303 Reviews
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Planetarium (2016)
An interesting start that descends into pretentious twaddle.
2 June 2024
The half hour is quite interesting. Two sisters running a seance business in pre WW2 Paris. A man wants to get them into movies and get evidence of proof. So far, so good.

The movie then disappears up its own backside, loosing all structure or semblance of a plot or characters.

The film seems to become more important than the seance act. So, all that build up for nothing.

Characters drift in and out with no purpose or reason, and we are left to drift in a vain hope of what could have been.

The movie has wonderful production values that pay homage to Paris setting and is well lit with excellent set decoration.

But as for the rest ...no thanks.
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Shrink (2009)
I miss Kevin Spacey in movies
2 June 2024
Ok, so this movie is barely a five but then I realised the Spacey was fantastic in The Usual Suspects, Swimming With Sharks and American Beauty to name but three, and I bumped it up a notch.

Shrink is one of those annoying LA based movies that centres around the movie making community that may work for people who live in it, but becomes boring if you live outside of Commiefornia.

The first hour is good stuff. Spacey is good, the multiple strands are built up quite well and I would happily drink Saffron Burrows' bath water.

The last forty minutes are a mess. Rather than let all the strands of the story resolve themselves like Requiem For A Dream, it tries to meld them all together in a mish mash of stupid ideas.
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Some hits, some misses in an otherwise worthy drama.
2 June 2024
I found this quite difficult to assess. The are some moments that are very dramatic, quite heartfelt and nicely constructed. However, the series falls down in several of the broad strokes that the production has decided to make in order to fit the running time of this limited series.

Firstly, the creators have gone for a largely Disneyfied, PG 13 telling of the story, which juxtaposed with the horrors of of the communist regime in the early part of the twentieth century, is odd. In the book, the eternal cheerfulness of our protagonist is the juxtaposition.

Also, I have to say that the casting was a problem for me. I have no problem with casting for 'modern' audiences in modern movies but in period pieces it automatically pulls me out of the moment and dilutes the drama.

The ending is badly underplayed.

Overall, worth a watch.
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Poolman (2023)
So this is what Hollywood has become
1 June 2024
Everything, and I mean everything about this movie is egregiously bad. An offensive waste of time and talent.

What it is a forensic examination of pool maintenance filmed in the style of Chinatown.....I am not kidding.

I dare anyone to not feel bored by this after half an hour and I double dare them to watch to the end.

Yes Chris, of course you can make a movie with Danny DeVito and Annette Benning and a bunch of your other friends. And, of course you can write it and direct it having done neither of those things before.

The writing, direction, plot, cinematography, acting and editing seek only to confuse and annoy in equal measure.

This may be the worst movie ever made. And I'm still not kidding.
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Perpetrator (2023)
Preposterous nonsense
31 May 2024
So, how would I describe it? How about, A pretentious, feminist, faux arthouse movie about, ......errrr....nosebleeds.....periods.....I have no idea.....something vaguely witchcrafty?

It's a modern feminist movie, so all the men are either useless, inept or deluded two dimensional characters . The women are, of course, capable, driven and a little more fleshed out.

I have no idea what the plot was, what the characters motivations were or what the point of imagery or faces changes were. None. The montages were pointless. The direction was experimental film school drivel. Our protagonist is a thief at the start which has bearing on the rest of the movie.

An absolute car crash of a movie. Avoid.
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The Gathering (2002)
Truly awful and instantly forgettable
30 May 2024
How does it do it? How does it take Cristina Ricci, Stephen Dillane and Iaon Griffod (all probably spelt wrong) and not only tell a silly story really badly but also laughable acting performances from this cast?

Seriously, how do you fall into a church?

The plot is a veritable orgy of contrivances and conveniences. The memory loss of a ghost...... Seriously.

The direction is awful and fit for TV only, it is not cinematic at all. The cinematography is non existent. There is no suspense, no drama and the action scenes are laughable.

This is apparently drawn from a book that I have not read. And now, I never will.
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From a nostalgia point of view, it's OK, I suppose
30 May 2024
Ok, so I'm twenty odd years late to the party with this movie. Nevertheless, the characters are paper thin and the story is as light and fluffy as a light and fluffy thing.

If throwaway popcorn schmaltzy movies are your thing then look no further. There is nothing in the way of great drama or subtext here except, Our characters are Adam and Eve (geddit).

Brendan Fraser is pretty good and Alicia Silverstone is, well, Alicia Silverstone, all slightly grown up from Clueless and just before her career tanked.

There's nothing to hate here but not much to love either in this 'fish out of water' tale of love in 90's L. A.
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The problem with prequels is that you know how things end.
30 May 2024
And if you know how things, there is no real suspense. No real drama.

The First Omen makes a half decent stab at an origin story for the first movie but the problems with it are in the conception rather than the execution.

There are some annoying 'member berry moments, some key jangling moments that remind us of the the first and far superior film. The burning nun replaces the hanged nun. The split head priest replaces the impaled priest. The car crash guy replaces the decapitated guy. Really guys, write your own stuff.

The ending contradicts the lore as does the handing out of 666 marks Willy nilly.

It's ok nothing more.
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Surprisingly excellent suspense drama
29 May 2024
Almost everything here is top notch. Two of my favourite actors, Dustin Hoffman and Tony Servillo.

The direction is quite suspenseful and the cinematography is first class. The music is brilliant, really adding to the feelings throughout the runtime.

So why did I give it only seven? I was going to give it nine with about a hundred minutes gone, but, the director decided to tack on another twenty minutes that simply do not add anything to the overall experience of the movie. I won't give anything away but the movie answers all your questions at that time and then starts again, which only makes things more complicated.

That said, a fabulous watch.
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Fantastic, low budget with a big heart movie.
27 May 2024
This film could really teach the Hollywood, big budget movies a thing or two.

It's the simple tale of a lonely inventor who invents a robot out of what is lying around his dilapidated Welsh farm.

Simply told in a documentary style, the dreariness off the weather and the landscape play alongside the loneliness and awkwardness of our protagonist.

The equally socially awkward love interest is excellently done as is all the acting in the movie. Brian Earl, who steals all the scenes alongside Ricky Gervais in Afterlife and Derek, essentially plays the same character but dialled back a little.

Highly recommended.
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Atlas (2024)
Cobbled together from other movies and quite boring and predictable
27 May 2024
Ok, so let's get the robot suits from Avatar......OK.

Next, the AI that is ubiquitous in every movie these days........errrr, OK.

Next, the scene from Edge Of Tomorrow where all the robots get killed when dropped into battle....... OK.

It all felt like it should have been a computer game first. Choose your weapons, find the target, get more supplies, get to the end and fight the boss. Yawn.

Jennifer Lopez doing another boss babe thing only proves that she cannot act. Mark Strong phones it in.

I just found it really boring and you should avoid it at all costs. I dread to think what it cost to make. Best avoided.
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Civil War (2024)
Seriously disappointing and a wasted opportunity.
27 May 2024
If you are going to tell a story about a Civil War, why is it really about the photo journalists?

If you are going to tell a story about photo journalists, did it have to have a thin story about a civil war wrapped around it.

This film is neither fish nor fowl.

There is not enough back story about a war for us to be invested in what is at stake. There is not enough back story for us to be invested in the characters, hence, we don't care. Also, far too many montage scenes in place actual story and dialogue.

The are several instances of characters suddenly taking a left turn away from their traits and logic. Cailie Spaeny is vomiting with shock and ptsd one minute and a boss the next next? Kirsten Dunst is a boss one minute and suddenly goes into a catatonic shock state.

It's like they had two ideas for two movies and then they wanted to combine them both.
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Fun, uneven, lots of fun, not enough action
26 May 2024
I like Guy Richie movies generally. I like Cavill and Ritson, I like action movies. This was supposed to be a recipe for a fantastic movie so why was it a light disappointment.

The first 30 minutes was good. We get the set up, the characters, the plot, the action. Good start.

Then we have a slower, duller, more espionage based middle bit of about 45 minutes when things become a little more talky. After that it's action all way. Hence why I use the word uneven.

The direction is ok but not one of Richie's finest. The script could do with a few more funnies and a little more polish. The pacing is just 'off'. And it ended suddenly.

That said I had a good time for 2 hours and loved the montage at the end of the real heroes.
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Challengers (2024)
For Zendaya fans only
24 May 2024
Challengers is a a very mid film, artfully told Luca Guadagnino (sic) of Call Me By Your Name.

There are so many things wrong with the movie. It is far too long, the music is annoying and the ending is stupid. The last scene is fingernails down the blackboard bad.

Tennis, not matter how you try to tell us, is not sexy.

And can someone tell me why Zendaya is considered sexy? The body of a fourteen year old schoolboy and the face of a pug.

Generally the direction is good but the gen Z sensibilities, the implied threesome, the infidelity, the sauna scene, and the homo erotica tone of the movie was way too much for me.

The characters are ridiculous and unbelievable. The six time tennis champion just wants a hug? Zendaya's character projects her winning mentality on everyone in a conniving, manipulative manner, Lady Macbeth would be proud. And the loser...what is his motivation?

The realism of the tennis is ridiculous. The US Open? Played in someone's backyard? Do me a favour.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
This happened and then that happened and then this happened again
23 May 2024
Why was this so bland? No heart. No inspiration.

I don't buy the homage to stuntmen thing. It is just an excuse to have lots of stunts.

I don't buy the romance between Blunt and Gosling at all. In love one minute, hating each other the next. Don't get me wrong, the actors are amongst the most engaging working in Hollywood at the moment, it just never made sense.

The detective part of the story was nonsense. Just an excuse to have lots of silly 'comedic' set pieces.

None of it kept me enthralled.

The plot was a symphony of 'and then' writing as called out by the South Park boys.

In short watch the original TV show. That made sense.
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Superb occult horror with fantastic production values
23 May 2024
I love a low budget horror that is unique and genuinely scary.

I especially love the production values on this. By that I mean the grainy film stock (probably done digitally), the cheesy 70's show, the costumes. And all seemingly shot in real time.

The acting is very good. Tv guests are bombastic. The host is excellent and the finale is sufficiently shocking and unexpected.

I liked the way that Ladbroke Grove was mentioned as a possible destination for elite deviants to gather and meet out their sick rituals and fantasies.

This comes highly recommended and as highly regarded as the recent horror masterpieces It Follows and Talk To Me.
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A Bronx Tale (1993)
A decent gangster movie but would have been better if Scorsese had directed it
23 May 2024
What is here is good, but it could have been so much more.

The script are story are good with so many great great, inspiring themes such as working hard and the fight against racism. The acting is superb, Palmenteri is brilliant as the mob boss, De Niro is, well, De Niro, and the child actors are convincing.

The setting, the art direction, the cars, the neighbourhood are all excellent.

So why am I not crazy about it? No Scorsese. No inspiration. No elegant 'owner' shots. None of Schoonmakers trademark editing. When you have seen Goodfellas and Casino, everything else comes across as a damp squib.

This is well worth a watch though.
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Doctor Who (2023– )
Not really sure what this but Doctor Who it isn't.
21 May 2024
Been watching since Jon Pertwee......the best doctor. This is a mess. Rammed full of current day 'issues' and casting for 'modern' audiences, this new iteration of the doctor is a car crash of ideas.

The extra money for production from Disney actually takes something away from the show. It used to be wobbly sets and terrible effects, that was part of its charm. Now it just seems to rely on them instead of telling a compelling story.

I have loved most of Russell T Davies' work thus far but this seems way below par.

Clearly the series is not for the original fans, they are trying for a new audience that I simply do not think exists.
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Stupid popcorn movie but a lot of fun
20 May 2024
Ok, so Citizen Kane it is not.

If you like big CGI monsters hitting each other for two hours, then look no further.

If you liked the previous two Godzilla Kong movies then you will probably like this. Just check your brain in at the door before you do.

The acting is patchy, Dan Steven's steals every scene he is in, and the little kid is annoying after a while.

I was more shocked and surprised by the amount of people that the monsters would have killed by trashing Rio and Cairo.

But trying to look for logic in a movie like this is pointless. Just sit back and enjoy the madness and then forget about it immediately after.
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Misfits (2009–2013)
Had a fabulous time rewatching this. Genuinely hilarious.
17 May 2024
Do you remember Heroes. It was the American version of this. Superheroes created immediately after an 'event'.

Well this is the British version. Lower budget, better written, way more funny and the 'powers' are hilarious......the ability to control milk....lol.

What is fun is looking out for young British actors who later went on the bigger and better things. Half the cast went on to Game Of Thrones.

The writing is excellent and filmed on the same housing estate in London where Clockwork Orange was filmed.

It is very much 'of its time' and those who are easily offended should stay away. That said, more for us normies to enjoy!
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Baghead (2023)
Genuinely creepy but falls away in the finale
17 May 2024
Following on from 'Talk To Me', Baghead is another one of those 'back from the dead' style horrors that can provide genuine jumps and scares but in this instance, fails to keep the momentum going for its runtime.

Why is this? Well, if I had to be honest, it is probably the pandering to 'modern' audiences that did it. Our protagonist is in a lesbian relationship (which shows no sense of any feeling or attraction between either) and all men are shown to be weak, incompetent or controlling just so that it serves the plot. Admittedly with a great premise but silly ending.

In short, watch Talk To Me or It Follows, the two best horror film made in recent years.
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Harrowing and brutal in the same vein as Schindlers List
15 May 2024
There aren't many movies that are nearly three hours long, filmed in black and white and subtitled mostly from the Czech language that could have me enthralled from beginning to end.

Whilst I say this resembles Schindlers List and many other movies you will see about Nanjing, this is a touch more arthouse. The cinematography is fabulous, the script is sparing but the action is so dramatic as to tell the story of of a lost child wandering through war torn landscapes from horror to horror and taking us with him as we see how he develops from child into........well, something else.

The symbolism throughout may loose some viewers. Understandable. What the director shows us is how some people (all people) loose their humanity when bombarded by degradation on a regular basis.

Well worth a watch, if you can stand it.
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Low budget, no talent, student film. Avoid.
13 May 2024
I didn't get it. Any of it.

The acting is awful and amateurish, same with the direction and the editing. The sound quality is indecipherable. There are some nice cinematography transitions but I am scraping the bottom of the barrel now to give it some compliments.

We have a psychotic feminist professor who sees everything through the lens of oppression. She is in a relationship with a 'model' who is not allowed to model, because, you know, the patriarchy. We have long lingering shots of the 'model' working out and in showers that are just weird and creepy and have no bearing on the story at all.

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Dune (2021)
The best of the two Dune movies so far
4 May 2024
Villenueve is the man. Great movie, great world building, fantastic production quality and Oscars abound for this proper tribute to Frank Herbert's vision.

One of the best movies made in the last half dozen years and better than Dune Part Two.

All actors are superb. I had my worries about TimotayChalamet but he is pretty darn good in this.

The music is superb and the rest of the craft jobs are done brilliantly.

I am sure they will do another movie, Dune 3, because Two did so well. Although they are going to have do some rewriting of Children of Dune because most of it is gibberish.

Seriously though, watch them together.
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Fantastic world building. Look forward to Dune 3
4 May 2024
Like Lord Of The Rings, this has to be seen as one part of the the whole Dune twosome, maybe soon to become a threesome.

I thought that one was better than two. But both must be viewed together.

Brilliant direction from Villenueve, top notch production values across the the board. The music, editing, cinematography, costume, editing, foley work and art direction are all superb.

So why give it an 8? Well, it lags a little in the middle bit and drags with the whole drinking the blue stuff, riding the worm, getting busy with Zendaya, Stilgars prophesies and mummy getting her face tattoo.

One was better, nuff said.
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