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A history of violence
13 September 2016
First i have to say, i went into this film blind. And i don't mean i'm blind, i mean i didn't know anything about this film before watching it. No trailers, no images, no summaries, no reviews, no nothing. Apart from the title of the movie. And to say the leas, i was quite surprised.

I knew it was about slavery, but what exactly, could have been anyone's guess. I never expected such an amazing story. A free man born in New York, gets kidnapped and sold into slavery. And so, he is stuck a slave for 12 years up until the day he finds a way to go back home. A good thing to note about this is that this is a real story. This actually happened to this man, he even wrote a book about it five years before the civil war.

Here's a quote from him about the book: " What it may be in other States, I do not profess to know; what it is in the region of Red River, is truly and faithfully delineated in these pages. This is no fiction, no exaggeration." -Solomon Northup

This movie was amazing. The actors, the writing, the atmosphere and the story, a story doesn't get any better than a real story.

Of course its not completely correct, and rightfully so, they must save up on time.

Surprisingly, for a movie with a short runtime of 1 hour and 34 minutes, it felt extremely long (in a good way).

A perfect movie in every aspect. A must watch film.
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Dough (2015)
An amazing original story
13 September 2016
Wow, i was really amazed by this movie, the atmosphere, the emotions and the story are all perfect.

Now, lets not argue about "racism", because there is no such thing as racism in this film. Well, more like countering the popular belief of 2015-2016 stereotypes of people saying that "Muslims and Jews cannot be racist". This movie proved the opposite, and shows us that racial tension still exists due to the fact of people bringing it back up again.

Never the less, it was an amazing movie, with an amazing story, and an amazing message.
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Closer to God (2014)
Interesting plot, but missing some key parts
13 September 2016
It's quite a shame, that such a good story was rushed and unfinished.

At the start of the movie, you're thrown into this expecting a random jump scare at any moment, because this is a horror movie, apparently.

The story was amazing and original, but quite a shame it was really rushed. The movie felt too short, in the way that the ending felt rushed, but got the story across within the designated time-frame. The acting was amazing, they really added to the dark atmosphere of the whole movie, and your left on watch, because of that.

Not really that scary, but i admit. I went "NOPE, NOPE, NOPE" at a certain scene.

An interesting story, that is not really a "horror", but some kind of deep dark atmosphere type of movie. If you like this sort of creepy, morbid, dark, satanic type of film, than its worth a watch, i guess?
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Hyena Road (2015)
A pneumatic depiction about the war in Afghanistan
13 September 2016
I really didn't expect a whole lot from this film, i just expected a lot of "epic battles" with little to no story at all. And to some extent that's true apart from the "no story" part.

I really never expected what was going to happen in this movie. The story was extraordinary, by that i mean the story in this film had three different sides, from three different characters. An extra to that is just a ton of backstory to the main characters. And the cherry on the cake is the epic shootouts, battle perfection is key to most war movies, but this movie perfected it in its own way.

If you were curious of how Afghanistan looks through a sniper scope, than give this movie a watch.
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Fury (2014)
Much more than i expected
13 September 2016
At first i expected a really bland war movie, with a lot of blood, explosions and little to no backstory. And honestly, while watching it, i was on edge for a good portion of it.

There is some truth to me saying "little to no backstory", and that means there is a bit of backstory missing from some characters. But, there is enough main story to make the backstory obsolete. The main story is really interesting, and it was really unpredictable. The only thing you can do is wonder whats gonna happen next. And yes, there are epic battles.

An interesting side note: The tanks used in the movie are real tanks lent from museums.

All in all, a really cool movie that is worth a watch.
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An intriguing civil war movie
13 September 2016
This is the first war movie/drama movie i've watched in a while, 3 weeks to be exact. But, its been more than two years since i've watched a civil war film.

I really don't see why the critics don't like this movie so much, saying that the voice acting is bad. Well, i'm not American, thus i cannot comment on this. Apart from that, apparently the story is true, it apparently did happen and or something similar happened. That means that the story cant get anymore real than it already is. Also, i heard people talking about the acting, that it was badly scripted. I disagree with that, the acting was fine and went according to plan.

All in all, its a good civil war movie, worth a watch.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
I'm on the fence about this movie
13 September 2016
Oh boy, here we go. "Jack and Jill", ugh i really don't want to write about this. But, here goes nothing.

Now, honestly its not as bad as i expected. The base plot is interesting, but the execution of it was poor. People saying that Adam Sandler is a bad actor, even though there may be SOME truth to that notion, i still choose to disagree with that. Sandler is a great actor, but the only thing pulling him back is the bad writing. Actors follow a script, they don't write that script, they just follow it. But this is a weird situation (for obvious reasons). The comedy is targeted towards the young audience. Sure, i chuckled a few times and the plot was good enough.

Honestly, this is a movie for children and not for anyone above the age of 16.
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Not what i expected
13 September 2016
First of all, i have to say that i watched this movie blind. And i don't mean i'm blind or anything, i'm trying to say that i didn't see anything about this movie. No trailers, no images, no bio, no nothing. Only the title of the movie, and holy hell was i surprised.

(Note the quotation marks)

This is an interesting "detective" movie, about a mental asylum on an island. Once the main character enters it, he slowly unveils the secrets. And that's all i can say, don't want to spoil it for you.

The main actors did a fantastic job at making it feel real and playing with your emotions, and the plot was amazing and "unexpected" at best.

That's about all i can say without spoiling the hell out of it. Did you notice the quotation marks? Well you will find out why i put them there, after you've watched the movie.
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The Martian (2015)
Movie spotlight of 2015
13 September 2016
After a two week break away from watching movies, i came back to watch this movie. And it lives up to what the news says about it.

Well, unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you probably heard on the news and on the internet, that "The Martian" is one of the top 5 movies of 2015 and that it has an original story. It does live up to what people say it is. I quite enjoyed it, mostly because you don't see this type of story a lot. Now, that doesn't mean that the plot is "original", though it is original in its own way, like every other movie. It's pretty similar to movies such as: "Gravity", "Stranded" and "Mission to Mars".

Never the less, it's an amazing movie, had me on edge at times, and is definitely worth a watch.
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A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
Interesting story, but predictable
13 September 2016
Contrary to what i expected, this movie was surprisingly better than my previous expectations. I expected a bland-ish comedy with little to no interesting story.

But, there are times when things happen that not quite what you expected. Same goes for this movie, the story was much more in depth than i had expected, actual character backstory was present all the time. And with Eddie Murphy as the main character, the only problem here would be the writing. And by that i mean the story was quite predictable. Don't i'm not gonna spoil it for you.

Apart from that its a pretty interesting movie, and its worth a watch.
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Simply the best
11 September 2016
This movie truly deserves a spot on the top 10 best war movies. No words can express the feelings you get while watching this movie.

Right at the start you're being thrown right into the heat of the battle, the starting 27 minutes are absolutely amazing, in the way that Steven Spielberg (the director) did tremendously good job at making his vision come true. The scenes were "extraordinary" sort to say, in the way that he tried to recreate that WW2 "Battlefield Cameraman" aesthetic. If you watch any footage from WW2 you can see the hand- held camera is shaky and when an explosion or something else happens nearby, the camera goes everywhere and the footage gets interrupted. Steven used this and made the movie feel chaotic. The scenes looked so real and felt so chaotic up to the point that REAL D-Day veterans who watched this movie had relived the horror of Omaha beach because of their PTSD, and when this movie was released they setup a hotlink for anyone who had received these horrible "flash backs". That is such a terrible thing, and my heart goes out to the veterans who had to relive this chaos all over again. Then again... as terrible as this sounds, this is quite the achievement for Spielberg in the way that he made it look so real, that it was too real.

Never the less, the rest of the movie had you on edge, i'm not telling you how. You should know, if you don't. Then go watch it.
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Deadpool (2016)
A bit over hyped, but still awesome
10 September 2016
There rarely exists a time when i actually like a superhero movie. But Deadpool is an exception, in the way that it's different from most superhero movies.

Now, i tried not to join the hype train in fear of disappointment. But fortunately, i was not disappointed in the slightest.

Apart from that, Deadpool has lived up to everyone's expectations. And most definitely has surpassed mine. At first i thought it was going to be another bland superhero movie with little to no backstory of the main character. But boy was i wrong. Surprisingly there was a enough of the story to make me feel emotionally attached to this character.

And of course, there are things being exploded, balls being busted, and above all awesomeness.

If your like potty jokes and awesomeness in general, than what are you waiting for? Go watch it!
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Not your dad's average war movie
1 September 2016
Like i said in the title, this isn't your dad's average war movie. And when i say that i mean that this isn't your average war movie either. And i will tell you why in a second.

First of all i would like to say that i went into this film blind. No, i don't mean i was blind, i mean i didn't watch any trailers, nor did i see anything about this movie. All i knew that it was a war movie. Now, at first i expected another "Saving Private Ryan" type of movie. Boy was i wrong.

First of all, i'm still wondering why the cast is getting so much hate, more specifically Christoph Waltz as one of the main side characters of this movie. In my book he had an amazing character and the director made a great pick. Christoph and his character had so much in common, and we all know if the actor has something in common with the character he's playing, then he would make an amazing performance. Apart from him the main actors did a phenomenal job.

Now, back to the important part. Whats so different about this movie from the others it's that... Well, lets just say its an alternate history type of film. And that really surprised me while watching this.

Id definitely would recommend watching this.
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A Unique Comedy
30 August 2016
Wow, its been a long time since I've watched a comedy of Slavic origin. Thing is, there is a big difference between a normal comedy film, and a Yugoslav comedy film. And you will have to find the difference yourself.

As written story-line: Officer Tase's wife died in hospital in Skopje, but the nurse mixed up the bodies with another mans wife who died in the same hospital. Both of the men life in different cities and must plan to make an exchange of bodies. And so the comedy begins.

All in all, its a hilarious movie with an interesting plot and made me laugh quite a lot.

Remember i when i said this isn't your normal comedy? Yeah, i wasn't joking, you have to find out for yourself. Though i must warn you, this movie isn't for everyone because it inherits a sort of "darkcomedy", but if your into that, grab those subtitles and give it a watch.
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Phenomenal Story
30 August 2016
Ah, another classic war movie. It feels as if the movies with true stories, get the best results.

Wow, while watching this film, it felt as if i was there. Besides that, whats different about this film from the others, its that there are no main characters. In fact, we barely even know anything about them. And rightfully so. Because, during operation "Black Hawk Down", multiple events happened within a really short time span, and the director has found a brilliant way of showing us what happened.

Of course, Black Hawk Down is an amazing movie, and you should definitely watch it.
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Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Reality in movie form
30 August 2016
Finally, a movie that is based off historic events that were brushed under the carpet a long time ago. In this case, the movie takes place during the Rwandan genocide in the year of 1994, the moment when the world turned its back of the Rwandan people. But one man opened his arms for the refugees and protected them from the genocide until help arrived. The fact that this actually happened, just boggles my mind.

Ah right, the movie. Well as far as the story goes, its perfect. It has drama, action and describing of historic events. Now the only thing left is the acting. And honestly Don Cheadle is the perfect pick to be the main character, they both share similar characteristics between each other.

This movie had me on edge the whole time and i definitely recommend watching it.
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Better than the first
29 August 2016
Yes, in my opinion this is better than the first. Obviously this film cannot live without the first one. But it expands in the story so much more than expected.

Now You See Me 2, has surpassed my expectations in the fact that it finishes the story to the fullest. The first one left us on a kind of cliffhanger, and now it tells us the rest of the story. But apart from the great actors Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco and Morgen Freeman coming back for another magic trick we also get another surprise guest. And that's Daniel Radcliffe. I am amazed over the fact that i saw him as a whole nother character and not like "oh hey look, its harry potter and hes gonna teach them some magic".

Jokes aside, this is an amazing movie and its absolutely worth a watch.
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Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Interesting story, but lacks character backstory.
29 August 2016
Well, i haven't seen a movie about magic since... Well, i have never seen a movie with this sort of content.

This movie has surpassed my expectations, and then some. The story was perfect, character development was nice, they had a perfect cast to star the main characters as well as do some amazing acting. Mark Ruffalo, Jessie Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, even Morgan Freeman. With the perfect cast they couldn't have messed this up, and they didn't. But i only have one complaint. The fact that there was little to no backstory tot he characters, made me feel less emotionally attached to them.

Never the less, its a great movie and its worth a watch Now lets hope "Now You See Me 2" is good, if not better.
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Full Metal Joker
29 August 2016
Ah, another classic war movie. Luckily, this movie didn't get ransacked by critics.

Besides that, Full Metal Jacket is an amazing movie, and after all this time has passed nothing has passed. An amazing story of what the Vietnam war looked like though a soldiers eyes. Action left and right, shots zooming past your ears, disputes between soldiers. Also, the writers of this movie didn't fear to be comedic at times. That is what most movies today are missing. Be it a drama or a war film. This movie replicated everything perfectly and is found it to be prefect.

You definitely should give it a watch.
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One of the classic alien apocalypse movies
28 August 2016
Again and again, people keep complaining about there not being any logic or realism in films. For crying out loud! Its a film about an alien apocalypse, what did you expect? Lets say it was realistic. Yeah, were dead.

Honestly, Independence Day is one of the Sci-Fi Classics from the 90's. When i saw those gigantic city sized ships come though the skies, I'm not gonna lie, i got goosebumps. Besides that. The story was pretty interesting and the acting was good, but the CGI for a film made in the 90's is outstanding!

All in all, its an amazing film. And you should definitely watch it. Now lets see how "Independence Day: Resurgence" fairs.
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Darkest Day (2015)
There is a lesson to be learned here
26 August 2016
Like i said, there is a lesson to be learned here especially for new/future film makers, and we will get to it later.

First of all, this film feels like its made by students for their final exam, as they usually rush for the cliché zombie film. But i have to admit i expected much less from this film. The acting was pretty good. There is a decent story (looking over the cliché zombie apocalypse part), and the is rather unusual (as expected from low budget films).

A big problem with this film is the fact that, the director, Dan Rickard, was doing everything acting, production and writing wise. The director should be the one who only directs, sure he could help around, but not do literally everything. In this case hes the director, writer, cinematographer, editor, special effects, visual effects and above all hes the main character.

All signs point to a person who really wanted to make a film, and get big, but not have enough experience. Although he is a pretty good writer.

I will be honest though, i have almost made the exact same mistake of rushing a film, good thing i saw my error before it got out of hand.

All in all, if you're a new/future film maker, than id recommend watching this film so you can learn what mistakes not to make in the future. But if you're just looking for a film to watch i would not recommend watching this.
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Ant-Man (2015)
One of the better Marvel movies
26 August 2016
I'm not a big fan of super hero movies, but this time i made an exception and i wasn't disappointed.

Honestly, its this is one of the better Marvel movies, it has surpassed my expectations, thought it was going to be cliché like the rest of them, but it was much much different. Just because he doesn't rush into explosive battles at the start of the film, they added a lot of backstory to this character, and its not just some "freak accident". I think Marvel picked the right actor to be Ant-Man, they both have similar characteristics. Just the concept of shrinking somebody to the size of an ant and smaller is quite amazing.

Its comedic, action packed and child friendly as per usual. I found myself enjoying this film and laughing quite a bit.

Its definitely worth a watch.
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Quite predictable, yet still funny-ish
25 August 2016
After watching this film and seeing both sides of the argument. I was left (again) on the fence but a little bit to the good side. A pretty interesting purge parody movie, about a family moving to Beverly Hills during the purge and then getting ransacked.

Obviously people will argue that this film is "racist", as per usual, and to some extent it kind of is, and obviously during the purge, everyone wants to kill them. But because its a comedy film, we should take everything as satire with a pinch of salt. From my point of view, its a funny comedy that made me laugh quite a lot, and i see no downside apart from the alleged "racism". This means, its not for everyone.

But at the end of the day, my words to you are: If your easily offended, don't watch it. If your not, then why not give it a shot?
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
Beautiful movie about Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
23 August 2016
Survival, Resilience, and Redemption. Man, those words will be stuck in my head for a while after watching this movie.

I normally never watch sports influenced movies, but i made an exception and, oh boy, was i surprised. Yes, i was surprised at the low amount of awards this film got, yes 13 isn't enough.

In any case, this movie is now receiving a lot of bad criticism that it didn't receive before. You know how it all works, first the movie gets showered with gold and after there is no more gold water, its left with cold water. In this case these reviews have lowered the 8 stars, to 7.

This movie had an extremely great story, its a real story, it doesn't get any better than that, they also molded it to be just perfect so it can play whit my emotions. First it feels really dramatic and later has you on edge.

If your a lover of sports, have a taste in films and need a little bit of inspiration to keep you going or your looking for a good movie. Than this movie is a MUST!
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Interesting story
23 August 2016
Yes, The Interview passed and now its time for The Review

Oh yes, this movie made the spirit of my 12 year old self come out again.

I personally enjoyed watching this film, unlike most others. Critics would ask why?! Why do you like such a bad joke film? Well Mr. Grumpy pants, why so serious? They say Seth Rogen is a bad actor and that the jokes are terrible. I say yes and no. No, Seth is an amazing actor in this movie, and yes, the jokes are terrible, terribly good! And for a comedy film it had a really interesting story, abstract even.

Weird thing is, this movie is rated R, which in my book, its really unnecessary.

Its definitely worth a good watch.
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