If you're someone who's constantly pondering about your purpose in life, or struggle with some form of anxiety disorder or mental illness like me, this show is gonna hut you in ways you don't expect. It's funny, and delightfully, painfully real. Don't sleep on this one, I'M BEGGING Y'ALL.
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not only a refreshing comedy, but a game-changer for adult animation.
18 November 2021
Straight up, this show was a random find on netflix for me. The concept sounded interesting, so I wasn't sure what to expect...and thank god for that.

Going in blind for this show is honestly an amazing experience because to be honest? There isn't really many adult cartoons, or animated shows in general that flow the way this one does. Think of quite literally watching animated prose; it's not gonna be for everyone, but it does what does well and uses it to the fullest extent. That fact that most of the show is voiced by the same individual as well makes it more enticing to watch as well, and drew me in more than I'd expected. The show in general has a lot of charm and it's quite witty not just in its comedy-but what it discusses as well.

It's comedic, yet it also balances this sort of humanity with us, touching upon topics that are quite heavy, and the show has this lingering philosophy that's quite thoughtful as well. There we're even a few scenes, particularly one in the final episode, that had me tearing up; even had to take a minute and pause at one point simply because of it's impact (if you're curious, I watched the original Italian with English subtitles).

It's a strange, yet delightful mix of Bojack Horseman and the Midnight Gospel and it's spectacular. If you're someone who's constantly pondering about your purpose in life, or struggle with some form of anxiety disorder or mental illness like me, this show is gonna hut you in ways you don't expect. It's funny, and delightfully, painfully real. Don't sleep on this one, I'M BEGGING Y'ALL.
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Final Space: Until the Sky Falls (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
23 May 2021
I'm still in shock. This isn't just a great Final Space episode, this is a great television episode. I'm still kinda in shock even hours later because like, Final Space did this. Final Space pulled an episode like this so impressively it has to be commended. The pacing was perfect, the animation pushed so hard (especially at the end), the soundtrack was super on point, and overall this episode advanced the story in a great way; and the ending-MAN THAT ENDING WILL HAVE YOU DYING TO SEE WHAT'S NEXT.

I'm not sure how anyone could wait for a week after an episode like THAT, but overall, if this isn't your favorite episode of the show, it's at least in the Top 5, because this just raised the stakes and the bar for what adult animation is doing, and this is Final Space at it's absolute best.
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Final Space: The Ventrexian (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
4 April 2021
There's been so much anticipation around this episode from the moment we knew it's existence, and after a long wait, I can safely say that it lived up to every expectation.

Even with my small nitpicks, the episode is filled to the brim with some of the best animation in the series, but some of the most memorable character moments I've ever seen from the show. Oh yeah, did I mention the ending and how jaw-dropping it was?

If there's an episode that PROVES why people shouldn't be sleeping on Final Space, THIS IS IT.
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Final Space: The Hidden Light (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
A huge step-up from the premiere, and one of the best episodes period.
28 March 2021
After the rough patch that was the premiere, not gonna lie, I was worried. But after watching it once live and afterwards, this episode is definitely a huge step-up, and honestly one of the best episodes the show has done. The pacing here is slower, but it works so well it's kinda insane. The new characters are a whole lot of fun, the tone balance was great, and most of all, IT JUST WORKED. While there isn't as much humor as I expected, unlike last episode, the times we got it weren't misses, and if I'm being completely honest, just in general this episode is one of the most consistent of the series. It's also worth noting that this episode sets up a lot for what's to come, and the payoff is far stronger than last episode, and let's be real: IT WAS EPIC!

Overall, this one is definitely a must-watch, and something tells me next week's episode is gonna be even better...
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Final Space: Chapter Six (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Absolutely incredible.
2 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I saw it coming. I really did see Avocato's death coming.

But those last five minutes is what CEMENTED this episode as the best in the series so far.

I'm not saying that was the only good part of this episode though. The side plot with Quinn watching Gary's video messages was short and sweet, and didn't overstay it's welcome.

And also, while I did feel that the backstory was incredibly well-done and had good pacing, I feel that they should've built it up a bit more, take more time to get to know Avocato.

But nonetheless, the last five minutes are MANDATORY VIEWING. Not only was the death handled incredibly well, it was realistic and didn't feel exaggerated. Also, the song that plays during the deaths sequence is absolutely incredible, instantly downloaded it after the episode aired.

What else can I say?

Nothing else I say can describe how incredible it was.
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Neo Yokio (2017–2018)
Has potential.
29 September 2017
It's not the worst thing ever, but it's not the greatest either. Honestly, I understand everyone's opinions on the show, and I completely agree with most aspects of them. However, this show has much more potential than people think. This could not only have been a good parody, but if they decide to, we might actually get a good plot sometime in the future. I know people might not agree with my opinion,but this show has the potential to be something that's at least decent. It's a shame the first season wasted most of it though.
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The Good Doctor: Burnt Food (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
So far, so good.
29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a watcher of the K-Drama, in which this show was originally adapted from, I can proudly say that this was a good start. Sure, there are several differences from the original, but they manage to mesh in those differences and make it work very well. They also handled the plot very well indeed. While I would've given it a 9 due to how much I enjoyed this episode, I'll have to give it an 8 due to the pretty unnecessary sex scene. It just felt really out of place, and it kinda turned me off.
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Samurai Jack: Episode XCIII (2017)
Season 5, Episode 2
XCIII: A Meeple Review
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After Episode 1 ended, I was super excited for the next episode. Like, I literally watched the first episode 15 times to get every single bit of symbolism, and just to rally myself up for Episode 2.

Just like with Episode 1, I watched it live on Toonami the day it aired. Watched through Family Guy, and squealed in excitement when Toonami came on.

I am shook.

I though nothing could ever top the first episode. The first episode was just so good, I thought nothing could stand against it. But Gennedy and Adult Swim has outdone theme selves, because overall, this episode was a damn good ride.

So first off, we finally get to see Aku again this episode! In my opinion, Greg Baldwin is doing a pretty good job as Aku's new VA. It's not as awesome as Mako, but it still fits really well, and keeps the likable charm of the character.

One of the things I MUST talk about is that they keep the comedy IN TACT! They kept the lovable comedy of the first four seasons, and kept it in check in this final season! There's this one scene where Aku is sitting down talking to himself as a therapist, and I was cracking up! That was never y only hilarious, but also some pretty dark humor that's i bet wouldn't be allowed on Cartoon Network at all! But also, Aku is depressed about the fact that Jack actually ISN'T dead! He'd assumed time would weigh in on him and he would die, but now that he is unable to age, Aku just doesn't have much motivation to kill the samurai anymore, and I really hope that we'll be able to look more into Aku in later episodes.

But soon, during that first half, Jack is apparently attacked by the Daughters Of Aku (YES!!!) and they destroy most of his armor, and he is clearly vulnerable. And then, while in hiding, he start literally taking to himself.

Now, they Dive a bit more into Jack's PTSD this episode. At this moment in the first half,Jack begins talking to his Psyche. This psyche keeps telling him "You don't have the sword!" "How much longer can you keep up with this?" "There's no point to this anymore." And at one point, Jack's psyche tell him "Aren't you tired of all of this? Don't you want to join them? It's the only honorable thing you can do at this point."


No joke, that scene literally broke my heart.

Now, onto the second half!

The second half definitely outshines the first half by a landslide, even though the episode as a whole is outstanding. There's no dialogue, yet as usual, the episode manages to keep you on the edge of your seat, and this is one of those moments where it feels like Jack might actually die. There were a few episodes that were like that, but this is the first time it's truly felt intense.

There was one particular scene where Jack was laying in a tomb next to a corpse, hiding from the Daughters. The OST at that point was spectacular. It was so beautiful, yet so intense and suspenseful.

There was also some symbolism throughout the episode using a wolf attacking some other creatures, in which they were very powerful, and the wolf was left ragged at the end, just like how Jack was stabbed at the end of the episode.

Actually, Jack getting stabbed related to the final part of this review. The ending scene.

At the end of the episode, Jack finally kills his first human. Many people refer to "Jack And The Bounty Hunters" as an episode in which Jack has killed people before, but this is the first time he had REALIZED it was a human. I know he's most likely going to be damaged mentally to a great degree, due to the fact that he'd slit the daughter's throat. But, h'll also be damaged mentally, due to the fact that before her throat was slit, she's stabbed the samurai with a dagger. Then, he walks, blood dripping, and then, he falls into the river.

I swear, the cliffhanger will be one of the hardest I'll ever have to face, because it ended right there when the tomb exploded.

That's all i have for now. If you liked my review, give it a YES if you can! If you didn't like it, give it a NO, I don't mind.

See you guys in my Episode 3 review!
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
You guys don't get the fact that this is a PARODY.
17 January 2017
Look, I'm not a huge fan of Teen Titans Go either. I'm just utterly shocked at all the reviews that I'm seeing here.

Everyone is criticizing the show because it isn't like the old Teen Titans, and many reasons that will just create a long list that'll probably take the entire day to go through.

But, the fact that people don't understand what this show is supposed to be is really surprising to me.

This is a parody.


This is supposed to be a more child friendly approach, and a more comedic/Slice Of Life centered Show.

But however, that does not mean the show has problems.

First off, a lot of the episodes are just....really bad.

For example, The True Meaning Of Christmas. This episode has to be the worst of them all!

I don't know why Robin and the others are killing elves, Raven is committing cannibalism on gingerbread people, and the fact that they re supposed to be heroes has a huge say in this!!

This is supposed to be a Christmas Special, not a naughty makeover!

Second, the comedy can most of the time be pretty lackluster. It's basically a hit or miss kind of thing, but to me it was a HUGE miss.

And third, sometimes there are moments in the show where I just want to smash my TV. Those moments I'm talking about are so stupid, so unnecessary, that they're the IQ equivalent of Breadwinners!

But, that's not to say that there aren't some good things to say about Teen Titans Go.

First off, I want to talk about 40%, 40%, 20%.

This episode is without a doubt something amazing. The way it was executed, the animation, everything about it was just spectacular. I'm just gonna say this right now, but this episode felt like something out of the original Teen Titans, and it was pretty epic.

Second, the way they responded to criticism was just downright awesome.

They had an EPISODE dedicated to this! A FULL EPISODE!

I have watched it, and I gotta say that the humor hit very hard that episode in my opinion. The way that it was handled just felt so right, and I just want to give a round of applause to the people behind that episode, because that was pretty clever if you ask me!

And third, I keep talking about episodes, but there are some episodes that are passable, and few that are just hysterical.

I've cruised through the series, and while a majority of the episodes are bad, there is a chunk of episodes that are pretty passable, and a small fragment that are just awesome episodes.

I'm not gonna mention which ones they are, but I'll let you guys find out what they are yourselves. GOOD LUCK!

So overall, Teen Titans Go may not be a very good show, but there are some qualities that make the series passable.

That's the end of this somewhat lackluster review, see ya later!
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And thus, the Object Show Community was born.
27 November 2016
I first discovered Battle For Dream Island around 2014.i'd heard things here and there about it, and with it's lack of mention around threads, I was pretty skeptical to see it from myself.

I am proud to say that this webtoon did exceed some my expectations.

First off, let me just say that I'm not a huge fan of the first season. sure, the animation was "meh" at first, and the final two were both the somewhat bland characters of the cast, but nonetheless it's still enjoyable. Plus, the improvement is clearly noticeable as you go through each episode.

The characters in the first half were mostly enjoyable, and most of them had their own unique qualities (although some of them were somewhat stereotypical.) The plot is basically Survivor but with objects. For the most part, it worked out pretty well throughout both seasons of BFDI. My complaint however is that sometimes it came off as generic and predictable.

Now, let's talk about the second season, Battle For Dream Island Again.

Battle For Dream Island Again is a MAJOR step forward from what the first season was. Many of the problems I had were actually fixed in the second season, which I was pretty happy about. Th characters I'd originally disliked became some of my favorites in the series, and the generic vibe had disappeared without a trace.

The new cast members are AMAZING. Never have a loved a quirky bunch of characters like these guys. Actually, I found almost EVERY character in the second season likable and had distinct traits to them. The characters I didn't like this season ere Pencil, Match< and Ruby. Pencil and Match are just the typical valley girls in my opinion. I've found them annoying from the beginning of the series. Ruby however, isn't as bad as Pencil and Match? It's just that I found her a bit of a HUGE crybaby. But otherwise, her character is just a bit "meh" to me, and Ruby is the only new cast member on my dislikes list.

The animation is absolutely amazing. You can clearly tell that they've greatly improved from the first season of BFDI, and there are some sequences that are just beautiful to look at. Although I did have a slight problem with the CGI segments, there weren't much of a bother.

Unfortunately, BFDIA was cancelled in 2013.

However, it was rebooted as IFDB, it's first episode released in September 2016.

I'm not going to go into much detail of IFDB so far. But from what I've seen, it definitely looks promising. The creators at the moment are on an intentional hiatus as of the day this review was published, and the creators are at the moment finding a way to bring us an IFDB episode every week in the future. Which in my opinion, is pretty exciting.

I hope you enjoyed my review of Battle For Dream Island. If you found my review useful to you, or if you didn't really find it all that informative, just press the yes or no buttons atop! Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this, and I'll see you next time!
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